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SATURDAY, Jnty to, 1790.]!
{ A- N D ‘
FREEDOM of- the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, (hall remain inviolate- Confitution of Gttrgi*.
AUGUST A: Printed ty JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to The State; Efays, A> tieltstf
Intelligence, Advertifemnts, &L will be gratefully received, ana. every kind of Printing performed.
The Constitution of the
State of Souih-Carolina.
XX / l * ie Delegates of People of the
VV State of. South-Cat olina;> in General
Convention met, do ordain and eftablilh this
Constitution for its government.
Sect ion i. The Legiilative Authority of
this ttate (hall be veiled in a General Altera
bly, whith (hall cmlift of a Senate and Houle
01 Rcpreientamc*.
Set i. The House of Representatives
fhaii be composed of Members chosen by bal
lot every fecoud year by the cit.zens of this
Rate, qualified as in this Couftitmioa is pro
Sect- 3* Thefevcral eledion diftrifts in
this state (hail eleft the following number of
Representatives, viz. Charleftoa, including
St. Philip and at. Michael, fifteen Members ;
Christ Church, three Members; St. John,
Berkley, three Members; St. Andrew, three
Members; St. George, Dorchester, three
Members; St. James, Goofecreek, three
Members; St. Thomas and St. Deunis, three
Members; St. Paul, three Members; St.
Bartholomew, three Members ; St. james,
Santee, three Members; St. John, Colleton,
th'ee Members; St. Stephen, three M m*
ber»; Si. Helena, three Members; Si. Luke,
th:ee Members; Prince William, three Mem
bers; St. Feter, three Members; All Saints,
including its ancient boundaries, cue Mein
bet ; Winya, rot including, any part of All
baints, three Members, Kingfion, not in
cluding any part of All Saints, two Members;
WiUiamfburgh, two Members; Liberty,
two Members; Marlborough, two
Chefterfield, two Members; Darlington,two
Members; York, three Members; Chefer,
two Members; Fairfield, two Members;
Richland, two Members ; Lancaster, two
Members ; Kcrlhaw, two Members ; Cla
yemont; two Members; Claiendon, two
Members; Abbeville, three Members; Edge
fe»d, three Members; Newbury, including
the Fork between Broad and Saluda rivers,
three Members ; Laurens, three Members ;
Union, two Members; Spartan, two Mem
bets; Grenville, two Members; Pendleton,
three Members i Sr* Matthew, two Mem
bers ; Orange, two Members; Winton, in
cluding the diftrid between Savannah river
and the North Fork of Edifto, three Mem
bers ; Saxe Gotha, three Members.
Scfl, 4. Every free white man, of (the
age of twenty-one years, beiug a citizen of
tbis state, and having resided therein two
years previous to the day of eledion, and
who hath a freehold of fifty acies of laud,
or a town lot, of which he hath been legally
fsized and pofleffed at least fix months belore
fii* h eledion, or, not having such freehold or
t<>wn lot,, hath been a resident in the eledion
diftrid in which he offers to give his vote fix
months before the.faid eledion, and hath paid
a tax the preceding year of three (hillings
fe»ling towards the support of this govern
ment, (hall hive 4 right to vote for a Member
or Membeis, to serve in either Branch of
the 1 eyiflsttice, for the eledio* diftrid in
which he holds such property, or ie so resi
Sets. f. The Returning Officer, nr any
•(bar person praieat, willed 10 van n»*X
require any person who (hall offer his vote at
an eledion to certificate of his citi
zculhip, and a receipt fiom ihe Tax Collec
tor, ot his having paid a tax entitling him to
vote, or to fwcar or afhimthat he it duty
qualified to vote agreeably to this Constitu
SiQ. 6. No person (hall be eligible to a
feat in the Houle of Repiefentatives unleft he
is a free white man; of the age of twenty
one years, and hath been a citizen and tea
dent in this ttate three years ptevious to his
eledion. It a lelitient in the election diftrid,
he (hill not be eligible to a leat iu the Houle
of Reptefentatives unlefts he be legally ieized
and poftefted in his own right of a fettled
freehold estate of five-hundred acres of laud,
and ten negroes, or of a teal estate ot the
value of one hundred and fifty pounds Her
ling clear of debt. If a non-refideut, he (hall
be legally seized and poftefied of a fettled
freehold estate therein- of the value of five
bundled pounds sterling clear of debt*
S>ct. 7. The Senate (hall be composed of
Members, to be chosen for four >ears, in
the following proportions, ty the citizens of
this state qualified to eled Members to the
Houle of Repreieutatives, at the lame time,
m the fame manner, and at the fame places,
wiieic they (hall vote 1 01 Reprefemanves, viz.
Charfeffon, including St Philip and St. Mi
chael, two Members» thrift Church, one
Member; St. John, Berkley, one Member;
St. Andiew, one Member; St. George, ouc-
Mom tier; hr. James, Goofecreek, one Mem-'
ber; St. Thomas and Si. Dennis, one Mem
ber; st. Piul, one Member ; St. Bartholo
mew, one Member; St. James, Santee, one
Member; St. John, Colle»ou, oneMembti,
St- Stephen, one Membet ; St. Helena, one
Member; St. Luke, one Membet ; Prince
William, one Member; Sr. Peter, one Mem
ber ; All Saints, one Member; Winyaw
and WiUiamfburgh, one Member; Liberty
and Kingston, one Member;
Chetterfield, and Darlington, two Members;
York, one Member; Fairfield,, Richland and
Chelter, one Member ; Lancaster and Ker
(haw, one Member; Claremont and Claren
don, one Member; Abbeville, one Mem
ber; Edgefield, one Member; Newbuty,
including the Fork between Broad and Salu
da rivers, one Member ; Laurens, one Mem
ber ; Union, one Member; Spartan, one
Member; Grenville, one Member; Pendle
ton, one Member; St. Matthew and Orange*
' one Member ; Winton, including the diftrid*
between Savannah river aud the North Fo;k
of Edifto, one> Member; Saxe Gotha, one
St&. 8. N* person shall be eligible* to a
feat in the Senate unless he is a free white
man, of the age ot thirty years, hath been a
citizen and resident in this state five years
previous to his eledion. If -a resident in the
elediou diftrid; he tliall aot be eligible un- *
less he be legally fezed and podelfed iu his
own right of a fettled freehold estate of the
value of three hundred pounds sterling clea*-
of debt. If a non-refideut in the eledion
diftrid, he (hall not be eligible tmlefs he hr
legally faired and possessed in his own right
ot e fettled fieehold estate iu the said diftrid*
of the valuvuf out theufaud pound* ttcrlitg
clesi of debt,
Sect Immidistely sf*er the Senators
ftilti bteJMiubKU, ift itidbfi h*<l
[Tot. IV. No. CXGTI^
eleftion, they (tali'be divided by lot into two
claflet. The (tats of the Senator* ot the fird'
dais (hall be vacated at the expiration of .the
fecund year, and of the second clafa at the
of the fourth year» so that one
half as nearly as potfiblc may be ehofen for
ever thereafter every second year for the
term of four year#.
S/a. to- Senator* end Member* of the
House of Reprefentaiive# (lull be ehofen on
the second Monday in October next, and th*
day following, and on the fame day* in every
second year thereafter* in such manner and
at such lime* as are herein direded ; and (hall
meet on the fourth Monday in November
annually at Columbia* {which ftr.lU remain
the leat of‘government until other wife deter
mined by the concurrence of two-third* of
both Branche* of the whole Reprefentaiive*)
unless the cafualtie-* of war, or contagiuu*
difordcis, (hould render it unfißfc to meet
in either of which cafe* the Governor
or Commander in Chief fur the~time bei"t|r-*
may by proclamation appoint a imwc.fccu*d*
and convenient place of meeting.-
s*a. n. Each House (tall judgref rht»
eted one, tetuin* and qualification#* »f ite ■
own Membei * ; and a m jjocitjr of nek H<r»f# > *
(hall conftinte a quorum to dobufinefoj but
a (mailer number may adjourn frottruay to
day, and may be authorifed "to compel tta
attendance of absent Member* in foehmfca--
ner, and uudti such penakie*,- aatnaf.4* pjo®*-
tided by law.
S/a. ia. Each Houf* <kall ch6ofeHVba!^ v
lot ite own-officer*, determine* it* rules oC
proceeding, punish it* Member* for difotrder
ly behaviour, and, with the concurrence of
two-thin}*, expel a Member, but not a
cond tune for the fame cause.
Sea. 13. Each House may punitfi by ima
prifonment, during it* fitting-, aay peTfoo*-
not a Member, who (hall be'guilty of difr**
fpect to the House, by any disorderly of con
temptuous behaviour in it* presence * .who,
duriug the time of-it* fitting, (hail threaten
harm to the body or estate of any Member*
for any thing said or done in ei'her* Hnufe**
or who fiialiafiault any«f them therefor. Os
who (hall afiault or arrest any witnefe*. ot
other perfou ordered to attend the Houfe,' ia*
hi* going to or returning therefrom or
lhail reicucany acrefted by
the Houfe#
oed. 14. The-Member* of'bbtK Hoofer*
(ball be protected iu their perfdns nod eftaren*
during their attendance 00, going to, >»<f
rctu.mug from, the fcegiflaturef and ten
pteviouh to the (ittiag, and ten day* air** tbn
adjournment, of the*Legifi*u>re. tat theft'
privilege* (hall net be extended 1 fd« a* *«r'
protect any Member who- (hiUtfe
with tre f OO, felony, or breach*of the pe#ec^
Sid* rs. Bill* for railing are vttttfe (toll 2
originate in the House of Reprerentativee*.
but may be altered, or reje&e' I.*. 1 .*.
by the Senate. All other bill* may originater
in either House, and may b* amended, ahttw
ed, or redded, by-'the other.
Sed. \6. No bfll or ordimmee (tall h*vt
the force of law uwii it (kill have been :#*d
three time*, and on iHree fevenl davaour 5
e«cn Houle,* hi* had the Great* B*al a(fi*rt 4 ‘
to it, and lua been signed in'thr-B*** l ® **♦*»<•*
by the President«*f the Senate; and the SpMta"
er of theH iufe vs H#j>i*f*ei*tivM.
(I*4 fa