Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Smith , i
' By inferring the ieclofcd, sou will oblige
yuur’s, &c.
HOWEVER incempatable it may seem
for a pertbn who profiles fcimftlf mere
ly a Citizen of the World, to intermeddle in
the police of Augusta, and pretend to give
public advice to people who ought to be sup
posed capable of walking without leading
firings; yet, as the gentleman appear* to be
atfuated by the raoft benevolent motives, and
conveys his sentiments in such terms of polite
rtjt and undour, l have no doubt, but th<t
che elected Aldermen will pay due attention
to his faiutary counsel, x ~
I cannot but admit? the deep policy which
gavo birtMP .the idea .of humiliation to riic
foyver claffes,of the people, and I would recom
mend to the Aldermen, if they have any fi
wifter purpose in view, to endeavour, by com
placence and affability, to curry favor With
the canaille , and by that means fecur* their
fandion to their future proceedings. The bint .
Joes honor to tbs Citizen of the World, and
Che prance is necessary in every instance
wberfe the mob is lord paramount—There can
be no difputc, but that the Aldermen confi
der 4tneMbl€ ttt cvery law that
can affea them for any impropriety or mcon-.
fiftency of cortduA i and lam well convinced,
that the fntaktng companion ot {uch fiber*J
aiinded gentlemen aa t jhe Citizen of. the
World appears to be,, more intole
rable to a man of ffeiin*. than the levered
penalty any law could in such w mftaiice m
fli«i -I cannot fay I am forprifed at anything
this consequential es ; but
I must confefs that it appears a problem to
. me how the priviledges ot wy.peopie can be
violated, by being allowed to think and ad
lor themfelveain the choice ot-public officeiS,
and whoever has 'he effrontery to mike such
4n affertibn. must be possessed of no jm aU de
gree of arrogance* cil
The imputation of alienfhip, or rather alien
citizenlhip, can only be levelled at a few. Ot
the elected Aldermen J and when it is confl
icted how many important ftatioHS. in the
fjuited States are filled by men who cannot
claim the honor of firft preaching the viral an
•n this Continent, I camiot. look upon ibis,
heinous charge of so much consequence. Nor
can 1 conceive by what authority this writer
has a right to judge entirety' of the motives
that have, or may induce any foreigner to
become a citizea of the United States* While
ibett men perform the duties of their several
Rations with integrity, and contribute their
proportions \o exigencies with alacrity,
they are and ought to be accounted valuable
acquifiuons to any country.
K .I must confefs, however, when Mr. Citi
4»n mentions that copfcioue diffidence ought
fp have prevented the Aldtrmfen elected, from
acceping the honor within their reach, I must
v perfefUy coincide with him A The political
experience, exalted ftatiqns, and splendid ac-_
’ eomplithmencs 0 f the greater fk art of their
competitors, ought to have 4 arr.e/led :
/ ing hands, and deterred them from gralping
at the gaudy.prize. • *•
Infatuated ,raortak ! could sou not forefee
. that the Herculean talk of making regulations
for the sarge andimportant metropolis of
Georgia, would be an uncertaking far too ar
duous for yogi fttalfow x Did not
the blood curdle jp*. %our ypins, jwben *you
looked down from the awful height, to which
your aspiring arrogance bad railed you l. AI- ,
dermen, beware the eyes of the whole world,
are upon you—ls you deviate but .ati inch to
die right or to the left of the path chalked
•gp for you, the threatened enmity and furi
dus indignation of this doughty Citizen will
overwhelm you with everlaftingconfufion and
. .. *•.» •v A* OBSERVER.
t } S. I cannot help admiring the poetical
talents cl- one of your .correfpondeots (exhi
bited to public view in your foil paper. The
sublimity of conception, exuberancy >pf fan
cy, elegance of dtAiou,<atid .harifbony of ver-
Ufi'-ation there displayed, is perhaps foopats*
Sailed in our language I would recommend
4o the ( oiporarion to have it set to music, and
lung hy the town rryer on every future elec*
gton day, for the edifitatiou of the worthy
efleftori, and if Mt C leou will faVor the
poblic with 'he fecund Canto, <4 due fay it
•ill fun a* so inaugnury ode mbs perfo rm*
0* (Pe MiaiUuua ot every lutui? Mayer.
. * f »' r- 1 >.■> v •• *' '
Th A- EANI ‘TIING Cupida round tly tfcflcJ
I\l ‘ play,
I 1 mem ly gate, end fpert th* hours away*
8 erene they view those chirms thyfelf
* iufpirea,
S natihes thy (miles, and a(ks thy killing fires
'•r v . .
T othee, O Nymph, from Wilkalitine groves,
A thousand kneel, enfnar’d by you and love;
L oft in tby arms, let empires ceale to be—
B e mine, thy ends in thee r
() a thy fond lips, In fo’ndnefs be impress’d i
T his grant propitious, and Pm truly bleft
4. '• * * ******* .> » *■ • £
State of Georgia ? Y)ERSONLY , appeared
Richmond County y Jfe before me Nathan
Hills oue of, the Aldermen of the Towy of
Augusta Stare ft County aforefaid Mr Thos
Gumming merchant & made oath on the Holy
EvangeFi&s of Alniity God that he has loft or
raiflaida Tobaccokiotf given by the Infyeftors
at Calls warehoUfe Marked as follows I T B
No id. taoß. 81. 1127 Neat n
Sworn t o before me this • " *
19th of lanry 1790 THO. CUMMING.
Nathan Hills Aldr.
I s
* *
AGREEABLY to an order of tbtf Mayor
and Aldermen of the town-of Augusta
of the eyth inst. those persons whoare can
didates for .the place* of Clerk of the Market,
G'onftables and Scavenger, are desired to give
in their names before the 15th day of Fe
bruary next, to the Cubfcriber
W. URQyHART, Town Clerk
> -1 1— - •
. , „ " ' - >c
' ; I Yajhington , tVilkts County, 'fan. 14, 1790.
, f m; yt
AT a meeting of the Teaneflae Company.
Ordered, That are adven
turers, be advifcd to prepare to make their
proportionable payments, as'the nest Ge ie« i>
Meeting will agree tin. the time stipulated for
that purpofe-“’And alio, that Mr. Jchn Stro
ther vyill attend at the town of Wiftiington,
as Trcafurer, for-the purpofc of . receiving
fuchspayments, whose receipt (hall iulweran
. demands from the aforefaid Tenncflee Com*,
pany. The Board adjourned to the 3d day of
February .v f-"' *•-
£*tiaS from the Minutes, “ f
. DANIfiL GAINS, Frefident.
Attest jOSHUA WILLIAMS, Sec % ry. TC.
,1 ■ —. ■> • ■ ■■ -
WHEREAS my wife, Margaret Jordan,
has absented from ray bed and board,
and tiken up with another man, this is to fore
warn all and every from dealing with
her on my account, or pui&hafing’ any of tny
property from her, at-I &aU> nor, «nfwcr any
of her contracts, or allow of any sales ftie
fliall make with my property .
• ' 'r~; ■" y '
Store-Houses. ‘
f , *>•••*: ■■.■4* ■ ' »’ ■
THE Subscriber having finilhed a com
plete let of Store-Houses at Augusta,
adjoining «he Lower Tobajeco Infpettion, and
•convenient to the heft landing in town,i-ispre
pared to receive, on the molt reasonable
terms, all kinds,of dry and wet to
bacco, flour, and every fpeciesof produce on
ft or age-—Such articles as may bo c«;rfmmted •
to his charge will also be fold, -bartered o
(hipped, agreeably to the- ioftruftioiis or ,
the owners, on a low commiflion. ' 2 > -••. I
To beßfeted/
•j .. v By the Month or \t»r, .'
' fecure 'JIOO M^
fuitable.for die Aureate of 1»U,
y Auju*,, J»l. 1, {
Public Safe
To be Soiu at 'Public ale,
To the highest Bidder, on the 19th day of
February next,
ALL' the per loin 1 estate of Isaac Wood,
daceafed, which remaained unadmiui
fteredby Daniel Walicon, when he d»ed ; t on
lifting of Negroe*, Horses, Cattle, Blaokln»ith*f
Tools, and Household Furhitu*e, Lc •—Alfo 1 ,
on the fame da? will be fold to the highest bid-*
tier, part’of the 'perfonal estate of Dauiel
* Walicon, .deceased j conflfting of Cauie,
Hogs, f6me Household Furniture, and fondrjr
other Articles.—The Conditions will be mad#
known on the dtv of sale. s 4
1 liiac Woofs, & P.x* r afi
Daniel li'uluen'i <ft itt,
, tan 9, ‘ I’yoo. *:' *
■ ■ " ..f'
KicL JHona Ccumc, J anuary 9, 1790. %
AS Lpcrfous having anvdemauri« bv bond,
uoie,or oiherwife, against Isaac Wood, .
deceased, are delired to make them known,
duly at eftcd ; > and thole indebted, arc delired
to make immediate payment to
> 1>
• - ,
i : )ac friiiPCi Revved. -
QT RAYED from the fubferiber, or; rather
J broke loofeand got awgy, i u thefuwu of
Augufta,' (horrly aftei (he mcetm* of the Ge- ;
neral Afttmbly, a likely bay Merely or 8
>' ars «io itiots natural, was ihod rouiu 1 wneu
ftie whs loft ; the hi» two latve biamL thu* -
D, and has othei brands, #mougfl which, I
k '-the ictter A a. fmaii rt a r ni her f re
he d —it it >ike yihfe m gbt take hr Wnyhtf
{boiuugn >ad Whoever takes up rii'Ldeli- -
! *e s said Mare at the Shoals of Q.- cchee, (hall *
! have the above reward, ami all reasonable
charges paid by ,
,/i / .1 %
w _
' * *r «/ v V w .fy*-:* •• '
IVdl be Sold at Pu lie Vendue t
On -
At -he honfe of M*. Durham in Campbell.
town. "T
the TAI ERtt
, Formerly otcopied’by Mr*. Roaier 11 brrtad*
street. Also, feverart Hmfcs aud Field Ne- *
groes. Payments'wiß be received m-TbbaCw
eo, by three annual inftallmen a, by
Jan. 22, 1700.
-V Jj.,- ■ ,y • S
* t *
A" Bargain.
for sale, .
That valuable Phtrtation, fttuated abo t wen-. *
y four miles below Augafta, upon S vanoal*
.nuer, known bv the uame -of
Coutaioin* about 4032 acres,' 900 arces op
vhich are prime river‘fwxnrp,- 200 oak and
diekor,y,. and the -remainder good pine land,
which lies very cabvenieut to a fine bold ftCeam.
On ibe tpcemffes are a .kbod dewtling houfje,
barn and orchard—ißh’«cre* of the
. ‘•’d 40 acres of the high land, arg clear aud
' under fence
• 41 A-/*' L s o,
b>xteen btnuUee acres of letod, situated oq
Walnut Branch, Burke county, bounded we#*
wardly hv Brier C ieek. Southwardly by Mr. '
Am<ts Whitenead's, and eallwafdly comigu-*-'
• on# to Waynelhormigh.—The (itusjuoo and
quality of thrfe lands art too well fctr'.wn cud
admitted to any further deicription,
For term*! •I'M V’
James shger, ,
iL * • at Cummiof it Nhf ted tea,
Auir jßi, I*o. «3, lypo. ~JW
ft, fit Advariifameeia emitted will be i m
Flawed m eur Mil»