Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, September 28, 1854, Image 3
~ female school. yy Sedgwick propose to open a School (or Young Ladas, on the FIRST MONDAY in October. Their aim wi 1 be to comb ne wiih a thorough, intellectual education such moral rel gious culture as will lend the r pupils to the formation of those traits of character without which the highest mental endowments are worse than u<ele«i. The curse cf instruction will include the Latin and French Languages. Terms 'rora f.lO to $2), according to the and requirements of the pupils. School Rooms on Broad street, over the office of the Augusta Manufacturing Company. Applications may be left with Dr. T. W. Battey. ref r uescks —Col. H. H. Gumming, Dr. 'i'. W. Battey, Geo. Schley. Esq , Geo. W. Lamar, Esq., Don. Wm. T. Gould, Edward Thomas, Esq. s2-lm gsgt- William U. Crane is now offering a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, at prices which cannot faii to please All in want of desirable Goods at low prices, will do well to give him a call, a few doors ea3t of the U, Hotel. j ell-dsw 0T Gentlemen's Ore** Hat* lor Fall and Win ter I>*s-1. —WM. N. NICHOLS has recei.ed Beebe A Co.’s Fad Styieof Gentlemen’s HATS, and invites the at tention of his friends and the public, opposite the new Augusta Bank. aul2 Portraits.—Chahlb3 BEaurr, Artist from tb Academy of -Man ch, Bavaria—grateful for the encoura e ment given him the past season, informs the Ladies ad (jemiemen of Augusta and vicinity, that he has removed to the Rooms over office of Dr. Van Voorhis’, on Mclntosh street, two doors from Constitutionalist A Republic office, and is prepared to furnish Portraits of the iinest execution at short notice. Thepublic are respeclfullyinvitedtogive him a call. Afew more Pupils iuDrawing can be accommodated. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons, he wiil be encaged, giving instructions on the Band Hills. SBFE3KSCS3.—Messrs. Y. Clanton, Thomas Richards, Gardner, jr. A dispatch from Atlantic City, N. J., says tha the wreck of a ship or barque drifted ashore oil Friday morning on Great Harbor lulet. The vessel is suppled to have been loaded with Caro lina lumber. Railroad, Augusta, Aug. 10th, ISSL As protection against esc ipe of negroes under fraudulent passes, t'ck ts for negroes wiil be sold only to owners or other re-ponribie parties, whe will farther be req lired to furn sli a duplicate ; ats to the Agent who sells the ticket, to be filed at his office. The above rule to take effect on and after the 15:h inst. uugll-Sm GEO YOSGE, Gen. Supt. iW Girls’ School.—The GIRLS’ DEPARTMENT o SYMMES-S SEMINARY will in future be conducted at the re idenoe, corner of Ei'oert and Teifair-streets. Term« : —Eight, Twelve and Sixteen Dollars per quatter. sls-twCt CHALMERS’ DAGUESBEAJi GALLERY. W Ttie L nderslgned having recently pnr has. d of Mr E. S. Dodge his interest in the gallery so long and favorably known as Dodge’sDaguerrean Gallery respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is now prepared to produce those superior DAGUERREO TYPES, so much admired for their faithfulness and beauty of finish, and solicits their patronage. liaving for many years pa3t prosecuted the art success fully, he flatters himself that with his large sky-light, and every other facility desirable, he will ter.ble to give his patrons likenesses more life-like than those taken at any other establishment in the Seuthern country. AU are invited to call and examine specimens. Pictures taken at all hours of the uay. Gallery at Post Office Corner over Clarke A Co.’s Jew eiryStore. nlO-tf WM. U. CHALMERS. DENTAL NOTiCE. JST" Ur. F. Offer man returns bis .jpo,., thanks to his friends, ajpi the public atUrge, for the lio.ral atrinag he his received, and flatters himself that by strict ? Y> attention and g 'od work he will merit a share of public patronige. All work warranted lo be as good as any in the state. Office one door below the Mechani -s’ Bank. Ear- Where be does not giv- satisfaction, he wishes no ! pay. jy23-tf Persons wanting cheap BOOTS and SHOE 3 can be accommodated at my new Store, under the U. S. Hotel. my'24 HENRY DALY. E3T Bargains! Bargains! in Dress Bilks, Jis sues, Bareges, dbc.—We are d eposed to offer great in ducements! the above Goods. Also,in LAWNS, ORGAN ■ DIES, and Plain BA REG S—all of fashionable styles and shades. Now is the time to buy realty beautiful and good Goods at a low figure, [a a!s] WARD A BURCHARD. £3T Irish Linen (foods. —The a.tenfion of House- i keepers is respectfully called to the stock of IRISH LINEN GOODS row opening a’ our Store, embracing Li..en SHEETING, Pillow-case LINENS, bleached and unbleach ed DIAPER and Satin DAMASKS, for Table cloths, bleach ed and unbleached TABLE-CLOTHS, NAPKINS asd ! DOYLES, TOWELLING of all kinds, by the yard or dozen, CRABH, DOWLAS, BURLAPS, Ac., Irish LINENS, Lon* LAW NS. CAMBRIC, Ac. We will warrant ah "hese Goods pure Linen, free from any mixture of Cotton. je!s COSGROVE A BRENnAN. J2T The Eagle A Phiruix Hotel net having been included in the list of Hotels of this city b7 the Fair Com- } mittee, the subscriber gives notice that there m such an j Hotel, containing 5S rooms—that he has been its Pro prietor for more than a year, and th it he is now at his post, prepared to accommodate h : s friends and thepublic with the very best the market affords. sIC It J. It. PRESCOTT. The Constitutionalist, Southern Recorder, and Federal Uni in, wul insert for 3 or 4 weeks In weekly, and forward ttuir accounts. liaudsotiii* TweeMCvau. —J.M. NEWBY A CO. have on nand two or three hundred Tweeds Cassi tnere COATS, suitable for Spring wear. They will fee sold cheap. Cad and price them. DIED, At the residence o* Mr Arnett, on the Sand Hills, Miss Miss M. E. WARD, a red 15 ycais and 10 months, only daughter of G. C and A. Ward. *|i wij | BI’bHEI.S cf White Winnowed CORN for iklH sale in sacks. J. C. CARMICHAEL. fiJJ pll IA VTl’e MAE A'A i.\K, for September, has been I received. Sub-cr bers will jiieise call for their num t)e:s. Also, Progressand Priju'ice; by Mrs. Gore, au- t r rof the B inker’s Daught-r, Ac* Tr e B“autiful Cgir Gir, or the Myst-ri sos Broadway; by J. H. Ingraham, fte 11 ghwayrnsn’s btratagein, or Claude at the Scaffold— being a fa 1 ac ount of the Re-cue ol Dick Turpin ; by the author of Dare Devil Dick. F r sale at s2S (iK i A. OATES A •’R'hg , Brov'-st. THREE JODSNEYatAN TAILORS, OP GO D HABIT* can find jl.n y of Work at Savannah Bill pi ices at SCOTT A BALDIN’. Wilmington, N. C. Wi’mington is free from all epidem cs or contagions of anyso-t. We al o want a man to make Pants, and wiil Pay t’ 50 per pair. s?S dS ,-CO TT A BALDWIN. BUIl HP. SHfeKIFF’H HALE.—In pursun.ee of an . rue' from the honorable W. W. Holt, Ju lge of the Superi r Court Middle D strict Georgia, will be so d be ore the Ccurt kou-e door in the town < f Wa nekboro’ within ti e leva! hours >i sale, on the first Tuesday in 0 STOBERnext, the frl.o ving property, to wit; 2 blink Mules, 1 sorrel M ile, 12 head of Hogs, IS head of Cuttle; 1 yoke of Oxen, 1 Os Cart, 1 Yoke, 2 Uorre Carte, 1 four horse Wagon, 4 6etiß of Wagon Harners, lot of Plo*s, Plow Ge r, 1 Wheelbairow, 1 Gr.ndator e. 1 Cutting Knife, 1 Vice, 1 pair Scats, 1 Cotton Gin, I Wire Safe, 1 lot Crockery Ware, 2 Desks, 8 Bedsttuis, 8 Matrasjes, 2 Feather Beds, 2 Couches and Matrasves, 6 Chairs, 2 Pine Tables, 1 Looking-Glass, 1 Cooking Stove, 1 Hack Trunk and >ed Clo hes, Carpenter’s Tools, 1 Rifle, h-*if keg ofNai!s,tialf bol. Vinegar, 4 Scythe Blade Cradl-s. 10 bushel- seed Cats; all a t.ched as the property < f Kiij ,h D. Kobert-on in f.ver of W. C. Daw«on,O. H. Perry, administrator John G. Hatch-r, dec’d., Henry F. Rusb»-11, Georgia Railroa i A Hanking Company, Edmuad Palmer, Jos. M. Newby, vs. the sai i E. D Robertson. Sept 28,1654. A. C. KIRKcAND. Den. Sh’ff. STORE TO RENT ’PHE STORE at present occupied by Mr. H. T. Peay 1. at the Lower Market. Apply to f-5 WM. H, PRITCHARD. WHIHKEY. —50 bb!S-Rectified WHISKEY, for sale by_ D6j ESTES A RICHMOND. MACKEREL —Noe 1,2,3 and 4, in whole,hair and quarter bbls. For sale oy j>3u HAND, WILLIAMS k CO. FCB THE FALL TKADE \\ T K have commenced receiving, Cloth-, Cassimers and ’ » Vestings, of the newest and most fashionable oruer, ortneFdi i ra q e . Gentlemen may re y u;on having any article of Clothing they order made up in fashionable an t correct s-yle. * err'ionww braces every article cf Dress and conveni seplß WM. O. PRICE* CO., Drap rs and Tailors. \TEW kll’Pit 1> in both Uemisoh, 0 "-, e . # B real work, 4 -Filty Years sia pnert8 * Ju-t received by — MoXINNE A HALL. ROCKAVVAY .—For Bi T~ ~ but little used,- as utuJ , a noik: ‘Way, with harness. 6 « new e)l/ au2 Hans II? 0 * landing. V(7 ftim “»• OVf,V/UU CORN. AW bushel UMje» mKtOß &»*co, A SOTHfcK SUPPLY—The ler ; u v““e, atae of Southern Life; t v Lor!.n tß ‘ Am w’ ffom Portfolio. Hrugges Wi r eru Just ieceived, and for sale by ' e > r— Mckinne & ua 11. Vr 1 bags goud to prime Rio CuFEr.ii : M bags prime Laguira CUFIEE: ‘ Java “ Jyßo Ved aDd for 6ale low b y r.ii a VilV —. Hand, williams A CO. V 118-iffi u 10 boxeTcholce new CHEEBB. i. A. ANCLE Y. Si I IPPiiVO INTJSLLIfirEM K. CHARLE TON, rent. 88.—Arr. U. 8. Mail steamship South rn Ewan, New Vork. At Quarantine, U 8 Mail st'amer Gov. l u ley, Crowell Havana. Clr’d. fcchr. Aid Adams, West indies. " ’ SADDLE MOUSE WASTJfD. Vi\i gentleman who has a good SADDLE HORSE i-ii. i patrnaiia, cau have them well taken care w t’i-i m -deri.tv.iy uscj, dur.ng tne prevalence of the fever, at alai nire, by appiy.ng at this cflioe. They will - i ken (ut ol the immediate vicinity. 527-it4t * *'**•—2o,oUo ‘bs. Clear SIDES, Tennessee I l.ricun; 16,11011 lbs. ribbed u O . Baltimore Baton Lsxi-Jt J j. h. ANDERSON,McIntosh st. i » AUOA.—IO,OOO Iris, pri ue Bacon SIDES, very bright _XJ ant. backbone cut, f. r sale onFiiday, Sept. 29,1-C4 iioui 11 till S'- o’clock, by O. A. WILLIAMS ’ ;27-lw EOU BALE. VI ‘- N E,young,Georgia raised horse, jour years ri oid, works well in harness, and is a fair saudU horse, gentle and kind. Apply to • - 1 Uho. W. EVANS UAYIS.— Just received, this day, Lur casks Prime iiA-liS. s2o RUSSELL, a SIBLEY. FOU SAIE IN GLYNN COUNTY. iMiK subscriber offers tor Bale his tract of LAND in said ceunty, containing vOuU acres of the finest timbered land to be fuUnd, a portion of which has been finely im proved, with every bunding suitable for a genteel family, with a new larmiy reudence ot a Houses 2 by 40 feet long’ toniainiig eight rooms and a pi.zzr the length of the house; gusil aiteliiti, batn, stable, horse lot, ac. There is also a wtl. oi the finest water to be found. To any l>t r.-i n desirous of locating in that section of country, lor 1 .ruling or entering into lue lumber business, the situa imn , resents a valuable investment to aay one imposed i . lu jark m a profliable lumber and turpentine trade. To an approved purchaser a liberal credit will be given and ouiy a suiah portion ol cash required. For lu 1 informa toa as to teims, Ac., apply to tue subscriber at the resi dence o! Col. J. Byra, upper end of Broad-street, wncre a pi .1 of ihe land may be seen. Also, for sale, a fine stcoud i.ani CARRIAGE, made to order, wiifi a pair office Horses, three fine Mules, Wagon, «c. »81-Wtt v>M. li. OAKMAN, Ja. anzts’a MILL. the information oi the community who are suffer -1 iug tor want of MEAL, 1 suggest that all o d Corn t . i..g to this market, the consignees should give the re fusal of it to those grinding Meal lor this community, as new Corn is too green to Re ground, anu it can be fed to 11. sea, ami thus save all the oid Corn for grinding into JAMES Is. COLKMaN. NOTiCE. A LI persons who have Lit the city iu consequence of a!L the epidemic, will be furuitlied with MEAn hike of c iAtiui ,by applying to Mr. Geo. Hail, at his mill, it is hoped none wi.l f-il to call who need it. 524-ts TURNER CLANTON. NOTICE. 10 a! of those who may waut anything in our line, we . would s.y that we will be at our post ready to wait upon them from U o’clock, A M., to 4 o clock, P. M. RUSbEu A SIBLEY. TO BENT, i'HK OFFICE, with STORE-ROOM, on M’lntosh-st, at present occupied by Mr. Gardtlle. Apply on the or to JAM ad HOPE. JOSEPH A. BEALS, : j OUteK, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, so- II Jic ts orders in either ol tie above branches of busi ness, and hopes by strict attention to merit a share ol pa tronage. Au .i t», Sept. 18,1854. s'iu-lm CLINCH EhFLES LOAN ASSOCIATION aIcCE 1 3 \ sHAHF.B Clinch Halt's Loan Association STOCK 1U for sale. Enquire at this cffiie. sl7-2t j v.'v t O.YBItiHMK.YT—2,OOO lbs. prime FEATHERS. V_7 J. A. ANSLEY, t. oi ta Lt ion and Produse Merchant, opposite Union sls lrn OU\ CO.YsIG.YiMENT, TO AHAIVM—2O,OOO lm. choice ltibbed and Clear diOES; S,UOj p.uads etc ice [glfl-lm] J. A. ANSLEY. SUGAR —10 boxes white Havana ducar, just received, and for sale by ;-2 S. O. GRENVii.LE k 00. TAKE NOTICE. IHKRBBY warn all persons from buying or trading in anv way for my lot of Land No. 162, iu 12th dis.,2d section, lying iu Giimer formerly Cherokee counly, as I have been ii lorrned a forged deed has been made by s ■ ;e pe'--on unknown to me, to one J. A. Maddox, of Cant-m, Geo. CRAWFORD LUNG. Sp rta, Ga , Aug. 29,1854. si w2t BOUTS AND SHOES AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ( vFPOsITK the Ma’onic Hall, Augusta, Ga. t.^ \J ALL RICH A ROYAL are receiving i -unplies of Goods for Fall and Winter trade,y iu.l which they are determined to sell as cheap as any * choeh.usein this city. Charleston or Savannah. Our -I ckfor retail is of the finest and best material; and in c r who esale department wi l fee found a large and well -el -clcd tuckfroii the best manu actories; together with u gr it many heap Shoes. Merchants will fiad our s ook Urge aud varied. From our lmg experience in the B-ot and Shoe business, we flatter ourselves tat we can do as w, 11, if n-t a little better, than any other house. Our i. ms wil be six mo: ths (or first-rate paper, yet thi se who ■ uy for cash, or city acceptance, will nnd our pri :es very low. H. ALDRICH, W.B. ROYAL. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. *. LI, persons indebted to JAMES M. SIMPSON ate re jt\. que.-tsd to make imra.-diite paym-nt to the under signed; and all persons having claims against him, will please £ rtsent the same. JOSEPH S. CLARK, | . . ALBERT HAT. H, ( Aa *'Z a ‘' es - HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS AT WHOLESALE, Y -\ IU HOI.* has the pleasure of announcing \ V to Merchants visiting Augusta, that his stock of HATS, CAYS and BONNETS, f:r the F’all trade, is now complete, aud all those desiring Goods in his line, are in vited to call and examine it, as they will be sold at prices that cannot tail to please. Successors to J. Taylor, Jr., A Co., opposite the Bank of Augu tt. sl4-tf NLYY bOHKfe, by the author of Sonny-Side, 4c : The Tel! Tale, r r Home Secrets, told by Old Travel lers, iy U. Fousta, au’hor of Sunny-side, 4c. Li 1 tie Ma ry, or Talks and tales for Ch Idreu, by H. Fousta. The Last Ltaf fr. ni Sunny-Side, by H. Fousia, author of Peep at Number Five, 4c., with a memorial ol the author, by Austin Phelps. Father Brignthopes, or an Old Clergy m n’s Vocation ; by Paul Creyton. Burr Cliff, its Sun •line and its Clouds, by Paul Creyion. Hilis, Lakes and 1 rest Streams, ora Tramp in the Chataugay Woods ; by S. U. liaunnond. History of Cuba, or Notes of a traveler in the Tr pics, being a political, h storical and statistical account oi the Island from its first discovery to the present tune; by Maturen M. Bal.ou, illustrated. The Arctic Regions, being an account of the Americsn Exped.tion in search of sir John F'ranklio, und r the patronage of Henry Grinned, Esq. Wild Scenes iu a Hunter’s Lite, including cunning .(D entures among the Lions, Ac., with 800 idus t atious i ronti* r Life, or Sceues and Adventures in the Southwest, by Francis Haidman. Juit received and lor slß] GEO. A. OATES A BROS., Broad- L NEGROES FOE SALE \\7 U HAY K for sale several Negro Women, Girls and TT Doyt, among which are good Seamstresses, No.l Co. ks, Washsrs and Ironers, general houte servants, very de.'-irable. For particulars, apply to sl4-i* C E. GIRARDEY 4 CO, pAßltilAY' SIGHTS and French Principles, seen L through Am man Spectacles, ilius-ra ed. Curanand his Coct-mporaiies; by Charles Phillips, Esq ,A. B. The Military L.fe of John, Duke of Marlborough; by Arch ibald Alison F. R. S. Foreign Reminiscensts; by Henry Richard Lo d Holland, edited by his son, Henry Eriwaid Lord Hohand. The Works of Stephen Clin, D. D., L.L. D., 2 vois. Sir Jas; tr Carew, Kct., his Life and Experiences; by Lhas. Lever. Dodd Family Abroad, by Chas. Lever. For sale by MoKINNE 4 HALL, *ls Booksellers aud stationers, Broad at. / t KOtJRAPHY ANT* BT AT Its I'ICS—A new and V-T complete Statistical Gazttletr of the United States; by R. S. Filler. '1 he i regress of the United States from fie eariest periods; by R. 8. Fishtr. American Guide B< ok throu.'h the United S.ates. Pocket Maps of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, etc., etc. lia Mutu, or Ketf Rovings in the Southern Seas, a narra t eof Adventures at the Hawaiian, Georgian and Society Islands, with Ma s and Illustrations; by Edward 8. Per- For sale by 5.5 T. RICHARDS 4 SON. DO YOU WAN T A HOOD APPETITE I—Use I’lanett’s Bitters; they will impart tone to the Sto mach, and invigorate the whole system. F’or sale by jyS WM. U. TUTT, Druggist. Wll.Ll.?' LATE YYOKH.—Famous Persons and Places; by N. Parker Willis in one volume. Al>o, Chesnut Wood—a Tale; by Liele Linden. F’or tale by si THUS. RICHARDS 4 SON. COW MIDKts Foil SALK. Apply to 1 july!4 W. H. PRITCHARD. HORSE FOR SALE.—For sale, a good plantation HORSE. Apply to _je3 E. C. TINSLEY A CO. IV El' iiODK—Agatha Beaufort, or Family Pride ;by i. ' author of Pique etc., just received by jyko HARPER, for August, leaves cut, has been received. Subscribers will please call for their numbers. For sale at [au3j GEO. A. OaTES 4 BRO S., Broad-st. / tOOR’B Dl AHKH(K V ItH.YIKOY —This prepara \J ton seldom fails to check the worst cases. It is for “teby W WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. CtAKDY. —3d boxe assorted Mam CANDY just re / ceived per steamer, and for sa u chrap, by j> 2lJ UAftD, WILLIAMS 4 CO. ffilfWl LBB. Choice Small Round Cat HaMS For U\/U\7 tale by [aug27j EcTEJA RICHMOND. LK.HOA AND GI.YGKK BY iiUP, of extrjTqutiir tv for sale by jels WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. HAND BOOK "of UHKAUBTHY.—Uistorkaf, Practical and Tethnical. By F. A. Abel, Professor of Chem stry at the Royal Mi itary Academy, Woolwich Ac. Forsa eby je2t) THOS. RICHARDS & SON. ’ rpo HI UK.—We wiil hire, until Christmas next, a X House Servant and nurse,a Girl 17 years old. Also, a Cook, YVasher and Ironer, a Woman about 29 years old. [aulO] S. C. GRENVILLE 4 CO. fe ALK, by HAND, WILLIAMS 4 CO., i 1 70 dozen BROOMS; 50 “ assorted PICKLES, in quarts half gallons and gallons; 15 dozen LE HON SYRUP ; 10 I bozes No. 1 SOAP ; 25 “ Pale do. I**o “ 80DA, in pound papers; 25 kegs Bi Carb. SODA; 2 casks Extra LEMON SYRUP. au2 CiA.YOLES —100 boxes ol good and prime Adamantine J CANDLES, for sale low, by Jy2° HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. I I A,Tl«—s,uoo ibs. Tennessee Hams, just received, and hale by s 2 8. 0. GRENVILLE k CO. be sold, to close consignment, 10 dox. 8d - w-d --82 ’ 8. 0. GRENVILLE k CO JOHN W. GOSS, G1 ENKRAL COMMISHION MERCHANT, 8 Augusta, Ga, tenders his services to lis friends uni; the public,in the Genera! CommissiongjjSjfljfll Business. His personal attention will be given to the sale of Conor, Fhur, Grain, Bacon, and all other Produce; w 11 cx cute orders lor oods 'or customers, and make the usual cash advances. All produce consigned to h m will be stored in the I’ire-pioof Warehouse of Mr. Ij. Hopkins, subiect to the order of owners. Charges, customary rates t f the city. Can at ail times be found at theCouniirg Room of h. Hopkins. sl4-3m WAREHOUSE FOB RENr. |> Y consent of the at;aching credit ors cf IljeD. » > Robertson, will ie rented till the first day of October, 1855, and poßits.it n givtn immediately, the WARE HOUSE, on the Nonh side of Reynold, and Fast of Mclntosh street, lately occupied by said Robertson. Terms, Ac. made known on appl cation to alii WILLIAM DOYLE, Dcp’ty St’ff. BOUNIY LAND WARRANT MISCARRIED OR LOST. I LE A HIV that about the month of June, 1852, a BOUNTY LAND WARRANT, No. 39,784, for 80 Acres of Land, issued to me, was mailed to my address by the Hon. Rob’t. Toombs, which W'arrant never reached me. All persons are, therefore, cautioned against using said Warrant. The Commissioners of Pensions and of the General Land Office, a' e cautioned against re issuing or patenting sa d Warrant, as I shall in due time, through an agent, apply tj the Commissioner of Ptnsio s for a duplicate Warrant. sl6-w6t JOEL CRAWFORD. AUGUSTA SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFAC TORY, m‘_> RROAD-STRKKT, under the Augusta Hotel. D At the above establishment can be found a large and well se eoted assortment of SADDLED, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, CARPET-BAGS, VALISES, Ac., which will be sold on accommodating terms. Work of all kind made to order with neatness and despatch. HATCH A BEGBIE. Au 'usta, August 29th, 1854. außo SADDLERY, AC.—FALL TRADE-1864. S HERMAN, JESSUP A CO., late Wright, Nichols A Co., having increased their arrangements for manu luoturmg anu importing, are prepared to exhibit an unu sually large and varied assortment of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES CARPET-BAGS, and every description of Goods in that line. Also, a heavy stock of SADDLERY, HARDWARE, COACH TRIMMINGS, SPRINGS, AXLI<S, CASTINGS, which are offered to dealers and manuiacturers at low prices upon their usual liberal terms for approved credit, at No. 289, Broad-st., 2d door above Bank of Augusta. s7-d*twßm 100 DO EN FRENCH CALF SKINS. NOW arriving of favorite brands and assorted weights, warranted fresh. For sale on favorable terms at the Saddlery Warehouse es SHERMAN,JESSUPACO , late Wright, Nichols A C0.,289 Broad st., 2d door above the new Bank of Augusta. s7-d*tw3m CAUTION. ALL persons are forewarned from trading for, or in any wse receiving, ary Notes i f*hand signed by Thos. H White A Co., or T. H. White A Co., which bear date after the first day of October, 1851, as no person, since that date, has had any authority to use sard name, ard I will enforce the law to its extent, if any such note or notes at e presented for payment. „ , 11. W. MABSENGALE. Chattanooga, Sept. 4,1554. si twlm THE AUGUSTA MACHINE WORKS Alt K now prepared to do the fo.lowing kinds cf woik with neatcess and despatch : STEAM ENGINES and 8011. EitS, of any style or finish ; als ' BANK VAULTS; IKON FRONTS; SILLS and LIN TELS, for Building . RAILROAD CARS, of all kinds and descriptions, made in the most substantial and beautiful manner; Wheels for same warranted f. r one year. IRON RaILINUS, of various styles for Balconies or Fences. GOLD MIN E CASTINGS, of all descriptions, made to order. BLACKSMITH WORK done in the best manner. MILL WORK — II ki .dsol Mill and Uin-geating,Shaft ing, Pulleys, Wa er Wheels, Ac , on hand. BltASrs CASTING will also have our attention. PLaNING AND sawing lumber. Flooring—Planed. Tongued and Grooved at $5.00 per 1000 feet superficial; Ceding—Planed, Tongued and Grooved at 5.00 per 1000 ett superficial; Weather Boarding—Planed and Jointed 4.00 perlOOO feet superficial; Planing—both sides, SB.OO per 1003 superficial feet. Use of Circular Saw and one man win be 15c per hour. Heavy Sawing, requiring two meD,wili be $1 perh^ur. All orders must be left in the office, not in the shop. Cash wil. be requir d in all cases unless otherwise agreed upon with W. M.RIGHT, oen’l Superintendent, ’--.iawly TO HIRE, vIT MIGHb MEN, until the Ist day of January. Also, AU 8N gto Women, aiming which are 11 juse Servants, and a fine Nurse. E quire of W. II OaKMAN, Ja , At J. J. Byrd's, upper end of Broad-stre t, on and alter the 18th inst. s 9 if HOUKKtiOLD WORDS, for September, has been received. Subscribers wnl please call for tneir copies. Knickerbocker, for September, has been received. Illustrated Magazine o* Art has been received for Sep tember. Also, F i ank Leslie’s Ladies Gaset.e, for Septem ber. For saie at s 9 GE 1. A. OAI F.S A BROS., Broad-st. PIU€EL.4I\ VA>Ks. —A very extensive Selection of FRENCH CHINA VAfcES, of the newest st} les, at the Crockery Store of ps9] E MUSTIN. FREE TRADE AND NO MONOPOLY! WHO SAYS GAS OR LEAD PIPES? JKOWE ACO., Plumbers and Gas Fitters, at the • corner of Jack.on and TeUair streets, immediately in the rear cf the Baptist Charch, would l ike to know. We take pleasure in stating that we are now prepared to run GAS and WATER PIPES into stores, dwellings, churches, factories, public buildings, Ac , at as low a rate of as good materia; and workmanship as can be obtained and uone in any Sou hern city. In addition to this we will keep a constant supply, and precure at the shortest noti e the loilowing articles, vis : Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, Hall Burners, Slid and Flexible Drop Lights, Gas Pipes of all sizes, Lead and Block Tin Pipes, Water Closets, Wash-Basins of various patterns, Wood Bathing Tubs, Untd with Copper and Lead ; Copper and Brass Shower Bathe, Cooking Ranges, with or without Water Racks; Copper and Galvanised Circulating Boilers; Cast Iron Sinks, for Kitchens or Pan tries,ofal sizes and patterns; Brass and Iron Lift and Force Pumps of various patterns ami sites. A i orders left at the shop or with the Superintendent of the Gas Works will be personally and punctually attend ed to JOHN ROWE, s 5 ty G. 8. HOOKEY. VTbVV MOORS—Nodes, Ambrcsiane; by late John i. v Wilson, Professor of Moral Ph losophy in the Univer sity of Eiinburg, Editor of Blackwood's Magazine, author of Is eof Palms, etc , etc., with Memories and Note l4 ; by K. Sheldon Mackenzie, D. C. L., Editor Shells Irish Bar. The Youth of Js Uersou, or a Chronicle of College Scrapes at Williamsburg, Va., A. D. 1764. ApheiU, and other Poems; by Two Cousins of the South, Miss Juda Pleasants and Thos. Bibb Brad! y , just receiv edAy si2 McKINNE A HaLL. CtHKAi* I’l BLICA iTO.NK. Hard Times, a new J story; by Ch,s. Dickens. Rosa Woodville, or the Jailer’s Daughter ; by Alex. Dumas. Rosa Lar. bert, or Me noirs of an Unfortunate Woman ; by G. W. M. Rey nolds. The Gentleman’s Daughter, or A Great City's Temptations; by the author of Mabel, the Actress, Ac. Dark Shades of City Life; by the author of the River Pi rates. Isabella, or the Pride of Palermo—a romance; by the author of the Autobiography of an Orphan Girl, etc. Fearless Fred,or the Highwayman■ Bride; by the author of Claude Duval, Paul Clifford, Ac. Paul Deverell, or Two Judgments for One Crime; by J. Ingraham Mary Bu chauaD, or Imsl airiach ; by the authur of Three Nights iu a Lifetime. Garni lie, or the Rover’s Oath; by Ciias. P. Bickley. Ma ter Warren ;or the Adventurer of the North ern Wilds; by Owen Duffy. The linage of his Father, or One Boy is more trouble than a dozen Girls; bv the author of Wiiom to Marry and how to get Married. The Wheel of Misfortune, by Ned Buntline. The Adventures of Her cules llardy; by Eugene Sue. For sale by 88 McKINNE A HALL. A PLANTATION AND NEGROES FOB SALK r piiK subscriber i ffers for sale his PLANTATION A pleasautly situated upon the Coosawatie river, con taining 2zo acres, most of which is river and creek bottom —it being a part oi No. 42 and 48, in the ith dis. and 8d sec, of formerly Murray but now Gordon county. The location is healthy, the water is good, the improvements new, and the soil prouuctive. It is 10 miles from Calhoun and 7 from Resaca Depot. Also, two likely YELLOW BOYS. Apply to H. C. CARTER, slo-w2in Freebridge, Gordon county. ClHKhbhMAS’s AKA IAN BALE AM . Farrell’s ) ARABIAN LINIMENT; FREY'S VERMIFUGE; JAYNE’S SANATIVE PILLS; TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT, and BECKER’S EYE BALSAM, just received direct from the Proprietors, by au22 W. H. & J. TURPIN. DISSOLUTION. THE copartnrship heretofore existing under the name of COFFIN & BEALS, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having claims will {.lease present them, and those indebted wnl make payment to either of the undersigned. JOSEPH A. BEALS, Augusta, Sept. 10, 1864. JNO, G. COFFIN. bl 9 NOTICE. rpHK subscriber has on the way a considerable amount JL of BACON. His store will be open from 9A. M. until 4 o’clock, P. M., (until otherwise advised) wnen ne will oe pleased to sell and deliver his customers what meat they may want. T. W. FLEMING. Augusta, Sept. 1564. st* UNCURRENT FUND 3 WANTED. THE HUB’iCRIBKR is purchasing NOTE 3 of al solvent Banks in the Uni ed States, at tne lowest rates, ani can be found at his office on Washington street, as usual. F. C. BARBER, Exchange Broker, sep 19 COTTON g FARMS FOR SALE. sale, 800 acres of LAND on the Mobile and 1 Ohio Railroad, near Scoober, in Kemper county, Miss., half of which is first-rate Cotton Land, partly bot tom, and genuine post oak cotton soil; two hundred aoi es cleared, with the usual improvements. Call on, or ad dress me, at Scoober, Kemper county, Miss. sl9 2t D. C. GREENWOOD. NOTICE; IJERSONB having demands against Dr. Edward T. A Lynch, o! Warren county, will present them to the undersigned for payment. E. H. POTTLE Warrenton, Sept. 16,1554. sl9-wlm NOTICE. IT'AMILIES, leaving Augusta and Hamburg on ac count or Yellow Fever, and on the line of the “ Ham burg and Edgefield Plank Road,” will be permitted to travel free of Toll during the Fever Season, and can ob tain Tickets on application to H. A. KENRICK. Hamburg, Sept. 18, 1854. sl«-d2t ARM IBM, WHITE LEAD, <fec On the River and daily expected, Coach Body and Furniture VAR NISHES ; WHIT hi LEAD, pure and No. 1; COLORS in Oil and Water; PAINTERS’ MATERIALS, 4c. au22 H. 4 J. TURPIN. LARD —Just received by Iron Steamboat Co. Boats— -59 kegs Prime LARD ; 16 bbls do anu Pressed DO. For sale by *lB RUSSELL 4 SIBLEY. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. rpHK BYDROMALKM, or Water-Proor, Anti-Con- X suniptive CORK SOLES, manufactured by UAK COURT, Bi ADLLY &CO , 44 Market-tt , Manchester. Principal Warehouse, li»2 Wcou street, Cheapsidc, Lon d n, England. American Establishments, 88 Ann Street, and 102 Nassau btrei t New York, U. S. The HYDROMAGEN is a valur.ole discovery for pro tecting the feet from damp or cold, and therefore a pre ventative of many Lung diseases, withovt any doctoring •whatever. The Hjdromagen is in tbe terra of a sole, and worn inside the boot or shoe. Its medicated character is a powerful antidote to disease. )\jFor Gentlemen its. ill be found agreeable, warm, and healthy, to wear in the coldest or rainiest weather, ss the foot cannot become wet if the 11 ydromagen is inserted Ladies may wear the lightest soled Boots or Shoes in the most inclement weather with impunity; while Consump tion,so prevalent among the young of our country, may be thwarted by their general adoption. They entirely super sede over-shoes , as the latter cai.se the feet to perspire in a very uuhealtny manner; and, besides, are not dange rous wear to pedestrians in icy weather, like India Rub bers. While the latter cause the feet to appear extremely large, the Hydromagen, being a mere thin slice of Cork prepared, peculiarly placed inside, does not increase the size of the boot, or cause the foot to appear untidy To Children they are extremely valuable, as they may en gage in exer ise with comlort and healthy effects. Their expense is so slight as to scarce need menti. u; besi es, those who patronize them will find their yearly doctor's bills much diminished thereby. As the Hydromagen is becoming more known, its sale is increasing to an almost incrediole extent. Last year in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Glasgow, Leeds, Dublin, Paris, Antwerp, Hamburgh and Berlin, our sales reached 1,732,450 pairs of Cork Soles. This year the number will far surpass that. Ask the Faculty their opinion of their value as a pre ventative for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and Con sumption. Men’s Bize, per pair, 85 cents. Ladies’ “ “ 89 “ Boys’ and Misses’ 25 “ Notice —From tt e retail prices we make a very liberal allowance to Jobbers and Whole alers, so that any store keepei may make a fine profit on their sale, while they are an article that may be kept in any store, among any class of goods. For terms, apply to HAROOURT, BR*I)LFY A CO., slB-d&»3m 38 Ann-Street, New York. THE CHEST. OIR ASTLKY COOPER, BART., M. D., the emi- O nent Medical Practitioner, has left a valuable legacy to the world in his great preventative of Con u option, and unfailing cure for Pulmonary Diseases, without the use of Medicine. Sir A. C., Bait , invented and au> ised the use of the MEDICATED FUR CHEST PROTECTOR, to all persons of all ages and conditions, as a certain anu a safe shield avainst those fearful diseases, Consumption, Bron chitis, Asthma, Coughs, Colds auJ <ttier alhicti ms of the Lungs, which arise from the exposed state of the chest, ac cording to fashion, and the continual changes of our cli mate. ’• The Protector ’’ is simply a chemically prepared Fur, lined with silk tnd pa den, which, suspended from the neck, covers the chest, in so agree” ble a manner that, once worn, it becomes a necessity and a comfort. “ The Protector,” although but recent y introduced into America is m iking rapid progress through the U. States, the Canadas,South America, and the West Indies. It ha for a long time been a staple article in Er gland and on the continent of Europe, while it lias grown in many countries to the poslti n of au article of dress. To demonstrate these lads enquire cf any English resi dent in your vicinity of his knowle< I g:cf the beneficial ef fects of wearing the Protector, without recourse to doctor ing oi any kind The cost of wearing these articles is a mere trifle, and one will last some years. No one who values the health of himself or It s famly will be without them. Tbe Hospiials in this country are not alone recom mending them, but rapidly introducing them. Harcourt, Bradley A Co., of London, and Manches'er, England, were original y entrusted with tbe manulacture of the Protec tors, by the lamented Dr. Cooper, and continue to manu facture according to his original instructions, and th»i e fore recommend those who would wear “ The Protectors,” to see to their being genuine. Remember this is a s’apis article, and no Patent Med icine. HE!A!I. PRICES ! Gent’s Size $1 50 each. Ladies' I 00 *• Boys’ and Misses' size 75 “ HARCOURT, BRADLEY A CO., 88 Ann Street and 102 Nassau Street, New York, V. S. Principal Warehouse, L. 2 W 0015 .., cheapside, London. Manufactory, 44 Market-Street, Manchester, England h. B. A Co. are establishing Depots fjr the sale of ‘‘The Protector” in all pirts of America Pn sic an s, Surgeons, Druggists, Clothiers, Dry Goods Merchants, llatters and Milliners also Gentlemen’s Furnishing Store-Keepers are entrusted w th the wholesale and retail distribution of them, and to whom most liberal terms are offered tor their enterprise, and a splen id opportunity opens to than for sa e and profitable busine-s. For terms, apply to HARCOURT. BRADLEY A CO., sl3 d*wßm 86 Ann Sire t, New York, V. S. CHEROKEE COUNTRY. A VALUABLE LOT OF LAND FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sa’e a very attractive and valuable lotof LAND, situated between threes 3? and four miles from the flourishing rity of Rome, Ga. Tne tract contains Three Hundred ana Twenty Acres of good Upland, well adapted to the growth of all the small Grains, Irish and Swee' Potatoes, I’eas, the Grasse-, such as Clover, Ac , and peculiarly suitable for Fiuit Growing, as it is situated on an elevated plaeau above the reach of ordinary frosts. A beautiful Natural Pond or Lakelet, of the purest water, occupies the centre of the Tract. The margin o. this Lakelet affords one of the most attractive sites imaginable for a country residence ; as the supply of wa ter never diminishes, and is ot great depth and clearness. It is fed by subterranean springs, and has no perceptible inlet or • utlet. The tract is heavily timbered, with Oak, Hickory, Chestnut, Ac., a*d an abundance of Pine, and is Within a miie and a quarter of two good Saw Mills. It aso contains ap inexhaustible quarry of superior Limestone, which may easily be made available for Agricultural and Building purposes. The improvements consist of a very comfortable Log House, with out-buildings—a well of good water, Ac , with twenty or thirty acres in cultivation. The attention of Fruit Growers Stock Raisers, and all desirous of a delightful s tuation in a salubrious and healthy climate, within easy reach of the best society, is partieu lai ly invited to the above tract. For terms, Ac., apply to the subscriber, or to Col. J. W. M. BERRIEN, of Rome, Ga., who will take pleasure in pointing out the land. D. REDMOND, au2B-dtw*wtf Augusta, Ga. THREE DWELLING HOUSES ; 34LE. I'MIK subscriber offers forsale his large City . oa Reynolds street, between Forsyth and Wilde|**l streets. Said Lot contains tt ree good DWELLING HOUSES. One of them b ing plastered throughout, with six fire-p acts, Ac. Ac., and the other two (smaller) being a lapte . to the occupat cy of moderate siz d families. Having permanently located in the country, and not being desirous o! retaining my city property, I will dispose of the above on v ry reasonable terms, as regards price, terms of payment, Ac. A rare chance for a good invest men . Apply, at this office, to D. REDMOND. au23-dtw*wtr IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY FREIGHTING BUSINEhS BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. InflliS Company, having recently pur . chased the Boating interest of the mVffrriirirlr &2C ! OLDSTKAMBOAT COMPANY OF GEORGIA, arc now prepared, with a strong force, to transport produce and merchandise in any quantity. Their Iron Steamtrs, JOHN RANDOLPH, LAMAR and CHATHAM, with the AMORY SIBLEY’, one ofthe lightest draughtßuats on the River, and a large number of Flats or Barges, all in good condition, enable them to offer fa cilities fjr promptness and despatch not heretofore equal ed here —a set of Boats leaving each place every othei day, and in case of extreme low river, definite instructions will be given their Agent in Savannah, to forwa. d ail Goods to their care, byway of the Central and Augusta A Waynesboro’ Railroads. The Directors are determined to adhere to their present very lew rate of Freights, which are fully ONE-HALF LESS than the Railroads from the Seaboard Goods from the Eastward should be distinctly marked “ Iron Steamboat Company,” or care of THOS. E. MILLS, Savannah, who will forward them promptly without charge. Produce or Merchandize from the interior, consigned to this Company e.t Augusta, will be forwarded to Savannah, and from thence to any port of the United States, free of commission. Address THOS. R. MILLS, Agent, Savannah. FOSTER BLODGET, “ Augusta. Augusta, April 28, 1854. W. 11. STARK, President. 6m AMERICAN IRON FOUNDRY, AUGUSTA, GA OSMOND A GRAY, PROPRIETORS. TIIK PHOI’RIKTOiIt* of the above named estab lishment, in leturuing their sincere thanks to their friends and the public in general, for the very liberal pa tronage extended to them since hey have been in opera tion, would respectfully state th it they are now prepared to execute all order for IKON AND BRASS CASTINGS, with despatch, at the shortest notice, and in the best man ner. To Railroad Companies and Car Builders. We are prepared to manufactuie to or ler all kinds and sizes of Railroad Car and Engine WHEELS, equal to any manufactured ai the North. Holding Murphy’s Patent right f.r making “Murphys Patent Solid Hub CAR WUEEi-S,” we are now manufacturing a Single Plate Railroad Car Wheel, equal, if not superior, to any other Plate Wheel, and far superior to the Spoke Wheels now in use. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of all other kinds of Railroad Car and Engine CASTINGS, including Frogs, Switches, Chairs; also, Bridge BOLTS and CAST INGS for every description of Bri. ges. We are also prepared to fit up all sizes and kinds ol Railroad CAR WHEELS and AXLES, BOXES, CAPS and BRASSES complete. To Mill Owner* and Millers. Mill and Gin GEARING, CASTINGS, &c„ furnished at the shortest notice, of the best materials and workmanship, and at the lowest prices. American Iron Foundry, Augusta, Ga., I June sth, 1853. ) d2-ly NOTICE. THE subscriber offers for sale his Mill tract of LAND on the waters of Beaverdam creek, Taliaferro coun ty, adjoining lands of B. Proctor, W. Hughes and T. Grier, containing 227 acres, more or less, with an excel lent new Grist Mill, on a never failing stream of water, situated in a thickly settled and healthy localiiy. Terms made to suit the purchaser—indulgence, if required, with approved security. M. T. SHEEHAN. Raytown, Taliaferro co., Ga. s 5 wlm NEWTON COUNTY LAND AND MILLS FOE SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale 325 acres of LAND, Ah on Yellow River, lower part of Cedar three miles from Covington, with a Saw and Grist MILL and Cotton Gin, with ample water power for facluring or any other busin as, with other necessary buildings on the place. Most of the Land good and productive; about 160 acres cleared, convenient to Georgia Railroad and Ox ford and Covington Male and Female Colleges. The Land is offered at $lO per Ao. e, with the Mills in the bargain. Augustßl,lSs4. [sß-wßt] WM. R. HENRY. NOTICE. TO obviate the necessity of going to California or Aus tralia a* ter gold, on receipt of sl, post-paid, I will send Bowman’s 80 Ready Ways to make Money, witti which he says he has known men to make from 10 to sls a day; also, Blackburn's Fortune, which has 11 wonderful receipts; then there is Reed’s Cure for the Cholera and the like Complaints. On the receipt of sl, post-paid, I will send to any part of the United Btates, those three men’s receipt-, punted In pamphlet form, with wnich no man can fail to make money. My Postofflce is McDonough, Hanry county, Ga. [s3-smßi*] JOHN DAILY. LOTTERIES. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY! * i, (Bu authority of the State oj Alabama) v« / / CONDUCTED ON TIIK HAVANA PLAN. YwfmX Class F, lo be Drawn Oct. 20, 185-l.aSHtiHi Capitals $7500 *i 5000 “ 8000 c " 1500 In all, 238 prizes, amounting to $30,000 S 3!® 1 ” Every priz? drawn at each drawing. Tickets $5 00—Halves and Quarters in proportion. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. S. SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lions. Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 21, 1854. s2B-td GREENE & PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES. Managed, Drawn and Prizes paid by the welikncnon and responsible jinn qf GREGORY & MAURI SALES CLOSE EACH DAY AT 2 O’CLOCK Drawn Numbers Class 289, at Augusta, Pent. 27 : 28 16 82 18 2 68 80 78 47 40 17 15 49 50. CLASS 281—to be drawn in Augunta on Thursday,Sept. 28. Litt e but Loud. s4.o' 0! sl/22; 4 of S4OO, Ac. Tickets sl—Halves 50 cenis. Risk on a package of 26 quarters $3.60. CLASS 60—by Delaware 224—t0 be drawn on Saturday, Sept. 80. Grand Scheme. $40,0 >0 1 $18,000; $10,000; $6,000; $4,000; $£,000; $2,000; 80 of $1,000; 80 of 600, Ac. Tickets slo—shares in propor tion. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent. On Jackson-street, next the Globe Hotel. mr All orders from the city or country, strictly confi dential. s2S TO RENT BY THE Ist October, a Tenement HOUSE on Ellis st, ju.-t below the Lower Market, lately oc- Jfjjf cupied by Mr. Ward. Also, a Square cf Land in the Upper part of the city, with 8 or 10 Houses on the prem ses, suitable fo r a Coun try Public Bouse, with a large Wagon Yard and Stables at ached. For terms, Ac., apply to JAS. ADAMS, sl2-ltf or L. DWELLE. FOR SALE, A DELIGHTFUL Summer RESIDENCE, with au abuudacce of Wood, and a fine Spring of Wa- Sc* ter, 1% mile* from Hamburg, 8. C. Possession given in mediately. Apply at this office. sl6 dtf SHOE FINDINGS. A LARGE assortment of every article in the line, lx. comprising in part French and American LINING BKINS, of all colors; Sheep and Goat BINDINGS; Gal loon LaCES; WEBS, CORDS, Copper, Zinc and Iron SPARABLES and Shoe NAIL.- 1 , TACKS, fiat and round head; every variety of French KIT and TOOLS; BOOT TREES and CRIMPS, LAsTS, PEGS, Ac. Forsale on ac commodating terms at theHaddiery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239, Bioad-st., 2d door above the new Bank of Augusta. sT d«twßm MACHINE BELTING, I>ATK>VF Rivete"’, Stitched and Cemented, single and double, all widths, from 1 to 24 in has. These Beits are made from whole hiues, best quality of Leather, long used and approved by the mos l extensive manufacturers and machinists in Georgia and adjoining States. A large stock always on hand at the Saddiery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JEB3UP A CO., late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 289, Broad-st., 2d door above the new Bank of Augusta. s7-ditw3m DISSOLUTION. r jj'2.*K CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be- JL tween the subscribers, under the firm of W. H. HOWARD A fiON, is this day dis oived by mutual consent. Either cf us will use the name of tt e fii-m in liquidation. WM. U. HOWARD, September 6th, 1854. GEO. J. HOWARD. tpHE feCUftCillDEll having removed to the store JL under the Franklin House, and opposite the Planters’ Hotel, will continue the GROCERY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS in all its branches on his own account. He will give his personal attentu n to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Hay, and to all kinds of produce con signed to h in, and hopes by strict attention to business, and tbe advantages ol several years experience, will ena ble him to please all who may favor him with their t at ronage. Cotton stored in a Fire proof Warehouse. WM. H. HU WARD. September 6th, 1854. sS dßw*w3m BOOKS.—Sandwich Island Notes; by A. 11 Haole. History of Pyrrhus; by Jacob Abbott. Ti conderoga, or the Black Eagle—a romance of days rot far distant; by G. P. R. James, Esq. Harper’s Gazetteer of the World, No. 8. Just received by aul2 McKINNE A HALL. ATK\V BOJhb.-The Master’s House—a tale of it Southern Life; by Logan. Fifty Years in both Hemispheres, or Reminiscences of Life of a former Mer chant; by Vincent Notte, late of New Orleans. Sunny Memoirs of Foreign Land ; by Harriet Beecr.er Stowe. Ea.y Nat, or the t hree Apprentices—a tale of New-York and Boston, but adapt dto any meridian by A. L. Stin son, Editor Express Messenger. Uncle Sam’s Farm Fence; by A. D. Milne. Just received and for sa>e by sS McKINNE A HALL. nICKLBS.—Just received by Iron Steamboat Company JL Boats —IS boxes PICKLE.-, assorted size and kind. For sale by [slS] RUSSELL A SIBLEY. BA( ON.—Just received from Chattanooga, Tennes see. 11 Boxes BACON, ) c ., , ~ 4 Uhds. do. f Sldes and Shoulders. For suit by sepl3 RUSSELL A SIBLEY BOHI ON CRACKERS.-Just received by last sett of Boats, a few bbls. extra Boston CRACKERS, for sale by [slß] RUSSELL A SIBLEY. NEGEO CLOTHS. ALEXANDER A WRIGHT invite tne attention of Planters to their stock of NEiRO WOOLLENS, most of which is oi Southern manufacture, and their as sortment embraces some goods of very superior quality. OsNABLR iS, Georgia STRIPES and Plaid LINSEVB, all of which will be sold at low pric s. slB-d*w LOBSTEUts AND OYSTERS.—IO doz. boxes OYS- TrßSand LOBSTERS. 1 and 2 lbs. each, hermitical ly sealed. For sale by slB RUSSELL A SIBLEY. CUMMINGS’ .MINOR WORKS-The Finger of God, Christ our Passover, The Comforter. Also, all the nbove in one volume, just received by bl 2 IHOS. RICHARDS A SON. MORE HATS, GENTLE HE ! Jl ST received Beebe A Co.’s Fall Style fashionable Molesain HATS. Also, several cases of our ownijpr manufacture—they are handsome and no mistake. Call and see th- m at G. W. FERRY’S Fashionable Hat Store, Masonic Hall Building, Augusta, Ga. aul2 I JIG II AMS.—3,OOO lbs. Pig BACON, very choice, for A sale by [my2s] E. C. TINSLEY A GO. BUGGY AND HARNES3 FOR SALE. iUAVE an excellent BUGGY and HARNEfS for sale. s7 WM.H. PRiTCHARD. MACKEREL.— A few bbls. Extra Mess MACKEREL, to be bad at [au2o] RUSSELL A SIBLEY’S. IJICKI.ED TONGUES*—Just received by steamer v.a Charleston, Whole and Half bbls. For sale by s!6 EUScELL A SIBLEY. $25 BEWABD. STOLEN from the subscrioer, in his roem in Mr. D. B. Ramsay’s l ouse, on the niaht of September 14'h, a Gol 1 Hunting Case Dufl.x WATCH,No. 5209, T. F. Coop er, No. 6 Calthorpe st., London, maker ; wi-h my name engrave Icu the back. The above reward will be paid, on returning said Watch to Messrs. Beall A Stovall. »16 2t B. A ARNETT. L AIIO.—100 bbls. LARD ; st) Kits Do; 75 Kegs Do. For sale by sl6 JOHN C. CABMICHAEL. SALT 1200 Sacks SALT. Foi sale by sl6 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. MOLASSES.— 0 Tierces Cuba MOLASSEB. For~sale jty _L ,16 1 JOHN 0. CARMICHAEL. NEW YVOIIKS. —Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Anne Stephens Eihan AIL-n, and the Green Moun tain Heroes of ’76, with a sketch of (he early history of Vermont. Easy Nat.,<r the Three Apprentices, a ttie of life in New York aDd B js>on,but adapted to any meridian, by A. L. Stinsoa, editor of the Express Messenger. The Master’s House, a Tale of Southern Life ; by Logan. Bertha and Lil y, or the Parsonage of Beech Glen, a Ro mance; by Elizabeth Oaks Smith. Tioonderoga, or the Black Eagle, a ri mance of a d .y not far distant ; by G. P. R. James. Hermits Dell, from the Diary ot a Penciller ; also, a supply of Dodi Family, Sir Jasper Carew, Clara Moreland, Ac. Also received, Graham’s Magazine, and Peterson’s Magazine, for September, at seplS _ GEO. A. OATES A BROS., Broad-st. MRB. STOW E’S NEW BOOK.-Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands; by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Also, the Three Colonies of Australia, their Pa-dures, Cop per Mines and Gold Fields; by Samuel Sidney : London euition, with numerous Engravincs. For sale h/ s 9 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. PHB ELEMENTS OF AURItH/rURK, a 11 ok Ja. Tor Young Farmers; by George E. Waring, Jr., Con sulting Agriculturist. For sale by THOS RICHARDS A TON. Havana segaiis— iu segTrsTmjco O Ii SEGARS, just imported, by s 9 DAWSON A SKINNER. *ll k i WUi LBS. small Tenn BACON, (hog round,) lor sale by HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. myio vri LPEHIOR MUSTARD.—We have j r ust received IO 100 doz. of Hudson’s Mustard. jels WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. NOW-A-DAYS. WM. N. MIUHOLB has just received, in addition to his former assortment, ten different stytes of HATS, for Gentlemen’s wear. Some of them entirely new. Please call and look at them opposite the new Au gusta Bank. aulo PEACH STONES WANTED. ~ THE subscriber wishes to obtain one or two bushels dHh of fresh PEACH STONES. When token the fruit they should be packed in moist sand, to them from beaming dry. Apply a t this office to aul2 ~ itf D. REuMOND. I»NEGAR.—6O bbls Pure Cider VINEGAR ; , u r 10 do. White Wine Do. Just re cetved by [jySO] HAND. WILLIAMS ACO. RAI&IN8. —A few half and quarter boxes fine RAISINS, ti be had at [au‘2o] RUSSELL 4 SIBLEY’S. ON CONSIGNMENT—6O bushels Dried PEACHES, wifi be sold low. [sls lm] J. A. ANSLEY. IT'OR SALE—A superfine Smut Machine, made by 1 Leonard Smivb. SCRANTON,SEYMOUR 4 CO., auS No. 2, Warren Block, HARD TIMES, a Novel; by Charles Dickens, from Dickens’ Household Words, prioe 95 cents. For sale at au!9 GEO. A. OATES 4 BROS., Broad-st, auction sa lks. BY S. c. GRENVILLE & CO. Sille Partition. T) V virtue of an order of the 8u» eri^7rv^,»» 1> county. Georgia, the underMgn. <1 t\mimiasTnera'trill sell on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBERntxt at the Lowor Market House in Augusta, during the usual hours of public sales, the following described Heal Estate, belonging to William H.Hatfitld and Elisa Virg uia Hatfield, as tenants in common: All that lot of Land, with the improvements thereon, on the souih side of Broad-street in the city of Augusta, bounded on the north b? Broad-street, on tbe east by real estate held by Andrew J. Miller, as trustee for Mrs. Picquet, on tne south by Ellis-street, and cn the west by real estate owned or occupied by Mrs. Smith; it being tbe Brick Store, with a Dwelling over head, fronting about twe ty seven feet on Broad street, near the Lower Market House, and running through o'like width to Elll- street, with a wooden house on Ellis street- The brick stoie and dwelling on Broa 1- street are now rented to and occupied by Thomas R. Rhodes. Terms—Une-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, the other two-thirds to te secured by note and mortgage. The note to be made payable on the Ist Jana ary, 1851, with interest from the day of sale. The proper ty to be insured for the amount of purchase money unpaid and policy to be trecsferred Tbe rent notes for the com - ing year will be transferred to the purchaser. JOHN K JACKSON, 1 WILLIAM A. WALTON, > Commissioners GEORGE G. MCWHORTER,} August 25, 1554. BY C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. ADM INI be sold, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, on the Ist Tuesday in OCTOBER next, within the legal hours of sale, (by order Court of Ordinary) a tract of Land con taining fort -five acres, (more or less) lying and b- ing in the county of Richmond, near the Quaker Springs, beb ng ing to the estate ol G. P. Flanigan, adjoining lands of Prancis Tompkins, Arthur Smith, John’skinner and Thom as Bealle. Said tract wili be sold subject to a mortgage, for s6uo and interest. August 16, 1854. OSWELL E. CASHIN, Adm*r. BY CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY & U«. The sale advertised by Mr. Joel M. Fieeman, Administrator on the estate of F. W. Freeman,is indefinitely postponed by us, in consequence of the epidemic. September 19, 1854. Executor's Sale of an ex ensite Stock of Jewelry. Gold and Stiver batches, Materials, Store fixtures, die., <&c., at. Auction. WEDNESDAY, the 27tn September next, at 10)4 o clock, A. M., will be sold, agreeable to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, at the store of the iato Thos. W Preeman, deceased, the entire contents of said store, consisting ia part of— Gold and Silver Watches, am mg them being Lever, De tached do., single and hunting Cases, and of the beat ma“ers. Jbwslry.—Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Chatte laitsdo.; Medallions, Watch Seals, Ear-drops.. nd Kings Stud Buttona, Bracelets, Cuff Pins, Seal, Set and Plain Rings, Lockets, Ac., Ac. Silver and Plated Gocd3, consisting of heavy Table Spoons, Tea do.; Knives, Castors, Ac. A large number or first and second-h -nd 8 and 80 day Brass Clocks, with wtighu and springs. —ALBO - Regulator, 8 Work Benches, 1 Chest of Drawers, 1 Up right Desk, X Secretary, 1 Iron fire proof Sa'e, 1 high Glass Case, 4 handsome Show Cases, Tables, Sofas, Ac —ALSO— Stock of materials, consisting of Watch G’asses, Main spr.n s and such articles as are usually required in the Jewelry business. The attect on of the public are invited to examine tbelr Goods, as they are positively to be sold to close up the business of the late Thos. XV. Freeman, dtceased, tales will commence on Wednesday morniog, and con tinue at night if not closed out during the day until all is so d. Every article wi 1 be warranted as represented Terms cash before delivery. JOEL N. PREEMAN, Ex’r., On Estate of Thos. W. Preman, deceased. August 16,1854. Richmond hiikriff’s bale By virtue of an order itsu d at Chunber, by the Honorabl. Judge of the Superior Court, M. D. Geo , wil be to'd, on ;he first Tuesday :n October next, wiihin the legal hoars cf sale, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, the following priperty as perishable, v i: 1 Piano a-d Cover, 3 Rocki g Chairs, set cf mantel Ornam nts, 1 Tete a Tete, 1 Secretary ana B ok Case, 1 Sofa, 1 Carp-t, 1 marble f>p C ntre Table, 6 Chairs, 1 Bedstead, and Bed chug, 1 Bureau, 1 piece Matting, 1 marble top Washstand, 1 work Table, 1 pair cf Andirons, B Chairs, 1 small man el CLck, 2 Wardrobes, 1 plain Bureau, 1 Bedstead ana Bed ding, 1 tmall Washstand, 1 Bedstead and Bedd ng, 1 Centre Tab e, 1 Cot, 1 Range aDd Cocki -g Uten sils in Kitchen. 1 Safe, 2 Tables, 5 Chairs, 1 Lamp 4 Shades, 1 Piano Stool, 1 pair of Fire Dog>, also all the right title and interest cf E. D. Robertson in one half bale - f Bagging, also, 1 Carriage and Harness, 1 pair ofßhafts, 211 iters and RoprS, also, al the right title and interest of E. D, Robertson in se’enty-one ba es of Bagging now in the Ware-House of Robertson A Goss, on Re^nola-stre-tin City of Augusta: It vied on as the proper ty of E D. Rebertson under attacbm nts in favor o» Wil liam C. Dawson, Robert Howard, against Eija D. Robert son, this 20th of September, 18f4 WILLIAM DOYLE, Dep’t Sheriff, R. C. September 20,1854. GENT’S Calf Congress GAITERS, received bv sS ALDRICH A ROYAL. / iKST'S superior fine Calf pegged tiuOPd, received by v * sS ALDRICH A KOYAL. CARPETINGS! CARPETINGS!! JLST CPEA EU by the subscriber, and offered at the lowest market pr fee, a very fine ljt of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CARPETINGS, which are well assorted in prices, styles and qualities. tJ _ J P. 3ETZE. TO MERCHANTS. I OFFER to City and Country Merchants a large and well selected stock of CROCKERY, F r V GLASS aad CHINA. Those wishing to purchase, will find it to their interest to call at 294 Broad-streeTd sl2 El.l MUSTIN. PHiN.ZY ft CLAYTON, T AN D COMMISSION MER- T T CHANTS, Augusta, Ga. sG 6m POLK COUNTY LAND. I OFFER for sale my plantation in Po'k county, four miles east of Cedar Town, on the Van Wei t road, consisting of seven hundred and twenty acres of Laud,24o acres cleared and in cultivation; Gin-home and Screw; Orchards of the best kind and good water. Call and look. al-wlm H. F. WIMBERLY. OAK SOLE LEATHER, trimmed N. J. inspected Slaughter HIDES, a J superior article, and worthy the attention of City Boot Makers. Also a large assortment of Ba timore Span ish Oak Sole, for sale at the Saddierv Warehouse. SHERMAN, JESrUP A CO., late Wright, Nichols A Co., 289 Broad-st., 2d door above new Bank of Augusta. s7 d*tw.?m HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, IN every variety of weight and quality. Also, Harness, Skirting, Bridle, Band, Picker, Lacing and Roller LEATHER, and every description of Patent LEATHER always on hand and for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse. SHFRMAN, JESSUP A CO., iate Wright, Nichols A Co., 289 Broad-st., 21 coor above the new Bank of Augusta. s7 d*t w3m RECEIVED THIS liJLY, ~ BOXES fresh Soda CRACKERS; JmO 5 bbls. Butter do.; 500 lbs. fresh Smoked BEEF; 8 bbls. Pickled TONGUES; 500 lbs. new COD-FISH ; 5 bbls. POTATOEB; 2 “ White BEANS; 15 boxes new CHEE IE ; 1000 lbs. Sugar Curea Canvassed HAMB. For sale by G. T. D.iRTIO, FOR SALE. “ A LOT of fine, wel-broke young MULES, two flue HORSES, one laige WaGO V. iron axletree, wita Har ness, one second-hand CARRIAGE Enquire of W. 11. OAKMAN, Ja.. At J. J. Byrd’s, upper end of Broad-street, on and after the 13th inst. t 9 ts OUi HONEY MAN, and other Comicalities from Punch—illustrated by J. M’Cieaan. The American Cotta e Builder, a series of D signs, Plans, and Specifi cations from 200 to $20,000, for Homes for the People • by John Bulloch, Architect, Civil Eugineer, M-chanicAn and Editor of the History and Rudiments of Architecture* Rudiments of the Art of Building, Ac. The Knickerbocker for August has also been received at » ull GEO A. OATK3 A BRO., Broad-st. THE BKitVuORX HOTJSK, FIFTH A\ KNUE, CORNER OF EIG-HTH-feT., N, YORK THIB establishment, finished and furnished, with al the modern conveniences and comforts, was opened for the reception of permanent and transient visitors, on Tuesday, the 4ih of September. It will be conducted en tirely on the French p'au, with a restaurant attached or meals sent to rooms. The catering departments, will be exclusively under the direction of Mr. Sanderson, late of the College Hotel. Families desirous of engaging apart ments, can do so by applyieg at the office of the Betel, or to the Proprietor, CURTIS JUDSON, s6-dlm of the New-York Hotel. MATTHIEBBKN * O’HARA, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, t KABT BAY,corner of Queen street, Charleston 8.0. We would respectfuly call the attention of Merchants of Georgia, dealing i.i Re dy-maie CLOTHING to our extensive and varied stock of Cluthiog comprising ail qualities. All goods from our establishment are war ranted, both for style and workmanship. Particular attention given to orders ' ' W«.H.O'Huu.- BAi >OLE-BAGS, Os the most approved styles, for sale ?? Uy*>J D. B. PLUMB AGO. npURPENTIN E.—S bbls. TUrVenTUne. just rej A ceived and for sale at W. H. AJ. TURPIN’S, j? 25 Druggists, above Lamback’s Oooiectionary. / X ILMAN’g I.tULID HAIR DYE—A sure remedy YX for certain imperfections of Dature, as exhibited In the progiessive spirit of Young America. Also, Fhalon’s HAIR DYE andINVIGOKATOR, TRICOPHEROUS, KA THAIRON, and any quantity ol FANCY PERFUMERY. Ac. Call and see. W. H. 4J. TURPIN’S, Drug and Apothecary Store, above Lambask’s Confec tionary. jy2s KACH BRANDY.—B bblg. Bupenor~Peach DY on consignment, and for sale by jeß DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. ( A *9**?* , aa(l other Comicalities, from Punch, with original illustrations by J. McClenan. Select Writings of Robert Chambers—Essays PamUar and Humorous. Stories of the Irish P, asantr. ; by Mrs. S 0. Hall. German Literature; by Joseph Gostick. The French Revolution from 1789 to 1840; bv T. W. Red head. TheLifeand Works of Robert Buins; edited by Robt. Chambers, in 4 vola. 12 mo. Sketches of Genoa, Pisa and Florence, with a description the Cathedral of Milan, tran lated from tbe French of Jules Janin; by Mrs. M Harrison Robinson. Life and its Aims, in two part? part Ist. Ideal Lfe j part Bd, Actual Life. Packet Book of Mechanic* and Engineering—containing; a Memorandum of Facts and connection of Practice and Theory; by John W Nystrom, O. E. Also, part 6 Chambers* Journal. Also, another supply of the Pilgrims of Walsingham; by Agnet Strickland. Just received by t gtUT THOB. RICHARDS 4 SON, J P. SETZE.