Newspaper Page Text
The report Dated that the Poll-Office may
probably be made to yield a revenue of
100,000 dollars.
So much of the Impolt Law as imposes
duties on wines, ardent spirits, teas and cof**
fee, it is proposed lhould be repealed, after
the firft of May, for the purpose of
a law laying an enhanced duty on those arti
cles: These enhanced duties, with the pro
ceeds of the prefent/evenue from imports and
tonnage, and a duty on diflilleries, tec. ac
cording to the ertimate exhibited,- will pro
duce the sum required for the pay ment of the
interert on the present debt of the United
States, add the Support of government.
The idea of diferiminating between origi
nal creditors and those by purebafe, is repro
bated, and every argument in favor of-ducha*
plan, in our opinion, is totally exploded.
“*.— . ■ i
NASSAU, (N. Providence) Dec . 23.
Accounts from Grenada announce a gene
ra) alarm among ail rank of people in that
island and its dependencies, on account oT the
King of Spain’s Proclamation, publiihed at
Trinidade, lefpefting run-away negroes, to
.whom offers of protection and security are
openly made. In consequence of which the
Legiflaturc have parted an ad, compelling the
:owners of all canoes, boats or perriaogers,
of 14 feet keel and upwards, to give security
in the Secretary’s office, and to take out a li
cence for navigating the fame. They have
also : empowered the Governor to fit out two
armed vertels. The pteamble to the aCt in
question, reciting the necessity of the mea
fuies adopted, contains a very severe reflec
tion upon the Spanish Monarch.
; PROVIDENCE, Febuary 6.
ExtraS of a letter from a gentleman in New
2'ork to bis friend in this town, dated Ja
nuary 30.
“ I congratulate you very sincerely on your
profpeft of a return to the path of honor,
and the road to happinefo—to a participation
of the bleffingß which, we .enjoy under the
JNeiw Couftitutibn of the Dates.
* ' (i A curious anecdote is circulating here,
that a Parson in year Senate- -was violently
opposed to a convention, and prevented the
-parting of the aft for calling one; That the
Governor proposed deferring till
next day, (Sunday) which was agreed to:
That the ,Parson, being obliged to.gttenff to
the cure of fouls, was under 4 necessity of
banishing worldly cares on that day ;. aud
that his a-bfence occasioned an equal division
of the Senate, which furnifhed the Governor,
vith an opportunity.of doing a popular aft,
.and turned the scale in favor of a Conven
, *
*T / PHILAD EL P H lA, Feb. 16.
Extras of a letter from the master of an Ame
rican vejjel , at the Ift of France, date 4
September it, «; • ; ... , «
o.V I arrived here aftec a paflage of four
• monthß, and sorry to inform you, that wine
cannot be-fold .to advantage. We have been
here five days, and no offer as yet for any
thing we have on board, except hogs-lard;
and that will fetch but the firrt cost. The if*
Jand of Batavia is rtiut to all foreigners,’ and
no market any where, so that I am at a loss
tvbat to flo**
All G U S TA> April 17.
< A correfpondiqtcannpt help observing the
Bifagreeabje predicament in which the inha
bitants of Augusta stand at present, froin the
Sion-compliance of the Aldermen with the
duties of their office.—Xmongft many griev
ances which loudly call foi redress, that of
she importtibn of our batters, in the aiffize of
tread, is not the IcalL The loaf, which
should weigh alb. 7 oz. ndrs. (allowing’
tho flour to be from nine to twelve dollars per
barrel) lacks nearly a third of that weight in
this town. —It were equally as well for the
Legiftatura not to have parted thc Aft for re- ;
g,ulating the town of Augusta, if it Ihall re- i
main in fata quo forth 6 term of two years
frojn the firft Monday in January last. What
the Aldermen's intentions are, in neither aft
lag or resigning, is difficult to afeertain; but,
if they are poflefled of that integrity and ve
racity for which we ought to look in men of
their station, it were sincerely to be wirtied,
that a speedy eelaveijmtnt might take place
between tbcmftlfM and their c°nfljtuenti*
Tke Hon. John Steele, Esq. i* elcfted
Member of,Cuugrefs for the diftrifts of Sa
lilbury and Morgan, in North-Caroliua.
STATE-HOUSE, Augufa, March 1, 17^0.
Ordered , That the names of the feyeral per
sons appointed Collectors and Receivers of
Taxes for the refpeftive counties within the
state, for the current year, be pubiiflied in the
State Gazette.
For the county of Camden: Henry Wright,
ECq. Tax Colleftor, William Ready, Elq.
Receiver of Tax Returns.
For the county of Glynn : Thomas Clubb,
Esq. Tax Collector,. Martin Palmer, Esq.
Receiver of Tax Returns.
For the county of Liberty: Jame 9 Gignil
liat, Esq. Tax Colleftor, Roberts,
Esq. Receiver of Tax Returns. ’
For the county of Chatham : FrancisConr.-
voirte, Esq. Tax Colleftor, James White, Esq
Receiver of Tax Returns.
For the county of Effingham : John M‘Call,
Esq. Tax Colleftor* Clement Lanier, Esq.
Receiver of Tag Returns,
For the county of Burke: Thomas Jones,
Esq. Tax Colleftor, David Emanuel, Esq.
Receiver Os Tax Returns*
; For the county of Richmond : Joel Barnett,
. Efq..Tax Colleftor,- James Hamilton, Esq.
Receiver of Tax Returns.
For the county of Wilkes: B. Smith, Esq.
Tax Colleftor, Jobu Lindliy, Esq. Receiver
of Tax Returns v o .
For the county of WatyihgtQn: Daniel
•Burnett, Esq. Tax Colleftor, jobn Watts,
Esq. Receiver of Tax Returns.
For the county of Greene : Oliver Porter,
Esq. Tax Colleftor, Brice Gaither, Esq. Re
ceiver of Tax Returns. . *
For the county of FrahMin: Jeremiah
Cleveland, Esq. Tax Colleftor, John Millins,
Esq. Receiver of Tax Returns.
ExtraS from the Journal of the
Executive Department,
Attest, W. URQUHART, S. E. D.
• • ' i ■ r . . 1
STATE-HOUSE, Augufa, Thursday, Janw
ary 7, 1790.
A letter of this Chrirtopher Hil
lary, Esq. informing of the deafh of Thomas
Clubb, appointed Colleftor of Taxes for th£
county of Glynn, was read;
» Whereupon, and in conformity to the Aft
entitled, “ An Aft for regulating the appoint
“ ments of Jufticcs of the Peace in the several
“ counties of. the state, and for empoweting
“ the Governor to fill up all Vacancies that
“ may happen in, office during ehe recess of
“ the General Artembly,”
Rejolved, That Richard Bradley,
be, and he is hereby appointed Colleftor of
Taxes for the county ot Glynn; and
nue as such, until the end of the next Session
of the General Aflerably. •. » f ,
Atteh; W. URQUHART, 3. E. D.
v •■* .. * • •
* Eraita in our las.
The Executive Order of the 7th Jannary,
•' 1790, as above, ought to have tollowed that
of the lft March, 1790.
>f' * • /
*§‘’§‘§§§§® , §‘§ , &X§ , § < § , §‘ , §‘ i §‘ , §‘ , &§‘ .
To be Let,
To the lowed Bidder, at Mi. Thomfon’6 Ta
vern, jn Augusta, on Weduelday the 14th
instant, , , .
the Building of a Bridge
Over the Beaver Dam creek. Also one across
Rocky Creek, at Mr. M‘Tier’f, the 16th
f JOHN TWIGGS, $ Lems*
April 9i 1790*
» V ». ’ * ' •
N. B. AH persons liable to work on the
; road leading to Savannah, Within the limits
of Rocky Cteek and Augusta, will meet at
Col. Meads’s Mill, with proper uteniiU to /
put the fame iu good iepa»r. on Monday the I
iptb inst ,
War-Office of the United Statu.
INFORMATION is hereby given to slide
Invalid Pensioners of the United States,
rending within the states tcfpedively, that
one moiety of their annual peul.on, ’em.
menciug on the fifth day of March last, will
be paid at the places, and by the persons here
in after mentioned, on the fifth day of March
cniuing, and that the fecoud moiety of the laid
annual penfioo will be paid at thefame place*
and by the fame perlous, on the fifth day of
June ensuing.
• ,*f f • » * ,
7be States, Platts, fet/onb by ivbn/r
t . the ptnjion witl
be tuid
New-Hampftrre, Portfmcmth, Jofrph Wh’oolc /
R.hodp-Jfiind, VnOyidenc-, Jeremiah Olwfy
Connecticut, Ne#Lt>n<lon,Jed. HumingJ,
NewAoik, Ncw-York, John Lamb. *
5L mV l V * J° hn Halflul.
Pcintylvama, Philadelphia, Sharp Drlanr.
Delaware Wilmington, George Buft\
Matyland, Baltimore, Otno H. Williams
ÜBina, un drerl, William Heth.
North-Carollna, Hillfborough, John Hayw <od. *.
South-Carolina, Charleston, George Abbot Hall
Gcurgu, Savannah, j u bn Haberfljam.
* *
By ordn of the President of
the United States,
Secretary for the Department of \Var.
Jan. 28, 1790.
IN order to prevent unfuccefsful applipa
tions, the following information is re-pub
lilhed, resetting the vouchers which will be
required. • ' #
TH£ icturne which have been or shall be
made to'ihe Secretary for the Department of
4 War, by the several States, of the penfiohs
' which have been granted, and paid by them
reffectively, will, together with the voucher*
herein required, bp conlidered as the evidence
whereon the payinehts are to be made.
Every application for payment mnft be ac
companied by the'following vouchers.
ill. The certificate given by the state, fpei
cifying that the perfera pofleffnig it, is in fad
an invalid, and Afterfainiag the sum to which,
as such, hfc is jnuu/dly entitled.
2dly. ‘An affidavit agreeably to the follow*
ingforin, to. wit: A. B. came before me,
one of the Jufliccs for the county of
,Jn the / and made oath that he i*
the fa foe A. B. to whom the original certifi
cate in his poflellion was given,*, of which thg
following is a copy, (the certificate given 0
the ftate‘to be recited.)
ferved in (regiment or vefa
fe!) at Wie time he waa difablcd, and that ha
now refide* in the 1 'and county. •
and ha* resided there for
» the last years, previous to which he
resided in' : * * •' 1
In cate an Invalid ftjould ap)>ly for payment
by an attorney, the said attorney must, be
tides the certificate and oath before recited,
produce a special letter of attorney, agreeable
to the following form ;
IA.B. of county of j «' state
of do hereby conflitute and appoint
C. D. of ' my lawful attorney, to re
ceive in my behalf of (the firft or
fecoud moiety) of my annfial pension, as an
Invalid of the United States, from the fourth 1
day of March, one thousand seven hundred
and eighty-nine. • t.
In teflimony whereof I have hereunto
V ' ’ set ray hand and seal, this
Signed and fealed'
in the presence of *
Acknowldged before me -u**
'Applications ,of-executor* or
must be accompanied with legal evidence of
- their refpeciive offices, and also of the time
the Invalid died, whose penfiou they may
. \ d■■ H •.i ’
By Command of the President of the Unit
ed States of America,
l . H. KNOX,
Secretary for the Department of War*
WavQjfift, 080 ter 13, 1789.
t # f The Prinfera throughout the United
States ate requested to interr the above in
formation, for the benefit of the unfommre
t invalids, who have fcffertd fevnely in iho
ciufc us ibfir country.