Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 01, 1858, Image 3

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CBUIMBUS TIMES.. THE CITY. ChurflSiei* in C ainmbag. The Methodist denomination of Christian* in thxs-City treve rimaneti a small Church m the low rf part ai’ the City, which was deed eat ad a few weeks since, oaT'Sonia Chapel” —They have aio n progress at fecnon a beautiful hnek Church tt ihe corner of Bryan and Troup Streets. The wail*are nearly completed and, we anderatam', ihe workmanship of the manor of the building it to be of the most finished character. A pastor writ have to hesetit ’his Church by the Georgia Coherence. The Baptiste have sunscriLrea $19,000 up to line date f rthe molding of anew Churen. It w?il be located upon the present oesuuiui site ana wiil oe cupy the centre al he lot. The face of the Church will he changed from Randolph to Jackson street, [t will be completed n handsome style. The Presbyter ans have purchased the lot anon wnich is -muaied .he ’msidetice al Capt. Schiey at the reraer it Oglethorpe and 3t. Clair streets ana will soon commence ’he erection of a Church. Ii will tace’Ogieihorpe Street. In addition to tie ar rangement for new Churches n the City, the Bap tists and Mcthouists have built neat Churches n Girard. Alabama. TUe Sew Xlridga What i# the reason something ,s noi Pone with *he New Bridge. i an inquiry we have grown tired at hearing. About twelve thousand dollars have been invested in that structure and or want a t an additional expenditure of fifteen lundrec dollars ft* aems destined to remain an object fii only for the gaze of the canons and as destitute oi all practical utility as if. instead at spanning the nver, it bad been built in the direction oi the moon. It was buiit by contribution irora the itoi ness men and property holders a the upper part at the City under the idea, we presume, that heir respective nterests would be promoted ‘heresy . W ien the chiel difficulties naveoeen surmounted and the anticipated results are within their grasp,a saint of “masteny-inaciivity ’ Hiddeniy arrests fo enterprise and threatens to convert the outlay into dead, unproductivecapital. Anew business season mens to-day and we bops he red-eiion veil excite anew interest n ’his matter which will pusn forward the woTk to a speedy comoienon. fw Arf-v^rtiaemeuta Pfesara. Harrison * P’.tts atfer tor saie sundry ar ticles winch should aot be overlooked. Messrs Watkins and * iouh. t wiil be -en. lave dissolved copartaership 9ee3ar!y county Sheriff’* foUte. Hoinden i Express. Wears naemea ;o Hr. Charles Marsn of Htnndin'a Express office n this City for late .Memphis papers. Religious Meeting.—There a a Prayer Aloe tug ieia jvery morning at 8 > dock, it be Me hoaist Church. fi ai far Camuterciai fiecatj Co uzatßtra r.r.MES Qfraras, Sept. I, ‘53. COTTON —The aaiea oi yesteraav, we quote at u r it to ri i *. &Ri) E3T S-taffET 3A ‘ON.—Taere si ail •supply oi Bacon n bis marKel. We made the quotations: Clear lfi; Sh eiders 3c L \R ).—la barrels 14 ~ Rags _6c. 3U tAR.—S id it retail oniy- Brown .2 a Vi l 2. Cm hsa 14c. CP ‘PKE— uapiv unpie. Ala, 13 to 14c. -a guvra 15e ; Java, ’22e • CO v.N.—duppiv light. Demand imuea. 10 o S' T c. BA. rGlNG.—lndia dJe. H> 19c. ROPE.-Of to 10c. SALT. —1,30 per sack. MACRERiSL.— No L n baif obis #3,00. .No 2, in bbis 314 00. hail bbis 3d,00. No 3, hail bins 37,0) SYRUP.—In bbis 45s,in haif bbis sbe- CANDLES—Starr2B to 30c. Suerm iuc. Patau pQ.i. RIDES.—IO ta 12ic. Marketa. New Oki/caes. Aug ‘id —Sates oi cotton to day 1800 baiee. withs him marset. CHARLESTON, Aug. 30.—Sales'oi Cotton pasttnree business days 900 oaies. Miaaiing I2f cents. JAZZIZJ- Ia Tarreil, crump* on foe filth ait., by lev TaomasSoe.ghuSen .Stephen .1. Griffin met Mim Susau u. Speigat. daughter an Taos. L. Spaght. Near Smuhviile, jn Sumter county, ay Rev. D. Hays, Darnel C. Bivin* and Vliss Elizauetn A rl*rsn. daughter ol J nines Viarth of Sumter coun ty. (MUTUARY. Died, in Marietta, Georgia, on the morning oi :he 24’fi August osi, in the 34m year ai uer age. Caroiaxe vi. Martin, wire at and. Y. Mama, Lsq , al Columbus, aud daugnter al Pleasant and Mnunia Beumug. Her disease was Consumpuon. and aer anger g condition, or mouths prior *.o aer dis-oiu an, mni aeon borne with equ-uunity and composure, r and stiou and m some measure mve iirepared aer Ik oilv and Inends vor the sad result, aut anil t ‘urns with a -naming, w> tiering etteci. aid aught h-in iow vain aim nerteciuai ail their ire larauons. tier’s was indeed one ai ’he purest apirits dial ever haled tma earth lk. <tw per well. Her Kiudnaas ot Heart mav lave been equaled, for devouou to aim iy and menus. ier a.otaole andaait wentwangdisposm a wrereaouoi ess snarea av ainers, is seldom ‘.hat we fiua ill these qualities concent!med and nicaaea into ane buiiiaut wnoie, ana diiFusmg heir refulgence ipan a -mgie nean. ffiieaied caimiy aud peace fully, wi.nail the consolation neeJinsfiau ei gion could ait rd, ana iu the onridcai aopa oi eiernal Ida. Her ast iiours were ineered jv he presence ui an affectionate ißtniiy, ana nemos ana relatives, wno aid a.i mat alfection could suggest, to -oome he auguisa al aie s last - me But ri.e - gone rom eartu ’orever, ana aow while we med tie ear ot sorrow iver ier iew grare, let as (contem plate near as having fuihilea the duties aiiotu-a o :ier m earth, aud laving reached that everlasting ana baopv uorae, where u*rimmortal sjnm = occu pying .xs aeservea rugn position among foe -amu ji gi foe presence of God. She .eaves in affectionate uusnauu and six motneriese enuuren. wno nourn ier .oss with the atens -t grief- May let irnve ui instinctive monitor .o hun viio .eeia aer osa most omu-ibiv; and nay God !nto ma acwrt foeciinsuan aim H suomission m iier tbaead oereavemeut. 3. DIED, >a this cny, in VVeuiiesuay —th .Au gnat. Matt? Sctteh. Noels, aaugnier of Mr Frauds A 2iouie. aged 10 years iaa3 momh Thus has death again invaded foe sacctny oi the launiy circle, ana withered with ins icy art ath. ane tne sweet Bowers of i-snn ; iliustrating tc* mud that no worth or ioveiiness ai euaracier, i j jx-inptbtom Oisaad ravages; ao las soot rang u endearing that ae may not areas ’.hern, ana at beauty so laeung hat :ie cannot aue. No picture of innocence and purity on eartl can eauai foai ala sweet ottie girf. .meontamina ted with me evil mat is ,n foe woria—a type o the urinne wrteeuau ai Heavrai. Luftie Mar was ail ’ht could render ciuidhood maiming— pare being who mraua from the mde toacn o aaith—the .enure of whuae sweet lie was so :rai and biief, that the first riane storms of neknees wnberei her bngnt prospee ain a day. Fair pint, ihou art now ar inviug—and we wouia. not lor die world call thee sack-—<he gracious -miles ni Sbm. i wna n the tuiinesß at ms io%'e., “-uffir littie ! children to come into me ami forbid ’hem dot, ; for at eh a the kiDgaora of Heaven. 1 ’ “Cairn on the boanrn of thy God, Bngat rp?t then now; E’en while in earth rhy tootstepa trad tils was am thy brow. Dost to it= narrow house oeneath Soul to its prace an hign! Thev that nave seen thy look n oeaib. No more may rear to die. ’ F- A CARD HA TI N G withdrawn from the irm of HUGHES DANIEL & CO., L eheeriuJly , recommend Uiem to ail our lormer patrons, and he pupiic generally. JOHN R. EASTHA.M. THE Suoserioers wiil continue under the ame name and nvie—a general STOEAG-i ACSITuSS AT THE FO.VT.VLVE i LOW ELL “ra2-?aoo? WAa2Hous23. Thankful for be past iberar oaironage of “’ii Inetias. we solicit ts continuance, ind pledge our noivi.-iiai exemons to p ease all who may entrust heir oufiness to is. We are prepared to grant isuai i&ciiitias to or c-iMunittjs. hughes, Daniel t co Wg. H. Hrairts, W'i Dam il, W:a. C. ioixiEs. Aug. 5. tt Tiablma w aaisqtss. COLUMBUS, GA, t LLEN CA.MaX laving purenasea the *r\. no-rest if B. A. Borshv n the above well known FiiH Proof Brick Wuretiouf<e, would be glad to hurald tnends.and patrons it he>r iew uiace n business, where hey ormea t co-partnersnip vuh J, V Xing, under he isms ana -vyle of Kara alien ± camaz. or the *m.n?act!on if a general Storage mid C'mnini.H-iiin Basiiu**)*, Roectai attention laid to he Sale of Cotton ind Prouuce, and the tteeeiving and Porwaraing Merchandise consigned to our care. Liberal Auwauces mane m Colton n -tore or or -.moment to our rienus n Savannah, Charles ton, New Y >ra or eisewn^re. Bagging ma Rone urnisneu our lustoraers at market prices. We solicit’ a -mare of public patronage, and pledge jureeives, by close attention to ousicess to merit t. * 1, W. XING, A. vj. ALLEN. THOS. U A MAIL THE maersjgned. n auring rom he ‘.Vare louse DUHiaeee. aae s great pleasure n rt commanuing :o ns rienas i pominuanee it avor and patronage o he irm. Signau i .3. A. SORSBY Commons, auiv *3, 1858-wtwdm. Cr SEOWOO daTrayT WARE HOUSE A\D CUIHSMOH f MERCHANT S- C O jl* L AI B L S, (dr A. \ THE maersignea have . rmed z 10-pannersnip maer he inove^g^^ iinii tor the transaction ai x generr., -Vare-iiouse ina Commission Business hi- • :y - ne long exprnenci. •>. ‘u ‘rreenwooa in the ate irm at Greenwood fc Cos.) and Ylr. Gray m she aie irm at Stewart, Gray dt C 0.., they Baiter themselves they v ii Pe able, by giving their undivided and perrcnai alien non to ail uusi iers mirusted o their care to give general aciion. They wiil oe regularly sapphed with he at eat toieign and domes"c t,;ei iigence. vnren wiil always oe at he remee it heir aairons. The isuei CAciH AD V LN’CEb wiilbe matie. anu Baggiug. tloxje ana 11 her goods umisheu when desired. S. S. GRSEN WOOD- W. C GRAY. Commons, fuiy 3. 1858—.wTw3m. DissctUbioii of r irtnersiup. THE irm at XING < s thi3 lay iissoivea jv mutual .lonsent. Tbo=e wving demands against he irm os veil as those nueot ed ‘o it, wiil please pall on 3 A. Soreny or nem, at the Alabama Varehunse. who a hereay authorized to settle *he ’anae. Ji;HN W. LING. June 25 —wtwtf. 3. A. SKJtiSBY FOR SALE. A T i GELE i T 3ARG Al V THE ate -estcence of Jr. Tayior, coin- Gaij praiog a veil finished .louse of o rooms, v 3 ina wide hail, vuh gas □ each, aesiaes aiosets ana cellar amine ouibuiiaings. nciudiug stauio and carnage house; tu acre oi ground run ning troin Broad to Front Street, with* well, arge garaen ana aeautiiui trout yard liled with dumb- ma lowers —one n n )est m provea and most lesirauty -uua:ea residences n he city. Tate* moisouted. ?osseaaion given first of Oct oner. the etore ao use occupied pv viessrs. tleoa. Freer j& Co.—one oi the best iocations n he cur for a heavy grocery buainesa Aiso. “wo ’acant lots adjoining ana lorth oi the i ts*, aoove. PAUL J. SEhiMES. ,5 June. 1854—wrvvrt Land Lad Sasidemie far Sa^e. 4-in, THE siiDscriber iiters or sale 320 acres Is-gj of goal Forming nree ana l aait J 1 : miles ‘cuih vest at Caiumnus. Li., a Russell county. Axa. It son “he road eauing rom Girard to >La. Abercrombie a. There me mom one mndrea ana orty acres n cuitivaiion, the oaiii ee aeavily imbered vuh mixed growth. Tile residence ;s anew mined louse, vuh six moms and rour fire places. There is t gooa •verseers louse an ihe piantauon, ma x. verv iae ieieiiuou >i nut res xt ooih —ttlemems. — This severy wav i oesxraoie piace or a man. vho v -oes to do n Golumt-as ana ic-ep ns amily n the country. For urther pamcuiarapsee me in ha Plantation. JuiytJT—wtwu 3. A. THOMI GREAT B KG ADD [WILL -ufer pnvateiv aetween now and he first of October next, TWO PLANT A TIONH, •n the Chattahooeuee River, mmeaiateiv cn he Girara ma Momie R. R-. withm twenty .mnutee iae ai fue city at Goiumbns. T!ie wo mc’s aajoin eaen oiher. both containing loom three ’unared acres rf R.ver bottom, and the _ pst veil imuered. There s:n each tract aoout aO acres U s without aoum the deaithiest locality :n foe South. Each oiace aas buddings :tpn f, vuh •xceileut mineral water. One Jiaee can e pur— •ha&ed ir >.- th togeiher .o suit buyers. T-rms cas . T lose wismng to purchase will ip well o call car; in tie subscriber—or .he oremises viil jot ic or -<aie ater the first at’ ‘retoner next. Both aisces ire n a nun state ot cultivation. Aopiv o W N. Huicnuas umv xuseace. Mx.y 25—wtwt J. pQX. Land in Chattaiioccliee Cuunn. The ?ahscnber odfera nr -aie Lot IS3 n he 7!h )ie*nci. anu iravtion -l in he 3d District u Jiatxa acochtse coumy. Formn her particulars A.T. Dmonso, oi a ratals, tin. aianll—wfni wlw ■ A. J 4 MII.LSH. .Ydre’r S. 5. STgjJPFTILI ; ATTO 3 3TB Y AT LAV", 3LARELY, EARLY CGL'NTY, GA. 1 mf* TO ROT. jESk FRO M ?he Ist Oetobemext, Free; Romr !n Warren’- Yrcaae, Apniv at this office. Jury 29, 1858—xvtt for aor. TENEMENTS—one m Hroac | street.-liable as a Buaraing Houses i Aug. 19—iwn. L. I*. DOWNING. To Rent, PJOM;t •Irtoner next, ‘he Store at nreeenl oe eopiea ay and, U. sl A. Amra. ta Warren a -\xcjiae. Knquire ai ttxiE .fEce iuiy 41—>wtu TO RE.NT. F'ttO I me first of Octooer next, he City Hotel, near the Mamet Rouse. Apple to ? GriTENGER. July 3—-w&n Tanixn’a-oid Btam- T 0 HUE. i Negro V!an who 3 a good Hotel Cook. \xDiw it his office o 3. R. FOLre} i Or JOHN BARS, at ihe OaiethorDe House. FIFTT 3EGAO3S ?i S iZD. WL„ RAYING made mr a'mncements tor 3m* :he Fail iraae, we aeeire o uurcna.-e jO ir Sixty Liksly jfsgnes. it go. a manxeter. eouajsuug ;; -oang men, women, plough no vs. ana gi l is, ’or wnom he ligne-t manieiDrice wiil oe paia. Ferstas la ving xegroes or aie wiilfinu tto sheir merest to give as a call. We wiil receive and -ell Ne groes on Commission ana no -rfoitswiil n -oared to mane -ausiaciory -ales, for those wno may aince heir oegroes in our charge. liberal advancoa always maue on negroes vnen tesirett. Cail at the Auction ana Negro mm of Harrison -t .mtts. ::ug2l—wtwtt 5Dd& >1 Broad Street.?^ E. B.JLRN ASS & CO. CCLYAI3T7S. SA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GHCCEHGii YaCCTISICtJT DEALZaS gflAVSou laud, land wiil oonsiantlv ceep. a arqeanxl veil seieetcii atock. embracing every article in‘.heir line, which are offered a.. .to rheir riendsanti he public, uthe.oweat uarKi-x price-?. rune ana e- ib. Columbus, dept- Jd, Ifcs7. w/txwtf. To our Cfistomers ‘ FHOM aua alter heiirsi January next, we hall adonu as nearly as possible, he *JA9H TJM. V ac-snsirr uasnu os ro ooree. F-om that lay ail articles will xe priced, as iasn. Vhere creaits are liven whien will only be -xxeua *dto those whe nave promptly paid ns > .an audition wiil lie made o be once named accornicg o he idle eqmrcu ay the purchaser. 3.3AHNAHD It JO. Dee.Jf, 1857—-Tetiwum . MaIKEReL IAA PACKGES. Haiv#B, Qaanere and Elts, i’ J* } ail uiunbere, or -aie xt imaxi advances ‘or Cash, bv an..U—wiwtl S. dAUPiAitD CO. PLAETIEGr POTATOES -1 . ~f|~j Barrels P : hk Eyes, or aieai =maxl idvauceforCaah by jail 1? —wtwu 4. 3.iiD4.'ißD * 80. U)m AID SHORT SWEET2TDF<x, | 3BLR. -slid laifabia. Choice By- p. ii)* / 3u lihda. N G fiugar, ui grades, .‘or mie at small advances or Caen, by liS— v . E. BaRNARD dk 10. mGY ST. LOdlS ¥ti) UR. 4 CA 3LRRELB F'anters’a Egtra Cm on, ana tU Diamond Brands, :or , 3ale at -maxi advance for Cash, jv iauib—twtf 2. BARNARD 4 CO. PALACE JLUcI GGNoT.ANT suppiv aeot an .iana, and - V ;or taxa it Mill onees. or Cash iy fau. 18—wtwtf Z. JdiLNAiiD c CO. cigars direct upoaTAnos. tbit 3i XES Havana ‘.iyaae oi -anon# brands or I'M; ale at unaii advances or ash by •iamb—wtwtt 3. 3/tRN.\RD x .’O. FOR SAIT PB.ICE <4 jOU n wo payments, “he piauta | ’ton on winch be -uuscriber reside*, -itiiateon .be -ouih ?id: oi BineCreek. n ihe afiuuty ol’ Harty. idioinn g .anas i .ueye Volte. An. looper, ana Beni. Joini r. containing h>3 acres, t.s wed mprov eu. ana bas ail ‘be bnildii ys xsnai m a 10U011 uiau* Tati on; ail new ana :n tood order. The crop wi’ be lie best evidence >i ts rp.llty. .'urn. uteuails. inu. xoca->i oil imtu -aui be uachaseu >n he oiace. dept.3o—wdt i. I JcLA-Y3. Blakely. bImIL i WE SMS. T j removed o he corner ormeriv ic* i- O. pied ov V i. lead. L Co-, air-vbv Veba ina SaoDiDgron wn-re hev wiil teep constantly on land, a well -eirctea sdocs il 6KOC2EBXBS, consisting n oart. of 3acon, 3sgging ana top?. Sugar ana Culfee, -uQUor?- Lc- Ail ii vmca hev otfer :at he owest mar net onces. Aug. 30, 1858. wtf rtVO months afterliate l mailappiy othe honors abie-Jourt of Ordinary oi ‘hattanooctiee emm r. ta.. or eave .o sell :tre lands oelonging .o the --stale of (ireen Bentlev. ueceaseu Übl.iN IiuJEITTON. bum—. Aug. 10. ;?n?. im TAITEIi. * GOOD LIrevSET TVORKMAN *eady wont ana ibesmi wages given. J. G. SINGER. Lump Kin, Aug 30.1853. war. TATO ALABAMA PLAATATIOSS FOR wo plantations for aie. one n tassel eraintv, A.a.. Ib miles firm Coiumma, G*., >i , 1.2(H) acres, dal) cleared, and one n Hour” reuntv, A.m, *u heChaiu.ura cnee nver. containing 1.300 icier, fob Aeared. 3uih good, veil mprovea ana jeaithy Those wishing urtber niarmauou an isil on, or aaaress ne at Oswcnee. Ua. C A. ROSE. Gswicned, Ala. Aug, 30, ,853. wim * HUSQUITO NETS. ~ - “'"cl Portame,Diasuc Canopy Fremes aua Neis ur proiemoa against Muaauitoes. Ties, xc. For mieat vanaua oncss bv Hay 13—twtf DILLINGHAM it DENcsON, ! w ® F LEE. DD. 3. 3EXTAL STTESEOir. 5 OFFICE comer of Broad and Randolph Streets. CGiumbua. T-eor;*ia. Oeeerntier TANARUS, il*sS —wtawtf X FGGLS ±3o3’ DENTISTS, -•tfies m Ranaojpn Street,near 3ioad, Cojum 1 iV’mhwj 1 ny. 3 P 67. wtwtf OUmiitiittratar’t §ai. SIPTLL oe at the Court Housedour n ‘he ff lowa af Biakelv, Early county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday n Oe’ober next. wuhin he egai hours at ->aie. Lot at Land. No. 278, in .he 03th ajwnct at -aia county, is ;he property of , W iliam L. Jeter, deceased, or the lenefit olthe leirs and creditors of aaid -state. SAHAH A. JETER, AuxnPs. lug. ."Id, iBoS. v m FREEDOM FLiOM FETOR ASD AGO:. I2nr*EEA3T SUCCESS THE GHEN iDi ELIXIR. OR 3outa American latidota ±r Xuariai is a mrc Cu r e and i’ rject Route to Ague and ~ v cr hill mu - ver. Dumb igtte. tnu lil Bilious Ajfectwns IT las teen thoroughly eeteti n ‘honssna? of castes, sime ot years’ standing, wnere Quinine ana ail he Dost popular remedies at the day lad aiiea. iut he Xiixir aas met vuh he most num* anant soccer?- never ‘aiiea to care die most obsti late cases-. T ie mauimuus testimony of ail who lave isod nr witnessed ts operations, aeeiare i to i>* the no-i extraordinary medicine *ver discov erfet lor the <j xiek and perrnanem cure >f Fever uid Igne. It iperatee ur i gentle Time and •tumuaut, gradually out “ureivj erjuiicutes every vestige it disease, and restores he svaem to health and -igor. It inparts aew ntaiitv to he blond, ana viil non nuuee he glow n health o return co he oaie ana -swarthy complexion. Tie advantage u lus metucme thereiore ;s. hat a cure Tiust be “adicai ana eotnolete: not -imply oreaKing he hill,by producing a ‘aew mores ston” icon he aervou system. without -eierence to the ‘aerations ot he malarious poison, which 3 a lowed o emam unchanged and renew ts attacks. iQiuefliatety liter the iits ceaseu o e? 1 he art’ficiai tisease—nduced av Utuiuine and nanv pther irenaraiiorts generallv ■ sorted to. TheGRKNADA SLJXIR acts di rect ir mon the Liver, Stomach, Kmeys, Pores oi the Skin, ana produces a radical -ure. It contains no ngredient the least nmnous to the-vstem,ana can lie given ‘o ia nlant a ,th perfect ‘aietv. It s vairanted :o cure overv case when ;aKen as hi reeled. Ail wno aeeti -neh i neaicine, will io well to rv he Grenada Elixir. It:s not on;y he oest but he oust economical medicine ever ntrodueed :or F-ver and Ague and * t Southern Remedy. ’r.KPARED ON'Ltr 3” J. S. tf£ IB LUTON L CO.. Chemists .na Grnggists. Columbus, Georgia. lua ov ail resnaetabie Druggists n he aU'.vanu eountrv. -uiv Js. tabs—.vcft' TEA ± FEEEIHi’ csaaißßaTza IaMSSTSISIOS SAUCE ?RENOUNCED BY EXTRACT of a a.ette r rmn a - ■ JT t.SeLi. 35. ‘Aeaicaa datleniaii. to 3 B THE A MAD ft Ac TO HIS BROTHER, WIJ tool sac ox. Wf . RCEsn f H .,, p ,. , 851 a::d *.TFT.iOA3LZ 70 dauceV aiitniySS _ -eemed n India, and e n b Lit l 1 Ai1.a,... i ny •, hemosi oal iiaole a? ell as ne most OF DISH. wholesome *iuce hat s ■iiaae, ’ THE vnlr rae-lra awaraeti >v he niyof he Jew V ‘rli exhihilion or roreign aucos. *as obtain ea by i.ea a. Perrins, ror the r Worcestersinro sauce.. ne ia vide sme .'•< vaich oaving .ea o minerona mitaiions. purchasers are earnestly “e. 4 vested o-ee hai r be names ‘LEa * PER Riff ft 71 .ire rapressed anon ,ne aottle lnu.'tonper. anil printed ipon .he :;beis. iota wholesale ageing or ihe iJnited 3tat“°. b H DUNCAN z .'*ONB. -05. drodway New York. V stockaltvayß n tore. .Piso orders veu or uirect saipwentfrom Hngiand. leer*—wly u ‘*p . Lie if fa i a . L and 3 ‘vjgE i HIE tELZDRAtTED tIOLLAtJT) iBMSDT ?0H c-?3FF-f SUL. UtiElSg Of THE KIBSETS _ /s.R CCVi >4 T •i ..AcZ- tt -t 7 AXni aTLSTj. IXO AC?wE. And he vanous iifeetioas consequent mon a iiscasea STATe Oir a Htl Hl~v EB. inch .is indigestion. Acidity- it .be Stomach, toi ckt am earrburn. Loss r Inneiite* Onp, n ue cy. .ostt neat ilinuano Itecfiing Piles. Ln ail tervouM Stbommai ua; Netmugic tffection?. . ms. n ams*” ns nsiacces row- nguiyaene- Pciai. .iai u others ifleolect i Poeicit-dcnTe. air sa >ureiy v-egei&oieoomp-imiia. pro^mreti <n nrrctly -cremiSc pnncipies.aner |the ntanner u to ae-eomied I lluca Proiessor 3oerhave. Hectuss >i ts -real -access nao .i be Zumpean 3t&u. te ntroduction mome anted States was intended non? ‘SDPeiaily or .hcseoi ir atherjanu.-caitered here ana here wer ne ace oi his migntvcoui:- :ry. Meetiug with great succt ss anu ne hem. now n erit Jto he tmeman public, ;ni)W!:ic|t!;at ts rviy voodertaiißooieiitai virtues must; je nesmowi -dg i. t a narncmanr recommenoec. o hose ner -ons cons! 1 rations may have iieen mpalrc-a bv tbesominuous aae oi udem pints, irotheitonss ai iifßjpsiion. lenerailr Lotamaneoßs n e&rt. it Mi da :s way iirevtly o he eai <n lie. ithr Hns md imcsenuur every ‘aisintr ip ;hedro..- oina oiru. and. in act, musing aew aeaith one ■ri --r,r n -r,e ivstem. 50TTCC. —Whoever xpeets .oand .his bever ve . be ‘isar nien: out to ‘be dcs. ve&ic ana w pj tea, ’ prove a ,'ratHui jomtUc oor ii i. -oeasea ‘f Ingmar *eir ediai properties. ciutioj: ‘Tit- -at poTraianty oi mi? oeUghtfui -invmr- !a? n need tons, whica .tie &aabi;e aouia to rd last ur naeing. te aot perMiadwl 0 o- ja h g• *e uni] jon aave-given 3ont va* 3o aiiU .a--*-- .iaivrtai. e Bottle will-onv” <je you iow ofimifir ar-nor -t s o all here mu., tlons 36 iy te 3O L K ?Ri)PRIETi)ab, BE3JA3CS PAGE, TEL i CO.. tsJTTTA iJT'J HHfG Firannaoeuista ind Chemists. FITTSHTTHGra. ? A i Farmse a Catania* by Brooiss ii Chapman. Ana Druggets Generally Jtaiaugnoui ‘heGlare, Hay 13. lSs.—wrw3,a SWAN A CO/S LOTTERIES! TBHnffFHAiSTr SWAN & CO., CONTINUE TO DRAW USUAL WITHOUT OTERRUPnON. sW AN & LC; gjrrH3lT3 XRH LEGAL. AH) Authorized by the Slate of Georgia. THE Late ATTEMPT TO injure OCR FIRM HAd SHOW N THAT OUR LOTTERIES ARE drawn FIARL\ : TH AT OUR PRIZES ARE P \.D PUNCTUALLY; AND THAT OUR SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE WOKILL The oilowTDg Tcneme will ,ie drawn ay 3. Swan ot Cos., Managers or ha St arra taa ttnv Loiterv. n each oi rhro Single Nnmoer .otteries ;or Sepiemoer 1859. .t tubUhiA Georgia, to which any they nave reniovea their principa. aifice, imuer me -worn mpenmendence it Coramtssionera. Class J 1 draws on SaL. 3ept 4. 1358. Cass 32 draws an dan, dept. ’LL 1858. Class 33 draws on 3at., Sept. 18, 1358. Class 34 draws on Sat-, Sept. 25. 1858. J S THE PL.U OF tOGLE ITISSaj jO.IMH) TI€J£J£TS, ->,4>.V FRligM\ teariy ane Ma -o Svprr ame aaLiii3rx3?iejS3rT TO BE DRA*VN EVERY SAT ,LN aL’G. i Pnze 0f... -RTO.JOO ,s . 1 “ JU.JUO :3 oO.liOb I “ 10,'JhO ia ID.'JOO 1 ‘ ... S,<JUO ia s,uho I f ‘ .... 4,dUO is 4.000 I “ 3.000 is 3,000 1 4 ‘ ... i.joo ;a 1,500 4 .... 1,000 is l.odO 4 ‘ . . ‘JOOare 3,d00 4 “ .... iOOaie - 3,JuO 4 ‘ ... TOOare J,dou 4 * .... aOitare J. 400 30 “ biHiare ‘36,000 bO “ .... I,bOQ 100 l2sare 12^00 •ISO 5 * .... luOare 23,‘J00 APPROXTrIATIUN PRIZES. 4Fnzesoi 4400 rnpros ‘uig to 470,000 ore 41 WO 4 300 30,000 “ 1200 4 “ JOO “ 10,000 “ 900 4 “ 125 “ b.OliO “ bOO 4 “ 100 “ 4.000 “ aio 4 “ 75 3.000 “ 303 4 “ 50 “ i,500 ‘ ibo 5,000“ 30 100,001 5,085 pnzes unounung to V ioie Pickets $10; .iaivea 95, quarter** 32.50 i. Circular nowmg he jmu oi he Lotteries vail oeaeut ;o any auedeairiugto eecive it. Certificates al Packager will oe Toad at the ‘ aowiLg ates, wmea .stne nsit ; ‘Certificates ox Package ol .0 v dale Tickeaa C ‘‘ 10 ..alt ■it £ “ 10 tiuaner fs*. giightha It la artier. -ag LTcketp ar UertificateN. Bacloie he money-o our -.caress ior tt.e ‘!cset£ or ,er and m *et*e*pt oi wtuc-n hey vil >e torwaraeo iy ir tmail. P*ir~haserß can mve cicketo ondlng a any tiey may aesicnate lhe ~ifi a irawa oum.j.:is am prizes vjll be rrv .raeato mrcuasers mmeuiaiely Aier ne iraw mg. -irchaßerowiil uieasewrite heir ignatures plain. ;uU ive ueir o*t -iSie. oumyand taie. 5e -i-TO trrtbat ivory Prize ,s drawn, and pava ne a a i wuhoni aeaucuon. All prizes oi ■•uetnoiuauu doilarcnnu under pale mmsa .tei; -itor Ue irawiog—aibe; Drum;* at h isusi r ime.3o davr. ill comma ieations -.trictly confidential. The irawn mates will h or warned o mrebaser* m ietii tely ater hedrr.wrg J nze Tickets casaed r renew ea iu other ticket* at other >lfiee. Orderßfor icy >,e >r PtcKagescaubeadoreaßed to 9. 3 >V T i.i a. GO.. air i? v/sc:w i ’) HN MA Y. Agent. Columbus, Ga. A iat oi :he riumners hat are irawn r rou he vneei vuh .he iraount o* he prize hut eac: me s miP.ieu to, virt ie oubiished alter he draw* ing iu each oi the oilowmg payers, New Or cans Delta, )ioinie Augusta ‘ieo. Cousinutianahst , Gkurteuton ‘itanuurU, A 1 ash mile xasette. itlania intelligencer Yurt ■V exiu Buy Book. vannu Beorziun. licti nona Bespat eh and Pautaing Miss Clarion, ana ~.itle Rock Ark L ‘~ue Jemoerat, Scunimc PROSPECTUS VOLUME FOURTEEN 3Z&U3 i 2?rZiI3X2 X. 1858. MC RI^kTYj V ESTORS. MANOFACTCREBis, AND FARMERIs, ‘T'HE 9- lENTIFIC iPUiRICAH .as iuw -eacneu ’ i ts founeectb Tear, mui wiiiemer apon a jew . ‘oinme'in lie Itb Aememuer. t s he only w eka i junlication of *he aina now issued n this souuuy • mu tj ms ave-y -xtedsive -rcoiaton :c ail tLei ■dates ol .he Union. It isi.ou as -ome ooight .up pose rom .ts itie. a ary. aostrnse wore on eebnic ai -cience: on h contrary, .t iu teals with the:<reat •wilts ifoing on in ne cieniifi;:. mrchamcaj ‘.i.-u -ii iu-tnai worlds, is to please ardinsiruc: ererv me. t ne mechanic or*artizau wiiti -ato mow he nest machine in or howto make my vansiancc sm ployeu inula iiisiuesa f the Rouse wile withes tto inventor wishes know o wriat ?-umg on n he sa*. j >i morovemenu —t *be|mauuiactun-f Dostert with vuh be limes, aim o -mmoy he less • [acuities in jib maineae—U t.e nan >; eiaurit mu -may wisnts o zeeo turns*-it ainiiiar with he ne progress maue: n he caemicati naoratory. oi n he louoiraction u eiejfrapHs. steamabipa, radroaus 6aper*, mowrs.anu 3 puraeaiia dwr latbinc* ■ acu ippiiazees, noth i : .esc. mu wai—ail ‘besetar* ’ uceratacan xef.:oucd.n :he9c:eatiSe Jmericsn|pu;d rot eisewaere. Hiey are nere . resented a a mdaoie mri merest!nz orrn. roapteu o hecoimireti.-nsioii i! minus in;earned u hemgner oranenfca •>1 scieace mu m. TlßfiS. One 4 ‘opy, one .ear ...3 2 )n* Gopy.-ixmonths Five Copses, six m mha t fen Copies, ax tß s TeaCopaee weive month3 15 Fifteen Copies, tweive nwnbt S Twemy Copies, weive rortihs zc H<e atone’ - must nail .ast.- lepasz .uaavanct. -r -cimeti’ • p es -em grauiitoumr :or msprctton ionUuninu Western money, for ‘‘amps , aten or aataseriptions, ,otters - nooiu e iireeted 1 :o A UN't v GO.. 2n Fulton ktreet. N. Y. dunn * are -xtenve- ftmc’ nprocuring .patents #or new nremions. and will anvise mventors. without cnarge, nregard -•> the novelty Jt htir mprovemeni.-. .ag2l—wit TO HOT. FRO M he l£t 1 Octoner next, :ha srge - ana -legant STORE unuer he blnstmie |-s§ii Haii. it present occupied ny he Novelty • ‘ V Iks is 1 oirmuire -iaiee Room. Appi y f o tames r. sveritt Aug b, if FOE SALE, [‘HEAP: THE Reaaence >n Forsvrh Stne*,. rear Bryan, iwmed and occupied by Rev. A. j Border*. U anpiiafi rbr scon wril tieeoia low and . an iberai erms. July 27—iwtt iJ, ?. ELLXft- TGOTTCE. HAYING diaoesed j! mv -rock of Groceries and Pro wsiora to Messrs. (GEITTINGER Sf BHRiNGER, I aoniidetitiy recon.mend them as worthy ai ;he aatrciaagaoi mv u imer custom ar*. WILLi VM RaMILN. ’pjoiamhus, Gu., May Hf 1868. GBQCE3JBS A3D PBOVISIQSS. THE inaerpigned lave associated ihwnsejv* ‘.iige’herfor the aurpos* ai transacting a ?e* erni GROCERY AND PROVISION BUrT NESt*. ai the old well kuown stand oi WM. RANfiLiN. No. 169 Broad -treet. OoiomMU? (*a. m del the name aud atvle oft GEITTINGER JE bPRINGhR. Bv always keening an hand a good ana cnoica selection oi every article u thor line, and bv iioa.-tan! attention to the warns of itie aid TOStomera ot their aredeeesaor, i;d io as many aew buyers ts may iavor them wiifi. Their oraeis. they w:ii endeavor to mem a libe ral snare al trade. PHiLLiP GEITTINGER. JOSEPH c-PRINGER. Columbus, May 18-3 in CLOSING >ALE OF SPRING & SIMMER SHMiaz DKVZOOW IT HALF PK£! LET ill acme md avail themselves of ttns rare . opportu any to purchase good, pidtv,. and honest madegouus at exactly ONE HaLE uiur regular price, and thirty three per cent less than v.- iaiu or them ouiFeivea. V • mean exactly what we aav, and hope.the eare ttnttwe .lave always -akeu to iiave t our bus iness .md goods come tuil up to our advertisement, will be sumuient to convince at least ail, who have to kindly favored ia with their patronage, that we are in earnest. Wo are now oileneg our large Mush ns and Berages at exactly one half our eguiar ;irrce. ’ hat *fo ;av—Muslins hat we have been selling- al 124 cents, we now sell it - 64 cents. ii .. .. i in •35 • 124 “ “ 374 “ 181* Muslin side striiJe.Robe a'Quiile pneef 1.25 for 624 “ ‘* “ “ 2 bo for 1.25 4 0fl!oi 200 “ ** “ “ 5.0a!0r2,5t) Barege Robe a'Quiile, price ,b oO ior 250 do do do BdtM'or4(l> do jo do .—. ,10.00 tor SiOU do ao do ... ~..12,00 for 6 00 Jo do du .......25.00f0r 12.50 SHOES:SHOESI Wo have in store a large stoek af ‘L-nts. Ladies Misses Boys'” tud CJnidretLa dfaoea. whicn we will sell at Cost.consisting al— Ladies 3 Edamoi Heei Boots, Colored Slippers, Kid 9iippers Jenny Lind Boots. Enamel Kossuth Boots. 4 C.iored Fat Gliopers, Kid R. R. Buskioa, Cloth Heei Gaiters, Fine ILa Slippers, Cail Slippers. ientG Corigressßoots, Congress Gaiters. Patent Leather Gaiters, Seal (Jauers, Gait Sewed Shoes, Kip Brogans, Patent Leather Shoes.Euaniei Shots(,LowQ.!iar ferod Shoes .aid a variety of Slippers. oiidren's Calf Congress Boots, Zuamei 1 Jenny Lind Boots Kid tieei Boots, Enamel Heeir Boots, Fancy Heel Boots, Paroda Boots, iieei Gaiters, Kia Slipp.-rs and Boots, Enamei Boots. Soil Have ‘his day received an entire new io: of LACS Si TENS LON SKrftTS,— nude ram *he dnest Wiftcn Springs, and which we will sell cneap. Other goods :n aur stork wil beoflefed at an* iisuaily aw pneea. TERMS CASH—NO SE* CONG PRiCE- Vry Respectfully, G. W, ATKINSON Jt TAYLOR. Next doorto 3rooii= 4 Chapman - Drug Storey Corner at Bioau md Randolph Streets. Coiumbua. Ga.. July 3, ’958. wit wk PRICES TO SriTTM HIES TT3:2U ELAOrXLES JLOf7FACTTTEI2?G CO. - \i‘i‘Cß rhetr various ett ies of Goods, com* 4—f prising OsN ABL'RGS, YARNS, FASH ION (or atnpes,; PINE-KNOT PLAINS, NEGRO KERSEYS, A U I'HE.aN LiNSEYS “ TRUCK FuR I’BOWSERS.’’ COTTON ROPE, JEc. Xc. 1? jaXLaTL? ADDUCED PRICE3. Tiiey nvne the soecial attention af the Trade o heir Stock wnieti .3 complete in •‘very respect. J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. Columbus. Dec. 5, :857. twliwti ?lst JAnma, COLCMBds. GEOEGIA E ihe anaer.-igiiea, have this oav purcuseed from Jaa Hamilton the Troy Factory and ■ tocit. mu. viil continue the ausmesa inuer ne ns me ir.d tye of Iroy Manuiacturiiig Corn-* mv, and will manufacture and keep constantly •a aaud, at vnoieeaie mid reiati, .kaira. 3edsteads. Wardrobes. Tubs, 3ackat3. Saxes, Tables, Bureaus, ma oilier ilouse Fumiahing aruclea. Ail orders odreesea to the t’roy Manulacturiug,Company vni oceive oromnt attention. JEFFERSON k HAMILTON, OSkpH JETHERson. JoHM 11. laOULIDN. JoiumDa=, Gu. April 19—wly. ij-rear Barpins T I Ls£ offering tor sale :n Pika f Ala*. scrct of rood Oak oi-.i iicKorv ana, iutersperßl with. ug ,-atioti pine. There ! s AOO sere* ,J Jiearr-u end. The place ‘b n -•oou . •umsion. with wo comfortaoie frame dwel mns.iwo -lore nousea, the store honats form it portion 01 .he village ot Moniieeilo) gin house, etc. will -eil all togeiheror in quantities 10 suit pnr chasers. i ,m also offering for sale 240 acres u the jna/itv iiliina. ureemiles rom bfonticeilo.about axty acres cleared. .. Forprticoiarsaddress me it.t*oTiliceilo.A>B j-fti H.J. WEST. FOaGALE. ai aifer for iaie my plantation -ituatea ■n C liunennuggee Ridge, in Macon County, Alabama, coutaming baLaeres. >0(1 (Reared. It ? mt 24 mties from Chunne niggee Female College, and 3 miles from the pre em ermmus af the Mobile and Girard Railroad* There ‘he place a most excellent Tamed gin louse, aew xegro iiouses. biacs -mnh annp, wood -nop ma ati lecessary out buiiomsp Also a. two mom og house, with a two ramed -died rooms ttac.’iea, an excellent well af water, and an abun dance >i macing water ror Acek. The land iiea veil ma i amicuaily heattbv. I will o,*ji a bar gain. Cmue aou see. L R. ROGERS, July 20—w2m Hardaway, Ala. NOTICE TO 60TT03T PLASTEES. WZ rue maeragnea, inventors ai :he Iron Screw Press, take pleasure in calling at* eat ion ;o tns Press, for wnten we aave abtainea setters Patent. Protn ‘Xpenence we are aatieriea hat this Press is not ouiv c:ubbe ai pressingeot* oa to he x-uax -*ze, out with a mail additional cost ofeoroiireeßion at ‘ne Gin to a rnza smtahie or -mpment *v ea going Th*coat:now or impressing .3 mm (oto JO cent* per wie, vmcn Tnairecilv ome out ai the planter This p-p*. sauraoie, .isail oi ts icarrag and draining arts are of Non, -imufe ana suitanie for negro naDsgeraent. Woaie maKmg arrangements ta ut up me Prcss at all suitable points for mspec ion. For unner niorrmrtion. aaaress us at ■Rsi— na, Aia., or D. A. Hohbie. Journal Office, Montaoraarv, Ai®., or B. C. Corbett. Cuiumous, Ga. VM. F. AC. J. PROVOST Aug, 4-wtt