Newspaper Page Text
4 '
.Jtyrit j. ta cohfeqnence «f a*f s/*rertiffc*
xficnt in the pubhc papers, 2 large number of
rel'pcltabie citizens ailembled ju the State*
Huufe on Saturday last, to take into coufine
ration the plan'for organiting the Militia of
the United State*, as leporcd by the Secte*
tary at War ; and bavihg defied a Chaiiuiau
and Secretary, after some difeuflion, and cs
preding the ftrohgert disapprobation of the plan
they proceeded to choose a committee of le
ven gentlemen', who were requelled, in case
. CoDgrtis fliould take up the report, and be
• likely to carry the plan into execution, to pre.
_ pare a memorial, dating the objefHous, to bfc*-
laid before a meeting of the citizens, which
on such event, tffey were directed to convene.
AUGVSTA, May 15.,
, Saturday, the id of May, being Saint
Tammany** day, the fame wis celebrated by
the loos and daughters of the Saint as reviv
ed upon at the last Anniversary. Early in
the morning the colours of jbe United States
were hoifled at the entrance of the Council-
House, near the -Wigg-Wamy on me batiks
of the river-, above tywYf j aud -ab'our. noon "
tfie Old King, aud Wan fork ailembled, and
' gave way to thole, of the present year, in due
form, to wit, His Excellency the Governor,
Ice. At three o’clock the ceremonials being .
over, a dinner was served up in the adjacent
grove to about 150 ladies and gentlemen ;
SfTe: which the following toasts were drank :
1. Thfc memory of St. .Tammany'* ,
i %. Our great and beloved Warrior. 1 jm
3. The Halt King, and theJjeleved men
Sent to the Great Council Fire at the White
* 4. May the New Fire which we have
kindled in peace be never extmguiihed in
b'ibbd,. . .. •; . •
* 5. 6ur great and generous Brother, Louis
XIV.. and all his brave Warriors.
* 6. Colonel M‘Gilimay, and all our Bro*
• thets of his *
7. The memory of our late brother, Ge
neral Greene, and all thnfe Who have fallen
in defence of our country.
8. Sweet tobacco, and a clean caltinut,
to all the friends of peace.
' 9. The Squaw of our Grand Sachem, aud
■ll the Squaws who inhabit our land.
10. May our Hunters bs fucccfsful, aud
■far Squaws happy. ' *;'• t;; :
li* All our Brothers in the ix Towns. •>.
it. May the Seminoleans of Kbode-lftaod
fee their error, aud be uo longer styled wan
derers. ... \
* By a gentleman just arrived from the Che
rokee Nit ion, we are infoimed, that a Col.
fillet was on his w,if .10 the Creek Nation,
With di.lpaiches from the Frtfiricnt of the Unit
ed. States, for Col M GilliVray the purport
of .which wa», that a peimanent treaty fhoufd,.
immediately be eftablimed belweeu
and the Creek Indians Col. Wilier failed
from New*York two davs the
departure i>* the -.hfee companies, cf Conti- ,
tiueuul troops, who arrived at Savannah-shout
a*fortiri^hV■ ■ the fami gentleman has .
brought lettersiror. M*Gi 11 ivray tor his
Excellency,tbe Sy'vGriidr of this state, Gen.
Knox, the Secretariat War, and General
Audrew Pickens ‘ J . _ .
A- * . -1 - * A . ii
3y .Hi* Excellency EDWARD TELFAIR,
t (&.oJt'erner and Commander in Chief in and
over tkue St?te aforefaid, aud of the Mili.
tia thereof. - & . •
A Proclamation.
) i * t
<ar -«r tt H;E RE A S a Dedimus Pstefiatem
\A/ has.been tranfmitttfd to eachcoun
▼T. «y within thi* state, to qualify the
inferior officers therein mentioned'; And
•whereas no return has as yet been made to me
fcy the fevergl Jufticea to whom the fame wqre
tefpeffively direOed. I DO THEREFORE
hereby flireft. gnd require the aforefaid f 43-
gift rates to niake returns on the laid writ®
without further delay.
. And •whereat fu&dry persons have received
public monies, or other public property, and
have not accounted for the fgine s» by law di
reded t X do hereby requite all such person
er persons to exhibit their accounts and vouch*
tr» pa or befoio the Seyentb day of 'jun
* « *’*• * v
» And •whereat it may so- happen that sundry
persons may have unliquidated claims agairft
•; this state : I do hereby require such person or
persons to exhibt the fame, on or before the
laid Seventh day of June next, .in older that
meafuies maybe takenfor.thelinal adjust
ment '-f .the Finances of the State.
Given under my Hand, and the Great Seal
of the said State, at the in
r> AUgufta, this Twelfth day of May, in
the Year us our Lord, one thoufapd, ft -
'Ten-hundred and ninety, and tn die four
teenth year of the Independence of the
Vohcd States of America.
' By his Excellency’s Commaud, •
: JOHN MILTON, Hedry. . > .
t r
Mr- Smith , v - -v «
i Please tor publish the folio wing in your next
10 all to •whom theje PrtfenisJhqll cotoe greeting.
BE it- kudwu that the piece figued by me,
in the Gazette of the 3d of Ap-ii last
: pail, be, and is hereby recalled by me,
May 5, 1790. .
IHE following cpntaifts the absurd and
‘ glaring conduct r f Mr. Ambro* Jonfcs. ,'as a
> juror 011 a trial of my father’s, which I wish
‘ you will pleale to puhl'lh ..
May lt t . 1790. ..
7hi Oath of a Juror.
• The fpfecial jury thatl be I woro to4>ring in
a verdiCt according to and the opinioo
- they eutertain ot.tbe evidence, provided they
• be udt repugnant to just ice, equity and coa
■ Icieuce, and the pules and reguiatioas contain
ed in tills Constitution, of which they ihall be
* a judge. So' help you God. „
" The verdict of the jury,- after taking thp abovf .
oath, Ambros Jones being One of that body.
G EO R G l A.
IN the Appeal Court of June 17 the
following appeal was tried, viz.
. jtfle Appellant, V r
v , vs. v 81aqde’r,
r Hugh KogersV -J
We hud for the refpondant she fuitl Sf tvvo
hundred and fcveuty-threc poudds, nineteen
th Hi gs and ftven pehce.
A copy attdled. DANIEL ELAM, C. R.C.
GEORGIA, -j* '
J! >7*9--
AMbRUS Jones, of said county, plainer,
pwfonaily came before me, and being duly
lworu, faycth, That at the Appeal Court Held
for the laid county in June last, he waS a juror
chosen for the trial of- an appeal therein jef
(e'.Sauders, Esq. .was' appellant, end Hugh.
„ Rodgers refpondaht; and that the’jurors of
t the -feipondam made a- propofitio* for each
juror 10 mention his sum to the foreman; and
. - iot the amount to be divided by twelve, and
- foi the quotieutto be,,fhe vcrdiCidf the jury,
' which -uiouuied to the sum of 2731. 19s. 7d
whteh'Jaid sum Was delivered in the verdiCl
. to the CourL .This deponent further iayeth,
that ins sum propoied was not exceeding 301.
and that he believes under that sum 10 be luf
'. hcient damages. This deponent further fay
* eth, that when the suit was called, the ap
pellant was absent, and that the jury was in
the box, and luit upon before the appellant
came into Court. And further this deponent
fayeth not. Sworn to before me this 24th
November, 1789.
John Germany, J. P. . . 0
For ( Sale, u
On rcafmdble ‘Terms,
; i 000 acres Land
In Bu-ke county, joining land of
Ur. Montgomery, and lands of
the eftatc o' M jO Douglas, for
which g’ood and luflicient titles
can be mad*-
•** ~ '*’* J*' ' *
| Savannah, May $,
Contrasts tor Supplying the Troop f
, N .of the United Slates.
. KTPTICE it hereby givea, tJiat proposal#
will be received by.the labfcriber, to
the hrft day of June neat inclulive, for the
supply of all Ration! which may be required,
for the use -of the United States, from th«
l >th of the said month to the 31st day of De«
cember neftt, both dates uuiufive, at the fol«
towiug placet,
, 1 On the river Saint Mary,
By unt Coatrta. I oe«C U mb.rl«diaaod.
U)a the river Alatamaha^
J at Beard’s Bluff..
On the river Oconee, at Rock Landing.
The rations to be supplied are to eonfift of
the articles, via.
One pound of bread nr dour; >
. One pound of beef, or 3-4 of a pound
pork, *i« • >
One gill of common rum;
Two quarts of vinegar,*)
One quart of fait, f
Two pound, of Idip, £ P tr to ° tu,oaU
One poun3 of candles, j
The proposals rnuft fpccuy the lowest price
per ration. The terms of payment will be
made saly .to the Contractors.
JOHN HABERSHAM, CoiteAor o ftbt
t Cujiomt*
H. B. Major Forfyth, of Auguita, w.U re
ceive and forward any proposals from that?
town, or its neighbourhood.
Lofl a Certificate
About the Ift of April, in fsvor of Gilbert
Haines, to the amount of fifty-five pounds,
eight (hillings and fix-pence; also a difeharge
ot the: fame pet fun.-—Any one that 6 ids the*
above, and will deliver them to me at this
place, or at Wathingron, ihall b£ rewarded
for their trouble. : ■ •»
Augusta, May 13, 1790.
■ f *
' . *. " *'•
ALL persons interested in the Tennefleo
purchase, are requeued to make imine« *
diatc payment of t their proportionable p t art of
the purchase money, as the 28th inftan: if
. the time (lipulated to make sale of at mu chi
of ejelrjpqr Ain’s proportion as will makegoud
theit arrearages by that time.
May\, 1790.
N. B. I’ll attend at Waffiingtoq, in Wilkes;
' in order to- receive such payments as may bo
made by that time.
■ J. 8- 1
__ - - - -
y.• . * *
GEORGIA, ) In the Superior Court , tea
Richmond county . $ bruary Term, 1 790,
William Mead 1
vs. ' > Attachment,
Michael Montgomery. \ *
Ordered, That the defendant do appear and - ,
plead, within a yr?r and a day, otherwif#
judgment by default.
&xtra£t from the Minutes ,
.< * /
■■ ~
Greene County , December Term,
Chat lea Burke 1
vs.. ; S Attachment.
John Smith.. J
* Ordered , That tlie defendant do appear and
plead,-within a year and a day, othrrwife
' ....... HENRX GRATBILL, C.G.C.
Qdobsr jp 17®^*
s'*’ •
:: .... 1— » t- 1
is s j .. * , •
?. *v >r v. • » >
. fubferiber having followed the hu-
I’ fmefs of a waggoner and drayman ia
this town, now finds it te his advantage to quit
the bufincfn ; but his son John Nixon, will.
' comim»«,in hie room, far whose peifortnsuec
fecutity will be given, so far as the natuts of
the bufmefs requites the fame,
» May J), »790.