Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, September 15, 1854, Image 3
FEMALE SOFTOOL. war- The MMM Sedgwick propose to open a School lad,.*, on the FIRST MONOAT in October, for Young . tQ comb ne with a thorough, intellectual T !’ e!r , a 'n Tuch moral and religion* culture as will lead -o the formation of those trait, of character without which the highest mental endowments are worse tl ne U c"urse of instruction will include the Latin and French Languages. Terms from *lO to *29, according to o ges and requirements of the pupils. ‘school Rooms on Broad street, over the office of the iucu'ta Manufacturing Company. Applications may be left with Dr. T. W. Battey. RKf .KESCE -Col. H. H. Cumming, Dr. T. W. Battey, Gc- Schley, Esq , Geo. W. Lamar, Esq., Hon. Wm. T. tiouid, Edward f2 ' lm Bargain*! Bargains! In Dress fcilkn, Tls .g Bareges. <fcc.—We are disposed to offer great in ducements!" the above Goo*. Also,in LAWNS, ORGAN DIfc;p and Plain BAREG S—all of fashionable styies and shades. Now is the time to buy ’eally beautiful and good Goods at a low figure, [a uls] V\ AKD A BURCHARD. ( heap Ilry Goods. —WM. H. CRANE will sell the remainder of his SUMMER STOCK OF GOuDS, at grea'ly reduced prices. Those in want will do well to give him a call. jyl4 daw py" Ha s, (spring Stylos, 1854.—GE0. W. FERRY nvites the attention of Gentlemen to his assortment ol Spring style Hat* now in Store. feb2l-diw taru entlenaeu’s Dress lints for Fall and Win ter iBS I.—WM. N NICHOLS has received Beebe A Co.'s Fall Style of Gentlemen’s H ATS, and invites the at tention of his friends and the public, opposite the new Augusta Bank. aul2 of~ Portrait*.—Chaklss Bkkcft, Artist from tb Academy of Munich, Bavaria— grateful for the eucoura e ment given him the past season, informs the Ladies ad Gentlemen of Augusta and vicinity, that he has removed to the Rooms over office of Dr. Van Voorhis’, on Mclntosh Itreet, two doors from Constitutionalist A Republic office, and is prepared to furnish Portrait* of the finest execution at short notice. Thepubiic are respectfully invited to give him a call. more Pupils in Drawing can be accommodated. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons, he will be engaged, giving instructions on the Sand Hiils. Refkrknoks. —Messrs. T. Clanton, Thomas Richards, . fiardner, jr. Persona wauling cheap BOOTS and SHOES can be accommodated at my new Store, under the U. S. Hotel. my 24 HENRY DALY. NO EXCUSE FOB. ILL-HEALTH, jy An emaciated frame, sallow complexion, and great debility, the result of neglect or mal- treatment, when efficient Medical advice can be obtained privately and promptly. Ladies who may be afflicted with Irregularities, Piles Fistula-ic-Ano, Gravel, Scrofula, Ulcers, Rheumatism, Ac., should not allow false delicacy to prevent their making immediate application to Dr. MORRIS, whose Bkill in the treatment of all chronic diseases and female complaints, is too well known to be questioned. The Doctor assures all those who consult him by letter the most honorable secrecy, prompt attention, pleasant safe and efficient medicines; and to those who follow strictly his directions, he will guarantee speedy relief and perma nent cures. Charges reasonable. All letters, to receive attention, must be post-paid, and enclose a fee. Address Dr. W. U. MORRIS, je22-ly Savannah, Ga. ah I.inen Good*. —The attention of House- ! keepers is respectfully called to the stock of IRISH LINEN GOODS row opening at our Store, embracing Li en SHEETING, Pillow-case LINENS, bleached and unbleach ed DIAPER and Satin DAM ASKS, for Table-cloths, bleach ed and unbleached TABLE-CLOTHS, NAPKINS aad DOYLES, TOWELLING of all kinds, by the yard or dozen, CRASH, DOWLAS, BURLAPS, Ac., Irish LINENS, Long LAWNS. CAMBRIC, Ac. We will warrant ali ‘hese Goods pure Linen, free from any mixture of Cotton. je!s COSGROVE A BRENnAN. py Hoots and ehosi.—ALDRICH A ROYAL are receiving their stock of BOOTS and SHOES for the Spring trade, consisting of nearly all varieties of the beat and finest articles manufactured, which they will sell as usual on accommodating terms to families and merchants. Owing to the great advance,and the small profits on their Goods, all transient trade will be cash. mhl4 CHALMERS’ DAGUEKREAN GALLERY. SW The Undersigned having recently pur ha*. d of Mr E. S. Dodge his interest in the gallery so long and favorably known as Dodge’s Daguerrean Gallery respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is now prepared to produce those superior DAGUERREO TYPES, so mu :h admired for their faithfulness and beamy of finish, and solicits their patronage. Having for many years past prosecuted the art success fully, he flatters himself that with his large sky-light, and every other facility desirable, he will be able to give his I patrons likenesses more life-like than those taken at any other establishment in the Southern country. Ail are invited to cail and examine specimens. Pictures t aken at ail hours of the day. Gallery at Post Office Corner over Clarke A Co.’s Jew elry Store. nlO-tf WM. H. CHALMERS. US’" Bonnets. Kibbont, Kmbroideries, Ac., at Wholesale Only, at C. E. GIRARDE if A CO.’S, Broad- j itreet—The subscriber invites the attention of Country Merchants, and dealers gen erally, to his stock of SILKS, GOODS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, Ac., which he has this day opened as above. He will take orders also for HO SIERY, of direct importation; Richardson’s LINENS, and Dunbar A McMaster’s FLAX THREAD, at the lowest rates. Also, all articles in the Fancy Dry Goods line. His stock ot samples in Hosiery, embraces every style of those Goods. OLIVER HEWITT, of Sassdorf Lieding, direct Importers, Charleston, 8. C. slO-lw %3?~ Four»h W ard Poor School.—Miss G. 8. SAW YER will opec the above School on the Ist MONDAY In October, for the reception of chi dren who are entitled to the Poor School Fund of Richmond county. Bchool Rooms on Broad street, just above Dr. J. M. Hill’s Drugstore. _ sStwtOl A CARD. «ar* Practice of Medicine and Surgery.—Dß. j H. 8. BACON, bavin perma lently located in this city offers his professional ser /ices to the citizens of Augusta and vicinity, andean be found at all hours,<3 ;ringthe day and night, when not professionally engaged, at his office, over the Drug Store cf Messrs. D’Antignac A Barry. He refer*, by permission,! ; Messrs. A. J. A T. W. Miller, W. E. Jacks m, Esq., Dr. Joseph A. Eve, Dr. I. P. Garvin. je9-3m _ Augusta Female Academy.—To meet the want 3 of several friends, there will be a PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT connected with our Institution, the Tuition fee in which will be $8 per quarter. b 5 L. LaTABTE, Principal. CLOTHING. gjy™ e ra ll the attention of all merchants and dealers i* CLOTHING, to our very large stock, consisting of eve, v variety of COATS. VESTS and PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, COLLARS, STOCKS, Ac., Ac. Our stock is well adapted to the coming Fall and Winter rade and has been made up expressly for the 8 juthern market. We offer it at low prices, and request all dealers t o examine for themselves our stock, and if they do not i ntecd to visit either Charleston or New York, to send us their orders, and they shali be filled to their satisfaction, either from our store, No. 26 Hayne-st., Charleston, 8. C., or No. 194 Broadway, New-York. au2B 2m PIERSON, JENNINGS A CO. DENTAL NOTICE. gSfßr. V• Otferiuau returns his - ,r—ii ihanks U» hit friends, and the public atlarge, for the liberal patronage he has received, and flatters himself that by strict IIP attention and good work he will merit a share of public patronage. All work warranted to be as good as any in State. Office one door below tbs Mechanics’ Bank. Where he does not give satisfaction, he wishes no pay. jy3B-tf \3f~ Rags W'*nt««*—Cottcn, Linen, Silk and Wool n Rags wanted. Alot>, old Roue, Bagging, Wrappers, Salt Backs, and other Paper Maker’s stock. The highest cash rices paid. julyl4 W. H. PRITCHARD. t tau New Trimmings, Just Received.—Deep Man tilla FRINGEB, all colors; Taffeta, Gauze and Tissue Trimmings, new patterns; Black GALLOONS; Ser peutine silk and Linen BRAIDS; Silk LACETS ; Large TONS*'w> tf ° r ' eßtß and ® oy8 ’ Clothes; Lace BUT -1 ‘ le ’ C<Aored and Black Silk BRAIDS, Ae. WARD A BURCHARD. passe., ticket, for negroeawmT^ 068 UDdCr fraudulent other responsible parties,*who srtu ‘° ° r furnish a duplicate pass to the Agemlp" f req “ ired t 0 to be filed at his office. 0 Beds the ticket, The above rule to take effect on and aft*,- « , „ -«■ BT* W illiam H. Crane is now offering aW JU seated stock of DRY GOODS, at prices which LTot * p ease. All in want of desirable Goods at low pric-s Uo w 9ll j,, gIVO hia a caU| a few d£)org east Qf p • i fil'd,, • COMMERCIAL. AUGUSTA MARKET. Thursday, P. M. COTTON.—We have no change to notice. The market remains about the same as previously reported. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 9.— Statement <y Cotton Stockon hand Ist Sept., 1564 bales.... 268’8 Arrived since '' '’ ‘> 595 Arrived to-day ’3BB 86 851 Exported to date 10 201 Exported to-day 2,08 - 12,289 Stock on hand and on ship-board not cleared.. 24,562 Mo/avee* —4lo bbls. Prime Reboiled sold at lSj^c. Finn 11 ere were some sales made by a leading house, but we did not succeed in meeting the principal. 169 sacks white sold in 2 lots at STitfc. r wights— Nothing now. Krohanges. —Ni alteration. London 91*@9jtf and 9V %i_ct prem.; Paris 5f.m@5f.20; New York 60 days 1 VOh 2 $ cent. disc.; New York Sight 1? ct. prem. EXPORTS. CHARLESTON, Sept. 18.—For New York, steamship Southerner—Bl9 bbls. and 29 bagi Flour. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. CHARLESTON, Sept. 14.—Arrived, ship Amelia, Mc- Kenzie, Liverpool; II L schr M.ry D Scull, Thompson Philadelphia; Br schr Jane, , Baltimore. Cl’d, stearn sh p Southerner, Ewan, New York; brig Royal Soathwick Heron, do. ’ ( < OXbiGXMKXT—2,OOO lbs. prime FEATHERS n c< ? ma ’ lssloa an< f Produce Merchant, opposite Union OM OOAHH4AMEAT— IO boxes choice new CHEESE *ls-lm J. A. ANBLKY. O 1 * <-'OA6I«A.MHAT—S,OOO lbs. HAMS, which will be sold low to close out. [sl6-mJ J. A. ANBLKY. OX t'OASUiX'.AIK.Vr—SO bushels Dried PEACHES - [ sl6 Im] J. A. ANSLEY. OX C'OXisir.XMKXT, TO AIIHIVK—2O,OOO lbs” , r cbo ‘ c l 'r K'bbed and Clear MDBS; 5,000 pcuuds choice tiiOULDERs. [sls-lm] J. A. ANSLEY. tpOH (•ALK.—One Pair F’airbanks Platform SCALES secondhand. sls-lm J. A. ANSLEY. ’ A G>ll.\lb LH A I'OH’B BALK.— Agreeable to an or -*■, der ®f the Court ot Ordinary of Oglethorpe county wh le sitting for erdinary purposes, will be sold, before the OG “rt-house door in Thomas county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, between the usual hours of sale, the following tract of Land, known by number fifty-four (st) in the Eights (S) District of said county, containing F'our Hundred and Ninety Acres, be the same more or leoss. The said tract of Lan i belonging to the estate of James K Huff, deceased, and sold as the property of said deceased, for the benefit of his heirs. Terms of sale cash. September 15, 1554. OBADIAH STEVENS, Adm’r. AN BII4HTB and French Principles, seen U through Am ri an Spectacles, illus ra ed. Curanand hi 3 Conumix-raries; by Charles Phillips, Esq ,A. B The itilitary Life of John, Duke of Marlborough; by Arch ibald Alison F. R. 8. Foreign Reminiscensrs; by Henry Richard Lo-d Holland, edited by his son, Henry Edward Lord Holland. The Works of Stephen Ohn, D. D., L.L. D. ? r • )as i er Carew, Kut.,his Life and Experiences; by thas. Lever. Dodd Family Abroad, bv Chas. Lever. For sale by Me KINNE A HALL, *ls Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-gr. Gt KUGUAPHI AM STATISTICS—A new and I complete Stitistical Gazetteer of the United States ; by K. e«. Fi-her. The Progress of the United States from tie ear iest periods; by K. 8. Fiehtr. American Guide Hook through the United S ates. Pocket Maps of Georg,a, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkamas, Florida, Texas, etc. etc Na Mctit, or Reef Rovings in the Southern Seas, a narra’ five of Adventures at the Hawaiian, Georgian aDd Society Islands, with Ma. s and Illustrations; by Edward S Per ' For sale by *ls T. RICHARDS A SON. JOHX \V. GOSS, i f EXKRAL t'O.M>l IHSiIOA MERCHANT, V I Augusta, tia, tenders his services to 1 is •fciti friends ami the public, in the General Commission Busintss. His personal attention will be given to the saie of Cotton, F'lour, Grain, Bacon, and all other Produce; w 11 exr cute orders lor oods or customers, and make the usual cash advances. All produce consigned to li m will be stored in the Fire-ptoof Warehouse of Mr. L. Hopkins, subject to the order of owners. Charges, customary rates cf the city. Can at all times be found at the Counting Room cf 1.. Hopkins. sl4-3m ASSIGNEES NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to JAMES M. SIMPSON are re quested to make immediate payment to the under signed; and all persons having claims against him, will please present the same. JOSEPH S. CLARK, ) . . „ *l4 ALBERT UATi 11, Assignees. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS AT WHOLESALE, IF M. X. MCHOLS has the pleasure of announcing m to Merchants visiting Augusta, that his stock of HATS, CAPa and BONNETS, for the F’ali trade, is now complete, and all those desiring Goods in his line, are in vited to call and examine it, ss they will be sold at prices that cannot tail to please. Successors to J. Taylor, Jr., A Co., opposite the 15 ink of Augusta. »14-ts $5 REWARD. OTHAVED OR sj IOLKX, a small GREY Cj HOUND, brown color, neck r alf white, all four feet and the tip of his tai white. Informal. >, u”t this offiae. sl4-dßt THIRTY DOLLARS REWARD. BTOI.KX from the subscriber, on the 2d inst., at the residence cf Mrs. Elizabeth Watscns, near White Oak Carop-Giound, a BoACK UOKSE, about seven years old, feet high, heavy built, and a little hump backed, considerably sun burnt. He is an elegant pacer, and a very good buggy Horse. I will give Ten Dol lars for informat:on so that I can get him, and also Twenty Dollars for the thief that stole him. JEREMIAH BLANCHARD. Thomson, Ga., Sept. 12, IsM. sl4-w2t NEGROES FOR SALE. VH A\ K lor sale several Negro Women, Girls and Tt Itjyf, among which are good Seamstresses, No. I Co ks, Washers and Ironers, general house servants, very desirable. F'or particulars, apply to s!4-lw C. E. GIKARDEY A CO. RUC RAW AY . —For sale a Rockaway, with harness, but little used,— as good as new. sl4 S.C. GRENVILLE A CO. FOR THE FALL TRADE. I\7 E have commenced receiving, Cloths, Cassimers and V V Vestings, of th*' newest and most fashionable order, for the Fall Trade. Gentlemen may rely upon having any article of Clothing they order made up in fashionable ani correct style. Our Stock embraces every article of Dress and conveni ence for the W’ardrobe. WM. O. PRICE A CO., sepilS Drap> rs and Tailors. NKW liOOKte, by the author of Sunny-Sile, Ac.: The Tell Tale, or Home Secrets, told by Old Travel lers, ty H. Fousta, author of Sunny-side, Ac. Little Ma ry, or Talks and Tales for Chldren, by H. Fousta. The Last Ltaf from Sunny-Side, by H. Foußta, author of Peep at Number Five, Ac., with a memorial ot the author, by Austin Phelps. Father Brighthopes, or an Old Clergy man’s Vocation ; by Paul Creyton. Burr Cliff', its £un .''.inc and its Clouds, by Paul Creyton. Hills, La»et and F .rest Streams, or a Tramp in the Chataugay Woods ; by 8. 11. Hammond. History of Cuba, or Notes of a traveler in the Trc pics, being apolitical, historical and statistical account ot the Island from its first discovery to the present time; by Maturen M. Ballou, illustrated. The Arctic Regions, being an account of the American Expedition in search of Sir John F’ranklin, undu- the patronage of Henry Grinnell, Esq. tVild Scenes in a Hunter’s Lite, including cunning .dventures among the Lions, Ac., with 800 illus trations Frontier Life, or Scenes and Adventures in the Southwest, by Francis Hardman. Just received and for sale at [»18] GEO. A. OATES A BROS., Broad-t. I^ICKI.Es. —Just received by Iron Steamboat Company JL Boats —13 boxes PICKLE., assorted size and kind. For sale by [»18] RUSSELL A SIBLEY. BAI OX.—Just received from Chattanooga, Tennes see. 11 Boxes BACON, 1 a , a . ~ 4 Hhds. do. f Sldes and Bhou!d ers. For sale by sepia RUSSELL A SIBLEY BO(»'I OX CRACKERS.—Just received by last sett of Boats, a few bbls. extra Boston CRACKERS, for sale by [slß] RUSSELL A SIBLEY. NEGRO CLOTHS. AI.EXAXDEH A VYKH4HT invite tne attention of Planters to their stock of NEiRO WOOLLENS, most of which is ol Southern manufacture, and their as sortment embraces some goods of very superior quality. OSNABUR iS, Georgia STRIPES and Plaid LINSEVS, all of which will be sold at low pric s. slB-dftw LOBi-TEIUs AXD OYSTKIIB.—IO doz. boxes OYB - LOBSTERS, 1 and 2 lbs. erch, hermitical ly sealed. Far sale by s!8 RUSSELL A SIBLEY. ALXIOXDfe AND RAIBIKB,—Just received by last sett of Boats— -3 bales Soft Shelled ALMONDS; 15 boxes RAISINS, whole, ha ves aud quarters. For sale by [s!3] RUSSELL A SIBLEY. SOAI’ AXI> CAXDEEW. —Just received by last sett of Boats— -50 boxes No. 1 80A P ; 50 do Sperm and Adamantine CANDLES. For sale by [ s l3] RUSSELL A SIBLEY. T A ill) —Just received by Iron Steamboat Co. Boats — AU 59 kegs Prime I.ARD ; 15 obW do ana Pressed DO. For sale by 813 _ RUSSELL A SIBLEY. N KV \ great work, “Fifty Years in both Hemispheres,” just received by * lB MoKINnE a HALL. NEW MOORS—Noctes, Ambrosiane; b/ late John Wjleon, Professor of Moral Ph losophy in the Univer sity of E hnburg, Editor of Blackwood’s Mavazine author of Is e of Palms, etc , etc., with Memories and Notes- br R. Sheldon Mackenzie, D. C. L., Editor fcheits Irish Bar ’ The Youth of Jtfferson, or a Chronicle of College Scranes at Williamsburg, Va., A. D. 1764. scrapes Aphejia, aud other Poems; by Two Cousins or the South Miss Julia Pleasants and Thos. Bibb Bradl y just receiyl fed fay si2 mckinne a hall. CUMMINGS’ MINOR W'ORRS-The Finger 7f God, Christ our Passover, The Comforter. Also, all the above la one volume, just received by sl2 THUS. RICHARDS A SON. MORE HATS, GENTLEME ! ~ JUST received Beebe A Co.’s Fall Style fashionablefV Moleskin HATS. Also, several cases of our manufacture—they are handsome and no mistake. Gall and see thrm at G. W. FERRY’S Fashionable Hat Store, Masonic Hall Building, Augusta, Ga. aul2 I kIG HAMS.—B,OOO lbs. Pig BACON, very choice, for X sale by [my2s] E. C. TINSLEY A CO. BUGGY AND HARNESS TOR BALE. tHAVK an excellent BUGGY and HARNESS for sale. sT WM.H. PRITCHARD. MACKKREL A few bbJ*. Extra Mess MACKEREL, to be taut [&u2o] RUSSELL & SIBLEY'S. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. BY BOYAL LETJEE3 PATENT. r |''HlS It YUlll)MAliliiN, or Water-Proof, Anti-Con- A sumptive CORK SOLES, manufactured by II Alt- COUR r, BRADLEY ACO, 44 Market-tt , Manchester. Principal Warehouse, lu2 Wood street,Cheapßide, Lon d'““B'and - Ameiicaa Establi-.hmi.nts, 8b Ann Street, and 102 Nassau Stre-1 New Yoik, U. S. The U YDROMADEN is a valuable discovery for pro tecting the feet from damp or cold, and therefore a pre ventative of many Lung diseases, withovt any doctoring whatever. The Uydromugen is in tne lorrn of a sole, and worn inside the boot or shoe. Its medicate)/ character is a powerful antidote tr disease. or Gentlemen it sill be found agreeable, warm, and healthy, to wear in the coldest or rainiest weather, a the foot cannot become wet if the Uydromugen is inserted.— Ladies may wear the lightest soled Boots or Shoes in the most inclement weather with impunity; while Consump tion, so prevalent among the young of our country, may be thwarted by their general adoption. They entirely super sede over-shoes, as the latter cause the feet to perspire in a very unhealthy manner; and, beside?, are not dange rous wear to pedestrians in icy weather, like India Rub bers. While the latter cause the feet to appear extremely large, the Uydromagen, being a mere thin slice of Cork prepared, peculiarly placed inside, does not increase the size of the boot, or cause the foot to appear untidy To Children they are extremely valuable, as they may en gage in exer. ise with comfort and healthy effects. Their expanse is so slight as to scarce need menti n; besides, those who patronize them will find their yearly doctor’# hill# much diminished thereby. Ab the Uyarotuagen is becoming more known, its sale is increasing to an almost incredible extent. Last year in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Glasgow, Leeds, Dublin, Paris, Antwerp, Hamburgh and Btrlin, our sab s reached 1,732,450 pairs of Cork boles. This year the number will far surpass that Ask the Faculty their opinion of their value as a pre ventative for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and Con sumption. Men’s Size, per pair, 85 cents. Ladies’ “ “ 80 “ Boys’ and Misses’ 26 “ Notice.—From ti e retail prices we make a very liberal allowance to Jobbers and Whole alers, so that any store keepei may make a line profit on their sale, wmle they ate an article that may be kept in any store, among any class of goods. For terms, apply to HAKOOURT, BRADLEY A CO., _slß-d*wßm 83 Ami-Street, Mew York. THE CHEST. SIK AteTLKY COOPER, BAHT., M. D„ the emi nent Medical Practitioner, has left a valuable legacy to the world in his great preventative of Consumption, and unfailing cure for Pulmonary Diseases, without the use of Medicine. Sir A. C., Bait., invented and advised the use of the MEDICATED FUR CUEBT PROTECTOR, to all persons of all ages and conditions, as a certain ami a safe shield against those fearful diseases, Consumption, bron chitis, Asthma, Coughs, Colds and otner afflictions of the Lungs, which arise from the exposed state of the chest, ac cording to fashion, and the continual changes of our cli mate. “The Protector ” is simply a chemically prepared Fur, lined with silk i nd pa ded, which, suspended from the neck, covers the chest, in so agree*!' ea manner that, once worn, it becomes a necessity and a comfort. “ The Protector,” althougn but recent y introduced into America is making rapid progress through the O. States, the Canadas,South America, and the West Indies. It ha for a long time been a staple article in Et gland and on the continent of Europe, while it lias grown in many countries to the position of an article of dress. To demonstrate these lacts enquire of any English resi dent in your vicinity of his knowledge cf the beneficial ef fects of wearing the Protector, without recourse to doctor ing of any kind The cost of wearing these articles is a mere trifle, and one will last some years. No one who values the health ot himself or Ins family wilt be without them. Tbe Hospitals in this country are Dot alone recom mending them, but rapidly introducing them. Harcourt, Bradley A Co., of London,and Manchester, England, were original y entrusted with the manulaclure of the Protec tors, by ihe lamented Dr. coope-, and eon tin eto manu facture according to his original instructions,and thsie fore recommend .hose v.ho would wear “The Protectors,” to see to their being genuine. Remember this is a s'apt? article , and no Patent Med icine. ISMAIL PRICKS.' Gent’s Size $1 60 each. Ladies’ “ 1 00 *• Boys’and Misses'cize 75 “ HARCOURT, BRADLEY A CO., 88 Ann Street and 102 Massau Street, Mew York, ( . S'. Principal Warehouse, le2 Wools ~ cheapside, London. Manufactory, 44 Market-Street, Manchester, England E. B. A Co. are establishing Lit pots Ur the sue of ‘‘ The Protector ”iu all ptrts of America Ph sic.ans, burgeons Druggists, Clothiers, Dry Goods Merchants, Hat era and' Milliners also Gentlemen's Furnishing Hiore Keepers are entrusted with the wholesale and retail distribute n i f them, and to whom most liberal terms are offered tor their enterprise, and a splcii id opportunity opens to third for sa e and profitable bosine s. For terms, apply to HARCOURT, BRADLEY A CO., 813 diwSra 88 Ann Sire t. York , U. s'. 1 1 auk 111 Kit's IMBTRUCTOR 1 r dying Silk, Cot- A ton, Wool and Worsted ai d Woolen Go ds, etc., con taining nearly eight hundred receipts, by David Scat h, I Pattern Dyet. Tables for finding the mean height cf Cross SeciioDs and Cubic contents of Excavations and Embank ments ;by Pattick Lyon. The Practical Surgeon’s Guide. Rural Chemistry; by Edward Solly. Struggles for L;le, or the Aulob egraphy of a Dissenting Minister. Also, sequel to the Neighbour’s Children, from the German; by Mrs. Ba:ah A. Myers. For sale bv s!2 THUS. RICHARDS A SON. BOOKh. —Now a-days. Fashion and Famine; by Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens. Chesunt Wood; by Liele Linden. Time and Tide, or Strive and Win; by A. 8. Roe. Capt. Canot, or Twenty Years of an African Sliver—an account of bis career and adventures on the coast, Ac.; by Brantz Mayer. English Items,or Microscopic Views of England and Englishmen ; by Matt. F. Ward. Notes of a Theo logical Student; by Jas. M. Hoppin. Cavendish, or The Patrician at Sea; by W. Johnson Neale, Esq. The Ora tor’s Touchstone, or Eloquence Simplifl.-d—embracing a comprehensive system of instruction lor the improvement of the voice ; by Hugh McQueen. Just received and for sale by [si] McKINNE A HALL. NEW HOOKS.—TneComf rter, or Thoughts on the Inti uenceof the Holy Spirit; by Rev. J no. Cumming, j D. D Christ our Passover, or Tnoughts on the Atone ment; by Rev. John Camming, D. D. Struggles for Life, an autobiography. Cumming's Minor Work, containing the Finger of God, Ac. Sequel to the Neighbor’s Chil dren, from the German; by Mrs. Sarah A. Myers. Just published, an i for sale at s7 GEO. A.OATES A BRO., Broad-st, AUGUSTA SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFAC TORY, -j AO BKOAD-BTKKKT, under the Augusta Hotel. 1* *0 At the above establishment can be found a large and well se ected assortment of SADDLE--, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, CARPET-BAGS, VALISES, Ac., which will be sold on accommodating terms. Work of all kind made to order with neatness and despatch. HATCH A BEGBIE. Augusta, August 29th, 1854. au3o SADDLEDY, AC.—FALL TRAPE-1854, SH HUMAN, JESSUP & CO., late Wright, Nichols A Co., haviDg increased their arrangements for manu facturing and importing, are prepared to exhibit an unu sually large and varied assortment of SADDLES, BKI DLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES CARPET-BAGS, and every description of Goods in that line. Also, a heavy stock or SADDLERY, HARDWARE, COACH TRIMMINGS, SPRINGS, AXLkB, CASTINGS, .ic., which are offered to dealers and manuiacturers at low prices upon their usual liberal terms for approved credit, at No. 239, Broad-st., 2d door above Bank of Augusta. s7-d*twdm 100 DOZEN FRENCH CALF SKINS. OW arriving of favorite brands and assorted weights, xN warranted fresh. For sale on favoraole terms at the Saddlery Warehouse «>f SHERMAN, JEr-SUP ACO , late Wright, Nichols A C0.,289 Broad st., 2d door above the new Bank of Augusta. s7-dttw3m SHOE FINDINGS. AL.AKUK assortment of every article in the line, comprising in part French and American LINING SKINS, of all colors; Sheep and Goat BINDINGS; Gal loon LACES; WEBS, CORDS, Copper, Zinc and Iron SPARABLES and Shoe NAILS, TACKS, flat and round head; every variety of French KIT an i TOOLS; BOOT TREES asd CRIMPS, LASTS, PEGS, Ac. F’orsale on ac commodating terms at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239, Bioad-st., 2d door above the new Bank of Augusta. s7 datwSm MACHINE BELTING, I >ATKNT Riveted, Stitched and Cemented, -ingle and _L double, all widths, from 1t024 in he 3. These Beits are made from whole hi .ss, best quality of Leather, long used aud approved by the inns' extensive manufreturers and machinists in Georgia and adjoining States. A large stock always on hand at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A 00., late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 289, Broad-gt., 2d door above the new Bank of Augusta. s7-datw3m DISSOLUTION. fTMIK CO-I’AIITN KRtelllP heretofore existing be- X tween the subscribers, under the firm of W. H. HOWARD A SON, is this day dis olved by mutual consent. Either of us will use the name of t< e firm in liquidation. WM. U. HOWARD, September Cth, 1854. GEO. J. HOWARD. THE SUBSCRIBER having removed to the store under the Franklin House, and opposite the Planters’ Hotel, will continue the GROCERY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS in all its branches on his own account. He will give his personal attentk n to the sale of Colton, Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Hay, and to all kinds of produce con signed to him, and hopes by strict attention to business, and the advantages ot several years experien e, will ena ble him to please all who may favor him with their . at ronage. Cotton stored in a Fire proof Warehouse. WM. H. HOWARD. September 6th, 1854. sS dßw*w3m NEW UOllKn.—Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Anne Stephens. Ethan Allen, and the Green Moun tain Heroes of ’76, with a sketch of the early history of Vermont. Easy Nat,tr the Three Apprentices, a tale of life in New York and Boston,but adapted to any meridiaD, by A. L. Stinson, editor of the Express Messenger. The Master’s House, a Tale of Southern Life ; by Logan. Bertha and Lil y, or the Parsonage cf Beech Glen, a Ro mance; by Elizabeth Oaks Smith. Tlconderoga, or the Black Eagle, arc mance of a d iy not far distant ; by G. P. R. James. Hermits Dell, from the Diary ol a Penciller ; also, a supply of Dodd Family, Sir Jasper Carew, Clara Moreland, Ac. Also received, Graham’s Magazine, and Peterson’s Magazine, for September, at seplß GEO. A. OATES A BROS., Broad-st. MRS. STOWE’S NEW BOOK.—Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands; by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Siowe. Also, the Three Colonies of Australia, their Pastures, Cop per Mines and Gold Fields; by Samuel Sidney : London edition, with numerous Engravings. For sale by 83 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. r pHK ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE, a Book A for Young Farmers; by George E. Waring, Jr., Con sulting Agriculturist. For sale by 8» THOS RICHARDS & SON. Havana. skgars—io.suo t m sugars; 22,750 0 lv SUGARS, just imported, by E<J Dawson a skinner. *)j | |WR| LBS. small Tenu. BACON, (hog round,) lor £IMJI/V/ sale by HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. m/10 SUPERIOR MUSTARD.—We have just received 100 doz. of Hudson’s Mustard. Jels WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. RYE HOUSE PLOT, vol. 2; by Reynolds, just pub lighed, and for s.. le at 19 (WO. A, OATES A Him, Broad-st, THE AUGUSTA MACHINE WORKS AUK now prepared to do tbe following kinds of wo: k witi» neatcesa and despatch : n k v?r a ?, U i* oILBRS , of any style or finish ; TEL.Vor BmidPog l |fRON ffl i HILLS * nd LIN ' • LKI * A 0u 1 R8 > of all kinds and descriptions, made in the moat substantial and beautiful manner; Wheels tor Banno warranted ! ronayear. F uIePP RAILINGS, of various styles for Balconies or CASTINGS, of all descriptions, made to BLACKSMITH WORK done in the best manner. ■ ‘ l. 1 'm 11 dsof Mill and Giu-giaiiug,Hhaft mg, Pulleys, Wa er Wheels, Ac , on hand. liRASc OUSTING will also have our attention PLANING AND SAWING LUMBER.’ Flooring—Planed, Tongued and Grooved at $5.00 per 1000 feet superficial; Ceding—Planed, Tongued and Grooved at 5 00 per 1000 eet superficial; " T’ui —7’ianed and Jointed 4.00 perlOOO feet Planing—-both sides, $3.00 per 1005 superficial feet. Use of Circular Saw and one man will be .5c per hour Heavy Sawing, requiring two men, will be $l per hour. All orders must be left in the oflice, not in the shop. Lash wil be requir d in all cases unleas otherwise agreed upon with W. M. HIGHT, Gen’l Superintendent sa-dawJy LAROCHE & MILLER UAVK just received, by steamer Knoxville, choice Hams, butter, cheese, soda crackers on ions, POTA Ots, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, Smoked bEEF, COD FISH, and a variety of Family Groceries whi h we offer for sale, corner of Centre and Broad-streets' sB-3t TO HIKE, 1 0 MEN, until the Ist day of January. Also 11/ 8 N gro Women, among which are House Servants' and a fine Nurse. E-quire of W. H OAKMAN Ju ’ At J. J. Byrd’s, upper end of Broad-street, on and after the 18th inst. g g t s HOUSEHOLD WOIiDS, for September, has been received. Subscribers will please call for tneir copies. Knickerbocker, for September, has been received. Illustrated Magazine of Art has been received for Sep tember. Also, Frank Leslie’s Ladies Gazette, for Septem ber. For sale at s 9 GEO. A, OATES & BROS., Broad-st. ljOtil'KLA!\ VAKES.—A very extensive Selection X of FRENCH CHINA VASES, of the newest styles, at the Crockery Store of |s9] E. MUSTIN. FREE TRADE AND NO MONOPOLY! WHO SAYS GAS OR LEAD PIPES? JIIOW H A CO., Plumbers and Gas Fitters, at the « corner of Jack-on and Telfair streets, immediately in the rear of the Baptist Church, would like to know. We take pleasure in stating that we are now prepared to run GAS and WATER PIPES into stores, dwellings, churches, facto,ies, public buildings, Ac., at as lowa rate of as good material anil workmanship as can be obtained and done in any Southern city. In addition to this we will keep a constant supply, and precure at the shortestnoti e the following articles, viz; Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, Halt Burners, Stiff and Flexible Drop Lights, Gas Pipes of all sizes, Lead and Block Tin Pipes, Water Closets, Wash -Basins of various patterns, Wood Bathing Tubs, lined with Copper and Lead; Copper and Brass Shower Baths, Cooking Ranges, with or Aithout Water Racks; Copper and Galvanized Circulating Boilers; Cast Iron Sinks, for Kitchens or Pan tries,of al sizes and patterns; Brass and Iron Lift and Force Pomps of various patterns anu sizes AD orders left at the shop or with the Superintendent of the Gas Works will be personally and punctually attend ed to JOHN ROWE, s 5 ly G. 8. HOOKEY. / \HHAP I’l BLICATIONS Hard Times, a new V story; by Ohas. Dickens. Rosa Woodvide, or the Jadcr’s Daughter ; by Alex Dumas. Rosa Lai' bert, or Me uoirs of an Unfortunate Woman; b> G. W. M. Rey nolds. The Gentleman’s Daughter, or A Great City’s Temptations ; oy the author of Mabel, the Actress, Ac. Dark Shades of City Lite; by the auto r of the River Pi rates. Isabella, or the Prill--of Palermo—a romance; by the author of the Autobiography of an Orphan Girl, etc. Fearless Fred,or the Highwayman s Bride; by the author o' Claude Duval, Paul Clifford, Ac. Paul Deverel), or Two Judgments for One Crime; by J. Ingraham Mary Bu chanan, or In s! airiach ; by the author of Three Nights in a Lifetime. Garn lie, cr the Rover’s Oath; by Chas. P. Hi. key. W alter Warreo ;or the Adventurer of the North ern Wilds; by Owen Duhy. The Image of his Father, or One B ,y is mor. trounlo than a dozen Girls; bs the author o f W >ora to Marry and how so get Married. The Wheel of Misfortune by Ned Buntline. The Adventures of Her cules Hardy; by Eugene Sue. For sale by s 3 MoKINNE A HALL. TO RENT, BV TIIK Ist October, a Tenement HOUSE on jps Elus st.,ju«t below the Lower Market, lately oc copied by Mr. Ward. Also, a Square cf Land in the Upper part of the city, with b or 10 Houses on the prem sea, suitable fo r a Coun try Public Douse, with a large Wagon Yard and Stables at ached. For terms, Ac., apply to JAS. ADAMS, 812-Jtf or L. DWKLLB. PLANTERS’ HOTEL. npHIW splendid new House, situated on Broad street- A immediately in front of the site of the old Planters* Hotel, which has been furnished throughout with new Furniture, Bedding, Ac., wltl be open for the reception of customers on Saturday next. It will be the endeavor of the Proprietor, to give satisfact ion to those who may favor him with their custom. 012-dtwAwtf J. M. SIMPSON, Proprietor. / WM)l.b ts—loo boxes of good and prime Adamantine VJ CANDLES, for sale low, by jy2o HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. OTIt’K TO PUVBIL'I \.\B.—We have constantly 1’ on hand the largest assortment of Surgical and Dental INSTRUMENTS ever brought to this market For sale low,by [jy!s] D. B. PLUMB A CO. VA'OTHHIt tel I’Pl.Y—The Lamplighter. The Mis ter Hou.-e, a ta'e of Southern Life; hy Logan. Fern Leases, from Fanny’s Portfolio, btrugges for Life, au Autobiography. Just leceived, and for sale by sS McKINNE A HALL. I I teT ARKH U), a fine lot of Indiana and Ohio fl HORSES, for sale at the Palace Stables, low for cash or on slnrt time. sS-6t CVWIJS.— SO boxe , a.- rted St am CANDY, just re- J ceived per steamer, and for sa e ch ap, by j>2o HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. ti I HtlDte. very choice N. O Sugar, now landing. «)U au2 HAND WILLIAMS A CO. I)OT.VteH. — \ very superior article POTASH,just re ceived [Jy25) W. H. A J. TURPIN. \irHIBKKY.— 50 bbis. Rectified WHISKEY, for sale YV by ; 6j K.-THS A RICHMOND. MACKKHKJL. —Nos 1,2, 3 and 4, in whole, half and quarter bbls. For sale by jj-30 HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. \ T IN KG AU7—SO bbls Pure Cider VINEGAR ; V 10 do. White Wine Do. Ju-t re ceivel by [jyßß] HAND WILLIAMS A CO. ! > Altel.Nte. —A few half and quarter boxes fin>‘ RAISINS, IVt j be had at [au2o] RUSSELL A SIBLEY’S. HARPERS’ MAGAZINE, for September, edges trimmed, has been received, and is for sale at ao3l GEO. A. OATES A BRO., Broad-st. / VOOKY’S LADY’S BOOK and Arthur’s Home Y7T Magazine, for September, has been received at auSl GKO A. OA I'EB A BRO., Broad-st. MUSTARD. —100 boxes superio. New-York MUS TARI), just received and for sale 1 y aa3o 8. C. GRENVILLE & CO. I)EPPBR, —20 boxes fresh Ground Black PEPPER, just received and for sale bv au2o S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. 1> AUOJi AND FEATHERS for sale low to close consign > ment. [tuis] DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. i TIKE’S MAGNOLI A \\ iiIteKKY —1 OO bbta. in store, aud for sale by jy2l ' DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. FEACH STONES WANTED rl''HKsubscriber wishes to obtain one or two busheis 1 of fresh PEACH STONES. When taken from 32 the fruii they should be packed in moist sand, to prevent them fr un becoming dry. Apply at this office to autg-dtf D. REdMOND. HA MS —5/100 lbs. Tennessee Hams, just received, and for -ale by s 2 S. O. GRENVILLE A CO. ORANGES —5 bbls. Sweet Oranges, just received, and lor -ale by s 2 8, C. GRENVILLE ,t CO. ClHAiKte —Will be sold, to close consignment, 10 doz. I ) Greoi n Cane Seat Chairs ; 8 do. Windsor Chairs, manufactured in Columbia, 8. C. •2 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. T TNI ON BANK CHECK BOOKS, all sizes, for sale IJ by [si] THOS. RICHARDS A SON. Sketches of the Irish bar ; by the Rt. Hon. Richard Laler Sheel, M. I\, with memoir-s aud notes by U. Shelton Mackenzie, D. C. L., in 2 vol. For sale at au2 GEO. A. OATES A BROS., Broad-st. SKIDIATZ POWDERS.—A fresh lot of SEIDLITZ POWDERS, warranted pure and full weights. Just eoeived at [au22] W. U. A J. TURPIN’S. CILARIFIED AND REFINED SUGAR.—A large J st 'Ck on hand. HAND, Wli LIAMS ACO. july 30 HALE —A superfine Smut Machine, made by i Leonard Smith. SCRANTON,SEYMOUR A CO., au2 No. 2, Warren Block. I TICK. —50 Tierces of dill rent dualities, just received 1U by [iy3o] HAND, WILLIAMS ACO rT''o HIRE.—We will hire, until Chiistmas next, a A House Servant and nurse, a Girl 17 years old. Also, a Cook, Washer and Ironer, a Woman about 29 years old. [aulOJ 8. 0. GRENVILLE A CO. CdOW HIDKB FOR HALE. Apply to J julyl4 W. H. PRITCHARD. POR HALE, by HAND, WILLIAMS A CO., JD 70 dozen BROOMS; 50 “ assorted PICKLES, in quarts half gallons and gallons; 15 dozen LE vioN SYRUP ; 100 bozes No. 1 SOAP ; 25 “ Pale do. 100 “ SODA, in pound papers; 25 kegs Bi Carb. SODA ; ' 2 casks Extra LEMON SYRUP. au2 IN teTOUK, and for sale by DAWSON & UiramSmi h’s FLOUR from new Wheat; Smoked BEEF, tfresli); New COD-FISH ; Irish POTATOES . Fresh Boston CRACKERS; Pure Cider VINEG AR; White Wine “ imported. s 9 « a OLAteteKH —5o htuls. VV. I- Molasses, in extra order, iVI fer sale by au2 HAND, WILLI AMS A CO. AGGING. —250 bales GUNNY BAGGING, some oli very heavy, lor sale by myl7 HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. ¥TAND BOOK OF CHEMISTRY.—-Historical, H practical and Technical. By F. A. Abel, Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Mi itary Academy, Woolwich, Ac/ For sale by je2l) THOS. RICHa RDS A SON. r AtVA~LBS. Choice Small Round Out HAMS For SUUU sale by [aug 27] ESTES A RICHMOND. SUGAR— 10 boxes white Havana Sugar, just received. ami lor isle by A S. 0. UHENYLLLE * 00. LOTTERIES. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY! c. i, {By authority of the State o; Alabama) \* /, OONDOOTICD ON THK HAVANA PLAN. Class E, to be Drawn Bep. 20, 1854.aMWai “ 5000 “ !!!!’.!!!!!!! "I!!!.!!!... sooo “ 1500 In all, 238 prizes, amounting to $30,000 Tickets $5.00 —Halves and Quarters in proportion. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. 8. SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lions. Montgomery, Ala., August 20, 1854. au22-td GREENE & PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES. Managed, Drawn and Brizes paid by i'i e wellknown atid responsible firm us GREGORY ft MAURY SALES CLOSE EACH DAY AT 2 O’CLOCK Drawn Numbers Class 218— at Savannah, Sept. 13: 83 42 1.5 78 64 15 52 6 f 56 28 34 57 69 CLASS 220—t0 be drawn at Savannah Friday, Sept. 15. A Beaut : ful Scheme. $7,500! $2,500; $1,198; $1,100; 2 of $800; 2 of SSOO, Ac., Ac.— Tickets $2 —shares in proportion. Risk on a package ol 26 quarters, $7.05. CLASS 57—by Delaware 213 —to be drawn on Saturday, Sept. 16. Grand Scheme. $87,5 .10 ! 8 prizes $10,000; 8 of $5,000; 2 of $3,272; 25 of $1,000; 52 of $400; 200 of S2OO, besides numerous others. Tickets slo—shares in proportion. CLABB 222—t0 be drawn in Augu-ta on Monday, Sept. 18. Lucky Scheme. SIO,OOO ! ! $2,000; $1,747; $1,190: 2 nrites of SI,OOO, Ac. Tickets $2.50 —Shares ir. proportion. Risk on a package of 25 quarters $6 55. EXTRA CLASS 58 —by Delaware 215, Tuesday, Sept. 19. Splendid Scheme. $25,000. 5 Prizes of $6,000; $1,743; 10 of SI,OOO, Ac. Tickets ss— in proportion. CLASS 224—t0 be drawn in Augusta on Wednesday, September 20. Favorite Scheme. $8,975! $2,600; $1,840; 2of SI,OOO, Ac., Ac. Tickets $2 —shares in proportion. Risk on a package of 25 quarters, $7 40. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent. On Jackson-street, next the Globe Hotel. ISIF” All orders from the city or country, strictly confi dential. s is Gt KNT’te Calf Congress GAITERS, received by U »8 ALDRICH & ROYAL. tx ENT’S superior fine Calf pegged BOOTS, received by U sS ALDRICH A ROYAL. CARPETINGS ! CARPETINGS!! TL ST OPENED by the subscriber, an 1 offered at the lowest market pr ces, a very fine lot of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CARPETINGS, which are well assorted in prices, styles and qualities. 89 J. P. SEIZE. TO MERCHANTS. I OFFER to Ci«y a d Country Merchants a large and well selected stock of CROCKERY, (j %/ GLASS and CHINA. Thoso wishing to purchase, v g will find it to their interest to call at 294 Broad-stree . ■l2 El.l MUSTIN. PHIN ZY ft CLAYTON, \ \ rAREHOUSE AND (UVl.VlltetelON MER t> CHANTS, Augusta, Ga. s 6 6m POLK COUNTY LAND. 1 OFFER for sale my plantation in Po ! k county, four miles east of Cedar Town, on the Van Wert road, consisting ol seven hundred and twenty acres of Land, 240 acres cleared and in cultivation; Gin-house and Screw; Orchards of the best kind and good water. Call and look. s7 wlm H. F. WIMBERLY. OAK SOLE LEATHER, iI''XTHA trimmed N. J inspected Slaughter HIDES, a "U supe ior article, and worthy the attention of City Boot Makers. Also a large assortment of Ba timore Span ish Oak Sole, for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse. SHERMAN, JEScUP A CO., late Wright, Nichols A Co., 239 Broad st., 2d door above new Bank of Augusta. s7 d*twom HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, IN every variety of weight and quality. Also, Harness, Skirting, Bridle, Band, Picker, Lacing and Roller LEATHER, and every description of Patent LEATHER always on hand and for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse. SHfRMAN, JESSUP A CO., iate Wright, Nichols A Co., 259 Broad-st., 24 coor above the new Bank of Augusta. *7 d*twßm RECEIVED THIS DAY, 2te BOXES fresh Soda CRACKERS; */ 5 bbls. Butter do.; 500 lbs. fresh Smoked BEEF; 3 bbls. Pickled TONGUES; 500 lbs. new COD-FISH ; 5 bbls. POTATOES; 2 “ White BEANS; 15 boxes new CHEESE ; 1000 lbs. Sugar Cure t Canvassed HAVfg. For sale by 812 G. T. DuRTIC. SILVER WARE. JL»T received fine patterns SPOONS, FORKS, Fish and Cake KNIVES, and Silver CUPS, all or which are as pure as coin. [mh2l] OSBORNE A WHITLOCK. OO 000 *£Q^jj’ hoice 840011 SIDES; 2,000 bushel ’ SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO., je9 Ne. 2, Warren Block. HA It I) TIMES, a Novel; by Charles Dickens, from Dickens’ Housi hold Word-, price 25 cents. For sale at auid GEO. A. OATKS A BROS., Broad-st. CIORKte. —A fine assortment of Demijohn, Jug, Bottle J and Vial CORKS. For sale by aulß D. B. PLUMB A CO. CASH paid for WOOL, or will exchange for Wool, “Richmond Factory Woolens.” fcCKANi ON, SEYMOUR A CO., Rd 2 No. 2, Warren Block. BUTTER AND LARD.—IO kegs East Tennessee BUTTER and LARD. For sale by jyS DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. ASfORKte OP Dll. CA MMING—New Series—Con- Y Y sisting of Lectures on the Apocalypse, Lectures on Daniel; Lectures on the Miracles; Lectures on the Finger of God; Christ om Passover ; Christ our Comforter. Just received by [sS] McKINNE A HALL. \ITILLIts’ LATE HORK.—Famous Persons and YY Places; by N. Parker Willis, in one volume. Alio, Chcsnut Wood—a l’aie; by Liele Linden. For sale by si THOS. RICHARDS A SON. FOR SALE. VI.OT of fine, we ! l-broke young MULES, two fine HORSES, one laige WaGON. iron axletree, with Har ness, one second-hand CARRIAGE. Eaquire of W. 11. OAKMAN, Jk., At J. J, Byrd’s, upper end of Broad-street, on and after the lStli inst. s9-tf CAUTION. ALL persons are forewarned from trading for, or in any w.se receiving, any Notes of hand signed by Thos. H White A Co., or T. H. Whi.e A Co., which bear date afte the first day of October, ISSI. as no person, since that date, has had any authority to use said name, and 1 will enforce the law to its extent, if any such note or notes are presented for payment. H. W. MABSENGALE. Chattanooga, Sept. 4,1854. s7 twlm STORE TO RENT fpHK STORK at present occupied by Mr. H. T. Peay, X at the Lower Market. Apply to WM. H. PRITCHARD. DWELLING TO RENT. THE comfortable DWELLING on Ellis street, now JfSZs occupied by Mr. A. Sturgez. Apply to j§jjjl s 5 WM. M. PRITCHARu. A LIKELY NE44RO GIRL said to be a good House servant. For sale by s 5 E. C. TINSLEY A CO. HARPERS’ .MAGAZINE, for September, for sale by [si] THi»S. RICHARDS A SON. HARPERS’ JMAtJAZIBTB, for Septeinoer, leaves cut, just rece ved and for sale by si MoKINNE A HALL. npltK PILGRIMS OF WALSINGHAN, or Tales of the X Middle Ages, an Historical Romance: by Agnes Strickland. Also, the following New Novels—Gideon Giles, or the Struggles of Life. The Adventures of Clarence Bolton, or Life in New York. Garnelle, or the Rover’s Oath. The Empress of the Isles, or the Lake Bravo. Just received by jy6 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. Cl GAR.—IOO Hhds. from Fair to Ol >ice N. 6. SUGAR IO just received and for sale low by jy3o HAND, W LLIAMSACO. 'VTEW ORLEANS MOL AteteEls'.—soo bbls. "choice 14 N. O MOLASSES, for sale from the whai fby ly 30 _____ WILLIAMS A CO. \TEW BOOKS.—The American l oitage Builder, a se i_x ries of designs, plans and specifications from S2OO to $20,000, for houses for the people , by John Bullock, Arch itect a d Civil Engineer, etc. Our Honey Moon, and other Comicalities from Punch illustrated. Just received, and for sale by au 1 __ Mo-INNE A HALL. TOILET ARTICLES.—We have just received a beautiiul assortment of rich Toilet Articles, among which are Lubin’s Soaps and Extracts, Pi mid’s celebrated Extract Bouquet, Louise and Maria, and Cologne. jyls D. B. PLUMB A OO^ C TOFFEE.—600 bags good to prime Rio COFFEE; J 50 bags prime Laguira COFIEE; 50 “ “ Java “ Just received and for sale low by jy3o HAND, WILLIAMS A 00. HORSE FOR SALE.—For sale, a good plantation HORSE. Apply to je3 E. C. TINSLEY A CO. Bacon on" consignment—to,ooo ibs. choice Tennessee BACON, for sale low, by jyUO HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. I TOR HALE, by HAND, WILLIAMS A 00., X* 10 tierces fresh beat RICE ; ' 60 boxes No. 1 and Pearl STARCH ; It) bbls. Extra Sugar House SYRUP; 50 “ Pure Cider VINEGAR; 25 “ Crushed SUGAR; 20 “ Powdered do. 150 “ A, B and 0 Clarified SUGAR: 800 sacks CORN ; 75 “ OATS. au24 _ YARN 1811, WHITE LEAD, Ac.-On the River and uaily expected, Coach Body and Furniture VAR NISHES ; 14 HITE LEAD, pure and No. 1; COLORS, in Oil and Water; PAINTERS’ MATERIALS, Ac. au22 W. H. A J. TURPIN. | MiKKteKMAN'B ARABIAN D£LBASl'■ ARABIAN LINIMENT; F K S VEBMIFUGE; JAYNE’S SANATIVE PILLS; 10BIAS VENETIAN LINIMENT, and BECKER’S EYE BALSAM,just received dlrMmmtfF..prl“ M „b, w.tt.iJ.TUMIN, ~ZaUCTION SALi'.S. “ Y CAMILLE E.JJIRARDEY & Cl. 'ffw/.s on account of the Underwriters and all Concerned. I?KIDAY, in frouUrf’£/***♦ X 1 lor and on account a 11 o’clock, will be sold, {sugars, A 11 and C, slightly dam' :< i no . criie(i ’ 1,0 bbis. Ctff;e liY S. <:. dIIKM iu,k & co. Extensive Sale of Bagging, Hope and~oth.er Article* thiTday' ' TjiBIDAY, 15th inst., will be sola, on board the steams JT fashion, below the 11. id; e, at lo o’clock eamer 69 Bales GUNNY BAGGING; 40 Coils Kentucky ROPE, aLd other articles dam aged in Savannah by the late storm. ALSO, Crushed aud Powdered SUGAR, CABTINGS, Ac. Terms—Sums under SSOO, 60 days; over SSOO, 9o days euuorted notes. sl4 ’ BY CAMILLE EL GIIUKDJEY & L<~ . THIS DAY r hi front , of 3tore * at li} % o’clock A M., will Ca ‘“ r - L-'d . , ALSO ZJ!pS. »■“> lIY (J. eT girardey & CO. Aew and Second-hand House and Palor Furniture. THIS DAY fajn F'*V l^ Y ’, 1 , sth inst ‘* iufront of atore, at 10# a'UZAc x. a. m., will be sola, the following invoice of haDdsome ST Pa,1 v. r Fur ,uiture, belonging to a respectable family, declining house-keepiDg, to wi : 1 hp.endid M .hogany sofa, superior upholstering; 2 “ M d ah Caße Bur ' au > Mat ogany, with Mirrors ; 1 .< « « K,Marble top, with Glass: 2 Marble top enclosed Wash Stands • 1 Pine double Wash Stand; tanas, 2 Walnut extension patent D'ning Tables -1 Mahogary Pillai and Plint Table; ’ 1 Dressing Marble Top “ 2 High post Poplar Bedsteads, large ; 1 “ Curl Maple “ 1 Mah. french Cottage “ 1 Wainut “ “ X doa. spiuder hack cano seat Oak Chairs • 7 Matrassts, 1 do. single. * ALSO, OiPcwh“ g l C o of Three-Ply and In fenders, MHrors, Mah Cane°an 1 w° V s k Tong8 ’ Brass Curl Maple an™ Mah « and Wood b Atom Chairs, Wardrobes MatUng CrockerTcutn 004 " 3 ’^^ 8 ’ Sa,e3 ’ en fa, n aure 1 J, UUkry ’ and lot oS J R lteh ‘ BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO T l P>D Vi ’ ? tfth ID3t ’ at 10 o’clock A M., we will sell, rA a , res ,J " nce rccent'y occupied by Mr. Salsberry, on Reyno d-street, the Household and Kitchen Furniture eonsisung in part, o’ Chairs, Tables, Cluck, Lamps, Crock-’ ery \V are, Carpets Window Curtains, Card Table* Kotk lug Lrairs, Mirrors OentreTaides,Sofa*,B ds, Bedsteads and Bedding, Bureaus, Stoves, Pots Ovens, and ei er - trJ tide usually to Le found n a private resilience. Terms caßn - _ _____ siS BY S. C. GKENVILLE &CO ’ bale under a proc edinq for Partition, O Y virtue of an order of the Suj erior Court of Richmond i C i, Dt<,e, ' r fc'*a. the undersigo d Commissi, cere will seh on the hrs Tuesday in OCTOBER next, at the Lower th H ? U n e la Al l usta ’ liu,h,(f th « usual hours Os public VC U ’ ‘bcJo lowing described Real Estate, bdonging to in common Malfit ‘ d and Kl,Za Vir K-nia Baitield, as tenants Ail that lot of Land, with the improvements thereon, on the sou h side of Broad-street in the city of Augusta, bounded on the north b r Broad-street, on the east bv real estate held by Andrew J. Miller, as trustee for Mrs l lequet, on toe somh i y Eilis-sireet, and ou the west bv hml estate owned or occupied by Mrs. smith ; it being the Brick Store, with a Dwd ing over heal, fronting about twe ty si vtn leet on Bioad street tear the Loner Maiket House, and running th ough o'i.ke width to Elli street with a wooden h us-on Ellis street The brick *to-«s and dwelling on Broa street are now rented to and occupied by i ho a. as R. Rhodes. 1 Terms—une-thDd of the purchase money to be paid in cash, the other two-thirds to i e secured by note and morigage. The note to oe made paya 1 le on the Ist Janu ary, iss . with interest from the day of sale. The proper, ty to oe in ured for the amount of purchase money unpaid and policy to be tre; sterred The rent notes for the com «• ing year will be transf- rred to the purchaser. JOHN K JACKbON, i WII.LXAM A. \V ALTON, -Commissioners geokge g. McWhorter, j August 26, 1554. ’ BY C. E. GIKAUDEY T^CoT ADM IXIKT li ATOtt’e* SALE.—WiII be sold, at the Lower Mark-t House, in tne city of Augusta, on the Ist Tuesday in OCTOBER next, within the legal hours of sale, (by order Court of Ordinary) a tract o’ Laud con taining f rt -five acres, (more or less) lying and b- ing in the county of Richmond, near the Quaker Springs, bel'-ng i g to the estate oi G. P. Flanigan, adjoining laud, of Francis Tompkins, Arthur Smith, John Skinner anti Thom as Bealle. Said tract will be sdd subject to a mortgage for s6oo and interest. 9 * August 16, 1554. Ob well E. CAS KIN, Adm’r. BY CAMILLE E.JJIRARDEY & , Executor's Site of an ex ensive Stock of Jetcelrv. (rota and Surer matches, Materials, store Fixtures ' dec., die., at Auction. \\hhDNKsD vi, the 27tu September next, at 10V o’clock, A. M., will be sold agreeable to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, at tfce s<.ore of the *ftto Thos. W yreeman, tieceased- the entire contents of said store, consisting in part of Gold and Silver Watches, am mg them being Lever De tached do., single and hunting cases, and of the ’best ma - ers. Jevviilry.—Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Chatte lai.ado.; Medallions, Watch Seals, Ear-drops.. nd Rings Smd Buttons, Bracelets, Cuff Pins, Seal, Set and Plain Rings, Lockets, Ac., «e. Silver and Plated Goods, consisting of heavy Table Spoons, Tea do.; Knives, Castors, Ac A large number oi first and second-h -nd S and 80 day Brass Clocks, with wtights and springs. —ALSO— -1 Regulator, 8 Work Benches, 1 Chest of Drawers 1 Up right Desk, 1 Secretary, 1 Iron lire proof iiafe 1 high Glass Case,4 handsome Show Cases, Tables. Sofas’ Ac 6 -ALSO— Stock of ma’erials, consisting of Watch Glasses, Main spr.n ;s and such articles as are usually required in the Jewelry business. The attent on of the public are invited to examine their Goods, as they are positively to be sold to close up the business of the late Thos. \V. Freeman, diceased. rales will commence on Wednesday morning, and con tinue at night if not closed out during the day until ail is sold. Every artde wi Ibe warranted as represented Terms cash before delivery. JOEL N. FREEMAN, Ex’r., , pj l Estate of Thos. W. Fremaa, deceased. August 16,1664. OU l HO.YKYMAN, and other Comicalities from Puncn—illustrated by J. M’Clenan. The Am-rieac Cotta e Builder, a series of D signs, Plans, and Specifi cations frem 20c to s2u,ooo,for Homes for the People; by John Bulloch, Architect, Civil Engineer, M.chanic’an and Editor of the History and Rudiments of Architecture, Rudiments of the Art of Building, <*e. The Knickerbocker for August has also been received at aull GEO A. OATES A BRQ , Broad-st. THE HOUSE, FIFTH AVENUE, CORNER OF EIGHTH-ST., N. YORK. THUS establishment,finished and furnished, with al the modern conveniences and comforts, was opened for the reception of permanent and transient visitors, on Tuesday, the 4ih of Septeraoer. It will be conducted en tirely on the French p an, with a re taurant attached, or meals sent to rooms. The catering departments, will be exclusively under the direction of Mr. Sanderson, late of the College Hotel. Families des rous of engaging apftit ments, can do so by applying at ttie office of the Hotel, or tothe Proprietor, CURTIS JUDsON, s6-dlui of the New-York Hotel, MATTHIESBEN A O’UaRA, CLOtHING WAREHOUSE, I A*-! l i A^ r S; 4 ' i corner of Queen-street, Charleston, G. We would respeotfu ly call the attention of Merchants of Georgia, dealing i Re .dy-made CLOTHING to our extensive and varied stock of Olathi. g, comprising all qualities. AH goods from our establishment are war ranted, both for style aud workmanship. Particular attention given to orders. Wm. Matthubsbn, I Wm. P. O’li'Aai. s6-swtul _____ A FMK tot of MEDICINE QUESTS and PhJsicfw' YY SADDLE-BaGS, ol the most ap proved styles for sale by Uy2oj D B PLUdB tOO. ’JW Ki’K V TIN K.—s bbls. TURpEnTIme, jostle X ceived and for sale at W. H.A J. TURPIN’g, * jy26 Druggists, aboveLamback’sConiectionary, Gl ILMAN’6 I.IUU ID HAIR UY K—A sure remedy U for certain imperfections of nature, as exhibited in the prog essive spirit of Young America. AUo, Phalon’s HAIR DYE and INVIGOKAI'OR, i KICOPHEROUB KA IUAiRON, and any quantity oi FANCY PERFUMERY Ae. Call and see W. H. A J TURPIN’d, Drug and Apothecary Store, above Lamback’s Confec tionary. jy26 PGA V I! liKAY I)Y .—8 obis. Superior l’caon iii,AN DY on consignment , and for sale by jeS DaVIB, KOIB A FANNING. Ol'lt HOiVKYMODJi and other Comicalities, 'rom Punch, with illustrations by J. McClellan. Select Writings of Robert Chambers—Ess rys Familiar and Humorous, ritories of the Irish Ptasantr ; by Mrs, S C Hall. German Literature; by Joseph Gostick" The French Revolution fr..m 1769 to 1840; by T, W Red head. The Life and Works of Robert Bu n*; edited by Robt. Chambers, in 4 vols 12 mo. Sketches of Geno*. Pisa and Florence, with a description the Cathedral of Milan, tran lated from the French of Jules Janiu ; by Mrs. M Harrison Robinson. Life and its Aims, in two parts— part Ist, Ideal Lfe ; part 2d, Actual l ife. P< oket Book of Mechanic and Engineering—containing a Memorandum of Facts and connection oi Practice and Theory j by Joftft W. Nysteom, C. E. Also, part 6 Chambers’Journal. Also, another suppl . of the Pilgrims of VValsingham ; by Agßga Strickland. Just received by nna a nw au!7 THOS. RICH ARPS * bok. CHOICE PKUi'UMbKZ. J"‘KSSK , -«S oouaasi V Harrison t( nolis „ Table , . « Bbempoo LOTION; u Bay Leaf W ATEIi; « “Upper Ten” EXTRAO'S* « “ LIP BALM j” “ “ Lemon ROUGE ; w “ Depllotory PO <v DER; “ Mamtnontb Laundry BOAP. These preparations are unequalled for delleaey and richness of perfume. (je26] W. H. TUTT, Druggist. RICH— 10 tierces fresh bea RICE, for saie br jy2o HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. 1855.'<jS2S'S i SjS“^§ 3 %'« Al ftS a,TonneM * a aad r SA* son, 9