The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, August 21, 1790, Image 1

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    iA TURD AY, Auvuft 21 + 1790.]:
*A N D
FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL bj JURY, (hall remain inviolate. ConJlitution of Georgia .
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State; F.ffays* Ai titles of
Intelligence , Advertifments , &c. will be gratefully received y and every kind of Printing performed.
The Constitution of the
State of South-Carolina.
(Concluded from N-o. CXCVIII.)
Seftion i. r ft HE Judges of the Superior
J. Courts, Commiffi'oners of
the Treasury, Secretary of the State, and
Surveyor-General, thall be, elected by the
joint ballot of both Houses in the House of
Reprefenratives. The Commiflioners of the
Treasury, Secretary of the State, and Sur
veyor General, (hall hold their offices for
four years, but shall not be eligible agam for
four years after the expiration of the time for
which they thall have been elected.
Se&. 2. All other officers thall be ap
pointed as they hitherto have been until other
wise directed by law, but Sheriff* thall hold
their offices for four jears, and nor be again
eligible for four years the term tor which
they Thai! have been elected.
Seft. 3. All comm fiions shall be in the
name and by the authority of the state of
6 juth-Carolina, a.d be lealed with th? fealof
the state, and be ligned ny the Governor.
All laws of force in this date, at the pair
ing of this Constitution,. thall so continue un
til altered or repealed by the Legislature, ex
cept where they are temporary, in which cate
they (hall expire at the times refpeftively li
mited for their duration, if not continued by
aft of the Legislature.
Seftion 1. The free cxercife and enjoy,
mei.t of religious ptofeffion and worthip,
without difcriraimtion or preference, shall
forever hereafter be allowed within this state
to a!! mankind; provided that the liberty of
coufrience thereby declared shall not be so
cunftrued a s to excuse afts of iicentioufnefs,
or jufiify practices inconlifteat with the peace
and fafeiy of this state.
Seft. 2. The rights, privileges, immu
nities, and estates, of both civil and religi
ous focieries, and of corporate bodies, lhall
vermin as if-the Constitution of this state had
fco: ueeu altered- or amended.
Seftion 1. All power is originally veiled
in the { eople, and all free governments are
founded on their authority, and ate instituted
for their peace, fafety and happiuefs.
Seft. 2. No freeman of this state (hill be
taken or imprifened; or difleized of his free
hold, liberties, or privileges; or out-lawed
or exiled; or in any manner deflroved, or
deprived of his life, liberty, or property;
but by the judgment of his peers, or by the
law of the land ; nor shall any bill of at
tainder, ex psji fitto law, or law impairing
the obligation ot contraft*, ever be palled by
the Legislature of this state.
Seft. 3. The military shall be fubordiiiate
to the civil power.
Seft. 4. Exctffive bail lhall not be re
quired, nor exctffive fines impeded, uor ctu:l
punifhmeura inflicted.
heft - The Legislature shall not grant
•ny title of Nobility or hereditary diftinftion,
iw»r create any office the ippointineut to which
tliall be fur any lunger time thau during good
h, The Ttiil by Jury, *1 btrifofori
used in this state, and the Liberty of the
Tress, shall be forever inviolably preserved.
Seftion 1. The bufiaefs of the Treasury
lhall be in future conducted by two Treasurers,
one of whom shall hold his office and refice
at Columbia, the other shall hold his office
and reside in Chariefton.
Seft. 2 The Secretary of State and Sur
veyor-General shall hold their offices both in
Columbia and in Chariefton. They shall reside
at one place, aud their Deputies at she other.
Seft. 3. At the conclusion of the Circuits v
the Judges shall meet and lit at. Columbia,
for the purpose of hearing and determining ail
motions which may be made for new trials,
and in arieft for judgments, and such points
o» law as may be submitted to them From
Columbia they lhall proceed to Chariefton,
and there hear and determine all such motions
for new trials, and in arrest of judgmeu s. aud
-such points of law, as may be fubmiied to
Seft. 4, The Governor thall always reside
doling the fitting of the Legillature, at the
place where their session may be held, aud at
all other tunes wherever in hi* opinion the
public good may require.'
Seft. 5. The Legiifeture shall, as fo«n as
may be convenient, pals laws for the aboli
tion of the rights, of primogeniture, and for
giving an equitable diftnbution of the real
estate of intestates.
No Convention of the People shall be cal
led unlcfs by the concurrence of two-thirds
of both branches of the whole reptefeutation-
No part of this Constitution lhall be- altered,
unlefs'a bill to alter the ffme lhall have been
read three times in the House of Rcprefen
tatives, and three times in the Senate, and
agreed to by.two thirds of both branches of>-
tiie whole representation j nei her lhall any
alteration take place until the bill so agreed '
to be publilhed three month previous to a
new eleftion for members to the House of
Reprelentatives, and, if the alteration pro
posed by the Legislature lhall be agreed to in
their fit ft session, by two thirds of the whole
representation, in both branches of the Le
gislature, after the fame lhall have been read
three times, on three several days in each
House, then, and not otbeiwife, the- fame
Ibali become a part of this Constitution.
Done in Convention, at Columbia, in the
state of South-Carolina, the 3d day of
June, in-the year of our Lord 175/O,
and in'the 14th year of the Independence
of the United States of America.
By the unanimous order of the Convention,
That no mcouvenjence may ariie from the
alterations and amendments in the Coaftitu
tioo of this state, it is hereby declared aud
1. That the government lhall be wdminif
tered as heretofore, until the meeting and
fitting of the Legislature to be held under this'
Constitution. *
s. And whereas the exiffing laws renter it
highly inconvenient for the leg fhture to
Uieet on the fourth Monday in November tifl'i
it is therefore ordained, That, instead there*
i>f, >be Members of the Senate and House of
Heprefenutives, to be elected on the fecund
Monuey in October* sui on ib« dsj follow*
[Vox.. IV. No. CCr.]
ing, dial! meet at Columbia, the feat of go.
verumeut, ou the fit it Monday in Jauuaijr
3. It is also ordained. That the Commif
‘ fionera of ihe Tieafuiy lhall, with ail tmive
•lent dispatch, take a balance of the I tea
fury books, which balance lhall be lodged m
the TreafutetV Olfice in Oolpinbia, and »ho
original books in the Tieafurcr’s Olfice in
4. It is the opinion of (hi* Convention,
That the Legillature, at the 4 fir ft fefliou who hi ■
lhall he held under this Oonftitu ion, Arnold
. regula e and cflahlifh by law all 'lie tees < f t»i«
• tlpeCtivc Couitoanu throughout this
• 5,- That thev also provide fir the annual and
final ieitlemcm of 'be accounts of the Lom
miffio.iers.of the Teuiury, so that the pern
tiiaty iuiereit of the da e he duly attended to,
and the pcrlons who faithfully diltharge the
duti 5 of that important office he quieted there
in. and their fureiies ideated in a fixed and
rcaionable time.
6. That the Legislature dial! make
provifiou for rev.ling, digefling, and pub I th
the laws of this date, f'» a» that a gene
ral knowledge theieof may be diifuled among;
the cti/ens ot this date.
7. Ihe Legillature, at theic did meeting,
Ihiil proceed to the eleven of jultires of
the Eeace throughout the date Jut* c«*e
of the County Courts, where C"unty Courts ;
are edablilhed, that all former coimiulfionsnf
the peace expire at fixed periods, *0 he de
cided by law.
8. That all rotation Otfirna, at- the fi ll*
meeting ol the Legtflatture under this ( o i*-*l
- may be ic-elecded, novwrthfland ng;
any tune they may have before lerved umier '
the former Conditution.
iij tbt ununtmeu, order of the Convention,
'June 3, 17^.
CuAHLth PINCK.NFY,' Prefidenf.
Atteft) J JHNSANDtOKD DART, iuc'rj. .
& ## § § X# &
AL L persons indebted to the edne
David Douglas, tfquire, deceafedy ar#i
tjei. ed to make payment, without delay 5..,
and ihe creditors to bring forward their le
vcral ciauni, for hquida’ion
Augufi 16, 17 vo
N otification
THE fluctuating value of rlie piper mo
ney being now at an end,-by iu ceifmg'
to be a lawful tender, it is mv earned v- h :
to close the accounts of the late- |obu Wil
ton, Elquire, deceased, as f-ion as polfu le.
All persons having any demands'; therefore,
againd that estate, 1 or unfetfled *»rauf intone
wuh the executors, or on my own arc mot,
ate defi ed to make them known, ihit *h.*y
may be liquidated} and all perfm*. aoy wive
indebted, art* desired to do fe l:kew ft l
(hall be particularly obliged to any person,
lor iufiiimation icfpelting the Irteetion* anj*
surveys of land, nude by and in hfheK f*
the dtetafed; as rornmon'indi.’c ti»?i*f f
and suiily will n<>t f.iflTer me 0 let ihofe-*
lights lie lunger d<*manr
Roihtj! i(t t ijj*.