The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, July 31, 1790, Image 1

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    SATURDAY* July 31, 1790.]
FREEDOM -of the PRESS, and TRIAL bjr JURY, (hall remain inviolate. Conjhtution $f Gtorgia.
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to tub State; PJfays % At tides of
Intelligence , Advert if ments, &c. will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed
2 r Hi» Excellency EDWARD TELFAIR,
Governor and Commander in Ch.ef m and
over the State aforefaid.
A Proclamation.
WHEREAS I have received iufui (nation
that two persons, whose names are
unknown, but supposed to be fame
%vlio fired on a Cuflatas Chief, about the 18 b
ultimo, did, on or near the 4th iuft. at Town
creek, about fix miles from the Oconee river,
baibaroutiy and wantonly murder one Indian
and wound another, both of the Cullatas afore*
AND WHEREAS by an Aft, parted the
j/nth June 1774, in the (then province, now)
state of Geoigia, it is amongst other matters
enafted, “ That, to murder any free Indian
«« in amity, is by the law of *he land as penal
« to all intents and putpofes whatsoever, at
•« to murder any white i” and, “ That by
«« the law of the land, any person reicumg
« any such prisoners so committed, is guilty
** of felony.”
AND FARTHFR, it being the “ desire
« ol the President ot the U ited States, that
«« a firm ; eace ihotild be concluded with the
.«* Cfeekfc, ,, and being above all * solicitous
«• that” a war “ thou Id not be brought on by
«* the conduft of the citizens of the United
« States” I hav therejure thought fit to is
sue this my Proclamation, in »rder that the
felonious perpetrator of such attrocious and
inhuman crimes mar be brought to condign
punithment, and DO hereby offer a Reward
of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS for the mur
derer, and the furtherlum of FIFTY POUNDS
for the other offender, to be provided for out
of the contingencies of the present year, one
half ot said sum or sums to be paid on the
said offender or offenders being fccured in a
good and furticient jail within this flare, and
on lodging the necessary evidence with the
Attorney-General;—the other moiety to be
paid on trial aud conviction of the offender
or offenders aforefaid.
AND WHEREAS it has been reprefeired
me that sundry pertuns have traded and do
trade and barter with the Indians in the woods
a nd within the settlements of this state, in
violation of an Aft entitled, “ An Aft to
«< regulate the Indian trade, and for other
«* purposes therein mentioned,” parted at Sa
vannah the of February, 1784: I do
hereby di«eft and require a due observance of
the aforefaid .ecited A ft, under the pains and
penalties therein prelcubed, until Federal re
gulations relative to Indian commerce thall
he duly notified.
All Officeis, civil and military, through
out this state, are hereby ftriftly enjoined and
required, to use all lawful means to enforce
this my Proclamation.
Given under my Hand, and the Great Seal
of the said State, at the Sta;c-houfc, in
Augusta, this nineteenth day of July, iu
the Year of our Lord, one thousand, se
ven huudred aud niuety, and in the fif
teenth year of the Independence of the
United States of America.
g y his Eieellency's Command,
To tbt Printer of the Augusta Chronicle •
S I R,
fuccecded so far in their design, as to
nt up a theatre for the entertainment of the
inhabitants et Augusta aud its vicinity, we
may uot only anticipate to ourselves an ex
ecutive fund of pleasure and tational anrufe
ment, but a thorough annihilation ot native
rurttetty, refinement of manners, cultivation
of iafte, and above all, a true repieientatimt
of all ages aud proieifiona, of ail ttauons and
degiees, from the exalted throue of the mo
narch, dowu to the mtlerabic butt of the
beggar— The intent of this publication is to
otfet a few remarks on the merits and deme
nts ot the performers of the Tragedy and
Farce exntbited (as the fiift) under the au
lptces of this new society —lt may be said
mat tince gentlemen have*uudeitaken such an
attair minty for their own arouiemcnt, criti
aim ought to have been laid alide; to this I
auiwcr, ihat, tiucc thsy w.lh to make them
teives thus conspicuous m the dilplay of their
anilities, they ought to i'ubiuic .0 the opinion
which the audience migtu form of their nte
These remarks, therefore, aud such as may
IteicaKei loiiow, (winch wdl only be after
the performance ota play) will very prupeily
come under r he head or tute of
In the choice of the Tragedy of George
Barnwell, tor the tit It oriictt, the Matters
did uot dilcovcr much judgment—They ought
to have formed 4 tiiltinctiou betwee 1 protec
ted aftors, aud peifous who were meie no
vices in the etiquette of the Itagc ; aud 67 ad
hering to this diicnuiuation, Barnweil would
have been very wifely laid aside To behold
tragical fccncs, in which the pafiions a»e not
routed in proportion «o the degree ot horror
we form in our own breads ol the aftious, is
but purlelqueing human natuie in the nighest
degree i—ot all other ipecies of exhibition, a
Tragedy, when not performed to real hie, is
the molt innpid —it therefore requites time
aud abilities to become a favourite of Mtipo
The gentleman who perfonated Thorow
good went thiough his { art with cale \ he
was particulaily happy in the feene between
hiinlell and barnweil, wherein he “ chicles”
; him lot hi» aufente. Barnwell's figuie and
voice weie greatly againlt him \ —the pathet c
paits weie delivered iu such an clicuuuate
low tone, and with so little energy, that we
weie at a loss to know, whe her his hatred to
Millwood, the horroi of his own guild for
the muider ts bis uncle, or his unbounded
griet tor “ the 101 l Maria” wrought the mult
powerful on his imagination : In what he was
deficient however iu baruwell, he made u;>
in Couple.— Trueman had every requitue if
he had fpokeu loudei ; his icferveouels in
some pailages were pet haps injudicious; uth. rs
rnighi form a reverie judgment.—The <entle
mau who acted Barnwell'* Uucle, weut thio*
his part rood pathetically » we may venture
to a Urn, without exageratinu, it was the
mailer piece of the whole peiformance.
Miss Wall,in Maris,difcovered s lenllfcili-
Mr of foul, that Hid her honor | we have feeu
( Maria a more Bilking pictuif of grief j but
(Yol. TV. No. CXC!!.]}
in the prison feene (lie merited applause —.
Mta. Robwfon’s Millwood wan a petted
model of that diabolical character ; from her
perfoiniauce we had a perfect idea ot the
1 he characters in the farce wete well fit*
Rained. Much praise ta due to Blitter, Lu»y,
and Mi a. Wilgood.
tfetfec&cfe t , efe»c£dbgfoc±'£tegfc da
For Sale,
By Public Auction,
At . w now Hid, tdgdirld . <»u ty,
the 3 oth dyof •u_ uii n xt, pit
of the peru < ILte ol i.e ftiy
Hammond, citctafcit, v z.
nr'HLiemaining Hock of Dry Good*, con*
X lifling of a vanecy of uleiul and fate*
able articles, calculated for the country or
Indian trade. Ado, all the household futnt
ture late belonging to the deccaicd ; together
with hit whole Hock ol hoi Its, cattle, ili-ep,
hogs, plantation cools, and a ntimbet ot utlier
articles too tedi us to enumera e
COM DM IONS For all (urns under three
pounds, c.ilb; and tor all fun.* abme hat
amount, bond with approved f. cm its j a vl* e
according to the three lad period-* of thr fu-
Halmeut Law—the piopeity not to be ahe c*l
till the conditions aie complied with,
ALL persons indebted to the above ettatf,
ate lequetteri to make payment b% the ft. ft
day ot Uep ember next; the fi nation of its
affairs reudcting it impottible tor the Fxecu
tors to give any furthci indulgence—And
they will alter that day be under the ntceflitf
of placing, mdifcriininatelv, all the bonds,
notes and accounts in the hands of an Attor
ney. All persona to whom the efta e is in
debted are desired to fend in an account of
their demands to one of the Executors by tho
isth day of July 175*1, other wife they will
be precluded.
MARY ANN HAM MON D, Executrix.
Shoim hul, jutj *4* *7s>o.
One Guinea Reward .
RUN away from the fuhfcriber, at Major
hoifyth’s, on Friday morning, a
iEve named JENNY, lately owned by Mr.
Powell, in Washington; ibe is a yeM -v
wench, fat, and has veiv buihy hair—The
above reward will be given to any perfun who
will deliver her to Major Furfyth, in AnguH 1,
01 7 iuo Guineas m d at! leafon Lie expences
jf delivered to me at the Old Town, ouOge*
chee. Allpeifousaieheieby fuibid haibour
iug her,
The fuhfcriber 100 left Sunday night, ffurr*
pofe<l to be rode 01T bv a negroe) a R\Y
HORSE, wanting bis left eye. Any perfoe
delivering him ss above, will be rewarded.
r 7 u b *3# *7> ? *