The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, March 06, 1790, Image 1
jifATI&RDAy, March 6, I79 0 -] EHE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE GAZETTE of the STATE -FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, fhatf remain inviolate. Constitution of Gtorgip. "* * ■ ' * \ 4 . s>’ ' ”*+ _ M AVGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to tub State; EJJays, Articles of 1 . Intelligence, Advertisements, 13c. will be gratefully received , ana every kind of Printing performed. ITai TaQ: To be entitled an Ad to repeal some fart, and amend some other parts of an Ad to regulate the r infpedion of tobacco . TJE it enaSed by the Striate and House of Wjmeprejentatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met , and by the authority of tbejante, That so much of ah Aft, entitled .2 Ao Aft to repeal some part, and amend Ibme Other parts of an Aft to regulate the in fpeftion of tobacco,” pafled at Augusta the fourth *day of February, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine, as refpefts a re view Or examination of tobacco, after the infpeftOr or infpeftors have palled their notes fpr the fame, be, and the fame is hereby re further enaMed, That the Justices of the Inferior Courts, or a majority of them, fyin the refpeftivc counties, be, and they are Cthy authorifed and empowered to direst llfcowner or owners of aware-house or vpljthoufes, or any of them in their refpec ojQfeunties, to build or rebuild such house for the reception of tobacco, and of futh dimenfionß as they may deem neceflary and proper; ind in case of negleft or refufal to build or rebuild as aforefaid, the person or persons so negleftiug or refufing, (hall, at the discretion of the laid Justices, be fubjeft to a dne hot exceeding five hundred pounds, to be applied to the use of the Academy of the county where imposed. Be itfurther enaSed , That * ftitr o«, auu tatj are hereby authorifed apd empowered to appoint and remove, at pleasure, the infpeftor or infpeftors of tobac co, in their refpeftive counties, and to direst 9 \\ Other things neceflary and proper relative the infpeftion of tobacco, which are not ptoyided for by laW. And bt it further enabled by the authority aforefaid, That the infpeftor or infpeftors, ftjall be obliged to deliver each hoglhead to the person (hipping the fame, withat least fix good hoops; and every hoglhead of tobacco, be fore it be removed from any ware-house with in this date, (hall be firft branded with the Word Georgia, in letters of one inch long, which brand (hall be provided at the cxpence the owner or owners of each refpeftive herein contained (hall be construed to weaken impair the powers vested in the Trustees *f the Richmond Academy to order such ad ditions and repairs to be made from time to 4> Wme, to the Augusta ware-house, as may be for the reception and Case keeping therein. SEABORN JONES, Speaker of the House of Reprefentatvves. N. BROWNSON, President of the Senate . Cwcurred Dec. *4, 1789. EDWARD TELFAIR, Governor I Writing Paper Tor sale at the Printing- GEORGIA\ Congress of the United States . January 6. IN addition to the Members of Senate, mentioned in our last, Mr. Maclay, of Pennsylvania, being arrived, a quorum of the Senate was formed. A fufficient number of the Members of the House of Representatives were also in town; but thro* the indisposition of one of the gentlemen, they did not proceed to bufmefs, and adjourned. January 7. Mr. Ellsworth and Mr. PaUerfon, of the Senate, arrived and took their feats. HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Wadsworth, Mr. Sturgis, Mr. Van Ranfallaer, Mr. Carrol, and Mr. Mathews, appeared and took their feats. A meflage was Cent to the Senate, inform ing them that a quorum of the House was uoW aflfembled. Mr. Boudinot, Mr. Sherman, and Mr. White, were appointed a committee to re port the unfindsed business of the last feflion, A resolution was received from the Senate, by which Mr. Strong and Mr. Izard are ap pointed a committee oii their wait on, and inform the President of the United States, that the two Houfcs of Congress are now formed, and request to know of him, What time he will aflign to meet them in the Senate Chamber, to lay before them the business he has to communicate. The Houle concurred in this resolution, and appointed Mr. Gilman, Mr. Ames, and Mr. Seney, a committee on their part. On motion, Rtfolved, that two Chaplains of different denominations, be elefted for the present feflion—one by each House, to inter change weekly. Mr. Gilman, of (he Committee appointed to wait on the President, informed the House that the President had afligned to-inorrow, 11 o’clock, to meet, and address both Houses of Congress in the Senate Chamber. Adjourned to half after 10 o’clock, to-mor row morning. LONDON, December 11. The Editor of the Journal de Paris remarks that a certain female crowned head, in the Bourbon connection, does not assist now as usu al at the council board. In confluence of this judicious omiftion, he pay* * Very handsome compliment to her royal husband and sove reign ; but, at the end of it has' these very severe words: “ A modern writer being ask ed his opinion of the political talents of a certain female crowned head, made this aK fwer: Sa voix est melodieufe.” The States General of the United Provinces have made known to the Charge des Affaires, of the Imperial AmbalTador, a resolution : •* That their High Mightinefles would not pro hibit the entrance and sojourning of flranger3 on their territories, so long as they behave themselves peaceably, and did nothing con trary to good order and the police } But that this permiflion did not extend ro ft range n coming in arms,' and in military array, &cc. This intimation fully explains the meaning of the placard, Which we Have already an nounced.’ On thi folicitafiou* of the Empe 6f. th*y put liftoff the ordinance afcaiuft the [Vol. IV. No. CLXXVK!.] Brabant* coming in arms, but they tell then! at :lic fame time, that they may come in what numbers they please without arms, and be protected. Ex trad of a letter from Yarmouth , 03- 3I« “ At day-light this morning our road exhi bited a feeue the most awful aud dirt.effing: Ships difmafled at anchor, and others feudding before the wind without any canvass to fe r ; ten fail on thore, five to the fouth of the town, and five to the north ; wrecks floating in the roads without mails. The Maria, Hare, a new (hip from hence to Rotterdam, is atliore to the southward of this town.” On Sunday afrived a cornier from Vienna; with the news of the capture of the fortrefs of Belgrade, which surrendered the Bth of this month to the army commanded by Field Marihal Loudohn, with all the artillery, eon* fifling of 312 pieces of cannon, all the arms, military cheils and magazines. The garri son, after being disarmed, were conduced to Orfowa, from whence they will be free to re tire into the territories of the Grand Seignior. The Emperor has, on this occaffon, fenc an order to the Cardinal Archbishop, to celebrate High Mass, and to officiate in per** son. Mar that. Loud Ohtl ha# been compliment td.. with the Grand Croix of the order of St. Eti enne. Counts Joseph Cotoredo and Wallie are raised to the rank of Field Marshals, Prince Hohenloe, Count Clairfayt, and Count Brown, kt made Commanders <rf the mili tary order of Maria The^efa. Thus have the Imperial armies, in less than three weeks, obtained five victories, made themselves mailers, with little bloodshed, of a fortrefs deemed almoff impregnable, the key of European Turkey on the German fron tiers, and reduced the provinces of Beffara bia, Wallachia, Bosnia, and Servia; and there is not a ffrong fortrefs, nor a powerful army, to flop their progress to Constantinople. Perhaps, early in the next campaign Lou dohif may, at the gates of that capital, dic tate peace ; and the Porte may be compelled, by the cession of its European territories, to purchase the fafety of its Asiatic empire. It were fupetffuous to declaim on the danger which muff arise to the fyffem of Europe from these events. The present is the moment, when its equilibrium is to be preserved An interposition of the triple alliance in defence of Turkey, might obtain for England a port in the Archipelago, and a recovery of hat Levant tfade, once the frurce off 6 much opulence.—This measure, and this declara tion of the independence of the Belgic pro vinces, with the appearance of an Engliffi or Dutch squadron in the Baltic, woud effectually remedy the evil. Let it be remembered that the liberties of Get many depend only on the Prufiian Monarchy ; and that the cohesion of that mass made up by difeordant and hoffile parts, is only preserved by the fortuitous cif cumilanccs of talent in its Miniffcrs, or Mo narch. Belgrade being taken, and the troubles in the Aultiian Netherlands checked for the pre ffcut, it will behove the French, as fpcedily as possible, in earned, to prepare for the re st 01 at ion of good order, that they may be enabled to refill the attack! of foreign ene mies ; if they do not, and continue in their* present diffracted and deranged date, their wearuefa will, in all probability, induce the