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ty bit Excellency EDWARD TELFAIR,
Governor and Commander in Chief in and
over the State aforcfaid, and of the Milt*
tia thereof.
A Proclamation.
WHfctvfcAS executive proceed- *
iugs are required on the after
recited Aft, which is in the
following words, fiz
An Act r making c<.mp<nJation to i t Troops
in the Jt • vice of ibis fait , for di,cbar &
the said : > oups> and for colliding and Je
curmg the public arms.
JhE it madid by tot Senate and Heujt of
J? Re pretentative* of the pate of Georgia in
General AJfmbly met, and by ib authority of
the fame , That the pa J of the officer* and
soldiers in the service of the ttate, (hall be the
fame as the militia when on aftual lei vice;
and that the Auditor be direfted to liquidate
the relpeftive claims* upon proper jrou lietf
being produced, and lhail grant each officer
and soldier a certificate for the amount of pay
due them ; which said certificates (lull be re
ceived at the Treasury as other audited cer
tificates are.
‘ And to he intent that no officer or soldier
who is not aftuallf in he service of the date
at this prefeut tune, (hail receive pay » Be it
mailed, That there (ha I he a general mutter
of the said regiment, at the town of Waih
ington, within three months from the patting
of this Aft, and that no officer or soldier (hail
be entitled to receive his pay, unless he makss
his appearance at the said mutter, or fends a
fufficienr eacule, on oath or affirmation, that
he hts been prevented from attending, by
fickuel's or Come other unavoidable Calamity
Proa. Jed, That no man who i« now returned
a deserter, (hall be entitled to receive pay,
nor any ptrfon who hat served as a fubftitutc.
And he it farther enaded , That on the day
of general mutter as aforefaid, the troop*
(had depofite (he amis in the public ttore
houfe, and the ftore-keepsr ihall immediately
forward a certificate of the number of arms,
with the names of the privates depositing the
fame, to the Auditor, and that no private
soldier lhail be entitled to receive pay for. any
time previous to the date of his captaiu’s com-,
million > and the captains or coin mending of
ficers of the refpeftive companies, are here
by required to make a return of the number
of men iu their refpeftive companies, with
she dates of their enlistment, which (hail be
sworn td before the Auditor* in the words
following: “ 1 A. B. capiain or command
ki ing officer of company of the ttate
•f troops, do lolemnly swear, that the teturn
d< I now give in, is a just and true return of
e* all the non-commidinned officers and fol
<* diers in my compauy, with the dates of
** their enlistments, in which I have dittin
«* guithed be ween those who hare been re*
« ceived or served as fubttitutes, from rhofc
** who were not; and that I have not return
« ed a man who has been absent more than
<« thirty days, without leave, at auy one time
<« from the regiment of ttate troops* all
which I declare without any equivocation
or mental refervatmn whatsoever: So help
<» me God.” Which said oath the Auditor n
hereby empoweted and required to admini
ster to the captains or commanding orheers of
said companies refpeftively ; and before the
Auditor proceeds to give any non-coinmif
fioned officer or private soldier a certificate,
such non-commissioned officer or ptiva.e ihall
take an oath, that the date of his eulittment,
returned by his captain or commanding ot.
Beer, is jutt and true; and that he has never
been absent more than thirty days, without
leave, at any one time from the service of
the ttate, and that he has not been a fuhftitute:
Provided , That nothing therein contained
extend to debar the fubttitutes in the
ftid regiment from receiving the bounty in
land engaged to them by «• Au Aft to amend
e» and repeal certain parts of an Aft for fup*
et praffiug the violences of the Indians, 9 paf
ftd the firft day of February, one tboufand, '
ffeven hundred and eighty-eight.
And be it fur ibex enadea, That the said
jfrnopi ihall be allowed the fame bounty A'
land, tt is pointed to them refpeftively j n
" An Aft for suppressing the violences of the
* Indians.' 1 Provided nevutbeuf, That all
#fUlra iif Mditra who hm b«sn intrntted
. with any species of public propet ty, (ball be
accountable for the fame, and (hall not be in
titlea to receive either his pay or bounty as
afoieUid, until he lhall return the arms so
received by hun or them, and a receipt or
acquittance for such public property be p;o
--duced to the Auditor.
And be it fuitber enacted, That in case of
the death of any of the soldiers, then the
-captain or commanding officer of the com
pany, (hall give a ceiwficate of the fame to
the legal reprefeutative of such person, who
lhalt be entitled to his pay aud other emolu
ments, on producing the fame to the Auditor.
tit it ai/o enacted by the auihoiity afore/aid,
Tbat from and after the passing of this Act,
the Governor lhall have full power to dis
charge the said troops, and take such further
orders as tie may deem necedat y to secure the
public property which may be forthcoming;
ana -flit he alio ue directs*! and required to
cauie the commanding officers of the different
brigades ui militia within thL date, to have
„ immediate ictums made from each bngide,
of the pcifous exempted from militia duty
therein, under the law author ling the enlilt
mem of fubftituies, togethei with a copy of
toe certificate givcu to the individuals claim
ing such exemption; and that the
General oe alio requited to make a return of
the lumfitutes actually received, and that
have been in service.
SEABORN JONES, Speaker of the
than: of Rep> ejen.ati ves.
N. BRoWNSON, President of the
Concurred Dec. i 4, 1789.
/ «
I HAVE THEREFORE, in purfuaoce of
the powers veiled in me, thought fit to iiTue
my Proclamation, notifying to the officers
and soldier» of the Hate troops, who are com
preheuded within the purview of the afore*
recited Act, that on Tueiday, the ninth day
of February next, a general muiier be held
at the town of Waihiugton j at which time
auJ place, ail officers and soldiers, as in the
Act described, are directed and required to
attend under the forfeitures in the said ACi
prescribed. And that the captains or com*
mandiug officers do returns to the Au
ditor, as iu the said Act set forth. And the
officers aud soldiers who have been mtrufted
wiib any species of public property, are here
by directed and requited to deliver into the
hands of Vfr. Darnel Terondet, ltore*keeper
in Walhiugtun, the arms and other public
property they have been intruded with, in
order to cuable the Auditor to make adjust
ments agreeably to the pbwors veiled in him
by the said Act* And the infpeftot-Geaeral
is hereby directed and required to mutter the
said troops at the tune aud place before men
tinned, and as in aud by the said Aft direct
ed i aud he is also “ requred to make a re*
turn of the fuoftitutes actually received, and
that have been in service "
And whereas certain bounties of land are
promited to the officers aud soldiers pointed
out i:* the laid Act, it is therefore to
be understood, that no liquidation of pay in-'
teuded to oe made on the part of the (late by
the Auditor, lhall bar or preclude aiiy officer
or soldier intided io the said bounty, from
claiming the fume at any future period, when
appropriations lhall be made b the General
Assembly. And the commanding officers of
the diffeten* brigades of militia within this
hate, are hereby directed and required, “ to
«« have immediate returns made, from each
brigade, of the persons exempted from
■' militia duty thereiu, under the law autho
<* riling the enlirtment of fubftituiea; toge
»< ther with a copy of the certificates given
«* to the individuals claiming such exemp
«* tion.*’
And the legal representatives of those who
may be deceased, lhall avail (hemfeives ut
the benefits that may have accrued by viitue
of this Aft, at the time aud place already no
tified. — Audi dohereoy requite all officers,
civil and military, an * others whom it
may concern, *°P*F regard, and ltueti;
to perform he duties tcquiied of each of them
in the fa d recited Aft.
GIVEN under mv Hand, and the Greet
Set) of the said St .te, at the State*
Houle hi Augusta, this thirty-firft day
ff Dicembtr, m the Year es eur
Lord, one tboufand, seven hundred
and eighty nine; and u the four
teeuib yeai of the Independence of
the States of America.
* “• * ** r *
By b'A Excellen y*s Command,
JOHN MILTON, Secretary*
An AS for preferibing the regulations and re*
find ions under ‘which the Governor Jhull ap*
point Militia Ofilters and Secttiarus*
BE it enacted by the Senate ana Houje of Re*
prefentatives of the fate of Georgia in General
Afembly met y That the Governor shall appoint
and commission Militia Officers : Provided
, always, That no person (hall be appointed or
commissioned who (hall not have been a citi
zen of this (tale for three yeais, or have,
served with reputation as a commissioned of
ficer in the army of the United States.
And be it junbet enacted, That all Militia
Officers already appointed, or that (hall here-i'
after be appointed, (hall be residents of the
county with the regiments or company in
which they arc commissioned ; and where*
and as often as it (hall be otberwife, the Go-*
vernor (hall appoint and commission a resident
or residents in his or their room and (lead.
And be tt fut the r enacted, Thai the Secre
taries of the Governor, (rot exceeding two)'
(hall be citizens and residents of this date ;
aud dial! have attained to the age of twenty*
one years.
the House of Reprefentatives*
N.BROWNSON, President of
the Senate .
Concurred Dec. 23, 1789.
STATE-HOUSE, Augusta, fan* 15, (790.
4 ** t
The Aft pal Ted at Augusta the isd Decem
ber, 1789, “ For preferibing the
and reftriftions under which the Governor 1
(hall appoint Militia Officers and Secretaries,*
was taken under consideration ; whereupon,
ary 15, 1790.
Brigadier General John Twiggs is direfted,
without delay, to make a return of all perfon*
coufidered as Militia Officers now in aftual
service in the refpeftive counties within th»
date, noting therein the date of each Officer**
commission, or tim? of appointment, toge
ther with his rank ; also, noting such as have
served as commissioned Officers in the army
of the United States, and also such as have
not been citizens of this date for three years,
together with luch as havs removed out of
the limits of the county or didrift where the
regiments or companies are.
By order of the Commander in Chief •
STATE-HOUSE, Augusta, Jan. 16, 1790*
That the Secretary of the State transmit t»
- Brigadier General John Twiggs, a certified
Extraft of such parts >f the Aft entitled, “ An
“ Aft for preferibing the regulations and re—
“ driftions under which the Governor (hall
“ appoint Militia Officers,” &c. as refpe{|
the Officers of Militia.
BY virtue of the powers in me veiled by
the Executive department, notice i*
hereby given to all Militia Officers, and o
thers afting under them, who have received
public arms, or other military (lores, from
the Mavazme in Auguda, to return the fame
0 the said Magazine, without delay.
ROBERT DIXON Keeper of the
_____ Public Mugamne in dupufla*
Blank Deeds of Convey*
Alice tt be hid ti the Printer*