Newspaper Page Text
4 • • '
Tbs Jewe/i and her Sen.
gp Pittr Pindar , Esq.
POOR Leri had a hichltfs foa,
Who, rulhing to obtain the fortmoft feat,
In Imitation of th* ambitious great,
High from the gali’ry, tie the play begun,
He fell all plump into the pit,
Dead in a minute as a nit:
In Ihott, he broke hia pretty Hebrew neck,
Indeed and very dreadful w*e the wreck!
The mother was diftraded, raving, wild—
Shriek’d, tore her hair, embrac'd and kifs’d
the child,
Abided every heart with grief around;
Boon aa the lhow*r of tears was fomewhttpaft,
And moderately calm th’ byderic blart,
And call about her eyes in thought profound:
And being with a saving knowledge blefs’d,
She thus the play-house manager addrefs’d
« Sher, I’m de Moter of the poor chew lad,
« Dar met mifsfartin here so bad—*
m gher, touf* has de (hilling back, you
«« Aa Moses has not sea da show."
t t I G R A M.
DO you said fanny, t’other day.
In earned love me as you fay i
Or, ate thole tender words applied
Alike to fifty girls be fide ?
Dear, cruel girl, cried I, forbear!
For, by tbofe eye* —those lips—l fwear—*
•-She flopp’d me, as the oath l took,
And cried, you’ve sworn, now kilt the book.
• O'
THE Clerk of a Judicial Court, which
lately fat not an hundred miles from
the capital of a neighbouring date, being in*
disposed, application was made to an Attor
• MY* t 0 execute the duties of the office prs
JPr —to which he agreed. It was then fug
gelled by one of ita four Judges, that it would
be nccelfary he (hould be sworn, he
declined, declaring his readintfs to pledge
his houor tor the faithful difeharge of hia
duty. The judge very Ihrewdly remarked,
tb it a knave was an honour. “ Very true, *
(ieturned the Attorney) end there are just
four in a pack.”
Broke Goal,
On the 15 th instant ,
Philip Alston,
I»tt ot Moore connty, committed as acctf
fary to tha murder of George GUfcock.—
AH perfoaa arc required to be aiding and as.
filling in apprehending, so that he be again
committed to goal; aud any expence accru
ing thereon shall be paid by the fubferiber.
Wilmington, (N.G.) Jan. 8, 1790.
■ i —— n ■ %
Cattle for Sale.
THE fubferiber has a flock of about two
hundred and fifty head of gentle cattle,
which he proposes felling about May firll,
00 reasonable terms for calh, tobacco or ne
grue* 1 the fubferiber living about fix miles
of Edgefield Court hvtufe, on the head of
Horn's creek, South Carolina.
Msni ,4, l/fo.
JUDGES CHAMBERS, March if, *79°* \
*TpHE haviug placed the re
gulation of the public roads wi.hiu I
the power and direction of the SuperiorCourt*,
notice to all Coromiffioners is thus timely
given, that the LAw Officers ra the Depart
ment of the will be in
ftruaed to call for ihe ftatc and condition of
all public highways, bridges and ferries, with
in this date, oh the tnfuihg Circuits of the
ftimmer; and all refuials or negtclts will be
attended to according to'faw.
(Signed) H. OSBORNE,
geo. Walton,
/ I
Collector's Sales.
— —
On Saturday tbt lid day of May next, at
Way nefborougb, at 10 tPClock in the fore toon,
tbt SALE will commtnce of tbt following
trad* of land i for Taxes die onfaid lands
find the Revolution, on the terms preferibid
in the refpe&ive Tex Ads, viz .
ONE hundred acres of land on the north
fide of Lambert** creek, adjoining
lauds of James Hadden, bounded on the
north east by Lambert’* Big Creek, fouth by
laud of William Haddeu; and weft by land
granted to Matthew Moore; the property of
Audrew Hamilton.
One hundred acres lying on Reedy Branch,
adjoining lauds of Thomas Beaty, John Man
on and John Bartholomew; the property of
James Thornton.
One hundred acres lying on Reedy Branch, |
adjoining land of John Persons, and land
granted to Thomas Beaty; the property of
Elijah Brown.
One hundred acres on Lambert’s Big Creek,
adjoining' lauds granted Robert Gordon and
Joseph Beaty; the property of the heirt of
William Skelly, jun. deceased.
One hundred acres, partly river swamp,
lying between Bryer Creek and M Bean’s, be
longing to the estate of William Worrcl.
Two tracts of 809 seres each, oh the waters
of Rockey Comfort; the property of An
thony Stoaes.
Eighteen hundred and fifty acres, lying on
Ogechee above the mouth of Buckhead, tbe
property of Elizabeth Simplon* or heirs.
Two hundred acres lying on Ogechee, above
tbe mouth of Buckhead, the property of Mat
thew Bass, or heire.
• The foregoing trails have been returned by
different Receivers of taxable*, as the pro
perty of non-residents.
Five hundred acre* lying'on Ogechee, be
' tween Horse Creek and Buckhead, the proper
ty of the Rev. Mr. London* by information
ol Lemuel Lanier.*
Two hundred acres lying on Rockey Creek,
the property of James Garvey, by informa
tion of Alexander Carter.
Just Publiflied,
And may be had at tbe -
Constitution of the State
of Georgia.
Ratified the 6th of May, 1759.
The Federal Constitution.
And a tew Copies of tbe
Os the General Afiembly of the
State of Georgia, palled last
*t* Blank Bonds, Blank
Writs, Deeds of Convey
ance, and New England
I To be had at the Printing-Office.
Ten Dollars Reward.
I Run away
From the Subscriber; on the night of the
27th instant, a negro man, formerly tbt
property of Colonel Glafcock, named
r J A c K >
Atout twenty-five years of age, five feet,
1 nine or ten inches high, flout and well made,
I squint eyed. He took with him a grey
( horse, abcut thirteen and a half hands high,
I long tail, with his left eye put out; he also
I took with him a saddle and bridle, a blanket
and several suits of clothes, among which
I was a blue broad cloth coat about half worn,
I and a (hort drab coloured coat with a red cap.
The above reward will be given upon delive
| ry of said negro and horse to me, or in pro-
I portion for either;
I Richmond county, March 31, 1790.
On Tburfday, tbe lid of April next,
I At the House of Mr. James Ramsey, will be
v let te the lowest bidder,
The Building of a Bridge
On the Little Kioka Ceeek.
1 March <5, 1790.
I 1 !
BY virtue of the powers in me vested 'bf
the Executive Department, notice i*
I hereby given to all Militia Officers, and o
thers ailing under them, who have receive*
public aims, Or other rijilwary stores, from
the Magazine in Augusta, to ffKiurn the fame
I o the said Magazine, without delay.
ROBERT DlXO Keeper eftba
Public Magazine in Angela*
Jufi Publijbedi andto bt fold dt the
Printing-Office in Augusta ,
South-Carolina and Georgia
For the Year of our Lord 1790:
Being the fetond after Leap Tear, and (till 4th
of July) the fourteenth Tear of American
Independence . '
I The Rifioand Setting of the Sun, the Moon*
I . Full, Change and f&artcrs, theSun’sCourfn
in the Ecliptic, remartable Days, Judge
ment es Weather, Afpclts, Eclipses, dec*
he. icc. « ’• ‘
l*y JOHN 1 OBLER, Esf^
Duties on Goods, Ware* and Merchandize,
imported into the United States, and on
Tonnage—Mode of tranfaHing Business at
the Cuftom-Hfoufe, and Fees of its Officer*
| —Lift of the. Members of the Federal
| Houses of Senate and Representatives, with
their Officer*, and tbt Appointments .made
by the President of tbe United States-*
Times and Placet of holding Federal Courts,
and thofc of Georgia and Boutfa-Carolina
Salaries of the United Btate* Officers—Lid
of Officers of the States of Geprgia an*
Soutb-Caroliaa—Tide Table—valuable Re«
•eipts, tie.
To be Sold,
For Cajh or Tobacco ,
A Female Field
I Slave.
I Itftiirt es ih« Printer*