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SATURDAY, Miuft 28, 1790.]
1 - '■■■■■. " * ' "'I 1 """ 1 ' '' ■' » —— - "■ 1 »■■■■■» !■ —-
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FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL b j JURY, lhall remain iuviolatc. Conjlitution •/ Ce r\ia.
• ‘ » * . •
— ‘ ■ ' —' I
AUGUST A: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State; EJfays, Articles of
Intelligence, Aduertifements, lie. w.ll be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed.
Coogrt fsc/the United States
v 1
Be uri and held ac the City of
. Isi w Yo k> on Monday cue
fourth of January, -o» £•
thwiiiand f ven hu.lured
and nine y.
An ACT for eflabljhing the tem
porary and pennantnt Seat of
the Government oj the Unitea
BE it /ttablid by the Senate cni House of
Refit e tn’atrvts of the Untied States of
s./astira, tn Congren feinbled, That a oiflrid
f t territory* not exceeding ten miles square,
(.> !»e located as h'erealter direded, on the
s;v er P Jtowmack, at fume place between the
r.Miuths of the eastern branch and Connogo*
chegue, be, and the fame is hereby accepted
in ibe permanent‘feat of the government of
the United States: Provtded nevertbelefs,
% hat the operation of the laws of the Hate
v. ihiu foch dilltirt (hall not be asserted by
this acceptance, until the time fixed for the
iemoval of the (government thereto, and un
it Congress flull otherwise b? law provide.
And le it ju.tber enacted , That the Preli
c’cu.6 of the United States be aU'horifcd to
: ; oint, and, by fopplying' vacancies hap
‘ cuing from refufals to a&, or other causes,
t•• keep in appointment - , as long as may be
y ecelTary, three Commissioners, who, or any
two of whom, (ball, under the direction of
t .c Piefident, survey, and by proper metes
.d bounds define, and limit, a diftrirt of
t .ritory, under the limitations above-men
r.*>ned ; and the diftrirt so defined, limi<ed,
S'.d located, lhaUbe deemed the diftrirt ac
oj-CQ by this art for the permanent feat of
t .e government of the United States.
And be it enacted , That the said Commif
f ers, or any two of them, lhall have
to purchsfe or accept foch qnautity of
; oti the eaflem fide of the laid river,
in the said diftrirt, as the President (hall
< proper for the tile of the United States ;
\ z< cording to such plans as the Piefident
s ! approve, the said Commiffionera, or any
- v « ! i : them, (liall, prior to the firft Mondxy
. * member, in the year One thouland eight
i .. Im), provide suitable buildings for the
• ■ ; inodation of Congress. and of the Pre
and for the Publick Officers of the
<. . -f iucnt of the United States.
bt it inailed x That, for defraying the
.• ■ re of fucli pur-chafes and buildings, the
• ent of the Uni ed States be authorifed
. v q tie fled 10 accepr grants of money.
-.1 he it enathd, That, prior to the firft
" i 'av in December next, all offices attach
tr.e feat of the government of,the Unit
•!<es lhall be removed to, and, until the
, ft Monday in December, in the year
i fundeight hundred,(hall remain at the
f Philadelphia, in »he state of Pennfvl*
< i, m which place the feffiou of Cong rest
j ci • iing the pieftnt foall be held,
/ if enabled, That, on the firft Mon*
I't'Militr, in the year one 'hmifand
' .wind, ths flit us the gum Atteut us
the United State* (hall, by virtue of this art,
be transferred to the diftrirt and place afore*
said, and all offices attached to the fa»d lest
* of government lhall accordi gly be removed
thereto by their refpertive b dders, and dull
after the said day ceale to *b« cxerrifed efe
wberci and that the necchary expence of
such removal (lull be defrayed out of the du
ties on imposts and tonnage, of which a fuf
ficient futn is hereby apptop; iated.
hfit after of the Houle of Rfi ejem attves.
JOHN AD VMS, Vice-Prtfiatn; of the
United Sta. es, and of i he Senate.
Approved, July 16, 179c)'
• of tb , Untied States*
(True Copy.)
THOS. JEEP EASON, Secretary of State*
An ACT to prefer ibe the mode
in which the public Afts, Re
cords, and Judicial Proceed
ing si n each StateJhall be aat hen *
Heated, Jo as to take ejfeft in
every other State.
BE it enacted by the Senate and House of
Refire.tntanves of the United States of
.■ , tn Cungrefs njfembltd, That the arts
. of the Lagilhtures of the leveral (fates, (hall
be autenticated by having the feil of their
refpertive hates affixed thereto; that the re
cords, and judicial proceedings of the courts
of any (late lhall be proved or admitted into
auy other court within the United S ates by
the alteration of the clerk, and the leal of
the court annexed, if there be a seal, toge
getber with a certificate of the Judge, Chief
justice, or preliding Magistrate, as the case
. may be, that the said attestation is in due
form ; and the said records and judicial pro
ceedings authenticated as aforefaid, (hall have
such faith and credit given to them in every
court within the United States, as they have
by law or usage in the conrts of the ft ate from
whence the said records are, or lhall be
Speaker of the Hou.e of Rtprefentan'ves•
JOHN ADAMS, Vue-Prefident of the
United States, and President of the Senate.
Approved May iC, 1790.
of the United States*
(True ( opy.)
THUS. JEFFERSON, Secretary of State*
An ACT to continue in force an
Ad pajfed at the lafi SeJJion of
i Congrels, entitled , “ An Aft to
regulate ProctJjes in the Courts
of the United States.'*
BE it enabled by the Snafe and If tuft of
Refirefritatives of the United States of
America, in afftmbltJ, That the art,
entitled u Au Art to reealate ProerfTes in the
Courts of the United State*/* palled cn *he .
rwentv-nimh day of September lift, shill be,
<tud the fain* it heteby continued iu frfur, ,
until the end of the next session of Congrefy
aud no louger.
Sptaktr of tbt tiouje of Rtf>tejemaitvts»
. JOHN ADAMS, PtifPrefatnt of .be
United Statu, and Prtfatnt y tbt ieuaie*
Approved May 26 , 17^0.
oj the United States*
(Tru* Copy.)
THOfii. JEFFERSON, Secretary of State •
LONDON, April *3.
THE lati letter b from Berlin, by the fail
ordinary mail, seemed to indicate that
public affaiis had takeu lather a more favor
able appearance; but we arc fmee enabled o
speak Irom the bed authority, accoidinx 10
more tecent and higher iufoiraation, that
holt.lilies between Austria and the King of
Pruflia uovv appear inevitable, as the twolm
penal Courts wilt rather choofc to nlk the
event of a campaign than fur render the im
portant pods of Belgrade and Ocxikow. Ac
the King ot Frudia goes frefh into the field,
with a large treasury of his own, and a pro
bable indemnification from the Turk** for h a
expeiKcs, it is not bkely lie will lelTen hi#
demands. A dcdaiatian may the. efure ihou
ly be expelled from the Coutt of (terliu, in
juftification of the King of Pruflia’a con duff
m this affair. The funds will hardly feel it#
effect- for we again repeat, that Gicat*Bri
taiu had no iharc in the dispute. and that no
Miuifter’s firft object is—the continuance of
peace to this country.
He lie, and all its dependencies, Branfwick,
Hanover, Anfpach, and Dtuxponts, will
openly cmbr«ce the fide of Piuffia ; but they
will be balanced by Wertemburg, M.inftrr,
the Electorate of Cologne, Wetzhourg, an I
other Imperial towns, who will declare m
favor of Leopold. They have already agreed
to iuruiih 1 5,000 auxiliaries, to defend the
province of Luxembourg for the Hoafr of
Austria. Accounts from Frankfort mention,
that the vaugu.itd of the army, Under the
Prince of Saxe-Cobo’rg, had been attacked
by the Turks neat Nagodiu, but the lattcC
were repuiled ; and that the Prince had con
tin ed his march towards Cladova, in order'
to attack it, and theieby ptevent the
from lending any fuccours to Orfowa.
Hia Majesty remains extremely averse to
the dissolution of Parliament at thi* moment >
the convulsed Rate of Europe is, perhaps, a
complete juftification of that opinion.
May 6. Wednesday fix hou(e« of rendez
vous were opened tor the entering feameu in
to his Majefty’* service, viz two on Tower*
bill, two in Wapping, and two in Ro heihithe.
Four tenders weic down the river, oa
Wednesday inoruingf, crowded with impres
sed men, to be dipped on board a man «f
war lying in Long-reaeb, ready to receive
them. The fame tenders weie expelled rp
again, with the return of tide, upon the fame t
Extra ft if a letter /rent Port mouth, May ?.
w This morning, ioob after midnight. thti#
was a very hot prefe in Portfmmith, C’umtn**ii'
and Golporr, as well as the differeut ports 11*
the I fie of Wight, Houihamptoiti Lymingt u V
Ire, aud about frefeimen hsveeFe-’dy b<s«
brought on board the .Uiy t j u Uie 1-atbyMr
I *
[Tot. IV. No. CCIH.3