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SATURDAY, July 17, 1790.}
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FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, (hall remain inviolate. Cttnfiitution of GetrgU.
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State v Iff ays, Aticlua,,
Intelligence, Advertisements , &?*. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed.
STATE-HOUSE, Jugujla, Dec . 15, 1790.
THE concurrent resolutions of the Gene
ral Aflembljs that relate to the i'ettle
ment of the additional claims of this state
against the United States, are herewith trauf
mit ted with the Executive order there n.
To elucidate and accomplilh this iuterefting
bufiuefs of the (late, it will requii e time and ap
plication on the part of the delegation: Some
•of the vouchers may be somewhat defective—
this difficulty appears to be fully übv-ated by
the Oidinance of Congtefs of the 7th May,
J 787, as well as that for making provitiou fur
inter est on all accounts at and atV,r ihe rate
of fix per cent, per annum :* Iu every itate
xnent, due rcgaid will doub.lcls be had to the
time of advance, in order to eltablnh a clear
date mem os iutereft on the respective advances
The Ordinance of Congreis icferied t.,
continued to be iu full force as far as 1 elates
40 this (tate, as will appear by the hi it esutt
jng clause in the words following : f bat
«• the several ftate# be, and her are hereoy
a* limited to the fpacc of fix months, tor ex*
'** hibitiug to the proper Cororoidioue*, the*:
4* claim* against the United states, of wtiat
ever nature the fame may be; and that luch
« dates as may negledt to exhibit the,
«« Within the period 01 time altet the Lom
** mtffioner has notified to the Supreme Ex
** ecutive thereof, that he is ready to proceed
a* on the bufinefa of his coramiffion. lhall be
<« precluded from any future allowance. In
Order to carry this clause into eff <J», M*.
Acrtfon, the Coromiffioner appointed to liqui
date the accounts of bouth-Carolina& Georgia,
did, on the lift August 1787, communicate to
.the Executive of this state as follows : “ I <im
«* appointed Commiffiouei for liquidating the
<« accounts of the (fates of South-Carolina and
«* Georgia with the Uuited States; and pur
•« pose to be at Augusta about the dole of
** December next, when I flatter mffelf the
«« neceflary papers will be prepared. The
government of this state, at all tunes, eager
to enter on the elucidation of this important
work, waited wiib impatience ftom that pe
riod, until the 21st day of Apiil 1789* when
Mr. Geoige Reid appeared, and an official
communication having been made to the Ex
ecutive of his appointment to that office, the
Auditor was thereupon requeued to exhibit
the claims of this fta e a»ta nft the United
£tates; and the time between the aid day
of April, and the 25th day of May there
after, was employed in exhibiting and exa
xniningthe claims aforefaidj from whicnitwiil
evidently appear, that so far from fix mouths
after due notice by the Coromiffioner having
expired, that he was uot even fix weeks in
the state; it theiefoie cleatly follows that no
part of the delay can or ought to be charged
to her, as the Ordinance fully provides in inch
cafe#. ...
It may be juflly remarked that Mr. Reid is
chargeable with the delay of the papers and
Vouchers now traufmitted ; he having alledg
«d that “ be did not think bimfelf autboriied
to receive the fame :** How fir any luch
poweii were verted in hun, will be batter
explained by having reference to the (sth clause
of the said Ordinance, wherein it isproviled,
That the said Coinmufiooers he, aud they
•« an hereby veiled with full power Ibd an*
thorny to make such ellwwincc fur ihau.uc
9 .. .
“ at they (hall think confident with the prin*
“ ciples of general equity, although fuchad
“ vances or dilburfements may not be sane
“ tioned by the Resolves of Congicf*, or
“ ported by regular vouchers, so as to
“ jenable the said Commifiionets to make a
** final adjustment of all the accounts fublift
** ing between the United States aod the
<* fcveral Members thereof, agreeably to fech
“ quota as Congress dull hereafter detcr
<* mine.**
. This date has laboured under singular dif
* advantages during the ptcflure of the late war
—die was, from the outset of the contc ft,
invaded, and partial attacks were made to re
duce, as well by water, as by repeated in
roads of the rioridans. In this date of war
fare, her internal regulations could not be di
rected at all times by fyftctn, and even when
an army was railed, a conftderable time
expired previous to the eQablilhmeut of a mi
litary chest in the southern department, by
which means large advances weie male by
♦he ttate; and from the confufion that arose on
the reduction of Savannah in 1778, mauy
persons entrusted with the expenditure of pub
lic monies for the fupporc of the military
forces acting in defence of the fame, had chair
books and papers destroyed, whilst otheis de
ferred to the enemy ;* These arc confideru
tious that will douotlefs have due lorce with
the Commifiionets, when they contemplate
that part of their power, which authoules
them to form decisions V confident with the
principles of general equity.”
The article of (applies, ongbt of right to
have a liberal conftiuttion in liquidation, as
well from the circurafiances above recited, as
from the following considerations, vix.—That
of the enemy having from December 1778,.
until June 1781, had great scope throughout
this* state to exercileevery species of devalua
tion the spirited oppolitiou that arose with
in that perrod, as well as that which too*
place thereafter, and which caused very great
distress to the citizens their property being
squandered, taken and otherwise destroyed ;
and even what has been liquidated so tbtna
bears little proportion to the damages fuftaiu
ed b.v the afore-mentioned ravages.
Tbe quota of this Pate, on a final adjufl- .
memos the national expenditure, at the rate
of oue ninetieth part, is a matter in which
her citizens are deeply interested ; and l trull
your exertions will not be wanting in fixing
this as a (laniard for efliraation on a final li
quidation : The propriety of this will appear
from the following reasons:
ill. Because Congrefe did at no period call
upon the states to comply with the Bth article
of the Confederation, which is in the words
following : “ AH charges of war, and all
'« other expence** that (hall be incurred for
k the common defence or general welfare,
“ and allowed by tlfc United States in Con
u grefs aflembled, Ihill be defrayed out of a
« common Treasury, which (ha 1 ! be fupphed
«* by the several states in proportion to the
» value of all land within each state gramed
a to, or frrveyed for any pfrfon, as fucb laud,
«« and the buildings aud improvements there
«« on, fttall be ertimated, according to f ich
m mode as the United State* in Congress as
sembled fiiall from time to time .'tieft and
«« appoint. The taxes for paying that pro.
« portion fhsll be laid and levied by the »u«
»« ihsiit f anti direction of Legidiiure* *4
the several states within the time agreed up
•« on by the United States inCongtefs a lien v
« bled” This being the only basts for taxa*
tion mu ft be contended for, ihould any me.t«
fures Le taken departing from the quota he: e«
tofore recited.
ad. Because a ninetieth part has appear« 4
in almost every requisition that has been in He
by Coagrefs during the war, and it would
create an unplcafiufg reflection, in the niiude
«f the people, were any dev.a;iou now te
take place.
3d. Because oar being a frontier, and many
of our citizens having loft their all, and the
rest who saved a part ot their perianal pr >*.
peny, after returning to the place of theif
on<e comfortable habitations, found their
houses and other improvements destroyed, and
their former fertile fields became a bed of
briers. —It was under tlmfe dark and gloomy
incumbrances that many of ihciu once nun©
relumed a fettlemeut.
The occurrences that will present them
felvcs to view 1.1 the pursuits of tbe ine<tfuica
lecommeuded to your consideration, and ho
conclulious you will naturally draw upon a
retrofpeci of the whale, may lead to tuauo
inquiries. —Be allured, that nothing 011 my
part lhall he wanting to afford any additional
information or aid that may be in my power
to iuruifh 011 the part of the state.
I have tbe honor to be,
Your inoft obedient servant,
Tbi Hon. the Senators and tbe
tion . tbe Reprejtntatives of
the btate of Georgia M
Congrtji .
Congress of the United States
Berlin and held at rhe City of
New Yoik, on Monday tne
fourth of January, « r.e
th ufa d f hu icred
ahd ninety.
An Aft for tbe Government o r tb*
Ttrrttory at the Un ted State**
/out b of the river L bia
BE it entktftd by tbe Senate and House of
Repr.etentuiirjes of tb' United Statu oj /itne ~
ri.a in Congreisij/tmbJ*a\ That the territoiy
of the United Sta'cs, fouth of the rivei Ohio,
for the purposes of temporary government,
lhall be one diflnd; the inhabitants of wmtfi
thali all the privileges, benefits aud ad
vantages, set forth iu the ordinance of the
Lte Congress, for the government of the ter
ritory of the United States, of
the river Ohio: And the government of the
said territory smith of the Oh >0, lhall be d
milar to that whuli \ now exercised in the
territory north*welt of the Ohio J except i *
far as i.otherwiie proviJed in ehf coudie.ool
exported in an A«ft of <W*ls tUt M'*"
lent h#Aon, •inutltd, ** An r> * r . 5
of the tutui* <4 u«