The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 12, 1790, Image 1
SATURDAY, June u % 1790.] THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE AND GAZETTE of the STATE. FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, thall remain inviolate. Cenjhtuuon •/ Cttrgim. AUGUSTA; Printed by JOHN E, SMITH, Printer to tiji State; IJfays,. Articles * Intelligence , Advert if ements, &c. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed. ~ STATE-HOUSE, Augujia , June li> 179 ex. Ordered , That the Meflage of the 7th inst. be pub* lilhed. Attest, W. URQUHART, S. E. D; STATE-HOUS'E, Augujia, June 7, 1790. Honorable the Prejid nt of the, end the tiono able the UpeuJur oj the liouje of Kept tjentativts* I HAVE the pleasure to inform you, that, dining y-ur lecels, the operations of go* vernment have met no iuteiruption ; mea sures, nevertheless, of thehigheft magnitude, have pielentcd chetnfclves to view, and make it efleutial, iu my opinion,, that legiflaiive de liLeration be had at this- conjuntiwe. The arrival of thiee companies of. federal troops, (without any intoimation relating to newotiationf with the Creek Indians) caused an atixietv for ihe security of the frontier fer tletsthe force being inadequate to defence «t offence, mcieafed my difficulties on that head, and being left without adive refourcea, contributed not a little to my uneasiness : I have nmwithftandiug the fatisfadion of in forming you, that the tribes tefetred to, have invariably pteferved the mod amicable dif fotiuon towards the citizens of this (late, *vet fitice 1 have bad the honor to prefxle. The troops that have artivtd,were unfalici ted on my part; because, from the whole c’on dutf of the Indians, nothing can be drawn, that displayed the most diflant marks of a re newal of any fpeciea of hoflilines j on the contrary, my information fully evinces, that uegotiations, properly directed, will bring about an accommodation with them; and, tecaufe, by resolutions of the General AG fembly of the 26th lauuary, 1789, it is or deied, “ That etery means iu the power of ®* the slate be taken to restore peace and har «< mony between the citizens and the Creek «< Indians : -To this may be added, the Aft cf ihe 24th Hay of December lafl, u for diG 4 chaiging the state troops,” and coiiefpon dent therewoh, the communications from the gecretaryat War, breathe similar fenti meats; —upon raking Jt review of the tranfadion, in amyl! rest ion, it will evidently appear, that to support and promote peaceable measures (without the appearance or renewal of koftilitics) became the indifpeulible duty of the Executive. When our local lituation with the Creek In dians, and their overtures for accommoda tion, are properly considered, it .will be d*f gcirlt to reconcile a forbearance from takiug lftp6 to continue, the trurc, until preparations are otherwise made to peifed negotiations of peace ; by these means, the idea of a con* juudion of the militia with the troops will be removed to a diflant period; a measure, in my opinion, highly iuterefting, at lead as far at the common fafety will by any means ad pair* A conftdersble part of the corrrefpondenca carried on, has been of momentous concern to the state, and from the nature of our go* * eminent, has at times appeared complicated t I have theiefore to with that a serious review of the fame be taken, eitpre fling your feufe thereon; and if it be found neectfary for me 10 vaiy my piefept direction, in any particu* lar, it will ifyii mi epiiafutt to r«ceive la* fciftUUO* GEORGIA. On the 9th. cf February lafl, the slate troops wer« mudcied and difehargedThere is due to the late officers ami men two hundred and twenty-three one hundred aud foriy acies of lan' 4 : It it now tecommended to your confi ieianon, the making appropria tions in laud toi paymeut, or. other adequate provjfi 'u byway of compensation. To accompli di a hotel adjutiment of the ac counts of the departments of the CTiarter- Maller, C orumifTaiy, aud Contractors, and of the anea.ageb of pay to the militia, to, get her with a minute mfpection into the con. dust "f Tax Ke< e vers and Collectors, will doubt left bocoiue a pau of your delibe rations. From the deranged slate in which I found public affairs, auilfiom the length of time 1 have been in office, it cannot be presumed that any accurate flatement, can at this tirfle I be prepaied for yout confideiation ; the pto grefs, however, in aaruOgementa already made, will enable you to comprehend the slate finances, so far as to form some general fyflem lor the cxtinguifhmeut of the local debt. There is on this day in tha. Tteafury £• 56,702 1 6 o 3-4, viz. in Gold and silver, j 1 1-1 Taper medium, « 1422 0 p ,-4 Anticipated Warrants g 4 1-4 Governors Warrants. j2co 7 if 2-4, Speakers do. 710 19 Audited Certificates, 9844 ij 4 1-4 FundedCertificatCb, includ ing interest, • g 1 zx 11 i-a Sta'e Emiflion, - 10 8 3 Gratuitous C ertificates, 15 *9 o Treatury do. iflued by Se h John Cuthbcr;, >25 9 5 f-4 Do. by George Jones, 89 ig 1 1-2 Do. by John Meals* 416 3 11 12 ■ final Sememenis 52,469 5 8 —* 11 —— im Amounting to £.56,702 16 034 There now remain outstanding fecuritics of the state, as follows—for the redemption « of which some geueral rule is recommended. Governors and Speakers Warrants, 11,63a 7 4 Paper medium, - *3,577 *9 2 3*4 Sta r e Emission of the ptb February, 1786, 113 17 6 Audited Cettificates,. 61,173 14 7 !-*• Gratuitous do. - 2676 6. % Funded do. includ ing 5 years interest, 53,009 19 5 1-4 Treafuty do. iflued by George Jones, 539 17 41-4 Do, by John Meals, 425 7 4 1-2 Certificates iflued by the Executive of 1782, 1726 18 9 Amountinglo £*lsx>o74 7 10 *’4 And the e is due and owing to the state, by Returns and Lftimatcs, the sum of £•355*468 is (the documents on which the reports are founded will be laid before you by the proper officers) leaving a fuipln* in favor of tht state, at the sum es £• *°OiJ93 »4 * 3’4» It now clearly appears, that the favaral de nominations of data ftcurittas eutftauding, ought to be placed on the fame feoting, espe cially, is you Hid open a fond, and thereby pitted a pait of tha debt on interest, while the liMiiuwg pan of it ftanda wfthotfl tlsew [Vol. IV. No. CXC!!.] t provision, which doubtlef* the other claim* auts ate equally entitled to 5 lor remedy whereof, it would be proper to renew the fund, to commence on the fit ft Monday »g November next, for the feeutmet that have not aft yet been .funded. On the elucidation of the finances, I (half farthei observe, that by a refolui.oij of the jjth day of January, 1788, “ The Tiea* “ surer is directed to rccc ve in payment of “ all obligations, now in his office, the cur* “ rent money of the dare, or any denomina* “ lion of audited claims.” It w lhhe efoif be neceiiary f t ihe guidance of ihe Execu* live, that the fetife. of (he General Ailembly \ be fully under flood, in what manmer all other payment* of debts flue or ow ng to the slate, are ro be made, tr.xe* excepted. I have drawn wairants on the 7 reafuref (on a diftaji.* fond appropriated for that pur* r pofc) in favor of several officers, on account of salaries, chaigable to the Civil fcfiablifii* ment, the sum of %(, al. 10s. —also the sum of 891. 61* to the Contingent Fund and in* cidenta) charges, amoi.n iug to 3j 11. 1 6t* and also- the sum of 32!. 3s. being a fpecul appropriation in favor of Peter Wyk *tf, to be paid out .of any monies in the Treafuty, making in ail the sum of 3831. 19s. for which die vouchers aud other document* ate in office. The-arrearages due to the late Delegates in Congress, together with what may be due and owing to officers on salaries, prior to the present appointments, will require a special appropriation. The neccffary orders have been issued, foe carrying into effect the Aft for appointing Militia Officers, &c. but for the want of e proper Executive Officer, whole duty it (hould be to mutter the inilitu once in every year, and make icturiis 1 hereof, the fame ha* not yet been complied w.thj I have hgrefore 10. recommend your verting powei to make furls an appointment, together with die uecelfar/ provfion for let vices. The propriety of a revision of the ** Aft « to afeertam the salaries and fees ol public «* otficeis,” «Srr. particularly, that 1 art which relates to state fees in the Judicai y Depart* ment, as well as eflablifhing a tee hill tor *ll actions at law, i# fiibmmed to coulider tii-ju EDWAit D TELFAIR. The Secretary of. the Fxecu ive will at* tend either btauch, at any time, when they lhall please to notify the fame, with any othef communication, or correfpondence^earned on in the Executive Department. *— iCR. • To bis Excellency EDWARD TELFAIR, Ejquire , Governor *>nd Lomn-ndtr in Chi if tj the Stale of Gt* gia, an < u 9 J fbt Mititim thereof- THE Senate of the Stitt of Georgia, ta aofwer to your Excellent y** Meffrge, delivered to both benches of ;he Leg i Allure, at »he piefent Sert.on, obleive with g eat fa* tisfa&on, that the opetations of government have not been impeded fwce the last hediou of the General Allembly. We are very happy at the errival of the thiee companies of the federal troops* mentioned by your Excellency, and which w# coufider 1 proper ettimien in the eeneral go* vcrnmeni of the Undid h**re», ro tha due* unit *i ikii Iffitiig JUtfj uaN hariiwod*