Newspaper Page Text
TH E county of Richmond it without •
Court-buutc and G«>al; and ihe mcft
convenient and legal place for ered:ug them
is at the town of AugQlia. The fund* appro
priated by the date tor the puipole are found,
by a just .calculation, to be inadequate; and
the Coniimdioners are compelled to resort
for afliltance to private fublcnptions. The
obvious realon* in favot of the efl-blifhment
Will, they hope, induce a general and effec
tual cont ioutiou. Augusta is the center of
the commerce of the date. Placed at the
head of navigation, it will naturally be the
mart of all the production to the weft of ii ;
and <>f course muff he the ware-house of all
the importation* to be given in exchange.
Tim will tend to eulaige the limits of the
towo, and to mcreaie its population, and the
value of every lot. Vice and licentioufnefa
will grow with these, unless checked by the
foiutary restraints of the lawe i and the hold
ing ot Courts and tmpnfonmeot of those who
delerve it, in a place crowded with people, .
will d ffufe the examples of justice and pun;ih
ment. Society will be improved and regu
lated ; government will be obeyed and re
fpectcd i and the commerce between the mer
chant and planter protected*
The Commiftiouers pledge theinfelves for
the faithful application of whatevei may be
subscribed. Independent of their being oblig
ed to account with the Superior Court, they
will constantly publish in the Augusta Chronicle
the account of their expenditures.
Persons desirous of encouraging to ufcful
tnd neceftary a purpose, are requeued to call
upon the Coraini/fionsra, by whom fcibfcrip
tioos are received.
Robert }
Wanted to Qon(raft
For iqoo tons of ftonc, equal to that on Rae’s
C’tecu. and icqo bulheis us unllackened lime,
to be delivered on Broad llreet. Those de
fnous of couiratfiug lot either or boiii of ihe
above mentioned article*, are requeued to fond
in foiled piopouis tp the Comuiutioners on pr
before the ait of luue neat.
Georgia, Riib'nond County ,
James Robert ion }
vs. > Attachment*
David Evans. J
I DO hereby notify, as by law I am com
manded, that by virtue of the above process,
ilfued by Dalziel Hunter, Esq. on the tenth
day of February, I have levied on a tiegroe
boy, the property of the above named de
fendant, agamft whom judgment by default
will be obtained at the next Inferior Court te
be held ip and for the county aforefaid on the
fecund Tuefday in June next, unlefe he tl,e
fatd defendant Hull appear and plead on the
ftrft day of foidTeim, or abide by and per
foim the order of Court which thall be made
Shrift Ojue, May 7, 1789. •
p—. ■
Georgia, Richmond County.
joel Tapley, Y
vs. > Attachment*
YVißiara Glover, j
I DO hereby notify, as by law I am com
manded, that by virtue of the aboye proceF
illued by Nathan Harris, Esq. the ninth day
cf Aptil lafl, I have levied on twenty-seven
head of cattle, the prope.ty of the above
named defendant, against whom judgment by
default w'll be obtained at tbe next Inferior
Court ia and tor the county aforefaid on the
second Tuefday in June next, unlef. he the
said defendant foal! appear and plead on the
<rft day of fold Term, or abide by and per
form the order of Court which (hall be made
Shrift Offict, May 7, lypo.
'" 1 .
A few Bushels of good
Indigo Seed,
To be Jold, or exchanged for Corn .
of the fruiter.
Sheriffs Sales.
BY virtue of a writ of- fieri facias tp me
directed, will be fold oa :iaturd*y. the jth
of June next, at twelve o’clock, at the Aca
l demy in Augusta, three thoufan-J seven hun»
d ed and eighty-five acres of land, lying on
Bog*jr Gut, Richmond county. Also, five
thouiusd two hundred and forty-two acres of
land, lying on Mill Shoal Creek, waters of
Broad river, Wilkes county. The Whole
feired and to be fold as the property of Major
Richard Call.———Conditions of the Sale,
Cafti, on the delivery of the titles.
Augufia, May 7, 1790.
■ ■■ ■■■■■ ■ 1■» - ■ * ■ ■
J ull Imported from London
To be Sold
By the Subfciber, at his Shop in Bioad-iireet, •
oppotite Mr. M‘Karlin’s Itore,
A lar%e and general ijjortment of
COMMON Peru* Littargyr Anri
tian nark fcLcciar Saturn
Red do. Mere, prweip. rub*
Jalap * Corros. fubl.
Rhubarb Sal. abfynth.
Opium Aqua fottis
Aftafaeteda Sjif, Vtni. rcft. j
Manna Argent viv.
Ben* Balsam capivi
Gu n Acabte Spr. fal. amon. vol.
Sat. ainon. crud* Spt. C C.
Ctem-Tartar Nitridule.
Cau ha redes Sal. amen. vol.
Gentian 0.. uiinth. pip.
Aloes Ucotrin Viuum auum.
Cort. Aur otiorum Camphor
Gum Guiaci Anileed
Amiinouy crd. 01. lavendu!
A feme alb. Blue ftoue.
Bo: ax
W th many other articles too tfdioue to
meut tou.
N. B. Six months .credit will'be giv*ni
TOWN-HALL, Augufia, April 13, 179 c.
That Returns of all Taxable property, with
in th© limits of the town of Augusta, agree
able to the Aft tor levying a Tax for the pre
sent year, be made to the Clerk of the Cor
poration on or before the firft day ot June next,
under the penalties spec tied in the said Aft.
Aueß W T. C.
THE Clerk will a read
eve* y Monday alterpoon, betweeuthe
hours ot 3 and 5, until the ift June next, and
•u laid nay, to, receive the Returns of Tax
able property, in conformity to the above
A LL persons haying eoy demands by bond,
1 »uie» or other wife, agairnt James La»-
der, deceased, are requested to make th. nC
ku wn, duly attested i and those indebte. ,
are u 9 > earnestly desired 10 make immediate
payment to
To be Sold at Public Sale,
fa ike kigbefi Bidder, on the Fuji Monday in
July next ,
Shop furniture &
•♦•longing to the yrtite Doftor lam-* Ln-
Itr, d«< eafed,—The Coridnioni wulbciutde
iisewttoaibt iUy A Bile.
AMAhA jACKbQN, Adm'r #
War •Office $f the United States .
INFORMATION it hereby given t* tU th«
Invalid JOuaouei* of the United autes
lending witnia the dates reflectively, that
one moiety, of their annual penfiou, C i«u
: mencing on the fifth day of March last, will
be paid at the places, and by the perl'on* here*
in after mentioned, on the fifth day of March
cufuiug, and that the second moiety of the fail
annual penfiou will be paid at tbeijune places
and by the Came per lon*, on the fifth day of
. June ensuing.
The Statist Placts, fit font by whom
tbt pen/ion will
be paid,, Ponfmoath, Jok nWupplf.
Malfacliufctu, 801 l ai, ' Bc'jarai.s Iji-c,!*,
Rnode-lliand, Prov dene?, Jcrroi ah Oln y.
Co'ine&ieut, New London, Jed. Hmtingcoa I
hitw-Yojk,, John Lamb.
Ncw-jefiey, PctttiAmboy John HdUcd.
Pennlylvauia, PrnLdelph a, bhaipDcbny.
Delaware, Witra.ugtdn, Georg-? Bufb.
Maryla d, BiiUmoie, Oho H Willi***.
Vjrg.n a, B. Hundred, William Hoth.
N>rti)*Carol!na, Hillfb >ro«gh, J hn H~yw >od.
bouth Carolina, Cn&ridlon, George Abb u Hall
Georgia, Savannah, John H-b:ilbaai.
My *rd*r es the trejidehf es
tbt United States,
Secretary for the Department of War.
Jan. aB, 1790.
IN order to prevent twfucceftfu! applies*
tions, the ioHowmg information is re-pub*
Jilhed, refperting the vouchers wbfcb will he
.required. ' \ ’
THe returns which have been or fhal! be
nja-e to the Secretary sos the Department of
Wir. by the feverai States, of the pen lion*
* inch have been granted, and paid by them
refpeftively, will, together with the vouchers
herein teqniied, be considered as the evidence
whereon the payments are to be made.
Every application for payment iftnft beac*
compared by the following vouchers.
Ut. The certificate given by the date, fpe
cifymg that the person ppiTeiljug it, is in fit*
au invalid, and pertaining the sum to which,
as such, he is annually entitled.
idly. An affidavit agreeably to the follow*
ing form, to wit : A. B. came before me,
one of the Justices for the county of
in the date of god made oath that he if
the fame A. B, to whom the original certify*
cate in f his poflitiliou was given, of which the
following is a copy, (the certificate given br
the state to be recited.)
That he served m (regiment or vef«
fel) at the time he was disabled, and that he
uo,w 1 elides m the and counts
and has rtfided there fog
the last 7?ars, previous to which be
resided i»
In case a* Invalidflyould apply for paymen|
by an attorney, the said attorney mull, be*
sides the certificate and oath before recited,
produce a fpei ial letter of attorney, agreeable
to the following forms
I A. B. of cougty of f aigp
of do hereby cooftitutt and appoint
C. D. of my lawful attorney, to re*
ceive. in my behalf of (the firft or
second moiety) ojf my annual pension, aa aa
Invalid of the United States, from the fourth
day of March, one thoufaad f*vea hundred
and eighty-nine.
In testimony whereof I have hereuate
set my band and leal, tbit
Signed and sealed
in the pretence of
Acknowledged before me
Applies ons of executors oradrainiftratore
m ift be accompanied with legal evidence of
t eir refpeefive odices, and also of thq time
.he Invalid died, whof# penfiou they may
lr Command of the Prefldeat es the Unit*
ed States of America,
Secretary for the Department es War.
ITar*OJiee t Odeier Ij, ijsf,
t*t The Printer* throughout the U«W«4
B(«tei ire refuelled te iufert the above ie»
hrmation, for the benefit of the uufortuntt#
Invalids, who have fuCeied ftveiel# is the
(tuft es their ceueirp.