Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, June 19, 1750.) ‘
a n rr
x ■ «V % f T- .
gazette of the state.
*;• r - •
FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, ihall remain inviolate. * titkjiitutten of C
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to tkr State-, 'tffap, A tides ts
IhteUigence, Advertisements. , (Sc. will be gratefully received, and every kind ot Prtntim performed
, - • V-. - • - f -■*•*.*«
/ •* < , .. .
An ACT to eftabbjh an uniform
rule oj Naturalization.
BE it enaQed by the Senate and House of
Reprejenrativ.s of the United State > oj Amt*
rtca in Congress ajjembied, That an alien, be
-IKg a free white person, who lhallhave refid
ctl within the limits and under the jnrifdtftion
of the LJuited States for the term of two yeat s,
may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,
on application to any Common Law Court ot
Record, in any one of the dates vvhcreiu he
(hall have re-tided tor the term of one year
at lead, and making proof, to the fatibfattion
of such Court, that he is a perfou of good
character, and taking the oath or affirmation
preferibed bylaw,, to fuppori the Conti it ut ion
of the United States, which oath oraffitma
tion such Court fhail admmifler, and the Clerk
of such Court shall record such application,
and the proceeding thereon, and thereupon
such perfou (hall be confide ed as a citizen of
the United Sta es : And the children ot Inch
person so naturalized, dwelling within the
United States, being undei the age of twenty
one years at the time of such ni’uraiizauoti
fhallalfo be coniidercd as citizens of the United
States: And the children ot citizens of the
United Stares that may be Born beyond fes,
or out of the limits of the United States, (hall
be confidet ed as natural bdrn citize s : P,o*
» J 4
*vided % That the right of citizenlhip flrall nut
defetnd to persons whole fathers «have never
been resident in the United States: Provided
(I'jOy That no pet fob heretofore proferibed
by any date fliill be admitted a c tizen as
aforefaid, except by an att of the Legillature
of the Mate in which such person lhali be pro
feribed. ,
Speaker of the House oj R f ejema t<vet.
JOHN ADAMS, Pice-Pre/tuent of the
United Stares, and of the Senate.
proved, March 6, 1789.
of .he Untied Sparer.
■ v -x. • .
jFrom the Procee dings f t-e House of Rep-e-
Jen at 1 ves of toe Sl~te of Geo g ; a t tcnnened
at Augujia tit Monday , June 7. 179 j.
Friday , June 11, 1790.
The House met pursuant to adjournment.
On a motion made by Mr. James Jones,
feebnded by Mr. Sullivaii, the Hvufe came to
the following resolution :
Re,oljed , That the Treafurcr le direffed
to attend this House, and brins with him a
f'»tement of ihe Treasury, if the fame be
The Treifurer attended accordingly.
On motion made hy Mr Weed, fecondtd
ly Mr. james jones, the House came to the
i Mowing resolution:
Rti'oivtd, That the Treaferer be direfled
and required to receive no payment 'in d‘s"
(harKf of any monies due «r owini to thie
f te, but gold and filvc% or the paper me
dium, except where the laws of the'ftitc
rleerly, poffiivelf and particnltrly dirked
t herwije, anr resolution of a firmer AiTem*
to the contrary nmwithfisnding,
And the fiid refnlminn being again read,
i*** agreed ua by the Hoyle*
• . ■* •. t
Ordered , That the Chrk dp carry the fame
to the Senate, and delire the;r concurrence.
On a motion made by Mr. Carr, seconded
by Mr. Few, the House came to the follow*
ing resolution: ,
■ Rtfolvedy That the Courts for the county
. of Richmond, be held at the Court-house on
the Xiokies, wheie they weto ult«lly held,
till the next fitting of the Lcgifiature.
And the fame being again read, was agreed
to by the House.
* Ordertdf That Mr. Carr do carry the fame
to the Senate, and desire their concurrence
A metfage from hit Excellency the Go
vernor by Mr/ Secretary Mfriwetber was
received] and the fame being read,
Ou motion by Mr. Kiug, fecouded by Mr.
Milledgc, the House came to the following
Retolvedf That the appointment by bis Ex
cellency the, Governor of William Glafcock,
Esq. in the room of Thomas Glafcock, Esq
one of the fit ft five justices for the county ot
Richmond ; and of Jofet h Habertham, Esq
'in the room of John Habeirtnm, E'q. one
of the fit ft five justices for the county of
Chatham, be and the fame is heieby confirm
Resolved , That the name of Thomas Mon
taigut, Esq. be added to the lift of justices
lor the county of Chatham.
Re.clvedi That the Haiu. tt sof George Lura
kin, George Swain, Samuel Harper, and
, Sampson Harris, be added to the lift of jus
tices for the county of W.lkes.
And the said refolntio is being again read,
Were agreed to by the House.
j Ordered t That Mr. Carr do carry the fame
to the Senate, and dtfi e their concurrence
The House proceeded to nominate peifona to
be appointed Tax Collectors in the counties of
Liberty, Wafliington and Effingham, for the
year 1790', and the ballots being taken, arc
as follow : ,
Cellc-ior for Wafliington, Daniel Burnett, 20.
. Edward Keily, 20.
james Green, 20.
Effingham, John M‘Cali, 20.
Thomas Lane, 20.
Noth. Hurifon, 20.
Liberty, James Stewart, 12
JamesGivniUiat,i 2
> isicphen Flic*, 12.
The House proceeded to ballot for the She
riff of Richmond county, and the fame be
ing examined are as follow:
George Handley, 21.
James Artnfiiong, 13.
james Cochran, 12
The House proceeded to ballot for the Clerk
of the Superior Court of the'eounty of R.tch
mond, and the ballots being examined, it ap
pealed that the following per Tons wue uuiy
nominated to be lent to the senate *
Thomas Watkins, So.
Philip Clayton, 2/.
William Stith, if.
Ordeied t That Mr. Reynolds and Mr.
O’Neal do cany the foregoing lift to the se
nate (or them to ried theicfrom.
Rtjoivtd , That-Littlebury Iteftick, Benja
min Baldwin, Michael Jolm Dia
mond, Paul Patrick, fen# bt aided to thu lift
of Justices for the county of Wilkes.
RtjUved, That Jsmes fc«a*n ve and Robtrt
Seagioec be added to tint hit ts juArvc# fvr
the euyut y Uwdiu.
[Vol. tv. No. cxc nq <
* f .•. . . . ,
i And the fiid refoiulion* b«iii« agaia ieul,
were agreed to 67 he House. ,
, That Mr. Cart do carry the fame
to the be iate', and deiite their coucurreu* e.
Itjoivid , That a Notary Public 1 be app out* .
ed for the city ol Savannah, in add.ttwu >0
those appointed by the iart Seiiioti of \fle n*
blv, and that the Senate be requeued to con*
cur theicm.
And the fame being again read, was ag»eed
Qrdtted , That Mr. Stirk do cany the (<me
to he S.-naie.
A melTa.e from the Senate by their SeCie
tary Mr. Warkma*
‘ Mr. Speaker,
The Setfate hath concurred in the resolution
relative to hold ink? of ('outs in the count* of
Ri hmoud : And he with *rtw.
Re i/vedy That jame-Pow:ll, Esq he, and
he is hereby appointed one of the Conattiif*
(i »ncr« ot the buubuty Academy, in the room
of Gideou D »wle, Es j. refigued.
And the laid relb.'uiiou be ng again icid,
was agiecd to bv the H. use.
Uruftd, That Mi. Winn do ca<ry the
fame to the Sen> e
• *.« s
({ dt ittuUiHuer in our next)
drz aft* Zita * **»
PHILAI) £LP H i Ajrd I*.
On Saturday ni<nt lad depicted tin-* I fe,
iq the 85th yesY of his *ge, D1 BEN jAMI N
FRANKLIN, of this city .
We a:e favored wuh il.s following lh >rt
account of Dr Fiankliu’* lalt iMuef , by his
at ending phyncian :
The tlou«-, with winch he hid been iffl *t
ed for fever jI years, bad so; the ialt twe vc- ,
month confined him chiefly to his bed; aid
duri g the ex:leme painful paroxvfmn, he
was obliged to take large doles of laudanum
to mitigate his toruireh Still, in the inter
vals of paiu, he not only ainuferl hunfelf
with reading, and coqve< fmg chyetfullv with
his family, and a !cw friends whovifref him,
but was often employed 111 doimr bufi.ief* of
a pubi.c as well is api .vate nature, w th va
rious peifoos who A'a.te 1 on him for lh t ;»■ *i -
pole, and every mflance difp'avcd, imt only
that readfuiefs and rlifpofmon of doing good,
which was the dittinguidiiug chamrtend't of
bis lif;:, hut the fullett an 1 rlCareft pnfleflioa
ct bis uncommon mental abi.ities, not
j Uufrequeutly induigeil himfed in th fe jeu tl*
\ and cutertaiuiug anecdotes winch wee
the delight ot ail who heatd him
At.out 16 days before his rleath, he w.B
seized with a fcver.n. in lifpofition. without,
any p rticuhr lymptoins attending it till the
third or tourth day. when h? complained «»f
a| a n it bn left bieaft which incrraled till
it be an.e extiemely acute, attended wuh a
cough, and laborious
Hare, when ihe seventy «»f his pains Inme
tuncs d cw forth a gioan of complaint be
would ohfe-ve, that be wi* afraid he did nor
be.l them as le ought, acknowledged M
fateful Iwulc of the man* bleflmgs lie
icceived from that hupieme Heiug who bid
‘ rule 1 him from small and low begin lings to .
fudi high 1 and cowlidfrewo among men,
an I nude no doubt hie picfenr siDMjom*
kindly intended 10 wean him f 0 n a wmid mi
which be wa» 110 hitter fi' to itt flit |u»i
1 limned to Lia*. In uns luiid ul bw)f nd