The Southern sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1850-18??, January 03, 1850, Image 4

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CQCMIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber, Dec. llth, 1219, Council met pursuant to adjournment. Presen’ — His Honor the Mayor. Aid. 1)111, Jepso Woodruff, Wynne, and Wi!iiam->. Absent—All. Barden. J. B. Brooks, an i Lee. The Journal o. liic last meeting- was read and approved. By Aid. Williams-Wh eroa-*, it has been deemd necessary to ihmgoihe direction < r route or t * Rid Road as originally eciiteuijj’ated.fiotn i eDo not and running through the ea.-t wtnvuon ; and in ■ >n sat |uence ;). the change ui s-nd rom.*. it has h-eo-nt* neceHSiS'v to u-e a part of -said es-t comm >n Ring aoutb in said depot and between Randolph ;• >1 At, Clair streets, it’ the same were extending tin-nigh said comm >n and the said Rail Road company i>. trig desirous o! relni'j ;i-n;ng lour a.-res ol inn ! lymg east of said Depot. wkwh were heretofore granted suid company for is l . 1 Road pornoues. and ;i< ({ on'tig four acres ol and in exchange tiiere'or. lying s-mtii of said Depot, and between Randolph and St. Cam streets as afore- 1. It is therefore re-o’ved. That the Mayor an I Council of the city of Coin iiims, hereby consent that the .Muscogee Rail Road company may use and oc cupy four acres of land on * lie east cun,no*. ii g south of the Rail Road Depot, and between Rinlolp i and St. Clair streets, under the sain a terms. con ii tioiH, and restrictions, and for the same purpo- ‘s as the said company are authoriz *d to use tlm land on said common heretotore granted bv the Cos men ‘or Rail R-ia l purposes. provided said co upa iy rel >- quia!) to the city of Coltonms all tliek to lie* esc of four acn#4 of laud on said cMmaii lying east, of the said ijyffot. U ianimou-ly jjpojded. Bv Altyjpyn e -The ‘•ommjjef} appointed to con sider project ol .sngpß-impthe city vviUi wa'er, v rep >rt, Thaygjpero are sev -r..l fin * springs in the vicinity oUwie city, the wait t from whicii would bp amply sufficient tor all the purposes of our city and citizens if properly introduce*!, and systematically distributed. Tii -s 1 springs, however, are under a lea-e to th<* Messrs, lbersnii tor a term of thirty years, and they are n >w engaged in convey ing the wa'er to and through the town. 11 it rega;d ing it as important that this, as a similar work, ah-iiilil belong to the corporation, and having a-cur tained that the present proprietors will dispose o! their interest on reasonable terms, the ro.iimil’ee would recommend its purcha-e as prelerahle, in point of economy as well as in quality of water, to an other plan that has been suggested. It is the opin ion of the committee tnat l>v judicious management this might lie made no inconsiderable source ol mu nicipal revenue, instead ol being an extra burden up on the Treasury. Oil motion of All. Williams the above report was received and ordered to lay on the table lor [he pre sent. Subject to be tak-m i p hen-after. By Aid. Wynne—Tim commi tee on city impro e ru-nts, to whom was reterr* il the ‘contract with tue constructors of the Blank Road, report that they have examined said Road, and consider the exten aion of this work to the lower end ot the wharf as unnecessary. r i'he present termination an-wers eve ry purpose, anil therefore recommend its autheiiiha tion of the contract in the usual vv iv. On motion of Aid. \V r i!!i;ims,-the above report was received and agreed to. An account was presented to Council in favor of J. M Hughes, of yi'J 9J, which was ordered to be paid. Council t'-en adjourned till Tue day n xt, Dec. IBtii inst., at 7 o’clock, M. CALVIN STRATTON. < 1 k. Columbus Female Academy. IE ‘J'rustees of this In-tiUirion are g eified in g being able to annonn-e to the mib s ’*’. they have secured the services of Mr. and Mrs. MURO, as Principals of this Institution. To the citizens id (bonim bus and its vicinity, these Teachers are too wii known to need that any tiling should be sa:d of them .and that persons at a distance may judge ol their chan,-ter. it need only be known that they have had charge of one Insti tution in our neighborhood, the Wynntou Female Acad emv, for a period of nine, years. Patrons and persons interested in the cause of Educa tion, are invited to visit the school room at any time du ring school hours, viz: between 9 and 12, a. si., or be tween 2 and 5 p. M. Tho first term for the year 1859, will commence on Monday, January 11. TUI I’ION per year of 40 weeks, S4O 00 Ancient or M>d.-rn Languages, (each) 29 00 Incidental Expenses, 2 09 One-half to be paid in advance. l>y order of ths Board of Trustees. J. FORSYTH. Sec'y. Dec. 20,1949. 51 4t* I-Ju-Cc‘l'’ ‘k MiMJxbhi. jhtuiO QXi* MTS. C. L. II MX rz. will continue the Ex orcises of her present Session, in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Dudley, alter the first of January next. Dec. 20,'1849. 51 2i Dancing Academy. MT. It. POWELL, (late of New York,) has the honor to announce to too Lathes and Gentlemen of Columbus, and its vicinity, that he ex pects to open a class sometime in January next, should he receive sufficient patronage, for the purpose of giving instruction in that polite art, in ali its varieties. In ad dition to the plain style of Dancing and tValtziiig, the to.- lowing FASHIONABLE AuTD FANCY DANCES will be taught during the season : Cachncha, El Ja'eo Xeres, La Sylplikle, Cel larins Waltz, Craeovienno. Mtiseovieune, Re gatta II irnnipo, Rediiwa \\ ahz. \ arsovietme. Iliglilan I Fling, Wreath Waltz, Cing Temps. •Polka Waltz, Ate, Together with the fashionable Quadrilles n f Polka Mazurka, Ist and 2nd sets, and new Quadrilles m ReiJowa, as dan ed in the principal and fash ionable watering places in the United States. Ladies who m*iv wish to learn the more late r;i fashionable styles, Po ka. Mazurka, Review*, ami Wr-llartus Waltzing. or Polka. Mazurka, am* R’dmvnj Quadrilles, will be waited on at their resi dene, on day and hours to suit ‘heir convetvence. Parents and guardians entrusting their children to inv charge, may rely on the strictest attentim being paid to their ease, grace and general deport ment. Terms, and other details may be known on appli cation to me. Dec. 20.1849. 51 ts “exciis ii Tn dTlassiual \ School. ritllF. I\I!ERSI(.NI D prop .fp opening a pe-nui- J neut I-.iW.iFh uud (’l*, ssiru Hirli .'-.|0(,1. in i! *- - city. We iiiAtid erecting a suitable build ng in a conve nient place, aa an early period. Until the building is completed, we occupy the house opprene the dwel ling of Nicholas EL Howard. Esq. on Forsyth street. The. School wi\be opened on the Monday in January. \ FOR TUITION PEII QUARTER. Primary Class $T.d9 Higher braitehes ii English ■* *’ Latin and Greek with tlm above ii).!!:* locidontal Expenses.. .V ~5 \ H. H. McQUEPN. \ O. P. AS I .IONY. Colmnbu*. Dee. 20, IS lf>. \ 51 t!i * HR, a EHI3. BR 3NAN : 3 ENGLISH SCHOOL, Corner of Troup and Broad Sts Cos umbns, Ga rap HE exercises of the above will he restim -d on the first Monday in January next. A few more scholars will be received in Music—Piano Forte and singing, on scientific print i >e!s. Doc. 27.1849. 53 3t • BOARDING. MR. P. If- SME XD, would be shul to nccommodste a f *v Dmv Riinj.tders, t *lO p.-r Ht the house opposite Mr. A. O. Blackmar. on Forsyth Street, Ccdnmbns. Dee. 27,1842- 52 3t I yeirg and Renovating OO Tr3 ’ 1 siliD Ull S3 HQ,- r-r* in a W. S. THACKER lYt^ r O'"LD respect i*: i ly inform the ladies and gen tit men of Columbus and vicinity, that he is still at !.:-• (.'■! -tan*! o i Broa.l street., near the mar i,.> !-■ j- !•;•.-! p*d to execute all work en trusted t*> him. the various departments of 1/ y r b t shrco il V Iks and Renovating jK-w * i ~:d it. LaTes’ Bilks. Merinoes and •Satins cieaiiM-tl of stains and impurities and colored toni vs: -t ie. Also finished to look and wear as (hm • .-•n’s gnrme-ds e’eansed and dyed so as not to - ill t e whitest btu-n. I Fi ordeis thatik!u!!y received and promptly ex* •ut-d. c Cm. ii, isn. 41—if rorf£-r. Port Wiiif. r ••*:• i.y J. F. WINTER & CO. N. MATHIEIJ, P . A-i. m ’ i V -rv wrq V&v Mygi'fs BulHings, Randolph Si reel, cr-Yi- “0 8 now receiving and C j j j Js. Wijl keen eotistant- I c j ly on hand, a large assort- V. _ meat of fin.* French tn. Y'"-e-J J&s&Z tJootX, made, of the V.’ j I-! material, whieli lie tV \ will soil on the most rea i. ‘ _ soinble teur.e. tie has a'so on hand, a large and su’.-ndld assortment of fine FRENCH CALF ‘• F f.i w : . -h he will makeup to order, in a manner, tvh for sr.yle and durability, cannot ,bo sur p tss.-d. N. B.—Jest received, 100 pairs of Mr. M. Louis’ fine French Boa*s. Octob 43-ts Bs', i. W. i’o!esau , x AHt.i-Dyr.per.tic and Tonic Bitters. arrunted lo cure ■ :v ;/ case of Chill and Fever, f.: :- r (N.o, ‘ninL JJ. t i'si'7. Diarrhtto, (chronic or acsite.) tiis n x<i-s rccnliar to VW.t.-iles. &c.. &c. • i ; rev unit e - - AS! \TIG CHOLERA. .S'< 1 rnrelopes around each bottle for ■particulars. Price $1 00 a bottle, or six bottles for §5. Prepared and sold by E. D. Coleman. No. 4 If. Dauphin street. Mobile. For sale in Columbus by POST. CARTER. Also. Dr. Coleman’s MIX TURE. Price $3. An vast 2. is 19 31—1 v pa]i n'T wHjm Rmm i ri.v j fii i.’il ILu uUUyvi spioiititd assort .incut <>t New staple a m am dry goods, R I BRACING till the new desirable styles and la 1 A thrics. just received ami tiow on sale sit kS-VVif Vv-**.. ‘ S'v-SiN, Stits-J ( \i ili ;vg) *it in'lldi { 0* IKT Os I'oOlUl k Uofidolpll SiS.) Ail of which will positively he SOLE AS LOW as tlie smm f ind of goods can be bought in Columbus. The B ul'et* ;eul Gentlemen of the city and vicinity arc invited to caii ar.d examine the stock which is too rich and < xte. ivc to be ea;mu-rated in, an advertise im nt. ( HAIiLES M VGA T'T. r.tii:i,bns, October 1J5.1:t-19. 42—ts ;"i ic\ f? -5? gn vaj.rr f r i’<*: -C O p f-'*l cl iJ 0/ w Sar. rf -'v V. •_ J Dl.;!,[) inform her friends ft . -S and the rmblic. that she has •If just returned from New York, and has . (N. %.. /opened anew and handsome assort . - , in nt of MILLINERY, WSIUSS s* SSJiSvS, and oth /'.)■ • cr articles too numerous to mention.— ‘/ i \ Thankful for past patronage, she soli cits a continuation of the same. October 25,1845. 43—-ts f WWMW %ii ■■■ la . a ; Mm ai; Mr m\?ER AND TAILOR, T 5 AS ju.-t opened his iew Establishment in one T-.a. of the hand.-nme stores under the St. Mary’s Bank, and two doers below the Post Office, where, alt r a brie; • st ;te of rptiraev,” he is prepared to i;i*e old customers and new. with every tiling desfrabfe in the way of JMmMM&z SlßTiliiiJi. 1 Sis stool: ol i s, i. issimeres, Ws/uigs. f. c., is rich and ample, and will be made tip, for responsible gentleman, in the h.ost style of the art. George is Ititn-elf again —therefore, he hopes all will call, sure that - none will ijn away dissatisfied.” Columbus. Nov. 1, 1849. -14-ts Tl P E-|; HAVE Ilf\fOVED ‘mEIII STOCK OF to the Brk n\xt to u MUL- L'GllDTi’Vnd sixwjoors South of thoir old ‘land. fIT'ORMEIt p;ifr*uis an ! the community gen “•, are invited to call and examine their assort ment, which c'-aurAes almost every article in their line. November 22.! 3 ID. 47—i f Stove 55L241 Tisa Ware ESTABLISHMENT. H J- B. KICKS, s’ Broad Street, above the ..'NgX--f fi market, and also one door --ft . above Ennis & Co.'s Hard- ware store, has lately re — ceived a line assortment of . .. . ; d. j Hoase-kccpiiig Artirlcs such as Cooking and Par f-“‘ -'•’>! lor Stoves, superior to any ‘ , J.'/'V ever brought to this market, l C Brooms, Coftce .Mills, e Knives anil Forks, Sieves t. 1 ••>:> -ad T n Tea Kettles, dtc. Arc. Iron and Brass, Tin and Sheet Iron manufactured, to any pattern, vinh neatness and despatch. Clean Linen and Cotton Hags rc e yea f e dues or goods, at 3 1-2 cts. par ponnL Pers as bid -bted for 1943 arc requested to “call at the C p* ■ u's oiiice and s-ttle,” as longer indulgence will not be given* Nov. 29, 1849.’ 46-ts T3ae §oiitliern Question! ITI IST MAS will he here in a few days, and we have a nice Book for every bndv, old and young, marr'-d 1 ;d sbigle. XVc know you all will want ! one n- more, and put this in to let you know where to go j and wh it wo have got. Jus* rec'-iv I —ls-9 nice Annuals, at pricea from ft! 54 to ft 15.0;): 249 nice Poetical Works, for PRESENTS, from 39 cents to .§lO, each : 1000 copies best U : sce!iai; or.s Hooks, which do remarkably well for ]>■. suits too: 509 nic* ?t Juvenile Books, for good boys and gir's. Will they, and their parents, too, come and see ‘ r them v s? Also, almost every thing you may want, in our lino. Open day and night. ceGRAFFEMEIED X ROBINSON, j Dec. 50. 1349, 51 5t s®nTisilliso iisnroisoiio WESTERN IIIIJTASK m TITUTE. Hoard of Visitors. ADJUTANT GENERAL, together with -“k live fit persons, to be•anmiallvjippointed hv the Executive, to attend examinations at leust once a year, according to law. IFA©y L T Y • Incorporated with all the powers, privileges and rights exercise and bv tl'.e Trustees and Faculty ol unv other Col lege. ‘ • T. F. JOHNSON, General Superintendent ; Educated at West Point. COL. L. W. MORGAN, Joint Superintendent and Pro- Kn’ ineering and vj Natural llislury, fr.ducaied at West Point. J.IELT. COL. 15. It. JOHNSON, Professor of Mathe matics ; [Educated at Wrst Point. MAJ. RICH Alt I) OWEN, Prof, of Natural Science; [ \ pupil of Ur. Ure,of Glasgow. MR. At,EX. Sl'ilLE, Adjunct Prof, of Chemistry; [For id luonts a pupil of the celebrated l.ieliisr. REV. 11. V. I). XLV IIS. A. M Professor of Ancient Lanyua;jes ; [Educated at Princeton Col.ege, J. JAMES Ci. BLAINE, A. U., Adjunct Vrofessor of pun jes ; [ Educated at M aslnnrton Coin ee Pa. JAMES il. DAVIESS, Esq.., Professor of J.ate ; [A prac titioner in the variu *s Ootirts of Keuluckv. REV. J. 11. SWIF TANARUS, A. :\L, Professor of Et’iics and Ih /trs l.ettres ; [Educated at Vale * ‘olioge. MR. E. V. CA tl BRA V, Profsssor of Modern Languages; [Educated in tliet'in ot Paris. CAP T. C. E. MOTT. Teacher in the Academy ; fEd tic at and in New \ oik. CAP!’. \Y. W. GA UNT, Adjutant of the Institute. Two hundred and seventy Cade’s,from eighteen diflerf nt States, litive entered this li!stiln*ion since it was organ iz'd,in 1317. It is entirely free Iron, the eoiiiri’l or doin ination of any sect or parly, either political or religions. Economy in dress, by the adoption ol a cheap l. nitons, for Winter and Summer, is rigidly enforced. Evervstu dettt is required to select a College guardian, with whom all funds brought or received musi de depositee, and no debt must be contracted without the consent ol such guardian. Civil Engineering’ Will he thoroughly arid practically (might in the \\ est eru Military Institute—the Professor, Col. Moiioa.n, be ing one of the most skillful and experienced Engineers in the United Stales. All the instruments connected with that department, have been procured at considera ble cost, amt of the best quality. The .Sop-i in te title lit takes I he 1 ibertv ol stating I ha’ lit* is now oil’.’ red t*>7s per month, for competent assistant En gineers. One of his former pupils receives ut this tune $2,590 per annum, ns Principal Engineer of h Railroad now itndet construction in Kent ticky—wiii’st others of t be same class are receiving in di tie rent parts of the I'm led States, $2,000, $! ,500, or $1,200 a year as Assistant En gineers. The lime is rapidlv approaching when there w ill he a great demand for such as have been pie] ated lor that vocation, at the Western Militxry Institute. Nulling in hazarded in saving that they will readily command sl,- 200 or $i ,s'it) pcrumimn. Every man ol observation tnusi see I bat t lot. g iganlic enterprises already proposed, will give birth to hundred of others, tributary to them. Ihe rapid advancement of our whole country, and the eager ness of our people, for exploring the bidden resoutet sos the new States and the newly acquired territory, will give ample scope for ages to come, to the skill and enter prise of the Engineer, the Geologist, the Mineralogist the Survey or and the A rchiteel. A none men who have mi aptitude fur tlie Mathematical and l'hy sica ■ sciences will have a wide fteid opened to them for engaging in an honorable, a healthful aids lucrative pursuii. for which they may be thoroughly and practically’ qualified, in a short time, and nt small expense,at the Western Military Institute. To secure tlie manifol 1 advantage of health, economy, discipline, progress and moral training, the Faculty of this Institution has selected for its permanent location the fatuous BLUE TICK STRINGS, situated on the Lexington and Ma vsville Tnrripiko,tvven t v -four mill’s from the latter place, and forty from the form er; emphatieallv a country location, being ten or twelve nyiles distant from any town or village. The buildings are mostly new, well constructed for Garrison purposes, and ample for tlie accommodation of THREE HUN DRED CADETS. f § This place is unsurpassed/or its healfliv atmosphere, pure water and romantic scenery ; and m, unquestionably, one of the most eligible locations for jg Literary Itisiit i liou in the United .States. The gronjpls have been gieat- Iv improved and ornamented during rhe last five years.— A pint of forty acres, beautifu 11 v situated on the margin i of the Licking River, immediately iti’tbe rear ol lbe build- i nigs, will lie reserved for Military Exercises. ‘Tlie Ke- j inoval will be made immediately alter Christmas, aad j the Sell ml opened at that place, ON THE SEVENTH j DAY OF JANUARY, 1850. Vacation will embrace the months of July anil August, hv which arrangement tin; Watering Season will not in terfere with the exercises of this Institution. The, Academic Year extends from the first Monday of September to the. third Fiday of Juno—Forty weeks. The charge for'Tuition, Boarding, Lodging, Washing, Fuel, Lights, Blacking, Servants’ attendance, Music,tlse of Arms, tStc. will he $1(50 per year. Payments will he required in Advance, at that rate, from the dav of en trance to tli “ end ot the Term. From the liisl Monday of Januarv—forexample— to the third Friday of June, (twenty-four weeks) it is SO6, Cadets from a great distance, who prefer remaining in Keultickv during Vacation, can find the most e rmforta bie Boarding in the families of our wealthy Farmers, at $l5O per week. Southern or Western Students muv lam! at Louisville and take Stage, Steamboat, or Rail road to Frankfort, and Lexington; thence in four horse coaches to the Blue Licks. Or, they may ascend the Ohio to Mavsville, which is three hours stage from the Springs. [t p This place is ftrnished with commodious Baths, and is abundantly supplied with Freestone, Limestone and Cistern water of the best qurlity, independent of the Sulphur Springs, and the Salts and Sulphur Springs. November 22,1819. ■l7 FRANCIS G. WILKIN37 AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. COLUMBUS, GA. Barrels West Imlia Molasses. 10 Barrels best St. Louis Floor, in store and for sale by. 1’ • G. W. November 22, 1349. M-t Just Received. IFC% TILE LJULIO. !T LBS. Z’ jihVr Won-tVI, (assorted colors.) i O .150 WorsteA Patterns, from 25 cents to $8 00 14 Dozen (assorted colors.) 5 “ Litßti FlosnL 300 Worsted NVjdle.s, (nVmrtcd.) 5 Doz. NottiiK “ \ 4 •* Uro’clmt “ “ 20 “ Iv.iittiu\ ]*ins, (Ivory and Wood,) of all j 100 Yards Can (assorted ) Gold, Silverand Steel Vends, Clasps, Tassels, Frin- : ges.itc.of all kinds. N. 11. y\ 11 of the above goods wilNje sold veri low. ; C. Hill*ftO & CO. | November 15, IRI9. 4t> — if Family Groceries. TOWN SLE¥~& ABBOTT MAVE in £ tore and ui 1 constantly keep on ; hand, for lASII SAL IS, and at reduced, pri-, res, a eood snpj ly of F .mily Gr< ccris, emsistinj; in pari as follows:- - Cincinnati culed IIAMS. Georjria do j New Orleans. St. Croix and ’orto Rico SUGAR, j Loaf, CrusheJ and Pulveriz <1 do New Orleans aSd Florida S r RUP and \\ &6l In-- dia MOLASSES.* Havanria, Rio aid Lagnvra COFFEE. Superfine New Vlieat FLO JR. I—ALSO- Salt, Corn Meal,Cotter, Lav], Ilats, Shoes. Do mestics, Knives ana Forks, lircket Knivfs. Split bottomed ('hairs ; lCopperasi Saleratus, Ginger. Spice, Pepper, IndVo, Madrfer, Spanish Brown, Salts. Saltpetre. erm an Tallow Candles, I Fine White and Coulfry Soap Juniper and Cedar j Pails, Buckets and Plrffins.Coi n and Straw Brooms, j Shuck Mats and IJvrsfc Collars <Scc.. &c. O’ A large qtiantit* of Stor e Ware—Jugs and Jars, of from 1 gallorilto 12. Likewise common pnd sitj prior smoking and chewing’ Tobacco; Savannah j’t’et'and Apple Vine gar, with many other articles tovtedions to mention. All of which will be sold at a’ small advance for Cash. Colombus, Aagrist 5, !?4?. I—3'fijl—3'fij Sturgis & .Wilier, ‘ ATTO'&MP AT t* Buena Tistajrariou Ca. \V r ILL practice in aJJjHif counties off lire ” and adjoining cojmties ol the SouthyjPuern .ireuit. TIIAD. ST I'KG IS, E. XV. MILLER. Feb. 15,10-19 7 ts | Loriilard’s Macaboy Snuff, IN Jars and bottles, for sale bv July 12 J,‘ F. WINTER cV CO. Oh yes! Oh yes i! THE undersigned has made arrangements for a regular supply, (luring tin 1 season, of MEXICAN GUIjF OYSTJEKS, 1 fresh from the Bay. which will be served up, in any form ! to suit the Epicurean or the l’lcbitm. at his old stand, on ; Crawford street,, a few doors west of Broad Mr •• i. JA MES’ UGI L TER. j orcuilipr 1. 13J9. ?m jZ ’ iflf’ - ‘.. . I7JPS*B.YG*S ©©MDij^aiD C* rrm * r T QAPQAB AII*? T A o} lU y 01 bnh sdid.lT imlLLli. THE GREAT SOiJTHERN PANACEA! ■ f|lllFi undersigned, w iiu bus neon fur a rut in be rof veers ! _a engaged in the business ol prepurin,:: and dispensing ; Medicines, seeing a vast amount of various Coiiipouuds 1 daily imposed on the people ol this country, under the ; name of “ Extract Sarsaparilla,” w.hich in tact do not contain a particle of the valuable runt who ■■<: name they bear, has been ind need t o in a a ill re iu re a II KKa ml \h>\\ ■ I eithi I preparation burn the genuine Honduras ISARSA PA HiI.L.l JlOi.i combined v.-iiti tin roots of (iuee/t's ■ Delight and l.eulaodrt; Virginia f, and would state ihm : after iniicli labor, erne and expense,he has succeeded jar 1 beyond his expectation, in producing a Medicine iinxiir- I passed for its alterative, healing and restorative qualities. | It has for the last two years been used by Physicians and j o I hers in lhi s v iei n by, wi, in in para 11 e, ml s n ccess, a u.l aI - : though a veiv large amount has been used here alone, ; it has never vet failed in giving entire satisfaction. ; This val uable IT eon a iiuii is now offered to the Med -1 icnl Facility and the public generally ,as a sale and sure j remedy for all diseases arising from an impure state of ! the blood, fur Scrofula, ehionie. Rheumatism, Eruptions j of the Skin, Tetter or Ringworm, Scaidhead, Eiilarce : incut and i’aiunf the. Bones and .1 oi ills, stubborn Ulceis, | Lumbago, Erysipelas. Rout, Paralytic Debility, White | Swelling. Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, exposure or imprudence in life, r hinnicconsti j iutionai disorders. Dyspepsia, painful affections ol the i hack and loins, Neuralgic pains, Fevei Sores; Blotches, j Pimples and Biles, to lapping's unrivalled prepariioti— , being a highly concentrated Extinct, presented in the ; form of a Syrup, to make it palatable. j OJ Here is a certificate from a gentleman well known j in this community, who lias been fora number of rears a I Justice nt the Peace in .hiscily. and his statement Lyin',v j can be certified to by a great many of mir c.ili/.ens. who ] have seen him when lie was obliged to w alk on eru todies. 1 He is now entirely cured by tin* use of my .Sarsaparilla— Columbus, April 22, 18i3. j Mr. 11. If. Epping Sir: Owing you a debt of gruti j tude, 1 am induced to make n public acknowledgment of the benefit I have, received from your invaluable prepare tion of Sarsapai ilia. 1 bad been, for nearly three-years, severely afflicted with chronic Rheumatism, and those tormenting pains tortured me to such a degree that i could find no rest, nor could ! walk without the assist- I ance of crutches. Not wit list ’tiding 1 tried various rem j cities, in y case continued to row wo iso e very day —when i fortunately for me., a friend who had been in a similar sil | nation and had been relieved hv your compound Syrup j of Sarsaparilla, recommended the use of it io me, and to ! in v e real as ton is it meet aml joy. t. Iter using a few bottles, 1 found mvself entirely relieved, and .ca n now walk with out my cm tones, and a t tend to business. I make t his state ment ns an act of justice, hoping thn t others mnv he in duced to make use ol'c'ie right medicine—thereby saving themselves much trouble, suffering and expense, f am, with gratitude, yours, &c. ANDREW P. JONES. i The following short c-r'ifii a< c are from some of the best and most successful Physicians in this city : Front Dr. Boswell. I have used F.pping’s Sarsapaiilla, nod believe it rijna! if not superior to any preparation of f;arsapnriiln now in use. ‘ J. J. BOSWELL,.n. u. July 5, 1810 . From Dr. Grimes. [ have used Epnitig’s Sarsaparilla in eases of Tetter, with success; I ilieretore recommend the use of it to ;.t! 1 persons w ■ 11> diseases of ihe skin. Julys,lßT> T. W. Ci 111 MES, m. and. Mr. 11. If. E oping —From mv knowledge of the com position of von r .Ta rsapn ri 1 la, i t a k e grea t p lease re in sta ting that i consider it one ofthe best preparations of Sa r snparilla now in use. and in all cases where remedies of that class are desist'd, it is worthy of trial. July 3, 1048 S- A. BILLING, m. and. l[. JI. Eppinz —Sir: I have used your F.xtrnet ofSar saparilla in several eases, and have no hositalion in stat ing that it is fully equal, ifuot superior to any of (lie pre parations of ihat article in use. Vmirs. Ac. July 7,1343 W. lv. SCHLEY, m. and. Volunteers a.:u! discharged Soldiers, i who, returned sick and debilitated, from Mexico, read. We have the evidence of Dr. N. M. Hoi.ton, a distin- I guished Physician of Tazwoli, .Marion county, (In who , piescribed Epping’s Sarsaparilla ilia case of e xtreine de | iiilitv from exposure or imprudence in life—in fact the patient was mil üble to move his limbs for some time be fore lie commenced taking F.ppiug'* compound condensed Syrup of Sarsaparilla, lie was one ot our brave Volun teers, so many of whom have returned sick an3 debilitat ed to their homes, lie is now completely cured. Another Certilicate, From Mr. Oscar A.-liion, who may he found at the Drv Good Store of M r. Geo. A. Norris: Mr If. 11. Epvin ; r —Dear Sir: Having hern for year past afflicted with Intermittent Fever, and taken a great deal of Mercury for tlmt distressing complaint, without experiencing any permanent relief, and becoming very much debilitated and finding mv skin affected and mv system very rip eh dei a nged, ! concluded to trv some of vour Sarsaparilla, and can cheerful I v testify to its valu i able properties, as by taking a few bottles of it. I find | mvself completely restored to health, and reallv feel j liettcr now- than I h ive done for several years pa-i; nor I have f h’ld.anv return of Intermittent Fever, j July 10,1313 O.SCAR ASHTON. ! Person? livingin a low section ofcoitntrv, who atesnb ject to Intermittent Fever and Ague, would do v.ell to take a bottle or two of Epping's compound condensed Syrupof Sarsaparilla e\ ery season, as thereby t bev ca entirely relieve themse.lves, and prevent the nsuii! attack In eonciur-ioe, die. proprietor cannot refrain from rer ornm.knding bis Sarsa pari! la to Parents a rid I lends of Fn rp ilies, who wish to preserve tire health,strength and gooj ’ looks of their children, as an i BICF.LLEXT SPRING, SUMMER & I'AT.L REMEDY j Rv a timelv use of this article-, many a child might i saved from disease, during the hot summer months, by purifying the blood which enables it easier to bear the oppressive heat. O’ This will equally apply to grown persons. This Sarsaparilla is pat tip in Quart Bottles, so Oise Dollar pcs’ lloHlo, and is much cheaper than any similar article, being three times the usual strength. <j car men Extracts PREPARED BY 11. IT. EPriNO, For sale bv R. A. WARE. J. F. WINTER, ItOBT. CARTER, O. DANFORTH & CO And at Greenville,by L. L>. MlN’l'Eß. Mareli 1, 1819. 19 v STORES,, AMB) of italianWml kiuerlraa Marfclo, Constantly on handXat the Marble Works of | A Dili s. BROAD STREET^ XEARKKE MARKET HOCSE. [O 3 I.r.TTFRiNO nrifv’.'.KViap done in the best style and on LOWER TERIiS any establ-sbrneniin thta part of the country! \ Pliitfrr Parti ao *CeJ?wfl|ab.vav* on band for aW 4 i3—tij I COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. GEORGETOWN, Ky. FACULTY. T. F. JOHNSON, A. M.. Principal and Prof, of Mathe- Ci.DEK .!. K. SWIFT, Piof. of Moral and Intellectual Science. . R. N. NEWELL. A. M., Prof, of Ancient and Modern CnAKt AiS Fui i'Z, Esq., rrof, oflustruinental and \ - Misses”:. STAN WOOD. !!• B. STAN WOOD and C. LANG DON, Assistants. rJHHE PRINCIPAL has been t aching twenty years-j H. uniuteirupteiil v, Imv ing >• cupivu important I rotes- ; sorships in several Colleges in \ ircinia, (bis native stair; . and Kentucky. . j Mr. Swift graduated at Yale College, and Ims become ; ! eminent as a teacher. rt© Mr. Newell grad jnied in the city of Paris, and has Ml- | eel the chair of Languages in several Colleges of high re- : juite. Mr. I’rifz, a German gentleman of line ncquircmeM^ • ha.- 5 }e; i c..)iineci< (l wiiU 1 n>liti \i<*u ►ix \N 411,< lias turned out suiiit'ot'the best performers on the Piano j | to be luumi in ihe United Sfal. s. j Tue msses Stanwood grndunledat the celebrated I e - male Seminary at Ipswich, Mass, ’i'lie cl.lor ns b< u . : Principal Assistant in tDi- liistitMion tor the lasi (lg it | I years. Mis* Laiivdon has been a veiv popular tcHi b.-r | i ill Cincinnati aid Kentucky loi six years pusl : the 1"?! j two veins in ti is 1 ustiliiiimi. _ . i The Female Collegia!- l.istitute was organized in j I and lies enjoyed without any ft u etna (ions, no unusual l | share of public favor, averaging lor the ten yens juiel h- ; : houl one hundred pupils. . 1 | It is furnished wiiji a tine Philosr phieal and (. hemu n j Apparatus, a Select Library,&c., and affords unusual ta- ; : ciliiics to sindents of Music. French, Spanish and tfir j j like, it is entirely tree frutu ail sectarian bias—the | ! pupils being permitted to at'end any place of worship pie- i I scribed by til ir Parents, and the teachers belonging to ; J four or five differenrdenominations. .. I | To prevent cumpeiion in Dress, clothing of a uniform | j stvle and quality has been presetibed, and Jewelry of ev ! erv description prohibited. Vacation bolds from Christmas to the first of Mart h, but tho-c pujtils wlm remain throngli the vacation, ar a s ■ regularlv instructed, duiiiig term time. Aj, j i pupils troui a distance are required toboaid at flic iustl | tore, c.nder the inorif-diaie supervision of the 1 eacbers. The Principal might refer to hundreds ol piouiiueiit m i dividual's tln on goon t ihe Western and South Western | St ues, bill lie presume!) it to be entirely utinecessai v, j after having tauglitat the same point, with llie the most ! signal success, for nesiilv 20 years. j Georgeto in is nor. ssihlc Py daily Stages find St. ani buats fr-.m Louise iI If ami Cincinnati. H B G mil w from Frankfort.•mill is .oln.iiu and to l,e one ol the lieaitbics: In : cafions Oil llie Globe. Per Session, for Board and Tuition ?• For Music 30 1 For French, .Ve I® j [There are many Female Seminaries in the West, in I which ihe expenses cl a pupil may he sloor S2O perscs ! .-inn less than the ahoy, ; but, in very few of these, if is [ eonfnh ntlv ass. 1 1. and, vv ill tlie fore lie r o.n:d so good—the | capital invested so largo—and the reputation vj ihe 1 each f err. so doMingiiished.] ; July 12, 1319 23—1 v ; Extra Select Medicines. | Ks By PHILIP St’niEFFELIX & (’O. % IjHIUftvIISTS, New York. fg'IHL recent law of Congress in relation to ad u Iterated A Drugs, gives us the opportunity of bringing Lei.ire the ! public our preparsti.ies ol SUPERIOR iMEDKfINES. 1 Having bee u in the Drug Im si ness lor many years, w hieh !ha s afl’orded us m ue!i e p.-r i. nee —a idba v ing ‘. In- se.r v ices i of the wei l known tfln n.i - 1. .1. 11. ( inoi r , in - in* prepar . afion of on r L', ibe public, may rely with entire confidence on .very article,as being perfectly PUKE,and j of oniform strent;tb. Our EXTRA POWDERS tire pnherisrd from select ! Gums. Root -a lid Leaves, of the vei v best quality , nod without a blemish, tinder oiru immediate supervision, a ml consequently possess a polity and uniformity of action I upon which ihe Physician may relv with perfect confi > di-nce. ‘The life ofiae patient, as well as the success and i reputation of the physician and druggist, depend so much upon a prompt action of the medicine used in sickness. , that we t “-l every confidence any attempt to furnish ! them w itli pure and supeiior Drugs, will he fully appre ciated. | [TF A supply of these Scire! pointers and Chemicals lias just been received and are offried for sale hv JI. .t. WARE. ('■<>’umhns, where all wishing PruK IM r.nicix’Ks, are invited to cal and examine forthem selves. Api 5, 18 49 14 tlj “ySasusi” ! fgpHF. copartnership heretofore existing between the j 15 uudersii ned. u mler 1 lie lit!e of .1 Ofj F. Pll f.'tfl W EI.L I Si. CO. is this da v dissolved, bv mutual consent. P. !!. WILD.M \ N, JAMES W. CR MG, JOSEPH COLWELL. Columbus. <ia. March 13, 18*19 13 if iI.T The Foundry business will ho emit’ mod at tho | Old Stand,by W. R. BROWN &, CO. who respectfully j licit a continuance of he patronage of the late firm, i soM.-h.22,1343 |TO PHYSICIANS, D RUGGISTS 1 COUNT!!Y MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KLEI.LR it BRO. most respectfully solicit attention to their fresh slock of Kupdish, : French, German and American Drugs. Medicines, Che micals, Paints, Oils. Dye-stuffs, Glassware, Pci furriery, Patent Medicines, &c. Having opened anew store No. | 231 Market-st.,.with a fail supply of Fresh -Drugs and Medicines, \ve respectfully solicit country dealers to exa j mine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising j | cue all who may be disposed to extend to us their patron- j ; age, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as j I liberal terms as any oilier house in the city, and to faith- 1 j fully execute all orders entrusted to tts promptly and with ‘ • dispatch. One of the proprietors being a iejrular pbysi j cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of ■ all articles sold at their establishment. We cs’u-cialh ; i invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish j to become agents for Dr. Keeler’s Celebrated Family j Medicines, (standard and popular remedies.) to forward i their address. Soliciting (lie patronage of dealers, wt jj j respectfully remain, .1. N. KEELER BRO. Wholesale Druggists, Oct. 11,1849. 1 y No. 2:14 Markct-sK Phil’a. Mags, Mags! Mags! Tile Rer\ Iblainl Factory g S prepared to | i.-c clean LIN LN, 11 LMP or Os- ! | I toil R MLS, mid wilf pay 3.1 n-nis per pound so. bjir i Handred Tliousaml pound's, (feliver.-i! m if,- Miimi j : the Ob itlalio.icbee rfver,tfi.-ce miles above | | qni.ntilieg of m t less limn 100 pounds, j IO” .Merchants and Tot.let sin the surroti tiding c nntry ; , would do wc-ll to draw die ntiention of theircnsioncisto | the advantuge of SAV ING RAG.'", and axchanging them i i for Goods and W ares. CASH w ill alw ny phe paid for Rags at Roc}. Isbiud ’ l Factory.” Jiv order of the Board. “G FuRGE W. WINTER, Sec’*. t Columbus, On. March 1, If-19. ;> if j i ! i holera ami Diarrhoea .liedicifie. Y3REPAIIED ft util ft popular recipe l.v 8 Julv 12 f. WINTER -V CO. ! I>0!LEI) and RAW LINSEED Oil,. Pahits, Putty j Glass, French Kxtrtcls, genuine ; superiort ‘< logne ‘ Hair,'Tooth, Nail, Hat, Cloth and Hion Brushed Bro-j mine. Chloride of I jiliiic ‘tAe.,for sale bv July 12 y J. F. WINTER * CO. 12 r. MMtfhbtSiaiijjf; Liver and aseptic j^edieme, woTkali; it's/ W me wi.vrEß. j, ami If ILL, DA WSO’ 4’ CO. j t Columbus, G a. April tf tlj -—.— M ! ‘- Choiegfeuit Treesf COXSTSTINTJpffIi>4' ! e, Pear, Clicrry. Apricot. Mpfnrinc, Fig and Jjjperijn Crab.— Also, the Flow *ring fhe Genu ine Scnppernong Grape Vines, for sale bv . ’ OiAS. A. PEABQO’ October 25. 1849. Jp //—tf Braif rgjpTlE price of at Winter’M ; ]j s . ! -*2- until further notice, will be as • 1 io 5 bustle's, 15 celts pcj^usbeßK^ 100 lbs. and upwards, “5 I patent m Saw Filer. JL males that lie is ready to receive erder* out the United •- ,^_ f rjc-.p. Gin Saws —also to s e Q for his new - Nl^f .'^ amc for c ounties and States. The the riglit to use t - .ij t . 8e : One machine wiß advantages of Bus ni v orkm( . n in this de partntvu do the Y orK OI ./ P arccniulisli it m a more uniform t ..tend .woo, , k „. s manner: and on. p erPo „ s interested the machmcs w j; caU at the Gin Mano such miprovr men & Cos Golumbus, where one factory of 1- J< ‘ •.‘ • suc cessful use for several of the niacl | , !^';. or themselves, of its merits. All order* j months, and js. . , -j. promptly attended to i addressed -othe undersigneand v.fb i | COLUMBUS, Oct. 0, 1833. raiTIFSE will commence making Flour I : i ol'different q-mlties, Iron, fine sftpjr-* 1 c „ of (Text week- Before the end of iht* I j 111 ’ n if in receipt of five thousand bushel* I !^ , pHnm e wbm.t lrem St. I-mis and we will tb.-S p! Flour to Merchants at mm tlo.lsrr per barrel on | i New Orleans price, b- astm. ur qnaltiy. ns } :our I ; cannot be imported nem O.n ans for one dollar pef I 1 t,- H rrei merchant in tins city- "> Ike Chattnlmpchco \ ,Fiv -r iin the siirrnninjttig counties, will find i their advantage t<> depenl n|> these mills lonl eir J I fuppließ. ‘i'imy Will procure a ftesiier and a.we I i reliable tulido. j(J. JEFFERSON, Clerk, I Columbus, Oct. 11, JB-W. * CORN WANTED, wiiicli the HIGHEST price will be pnid V “ WINTKR-S PALACE MILLS. October P. 1849 j 41 — ts Premitim Pure Juice Port Wine. T 1 }JE subscriber, living received the highest pre •niivm.a Silver! Dp. from tire American Institute, I Y for a S’ure Fpt Wine, made from a Native 1 Graoe lie is now pis pa >ed to furnish the article in itq ! S’ from the Drlg Store of Messrs. J. F. WIN. ’ TLR & CO. and Sum the Store of dt igo at -Sl per bof/le. or §lO per dozen. The fol- I Sowing tostiimmiab u ill speak lor themselves. Juiv 5.1849. CHARLES A. I ! EAEOD\. rpt.t.'MßtT.s, Ga., 20th April, 1848. ! r j' n /he AfeJical Pc f ssioa : i Having in Bovtj-a! instances used, in my practice, ! t |,p Doit \Vine nuiile by Mr. ChiyHep A. lYahody, frets j , A Native Grape, l mo-t c!ietr!uily bear testimony { its purity and excellence. [ am well acq-paiefe.! with Mr. Peabody, and hi* i character for infelligefi- i and honor, as well an the | actual trials which Thavo made of the Wine, warrant | , oe j,, assuring Pne profession and public that it is a i perfectly pure article, and may therefore be relist} I nnon iu all cases of sickness where nine is incli* I c i, L „i. P. 11. WILD MAN, M. D. CoT-Uiunvs, C.i. : April 22.18 48. | Mr. Charles A. Peabody: ‘ i; Sta The bottle of Wine I have received, ! i ~nd find it more agreeable to mv taste than any 1 I ; rv >r used ; avoiil.l sav tbat.jjj .all ca?°s w here Port • : Wine W as ailmissilile. f-r HI) asi I ingenTrcqulrcilyTr-i J i wine would/be a fine remedy. Respectful!v, S. A. RILLING. i | 1 !| Wool Miani3 | | ¥|7ILL le carried on in crnnection with the Cotton - ; |f Aiaaijlactui n : h_y Uie t-abscnbeio in the New * j Factory adjoining \\ iiiut > i aiac.e .Mill in the best 1 i manner, either m Gloln or iiolis. cnti nivie u>ay * j want having the best of* y and long t-\p . f rienceil they flatter Ihemsehio tf.ti peifeci saifelac ; tion \yi I he given. •; N !>.— Ca.-!i will be paid for walnut"* hall*, of ! barks Irom the nuis. BRIDGES & MATHEW . 1 i Col'.tubus, Oct. I), 4 ( 3m ; STRAWBERRY PLANTS. 1 ‘ ‘SELBLIN(S, (aeeliniitteil plants) _j ‘y? 4 per hmufii-d, or Fs2(i per tlioiisiiud. Laige i Early frciio.-t, hj.2 per huudu-tl. Also. Victoria, Rom,’ j Blio-nx,, Buhiu*, and many other kinds—lf j ‘Y i CILNRLES A. PEABODY. | O’ n. ism i—ts | SjGOO Dollars Rewa and! Reuben Ricli'.s parent tentre Veat Iwf % u w if- w. ‘P j ‘S? Iw*! s , J# i. -z, Ccf® ffSo’ ‘SB Set & (Made entirely ol iron, willi Iron Gates.) : Agin."-t x urbnie, Hotchkiss &• till other Wheels. i | t\ ILL give $ ;00 Reward to any prison wbo “*i'l pr* j*■ l‘l ( Tt U } III* ill \\ \\ il< tlmt will flu J4S lh u fit bn* ■ SI.3SS will) she sai.iu quaulin of walvi under any given li- W, from three to thirty fee;—or ‘ ! q w ‘'Liriv.s SSOO to any person, who will protCice’ a I : I’.hiM W heel under a licmi of eight leer or Seea, licit I- si. equal ji tsi paw or and sating of water; or, ; I will give lhe same amount Io any one who will pro -s<eu” <nr-r-hot or undci-siiAi. llial will Instwith h.v j t'neei, and not cost more money sooner or Inter; or. I ,1 will give, the same reward lu unman wl.n w j|| pro- I - -ace an oveishm, undershot, or BruHst \\ heel tliu! iil I MU as Steady us mv Wheel; or, . 1 “ ,!i “ ,VH 8530 io any one who will produce n\\ hrd I jf a,lv son “ r kind, |> itcnted or not, that will combine,i I die same extent, cheapness, durability, power, spi-fjof I 4lin|).icity, so easily .applied in all sil nations, un.lsa uii* I r-r-aily applicable !< ,ii purposes end .very location ii o’ui “' ,l Si'-e foiitl to any one who will product ||liol( .isiss v\ heel that does m l consume fitly c r.l- I uiqre w afer to do the Saw big or Grdialing) loose who doohi can visit the < buy eta Falls Facin'’ I in !oi> city t „„d they will see my Wheel driving |] t|,rit I luitcbmcry wi hoi.t a t>i< rnnr, uhere u French Tnrhir f i I made in Ihe great city of Lowell, failed to do the had’ I ness nt alii Or, ifihoy will IMeasatn Macon’.ia I : county. A lahanm, they w ill Fee one of 111 v \Vbed* I j"“ -’t !, ' rt •-> inciios in diameter, under head ’of l, I “ i,! ” V 1” bushels of c.,rii p< r iioni. Ur. in a ,|,orl ] ! ‘mTvvi V ’ l ‘ l i:l . U i,,i, r ' s ‘I 1 - cilv, one ol J - “ f'ce is, 3f tee i m d-n my ter, grimlii guO to (i0 littahel* ■ M j ilo, ‘ r . w itii Iwo pai;s of (-iKiies. 1,, the State nl Xocfl j ■ j alone, the. >’ are 500 of my \\ heels, e rinding, saw ing ■ j and maoitfa(-tUr*g in a style never yet done hv any otli-1 :’ r , ‘H'’ 1 ’ ‘’ ‘lit .'nffleieni htad I can turn 5000 Sp'ituilra 1 uni 100 Looms, with one of mv Wheels but 2 feet in di i ameter. | BUf GINDRAT A CO. at tlie “ Montgomery Work*,” (la. who are miunfarttiling mv Wheels, will exrc.tiu* | orders for tlirm, at.d deliver tin m in mn place South of ! hie I’otmn-r, and furni-ii directions for J lilting llu-rn to | wo*s, wiih mod-ls, if required. Rosi-paid letters nd-. dressed t,, mP . lt .Minttjjiimerv. < are of Gindral A Cos. or place, care of (i. W. M’iiiler, lisq. will inrcl with |>iompt attenticM?* In nii eases w In n tin, purchaser i* not In 11 y satisfied with the pet formance of my Wheel* toe money will he returned. REUBEN RICH, Patentee, from Oswego county , New Ycrk Columbus. Ga. April 13,1849 ‘ 16 tlj COLUMBUS COTTON GIN Manufactory. f'&AHE subscribers, proprietors of the Girard C.IV Manufactory, have row completed their exte?*- sive building in the city of polnmbus, and arc prepastA to furnish ANA NUMBER of their Improved Colton Gins, which may be wanted hv the Planters in Georgia, Al‘ bania, or the adjoining States. ‘l'he reputation t|| fv \.' the propjieifjs em i} „ nnec essai_v t(* say any thing i * e w ?i recommendation. They are vvarrassUfcd % equal to any manufactured, and fn all case* Bh to give entire satisfaction to those who may try them. [rj* OR nr. RS by mai?,or given to ourrr* veiling fttttm ! will, in everv promptly find faithlul 1\ j ~,j io. TKRMS asiavorable ns run be siven hv it JUB V. T TAVLOR &TJm . Columbus. Os- A prill 2. lf<43. Seed Wheat. | ■ i OOD SEED WHEAT ran b- bouplit at ■ ! |jr WINTER'S I’AI,ACE MILLS. ■ , Oct. 4 l?4Sb ■