The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, January 30, 1790, Image 1
V SATURDAY, January 30, 1790.] * THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE A N I> , . 1 ■ 'l* ' GAZETTE of the STATE. •• , • — ~ " 1 FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JU K If, (hail remaiu inviolate. Cpnftttution oj Ctorgia . AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. M 1 rl, Prin izrto t * State; i Jays, a tides f Intelligence , ddoertije.ment r, &£, will be gratefully received, ana every kind $t Printing former me a An A<3: For impojing a Tax for the Yea* One Thailand Seven Hundred andNt net v* 7)E it enabled by the Senate an 1 House of Repre/entativa of the 'tate of Georgia in General srjjembly met , Tha- a lax o+ ten fhiilngs for every hundred pounds Value of ali lands within tms itate, granted to or liirveyed for any pe son, as such lands (hall be cftim.ted at, (hall be levied on the fame in the following mode, viz . All tide swamps (including cultivated or uncultivat ed, of the firll quality at ninety feven (hillings per acre, of the fecund quality iixty (hidings per acre * of the third quality at thir ty-seven (hillings per acre. , All pine ba ren lands adjurn ing inch lands, or contiguous thereto, and within three mites of water carriage, at fifteen (hil lings per acre. Ail prime inland swamps ( ul~ tivated or uncultivated) at an a yarage of sixty- Icven (hillings per and oi the lecond quality at thirty-icven lhiUingsper ac e $ and oi the thir l quality at fif teen (hillings per ac«e. Ail pine barren lands adjoining or contiguous thereto* at lour (billings per acre. Salt marih, at four {hillings per acre. AH high river swamp or low grounds (including i(l*nds) cul tivated or uncultivated including such as are commonly cahed le cond low grounds) lying above Abercorn and as high as the mouth of M Bean’s creek, on Savannah river, of th fi'iiqu lity at fifty*two (billings per acre* of the iecond quality at thirty (hillings per acres and of the third quality at fifteen (billings • per ac e. All high r iver (wamps as a faeludi lying *twve GEORGIA. creek, and as high as the mouth of Rae’s <*reek, of the fi 11 quality at leventy five (billing** pc* acre; of the ccond quality hit two (hillings per .<cre ; and ot the t’ ird quality at twenty-two (hil lingsper acre. 11 high nvt-r fwampas afore aid. from t'ie mouth of Rac’s creek to the mouth of Bioad ri ver on tne river Savannah, of the fir ft quali y at forty-one (hillings pe acr .• ; ot the lecond quality at twenty-two (hillings per acre; of the thud quality at (even (hilungs per tcre. / II oak and hickory lands (in cluding illands ) cultivated or un cultivated, Iron* the mouth of kae’s creek to the mouth ot Broad river, within one mile ot •savan nah-river, of the fiift quality at fifteen 'hillings peracic* of the second quality at leven ihiliing par acre ; and tor the third q an ty at four -(hillings per acre. All oak and hiv kory rands (in cluding islands) cultivated o un cultivated) horn the m uth oi Broad river, up the savannah ri ver, within one mde ot the lame, and up T ugalo rivur to the mail ed line on laid ft < cam, ot ihefiot quality at eleven Ihiliing* pc acre; of the fecona quality at lix (hillings pre acre; aod of-the third quality at three lhillingsper acre. All oak and hickory land* (in cluding illands) cultivated or un cultivated, from the mouth of Broad river to the marked line, on the head thereof, ot the firft quality at eleven (hillings per acre ; or the second quality at fix (hilling! per acre; and of the third quality at three (billings pci acre. All high river swamp or low grounds (including tfands as aiorelaid) from fort 4rpyle to the mouth of Buckhead creek on the river Qgcchee, of the firft quality at nineteen (hilling* per of the jiwttd fiuiu/ »i [▼ol. IV. No. CLXXIILjJ i eleven (hillings per acre ; nd / ihc thud quautyai i u« (hihinga per acre All oak and hick land aforefaid fiom the mou h <>f Buck-head creek to t <e head of Og c. ee river, of (he firftquality t sis ecn (hillings per acre; of the second quality at leven Ihii* hugs per acre ; ai d of the third quality at tour (hillings per acre. Ail Tivcr iwamp or 1 >vr grounds as aforefaid, from tho mouth of Buckhead crei k to the head of Ogechee river, of the fi*ft quality at fifteen (hillings per ac e*j of the fe.ond quality gt.lev a (hillings per gest; and ofc th* third quality at f ur ihillings per acre. All high river swamp (induck ing iflandb) cultivated o uncul iivated, from Cat he<d on the ri. ver Alatam h : to the month of co «ee river, or t firft quality at twenty-two (hillings per acre| of the fecund qu iity at eleven thiliings per acre; ai d ot th® tui d quality at four fhibings pef acre high river (watnpo low grounds as afo efaid, from fh# mouth ot c nee 'iver al v.g tho northern lb cam, and on tho noithfidf of the lnd an bound* y line, o the co fluence & the * - concc aiid .paiachc or fuutli fork, or til- firu qua'ity at thirty (hillings per icre; of the second quality at fiite n (hillings per acre ; and of tne thud quajitv a( four (hillings per acre. all rive, iwamp as aforclaid, from the confluence of the Geo* pec river and Apabche river up wards, on the north fide of tfi® Indian boundary line, of the firft quality at twenty (hillings per acre; ot the second quality at twelve (hillings and fix-pence per acre ; and of the third quality at leven (Idling* per acre* All oak and hickory lands (m» eluding iiland ) cultivated or n • culuvatcJ, abuve tins flow nj of