Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, September 30, 1852, Image 1

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- WILLIAM S. JONiES. AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 30, 1852. VOL. XVI. NO. 233. €he Corouicie & IS PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, UV WILLIAM 8. JUNES. TERMS; DAILY PAPER. —Publish d Morning and Evening.—To City Subscribers—Srx Doll .«■ per annum, payable in advance. If sent by Mail—Skven Dollars. !. I / PER Fora D i.lars per annum in ad vance. V. PAPER—(A mammoth sheet) —Two Dollars per annum in advance. TEEIS3 OF ADVERTISING. IN DAILY PAPER, Fifty Cents per square (ten lines or e for the tl tin rtion; Thirty-Eight Cents for the next itjr-l ( ts i each sabwqnmt in?er t’.; WEEKLY, eventj-Five Cents; SEMI-MONTHLY or M NTHLf, ,in either paper) One Dollar; and Rule and Figure Work, One Dollar per square. * *Y“ Advent-aments inserted under the head of Special , Notices, Fifty Cents for e;-eh insertion. Pt >: - .'■>;>al i Be-uni Car. not exceeding six lines, i Dei: , f. r:• ram. If over six lines, pro rata per line. igned to promote private or Indl \ il h-t* r< w I !>e charged as advertisements. 8 ret.,;!., ■ c . u . -r'anycircumstances,except ?' .r.ac- i d uMtuary Voices: and these, when, over six iu will be charged as advertisements. AND! r ADVERTISEMENTS: • 1 km,. $6 : 1 “ “ 3 months, “ “ 12 I 1 “ “ 6 months, altered quarterly, 18 ® 1 “ “ 12 months, “ “ 25 I square', roe half more than the above rates. 8 “ t or e-fourths more than the above rate*. 4 “ i r cable the above rates. ~ . 'if in t to rea hug matter and leaded, double these rates. Advertisements not marked the number of insertions, ; wH b? continued and charged by the insertion. b ull >1 -v-chants. Dnur ts and oilier?, contracts will be m ;year,onrea on&bte terms. Wl. n the ill of r?ny house or firm amounts within six pv.rbj to upwards, for other than contract adver- j t! ui -, a discount of 2-5 per cent, will be made, if paid on - presentation. FOR PHILADELPHIA. Fhlln ielj liia and hatcnueri Steam Navigation Co. T,kiE NEW AND BULE.VOID idewheel ;m lip .STATE OF GEORGIA, of 1200 SSJttE. I tons register, Capt. Jehu E. Waiton, has commenced her . re dir • ips, an i will leav - Savannah on WnWESOIT, the 2 • -of June, and e very alternate Vv'edsesdav thereafter; lui 14th ind 25th July, 10th and 2nth August, and so oa. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia, *25 00 Through Tickets to New York, 25 00 i , S 0 00 This ship lias been built with entire regard to safety, comfort I dfcsp.- tvh, and offers new and admirable facili- I ties to business air! travel. For freight or passage apply to PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Agents in Savannah. HERON & MARTIN, my2s-ly Agents in Philadelphia. AUGU£. H STAGE AND SAIL ROAD LINE. | o HORTEBT AND CHEAPEST ROUTE to Colum bus, t’,f".f.rpe, Macon, Milledgeville and Savannah. Augusta to Waynesboro’ via Four Horse Post Waynesboro’ to Millen, v in Augusta and W ayues boro’ Rail Road, 21 “ j Millen to Savannah, via Central Kail Read, <9 “ j Milieu to Macon, via Centra! Rail Road 112 “ Macon to Ogb t'.iorj.c, via South W estern K. Road, 50 “ Augusta to Oglethorpe, 213 “ —FARE— From Augusta to Columbus, sl4 00 “ •• “ Oglethorpe, S -5 “ “ “ Mac n, 6 50 “ “ “ Milledgeville, OTS “ “ “ Savannah, 550 Tim Proprietor ha.- made arrangements with the different Compare to run thr- ugh tickets to the above named points, and is now prepared to furnish same at the Stage Office at | United Mali -Hotel. JAS. P. FLEMING, Proprietor. G. FARGO, Ageut. Augusta, July 2, 1852. jyS u u FOR SA VANHAH AND MACON ri'Mili following is the schedule for this AWWfc- yn ~ ’ t Route, i eceutly ordered by the Post master General— Leave Augusta daily at 6 A. M. Arrive at Mi* Pullet me days by 7 P. M. Leave Midvi!! . 1 tlaily at A. M. P. M-, *xeept Wednesdays, when it will be due by o>h. G. W. DENT, Agent J*** INNAH STEAM SHIP w^/r i : is; IpA ; FLORIDA ‘ Captain Ltos, —AND— ALABAMA .....Captain I.bplow, BKT.U.N :SQ TO TUB SEW V r.K AM* SAVANNAH SfKAit NAVIGA TION OOMPAHT. "ITTILL leave Savannah and New York every SATUR \ > DAY. These ships are of 1,300 tons register, and ana btj * jse lin a . ■ : ! *• Tin e .Steamers, leaving Savannah at the same time that the Marion and Soohehner leave Charleston, arrive to New Soi k as soon as, or before them. i'ar* Cabin Passage, s2s—payable before going on board. , Aqmt# ; PADLEFOKD, FAY 1 CO, Savannah, SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, ril yes 191 Front-street, New York. ; CHEESE. A FEW boxes choice CHEESE, Maple Grove Dairy. i\_ Foi . ... sl» C. GRENVILLE AGO. COOK, WASHER AND IRONER. T von 8 \ LE, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer, a good r House servant. Sol<l for no fault; and about 53 year-- Apply t> JOHy ? nHTcmsSOM. hj vPANT—An Account, Geographical and Historical, f) from the earliest period at which the Islands compos ing this Empire were known to Europeans, down to the pe -< nt time, and the Expedition fitted out iu the Unite! Sum .-,ic., by Charles McFarlane, Esq., author of Britisii ( f V llington, Ac., with numerous illustrations. Just published, for sale at GEO. A. OAiES i CO. - ■ Pi no, Book and Music Depot, Broad•»?. ■ ■ Jo for ; aie by sep22 LAMBaCK & COOPER. j TTARPFR’S MAGAZINE for September, edges trin - j 11 med, has been received at GEO. A. OATES i CO’S, c 5 Piano, B ok and Music Store, Broad st. \ triDE/tviDE VVOKLD and Queechy. —A new supply > \ of the above popular and interesting works have been received, and are for sale at GEO. A. OATES L CO’S, s Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad *t FOR SALE. “ \I'!HBT rate Family HORSE, kind and gentle, v i! . be sold low. Appiv at the store of RAMEY A STORY. -j Mi, ILLAN celebrated Feget We Col*- I pound for the cure of Dy-pepsia, Liv er Complaint, ■ and Nervous Debility, for sale by ■ D. B. PLUMB & CO. ON CONSIGNMENT^ k i JRBLB. Prime Tennessee LARD. Also a choice lot OU of “Denmead’s” Family FLOUR a superior article, in J • Bid- ~ 7i,• If and Q v rrter Bag,-. W. U. STARK & CO., aulS AVarren Block. LUMBER. f'T'HE subscriber is now prepared to saw LUMBER nt X his new Steam Saw Mill, five miles below Aiken, S. C. Bills for any quantity will be punctually attended to, and patisfa. tion given in every respect. Apply, through Aiken Poet Office, to sS dim* A. PK CAR ADKLC. WANTED, * CiOOD WASHER AND IRONER. A white ! 1 servant preferred. Apply at this office. s? AGEAEBAL DIGESTED INDEX, to Georgia I>- ports, including 1,2, 3 Kelly, 4to 10 Georgia Reports, T. U. P. Charlton’s Reports, K. M. Charlton’s Report*. Dudley’s Reports, and Geo. Decisions parts, 1 and 2, com piled by T. K. U. Cobb and IV. V*'. Lumpkin. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS & SON, sll Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, Ac. IkOOKS 1 BDOKB! I—The Work* of the Rev. Mobcrt j Hall, A. M. The Famdy Book of Devotion, containing daily morning and evening Prayers, for four weeks, ic. Thornton - lainily Prayers and Commentarv. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Dr. Chalmers, now complete. Abbott’s Young Christian, Corner Stone and Wav to do Good. The Pulpit Cyclopajdia and Christian Ministers Com panion. Maunders’? Scientific and Literary Treasury. Maunder’s Treasury of History. Austria, in IS4B-’49, IV. 1!. Stiles. The Poetical Works of John Dryden, London editioa. The Works of Charles Lamb, by Talfourd. Dombeyand Son, new edition, and several complete setts of Abbott’s Histories. For sale by THOMAS RICHARDS & SON, g-p 22 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers. Ac. RUCE1 VLD TUIS-llAv7—l'd Bbls. Hiram Smith FLOUR, from new Wheat. For sale by sep23 G. T. DORTIC. TVTEW BOOKS.—Heads and Hearts, or My Brotiier, XN the Coienel, by the author of Cousin Cesil, Miser’s Daughter, Ac. Price 50 cents. Mary Leaham, by Mrs. Grev, author *f the Gipsey Daughter, &c.—so cents. A irgmia and Magdaline, «r the Foster Sisters, a Novel, by Mrs. Emma D. E. N. SoutKworth, author of the Dis carded Daughter, Ac. The Guerrilla Chief, or the Romance of War—6o cents. Just published and for sale at GBO. A. OATES & CO.’S, g ‘ 7 Piano. Book, and Music Store. Broad-st. /GILBERT’S MODERN ATLAft OF THE EARTH, \„7 with an introduction to Physical and Historical Geo graphy, and a copious consulting index of 45,0<Xi r ,i a r.-« by Robert Mudie. For saie by * . r, RICHARDS & SON, fep22 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, . ► / k BULK. Lovering’s KtttnedTuGAß. just V" ••p22 I-AMBACK I OOOPFR. * NEW GOODS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR HAVE just received from New York, by the last Steam , ers— Ladies’ Fancy Dress SILKS, of rich and elegant styles; Rich Printed MOUSSELINE de LAINES, for Ladies’Fall and Winter Dresses; • Fancy Printed db LAINES, small figures, for Children, at very low prices; Meussoline deLaine ROBES, and Fancy Printed Persian CLOTHS; Swiss and Jaconet Muslin TRIMMING, and Ladles’ j mourning COLLARS; , Ladies’ Worked Muslin UNDERSLEEVES, at very low ! prices; Infant’s Worked BODIES, and Linen Cambric HAND KERCHIEFS; Plain Swiss MUSLINS, of beautiful style and finish, and , at very low prices; Plain BOBINETS, and Silk and Cotton Illusion LACES, for Ladies Evening Dresses; Plain Taffeta and White Satin RIBBONS, and Black Silk LACKS,for Ladies’ Veils and Undersleeves; Plain Black SILKS, and Black ALPACAS, of superior i style; English Black and White PRINTS, and Mourning GING -1 HAMS, of new and beautiful styles; Manchester GINGHAMS, at very low prices, and war ranted fast colors; White Saxony FLANNELS, of superior style and quality; Heavy Red FLANNELS, for Servants, at low prices ; Heavy Plain Green Floor BAIZES, and Bolting CLOTHS, i The F—he are respectfully invited to call and examine tha : assortment. au27-dtwiw MOKE NEW GOODS. 1A r ILLIAM H. CRANE has received from New York, v t within the last two days, the following NEW GOODS, which added to those received before, makes his Stock of Rich \\ inter DRESS GOODS very large and select. Fine Black Silk Warp, I* ARAM ETTA ; Extra Colored French MERINOS; Beautiful Coburg CLOTHS; Rich Printed French i>e LAINES ; Plain Colored PURITANI; Handsome Figured SATTENTS; Extr Printed POPLINS; Super Printed CHALLIS; Flrgant Printed Satin D’CHlNE(something new); Rich Brocade SILKS; Plain Glade Do.; Marceline Do.; (nil colors); Rich ilourniug Neck RIBBONS! “ Colored “ “ Extra Plaid Long SHAWLS; f , Rich Cashmere “ (Black aud Colored; Black and White “ Plain Black Silk SHAWLS; Ami many other new and beautiful GOODS, to which he : respectfully asks the attention of the public. So. 542 Broad street. sIG-diw LINENS. &C. * ! ! II r ILLIAM 11. CRANE, has on hand, 1 V 1 Good 4-4 Irish LINEN ; Fine Huckaback DIAPER ; Extra and COMMON Scotch DIAPER; Bor’d Linen TOWELS; GINGHAMS, PRINTS, CAMBRICS. Ac.,ie. »lfi-e&w No. 242. Broad Street. NEGRO CLOTHS. 1 Alexander & ivkukit invite the attention of j ‘ Planters to their Stock of NEGRO CLOTHS, consist- j ing of Schley’s Georgia PLAINS, and Augusta Manufac turing Company’s Heavy WOOLLENS, which (hey offer at Factory prices. aIT-d&w NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! WILLIAM 11. CRANE HAS JUST RECEIVED, by the latest arrivals from New York, the following NEW GOODS, to which he re spectfully asks the attention of the public; , Cheap plain black SILKS; i Rich c I’d brocade do.; ( Printed M. DeLAINES and CASHMERES; Plain DeLAINES, all colors; | t Handsome Fig. BAR AGE DeLAINES; Printed Cotton VELVETS; , Entirely new styles of GINGHAMS and PRINTS; Heavy Berlin CORD, (for bonnets); i Rich brocade Neck RIBBONS; > Neat styles Bonnet do. (at 25c.>; < Embr’d Jaconet EDGINGS and INSERTING!?; Swiss, Jaconet and Dimity BANDS; Embr’d Jaconet & Swiss SLEEVES (flowing A tight); , Very Handsome French Etabr’d CHEMIZETTES: Oueen Mary’s style Embr’d COLLARS; 1 ] Lace and Muslin Eiubr’d CAPS; Fine Embr’d HANDKRCHIEFS (cheap); Ladies’ & Gents’ ColM Bor’d HANDKERCHIEFS; | , 12-4 Bleached SHEETING, Hamilton Mills; Bro. and White Colton FLANNELS; Very surperior article head HANDKERCHIEFS; All widths black Velvet RIBBONS; j , White Fig’d LACE for Caps; Fine Black CASSfMERE, Ac., Ac.; J Goods received weekly. s 9-uAw No. 242 Broad street. £ FANCY GOODS. about new, handsome and cheap Dress and , I Fancy Goods for Ladies wear, we can assure the pub- j , lie it would be to their advantage to visit CARO & BLAS- : COER. 312 Broad Street, where they will Sud the most tasty and well assorted Stock in the city. It embraces almost any j article you can call for in the way of STAPLE and FANCY i ; DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, SMALL NOTIONS, SHOES, Ac., 1 Ac., which they offer for sale low enough to suit purchasers. ap2s-uAwly ■ COSGROVE &, BRENNAN T f AVE JUST RECEIVED another large supnlyof li. Plain BAREGES, all colors; “ TISSUES, “ Ui;di colored Printed BAREGES; “ “ “ TISSUES; Wliitc Watered Silk p.nd Plain TISSUES ; Plaid Chambray GINGHAMS, netv style ; Watered CALICOES, all colors; Jaconet and Swiss FLOUNCING; Printed LAWNS end CAMBRICS; Lace and Muslin MANTILLAS; Embroidered and Plain White Crape SHAWLS ; Axexandcr’a Kid GLOVES; Black Lace MITTS; j Cotton and Silk HOSIERY; Open Worked HOSE; All kinds Children’s HOSIERY and GLOVES. These Goods arc offered at greatly reduced prices, and i arc worthy of an examination. ap2o-dtw£w TO PLANTERS. 'VTJ’ILLIAM 11. CRANE has now on Land a larac j lot of heavy Negro KERSEYS and heavy Cotton OS- N VBURG3, which he will sell at factory prices. ALSO, Good White and Red FLANNEL. Heavy S-4 and 9-4 Negro BLANKETS, Ac, Which will be sold low. Cali at No. 242, Broad-st. au2s-d&w ... BARGAINS IN LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR ■\i-"llil,. from this day, sefl their present Stock of Color > > ed Printed MUSLINS; Colored Printed BAREGES; TiSSUEa ; CRAPE i*e PARIS, and GRENADINES, at cost. The assortment embraces some of the latest style*, an*! most elegant articles of the season. Augusta, July 21,1562. dtwAw "mourning goods. ALEXANDER a WRIGHT hare just received, a great variety of MOURNING GOODS, suited to the season— Lupin’s Super. Black Summer BOM B-VZJNES; ALPACAS; Canton CLOTHS; Super. Black GRENADINES and MARQL JSSK; Btaek BAREGES and JACONET?; i Plain Black LAWNS and MUSLINS; GINGHAMS; English and American PRINTS; Ac., Ac., To which they invite attention. mhlS-dAw >IOATHS after date, application will be made to J. the Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the i real estate of Charles F, Jones of said county, deceased. September 9, 1852. WM. A. W ALTON, Adtn’r. I / tl BA MOLASBKS. . V, 1 80 barrels Cuba MOLASSES; 40 tierces “ “ a pood article, and in i fine oi dcr for sale by sl2 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. I “'ll OOZ. Iron bound Cedar BUCKETS; 1 e)U 10 “ Brass “ “ “ Just received from the Mount Pleasant Basket Factory, and for sale low by au7-tf GIRARDEY & PARKER. EAGLE & PHOENIX HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. r RICKMAN begs leave to return sincere thanks to • his friends and the public for their liberal support d;:- I 1 rug the time he has had the above Establishment, and so- | licit j a continuance of their favors. The apartment? are large and well ventilated, with suits i of rooms arranged expressly for families. Dinner ready on the arrival of the Charleston Cars, to which Depot Ids Hotel is the nearest. His best efforts will he directed to making the Eagle x Phoenix a desirable Hotel. au2o-2m VINEGAR •)“ BARRELS CHOICE C IDER and WHITE WINE VINEGAR, just received and for sale low by BELCHER A ItOLLINbWORTH, aug2ff No. 5, Warren Block. ( A HEM ICAITi A 111 KECitMIKATOR, A superior article for restoring the Hair that has become thin, and for giving vigor to the Roots or Bulbs; to prevent Bald ness, and to remove Scurf or Dandruff. No one should be without this valuable Preparation. For sale by jy2S D. B. PLUMB A CO. WOOL, WOOL. ; r PRE subscriber will paj- the highest price for all de j X scription of WOOL. GEORGE W. LEWIS, j s7 No. 1 Warren Block. R lt. R.—Another supply of Rad way’s Ready Relief, • just received by s!5 D. B. PLUMB & CO. ITA IHBKI fell EB, of every description, for tale by AX aeptp WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. STL AKT’s SUGAR. —60 bbls. Stuart’s Crushed and Clarified SUGAR, for sale low by I ,_ au4 HAND, WILLIAMS CO. FLOUR.—A lot of fresh Hiram smith I LOUR, just received by j jeA6 HAND. WILLIAMS i CO. Gy EORGIA PLAINS.— r 500 bales Georgia PLAINS • 50 “ “ stripes’ Manufactured by the BclviUc Factory, aßd for sale at very low price?, by JOHN c. CARMICHAEL, si2 Agent Bellville Factory. CHILE DEEDS of American Women, by Mrs. Bi gourney; Dating Deeds of American Heroes;* Sir 1 | John Franklin; and the Arctic Regions, with an account 1 i of the American Exdedition. For sale by I au 2o THOS. RICHARDS A SON. I\K-r Targe assortment of Harrison’s Celebrated C-T --lumbtan INK, for gale by jySO D. B. PLUMB &CO YE.-We have on hand a small lot, 50 sacks, prim* K- fVB, **l W. g. gIARK &00 , Warn* Bhwfc. J. J. CLAYTON. I A. P. BIGNON. CLAYTON & BIGNON, DEALERS IN READY MADS CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, &C., &C-, Wholesale and Retail, 197 Metcalf’s Range, Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. mh4-ly ALDRICH & ROYAL, DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, at Metcalfs new Iron Front Store, opposite the Masonic Ha)!. A. ± ! I have on hand, and will continue to receive, per weekly steamers from New York and Philadel- \ i- SP f phia, a large and well selected stock of the most fashionable and neatest finished LADIES, j-.i MISSES, GENTS, YOUTHS and CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES, all of which they invite the W public to examine, and compare prices and quality before purchasing. N. B.—Be sure to call at our Iron Front Store. n!9 J. ML NEWBY & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERSIN t > EADY-MADE CLOTHING, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, Ac., Ac. Under the United Stale* Hotel, Augusta, Geor- II gia. jalC T> A AGES.—E. FARROW’S PATENT COOKING XL RANGE, one of tite best articles now in use, for sale by o_s B. F. CHEW. f pilE RICHES THAT BRING NO SORROW, by i tne Rev. Erskine Neale, M. A. On the Study of Words, by Richard C. French, B. D.; Covering, or the Heir of Wicherly, cheap edition’ Harper’s Magazine for July; Also, another supply of the following Popular Books; | Wide, Wide World; Qucechy; Eoiitie, or Magnolia Vale; J Remorse, and other Tales, by James ; Earnestness; Thank- ■ fulness; The Heavenly’Recognition; Heaven, or the Saint- ; e l Deai!; and Kirwan’s Letters to Bishop Hughes. Received and for sale by THOS. RICHARDS J- SON, . ; j,yß Blank Cook Manufacturers, Book Binders, Ac. ! WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. CHARLES CATI.! S imitee the attention of his friends ana the public, to h;s large and - A well selected stock of fine WATCHES, JEWELRY, e&,,4aa j Silver FORKS and SPOONS, PLATED CASTORS, CAN- | DLESTICKB, ami a great variety of Rich Fancy Goods, j which he will sell on the most favorable terms. Ho has in j his employ one of the beat Watch makers in this country, i who will attend to the repairing of FINE WATCHES ; promptly aud in the very best manner. He lias also a prae- | tical Jeweler, who will make or repair all descriptions of j Jewelry. Engravings of all kinds neatly executed. mh2i | ~ TINE WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY AND j SILVER AND PLATED GOODS. f i THOMAS W. FREEMAN at Ids old stand, opposite the Brunswick Bank, Augusts. jjO'X. ■ has cn hand a large and well . stock,consisting of GOLD and SILVER Yv'ATCUES, allqual ities; full setts GERMAN JEWELRY, in boxes; Geld Breast j Pins, Ear Rings, Pencils, Spectacles, Fob, Vest and Guard Chains; Fob, Vest, aud Guard Keys; Finger Rings, Bracelets, | Buckles. Armlets, Medalions, Ac. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Spoons, Forks, Tea Sets, Castors, Candlesticks, Ac, —ALBO- Ghins, Pistols, Percussion Caps, t-hot Pouches, Powder Flasks, Game Bags, Ac.; besides many other convenient and useful articles not named. Having purchased all my Goods for cash, I believe lean sell at prices that will suit purchasers. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. N. B.—New Goods received weekly. 013 dAw. Atjgcsta, March 15,1352. CLARK & CO., (LATE CLARK. RACKET & CO.) VIiAVE nowin Store, a fine stock of GOODS, many of which have just arrived in the ) country, and are of new styles. We have <# ’)» lately received, direct from Geneva, an invoice of Gold WATCHES, made to our order under our old name—good time keepers, and at moderate prices.— Also, WATCHES made by T. F. Cooper, London; Jules Jurgenson, of Copenhagen, and most other makers of es tablished reputation, which we can recommend and war rant. Also, Silver and Plated W’A RE, new styles of Plated WAI TERS, C AKE BASKETS, CASTORS and CANDLESTICKS, with and without branches. Double Barrel SHOT GUNS ( and REVOLVERS, of various makers, and at the lowest prices. Orders from the interior will be packed with care and forwarded promptly. mh!7 F A SHIO N ABLE SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. J'OIIN BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor, next door j below the United States Hotel, Broad Street, is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock, con- ixa , sisting, in part, of » J , French Black and Colored Single Mill’d CLOTHS and CASSIMERES; Fancy Do.; DRILLS; Silk MARSEILLES, and other VESTINGS; CASHMERETTES; DRAP d’ETE, of several grades, which will also be sold by the yard. Os Fancy Articles, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, of all de acriptions, COLLARS; CRAVATS; SUSPENDERS; HALF HOSE; GLOVES; Ladies’ UNDER-VESTS; SHOULDER BRACES, &c.,&c. Ready-made CLOTHING, of the latest style of Goods, cut and made. MILITARY WORK, in ol! its branches. Making and Trimming Garments in the best manner. A full assortment of the above, and all other articles in his line, will be kept suitable for the season. nihlS _ sT D. LISTON & CO. (NOXTIXUE their Office in a favorable location, for the j sale of their FLOUR and MEAL, purchase of CORN and WHEAT, &c., in the East end of the Warehouse lately occupied by Walker & Bryson. Being thus favorably situ ated, (and time to attend to it,) wiii receive and sell all COTTONS their friends desire to send to them for sale. Ex pecting to be always on the spot, and having but few lots • to sell, can do so on advantageous terms, and can remit Checks on their House? in Greensboro’, Rome, or Dalton, or on such other Bank Agencies as may be more convenient to those they sell for. Commissions and Storages R 8 I? cus tomary. All Colton? consigned them should he marked S. !>. L. & Co., Augusta. 4 TLAXTIL’ AND TRA.VS-ATLAATTU Sketches— A Afloat and Ashore. By Capt. McKinnon, IL N., Au thor of “Steam Warfare in the Parana.” Butler’s Analogy of Religion, with an Analysis left n»- flnished by the late Rev. Robert Emery, D. D., President of Dickinson College; completed end edited, with a Life of BMiop Butler, Notes and Index, by G. R. Crooks. Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations, with English Notes, Critical and Explautory. By Chas. Anthon, L. L. D., Pro fc,r of the Greek aud Latin Languages in Columbia Col lege, Rector of the Grammar School, etc., etc. Memoir? of the Life and Writings of Thus. Chalmers. D. D , L. L. D., liy his Son-in-Law, the Rev. Wm. Hanna, L, j L. D.; in four volumes. The Life aud Works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Cambers; in four volumes. For sale by [s 16] J. A. CARRIE <t CO. Vk E\V BOOKS. —Summer Time in the Country, by the jA Rev. R. A. Willmott; being No. 12 of Appleton’s Popular Library. Up Country Letters, edited by Prof. F>., National Observatory. Nos. 432 and 433 of L'tfell’s Liv ing Age. Vol. 3d of the Necromancer, by G. W . Reynolds. Just published, and for sale a! GEO. A. OATES A CO’?, 3 5 Broad street. XTAHMSHES OF ALL fiiADS, Oils,Paints,Glass, V Puttv, Turpentine, Brushes, Acids, Paint Mills, Quin ine, Morphine, Calomel, Blue Mo??, Matches, Spices, Epsom Saltr, Bi-Carbonate Soda, Salmratus, Patent Medicines of all kinds, Perfumery, and Chemicals of every description, from the best manuiactarica, always on hand and for sale a* reduced prices by WM. 11. TEXT, fe26-d*w Druggist. MOLASSES AND SUGAR vt- TIERCES Cuba MOLASSES ; 20 lihds. New Oi leans SUGAR ; 15 “ Muscovado Do.; For sale by JOHN C. CARMICHAEL, au2u Warren Block. BACON AND PEAS. j a nnr* LBS. BACON SIDES, just received and 1 "■ ?«* !Uu aud for sale low. —ALSO— -100 bushels COW PEAS. Call soon, before they are all ii. D. BELL. \ ITOLFE b AdOMATH AIEDICIA AL SCHIE \V DAM SCHNAPPS. A superlative Tonic, Antidys | peptic and Invigorating Cordial, useful iu Gravel, Gout, Dyspepsia, General Debility, &c. In Quart bottles. Price i fl. Sold by jaß HAVILANI), RISLEY A CO, Sole Agents. nUR A AM) O VTs - ! V . 3,000 bushels choice Tennessee CORN ; 150 “ OATS, for sole by aul BAKER A WiLCON W. H. MAHARRY & CO., PLAIN AM) ORNAMENTAL GAS FITTERS. DV, ELLSAGS, Stores, Churches, Ac., fitted up iu the | neatest manner. All work warranted. i Explain and Omameutal GAS FIXTURES for sale. References— Col. H. 11. Camming, President Gas Light Company. Mr. William Hcbue, Engineer Gas AVorks. «P}. y VO EXCUSE FOB BALD HEADS.—THE CY i.A THKREAN HAIR TONIC is a certain restorative of the Hair ; and any one who is troubled with dandruff, scurf, or falling off of the hair, may rest assured that one bottle of the CVTHEREAN HAIR TONIC will remove a.! disease, and promote a fine growth. It is, also, a gieat addition to the Toilet, as it possesses a grateful perfume, and renders the hair capable of being combed in any shape. For sale wholesale and retail by . ap2S WM. IL TUTT, Druggist. \ RTICUEB FOR THE TOILET.— Rich COLOGNES, Domestic and German; Lubiu’s EXTRACTS, new odors; “ POMADE, for the Hair; “ SCENT BAGS (Sachcls.) jell D. B. PLUMB & CO. r pHE WIGWAM AND THE CABIN; or, Talcs L of the itouth, by the author the Yamassee, Katharine W alton, Golden ChrUtmas. Ac., just published and for sale at GEO. A. OATES & CO’S i jc6 Piauo, Book aud Music Store, Broad st. HOUSE KEEPING GOODS.—We keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Crockery, China, Glass, Wooden, Tin, Willow aud Iron AVarc. House keepers are invited to give a call. m h3l MUSTIN & LATHROP. T> ICII TOILET SOAPS.— L Lubin’s Toilet bOAP3; Guerlain’s “ “ Pinaud’e “ “ Low’s “ “ Bazin's “ “ Hauel’s “ “ Taylor’s Chryttaline Tciiet SOAPS; , Together with a full assortment of cheap Fancy SOAPS of ! American Manufacture, for sale by je*l2 f». B. plumb a qo. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. JAMES HCLBERT A: CO., Corner of Ellis and Mackintosh Streets, Manufacture and keep constantly or* baud, all descriptions of VEHICLES of their own make. CARRIAGES of all descriptions built to order and war ranted. REPAIRING done at short notice. mh-3-tOl j TOBIN’S GARDEN—OPEN FOR THE SEA SON. rvvo.MAS T. TOBIV would respectfully an- I announce to Lis old frietifia and the public, oJg|||p£ | that his Garden, on Telfair street, i? now open for the season. STRAWBERRIES ail ,i CREAM, ICES, ICE CREAM, ; etc., served up frery afternoon and evening, from 2 till 10 o’clock. Tbe Garden is now in beautiful order, and no efforts will be spared to render it a popular aud delightful place of resort for the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta and its vicinity. apl 1-ts pRESH AM) GENU EVE GARDEN jat,* I' SEEDS, Warranted Crop of 1851.—Wc have y just received our Stock of FRESH SEEDS, to which we invite the attontion of the public. <ll6 1). B. PLUMB t CO. TRUNAS7 TPJJNKy: ~ ,4 LARGE LOT of Fine TRAVEL- A LING TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, pLaj'JLIJJJ j VALISES. Ladies' BONNET CASES, Ac. 1 Received by 1 s jyT ALDRICH & ROYAL. | ENGLISH SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS. JUST received, a lot of very superior i Sole Leather TRUNKS and VALISES. 1 id t B.ass Band and Iron Frame TRUNKS, j Hat BOXES, Valise BAGS, Cat pot BAGS, Ac. FORCE, CONLEY & CO., r jyis Sign Mammoth Boot. ■ WILLIAM IIOuiLEY) JR-7~ f l± , WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN BOOTS temJJll fS* AND SHOES, keeps constantly IglVd ¥ on Laud, the best, article for re tailing, various descriptions of ?leus’. Boys’, Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s. Also Plantation and Kip Brogans. Boutb side Broad street, Augusta, Georgia. jao-ly PATENT LEATHER, CLOTH, PU3J.P BOOTS T IST RECEIVED, a handsome lot of hl,_ Gent’s Patent Leather BOOTS; SR<J “ Cloth Pat Tip “ fHI “ Calf Pump Sola “ “ “ Dress “ “ “ or Patent Leather Opera BOOTS ; —ALSO— Ladies’ White Satin Gaiter BOOTS; “ “ Kid Polka “ “ “ “ Jenny Linds; •• “ Satin and Kid SLIPPERS, Ac. felS FORCE, CONLEY & CO. LEATHER, LASTS, SHOE PEGS, FINDINGS, &C. JUST RECEIVED, a large supply of Hem- . lock, and Oak Sole LEATHER, Baud and Pick- gSSI er LEATHER, Upper and Lace LEATHER, Calf f and Kip SKINS, Lining and Binding SKINS, Kid 1 1 and Top SKINS, —ALSO— KNIVES, PINCERS, NIPPERS, RASPS, AWLS, HAM MERS, PUNCHES, Lasting TACKS, SPARABLES, French KIT, Size STICKS, Measure STRAPS, Long STICKS, Pump STICKS, Sand STONES, Splitting and Eyelet MACHINES, Hull’s Ball Shoe THREAD,‘TWIST, Boot WEBBING, Boot CORD, Shoe LASTS, Shoe PEGS, Boot TREES, CLAMPS, CRIMPS, Graining BOARDS, &c. FORCE, CONLEY * CO. jalS Opposite Insurance Bank. HENRY & SKENTKES, CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERS & UNDERTAKERS, ARK NOV. PREPARED to exe cute all orders in their line. Ma king and Repairing Cabinet Work, Re upholstering Sofas, Chairs, Ac., Reno vftting Mattresses, in fact all other kinds of work belong ing to our branch. We have on hand a fine assortment of Wire SAFES, suitable for the season. These Safes are much approved for their convenience and style. Also, a fine lot of WINDOW SHADES, of the latest style and at reduced prices. H. A S. Broad-st., one door below Washington street, next to Grenville A Co.’s Store. my 26 MG. Kl.\'ZE, Teacher of Sluric, re • spectftiHy informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he gives In- n n*lT H W structionin Vocal Music, on the Piano, Vio-V* *• SC U • ‘lin and Guitar, iu the moat thorough manner. Calls left at Mr. Gatlin’s Music store, will be promptly answered. n22-ly _ _ _ __ PIANO FO2ITES. TIIK subscribers would respectfully call the attention of then* fri-nds and ti-e pulfiic, to their assortment of Rosewood and qdjTjH H Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well J * * ]J « known and justly celebrated Manufactories of Bacon k Ka ven, I A. H. Gale A Co., and Dubois & Seabury, New York, which j are warranted in every respect, to ba at least fully equal to i any instruments manufactured iu this country or Europe. The subscribers would also state than the instrument? now on hand are of the latest patterns and fashion, and fresh from the manufacturers. For sale at very low prices for cash or ! city acceptances, at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S inyl3 Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. i ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. HAVIXG been appointed Agents for the COY- ING ION CHAIR FACTORY, v.e would re- vM ! spec s fully inform our city aud country friends, and customers generally, that we will always have on * " > hand a Stock and good assortment of the above Manufac tory’s CHAIRS, which, for beauty of finish, comfort aud general utility, need only to be seen to be recommended. The assortment consists of ROCKING, COTTAGE, and BFLIT-BOTTOMS. They wifi he sold at Manufacturing prices. Persons desiring to purchase euch Furniture, would do well to examine ours aud prices before purchasing else where. GLRARDY A PARKER, jy!6-8m Auction and Commission Merchants. riANO FORTES MUSIC, &C. rVHAHLES C ATIriX & CO., near gggjg^ \ the United Ftates Hotel, Augusta.Ga,, are the only authorized Agents for Chick- frn ' ering’s celebrated “ * * (i • IRON FRAMED PIANO FORTES, Also, for those made by Nunn k Clark, and Adam Stod dard. The superiority and wide spread celebrity of these la truments render any special reference to them unnecessa ry. The universal sati-f iction that they have given in tliis market, for more than 15 years, is good evidence of their ar ability. Their stock is al-. ays Urge and full, comprising every variety and style of 6, 6 ’I and 7 octave PIANOS, which they' will sell at the lowest factory prices, (varying rom S3OO to $500,) and warrant them sound and perfect in very respect. Their stock of MUSIC is large, and they receive fresh applies every weekofaii new publications, as scon as they arc issued. All orders for Pianos, Music, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Ac ordeons.Ac., Ac., will receive prompt and careful aucti on, aud will be warranted to please in every respect. MELODEONS. They have also a complete assortment of Prince A Co.’s MELODEONS. The Key Board w precisely the same as the Piano or Organ ; and the tone closely resembles that of he Flute stop of the Organ, and is sufficiently loud for mall Churches. They vary in price from SSO to SIOO. JEWELRY. CHARLES CATLIN keeps for sale at the same place, a arge Stock of fine WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVER WARE, to which he invites tne attention of the public. mh*2S LOOK HEBE- NEW STOKE AND NEW l IU FURNITURE. J SILCOX has re- Bse-gU*’ | moved his stock of FURNITURE, . . 1 M « CHAIR?, MATRASSES, Ac., next L3EaE3 to Dr. Turpin’s, immediately opposite his former stand, where he intends kepping a general assortment of FURNI TURE, CHAIRS, MATRASSES, Ac., of his own manufacture. Also, a good assortment ol Northern manufacture, which he will warrant, and at such prices as to make it an in ducement to those about purchasing to give him a call at la NEW FURNITURE STAND. 012-dAw SAFES, IRON WORKS, LOCKS, &C. riMIE UNDERSIGNED having contracted to 1 build the SAFES, IRON FIXTURES, LOCKS, AA Ac., in the new Banking House of the Bank of Au- \Vj •§ guata, b.as permanently located in thiecity,and begs leave to inform the public that he will execute ail orders for I SAFES, IRON FIXTURES, STAIRWAYS, LOCKS, BELL HANGING, FENCING, LIGHTNING RODS, ORNAMEN i TAL WORK, Ac., Ac., including every branch cf his busi ness, in the moat perfect and satisfactory manner. | His shop is on the north side of Broad Street, next door below the old Bridge Bank Building, where he will be pleas ! ed to exhibit Models, Patterns and Drawings to all these who may wish any thing in his line. tuyaG-ly AUGUSTUS GRUENDEL. ~ FRESH TURNIP SEED. 1 xrE have this day received a supply of freth and relia- W bis TURNIP SEED, consisting of thef ollowing va i rlcties: 1 RUT A BAG A, LA RF. E ENGLI**' il NORFOLK, I EARLY FLAT DUTCH, EARLE YELLOW RUSSIAN, RED TOP, LONG WHITE, LARGE WHITE GLOBE, SNOW BALL. Augusta, June 16, 1852. jelS D. li. PLUMB A CO. NEW BOILER FOR SALE. 4 FIRST CLASS new BOILER, made by Philos. B. t Tyler, Springfield, Mass., for sale low by '*■ OSMOND, GRAY A CO., American Iron Foundry. Augusta, Ga., August T. au7-lm f y a ukTWijuai, * : rr" • ■?.' ttzztk ill .just received and for sale by ’ \<Ab ESTES A RICHMOND. UTILE DULCI. FRANK’S AROMATIC SODA AND SEIDLITZ POW DERS, for the immediate production of a grateful, re freshing and highly Stomachic Beverage. This elegant pi eparstion, besides its superior claim as a beverage, has the advantage over all other compounds, in being decided ly medicinal. It promotes appetite and a healthy Diges tion, corrects acidity, relieves Heartburn and Flatulency, and produces the best effects in derangements of the Uri nary Organs. While equally effective with the common form, the Aromatized Powders possess a decided ndvant? in not offending the Stomach, and far more satisfactory in their operation. For sale, wholesale and retail, bv WM. H. TUTT, sis Agent for the Aromatic Soda Company. MORGAN’S COTTAGE CHAIRS. , r F'HE subscribers would inform the public that they have j -I appointed Messrs. Girardey & Parker their Agents j for the sale of their CHAIRS in this place. Being the ori * ginal Inventor of this article, they will warrant all sold *f : their manufacture, J. & L. S. MORGAN, s!7-wßm Decatur, DeKalb county. COME AND SEE~" 1 >BTER BRENNER, Piano Maaufac- X turer, Quality Range, Br*ad at., has just finished a splendid PIANO, wliich will nf f u Tfl' remain at his house for a short time. Musi- J 7 * li * cians, amateurs, and the public generally, are invited to call Had try it, t* see whether it can b« beat by any from the North, P. BRENNER, el6-dlm Broad-st., above McKinne-st. - p ¥renner, PIANO MANUFACTUKER, 1 Qualify Kange y Broad StresK Augusta. G^ r., 18 ready to execute all orders for PI ANOS of all descriptions, which h* war rants to be equal in tone, quality aud duns Jj" |1 Vn rability to any that ar* brought from (he J ”J J North. The following is one of rariou? testimonials, which have been kindly given to P. B. bj* gentlemen in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner lust year, which was of his own make, I take great pleasure In testify i ing my perfect approbation of it in every respect. II is very rich in tone, easy of touch, elegantly made and k>?ep- iu tune most admirably. From what I have seen of Mr. Bren ner’s Pianos, I have no hesitation in recommending them for their superior quality, to all who maybe in want of s flu* and durable instrument. J- B Hxrt. Augusta September 15,185*), Further references : Rev. Mr. Ford, Mr. J. Seize, Mr. li. i B. Frazer, B. Bignon, Sir. Win. R. Schirmer and others. I Pianos, Organs aud other musical instruments toned and I skillfully repaired, at thft shortest notice. P. BRENNER, sig.ly Broad-st, above McKenni-st. 1* PULVERIZED CORN STARS IL—An excellent ar ticle for making custards, puddings, Wane-mange, I Ac.,for sale by D. B. PLUMB & CO. ; 3 iD. [ •"■'/A AAA F’EET ofseasoned INCH BOARD?, FLOOR ! OUs* *vr ; ING and CEILING for sale. Apply to * jyS-twAdflm A. P. ROBERTSON. ELD UIHLEV.—6O bushels, just received and for sale by GEO. W. LEWIB, g 9 No. 1 Warren Bieck. SEPTEMBER NUMBER HARPERS’ MAGI- O 7INE. leave? cut. For sale by gej)s THOS. RICHARD? & SON. THE Celebrated Mexican Mustang LINAMENT, for sale by o!8 D. B. PLUMB .t CO. COHN. —1,000 bushels, in btore and for sale by s7 B. C. GRENVILLE .t CO. 1 HA R kTsON’S PR AIRIE FLO \V E R C r O I -OGM , a valuable article for the Toilet, for sale by j jy2B D. B. PLUMB k CO. DELIGHTFUL TONlC.—Rudkin’s Ginger WINE, for sale by s!5 D. B. PLUMB ,t CO. TvAC’ON BlDEß.—hhdf. Strictly prime Baltimore I 13 SIDE?, for gale by S S ESTFS k RI UMONP. ONEB’ Chemical Oil 80AP, for removing Grease, Tar, Paint, Ac., from Woollen, Cotton or Linen Goods, for sale by s!8 D. B. PLUMB & CO. ON CONSIGNMENT.—IOO bales Gunny BAGGING, for sale low by sl9 ROBERTSON & CROCKER. MoA LISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, for sale by jyß . WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. r i superior CHAMPAGNE, just received OU an*l for sale by sS GIRARDEY & PARKER. I) YE.—2OO bushels prims Seed Rye, (Georgia raised), A for sale by GEO. W. LEWIS, s 9 No. I Warren Blecfe. "VT O. YIOLASBEB, —100 bbls. of prim* quality and X? » in prime order, for sale low by ? 8 HAND, WILLIAMS & CO. ACKEREL.—Nos. 1,2 and 3, iu whole, half and quarter barrels, for sale by ?S HAND, WILLIAMS & CO. T REBH HOPS, Crop of 1861, for sale by 5 ?!5 WM. 11. TUTT, Druggist. LSTARR AND"PEPPER.- 125 dozen fine MUSTARD. 100 “ PEPPER, papers, In store, and for sale by 815 *S. C. CRENVILLE & CO. MORE NEW BOOKS.—Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Dr. Chalmers, voi. 4. Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches Afloat and Ashore, by Captain McKinnon, R. N. Paper covers and bound. Vol. 3 Life and Works of Robert Burns. Butler’s Analogy—Dr. Emory’s Analysis, edited by G, A. Crooks; and Anthons Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations, Just received by THOS. RICHARDS & S«N, s 15 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, 4e. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND CONSUMPTION. I 1 —AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL is the great reme dy for the above complaints. For sale by s 15 D. B. PLUMB k CO. “A BTUINGENT LOTION, For diseased, weak and j J\. bleeding gum? aud for purifying the breath, for sale by ~ D. B. PLUMB k CO. s 15 i/t DHLS. Clarified SUGAR ; I*l 5 hhds. do. Do , Just received and for sale l*y GIRARDEY & PARKER. 11ST RECEIVED— ( f l St.fi lbs. BLUESTONF; 23 lbs. Hydriodate POTASS; 3 lbs. Resublimed IODINE; Sff Boxes Perry Davis PAIN KILLER ; 6 do*. Ballard’s HAIR DVE; 6 “ Indian CHOLOGOGUE; 6 “ Calcined CHARCOAL. For ale low for cash by au22 WM. K. TUTT. THE AUGUSTA BRASS AND COTILLON BAND, JOHN A. BOULER, Le.cnek, RESPECTF’ULLV inform the public, that they are prepared to furnish Music for all occasions required, on reasonable terms. Communications addressed to JOHN A., or WILLIAM O. DOIiLEB. Augusta, Geo., will receive prompt attention. Ji’lo ly M~ AGAZINEB FtmIiEPFEMBEhT^TIie ing Magazines have l*ocu received by the subscriber?, i for the above month, viz : Godey’s Lady’s Book; Graham’s Megazinc, and Fcter son’s Magazine. Subscribers witl please call for their i copies at GEO. A. OATES Jt CO.’S, Broad-st., au2o between U. S. and Globe Hotels. COLORS UNFADING. ITHRE-PBOOF AND WEATHER-PROOF MI- I NERAL PAUn'TS.—Several Shades of Brown, witri Pink, Buff and Black ; and by combination a great variety of Shades and Tints may be made. These Paints possess body or covering property equal to white lead, and flow as easily. They dry soon, become very itawd—in fact, make stone or slate of every color—do not crack or peel off, and if sanding is required, nothing 1 holds sand more firmly, or finishes so well with it. For Painting Wood, Iron, Tin, Brick, or Piaster, nothing ; adheres more firmly—isste longer, or comes cheaper than Solver’s Mineral Paints. For sale at Monufacturer’spricc?, with addition of freight, by UAVILAND, RISLEY & CO. Also, for sale as above, at a low price, Prepared ROSIN OIL, suitable for using with Fire-proof Paint, for Roofs, Fences, and all coarse colored work. aplt) MULES’. MULES!! \ FEW choice Kentucky MULES, just ar- «g^T | g>c _r\. rived at the Stables of scpS-d2w JAS. P. FLEMING. "S3OO REWARD. ' RANAMAV from the subscriber this morning, e> Ids Negro Girl ELIZA. She is a mulatto, about sixtec*;years of age, a big stout girl, weighing about 150 pounds, large full face, large white eyes, large —ife?- cyebrows, well known about this city. As I have reason to believe that she has been enticed away by some white per : son, I will give the above reward for proof sufficient to con i vict them, or Twenty-five Dollars far the girl alone, an:! lodged in any safe Jail, where I can get her. JOHN ROBERTSON. Augusta, Ga,, July 24,1852. BpT » jy2o BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. CIONGREBB having passed an act authorising the As ) sigmnent of Bounty Land IVarranta, ;a* persons hay j ing saiil Warrants in the office tiro Lndersigneu, ru I C,U “ 4 k ROPCBEB. COPEHTNEEaKU’. v-i-E THE UNDERSIGNED, have formed a Copavt- VV nership, beginning the first of September, inst., un der tho stvic and tirm of Ivet k Evans. Il e will k cp on ; hand a large and good assorted STOCK OF GROCERIES. I All orders that we are favored with, will receive prompt at • tentiou. JAMES A. IA EY, j September 6,1852. d&w3 JOHN \V. EVANS. rpO THE AFFLICTED.—Dr. Banning’s celebrated 1 BODY BRACE will be found almost invaluable to those suffering from eakness in the Back, Deformities, Hernia Prolapsus, Ani, kc. An Essay in Pamphlet form accompa nies each Brace. For sale by D. B. PLUMB k CO., e-15 The only authorized Agents for Augusta. 100 BBLS. BALTIMORE HOWARD-BT. FLOUR \Y7E M ILL BELL, to arrive, 100 bbls. new and sweet T t Baltimore FLOCK, low, if applied to early. au!4-tf GIRARDEY & PARKER. j rpE.WESSEE RACON.—IO,OOO lbs. Choice BACON JL BIDEB, received This Day from Tennessee, for sale. au26 BAKER * WILCOX. t>ECK\ATrii ft A.Ntl-i»V p SPIiI ! TICI^LB.-lLie j JL) almve Pills need no comment, as they ha\ e ?een tno roughly tested by numbers in this city. T*e g uumc for ! pale by J.V2S D- B. PLUMB & CO.. Agents. *I iR VI! SMITH FLOUR.—2O bbls. Hiram Smith IX FLOUR: just received by I au 4 5 HA-> X D, WTLLIAMB AGO. . I DAILY CiiliOMLE & SLVH\EL. i i LINES TO YOUTH. BY WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR. • • Where ait thou gone, light-ankled Youth V i 1 With wing at either shoulder. And smile that never left thy mouth i Until the hours grew colder; i j Then somewhat seemed to whisper near That thou and I must part; 1 doubted i;—l felt no fear. No weight upon the heart; If .night bcfel ft, Love was by, 1 And rolled it off again ; 1 So, if there ever was a sigh, , i ’Twas not a sigh of pain. I may not cailthee back; but thou j Returnest when the hand Os gentle Sleep waves o’er my brow j HI? poppy -crested wund. Then -m hug eye > b-. nd over mine, Then lips once pressed invite; hut Sleep hath given a silent sign i And both, alas ! take flight. TO AGE. V. -I ■ me old fri. nd I These niany your* Have we lived door by door: l’he Kate - have laid aside their shears Perhaps for some few more. I was iudocil at a a ege AV lion better boys were taught, Hut thou at length hast made me .s. If I am sage in aught. Little know I from other men, Too little they from me; But thou hast pointed well the pen That writes these lines to thee. T hanks for expelling I e.ir and Hope, One vils the other vain ; One’s scourge, the other’s telescope, I shail not see again : Bather what lies before my feet My notice shall engage ; He who hath braved Youth's dizzy Lent Drtads not the frost of Age. ! TO j P ROE Er-STON AJ. VND BTISINESSCARDS, not exceeding tixlincs, will be Inserted under this head at the rale of *lO per annum. Cards cxcacmngsdx lines, will be charged i>fO ata per line. WILCOX tv GILLESPIE, \ LC'TIOX AND COMMISSION MEBCIIASTSL | r l (Store in Johnson House Building, M hite Hall Street,) j Atlanta, Ga. ‘ , Jtqferenc«e —A. E. Johnson; U. L. 'Wright; Pegg & Bo mar; J. Robinson & Co., and McDaniel?, Mitchell ,fc Hulsey, j Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, September 16, 1552. 819-d3m HERBERT FIELDER, A TTORXEV AT LAW, Cedar Town, Polk county, ! -XA. Georgia. aulS-Cm* I J. i. & <i. A. SNEAD, | ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Law Range, Augusta, Ga., Practice in the Courts of the Middle District, and Common Pleas of the City. John C. Skkad also practices in the Courts of Edgefield and Barnwell Districts, South Carolina. John C. Snead, | Garland A. Snbad. au6 la ILLEDE E sTkt Oin-ELS, VTTOIIIVEYS AT LA W, Augusta, Georgia. Office on Jackson street. John Mil ledge, A. M. Rodgers. au7 WAEDLAW & WALKES, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N orth Atlantic wharf, CH ARLESTON, S. C, W. A. WAHDLAW. jySO-ftß G. WA] - STOKE, STAKE & CO., IMPORTERS AAD WHOLESALE DEALERS in DRY GOODS, No.-41 Broadway, New York. Levi P. Stone, j Henry 11. Stotesdorv, Egbert Stark, I H, Langdon Butler, Jon a. J. Bkoou. jy 16-£m I)AH~SO.\ & DOlGclEiilV, “ VTTORNEYS AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia. jyls-U Andrew H. H. Dawbon, 1 W. -T. Doughertv. fie & irwia, ATTORNEY SAT LAW, Marietta sea.—Will prac tice in all the counties cf tlie Blue Ridge Circuit.— Strict cud prompt attention given to the collection oi claims placed In their hands. OHBP , jfe E. Cain. 1 M. J. Irwin. lirft 'ences: —John Livingston and Wocdjate & Roome, * NvW York ; Wiley Banks &, Co., Charleston ; Belin & Fob- * | ter, Savannah ; Three wits k Dawson, and W. & J. Nelson, Augusta, 6a. jyS-wßm W. H. & J. W. H. lADERYi OOD, \ TTOB YEYS AT LAW, Rome Georgia. . xV jcll-d&twly | John J. Jones. | John R. Sturgis. JOSES & STtRGES, ( A TTOBXEYB AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Georgia. _ jelS-ly ' .join* i« bikd, VTTORAT A AT LAW. will attend to p.llProfession al business entrusted to him in the Counties of Talia -1 ferro, Greene, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Warren and Hancock. ! Office at Crawfordville, Ga. apll-Iy ’ JOHSf M. TILLEY, VTTOUXEV AT LAW, Crav.fordville, Georgia, will practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Wilkes, Warren i and Hancock, of the Northern Circuit, and Greene, of the I Ocraulgcc Circuit, aplß-tf |\CT BARBER Ii'XCTIAMjIK BROKER, Washington Street, one U do- r North La 1 of Broad Street. J3gT“ UucurreiitMONEY bought. inhG * JAMEg ~ii. COLLIER, | A TTORXKY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia, officerc j Xjl moved to the rear of Miiler k Warren’s Dry Goods J store,over I*. 11. WarrenA Co’s. JOHLt K. JAC&bOSr VTTORXKY AT LAW. Augusta, Georgia, Practices in the Middle Circuit of Georgia, and in tire neighbor* | ing Districts of South Carolina. Office in the Masonic Hall Building. ja‘.i7_ E3EIS. t». D.IWSOS, * ATTORNEY’ AT LAW, Colur-bcs, Georgia, refers by permission to the following well known gentlemen: ' Anthony Porter, Esq., President of the Bank of the State i of Georgia ; Hon. R. Ji. Cuvier, President of the Central Railroad and Banking Company ; Hon. Asbury Hull, jCalh ' serof the Branch Bank, State of Georgia; Messrs. Hill A ' Dawson, Columbus, Georgia. _ j LANDS AT PRIVATE SALK i\fli HAVE TOR a>ALU some Nine LOTS of Fine Y T Cherokee LANDS, all situated in the Golden Districts j of the State, being in Case, Gibb, Paulding and Walker, which, for localities, tire n<■; t> he t-nrp&ssetl. The Lets are No -. 159,162,161, in the 11th District and Ist Section, be -1 ing only 2 or 0 miles from Dahlonega. j Lot; - Nos. B-35 and l,ooSin 19th District, Sd Section, being ; | In Paulding county. i . Lot No. 217, 4iu District, 3d Section, is situated in Cass , j county. Lot No. 095, 8d District, 3d Section, believed to be m Cobb. i The above Lots arc all favorably situated, and contain r each 10 acres. —ALSO— Ail that parcel of Land, having Lot N 0.292, 7th District, 4th Section, in Walker county, on the Chattooga River, containing 160 acres, more or less, prime laud. Titles un questionable. For further particulars and terms, apply to ns at Store. myiO-tf GIRAKpEY A PARKER, /Slv COXSioXAIEXT-—id Hhds. T. E. SUG AR, j S Hhds T. E. M. Sugar, 50 Bags Laguyra Coffee, _ Mife ■ m 10 Boxes Ca rifledjjfega r, r itU Boxes Wiiituey’s Soap, - 30 “ Colgates “ :i , > ?5 “ Ada-uamine Candles, lust received and for Pale by GiHARDLY k PARKER, augl-tf ~ *NOV OK HAND FOE SAXE. ,1- ALI LL supply of all patterns of Parlor STOt ES * ami GItATLS, suitable to wood cr coal. 4 —ALSO— . On iiand, a Georgia made IRON SAFE, very large and well adapted to a large Mercantile House, with several small but s. jjP*’’ jJP wL * I ! Also, NAILS .by the keg or retail; SWEDES IRON for , Horse Shoes; Collin’s AXES and HATCHETS; Cotbm HOES, all sires; Trace and Halter CHAINS, TACKS, RIVITS, ! SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, BUTTS and HINGES. Also, a large supply of Turner?’ ;uad Hoofing Tools, of all kinds. For sale next door to the Mechanics’ Bank. nl4 B. P. CHEW. SOMFTHiKG NEW. REMLWPO’f’S COMIEXbIXG AND DIGESTING COFFEE POT." This article is on an entire new plan, by which the aroma of the Coffee is condensed, thus avoid ing all evnnoration, and giving ti e Coffee a fine flavor, : with a saving of one-fourth the material. For sale by IF L. HANCOCK & CO., s myll Agents for Patentees. EXTRACT MI ATF. T Oils. Pomatums ami Toilet articles generally—a great variety, just received by M. H. TLI f, Druggist. se p H 0 ' _ . WHEAT WANTED. rrMIE market price paid fog Red or White WHEAT'by I 1 GEORGE W. LEWIS, s y No. 1 Waiven Block. o~\ls 61l TV\ O smalfFawilies can o’ tain Board, with good rooms, at No. 2-9 Broad street, Carmichael i Range. I tCst receiver l\ store -Isl i phtl. prime Family HAMS; 20 bbls. Stuart’s Extra Uehned Coffee SUGAR, A, D, and C, and foi sale by GIRARDEY * PARKER. { hbis,, iriT.ag?, at the low rate of pe~r ‘ I 1 bbh, for sale hy *3 B. H. WARKWf,