The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, September 04, 1790, Image 1
SATURDAY, September 4, 1790.] THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE *1 v : ** AND GAZE TT E of the STATE: c 4 A:." 1 .. - .... . "■■ ■ - , L_ =SI. • V . r ' -• m . '• ( ’■ " ' * ** - *• > * * FREEDOM of the PRESS, and T RIAL by JURY, ft*all remain inviolate. Coetfitmioa of Georgia. ‘ 1 .* /* ,7 m * AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. S M I T H,, Printer to the State y>.EJdyj, Articles of Intelligence, Advertisements, £•?«. will be gratefully received, ana every kind of Printing performed. ... * ‘ ‘ ' 'I * _ » - -i Con gre fs o f the United States AT THE SECOND SESSION, Begun and held at the City of New Yoik> on Monday the fourth of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. Jin ACT* to promote the Prog refs of ufeful Arts . BE it enabled by the Senate and Hcufe of of the United States of uimerica, in Congrtjs ajjemblcd , That upon the petition of any person or persons to the Se cretary of State, the Secretary for the De partment of War, and the Attorney-General of the United States, setting forth, that he, Pie, or they, hath or have invented oi dis covered any ufeful art, manufacture, engine, jnachine, or device, or any improvement therein not before known or used, and pray ing that a patent may be granted therefor, it lhail and may be lawful to and for the said jKtcretaty t>f th« Secretary f«r tjic Dei partment of War, and the Attorney-General, or any two of them., if they shall deem the invention or difeovery fufficientiy ufeful and important, to caufc letters patcut to be made out in the name of the United States, to bear tefte by the frefident of the United States, jeciting the allegations and suggestions of the said petition, and deferibiug the said invention erdifeovery, clearly, truly, & fully, & there upon granting to such petitioner or petition ers, his, her, or their heirs, administrators or afligns, for any term not exceeding fourteen years, the foie and exclnfive right and liberty of nuking, conftrurting, using, and vending to others to he used, the laid invention or dif covcry i which letters patent (hall be deliver ed to the Attorney-General of the United States, to be examined, who (hall, within fifteen days next after the delivery to him, if he shall find the fame conformable to this aft, certify it to be so at the foot thereof, and pre - fern the letters patent, so certified, to the Trefident, who shall eaufe the seal of the tJnited States to be thereto affixed, and the fame (hall be good and available to the gran tee or grautees by force of this art, to all aud every intent and purpose herein contained, and (hall be recorded in a book to be kept for that purpose in the office of the Secretary of State, and delivered to the patentee or fan agent, and the deliviry thereof shall be en tered on the record, and indorfed <m the pa tent, by the said Secretary, at the time of "S? «** ~ - tee oi granites of each patent fliall, at the time of granting the (ante, . d,l '" r ‘?.' he Beetetar, of State a fpecificattoii in writing, containing a, accompanied with draft*, or models, and explanations and mo dele (if the nature of the invention or dtf. cover, will admit of a model) «f the thing or thing, b, him or them invented or dtf. rovcicd, and deferibed aa alorefaid, lit the f»id patents \ which fpteiHeitioii (hall be lo canicular, »ud said models so exiirt, aa not u,,|y to diflinguirti *M invent inn or dilcovery, from other it»n|» before and used, but •((<> to cnab»« i W •» V » • \ ■» V GEORGIA. (killed in the art or manufartuie, whereof it is a branch, nr wherewith it may be neared connerted, to make, conftrurt, or use the fame to the end that the public may have the full benefit thereof, after the expiration of the patent-term ; which fpecification fliall be filed in the office of the said Secretary, and certified copies thereof (hall be competent evidence in all courts, and before all jurif* dirtions, where any matter or thing, touching or concerning fueh patent, right, or privilege, (hall come in quedion. And be it further enaQed , That upon the ap plication of any person to the Secretary of State, for a copy of any «>f such fpecification, and for permission to have similar model or models made, it (hall be the duty of the Se cretary to give such copy, and to permit the person, so applying for a firaiiar model or mo dels, to take, or make, or eaufe the fame to be taken or made, at the expence of such ap plicant. And be it further, That if any per son or persons fliall devise, make, conftrurt, use, employ, or vend within theft United States, any art, manufacture, engine, ma chine, or device, or any invention or im provement upon, •* >t» any jrt, engine, machine, or device, the foie and ex clusive fight of which, (hall be so as aforefaid granted by patent to any person or persons, by virtue and in pursuance of this art, with out the consent of the patentee or patentees, their executors* adminifiratort, or affigus, firft had and obtained in writing, every per son so offending fliall forfeit and pay to the said patentee or patentees* his, her, or their executors, administrators or affigus, such da mages as (hall be assessed by a jury, and more over (hall forfeit ti the person aggrieved, the thing or things so devised, made, conftrurt ed, used, employed, or vended, coutrary to the true intent of this art, which may be re covered iu an artiou on the caie, founded on this art. And be it further enabled, That upon oath or affirmation made before the Judge of the Diftfirt Court, where the defendant resides, that any patent which (hall be issued in puf fuance of this art, was obtained surreptitious -1 y by, or upon falfe suggestion, and motion made 10 the said Court, within one year af ter issuing the said patent; but not afterwards, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Judge of the said Diftrirt Court, if the matter al leged (hall appear to him to be fufficient, to grant a rule that the patentee or patentees, bis, her, or their executors, administrators, or assigns, (hew eaufe why process (hould not issue against him, her, or them, to repeal such patents j and if fufficient eaufe fliall not be (bewu to the contrary, the rule (hall be made absolute, and theteupon the said Judge fliall order process to be issued as aforefaid, against such patentee or patentees, his, her, or their executors, admioirt ratorß » or affigns* Anti in case no fufficient eaufe fliall be fliewn to the contrary, or if it ft>U «W«~r that the patentee wa. no. t h, fitft and true .nv.utor or ’ Hifeoverer, Judgment rtta I be rendered bp such Court for the repeal of such patent or p, teittet and if the par.p, at whofa complaint the proved issued. (hall *'"J , aeainfl him, he tht'l par a I . defendant th.ll be puttu ‘ to be taxed bp tbe Coutt, and leodvatad tu fur h manner as cnft* expended by defendants, Ihall be recovered in due course of law. r, And be it further' enaded, That in all ac* tions to be brought by such patentee or pa« tentees, his, her;-or their executors, admi niftiators, or afligns, for any penalty incur red by virtue of this ad, the said patents or fpecifirations (hall be puma facte evidence, that the said patentee-or patentees, was or were the Just and true inventor or invent ura # ' difcoveier or difeoverers of the thin< (o fpe cified, and that the fame is truly fpecified | but that nevertheless, the defendant or de fendants may plead the general iflue, and give this ad, and any fpicial matter whereof no lice in writing ftiall have been given to the plaintiff, or his attorney, thirty days befoie the trial, in evidence, tending to prove that the fpeciftcation filed by the plaiutiff doe* not contain the whole of the truth concerning hte invention or difeovery j or that Jt contains more than is neceft’ary to pfodnee the erfed defenbed y and if the concealment ot p rt, or the additiou of more than is iv,' ihall appear to have been intended to milk id* or shall actually wiiltad the publi'c, so at the effect defenbed cannot be produced by the means fpccified. then, and in such cases, the verdict and judgment /haU be tor rn# de fendant. * And be it further enacted* That fuel pa tentee as aforefaid, (hall, before he rererve* his patent, pay the following fees to the fe deral officers employed in making out ami performing the fame, to wit s For receiving aud filing the petition, fifty Cents; for filing fpecifieations, per copy sheet containing one hundred words, ten cents; for making out patent, two dollars for fixing great seal, On® dollar ; for inddrfing the day of the fame to the patentee, including all inter mediate fervicce, tweuty cents. FREDERICK A. MUHLENffURG,' iipeaket of the House of Rrprtjtnmivvti* JOHN ADAMS, yicr-PreJideni of bt Uttited Stat e, and Prtfidtnt oj the Senate* Approved April to, 1790* G EOR G E WASH IN G t ON, Prcjtdirii of tbe United buttes* (True Copy.)’ „ f f . * THOS JEFFERSON, Secretary of St die. } BERLIN, May i*V TH E march of our troops is hot* quite certain. Early in the morning of the lift inftaut, orders were received from Potf damforthe gtrards to march the next moTtnngi; aud proceed the 27th to Silesia ; the three re giments of Generals Mollendorff, Rorufeldg and Lignowifkv, will join them. ; When the King of Frafire* obfetvdd, that an observation fleet <ff 1 4 ih p» ot the In* was immediately venting on aceounr of the hot press in England, and their expected rup ture with -«J>ain, and defied the AfW fem'rly <0 decree for the ne- effuy tXpenced thereof, M. Delamr*e brought «»t> the M hi wing queflino • bhitf (he K'hii hav* (W power of ds<lir't»g war and mil* fig peace, or mull it be invaded in the »• f -rrAf fembly, or the people thetnfHve- * Mere. 4 i deUtfi cuius 4, bat uv.mug was dsuc-W* [Vol. IV. No. CCIV.3