The Southern sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1850-18??, January 03, 1850, Image 3

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A Dill, To be entitled “ an set for the imposition and collec | lion of Taxes for the year 1850, and thereafter.” Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives ol the State o! in General As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted bv the authori ty aforesaid, that from and after the passage ot this *et, all real and personal estate and moneys in hand, j 4de become due, from solvent debtors, on notes, j IjonifsJ bills, drafts, judgments, mortgages, book uc- i counts, or other evidences of debt on the first day o! ; January, 1850, and on the first day of January in ; •ch succeeding year thereafter, whether owned bv • individuals or corporations, shall he liable to taxa- I tjnn, subject to the exceptions hereafter specified—j firovided .that this section shall not be so construed j as to impose a tax mi property in any other JSta'e. ! nd belonging j 0 citizens of this .State, except debt.- j <kie by solvent debtors. I Sec. ‘J. And it is further enacted, that the follow ing property shall be exempted from taxation, viz ail exempted by the Constitution of this State, or •: Jrnder the Constitution of the United States • .;!! sands belonging to this State or the United S ate- ; I • very building erected for the use of ami used fiy * ; -n!lege, incorporated academy or other seminary ot Warning; every building for public worship; every ! •f.hool tiou nvi b-ing a duelling house; court house ■*nd jail, and the -several | (l t s whereon such buildings situated, an I ail the furniture belonging to e icli litem. ex pi lots whereon dwedbig lions.w are HH'iafeil, and the turnifiire of such dwelling houses; all books, philosophical apparatus not lield as uier- ; riiaudiae and lor sab*; ever j ipoor hoit-e, alms bouse, house of industry', and any koine belonging to any oharitaule institution, and tlie real and personal es-I t*te belonging to any charitable institution. r cn;i uacted with the same; the real and persona! estate 1 cfany pulilic library society, or other literary a.-so oiation ; all stacks owned by-t lie State; ali planta-’ tion tools; all agricultural pyod ic.t-c, poultry and : kitehen furniture, all household furniture indertlie ▼ alue of five hundred dollars, not held it mercliun •di*e or fj.r the purpose of sale ; all property exempted by law froui.execution, which tas been set apart bV : tha Inferior Court for the use ami support of honest debtors’ fain lies, under the insolvent laws of this •i>tate ; the holder of stock in any inc >rporated com pany liable to taxation on its capital, shall not be | taxed xa an individual tor such at i:k. Tnat when a •Joint Stork Company wts not li tlile to taxation on it* Capital, tiie ladder of stock instcli Company shall not be exciupt’ from taxation on his stock, and all Holes he'd as a consideration tor property sobject to he tax'd Sec. 3. And be it further enar'icyD that v*f ii ami : ♦very inale citizen, between the ige* of twenty n and fifty, shall be taxed annually the mnu ol thirty cent*. fler. -t. And he it further enacted, that each free H*gro between the ages of fifteen and sixty year*. hal! pay the sum of five dollars per annum, in de- j • fault id which, it shall he the duty oftlir tax collect- ! or in each of the counties of this SftitO, to hire out • #*ch drlaul'erfor a length of time w u ;li< • if-;i t to rai-e ‘ •ucli tax aud cost of the proceedings lor such pur- t Sec 5. Atid be it further enacted, that every person on giving in his tax returns, shall spicily by name what negro or negror* he or she may hold in the right of-or for the benefit of such negro or m-- groes, and for every u<*gro so held, the person so • bolding such negro or negroes, shall pay a tax of aw hundred dollar*. ... -tier7 <VT A’efiVe itTurtner'euarded, thafth? lieee’v- ! #r of Tax Ret urilffr in each county shi>l receive ai! return* made to on the oath of ti e pefsun mak inf them, and at such valuation as they lu.ty affix : *nd if any person si-ail tail to make a return, or affix m value t<i ilieir property, the Receiver shall, from Xhe best information in iiis power to obtain, enter in hie Digest a list ol his, her or their taxable*'so refu • a*d or negiected to by leturned, and assess thereon . double tax. t ‘ Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, that the Re ceiver ot Tax Returns shall re-f lire all persons to give in a statement o! tty numb-r of -icri of land may overt. ami it* value, and the vaiue pi the ■buildings, machinery, toil bridge or bridges; toll gate or gat* *, ferry or ferric*, on the sami-, rfi? i number of negroes he may own, and the aggnegaie value of them, and also the aggregate amount i t all other chatt'-G; nitmeys on hand. debts due or to be come due front solvent debtors, in uiiatsoe\erk*rni. i*eparte!y or in the aggregate, and each c!as.4lica tion *liall be entered in separate columns, anil'that ach Tax Receiver in this Tdate. shall, by tliiefirst day of June, in the year eig .teen hundred nndfilly. Siii-J by the lir-l li.vv nt January in each .-ucctvtlmg vrar, make out and return :t digest of the s.mj i<, ■the A’tontey General, and deposit a copy of saitljdi jest in the office of the C.'icrk ot the Superior ( ami lor public inspection :v! U time*. Sec. 8. Ami be it further enacted, that if any Re c~i ver of Tax Returns shall fxifto return hi* digest, miles* for good ami sufficient caime, to be approved by the Governor, be shaii incur the prn.dlv of me t!iouaud dollar*, which shall be collected ■>i bun nr tiia securities, by execution. a< in case ot defaulting tax collector* under existing i;uva. Ssc. *J. And be it further enacted ilia* ‘.vhenex'r. 1o anv contjtc, there shall be a failure !<> eier.l a !ie raiverofTax Returns or Tax Uidipetor, < r tl>e vf f.e* feither siiali become vacant by death or other? ive. so that tiie dige-t will probably not be retun iv.-i iu .iue time, <>r ‘he taxes tad to be collected, ; ttw duty of the Justices of the Inferior Unu-, ♦•r a majority of tlieni, to assemble forthwith, anl . iiotity the Governor of such probable failure, and ap-j point some proper person or person*, to fill sucii va-| vint nffii'i* er oIS.-es, upon giving to said court a bond witii ample securities, executed in proper form| mnd for a proper amount., and his excellency the Governor is hereby reijniivd to imnish the several Receiver* with blank forms by which they shall make out the digest, and all digests afier being re j.irned, shall l>c boiiurT and labelled. Sec. It). And be it,further enacted, that the Receiv er of Tax Returns tliionghout this State, shad ad • minister to each and every person giving in hi*, or ; Jier laxaif'V. the mihnviiig oath: Y-i and ■ soieuinly. i fiirin (a* t!i(s|jase may be.) that the ac issont w inch you now give in i.-> m just and true uc <v>an! of all the taxable property which you were i pnitrsioii <nl. held or claimed, on the tir-t d::v ! i Jane.arv last, was in-erc-ted in, or entitl’ and to, either your own rigbr, or in the right ot any othfr jier ..r personsAvliat'oever, as parents, guard, an*, executors, administrators, agent or trustee, or-in anv i other manner whatever, except sneh*s you have or •will return and give in, (it any such you own.) j n a nv other county in this State, agreeably to the pm- ! vision* f >t an act of the Legislature of lies State. : approved on the 31th December, ISIT. and that it is more than the valuation you have affixed ■in it, to tlu? best f your knowledge, so help you (Laj. See. 11. Ami best further enacted, that whom the! /iomptroller General slmll have received all f) ; sa;c j dijfest*. tie is hereby required to examine the >3ni ,, carefully, to detect any error or errors therein con- ■ a,v * havittff Corrected the same, if errors I’C tound to exist, lie shall then foot up each i nltmin, and ascertain the aggregate amount of each ; *lit!.c digest.', and report the same to his ex-! rr |encv the Governor, wiio, with the assistance of tlsTreasurer and Complro!i*r, sliaH assess such a • pte per cent, on the entire amount, as will raise # of revenue corresponding to the aggre £ite amount o* appropriations made for that year. notify the several Tax Collectors throughout (i* State,, of the rate per cent, so inijiosed. and tiie \ fiflount.t* be collected hy iiim iu his county. j Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, that hen j inT person or persons, by himself, heiselfor titem- i ’ s etre,., . n a ,r enJ.*haM make oath before any oifi- - , cer by law authorised to administer oik* ilp , that j i tax executon is proceeding against h her or hem the same shall he tried b'or!°e, ’ 1,, r Court of the Court of the county where; uch persons or agent may reside, as in other ca- 1 e od illegality, and it upon the trial of the issue I s&ibe decision shall be in tavor of the ilie<m!itv the ’ *M *ll remitted to the true and proper auuuuif • * is against the party moving the ; then anew execution shall “issue against her or them for double the amount of the • ( lax first assessed : provided it should appear r l i- r ! fanch illegality was interposed for the purpose of • 1 delay. St'c.. 13. And be it further enacted, that the tax 1 pccvirers and collectors shall receive the sasne com-/ tie x a?lccd .f.,. , v *. j Chatlwm. who shall receive tiie same commission as ; is now allowed to counties who*? digest is less than i toil thousand dollars, and to nett lit? digests, as pro vided for in flip Tt i section of the act of 18)5, for the receivers, the default list shall be deducted, and for the collectors, the insolvent list be deducted from the totai amount of ibe digests. ISec. 11. And be it further enacted, that all laws I and parts of laws militating against this act, except i such parts of the fax arts nmv iu force in this .State as may be necessary to carry out this act, and which are declared iu full force, be, and the same are here j by repealed. | G&tfuaaing a KiSc-KalJ. Whkn the husband of'.Molly Stark raised the | continental flag among the granite .hills, iu ‘the \ [ times that tried men’s souls.’ numbers of the young men of the state rushed to join stand ard. Among the first who done so was young I Harry Meiiin. lie had seen eighteen summers, : I nil. being largely endowed with a spirit of pa, 1 j trioti-m. lie. a’ ihe first opportunity, placed him- i ; self among the active friends of hi* country. j : ’ 1 was in the fail of li—'.hat- tho company! ’ wa* encamped among the hills of the rocky state j at the distance ot twelve miles from any village. They had been there two weeks, waiting for a reinforcement, and living on the substantials of: j this life, with none of iis luxuries. About two miles frejn the camp. ground, there ! j lived a wealthy farmer, who possessed a fine j head of cable, and among them were a tew su- j oerior milch cows. Ashe was not known to ; ho ‘over and above’’ i’iendly to the States, it i came into the head of a sentry one night, while ! on duty, that a tew canteens of new milk would i ; not lie kicked out of camp, if they were once in ■ : there. li.- mentioned it to a few'of his brother i soldiers, who fully coincided with his opinion. Accordingly three young and lusty fellows vol unteeied to cany out the project oj obtaining some of the desired article. Oae of them was Harry. j On the appointed night, when the rest of the j . man, with the exception • t those on guard, were j lying -ting in the arms of Morpheus, and nought I was heard save, the tread of the sentry, orlm: occasional snore ti'.m some troubled sleeper, ! Harry and the other v.Junleers crept stealthily i . out ot the tent, and made their wav to a piece of j woods near by, which they leached unperceived j :by the sentinel. Through this they crossed, j | and ‘ook the nearest way to the place of opera- ! lions. As they would have to keep a “look-out,” they ! drew lots for the office of principal operator j vi. to perform the business of a tniik-maid. As | ! chance would have it, ii fell upon Hatty. They \ ■ readied the premises. He took his canteen ! and jumped over the fence in the yard, where I stood about a dozen as fine-looking, motherly ! cows, as one would wish to see. Before he j ventured among them, he gave directions to his i ■ companions to whistle on the approach of an in- j tinder. He placed bis hand upon (lie nearest, 1 ; and with a “So, Molly, so !” lie endeavored to 1 coax iter to stand still. She scented to actpii- I esee but no sooner had he began to milk her ■ ; than she gave him a kick, which sent him on his j back and sent the canteen whizzing across the j yard. He stopped a moment and listened, for j ■ fear tne noise hud aroused some enemy ; but j i hearing nothing, he picked up much-abused j ; canteen and proceeded to try again. He tried I j three or four but with no better success; they j all seemoil to be no friends to a stranger. At last lie perceived, standing apart born {lie t rest, a pious-looking old cow, apparently old c- ! nough to lie the great grondiuotiier of the one) who had the impudence to place him lowerthan j a brute, lie approached and laid lus baud upon j her back. “So, 30, Molly, so!’’ said he, but ! there was no need lor that, the stood tvs stiil as j if she was h fixlure. He filled liis canteen, and was about to pas i it to 1 lit* “watch.” when the fumes of the rich | new milk, cemiug in contact wiih ids sense of! smelling, tempted him to place if in contact with I lit ‘ sense of smelling, tempted him to place if in j contact wiih another, Inal <;f feeding, which lie i did. He then filled it again, and exchanged it ! w ith In? “look-on ” lor an empty on, which he had partly tilled, when a specimen of a Yankee | ge.eomphshment, that of’whisking, reached his ear. He dropped his canteen and made for the i fence, over which lie leaped. As he touched lee ground, .a hand cause down with tremendous ! fence upon ids back, gia-pir.g tightly Ids coat, j Harry made a powerful dibi t and sprang away, > leaving a sample of his cloth in the band that fastened on him. SI? stopped not to see to whom the hand be- . longed, but started fur the camp at apace which ; would have put GiSdendeeve to iiis frumps. He : I was hotly pur-met! by an individual, who kept ‘ j shouting, “Stop ! stop, or i shall fire !’ Marry I'di i not stop, but endeavored to quicken his pace. Tin* “stop, stop !’ grew fainter, nt which lie knew j he had gained on iiis pursuer, ami accmding ex pected soon to hear a repoit. : “ii ! can only reach that,’ thougt be, “ I am * ’. He mustered all his energies for the task. ! |He reached the wall and bounded over. As la touched the'ground on the other side, be i'-ani fiie sharp ciack of a 1 itie- He sprang to Ms leot and followed the course of the wall until In came to the woods, into which he turned, and : witched sii oppoitimi'v when the sentinel’s lia-k u ts turned, be was soon inside the canvass wiiM'c he found the twain who had accompanied i blip. When the men were ordered cut in flu* mnr ninW. to perform the exercises. Harry’s torn eoat I atfiAclrd much attention. One man in parli’ it : lar.Uvho had been on duty as one of the outer gmtid the proceeding night, seemed much atmt- ! scd.Uvhich wit* accounted tor as soon as ti e oienUvcro off duty, by liis showing the identical piecq iu! cloth which ho had torn from Harry’s i “i Aiy. Bill,’’ said Harry, “you needn’t let i ■ Ihe ol!’ aiati know anything about it.” “’"lea needn’t be aiarmeJ about that,” said | : Bill ; man t'uit can output) a rifle-ball deser ves to est ol* seott-frec. f” 18. rail IE Mnrv te this day declared. -®- cm! G its prWfes. ;1 eialit per cent. G. iV-MCER, Cashier. Cn’nrnhus. Ga., P* .\%iUn-(p. : W,F r afin->unce to { our that WOO DU LFF, is a | | candidate \\ e in stating | that he ;> hiPkjii'aiihed aiK5 recom i mend that lie <!%e. MAX^WITIZEXS. jlamiary f Jfouse I ___ 11former!v mfcysied by H f-. Estes.— j Nale. i * r df>mfortab!v and pleas- I A UOin r Ala. forealc, F V’HARRISOX. Aucfr. ch ™V- life t-J If i osj u rii'M it j'j siojnruiiiiLp | SEOD AND SHOP 1 first stand, near Also, several ii buihiiiijuuts to lease. lnrP|re of GEGMiV. WINTER. January 3. WSO. \ lit Steward* FOLEN from the resilience ol tne subscriber, he tween the 27th December, and the Ist ot Janu j arv, a note on William J. Shields, dated .7;li of i j March. 1849, and payable one div afterdate, to lies- ! j well & Billing, for seventy-nine dollars. The public is j cautioned against trading for the same, as payment ! will be stopped. ; Also, a deed from William J. Shields, to Elizabeth j A. Holly, for f’itv Lot. No. Oglethorpe street; and other paper*, of no value to any other person.— j Ten dollars will be paid for the recovery of the papers i and fifty dollars for proof to convict thejhict. EidZABETII A. HOE[,F.Y. (.’o'urnbtH. .Tail. 3. 185') ] gt I IMf|, .B DUX 3a’ J is TH E subscriber takes this p y.nietliod to return thanks to his fnelws. for their liberal ]iutron i sire daring the past year, and trusts, by prompt!-- s* nnd fair dealing, to merit a C'Uiti;sua9(a'. of the same. He has i much enlarged his stock recently, and now oilers for sale j largest and bcqLseigcted of j Bttnkx jms Slafloncry, I ever efTeri and in comprising a great variety of .; ! School, Classical. La\% Medical and miscellaneous Hooks, i toge!her with every variety of Staple nnd Fancy Sta- ! I tionenj —all of'which (Mil be sold on reasonable term*, i ; A liberal discount made, to Teachers, and those who buy i !to sell again. Ail are respectfully invited to call at the ] ! oid established Hook Store, <ast side Broad street, two ■ , doors a 1 love Mechanics’ Hank. Jan. 3, 1850 (1 3m) JOHN \V. TE ASE. Garden Seeds. A LARGE supply oiMYeskiCanl->n Seeds, of every j -tm. variety, just for sal? at the Hook j j Store of JOHN W. I’EASE. j Jan. 3, 1859 ‘r. 13m i?2si!tt m*lsooS. JOHN ISHAN, Principal, At the corner of Forsyth and Franklin streets, (in the ; j building occupied last year by Air. 11. Shirers.) j i FHAIIK exercises of this uchool will commence on ; | Monday, January 7. Scholastic year, 40 week*—Tuition, §36. Columbus, January, 3d, ISSO. 1 8t | Manufacturing Company, | j & RE now ready to commence operations, mu! will i proinjitlv supply all orders with which they may ; be favored, for every description of BEGINSW WOOD -WARE, i embracing Backets, Tubs, Pails, Churns, Cans, &c. &c. ! The Company will be ready by the ist of .March to enter j extensively into the manufacture of € El AIUS, ; of which they will be able to turn out a very superior | article. The Manufactory is situated at the mouth of Mulber-y j Creek, 13 miles from Columbus, 39 from Opelika, and 33 1 from West Point. Tim Company is thus afforded facilities \ for transportation in every direction, and will be able to : | furnish their goods iu every section of the State at short j I notice, and on reasonable terms. 1 J ."Orders left at the stores of P. Spkvcfr, or B. .Tef- i t'EKSO.v, iu this city, wii! be promptly filled. Ail orders S i ilirough the. mail, must be directed to It. G. Jefferson & Cos., Columbus, (in. We shall be happy to accommodate j the wohi.d generally, and cur erilncs particularly. | Columbus, Jau. 3, 1850. Its i N. I).—Persons wisfiing to purchase privileges for nian ! ufacttiring purposes can do so, as there are a number of ; Water Lots upon the premises fur sale. {&■■ ever** k ■Hkm. Steamer Fashion, WILL leave, in a few day*, for NEW ORLEANS, l’or freight, or passage, apply to Cast. CADWALADER, , or HILL, DAWSON A CO. Columbus, Jan. 3, 1850. 1 3t HUNTING- AND WRAPPING PAPER. rgH 5 1 K I- land Pacturv (fmnpany, have uuw on S liitiul, for sale, n good article of Wrapping Paper, i of their own manufacture, and will iu a week or two, bo 1 able to furnish f PRINTING PAPER, of sttv desirable quality or size. Orders respectfully so licited. . Colmnhus, Per. L 7, fig ts To TcacSicrs. rE liave h largo stock ol Mclionl and .Ifiscella- ( * noons HOOKS, an I can furnish any person catalogues upon applicafi >n, post paid. \Vp invite j i'eacbirs. i’arents and Pupils, to examine and price j • our Books, before having elsewhere. ‘ , Dr.GuAFI'T.N RUSH A ROBINSON. .' e". 3 Under Bank St. Mary’s. Medical ISooks: A LA ROE and we.l selected as.-ortinent, just -cm. received ant! for sale at DkORAFPENIUED a ROBINSON’S. ! .1 H it 3 1 ANDERSON & MeELIIANV, I i^^DENTISTS,^^! fe 4 and at! poem rniati iy, ilnit litey ittive fined ait i.liicc | over I. G. Strcteu’s store, on llandolp't street, wiicre they i are prepared to execute, in the best inanuer, all branch- ! • sol the profession, according to flic- latest and most ap- ; proved discoveries ofih?art. i In addition !o the rfi.ove, tln\v licvc all the facilities ; j Or MAM FACT! fit Sir TEETH, wliich must give : them advantages over all others in ti e construction of en- : tiro Dentures, as their teeth sij-o carved in blocks with 1 . ; giimtt, whic!) not only gives greater strength than those i put iip singly, but presents a. more natural and life-like j ‘ : appearance. j SraciMsxs of workmanship cau bo seen bv calling at I their office. All Operations guarantied. Terms very reasonable, j I):. A. would add, that ho has bad more than ten year's j exponent:-* in an extensive practice in Philadelphia and vicinity, nnd flatter* himself with being able to give on- ; 1 tire satisfaction in e\vrv branch of the profession. Re commendations of the highest order can be seen at the | I afiloe. 1 Dec. G, 18 UK • 49 3 j ‘ < PLANTATION FOR SALE, | county , Ala. on the I.ittle U- chee creek—free from iininda- jPvsP* b° n > ‘J miles front Columbus, j Geo. and less than 3 from Ft. Mitchell, landing on the riv ! or; contains 930 acres, and is regarded, by those who 1 ! know it, one of the healthiest anil best places in tliecoun ] ty. It lies on the line of the contemplated Girard and i Jiobiie Kaiiroad. It will be sold for less than the pres ’ eat value of lhe crop grown on it this year; the pay- I inent to suit the purchaser. Apply in Columbus, Geo., ‘ : to the undersigned. The Negroes are men, women, boys, girls and chi]- j 1 dren—all plantation negroes ; among thein, are a tolora- . b!c carpenter, good wagoner, and slue-maker. They will be sold on the plantation, at pubnc Auction, on Tuesday, ; tiie lot!f January next,. oll a crauii until.the 25th Decem ber, 1850. without interest. M Also, 3500 bushels corn, foJ&er, oats, peas, potatoes, j ‘ pork hogs, slock hogp, caitlcjWx-eu, sheep and inules—a . fine lot and most of them yiitfpg. A. Also, wagons, gear, plantjflpon tuc2e, Gin, thrash fan, straw-cutter, corn-ehclier, Jc. 3 1 P. J. SE.MMF.S. Novertiber 23, 1349. JT 4 48—7 t O’ Th-i above plantnipn is sold, and the I;.lance o ( the property vyill be, p'Tsnivef”. P. J. ’9. i.- • p??y 27 !4?. E ODD FELLOWS’ INSTITUTE. | FWIHE exercises of this Institution will lie ro -®- sumed on the first Monday in January next under the superintendence and control of Dr. Neiblkh, and .Mr. Bk.xjamix Shivers, whose qualifications us Teachers, require no recommendation iu this communi ty. Parents and Guardians who desire to have their sons ‘■ and H ards thoroughly end systematically instructed, would d* well to avail themselves of the services of these Tea chcrs. Terms of Tuition as Follows: •* e*. per Ti nn Jl2 00 ; :t’- . Geography, iScc lo 90 i L’ lit ”i J atlier.iuticx ‘-'0 00 i j They will employ such ass'stance as may be nccessn- ! ry, and attention will be given for the proper and thor- j ou;li iusiruction of pupils committed to their charge. ti. A. HILLING, I A. 11. COOPER, i JACOB KOtil.E, )> Trustees. ; M. WOODRUFF, j \V. WILLIAMS, J Cul timbiis, Dec. 27, 1319. 52 3i. ; : _ ’ ‘ i Jliiscogot* Superior Court* B 1 )’ order of hi* I lonor Judge Alexander, the No- | vomh*r Term, 1859. of Muscogee Superior j Court, i* adjourned to Wednesday after the first Mon- j day in January next, being the 9th day of January, 1850. • All officer* of mid Court, parties, Jurors, witnesses, &c., are hereby notified to attend on that dav. ; L. J. HAKDiN, Clerk, f October 25, 1849. 43-ts ! _ _ eDRUG BUSINESS, (At the late stand ot Po.nd ev Wii.cox. DAXFORTIF & VH.EL SIAVLNG pureliHsed ihe Drug Eslab- j j kj lla lishuient ol .Messrs. Pond Sr Wilcox, ’ Ivkould inform ilirir friends and il.-e publir, tiiai they intend keeping on hand a good | saßi J Dniffs, Medicines, Paints, j Oils, Surgiral fisjsJrnsnonta, &c. &c. ; and other articles tisiia!ly kept in a Drug Store, aii nf tvhich will he sold on the most renfonnhle terms. From Mr. D.’s prnciiciil ncqitaintance willi the hnsinrss, and hi* determination to devote )tim<e!f entirely to ihu Hccoitiinodiition o! Iris cuslomers, he hopes to receive a liberal ..lie re of public pationace. Coluiwhua Ga. Nov. 1. 1849. 41 ts a. o. mcintyre ■ lirOUU) inform the eitizen* of Columbn*, that be J V v line discovered anew process, b v wlrielr he i* rn [ abled to bring tin; DAGUERREOTYPE to a hitherto j i incouceivenblo state of perfection, and one altogether | | unattainable by any oth-;r operator. He would a'eo take j j this method of respectfully inviting, the public to exam- i | ino the numerous specimens at hi* gallery. The atten- j tion of the Ivulies is p articularly solicited to inspect liis ] I fine assortment of beautiful cases and rnedallons, ftnislt- I vd hi an entirely ne'V style, and just received from New ! York. Columbus, Dec. 27, 18-19. 52 ts Winter’s Palace IfSiSls Ha vi: now h uoml supply of fresh ground i-'loiir, of j three q-tnliiics; .sav, FINK, SUPERFINE, tu! FANCY brands; each kind is made from the best of W esiern Wheat, and the only difierence is the colour. The price by retail is, for Fine, §3 per half barrel ; Su perfine, §3 25 per half band Fancy, $3 50 per half bam-!. Discount made to those who buv to sell again. Quarter barrels are said proportionately cheap. ‘JO. JEFFERSON, Clerk. Dec. 27. IS-19. 5-z ts I 1 j CA N DID AC Y . 35T James Mttl.UGMEw.announce* to his friends that lie is no a candXkite lor City Marshall, ai the ensuing elei-ti\n. ‘ January 3, 185(m ] it O* We art* authorized to announce Fraxc-js A. J bi-son a* a candidate for Sheriff of Muscogee county. Adolphus S. Kutiieuvord will run wiih him es Dep uty. fJunc 7, 1849. 23te] O’ Wc are authorized to announce the name cf Randal Tillkry, as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Inferior ourt, at the ensuing election, in January next. oct. 6-ld O’ We are authorized to announce the name of Major E. J. II ah din as a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court. f.ltine 7, 1849. te] O W e are authorized to announce Jordan L. llow ki.l, I.iiq. as a candidate for City Treasurer, at tho en- j suing January eleclien. November 15, 18 59. 4fi~tn I TT We are a uthnrizrd to aMuiiincf* J( 11M C. i -M ANGIIAM. Sr a caiitiid&te lor City ‘1 itasiiit r. at i the ensuing election. 3T* Wc are authorized, by many voter*, to announce i the name nf JAMES M. WARREN, F.sq for Alderman ! of the l*t Ward, at the ensuing election. FT We are authorized to unrnmnee that Col. 1 THOM AS Y. REDD, will he supported for the j office of Mavor, at the ensuing election, bv MANY VOTERS, j Ts J. B. HICKS will ! e supported for the office o’ I Coroner of Mu*cog ee county, ut the ensuing election, by j .MANY VOTERS. j Dee. 14, 1559. 50 to j O’ We are authorized to announce Col. T. M j Hogan, a* a candidate for Marshal, at the ensuing i January election. Nov. 29. 48tc ! Deputy i^arslmbhlp. UT llesry Williams will be support for the office i of Deputy Marshal, at the, ensuing Jaiumry eh-etion, by j Nov. 29. O’ We are authorized fet'annoumce George Gui !i*n as a candidate for to the office ol Deanty Marshal, at the erotiing yction. 3.7’ Wc* are authorized to aunoiutce W. B. Stokf.b up ! a candidate for Clerk of the Supcabr Coprt of Muscogee I county, at the ensuing election, p Nov. 29. te. j O” We are authorized to announce Tueorold How- ! add as a candidate for Marshal, at the ensuing Municipal ! election, in Columbus. Nov. te. j O’- We are authorized to announce CSpt. L. T. Wood- t ruff a* a candidate for the office of City Treasurer, at . the ensuing election in January. Nov|22. te iLT We are authorized to announce Maj. Willi* M ! Riuvf.p as an indejii-ndi nticand.uattlor I'lerk of the Ina ! •lYrior Court, at the ensuing election in .ternary next. ! He begs leave to say to Jus friends, witfjont dietinction j of party, tluii he feels hiu.sllf entirely dcj|*iident on them,’ and therefore earucsllv solicits their cupjjut. Nov. 8. ‘ 45—te O’ P. A. Clayton i*’an Independent and one t-.-rm ] candidate, for Clerk of the the Superior ffourt of Mubco- j get county. To the Voters of the Cojin ty. I offer independent, helatiße the tim# and manner of the nomination does satisfactfan. Hating ex- j pressed my deterniinaiie.t* to have nolldng to do with the nomination, and being a blent nt tiie ti;ie, I knew nothing j personally of the proceeding, nor hav< any complaint tc make against the delegates. A Should I be elected, I wedge mysef to decline running j at the expiration of thelone term, hf eatrso I believe in ‘ rotation in offioe, and there are htmdred of individuals equally capable and oitlcen | l i. A. CLAYTON. > October 25,1C-J9. • 5 10-ts \ O’ We are. authorized to annomioef’ol. F. G. Wil kins as a candidate for the office of .Sheriff of Muscogee county, at the ensuing ejection iu .January next. November S. ♦ t -15—te Jj* W e are- aulhorizeu to annuities James Ferguson, Esq., as a candidate for. Receiver of Tax Returns, of Muscogee county, at the next January election. O’ We an* authorized to annonnee 11. Nobm: as a ccudidate tor Tax C ollector cf Muveoges county, at the - nstitng J<tmcrj- elcc'.icn NoY 1 * - ‘ IIUUEiS. COACH, Barouche. liny nod Wnron, in ! eluding n!i quail it> mid i\ lee, will be 4. !d l„i\ I for cii'li or n;>j>rovtid crotiit. Vv.Ai'-F & v ‘■<l Sign CJ.iiiii-u Suiiiie. , Nov. 15. 1349 -f—3 ,i ! TRUNKS. CJOI.E I.F.ATHF.R, Iron I'rmi:?, Folio nim Wo, and ►5 Krnimi IV'iuks, the f*sv>t • v, r is iv.l n this toi Mile ,#• lor tsurh <>r h'i.hai cc.m it, J by W V ttii &■. CO. >igu GoiJco NoVembcr 15,1819. ‘So—3,u Carriage TisEiimags. BI’O.ll) mid Nr.rrmv, Dili lit l.euiliri ‘I .“.“in nil other kiul.ttjiisgn nr.i ( o hs. I'i-ei nod Fringe?, Conch littnur, ! ui Lit siiml i > i!it’ui Ch-li, I.Ktup* awl Varnish,!) nil kinds, and k vuriett <>t oilier m i-:. x in tSic OAtilU Y<SE Till l MINI! 1-I.N ; . nil of will lie fluid either at \\ holesnte or ieti!,n low ;*• on be bought in Uli v ilt:i rl< el. bjonili, lor Oasis or nj'|o'“ Oil credit, by W \ lig & CO, tSif£i* Uuidett ftn.ulic. November 15, 1340. 46—3 m | IN\Ci INI 1. S;iai:i-v •. AmßrVrtn :■ i j l.admis* >std.t|.v. • f a'! tji:i'>•)• Sotivk either rd Wholesale or ret; !, lillHliili 1 i for cash, or approved credit, bv UA: *r. It CO. | HJ • Clntub is, Nov. 15.1 ;4'J. -10 —o.n j KING & WIXNLM ),IE, Commission MercnaLt, MOBILE, ALA. [mV'. Trib.’ Dec. £0,1849. 51 ts {. J. ROOSEVELT, SI. 0. ISO MO S OP A THIC PH YSICIA X. CE—formerly occupied by Dr. Bunkov, fst. Clair street. KT Keferksce P. T. sriH.rV. n. fish iiusiN. JOHN ii. WINTUK, P. Mi-I,A 1! FA. JAMES F. WINTER. Columbus, Nov.B. 1819. 45—-3 m LsSi§lSl*t*£\ THE subscribers respectfully inform the i>-bli ! that lliu'r STE \M SAW MILL is in lull op. 1 eratiott, and that they are now p'-epnr i! to furn'sh j any quantity of SUPERIOR LUMP Ell at the j shortest notice. O’ Persons wishing to be supplied, will call on j A. A. I.OYVTHF.R, in Columbus, or to T. CAIRNS, sit the Mill. CAIRNS, TAYLTI & -Co. j Dec. 18,1319. 50 ts < PI If IQ Jl ppif I PS? feTf y’B #1 IS HAVE just recci veil from New lurk tun! New Oiler ns, a Inigo <i! and c n plete assort AN of DESIR \PLE GOODS ; tun mg which may he f imd : N. O. SUG AR ; I, •af Crush* I am! P t’verii ><J SFG \R ; V-w Orleans Svun ; Old C AL FLOUR. MACKEREL. II ill’s Bu-kw!,..t FLOUR ; RAGGING, ROPE, CR Y EKS. (CRANBERRIES Best Pnlund SIAPt'M Gi:;->,*|-, Pepper :*n I SPICE, Northern CHEESE. RAISINS: Lead POWDER anri SHOT; C diiiVs AXES; Tra e and Halter CHAINS COPPER \S- NAILS SALTPETRE Si I VKER BROOMS. Cedar ‘PUBS and BUCKETS, Com. DIPPERS SIFTERS POTASH ivrm COLLARS. Biol BRIDLES, Plow Lines, and Bed Cords ; PICKLES; Country LARD; G. iudstoties, &.e. d*.c. Together with a fine lot of STAPLE BUY 0(101)8. IS ATS, SHOTS AS D €’ SI A y ’ Pal Sn Si CO” To those who use the ‘‘ V ,do ;il - >vi>.*d ” v>- >.\ ►•<. i d s:i\ we have ai H WANNA CIGARS and CHEWING TOBACCO, as ran he found in market. Our matin is. “S.mali. Pkofi'is am>Qcjlck. Salbi,” OA7“ Call and see, before you ljuy elsewhere. SC B Sf 1) Ed rC’ .'*• A l r ti 15 J* lid J vA ‘< i i3k sc Are Agents for “Franklin Factory and Wayman N;ll U{>en ooutity, and have * good supniy if YARNS ano.OSN Li 11GS it hand, o’tmibus, Dec 27 IS'9. fi - 2 4f gl* 7','T T-? V -'.3 73 tTr. 5? fD M{% TANARUS: IS! As | A; 5• •■’ s y'v |• II i m 8! ?ll g 5 .rl |*i i= klB ? ?■ I UW Si tiaViiki ‘W i't# tit. NLi* UfcAi ifjVA. A £ c.\m aiiri \t~ ftV £.L • ; riTIUT VK Pi® IT MU ir f'ii | Ijll/ifeli lif) IJiliJilll & 1'1) ! Have taken the capacious Store recency occupied by L. J. Davies, next door to their old Rand, under the St. Man’s Hank, BROAD STREET, COJ.I Vui s>,GA., I which they have fitted up in a superior style • ihr tin; exhibition and sale of ! ‘ MUSIC AND MUSICAL “INSTRUMENTS, jof every description,puc!i aqf Numfs Clark's and Chickering'g splendid | JLtL v OOCI R.liCl i?a.aiio^ail^ i3EP- ! . .Sy -iD ASWi, 2 .WslSlj, j (with and withoMt the JEolian attachments and | atent tuneable reeds,) | Guitars, Violins,flutes, Harass Instruments, Accordeens, Bm.vs, Strings, &,c. | (}3 3> AII the most popular MUSIC of the day, though not published * here, will be received monthly, and sold on the most favorable terms. * ‘ THEIR STOCK OF ycl B W ff* W Tv) f/v) Rh j JST MM&a C £2 22 22 ad iS) 9 is also very desirable and extensive, consisting in part of Plated Ware, I Temperance Jewels, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, I3ea| Rags, ; Ladies’ Fans, Work Boxes and Writing Desks, with numerous oilier | beautiful, new and useful articles, too todious to mention, i WATCHES REPAIRED by a faithful workman. ! (KT The I Radios are respectfully invited to call and view our improved I facilities for the exhibition and sale of our large stock of goods. Columbus, Oct. 11, 18 19. [ll-tf] “€. KiHJA’O & fO. ; N. D. CiriitLES Biaxo, Importer of German and French Musical instruments, No. 02 Liberty street, (up stairs) New York, will personally, to the selection and purchase of Pianos and other goods for the house in Columbus. C. B. Sc CO. \ 11 KTT ? 2cm® / •. !l i .'J ’ * J” *• ■. J •• 1 ‘ * i 1 .t t•V • v 4 J .r / ■p fl AII ‘lf T|f |nx H I o Ft] If FIT p If fi ft pi | teflon Lmi I H/S !fj li Jj jJL U 2 tr a2 kJ oL bX'Z 1% kJj 1 AT COST, FOR CASH, ONLY, ! At the oh! stand of (J. C. Sherwood, West side ni I.'-or-.:! ; tr.e.-t, s**’3._? door to J. Enn if, & Co.'# ’ Hard. Ware Store. The Undersigned, to the late i.U'i it. of-Sr. !. s entire fall and winter stock of ready made clothing, at cost, for c-.!-.'u : g-’ va. ;c- }d ut**-v and fi-liionaiilft i clothitiß, viz : Over Coat Sticks ; Cloth <’!••:!*- : Uvavor a-id n' C. *= ; O-ib Drrf. and Frck Coats: Plain and pam-y Pannf'dors *. a!:r -** <! V<-ts ; leaver t:<| Mo)<*fkin Hats ; Cloth Caps ; Under Ships -ai:i Lru\w:s : lis::;ck*Mr*fi:N!- ; Cravat : (Jh ver and Cm. brellas. * \il persons, in want of c’wthii:g. xtWai do v:v\i to ck!l and esnodno niv <=!<><■’ a* this is ntf hunjh-.g. 1. MfDDLEBROOK* ! r"c. 13, IS 49. * 4l Cs&ro^icsa j JLitaal L i'e hasMranve Cum; any. LoCATi I> AT K A L. LI .11'. ” ,N. C. , !i” :’hurtiT el':bi-i turipain eit imporlant advan* | £ .( £*-:•):lie •!<’ ii'i and i vri Ini,-1 titlit l CtitllpHllh S. ih- be U.O and U|.! i isiiic his I VIII li'e till 11-c vole ()• 11 !! * ‘)‘!i ill e* hi-) v> if.- and < i.ilerrn. (ice Inn nnv i th?t ‘■-'ii,. I'. .- ..::!. . if, im in t.-1 iii'e | nrtii ij me in lha ; t - :i t - an": ,i >• ‘tiaivd Miiiimtllv , hi,<l w lien the pr*- ’ l lt ’ , ■l. j Jit, ,;,u, |M V ttll? tllf 111 it IlUie. , ‘o i t.s:::r i n> ivtu tl -it do their Valuu fur cue or ’ five A },jiiia,*v i.irni f. !• I:.U a iv.iv be to lO IN M : .Viv, s p'-nt, (N>t tin. h'ui*, Oa. [ : —'! (j i'll A tj-.l.’is U iicbutlxe tl LTLI BP.IV .fl I'Ll MOLESKIN HATS, .•* t O.Nfi# * ta. r* •; superior ll#tfr nntl Moleskin -r! \ VH at Smith's Clot ing Store, hi coat, Dec. U. 1• >9 ‘ 59 ts . | OTiT KENDALL Si lIYNEHART II ‘ > L e.-C-i b Ns*t! tl etnselveA tn the Eaf tld# H n ‘ s -'re t. s ’(*-v << n. s wv* ‘in'* Mar. t"* •’ •'!••> Feu aii who may call, with BREAD ; and CIAhS of every kind at the shortest notice. Af* | ! -r (tit- ! r>. of NnvcitilK-r. fmuiließ will bi* suj>plif;d to order, j ar rb.t ir r< sp:tive roridi'jir.-.-s. K. & R ! • - t• n. •tv, m | .(') 4-J-ts.„ *,.* TITE nut'll! fet-ivn (its in said ;*Vi Sy-4.. I ’’ >‘ m m v', vvi• *k P |Na ’ WWW J ‘nu-iry 11, a. a. hi she olli^U^C. “>.'r j .'J 5! R.’WWV V|IK, Sec’r. LE A I IT El f T ; C” ■’ ‘ It iirs, I’i'tt!?. C [v-rr, and |Tetulrk t >■* i-. -i: c I ,i\i li e. Slurp, M,h nr! e and Lining |'M ■ . ; ..> ,ii ‘ 4c r. u t'AI.F SKINS, str. ’ • v <• ~ , i*.-!. ij i- 1 the lowest e ire? f•r va-b-or a.. or- -1.-. v W.ADK & CO. -v Sign Cvoiden S’aitdle. N ‘ >lßl9. 48—3 m GIN BANDS. ; |SY• F. % r ‘!r.*i h-d D -Itinv! us tlt° b ‘tt qualirv, fro* b 1 <>i 19 m M-u. the India Klibber Belliti|r, In# j ■ lie i • i ur ttHStovi- I eredit, liv \!>ri 00. Sign Gulden Srddle. ? 15.1819 46—3nt !rm A PA BP ELS M U KEREL No. 1. a V >* D"/ , , I • !> ij i ii;i!T har*( i ls anti : quarter I;.* ’a. ms! reef'v*'d bv ’ t.tilMliS, KYLF ik THORNTON, j Dee. 13, l:;:9. 30 4s do ill Clonks. tl Qi !Z C'.-t'h Cloaks, hi S.nilli’s Ciothing Store, .-ws. Djv. ii, IJI9. 50 ts