The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, April 05, 1806, Image 3
sADT'LfNG & MAI\ LYC, | j. & E. STARNES, > HAVING commenced the SADDLING Sc HARNESS making bufiiefs oflrr ihdr fervicci to the public, gem rally - they hope by their pmvftoaHty and on:crritting atten tion to bv.fitufs, to merit a (hsre of their favors in tH- above line. TheyaTo make Wbipr, Txiukadtc. They hs;-c taken part of the banfe formerly occupied bv Mcihr*. Campbell & Ncifon, a few doors above Dofl'V Murray’*. Angina, Apiil 5. 1806. (*') Alf oj idU rs reniaininf in the PoJi-OJice in dujujlr, the ifi of Afnl 1806, and if not taken away before tk' \Ji of July* nviilbe returned to the Central fo/I.Uj.ce, as dead letters* A. William B, AUifcn, S-imucl Alhri, Jj&natd ,8. Abny. B. Jr.fcph Boh-m, John Boyd, Joseph Butler, Nieholad Bacon, John Bullock, Archibald Beall, Ifinc B• lit, Rlcaaer Bald win, Francis I). Ballard, Job. |. Hoiks, William Bus V, William Berry, Mrs. Pene lope B'.:(fcy, care of Rkhaid Robiiifon. C. Harry Cnichcr, lanes Clclaod, William Clark, Thomas Cobb, Sen. James Colhoun, | ho Carfwtll, Mils. Eliza Am Collins, Air*. G. W, M. Coulter, Levin Collins's, Negro Bill, William Cobb, Barber. D. John D.ifkin, William Dearmord. £. Samuel Ed!minds, William EUoft, Monficur Elir.enard, Jehu Evant, Henry Evans, Mr. Mary Evans. F, J .trues Louche r, lor Miss. Cecile Vandcpere. ( G. Richaid Gr'hTin, Jas. {J Tho J. Gard ner, Henry Greenwood#, //. Harris, M.hex $5?;Cp. James Har den,. William Hi 1 !, Archibald Hatcher, Jas. t y W’l). Humee, Samuel KAlcman, CaptA Charles liammoc d, or Steven C-'-. rett, M»fs Marv Am H-m mond. J. Win. H. j ck, ks Co. K* Mailball Ke: h. £. Robert Lam. r, Jan, JohnM. Law, Peter Lcnv;>"a. M. John B. Minton, Bcnj. Miller, John M‘M mnets, Col. W.n. Mead, James Meggs, William M’DowelL Juhn H. Manderfon, Hugh lyNDonncß, Shadk. Mims, care ot Frederick Ballard, N* jofeph North, David Nutt, O. Major Odivcr. P, B nj. Payne, Leonard M. Peek, J)rcdzi! Pace, R, Da' id Reid, Abraham Richardson, u rs. Sarah Kee», S, J lanes* Stewart, Jacfefonboro, John f’hdrlock, care cl Pour Jaillett, P. & C. Swrgcs, Waiter Seflion, Mrs. .Susannah Smith, John Smith, John Suuges, Miss * Eliza Spanr, L’ttleberry Siohe, M»ls Eliza beth Savage, Michael Sdverd, JaH Su John, Backthr Smith, Scrtvoi County, William Spencer, The Secretary of tne Columbia Ixjdgc No. 5. The Secretary of Forfyrh Lodg'V The Secretary of Social Lodge, T he Secretary of Columbia Lodges. T, Mrs. Henry Thiefs, Nathaniel. Twining, Henry Ihcmas, John I unman, Samuel T readwell.. V, , Vallcntain, tV. James Ward, Robert Watkins, David M. Wilbfotd, Major Minor Winn, Thomas Worthy, Hughes Walton. JOHN B. WILKINSON, P. M. Augujia, Apr si J. (* ) LANDS FOR SALE. The Subfiriber offers fir fate THE FOLLOWING TRACTS OF LAN , v • •- • * 1000 acres iituatcd at the time o'forvey, in Prince William** Paiiih, Grai - vide County, South-Carolina. 500 acres fituattd at the time cf turvey on a branch of the Saltcatchc*, called crofa fwanip, in Colleton county SoothyCarolina. too acres situated at the time of Purvey, in Colleton county, South Car olina. 503 acres being an Ifoind folia ted on Savannah Hivcr» oppofitc Foote Ro bin’* Bluff Georgia. 500 acres, foliated at the time of survey in Colleton county, South Caro lina. 100 acres on Swallow Savan nah, in the then Graavillc county, Sauth- V Carolina. 550 acres (ituated on faUcatch ti Swamp in the theu GranviLc countj. South-Carolina. ' 2500 acres in Ninety-fix Di trift, iff the fo.’k of Eaoric and 11- ver#, and on two creok»f caTfd Cedar Ihoal *rcck aid Sammy* creek South Carolina. TERMS OF SALE. Oac third Gash and ths balance in one and two years, with security and morgrge on tfej laud* —lnd’fputabie title* will be given. GRESHAM SMYTH. Warrinion 1 G.o r gt*» 5* MARSHALL SALES. Ontkifajl Tuefdayin May n'xt, between t*u u/ual hi m, it the Mr, k:t knife in ' ihi ton;a o) L vuijville. WILL BE SOLD 1150 acres of land in Jackfoti county, on lie waters of Dov* creek ad joining Horatio Marbovy and Jim;* AISO, 1250 acres of land in JclTcrfon county, on the water* of Ogee bee, granted to Ro'acn F.irfyth and John Meals, ad joining f.vjd Forfj th, and oft all t» * r fidel vacant st the time of survey, ALSO, 287 1 acres of land i:} Franklin ' county, at the time o t lurvey, granted 19 John Stanford, adjoining 'I hunat Sr.cHcr.l and Williaro Mott* lard ; The above lands levied r n as the pn pm y <;f Jvho to fatisfy an extension in fat or of Thc.nus W H. Cry-n—pointed cut by th: defend ant. ALSO, 1150 acres ot land in Franklin : county, granted ic John Ajtplii-g, on Bea ver-dam creek, vacattcaall flies at the time o! Curve*. ; levied cn aj the property t»f John Appling to fatiidy C h iffe Tcafsle Se 10.— pointed out by the 1 efeudtnt. ALSO, 200 acics of land in Wilkes comity, granted to Dovid CrrflWP *ll the watm of Dove creek, adj doing Woods* it cn all other fulr* b\ vacant land*, levied on a* the p>op'ity of £)avid Creffwe!!, to fatufy Isaiah Tcafiale, pointed cur by the defendant. ALSO, > 200 acres of land in Columbia county, on the water* of little river, ad j iniig Robert Divy Se Bender,levied 00 a* the property of the Executoi* of Oliver Boweu to fasivly twoe/ccoiioi a, one in fa v .rof John Rolfton and thi other iu fa vor of J< J. Hami-tc.). ALSO, ' 100 acres of land in Elbert pconty, on she waters of the Sivannah Ri. vet, and Powderbag creek, aijoi.iing Bla'kb our* and James Csrfon* land** v ALSO. 140 acres of land in the county ofElb'rtcn Savannah River, bounded on the cast by Did river, and Elijah Gwen*. ALSO, 140 acres of land in the county of Elir-rt on both flies of big Cedar cietk, a Jpiainc Jofuh D »bb* and others, ALSO, . 1 350 acres of land in the county of Eibrrf, on the waters of cold water cretk adjoining Jame* Hunt* and Dsniel While* land, levied on as the property of Hugh JM Donald, to fatiify Themaa Euckly, pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, One half moiety of 265 acres of End in Jackson county, on the waters of fiiver creek, adjoining Margins end Ha gen* land. A L 50, One half moiety of 230 acres of land in Franklin county, cn the wateit of the Oconee Rivet, bounded on all fide* by vacant land*, at the time ol fuivcy, ALSO, ' 2871 acres of land in Franklin couniy, on rhe Oconee River, bound on N. E. by said River, and on all other fidea * Vacant land*, levied on as the property of J ha Cobb* to fatiify Thoraa* P. Johnston and Stephen Hollingsworth, pointed out by the defendant, > ALSO, 300 acres ofland in Burke coun ty, on ths water* of fwcil water creek, ad juring Howell* land on ail files, on as the property of Jeffc Gregory, to fati.fy William Willfon, pointed cut by the defen dant. Geo ;W. MOORE d m d g. April y (£ ] ’ SHERIFF’S SALE Oa thtfirfi Tuefdny in May next, at Frank lin Court Hu ft bt tween the hjuti op io and 3 v clock, WILL BE SOLD 231 acres of land in Franklin county, on the water* of Nail* creek, ad joining Thomas Jonc», R’chard Wilkins and widow Christian, taken by vir o$ of two execution* in favor of jwfeph Sewftil John P. Edingcr, pointed cut by the plaintiff, levied on by a con Sable and teturned to me, The Tale of the lands and Still levied on for falc on the firft I uefday io March last, by virtue of an Execution in favor of Thoroa* Ca rfon jun*r« for toe ufc of Joseph Scott, again if the admiaiftra tor* of John Grdham, is purported until the firft Tuefday in June next, at which time, between the ofual hour*, said proper ty will be exposed to falc to fatiafy said execution. ALSO, One other Execution in favor of thomas Carter, ag.inft the admiaiftra tors of John Gorhstn.—-Conditxooa Cash. I-L TERRELL i hc-if., i April 5. 15*3 SHERIFF’S SALE. On tk:Jir/l Tntfdny in May next, At the Court■ Houft in coun'y , hetbeen the usual hours. WILL BE SOLD One negro girl about fifteen yclrsoid, named Judy, now In the Poflef (bn of Jolhua Stephen ♦ executed u the property ofWilliso Stroihcr, anhe of James ArtmTiong fen'r and the admin* iftrstori of Ber jamin Bl»kc dec. 4 ALSO, One Sorrel horse about five yean old, executed as the property cf Green Manley, at the' of the Executors *»f Peter L. VLn Allen dec,-Conditions 'Cash. Wm. M. STOKER d s. April j. [$ f ] ■ SHERIFF’S SALE, At Greene Court-If cuff, on the frft T ufday in Miynext , between the Hours oj io and 3 o’deuk WILL BE SOLD, *6o Acr.-.s of land, more or less, lyirg on the naten of Tuwn Creek, adjoir.irg lanes of BarfcH and others, it being that whereon John fierce no* live*, executed as the property of said Pierce, at the ia t’.aacc ofVVm. Bird. ALSO, 50 Acres, more or lei?, on the waters cf Stewarts Creek, adjoining Qitl and other.*, it being the place wheieoo Shad rack Ga Jiii now liver, executed as the property of said Gatlin, at the inftancs of Jimcs Wootoa. ALSO, ?...»• 187 1 Acres, more or left, on the Beaver- Uam Creek, adjoining Royfton, executed ->ai the property of Thomas Wingfißd, at (he inftaccc of James H. Nitkclfoa, ALSO, jjo Acre:, more or lets, ou the waters of thciUlocrbone Creek, adjoining Greer and other*, Granted to Alford, It being the land whereon Thomas Dans now lives, and executed as his property, at the in kU,.tc of the Adraiiiiflrators of Charles Ivey, ALSO, A Waggon and four Horfe* with Geers &?. complete, levied on as the property of famuel Reed, at the instance of Cdty ■. Hnckbey it Samuel Q James Retd, Cash Sale. N. G. MACON o s. Ab'il 5. . (j‘) SHERIFF’S SALE, At G c ut Court lloufi, on the JirJi Tues day in 'lane n xt, betwein the hours oj 10 a*d 0, o*clock. : WILL BE SOLD, , Seven Negroes (To wit) Pctigrcc, Mini me Pheobe, Dinah, Hannah Hcitha and David, levied on by virtue of an Execu tion issued on a Mortgage foreclofed in - favof of Burdeil (3 Allen vs Wm. Melton. Cash Salx. -i N. G. MACON, o. s. ' April J (q>) : SHERIFF'S SALE. On the frjl Tuefday in May next , at the 1...; Court- House in Greene county. At the ujd al hours . .<• . WILL BE SOLD One Negro girl named Phebe, one sorrel horse, one feather bed and far niiure, and fifty bcfhela of corn. Tbea hove property levied ou a« the property of Joseph j. William*, to fattsfv an execution obtained again# him and William Jeokiat by David M IntoDi —Conditions Cash. J. STANDIFER d s April J. (30 SHERIFF’S SALE. On the jsrjt Tu'/day in May next, at Colum bia CouruHouJe, between the vfual hours, IV ILL BE SOLD One bay horse, executed as the property of Biiicy Wilkinson, to fatiify an execution in favor of John Howard, a:.d pointed cut by the defendant. ALSO, One negro boy by the name of ‘ jhekfon, executed a» the property of John Tindell, to faibfy an execution founded ; igpon an attachment in favor of Thomas Xarr. ALSO, 300 acres of land in Richmond county, on the waters of Spirit creek, ad joining Richmond Bath, executed as the perperty of Ignatiui Gilphin, to fatufy an execution in favor of John Howard, and pointed out by the defendant* ALSO, 275 acres in Columbia county on the waters of Green Briar creek, joining lands of Mmell, Telfair aod Jones, fold as the property of Charles G. Ellis, in which he has a tight during the life of Mrs, Ellis, hit wife; the fame fold to fatta iy a t execution Daniel JEilam vs Sol <iaon anlCharlss G. EHl*. Condttijns Cash. Wm. ITEMING s. c. c, April 5. [y] Il•rir, , _ • I I % ' Admimflrators Sale. On Monday th i.tth of May n‘xt , WILL BE SOLD Te tie highe/t oiddtr at the ducking house 'of Alexander Stui late oft hit county deceased within ike hour, prtjcubti by Uv, and to continue from day to d*y uniill all ari fold The following property be longing t.» the EtUtc «,.! fjui ae seated* A quantity ot Dry Gauds & Groceries, Skins, Farr, Raw hides, a quantity of Snake- root, feed Cfettun, a good road Waggon, bori'es, cattle and other Bock of distent kxedt, with the house hod and kitchen iurmtutc. / Term* of falc—all fum* under feudollars to be paid down, and all form of fen dol.’ara and over, two bunds with a -proved fata lity, under a MjgitUatca juriHiiffion, will be required, payable the fiift day of Jana a.jr next, SAMUEL HARPER, T Mm’t, POLLY STEELS, Jddffr*. Fro tern, Greene County, April 5. {3;) ToFHireT A Negro Wench, a good Cook, Wafhcrand Ironer j for particulars —apply at this office, April j, NOTICE. NINE months from the date hereof, ap plication will b ■ made to the honora ble, the Inferior court of Columbia county, for an order to fell the following two tufts i of land in Caid county, belonging to the estate of Samuel Harr deceased. 250 acres of Oak and Hickory land on Harts' creek, adjoining Benjamin Hardin and others* ALSO, 250 acres of Oak and Hickory laud adjainingp foal Cloud and others. JOEL CLOUD, I ... ESTER GREEN, $ aAmrs * Abril 5. lamqnu GEORGIA, barren County, WHEREAS Jrjfe While hot applied to me for Letters of adminijhatiou on 'the est ate and effeAs of Shemti Drake late of this county deceased. THE SE are therefore to Cite and Admon ijh all and Singular the kindred and creditors of /aid deceased to be and appear at mv‘office within the time allowed by law to jhtxo cause if any they have why/aid litters Jhould not be granted. Given-under my hand this 24 th of March 1606, S. WEATHERB7, c c. o. GEORGIA, Scriven County. 1 By Amos Emanuel, Clerk of the. court of Ordinary for said county, WHEREAS Theophilus Thomas, has this day applied to me for Utters of admini/lration on the goods and ejfe&s of William Chrifle deceased. THESE are therefore to cite and admonijk all andfingula; the kindred and creditors of th;faid deceased (to fie their objections, if any they have) inmyojfueon or before the 30th day of Aplil next, or letters will be granted him, Given under my hand this 19th day of March 180$. AMOS EMANUEL c. c. o. s. c. GEORGIA, Striven County, By Amos Emanuel, Clerk of the court of Ordinary for said county, WHEREAS William Roberts hath this day applied to me far letters of ad -Ininiflration on the goods and tffeßs of Eli-. »-ibeth Roberts late of /aid county dec, THESE are therefore to cite and admon ijh all and f agular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to file thdr objections (if any they have) on or before the 30 th day of v April next , other wife litters will be granted 1 him. Given under my hand and feat this 29 th of March, 1806. AMOS EMANUEL, c. c. o. • c. GEORGIA, Richmond County, WHEREAS Gtorge Morse has applied to m: for letters of adminifl ration on the Estate of Willian Eltoft late of the City of Augu/fa dec. THESE are therefore to cite and admen ijh all andfngulat the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at a court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county aforefuid on the firjl Monday in May next, then and there to shew cause ( f any they have) why the fame jhould not be granted. Given under my hand at office this day of April, 1806. ISAAC HERBERT, Clk . A Pea-Fowl , Which has strayed, probably, from Ibme yard in this town, may bo heard of, by applying at this Office. A Ail 5, _ ‘ ong I o r\A «Pm frAIH ifC hUTfI •