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SATURDAY, September i 5, 1790.]
FREEDOM of tbt PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, (hall remain inviolate. Constitution of Georgia.
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to tie State; tffliys % A tides cf
Intelligence , Advertisements , will be gratefully received\ and every kind of Printing performed .
An ACT making Provision for
the Debt of the United States .
(Concluded from No . CCV.)
AND as it may happen that some of the
creditors of the United States m y not
think lit to become subscribers to the said
Be it further enabled* That nothing in this
aft contained (hall beconftrued in any wife to
alter, abridge or impair, 'lie rights of those
creditors of the United States who (hall not
subscribe to the said loan, or the contrasts
upon which their refpefttve claims are found*
•d, but the said coatrafts and rights thali re
main in full force and virtue.
And that such creditors may not be ex
cluded from a participation in the benefit
hereby intended to the creditors of the Unit
ed States in general, while the said proposed
loan (hall be depending, and until it (hull ap
pear from the event thereof, what farther or
other arrangements may be ueceffary refpeft
ing the said domeflic debt;
Be ft therefore further enabled That such of
the creditors of the United States as may not
subscribe to the said loan, (hall nevertheless
receive during the year oue thousand seven
'hundred and ninety-one, a rate per centum on
the refpeftive amounts of their refpeftive de
mands, including inteieft to the lad day of
December next, equal to the intered payable
to subscribing creditors, to be paid at the
fame times, at the fame places, and by the
fame persons, as is herein before directed,
* concerning the intered on the dock which may
he created in virtue of the said proposed loan.
But as some of the certificates nowin circu
lation have not heretofore been liquidated to
‘ specie value, as mod of them are greatly
fubjeft to counterfeit, and counterfeits have
actually taken place in numerous indances,
and as embarrassment and imposition might,
for these reafoos, attend the payment of in
tcicd on those certificates in their present
foim, it (hall therefore be necessary to en
title the said creditors to the benefit of the
said payment, that those of them who do not
pofl'efs .certificates issued by the regifler of
the Treasury, for the regidered debt, (hould
produce, previous to the fird day of June
next, their refpeftive certificates, either at
the Treasury of the United States, or to
some one of the commissioners to be appoint
ed asaforefaid, to the end that the fame may
* fee cancelled, and other certificates issued in
lieu thereof; which new certificates (hall fpe
cify the specie amount of those in exchange j
for which they are given, and (hall be other
wise of the like tenor with those heretofore
issued by the said regider of the treasury for
the said registered debt, and (ball be trans
ferable on the like principles, with those di
refted to be issued on account of ths subscrip
tions to the loan hereby proposed.
And be tt further enaJed, That the com
niiffumers who (hall be appointed pursuant to
this aft, (lull refpeftively be entitled to the
following yearly salaries; that » ‘°•
The commiffoner for the flare of New-
Hsmpftiire, fix hundred and fifty dollars;
the comroiflioner for the date of Maflachu
jetti, fifteen hundred dollars; the commit*
Jiouer tor the Aate of Rhode-lilaml and Pro
vuitots Plantations, fix hundred dollais* the
commiflioner for the date of Connefticut,
one thousand dollars; the commiflioner for -he
date of New-York, fifteen hundred dollars ;
the commiflioner for the date of New-|er
fey, seven hundred dollars ; the comm flioner
for the date of Peunlylvania, fifteen bundled
dollars ; the commfliouer for the date of De
laware, fix hundied dollars; the commif
lioner for the date of Marjland, one thou
sand dollars; the commiflioner for the (late
of Virginia, fifteen honored dollars ; toe
commiflioner for the date of North-Carolma,
one thouland dollars; the commiflioner for the
(late of Suuth-C'arolina, oue thousand dollars;
the commiflioner for the date of Georgia,
seven hundred dollars ; whi h salaries (halite
in full coiupeufattou for all fetvices aud ex
And be it further enabled, , That the said
comnuflioners, before they enter upon the
execution of their ieveral offices, (hall rc
fpeftiveiy take an oath or affirmation for the
diligent and faithful execution of their trufl,
and (hall also become bound, with one or
more fuieties, to the fansfaftioa of the se
cretary of the Treasury, in a penalty not less
than five thousand, nwr more than ten thou*
f*nd dollars, with condition for their good
behaviour in their said offices refpeftively.
And whereas a provision for the debts of
the refpeftive dates by tha United States,
would be g eatly conducive to an orderly,
economical, and cffeftual arrangement of the
public finances:
Be it tberejore Jurihtr enabled* That a loan
be propoied to the amount of twenty-one
millions and five hundred thousand dollars,
and that subscriptions to the said loan be re
ceived at the fame times and places, and by
the fame persons, as in refpeft to the loau
hetein before proposed concerning the dome
flic debt of the United States. And that the
sums which (hall be subscribed to the said loan
(hall be payable in the principal and intered
of the certificates or notes, which prior to
the fird da* of January lad, were issued by
the refpeftive dates, as acknowledgments or
evidences of debts by them relpeftuely ow
ing, except certificates iff ed by the commis
sioners of army accounts in the ((ate of North-
Carolina, in the year one thousand seven hun
died and eighty-fix: Provided* Ihat no
greater sum (hall be received in the certificates
of any date, than as follows : that is to fay,
In those of New-Hamplhire, three hun
dred thousand dollars.
In those of Massachusetts, four million
In those of Rhode-IlUnd and Providence
Plantations, two hundred thousand doiiars.
In those of Connefticut, one million fix
hundred thousand dollars.
In those of New-York, toe railliou two
hundred thousand dollars.
In those of New-Jersey, e ght bundled
thousand dollars.
In those of Pennfylvauia, two million two
hundred thousand dollars.
In those of Delaware, two hundred thou
sand dollars ...
lu tl.oie of Maryland, eight hundred Ibou*
sand dollars.
In thole of Virginia, three million five hut •
died thousand dollars.
In those of North Carolina, iwo million
fuur buudred thouUud debars, |
In those of South Carolina, four million
In those of Georgia, three hundred th >u*
sand dollars.
And f rovided , That no such certificate <hd!
be received, which from the tenor there jf*
or from any public record aft or document,
(hall appear or can be ascertained to have been
ill\-ed for any purpife, other than compeufa
tions and expenditure! for fervice* or (uppbcs
towards the prosecution of the late war, and
the detent e t the United States, or of fom«
part thereof during the fame*
Pro vidtd at «, and be it further enafled 9
That it the to?aJ amount of the fumi which
(hall be lubfcrihcd to the said loin in the debt
of any state, within the time limited for re
ceiving lubfcriptions thereto, (lull exceed the
Cum by this aft allowed to be subscribed with
in i'uch state, the certificate* and credit#
granted to the refpeftive fubfcriberi, (hall
bear such proportion to the sums by them te
fpefttvety subscribed, as the total amount of
the said Turns (hall bear to the whole luin so
allowed to be subscribed in the debt of such
fta<* within the fame. And every fu ifcriber
to the said loan, .hall, at the time of fubfcrib*
jng, depofite with the commiflioner the cer
tificates or notes to be loaned b* him.
And be it further tnathd t That for two*
thirds of any sum tublcribed to the said loan**
by any peifon or persons, or body politic*
which (hall be paid in the principal and in
terest of the certifica es or notes idued a*
aforefaid by the refpeftive dates the fibfcn
ber or fubfcribeis (hail oe entitled to a ceri
ficate, purporting rhat the United States ov*
to the holder or holders thereof, or hrs, her*
or their aflign*, a sum to be exprefled there n,
equal to two-thirds of the aforelaid two
thirds, bearing an miereft of fix per centum
per annum, payable quarter yearly, and fub
jeft to redemption by payments, not exceed
ing in one year, on account both of principal
and inteiefi, the proportion of eight dollars*
upon a hundred of the sum mentioned in fi- h
certificate, and to ado her certificate, pur
porting, that the United Spates owe to h*
holder or holders thereof, his, her, or the t
alligus, a fuin to be exprelfcd therein, equal
to the proportion of thirty rhice dollars *q4
one-thud of a dollar, upon a hundte l of 'hft
(aid two-thirds of such fu ti so fjhf.ribed*
which af«.er the year one thousand eight hun
dred, dull bear an interelt of fix per centum
per annum payable quarter yearly, and fu >-
V jest to redemption by pavmeuts, not ex> ce 1-
1 ing in oue year, on account both of pr nciuul
and interett, the proportion of ei ht dollar*
upon a hundred of the font mentioned in such
certificate, and th at for the /emaining third
of any sum so lubferibed, the fubferiber of
subscribers (hall be entitled to a certificate*
purporting, that the United State* owe to tits
holder or holder* thereof, his, her or theif
arfiigns, a Turn -o be explored therem equal to
the laid remaining third, bearing an in re<t
ot three per centum per annum, payable
quarter yearly, and fnhjeft to redemption bf
piymem of the fuiu fpttufied theiein* when
ever proVifioa (ball be mad* by (aw luf tii ft
/lud be it further tnatjrd, That the irretet
upon tlni ccitificate* wh'ch (ball he rsre.vef
i«i payment ot the fum* luMcnbtd <•
laid toad* i»>*U M computiJ t« iht lilt da; o|
[Vol. IV. No. CCVIIJ