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SATURDAY. Ju } y 24, 179^}
FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL b j JUR Y, (hall remain inviolate. Cemjiitution of Georgia*
AUG US TA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to thr State-, E/ayf, Atticks #
Intelligence , Advertifmints, (Ac. will be gratefully received, amt every kind of Printing performed.
The Constitution of the
State of South C arolina,
(Continued from No. CXCYI.
Sea. vj. IVT° money (hall be drawn
|\J out of the Public Trea
sury but by (he Legifl.ative Authority of the
Sea. 18. The Membere of the Legifla-i
lure* who (Rajl afiemble under thU Constitu
tion, (hall be entitled to receive out of the
Public Treasury, as a compensation for their
•xpences, a sum not exceeding seven (billing!
flerling a day, during their attendance on,
going to, and re f *rning from, the Legislature,
but the fame may be increased or dimiuiihed
by law .it circumstances (hall require, but no
alteration (ball be made by any Legislature to
take efifefi during the exifteneg of the LegiU
laiure which (hall make such alteration.
Sea. 19* Neither House (ball, without the
eonfent of the other, adjouru for more than,
three days, not to any other place than that
in which the two Houses (hall be fitting.
Sea. *6* No bill or ordinance which (lull,
have been rejected by either House, (hall be
brought in again during the fitting, without
leave of the House, and notice of fix days
being previoufiy given,
SeS. li. No person. (hall be eligible t° a
feat in the Legislature w.hilft he holds any of
fice of profit or trust uuder this (fate, the
United States, or either us them, or under
any other power, except officets m the mili
tia, army or navy, of this state; juflicesof
the peace, er justices of the county courts,
while they receive no falari< s > no, (hall any
eontrafior of the army 9 navy of tins state,
the United States, or either of then, or the
of such contractor, be eligible to a feat
in cither House; and if any Member (hall
accept or exercise any of the diQualifyiug of
fices, he (hall vacate his feat.
Sea. 22. If an 7 elefiioadiftrifi (hall ne
gleft to cboofe a Member or Members on the
days of election, or if any person chofcn a
Member of either House, (hall stfufc to qua
lify and take his feat, or (hould die, depart
She state, or accept of any difqualifying of
'fice, a writ of election (hail be iflued. by the
Piefident of the Senate, or Speaker of the
House of Representatives, as the case may
be, for the purpose of filling up the vacancy
thereby occasioned, for the remainder of the
term tor which the persons so refufing to qua
lify, dying, departing the state, or accepting
9 difqualifying office, was elected to serve.
Sea. *3. And whereas the Miniflers of
the Gospel are by their profeffion dedicated to
the service of God and the cure of fouls, and
ought not to be diverted from
of their funftion, therefore uo Mmifter of
the Gospel, or public preacher of any reli
gious peifuafioa, whilst he continue* in
exercise of hitp*ft°rsl funfiione, lhall bee 1-
gible to the office of Governor, Lieutenant-
Governor, or toe feat in (he Senate 01 Houte
of Reprefeotativee.
Seff. «,« The Executive Authority of this
fitatc ftwli be veiled »* * Governor, to be
chofcn »n winner following 1 Re soon •• mty
he after the firfl meeting of the Senate end
House of ftcprtfenutivts, end it every
pgcunfi of the House of Rifiefeineuvi*
thereafter, when a majority of both Houses.
(hall be present, the Senate and House of Rq
prefentatives (ball, jointly, in the Houie of
Rcprelenutives, chuufc, by ballot, a Gover
nor, to contiuue for twa years, and until a
xew elefiion. (hall be made
seii- 2. No person (h II be eligible to
the office of Governor unieis he hath attained
' the age of thirty years, and hath refilled
with n this state and been a citizen thereof
ten years, and unless he be seized and pollefted
of a fettled tftate within the fame, iu his
own right, of the value of fifteen hundred
pounds sterling clear of debt. No person
having served two years as Governor (lull be
re-eligible to that office till after the expira
tion of four years. No person (lull hold the
office ol Governor, and any other office or
commission, civil or military, (except in the
i militia) either in this state, or under a y
state, or the United States, or any other
power, at one and the fame time.
Strt. 3. A Lieutenant-Governor (hall be
chofcn at the fame time, in the fame manner,
continue in office for the fame peiiod, apd
be pofiefted of the fame qualifications as the
Sea. 4. A Member of the Senate or
House of Reprefcntatives, being chofcn and
afiing as Governor or Lieutenant Governor,
(liall vacate his feat, and another person (hall
be defied in his Head.
Sea 5. In case of the impeachment of
the Governor, r or his removal from office,
death, resignation, or abfeuce from the state,
the Lieutenant'Governor (lull succeed to hit
office. And in case of the impeachmeut of
the Lieutenant-Governor, or his removal
trom office, death, resignation, or absence
from the state,, the Prefideut of the Senate
(lull succeed to his office, till a nomination
tetbofe offices rcfpefiivciy (hall be made by
the Senate and House of Representatives, for
the remainder of the time for which the of
ficer so impeached, removed from office,
dying, resigning, or being absent, was defied.
Sea., fi. The Governor (hall be Com
mander in Chief of the array and navy of
this state, and of the militia, except when
they (hall be called into the afiual fcrvicc of
the United States.
Sea. 7. He (ball have power to grant
reprieves and pardons* after convifiion, (ex
cept in cases of impeachment) in such man
ner, on such terms, and under fucb rertric
tions, as he (hall think proper; and he dull
have power to remit fines and forfeitures, |
unless otherwise direfied by law-
Sea- 8* He (hall take care that the laws
be faithfully executed in mercy. #
Sea > 9* He dull have power to prohibit
the exportation,of provilioa for any time upt
. exceeding thirty days.
Sea. 10. He (hall at dated times receive
• for bis fervicee a competition, which dull
be neither increased or dimimihed during the
nil iod for wfiich he (lull h*ve been defied.
Sea. 11. All officers iu the Executive
Depditment, when required by the
i (lull give him information in writing, upon *
any fubjefi relating to the dt*uM of the**
fnefiive offices.
Sal. H. Tbt Governor Ml fwm flmf
to time give so the General A trembly wfocnia*
(inn of the coudiii m of the As § and
mend «o ibeir cuulHeraiion fucb nedaiCi
U ffidljodfiMWflfr*/ of ityftiibU
[Vot. IV. No. CXCYIH.J
13* He »«r, «*» extraordinary
occafioii6, convene the, General Aflensbly*
and, in case of difagi cement between
the two H 'ufea with relpeft to the time
of adjournment, adjourn then) to fcjch time
as he (hall think proper, not beyond the fourth
Monday in the month of November, th eu en*.
' suing.
article m.
Seft. i The Judicial Power (hall ke veiled
in such Superior and Inferior Court* of L-rve*.
and Equity, aa the LegiflaUire (hall fron%
time to time diretf and eftabljth. The Judges
of each (hall bold their commissions during
good behaviour; and- the Judge* of the Su
perior Court* (ball at dated time* receive 4
compcnfation for their services, which Oiall
neither be increased or diminilhed during theif
continuance in office; but they lltallf receive,
no fees 01 perquilites of office, nor hold any
other office of profit or null untler thin
the United States, or any other powes.
Sett 1, fb' Me. of all, process (hall h%
the State of South-Carolina*. All
tious (ball be carried on in the name and by
the authority of the State of
and conclude—Agaioft the peace an,4 dijui.y
of the iaine,
article IV.
All persona who fkall be chosen or appoints
ed to any office of profit or trufl, before cim
term# on the execution thereof, (hall take th®
following oath : ** I do or affirm, that
I am duly qualified, according to tbs
tutiott of this date, tbft oi*»c« **
which I have been appointed, and W'H» ttx
the bell of my abilities, diCcbarge the durie®.
thereof, and preferve* protest, and
the Conftitucion of tbia ttatfy and, 9l tb%
IJuited States”
A R T I C Ii E
Seft. 1. The House of Repre tentative*
fliall have the foie power of impeaching, bu*
no impeachment fliall be made uiileln with,
the concurrence of two-third* of (Re. U ,J old
of tveprefeutatives.
Sett, a, AU impeachment rtiaJt be
by the Senate. When fitting for that purpofa.
the Senator* fliall be on oath, or affirma'ionj
and no person fliall be convifted wi heat th®
concurrence of two-third* of, tbs
Seft. 3. The Governor, Lieutenant Go*,
vernor, and all the Civil Officers, Ill'll b®
liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor
in office; but judgment-in fucb cMes SMln o *.
extend further than, to the removal from of
fice, and d./qualification to. hold am office •>£
honor, trull or profit, under this listed Th®
party conv-iffed fliall iieverthelefa be liable t<x
indiftment, trial, judgment, *4.4
according to law.
(i 0 bt centinjui Jk
Law Report*
WRIGHT v. NUT T, apd xeother,, .
In »3* *7 hß v
TH IS was a rnoiioa (or *a
upon the coming im <4 th# aefwei
one of the defendants, to re&nfe »h*u l"»«*
inking out execution on % obtemr \
in affion «t liw, Thf tale made '\f the
wee ss luUv«M