Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 01, 1858, Image 2

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COLUMBUS mgs, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBi- R 1. Our Daily. We discontinue, to day, our Tri-Weekly, and commence tho issuing of a daily paper. Ths step, ihe .u'j-jct of deliberation, perhaps ot resolve under the pr. ceding admini-tration, wasdefniitely determined upon who i the paper passed into the hands of its present proprietors. The change has fen induced by a due regard to our own iri te o-ts, the requirements ot tho times and the sug g. stions of friendly counsel. With a serri-daily nn i front the great cen res of trade and commeice i: was rarely our privilege, under the tri-weekly system, to turi.Lli our readers witn news . With the same means of inf< r naiiun, and others in ad din >n, which a daily issue warrants, our active and viglint cotemporary of the Su/t generally antic paler) u-tin information respecting the con dt i .n of the markets and other matters of general intelligence. We net and haid y to ar'd that the imi ulse given to iuq iy on those sul jects, by the recent anu greatest triumph of science aggravates the nee >s ity of the course we have adopted. We shall eudeavor to make the Times more accep table io the merchant and general reader—in a w otd, more of a neio.sp.iper, than it has ever been. Having already ihj benefit of a large list of ex changes, we thill cheerfully submit to whatever e*pen?B may be necessary to iurr.i h its readers will the latest telegraphic intelligence. Whilst this is onr promise, w e will s‘rive to make it to the i nerest of the merchant and the public who may win’an advertising medium, to supply u^withthe mtans of performance. Our circula im, now large in the scope of country which trades in ihi ci y, we are making strenuous efforts to increaie. Tne result already reached has < ustrippeJ cm mo.-t sanguine caicula ions, and azures usofu'ti mate success. To the subscribers and patrons of rur Tri W.ekly, we led sincerely thankful for the r support, and we hope, by increased effort, to ne i a still larger measure ot favor* The Daily will be sent to all who are on the Tii Week y subscription list, and the fir-t issue to mauy who are not aid never weresu! scribers tothe limes 65 Sentinel, ii the hope hit su h of cur fiiends wi 1 respond to the suggestion thus conveyed. For the sake of convenierci and better appeararce, we have a??umed to change cur name which was adopiel upon the union of the “Times” and “Sen'iael,” and will be known hereafter, by the title of our illustrious sire, the “Columbus Times.’’ The Weekly will be foujd on Tuesday as here tofore ; the Daily will be distributed early every morning. News every day from Europe. The new.-papersare now fl.led with daily com munications from Europe To enquire of the health of the Q ;een to-day or who has the floor in the British Parliament, wiil be questions which the newß-carriers can answer with perfect certain ty. ind td the effect of thus annihilating time and ovi rooming distance between Europe and America will have a tendency to draw together, as with “hooks of steel,” the bond of friendship and union between these great nations of the earth. 1 he old declaration ol 1776 is almost forgotten in the joyousness of the present and we feel like one people—a people living under the laws rf * U '- U , ut; and speaking the Janguage..f <f in R S - m ?* r *Tjired Milton. The ? well ws>i', rihakespeare aud rm- J >^.P rot i l ?u , iiYean kisses the countrie and Statesmen ar and the crowned heads of Europe converse, as ’he Philosophers ol Rome in the same forum, it is an august conception ! Be.-ide? the additional interest it will give to com merce—besides the glory wi i h attends so bril liant an achievement as the success of the Atlantic cable—the friendly and daily interchange of thought and sentiment will link together in the clw i 1 of brotherly love, England and America.— Tne memories ot *75 are forgotten—the voices ot Chatham and Buike, vind eating our cause, are hushed -the right ot search is abandoned and En g and and America strike hands on their march t > the fulfilment ol their own separate destiny.— So mote it be! Captured Africans,—-300 at Castle linckney. It will be seen fnm the telegraphic dispatches, that the hr g “Echo” was captured off the Coast < f Cuba, bv the U. S. man of-war, Dolphin, and is now at Charleston harbor. The Africans have been transferred from the Echo to Castle Pinck ney, where a command of U red Sta'es troop? are p'aced over them. 1h y wore taken from the Gtiiea Cost, and number thee hundred—two hundred and sixty males, and forty females, {fix teen seamen we e captured and are lodged in jail in Chitleston. liis said, they will eariy the Cap tain, tor trial to Boston—a pretty place by the way, where it cost the U.ii.ed Sta'es $53,000 to the fugi ive slave law, and remand the slave Burns to his owner in Virginia. ‘I ha crew were Half Americans and hilf Span iarda. The negroes are rep refuted as preferring to live io the United States than return to Africa— th it the/ will lie taken agiin—placid in the bar ra 100ns and sent ag. i.i to Cuba. We presums the officers of the brig Echo will he tried fora viola im of the laws of ih 3 United Stale?. Be i wi ie it to b? himaoiy to bring :hs negroes from Africa—believ ng that history proves that the Atiiean, when left to his owi resource s , will not advance ia c vi'ization—that h ; s fatu'ii-*s are imi tat ve, not itive, and *e will advance only when hr night ii contact wi;h or h >!d in subjection to a superior race, we would prefer having the cap u ed Africans remain in the Uu ei f tate.-, ihin return* dto Air ca. At ihe sami time we are oppo e i to ihi re-opening of the slave tiade, as a ques inn of politics. Illinois Crops—Politics &c. Frcm a private leiter recently iectived from Illinois, we are permitted to make a few extracts concerning polities and the crops. Speaking of Judge Douglas, the writer says, “he is canvassing the State for re-election to the Senate, and mod estly entertains the opinion that his qualifications are ol the highest order, and his claims second to none. His defeat would be hailed with great joy, and I would be p'eased to see him rewarded for his pa it treachery, but, as a Inst alternative, would vote for him in pref-rencs to Lincoln. We feel that the Lecomptoo Constitution reflected the voice of the voting people of Kansas—that all the f rms of law— ab ov > usque ad malum —iro n be ginning to end-had been complied with prior to the presentation ot the Leeompton Constitution to Cos gress and that Mr. Douglas was too hasty in opposing its acceptance and attacking the Presi dent's Message. Still, if the Administration men do not run a ihird candidate—Mr. Breese or Fitch— they wid support Mr. Douglas rather than elect the Black Republican ticket. They hope by this very eonci iatory c< urse, to smooth the last rip piings of the hitherto ruffled waves of party har mony. There are good, true, and staunch demo* j crats however, who have lost confidence in Judge Douglas’ fide’ity to his party, and who will not vote for him under any circumstances. The Le gislature will probably have a Republican majori ty, and Judge Douglas will be defeated. Farmers are busy thrashing out their Wheat. Various estimates are made as to the probable 1 yield. In some sections, we have glowing ac counts, but in this part of the State (Southern,) we will not make more than half a crop. The aver age crop will be about fifteen bu-hels to the acre. ‘I he rust has destroyed the wheat in some places. The Corn crop is very fine, considering the back wardness of the season. Not a grain was put in the earth before the Ist of June. It is now in tas st 1 and looks well and flourishing. Even-that planted as late as the Ist h of July looks healthy, and will make corn without bad luck. We have a few fields with roasting ears. The Oat crop is well near an entire failure. The The rust, seldom known to attack the oats, has destroyed the prospect of a crop. Few fields will be harvested. The Spring Wheat too,is a failure. The wet weather and rust ruined it. Fortunately there was not a heavy crop plantod. Hay promis es an unprecedentedly large yield. Irish potatoes in abundance and apples in large quantities- Soma of the farmers plant Hungarian Grass. It maiures early and resembles Millet. They think it wiil be valuable.” Fungi the Prouucerof Yet.i.ow Pever—A writer in a New Orleans paper says there can be no doubi that the poison producing yellow fever is fungi diffused through the atmo pbeie, just as the odorifeious panicles of arose or other frag rant flowers are diffused through it, and are known by their saluting our olfactoiiee on approaching them early in the morning. These of the night, irt this ease, have exerted a solvent power over the flower, the atmosphere for some distance around being filled with them in fev r time. But neither chemical analysis nor the microscope ia able fo detect such an agreeable impression on the senses ; neither have they been able to detect the subtle poison that produces yellow fever. Whatever, then, may be the cause producing the lever, one thing is believed to be certain, viz: that it is diffused through the atmosphere, and that whoever breathes a sufficient quantity of that at mosphere to imbibe a certain amount ol the poison, will have the disease. Periodicals. Leonard Scott & Co.’s, republieation of Black wood’s Edinburg Magazine for August, and the London Quarterly Review for July, are on our table. These periodicals haye a deservedly widß circulation within the intelligent circles of both continents. Their reputation isco-extentive with the means of inter communication and the taste for polite literature, and the numbers before us are filled with ingenious criticisms and other re sult of great intellectual effort, well calculated to sustain that high reputation. Commander of Grazil Squadron, Washington, Aug- 29. - Commodore Shub rick has been appointed to relieve Commodore Forrest as commander of the Bravi! squadron. Yet Sow Fever in Charleston, A&?.,?,9.—Thi-*) ‘ ,f P ye r ’ de yr“/ 1 deaths by yellow v n. in this city, last week, including Saturday, were thirty-nine. Tlie Cargo of Afx’ieaus Charleston, Aug, 29.—The cargo of 300 Afri can negroes from the slave brig Echo, were re* ceived this morning on hoard the steamer Gen. Clinch and landed at Castle Pinckney fortifica tions in our harbor. They are in charge of. the LT. S. Marshal. The event has created considerable excitement in our city. Yellow Fever in New Orleans, New Orleans, Aug. 2S.—There were 77 deaths by yellow fever in this city on Friday- YoungMcn’i C iiri*tian Association of; New Or.ens. New r OrLEANs, Aug. 28 —The Young Men’s | Christian Association of New Orleans, having or- i ganized a relief committee, and established infirma*. ! ries to alleviate the suffering of those afflicted I with yellow fever in the city and vicinity, call j upon kindred Associations and friends to collect ! funds md send to their relief. R G. Latting, Ohm’n Relief Com. Yellow Fever in New Orleans &. Charles ton. —There were seventy four deaths by yellow fever in New Orleans on the 29. h ult., and in Charleston there were thirty nine deaths by the same scourge for the week ending Saturday 28th ult. New Orleans. Charity Hospital Report. —The following is the statement of this itistitu ion, lor the week end ing last evening, at 6 o’clock : Admitted 406 Discharged 229 Died 133 Remaining There were 125 deaths by yellow fever during the week, and 78 yellow fever patients were dis charged.— Delta, 28 ih Aug. Major General— Mr Samuel Hardaway is elected Maior General of the Montgomery Dis trict, Alabama Militia. Opinions of the Press. From the opinions expressed by the Press thiougliotr the country, far and wide, it seems that the character of our friends, Samuel Swan & Cos., and the reiialiliiv of their Lottery institution, is ty no means problematical. Facts are smbborn things, and it is impossible to get over the mass of evidence m their favor, touching the whole bu6i ness management of their concern. It their ene mies cou and single out ihe first questionable act it would eratify them, no doibt, but they cannot do it. The Mes-rs. Swan & Cos. know their position, deal hoooratdy. pay promptly, and have gained a teputation which places them altogether beyond the reach of the most vindictive loe. La Grange Female College.—Declen sion of Rev. J. M. Bonnell. —We regret to learn that the Rev. J. M Bonnell has de clined to accept the Presidency of the La Grange Female College. We do not know his reasons for declining. The College course will commence on the 24th proximo; and we suppose suitable and satisfactory arrangements will be made by that time for the complete organization ol the Faculty. —La Grange Reporter. Among the visitors at the Old Sweet Springs in Virginia are Justice Campbell, of the Supreme Court; Judge Hopkins, ol Ala.; ex-Goverimr Henry Stuart Foote; Judge Withers,of South Caralina ;ex Gov ernor 8011, of Texas ; Professor Holcombe, of the Uni vet sty of Virginia; Hon. Win. C. Preston, and Judge Grattan, of Vir ginia. To the Editor of the Rome Courier 6j Statesman : “Where ignorance is bliss ’tis folly to be wise.” The editorial article in your paper of the 25th August, was written by seme person, who was unfortunately unacquainted with the law and de cisions of the Supreme Court —or more unfortu nately not disposed to state them correctly. it has been long the well settled law ot Eng land and the United States and Georgia, that up on the dissolution of the corporation, all the debts due to and from it, are extinguished. See Judge Lumpkin in Moultrie vs. irmilie et a!. If this will not satisfy you, permit me to refer you to the piece signed “Fiat Justitia,” published in the Times fij Sentinel of Columbus of t 24th August, 1858, and beg you to look at the authori ties therein cited. You have been almost as unfortunate in your notice of the decisions of the Supreme Court. It has been four times decided by that Court, nor is the decision at the last Term ol the Supreme Court, the first one in which such decisiou was made. It has not been in all the cases recognized by the Supreme Court, that at Common Law, tho debts due to aDd from the corporation, are extinguished by the dissolution of the charter, and this ia not confined to Bank charters ; but to all private cor porations ; Judges Warner, Nesbit, Lumpkin, and Starns’s, holding that this principle does not ex tend to the stockholders. This was held iu Lane vs. Morris, 8 Ga. Rep’s. 4f,8 The samd was held in Thornton vs. Lane, 8 Ga. Rep’s, when after elaborate arguments of morß than eight days continuance which closed on | Saturday night the Judges (Nesbit having left the j Court on Sunday morning) delivered their opinion on Monday mornirg If the argument was long and elaborate, the consultation of the Court is cer tainly free from that charge. In Moultrie vs. Stnilie et al., Judge Lumpkin and Starnes, no doubt, with the same mature de liberation o:i the principle of “ stare decisis’’ did decide (Benniog dissenting,) that the directors were liable. Here your decisions end. In Robison vs. Lane, 19 Ga- P p’s, the Court did not decide that up<>e a dissolution f the char ter, the stockholders were liable. Judge Lump kin did, Judge McDonald admired the old common law principle, (indeed no Judge has denied it,) but decides that the judgment of forfeiture was not complete because no execution had been sued out on the judgment of forfeiture, and on that ground decided against Robisou (the stockholder.) In Moultrie vs. Hoge, 21 Ga. Reps. 513, Judges McDonald and Benning,(Judge Lumpkin dissent ing) decided that upon the expiration of the char ter of the Commercial Bank of Macon, the debts due to and Lorn it were extinguished;, and that the directors were no longer liable. This case was decided at January Term, 1857, of the Supreme Court at Macon, one year, and eight months before the decision was made by the same Judges at Macon in 1858. Why was no censure or clamor raised about this decision ? Because it was not in one of Col. Dougherty’s cases. But for him and lis associates, j who have purchased the bills at an immense dis count (indeed for little or nothing) Heaven and.. r* -d, . • -. la . | - I'nw* ijZfra?uiuaf TJe tuovcii, tne Judges censured and held up to public reproach and the Court itself abolished—and for what? To aid reckless spe culators upon the misfortunes of ihe unfortunate stockholders and help Col. Dougherty to make a fortune by the violation ol the laws and the commission of an offence that subjects him to pro secution and fine and imprisonment at the discre tion of the Court* For Judge Benning, he and his friends have no fear. Truth ia mighty and will prevail. The people of Georgia are honest and generous, and when they know the truth* will protect an upright man and an honest and fearless officer. C. The Captured Africans. The Key of the Gulf\ (Key West .) pub lishing an extra, giving an account of this capture, says: The prize had on her stern “Echo,” and painted out was “Putnam of New Orleans” The crew consisted of twenty men—half Ameiican and half Spanish. No one would acknowledge the command ; the supposed and probable captain—who is evidently an American —upon the question being ask ed, “Who is captain ?*’ replied, with the utmost coolness and dignity, “All are cap* taius.” The vessel’s papers, colors, and : everything calculated to identify her, or i those connected with her, were destroyed immediately upon the conviction that es cape was impossible. Cap. Maffitt put Lieutenants J. M. Brad ford and C. C. Carpentei, with twen y men on board, confined the brig’s crew in double irons—except the supposed captain, who, was taken on board the Dolphin, where he now is in double irons—and ordered the vessel to Charleston for adjudication, for which port all sail was then nmde, and the two vessels parted company. Two sick passengers— against whom there was no proof of complicity—were ta ken on board the Dolphin and put ashore at this place. This is the first slaver captured by an American man-of-war, and the prize with slaves sent to a United States port ; and it cannot fail to create com-iderable excite ment at Washington, aud indeed through out the country. The prize had on board when taken, about tfree hundred and thirty Africans, mostly young—none of whom were over thirty-five years of age; and there was evi dently several births on the voyage. More than seven-eighths of the slaves, male and female, were iu a nude state. They were confined to the deck in a fitting posture— “spoon fashion.” Originally, there were 470 taken on board, ot which number 140 had died. Among the incidents of the capture, we learn, that the night before that event, the; vessel being within about eighty miles of j the port of destination , a grand champagne “blow out” was had on board in anticipa tion of soon successlul'y completing the voyage and fingering the proceeds—of which we are informed each of the crew were to receive §9OO, and the owners ex pected to clear §130.000; but before they had had lime to sleep off the effects of their j potations, the* Dolphin hove in sight at daylight, much to their surprise aud cha grin. Also, during the chase, when it was thought by the slavers that their vessel was distancing the Dolphin, thev again indulg ed in champagne, drinking confusion to the pursuers, leaning over the rail and howling and tossing off a bumper in the most approved and “don’t-you-wish-you •ould-catch-us” style. But when the last shot was fired, going betw-een her masts, heir self-assurance and hopes of escape turned to fear aod excitement, and after the capture, they expressed great astonish ment as to the accutacy of the shot, and asked “what kind of a gun sent a ball that distance.” . A Slaver in our Port. A slave brig, called the Echo, arr ved ! at this por. yesterday afternoon, in charge jof Lieut. Bradford, L T . S. N. Lieut. Brad ford is a citizen of Alabama, and Ist. Lieu tenant on board the U. S. brig Dolphin, Lieutenant J. N. Maffitt commanding.— Lieut. Maffitt, very kindly writes us, that the Dolphin captured this vessel, which he terms an American slaver, after a long chase, on the evening of the 21st inst., off the North Coast of Cuba, lat. 23“ 30, long 80° 20 ; . When first discovered the slaver was sailing under Enhlish colors, but per ceiving the Dolphin, whom he took to be an English vessel-of-war, he hoisted Ameri can colors. When he discovered his egre gious and fatal error, he made the most strenuous efforts to escape ; but a tew well directed shots from the Dolphin, brought him to reason, and he surrendered at dis cretion. The slaver, still deeming the Dolphin an Englishman, did not anticipate a search or visitation while he displayed American colors. Lieut. Maffit writes thet their cruise has been anything but pleasant, as they find the yellow fever prevailing wherever duty calls. Tne following is a list of the officers of the U. St lit s brig Dolphin : J. N. Maffit, Lieutenant Commanding. J. M. Bradford, Ist Lieutenant. E. P. Williams, 2d Lieutenant. C. C. Carpenter, 3d Lieutenant. J. M. B'xwne, Passed Assistant Surgeon. A. F. Crosman, Acting Master. From Lieut: Bradford we learn that the Echo had 318 Africans on boarl when cap tured—twelve have since died, and the ba lance are suffering somewhat from dysen tery. Suspicions were ti:st excited by the Echo’s suddenly hauling off from the coast, and upon the firing of blank cartridges, hoisting the American flag. The Dolphin then gave chase, and proving herself the better saiier brought the Echo to. Lieut. Bradford, with a force of sixteen men, boaided the Echo, and found her in the hands of a crew of nineteen men, Ameri cans, English and Spaniards, neither of whom would acknowledge themselves in command. A portion of this crew were transhipped to tiie Dolphin, who took them to Key West, whence they will be sent to this port by steamer. Lieut. Bradford, with Lieut. Carpenter, six marines and ten seamen, constitute the prize crew in charge of the Echo, and are now at quarantine in our harbor. The cargo, generally speaking furnishes good specimens of negroes. Our thank? are tendered to Lieut. Maffit and Lieut. Bradford for their kind courte sies. So far as Lieut. Maffit is concerned, who has heretofore brilliamly identified himself with this port, his, friends \yi l deem this ex al gea ag entirely re tuting the °y/miou which the Naval Board AVJnV.Ju' 1 of him, that as an officer of the Coast Survey he was unfit for duty at sea. The event has caused as much excite ment in our community as the success ot the Cable, and speculation, as to the result of the capture, the fate of the cargo, and the general bearing ot the affair, is great. Much curiosity is also excited, and many are anxious for an opportunity to observe the African in his native state. It is fortu nate for'the comfort of the officers in charge that, the rigidity of the quarantine laws will spare them much importunity and annoy ance.— Chariest on Mercury. Beviere on the Carpet Again. , A lecent letter of the illu.-irious ‘Zouave, Ri viere, to the New York Express, denying that he wore armour in his duel with Capt. | Maury, of Mobile, is the most superb piece of insolence that we have ever read. In ter alia , he speaks of his disciination to re fer to matters with which are connected “the ladies of my [his] future lamdy.”— Cool, isn’t it? And then he denies that Maury is entitled to be called “Captain!” Think of that! A thieving adventurer, cashiered in his own country, raising a question about the position of a citizen of a place which the said adventurer dare not visit. We can imagine how Maury itches to get hold of him, with a stout cowhide in his hand. But the chevalier will never give him the opportunity to score him— Mobile has seen the last of the gallant Zouave in his top-boots, red cap and monk ey coat. He is lost to our “commercial emporium” forever. En passant , when Riviere was in Sav annah, it was expected that he would pur sue Mr. Blount through Columbus and Mon’gomery to Mobile; at least people that did not know the vaporing scamp, thought he might do so. S—as we have heard—the young men of Columbus got ieady for the bullet-proof scamp, by plac ing a keg oftar and a bag of feathers, at the Muscogee Rail Road Depot: but alas! the bavaimah train brought no Rtxiere/ The Captain prefer: ed to return to the “Napoleon Hotel.” lie had better remain there, for if he ever defiles the soil of Columbus, Mont gomery or Mobile, he will be lynched as certainly as he is a low impostor and thief It wiil be well for him to remain away— even should he escape lynching<>n such a visit, Maury would flay him with a whip and probably takeoff both his ears. But— we are assured that when Capt. Maury fights him with the cowskin, he intends to be perfectly assured that all is right under his shirt. — Molgomery Mail . Personal Intelligence. The constituents of Hon. M. L. Bonhain are to give him a dinner on the 2d of Sep tember at Edgefield Court-house, South Carolina. The following appointments have recent ly been made by the President: Thomas Snowden, inspector of steamboat boilers at Pittsburg, Pa., vice A. Watson Redman ; J Grace, inspector of steamboat hulks at Pittsburg, vice J. S. Dickey; Horace Moo dy, re-appointed collector of customs at Osvvegatchie, N. Y.; James E. Gibhle, re appointed collector at Beaufort, N. C.; Jas. W. llhea, r -appointed surveyor at Tus cumbia, Ala.; Levi S. Lghter, surveyor at Cairo, 111., vice Jno. S. Hacker. The Hon Lewis Cass, Secretary f of State, returned to this city yesterday morning from Sfonington, Conn., and resumed the duties of hia office. Ti e Secretary of the Navy visited the Philadelphia navy-yard on Thursday after noon, where he was received with all the honors. He visited the Lancaster, the dry dock, and the receiving ship. During the evening he was serenaded at the Girard House by Beck’s Philadelphia Silver Band. After several airs had been performed, he was introduced to the large company pres ent by Hon. Thomas B. Florence. Mr. Toucey acknowledged the attention paid him in a few remarks by complimenting the mechanical skill of the workmen in the Philadelphia navy-yard. Subsequently, Hon Thomas B Florence and Wm. Badger, esq., addiessed the crowd in compliance with a call from those present. Hon. Isaac Toucey, the Secretary of the Navy, reached this city last evening, from an inspecting tour of the navy-yards in the northern States. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. New York, Aug. 30. — The steamship City of i Baltimore has arrived. She left Liverpool on j Wednesday afternoon, 18th inst. Her commer : cial and general news were almost entirely an ! ticipated by the North Star oft’Cape Race. The sales of cotton in Liverpool on the day the City of Baltimore lett (the 18th) were 0000 ! bales, and the market closed steady, i B-eadstufts closed dull and provisions steady. At London, Consols were quoted at 96 l -4 a I 96 1-2. ARRIVAL OF THE. NORTH STAR. St. Johns, N. F. Aug. 29.— The steamship Noith Star was boarded off Cape Race on Friday, by the steam yatch belonging to the associated Press. The North Star brings Havre and Liver pool dates to the 18th inst. Commercial. Liverpool Cotton Market .—The sales of cot for the past three business days ’were 17,000 bales, of which speculators and exporters took KiOO bales each, leaving to the trade 15,000 bales.— Some circulars report that the market closed quiet but steady. Richardson &, Spence sav that mid- j dling qualities had declined I— l6d and lower, i qualities from l-16d. to 1 Bd, and that holder were offering ireely but showed no disposition to > press sales. Liverpool General Market. — Flour was re- i ported very dull, and inferior qualities declined. Wheat was quiet. Com dull but unchanged Rosin was steady and Spirits of Turpentine dull. Sugar steady. Weather mid Crops.— The weather had been unfavorable, but the harvest had been weil recov ered. State of I'rade. —Accounts from the manufac turing districts were favorable and prices showed an advancing tendency. General New*. Queen Victoria and Prince their f&V&I fir ogr^VS 1 l!i rough’ ‘ Germany. The House of Commons of England have or dered the return of the I tnds in Vanconvers Island to the crown. A vessel has been put on the line between Liv erpool and Btitish Columbia. The British government have decided to send a corps of engineers to lay out and superintend the building ot roads and bridges ; the erection of Block houses for the reception of Gold, and es tablish a military organization in British Colum bia. The news from India is that an out break was expected at Indore (a state in Central Hindostan enclosed by the Gwaliar domonion.) Matters | appear to be settled down every where in India i although there are 30,000 rebels still in the field. STILL LATER -ARRIVAL OF THE PROPELLER, Liverpool dates to August 20. Liverpool Cotton Market. —Sales oi cotton for the week 37,000 bales, at a decline of id. The market closed steady. Liverpool Breadstuff's 3larket. —Breadstuff? generally were quiet. Havre Cotton Market —Orleans Tres Ordinaire were quoted at 107 francs. London Money Market. —Consols quoted at 96& (a) 9Gt. Latest—Liverpool Aug. 21.—The Cotton mar- j ket was steady to-day. Flour quiet, and Wheat advancing. GENERAL NEWS. A boundary difficulty has arisen between Fiance and Switzerland. The Government of Austria has decided to in crease its navy expenditures fifty per cent. The Btitish steamship Cyclops had bombarded Jeddah betore satisfaction was obtained for the re cent murder of ihe Christians. Eleven culprits were executed. Additional by the City aftimore. New York, August 30.—The steamship City of Baltimore readied th s ciiy this morn rig. with Liverpool dates to the 18di August. A conspi.acy had been discovered at Limburg, in Au-tiia, among school boys from tw Ive 10 fifteen years of age. One had been sentenced to de oh, and oth j rs to imprisonment. Investig itions Itd to the discovery of a formidable conspiracy wi h ramifications in fcusrian Poiand, havi: g in vie v a general li ing of all the Sclavonic po. u’a iian ii Auuiii to form a Republic. Advicas from Paris indicate the probabili’y of an expediti >ll agai ist Madagascar by the forces of England and France. Latest from Havana. Charleston, Aug. 29- The steamship Cataw ba has arrived, with news from Havana and Key West, to the 15th inst. The U. 6 brig Dolphin arrived at Key West on the 24th and sailed again on the 25th inst*, for Boston, having on board the supposed captain of the slaver Echo. There was an active demand for sugars at Havana, with a considerable advance*in price.— Molasses, clayed, quoted from 4to 4 1-2 reals, and Muscovado 41 2 tos reals. Vessels for the United States Avere scarce at Havana,'and wanted. European engagements can only be made at low rates. Sterling bills are dull at 15 perceut. premium.— Sixty day bills on New York are 3 1-4 per ceuU premium. APPETITE AND STRENG I H RESTORED. William Young of Somh Pittsburgh says: After having suffered severely for several days w ith a most distressing attack of Diarrhoea, I pur chased a bottle of Boerhave’s Holland Bitters.— It gradually checked the disease, and restored my bowels to perfect order. Before 1 finished the bottle, I fuund my appetite and strength return ing. 1 believe it worthy of the character y° u give it, and shall lecomraend it as such. See Advertisement. sptl—lw HAIR RESTORATIVE. The demand for tlifa unrivalled preparation f of the hair and skin in is beyond the possibi ity 0 f a doubt, and is sa'e is greater than any other H s j r Restorative that has ever been before ihe public. Tens of thousands of ptrsons'who were Lad and gray, and others whose faces were covered with unsightly bit tches and pimples, are now, with their glossy hair, and with faces comely ar>d (ai r to look upon, seen dai y promenading the of all the principal cities of the Union, and by ‘heir infl enee s; reading the fame of Word’s Hnj r Re torative thought, ut the civilized world B u j the trial of one bottle is more convincing than all we c mid say it a whole Newspaper column It does not dye bu'igives life, health andle, U ” ty to the decaying, lallit gat and dead. restoring a9 it by magie, that which was supposed to be invy. ocably lost. Head- nearly bald and o her* near* ly white, are daily being changecho their pristine beamy, and faces covered with pimpl s are ren dered as smoo'h as an infants’ and blushing as a rose—all by the use ot Prof. Wood’s Hair He stora ive.—St.Louis Commercial L st. Sold by all druggists in this City and by drug, gis's and dealers in medicines generally every where. August 21,1853 —w&tw2w. NOTICE. ALL the acoounta and notes belongin'; to LOMAX & ELLIB, have been placet! in ‘be hands of J. J,. SLADF., Esq , ‘or cohesion. Thwoo indebted to the Times & -Sentinel office for Job Wok and Adv> rtis iug, dou.t prior to Ist July 1858 will confer a favor on the late Proprietors, by promptly responding to Ms culis - Ju y 31 —wtwtf. BY HARBISOM k HITS. SUNDRIES AlTiilV ATE SALE. /♦A HMDS BACON (Extra Clear Sides,) ** / 300 Bbis. Rectified Whisky t:scper gallon. —” bh 6. Old liourboun V\ hiskyr 10 “ “ Moi.oiij.ahela “ 200 Eoxes Virginia Tobacco. 101) Boxes Star C nil ns. 100 Cases Cognac Brandy. 20 Cases Chestnut trove Whisky. 1 Cir, Cask fie French Biaudy. 5 obis. American Brand). 50,000 Cigars- assorted t.ranua. Persons in warn of any of the above goods will Snd it to tieir interest lo give us a . alt HARR SjN & PITfS, Auci’rs. Sept. I, 1818— DISSO .UTIOIXf. i ‘PIIE co-partnership heretofore existing between WATKINS A COBB is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All those indebted to the cone tin must settle immediately. L P. WATKINS, Sept. I—lm J. N. COBB. EARLY SHERIFF SALES. IXfILL be sold on tm first Tuesday in October ’’ next, beforetbe Court House door in the town* of Blakely, Early county, between the usu al hours ol sale.thefolowing propertyto wit: Lot of land number twenty eight in ilie filb d's trict and 175 acres of lot No 12 in the 28th district of Early County, levied on as ;the property ot W, H. Harrison to eatisty e'ght Justice Court fi fas, from the 854th!.District <4. M., in lavor of M.|W„ Stamper vs W H Hariiton- levy made and returned to me by a constable. ANTHONY HUTCHINS,Sh’ff, Blakely. Augi 31,1858- wlds. COPARTNERSHIP. WE have this day formed a partnership under the name and style of ELLIS & MATHIS, lor the transaction of a general AUCNIGN& CGMJIJSSIGN BUSINESS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. They will give their personal attention to the SALE of COTTON, and hope for a liberal share cl patronage. LIBERAL ADVANCES will be made on goods or other pioperty. DAVENPORT P. ELLIS, BRITAIN H. MATHIS. Late of Marion county. Aug. 30,1858. 8t COTTAGE SCHOOL. THE studies of this Institution will , ..T ."flpLe-be resumed on Monday, Sept 6th. The school will be wh lly under the charge of the proprietor, Air Ed gar_ q'he location Montgomery Camp Ground—is the most desirable to be found near the city of Columbus. The situiion is airy and healthy, and the very best water is on the premises Young Misses and lads taught on reasonable terms. Particular attention paid to the morals of the pupils. But a limited number of scholars will be admitted. For iurther particulars,call on the proprietor. „ . „ aug 16—w3t THOMAS A. EDGAR. References. —F. G. Wilkins, Mayor City ot Columbus. J< hn Johnson, Ordinary. William T. Holderness, Notary Public. Calvin Stratton, Clerk of Council. INSTITUTE. THE exercises cf this School will be resumed on the Ist day of October nest, and close June 30ih, 1859. THOMAS B. SLADE, Principal. August 30, 1-jSB. vv4t ‘JO KENT OK LEASE. —nmfmkmi Chartered Female College with all ssa y buildings and other con vflirßnf.fii. A gentleman, wilh a wile iiifiTliMHM'nlr competent to itach Music, could make handsome salaries For further patticulays applv to Rev. T'.C. STANLEY, Flat Shoals, Merriwether countr, La. August 21— wfctw4w Southern Christian Advocate and Havannah Geor gian copy weekly tour times and send bill to ti.Ja office. NEW BOOKS. TVVO MILLION-, by Wm. Allen Biller, autho ol Nothing to Wear X Mary Derwent, bv A on H. tdepbene- Tfn author <>f Fashion and Famine. Mdino.mui Rachael, by Madame De B H story of the < >rigin. Formation and Adoption of the Constitution ot tne U. S. by Geo. Ticknot CUitia. TheOruue of the Betsey, r a Summer htmhis ano ig the isji iierousD.;posHes oi tne Hebridees by Hugh Miller. faroer lor September. Codey’s Lady’s Book for Sept. Knickerbocker. Juat r.ceivtd by J.W.PEASR & CLARK. Columbus, Aug.26.—w&twtf. OUR CUSTOMERS WHO “ dontlike to be dunned,” will plea°o save themselves the mortification and us the trouble and expense, by paying up, or me shall sue out our claims, and close dll business connections with such parties. We did believe your promise, Now believe ours. REDD, JOHNSON & CO- Columbus, Ga., Aug. 7, 1853. wtltjan twlm. Admfnisrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sept ember next at the usual pi ice ot sale in the city of Columbus, a House and Lot east of saiu city, near the residence ot John H. Howard. b<-’ longing to the estate ot the late Howard, deceased. Said lot containing about five acres. Terms made known on the day of sale. July i3 —twtd. C. B HOWARD, Adm’r. D. P ELLIS, Auctioneer. aTGREAT BAKGaInT THE Subscribers, having now purchased the entire pio perty of the Coweta Falls Manu facturing Company, ofler the same for sale. Iti* ,) best situations tor Milling and Manu facturing purposes in the whole country, and will bj sold on long credits, and the most liberal terms. I’itles of Warrantee will he made. SEABORN JONES, PAUL J.SEM VIES, JOHN L. MUSTIAN, June 10, —wtwtf JAMES W. WARREN*