Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 06, 1858, Image 1

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R. ELLIS & Cos., Proprietors, VOLUME VI. TIIE COLUMBUi DAILY TIMES Is published every morning (Sundays excepted.) at Six Dollars per aumim, in advance. Sev en Dollars if not paid before the expiration of the ye THE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES Is published every TUESDAY MORNING. at Two Dollars per annum,stricily in advance. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Rost Office. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements of five lines or less in either the Daily or Weekly Times, will be inserted at 50 cents for tho first insertion and 25 cents for eacli subsequent insertion. Advertisements exceeding five lines will be charged 10 cents for the first, and live cents per line lor each subsequent insertion. Displayed advertisements will be charged for the space they occupy. The following are the contracting rates change able at pleasure: WEEKLY RATES. - | Ml C/i O O li, No. of g a g 3 2 a a o o o o o —a a is u a sqre. sr - ~ ~ , - . - Ui rji GO rn uj 1 2 50 4 00 f> 50 10 00 15 00 20 00 2 500 800 HOO 20 0<) 25 00 30 00 3 750 11 00 11 5U 25 00 35 00 10 00 4 10 00 15 00 10 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 5 12 00 17 00 20 00! 40 00 50 00 00 00 6.. 15 00 20 00 25 00 50 00 00 00 70 U 0 7 17 00 25 00 30 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 H 20 00 30 00 40 00 70 00 80 00 1)0 00 10^.. . 25 00 40 00 50 00 HO 00 ‘JO 00 1(H) 00 DAILY RATES. ! I—l li C.J 1 Cl i O to No, °f | 5 3 ‘ 33 33 o o o o o o q>-s. ; | S S : S | 3 I . W 111 <n rt] W 1 500 700 900 13 00 17 00 2) 00 2.. 9 00 12 00 14 00 18 00 25 00 30 00 3.. 12 00 15 00 18 00 25 00 33 00 40 00 4.. 15 00 19 0 ) 22 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 5 18 00 25 00 30 00 10 00 50 00 60 00 6 20 00 28 00 35 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 7 1 25 00 33 00 11 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 8 30 00 38 00 46 00 70 00 80 00 90 00 10.. 40 00 50 00 60 00 80 00 90 00 100 00 Hales of Land and Negroes, by Adminisira tors, Executors and Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in forenoon and three m the afternoon, at the Court House inlhe county in which tho property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to tho day of sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must he given at loast ten days previous „to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Lana or Ne groes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must he published thirty days—for Dismission from Ad ministration, tnomniy six months —for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules lor Foreclosure of Mortgage must bo published monthly lor four months—for estab lishing lost papers for ‘.he lull ol three months—for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been giv3n by the deceased, tho full space of three months. Publications will always be continued ac cording to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. TIMES MO® PRINTING OFFICE, Randolph Street, Columbus, Georgia. HAVING in successful operation one of HOE , . & CO.’S CYLINDER PRESSES RUNNING BY STEAM, We are prepared to execute, at short notice, every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in unsurpassed style, as cheaply as can he done anywhere in the South. YVe have on hand a large variety ol N E W JOB T Y PE, and shall keep a constant sup ply of PLAIN AND FANCY’ PAPER, CARDS, Ac. Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, \vi*h promptness and despatch, will make it great- . ly to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, circulars, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &c. &c. Also RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT Blanks. Give us a call. This Department of our ollice is under the su perintendence of Mr- D. S. Porter, whose long experience and acknowledged reputation a* a Job Printer,are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will he executed wither ergy and faithfulness. \\*ehave now in connection with the office a complete BOOK BINDERY, and having recently secured the services of Mr.E M. Clark (lateof Philadelphia,) in this branch of our business, we pledge ourselves to give the most perfect satisfaction in the manufacture of Ledgers, Account Books, Dockets, Court Records. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank Books, &c, YVe intend not to be outdone in the style and finish of our work, in either department, by any establishment South, and that “ e may be able to make our prices satisfactory, we have adopted the CASH SYSTEM. Sept. Ist, 1853. R. ELLIS & CO. MARION BETIIUNE, A TTOR NE y A T t, A W, TALEOTTON, Talbot County, Ga. October 24th, 1856. wtwtf. WILLI AM TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cullihcrt, Randolph County, Georgia. \7l/’ILL practice in the counties of Randolph, Calhoun, Terrell, Early, Clay, Baker, Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. REFERS TO Wellborn, Johnson &. Sloan, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Georgia. All business intrusted to Ills care will receive immediate attention. June 6. 1858—wtw tl B. Y. MARTIN. J. J. MARTIN. MARTIN & Attorneys at Law, C'BXr/MBTTS: GA* ()lhce on Broad Street—Over Gunby & Daniel. Columbus, Jan. 9, 1857. w&twly. BAUGH & SLADE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COL UMBUS, GEORGIA . Wl hi. practice law in Muscogee and the adjoin ing counties of Georgia and Alabama. nr Office over Bank of Columbus, Broad St. ROBERT BAtTHII. J. J. SLADE. Columbus.Ga.March 27 1857. wtwtf W. S. JOHNSON, ATTO RN E Y AT LA W . C U S S E T A, Chattahoochee Comity, Ga. Gives bisentire attention to the practice in Ghat ttahoochee and adjoining counties, ap 26—wtw!y* MOBLEY & FARLEY, ATTOIt NE Y S A T L A W, lIAM ILTON, (i EORGIA. Hamilton, Geo. Feb. 4. 1858. wtwlv * R. A. TURNIPSEED, A TTORNEY AT W , C I J T II B E R T ANARUS, Randolph County,(la. HAVING removed from Cusseta, toCuthbert, Randolph county, will give prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to bis care. ap27—wtf. WM. M. CHAMBERS. WM. M . ROBBINS. J. A. ROBBINS. Chambers, Robbins & Robbins, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ETJFAULA, ALABAMA. YV ILL practice in the counties of Barbour, Pike, Henry, Coflee, Dale and Russell, leb I—wly HOWARD & WEEMS, ATTORNEYSA T L AW, CRAWFORD, ALA. ROBERT N. HOWARD. WALTER ll* WEEMS. Crawford, Ala., June B—wtwtf. COLLINS WORTH INSTITUTE NEAR TALEOTTON, GA. #THE Exercises of Collinsworth Institute will be resumed on tho 26th Board is furnished at §2.50 per week. Tuition @3O, S4O, and SSO per scholas tic year. Early and prompt attendance desired. For further particulars apply to the under-* signed. DAVID YV. SEAY, A. M. ) ,> : npi - nn i a j. t. McLaughlin,a m $ 1 ,mcipa!s - J. 11. SWEARINGER, Assistant. YV. S. NEWELL, Steward. July 20,1858. —wst. McCOMB’S IRON TIE. FOR BALING COTTON. [S now ollered for sale at the Alabama YY r a re house. The superiority ol Iron over Rope lor baling cotton has been so tally tested in the YVost a lew years past as no longer to admit of any doubt. Those wishing Ties (hoops,) will please send in their orders at any , early date, that a supply may be kept constantly on hand. The orders should specify the length ol the lies wanted—say 9, 91 or 10 loot, the only lengths now ollered. No alteration of tt.o screw or box is necessary for their application, which is simple and rapidly done. They will be sold at 8 cents per pound. Tor further information, apply to Juno 22—tw3m B. A.SORSBY. RELIGIOUS IJ111;ARY. Triumph over Death 75 Living to Christ 85 Methodism in Earnest, the History ot a Great Revival $1.50 Light on Little Graves. 75 Lighted Valley ~-5 The Guiding Star 65 Marshall on Sanctification 75 The Martyr Lamb 50 Dying Thoughts 50 Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer ;, 0 Story of Grace y 5 ‘Thought for the Thoughtful 50 itfissionary’s Daughter 3-> Christian Prayer The Hannah’s Scripture Poitions. Last Hours of Christ ‘*y Plain Thoughts •••••*•• ,;i ! The above, with many other valuable books, or sale hv • „ „ may 13—wtwtf J. YV. PEASE & CLARK. Land Warrants Wanted- THE subscribersare payingthe highest market price for Land Warrants. Call and see us. 1 J. ENNIS & CO. Columbus. June 27- wtt. PLANTATION AND MILLS FOR SALE. i \gr HAVING determined to remove YY r est ofler for sale my Plantation aud Mills in county. The body ol lands contains aboutl 300 acres, of which there is a considerable portion open and in cultivation. The mills (Grist and Saw) are in good repair, al most new, situated on the road leading from Co lumbus to Buena Vista, via Glenalta, on the Ochm Creek, are operating advantageously. 1 arsons wishing to purchase this most desirable place, are requested to call and examine for themselves, as sured that a great bargain may be had. During my absence the premises will be shown to purcha sers by G. P. Gordy, who may be found on the place. SAMUEL D. HARP, i July 12—wtf THE UNION OF THE STATES, AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1858. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR, PREPARED BY DR. S A N D F O R D, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. IS one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicine now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, [and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a cathartic, but a Liver Remedy, acting first on tbe Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the Stomach and Bowels 19 carry oft the matter, thus {accomplishing |two purposes effec t ually, without any of the painful fee lings experienced in theoperation of most “Ohathar tics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate do ses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one oi the principal regula tors ot the humanbb- ’dy; and when it per forms itslfunctionswelJ, r the powers of the sys tem are fully develop-(ed. Thestomachis al most cniirely depend-JUJi ent on the healthy ac tion Oi LheLivcr lor the 3 A) proper pefortnance ol its functions, when the stomach is at fault the bowelsare at fault,and sWj the whole system suff ersin consequence oitv^Aoue organ—the Llv er— having ceased to doits duty. For the disease of that organ, one of the proprietors has made it his study, in apractice of more than twenty years, tojCOjtind some remedy wherewith to counter- j, ,! act the many derange ments to which it;la ITl)liable. To prove that this re- meily is at last found, any person troubled fW! with Liver Com plaint,in any of its fw*forms, has but to try a bottle, and conviction 5 -(is certain. These gums remove )rf}\ all morbid or bad mat ter fiom the J supplying intheirjplace a.healthy (low of bile, ivigorating the sto mach, causing food to (r>; digest well, purify ing tlie blood, fII j giving tone and health to the whole machine-f “j! ry, removing ihe cause ot the disease.—effec- J ting a radical cure. lllllous attacks cured, [and) wlittt is better, )l_J* prevented, by the oc asional use ot the jfXl) Liver Invlgora tor. )i il Onedoseatter eating mjis sufficientto relieve the stomach and pref solvent the lood from rising and scuringi, ( t Only one’dose taken H ; before retiring, pre vents Niglitinare.lLJi Only one dose (taken Y/p at gnijEht, the bowels Igentty, and) cures Costiven s. One dose taken after (^) each meal will cure Dyspepsia. of two f i. * tea-spoonsful al ways rriieve Sick J Headache, One dose taken for leinale obstiuclion re move the cause of the j i disease, and makes a perfect cure. j \ Only onedose Jimmc- | J iiately relieves cholic, Swhiiet (LJ ‘ One dose often repeated is a sure cure for O bolera Morbus, r ‘and a preventative of Cholera. 4®“Only one bottle jr ;is needed to thio v out of the system theeffects ol medicine altera long sickness. bottle tak- en for Jaundice re moves ail sallowness or f\j j unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken aJnjlshort time before eat ing gives vigor to tbe ) * [ appetite and makes food digest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar rhoea,’.in its worst forms, while SUM ME R and Bowel .'complaints yield almost to the first dose One or two doses cures attacks caused bj\V onus in Children; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in’the world, as it never fails. A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the absorbants. We take pleasure in recommending this medi cine as a preventive for Fever and iAgne, ( bills, Fe ver, and all Fe vers of a Bilious Type, fit operates with certainty, and thousands are.wilUng to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimo ny in its favor. Mix water in the mouth with the Invigoratoi and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGOR 4.TOR, fs a scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily wor king cures almost too great for belief. It cures asif by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle isjrequired to curejjany kind of I,iver Complaint, from the worst jaundiceor dyspepsia to a common headache, all ol which are the result ot a diseased liver. Price Ono Dollar per Bottle. SANFORD & CO. Proprietors,34s Broadway,New York WHOLESALE AGENTS. Barnes & Park New York; T. YV. Doytt & 3ons, Philadelphia; M. S, Burr A* Cos. Boston; 11.11. Hay & Cos. Portland; John D. Park, Cincinnati; Gaylard &. llamrand; Clevelaond, Fahnstock & DavisfChica go; o. J. Wood &. Cos. St. Louis Geo.ll. Keyser, Pittsburg; S. S, Dance, Baltimore. And retailed by all Druggists. Sold Wholesale and Retail by J. S. PEMBERTON & CO., BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DAN FORT 11 is NAGEL, May2H —-vivvly and all Druyggisls. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE? STATS OF SO..CAEOLINA, IMIE, Aunual Course of Lectures in this Institu . ion, will commence on the Second in November upon the following branches” Anatomy .JgE HOLBROOK, M. D. Surgery - JJ CHISHOLM, M.D. Theory and Practice of Medicine PCGAtLLARD, M.D. Physiology J.4S MOULTRIE, M. D. Materia ivledica HENRY R FROST, M. D Obstetrics THUS Q PSIOLEAUJM. D. Chemistry C U SHEPARD, Jif. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy....F T JWILES, M..D Clinical Lectures are delivered twice a week at the Marine Hospital and the Roper Hospital, bythePhy sician and Surgeon of those JHospitals. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened in. October and dissections conducted daily - by- the Demonstra tor In the Anatomical Museum ‘valuable g additions have been made in models of a very large size, illus trative “of the more minute aud delicate structures of the human body. A valuable and interesting ‘collection of wax of the various parts of the system, in a healthy and diseased state,( has also been added. HENRY R. FROST, Dean. June 29 —w6w. PLANTERS’ WARE-lIOUSE. COLUMBUS, c; A , J uncial, 1858. THE undersiged return their thanks their triends and the public generally . afor the liberal patrenage heretofore bestow ed, and hope by a strict attention to business to merit further favors. They are happy to state that tiiev have secured The services of Mr. J. M. YVATT as Book-keeper, and Mr. \V. A. BED ELL'as salesman,who will be happy to serve'their friends and the customers of the house. DILLARD, POYVELL & CO. Columbus, June 29,1858.— wly. firetroof” warehouse. subscribers will continue tlie Commis- N^-]J s ion Business at the oldstand ofGreenwood Hardaway &, Co. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Cotton. Cash advances made. Bagging and Rope supplied at market rates. Also, a heavy article of Cotton Osnaburgs, Cot ton Rope and Mattrasses of the best quality. Y\ r e have on hand a few [of Giangers Magic Cora and Cob Crushers, for which we are agents. Aug. 8,1857-wlv GREEN WOOD & CO. GEORGIA, Clay County: TWO mouthsafter date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Clay county for leave to sell the Real Estate of William Toney, iute of said county, deceased. W. TONEY Adm rs. July 20,1853. P. LANDON, HATS’- fill? CAPS! HATS! JSB. CAPS. lO*f Rratl SI., Coliiinhus, Has on hand an elegant assortment ol Spring and Summer Hats, embracing SILK, CASSI MERE, and SOFT HATS, ol every variety, color, size and shape. For sale C H E A. F. Columbus, Ga. March 4, 1858. w&twtf CHEAT ATTRACTION ! Bargains ! Bargrins! Bargains! mm. YVISIIES to inform her friends, and tho public generally of Columbus and thevicinity, that sho is now offering for sale a complete assortment ol GOODS, consisting in part of— NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, from $2 00 to $2.50. -MISSES GIPSIES SI.OO B L O O M E R S , from 371 c to $1.25. Handsome Gausc R 1 13 B O N S, 25e per Yard. And a large lot of Swiss Trimmings at 20c per card.—Call and see. Cheap for Cash. July 23, 1857. w&.twlf. FOR SALE. THE Subscriber has on hand a few STILLS for •uanuu -luring Peacli Brandy or Wliis ky, which he wit ‘O very low. ALSO, Tin, Sheet Iren and Japan Ware, every description, w.ici can be bought at the low es rates. onenu sb 1 noth- and L/Zliberalterms. J. B. HICKS,Agent, julylß v vl Next loor below “Sans Souei” Rroad-ftreet, LIVERY & SALE STABLE. THE undersigned having this day purchased the Livery Stable Bipill Mr a® now occupied by C. S. Hart &. rx ir and formerly owned by Hatcher & Pitts, will continue the business under thenameand style otIVEY & WILKINS, and by giving their personal attention to the same hope to receive from the public a liberal share ot its patronage. J. R. IVEY, July 16,1857. F. G. WILKINS. HAVINGsoId our Stable, as noticed above, we takepleasure in recommending to our friends, all drovers, and the public the new firm, and solicit for them a continuation of the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on us; be lieving our successors will anticipate your wants and attend to them personally, inl v 17—wtwtf. C. S. lIART & CO. Beal Irish Poteen Whisky. Tli E subscriber is now manufacturing the real Irish Poteen Whisky, at hisplaee one and a half miles from Columbus, which he warrants to be pure and genuine, and equal to the best Poteen YVhisky manufactured under ground inlreland. Apait from its being a healthy and pleasant be verage, it is an excellent remedy tor Colds, Diarrhoea, Worms, &c. For sale by the bottle at Brooks <&, Chapman’s Drug Store, at Brassill & Co’s by the drink or £herwise, andby the gallon at tho distillery. mar6—wtwtf A. BRANNAN. Rubber Belting. YTTE have on hand and for sale 3 and 4 Ply YY Rubber Belting, 6, 7 and 8 inches wide. Also a largo and well selected stock of OIE©E1 S All of which will bo sold as low as can be bought in the market, by J- ENNIS & CO. Columbus, Ga. July 12, 1858. w3m Bacon! Bacon! WF. Rave nowonband and willbe constantly re ceiving, Prime Tennessee Bacon —llams, Sides and Shoulders, which we will sell at thelowesiCom mission House prices. Mar2o—w&twtf E. BARNARD & CO. s®s3aiTiaai® sal's?* THE HALLOTYPE PICTURES A. J. RIDDLE, HAS purchased of J. Gurney, of New York, the exclusive right for taking Haliotype Pictures, which is alittleaheadof anything in the way of Pic ture taking the world liaseverseen. There is noth ing to which they can be cc.npared in the art ot Photography, but bear a strong resemblance to wax figures, for softness and beauty of light and shade. Ladies and genttemen are invited to call and exam ine specimens. Artists who desire to learn this new and beautiful art, and secure rights for other counties will please call on A. J RIDDLE, Jolumbus Ga. Julv‘2s— Wliolesale anti Retail GROCERY DEALERS, ©l®. \vrILL ceep constantly on hand a welltselec ” ted Stock comprising all articles in their line, which are offered to their iriendsand the public generally at the LOW ESI MAR RET PRE CES. Give us a call. LOCK WEEMS. A. G. BEDELL, Columbus, Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf. TOPPING i NEWS PIPER, OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, FOR SL LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TFRMS C ASK. iunelfiwtwtf FOR SALE. r pHE undrsigned havirg determined to close up his business in this place, oilers at private sale, his STORE HOL T SE AND LOT.,Enon is well known lor health, morality and good wa- , ter. No village within my acquaintance can com pare with it for the solvency ol those who pa tronize the place. A reputable business house to a city might make it to its interest to establish ajbranch with a suitable, energetic head. N. YV. PERSONS. Enon, Macon co. Ala., Aug. 7, MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD. Change of Schedule. ON and aftcrjthe 15th July, 1858, the Evening -Vail Train wiiileave Columbus at 3.45 P. M. and ar rive at Macon at 9.18 P. J\l. Leave Macon at 9.45 A M. arriveatColumbus at 3.45 P M The Morning Mail Traiuwill leave at 4.C0 A. M. andarrive at A.M. Leave Macon at 11.45 I*. M. arriveat Columbus 5.35 A. M. J.L. MUSTIAN,Supt. Columbus,'Ju'y 15—tw&-wtt CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. iHftfiifi MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT HAIL HOAD COMPANY. MONTGOMERY, Nov. l'J, 1857. ON and after this date the PASSENGER TRAINS on this road win begoverned by ine lollowmtt SCHEDULE: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8.30a. m. Arriveat West Point 3.30 p. in, Arriveat Columbus ‘-’.60 p. m. Returning—Leave West Point li.3oa.rn. LeaveOolumbuu 10.00 a.m. Arriveat Montgomery 4.(0 p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.20 p.m. Arriveat West Point 12.50a.m. “ Columbus 1.00a.m. Returning—Leave West Point 7.30p.m. Leave Columbus 7.30 Arrive at Montgomery 2.30 a. m. Through tickets can be obtained (jo- Double Daily Connections) to Atlanta Chattanooga and NasnvMle, and daily connections to Huntsville Memphis ami Knoxville. S.G. JONES Eng’r & Sup. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN ATLANTA & COLUMBUS. 13 Yan arrangement between the Railroad Com- J panics composing the two routes from Atlanta toColumbus,concluded at their Convention at tfa vaunah on the 16th instant, it was agreed that the following rates between Atlanta and Columbus hall govern, taking effect frem the first day o* May 1857. VIA YVEST POINT. Corn per bushel, lie. \Y r heat 12. Oats 8. Bacon, Whisky Flour in sacks or barrels, per 100 lbs. 35c. Bagging, Rope Lard in cans or bbis., per 100 lbs. 45c. Coal, L Pig Iron, by car load, per ton ol 2000 lbs. $3.75, VIA MACON. Corn per busel 14c. Wheat 15c. Oats 10c. Bacon, Whisky, Flour in Sacks or Bbis., per 100 lbs, 44c. Bagging,Rope Lard, in cans or bbis.. per lOOlbs 55c. Coal, Pig Iron, by car load, per ton of 200(1 lbs. $4.68. J. MUSTIAN, President and Superintendent Muscogee R.R GEO. YV. ADAMS, Superintendent Southwestern Railroad. EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent Macon and Western Railroad. GEO. G. LULL, Superintendent Atlanta and LaGrange R.R. SAMUEL G. JONF.S, Engineer am! Superintendent M.&.W.P. Railroau. May 30, 1837—wittwlf. MOBILE AND GIBAKD R. R. HpllE Passenger & Freight Trainwill leave Girard A at 2 P, Aidaily connecting at Silver Run with a dailyline of Stages to Villula, G]ennville,Eufaula, Fort Gaines, and Marianna,Fla. And at Gueryton . daily, with tho Stages for Ucheeolivet,Enon, Chun nenuggee, Midway, Hardaway, Pero and Union Sprin s. Leaving Gueryton at 4 A. M., daily,the Cars will reach Girard at 7 A.M., connecting with the Ope lika anu Muscogee Trains. Duplicate Receipts must accompany Freight shipped. Allfreightmustbopaid before goods willbe discharged. Freight delivered at the Depot before 4 o’clock P.M. wiii be shipped the following day. Fieights for stations No. 1 (Fort Mitchell,) and N0.5 (Pc,sons’) must be prepaid. Way freight must in all cases be paid in advance. JOHN HOWARD, mar251857-w&twtf. Engineei & Buj>. CUAGE OF SUIIUOULF. SAVANNAH & CHARLES!ON STEAM-PACKET LIME. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE north Eastern R. R. of South Ca. THF-’SPLENDID AND FAST RUN NING STEAMER GOItBON, F. Barden, Commander, leaves Savan na 1 1 to r Ctiarleston every Sunday aud ll'ednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock, and connects at Charleston with the morning train of the North Eastern Railroad, going North. Returning; leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night, at 8 o’clock, (alter the arrival of the carson theN.E.K. R.) ami arrives at Savannah early next mornings. By this route passengers can obtain through tick ets to and from Savannah,Ca. and Wilmington, N C. Having a through freight arrangement with the Central K. Road and its connections, all freights be tween Ctiarleston amt the Interior of Georgia, con signed tothe agents of this line, will be forwarded with despatch and free of charge. J. P. BROOKS, AgcntSavannah. E.LAFITTE or GO, Ag’ts.Oharlestonfi Jan 15—w&twtl TO THOSE INDEBTED* ITTE hereby give notice that all claims due us, and T V not paid or satis actorily arranged, priorto the next return day of the respectivecountiea in which the parties reside, will besued. None shall be sligh ted. mar2o—wtwtf. E. BARNARD At CO. THE LAST CALL I MONEY WANTED. • THE subscriber having purchased the entire interest ol V. R. TOMMEY, in the Notes and accounts of the late firm ol J. ENNIS &. CO (which firm was dissolved on the first Oct. 1855,) would earnestly solicit all indebted to said firm, either by note or account, to call at the store ol J. Ennis & Co.,and settle tho same,or they will find their Notes and Accounts in the hands ol an officer for collection. J ENNIS. Columbus, Oct. wtwtf (THOMAS W. ®OB3 5 ATTORNEY AT LAW, PRESTOS, Webstar County, Ga. WILL practice in the counties of Clay, Chat tahoochee, Webster, Early, Randolph, Stewart and Sumter. Particular attention giv en to collecting and remitting. January 27, 1857—wtl. PEYTON H. COLQUITT, (-Editors JAMES W. WARREN. 5 Edltors * Army Intelligence. The military commission, authorized by the Secretary of War to adjust certain dit ferences by the Quartermaster’s Depart ment and the contractors who furnished mules for Utah, met on the -7th at Fort Leavenworth. Adjutant General Sherman Lieutenant Colonel Roberts, and General Gaines were present. The Board made two ineffectual attempts to organize, and its preliminary proceedings were exceed ingly unharmonious. The following shows the number of trains sent out on Government account by Majors Russel & Waddell, contractors for supply ing the army ot Utah: From Kansas City, fourteen trains of twenty-six wagons each , —from Leavenworth, one hundred and five trains of twenty six wagons each; and from Nebraska Territory, thirty five trains of twenty six wagons each. These trains left previous to the 18th hist. O.her trains aie being loaded. A deputation of the Norfolk battalion of volunteers Ewaited upon Gov. Floyd, Secretary of War, at Old Point on Friday, and invited him to go to Norfolk and re ceive their hospitalities. The Secretary was compelled to decline in consequence of the pressure of his official engagements, which demand his immediate presence in Washington. Blockade of Laguayra and Porto Cabello. —The schr. Peerless, arrived at Baltimore, brings the important intelligence that two British steam frigates and a French war vessel had blockaded the Ven ezuelan ports of Laguayra and Porto Cn bello, and seized a number of vessels in each. This measure, says the American, has been threatened lor sometime, but it was scarcely believed that it would be real ly carried out by the allied naval forces. The difficulty has originated ostensibly from the following circumstances: When the recent revolution occurred in Venezuela by which theMonagas family were deposed, President Monagas placed himself under the protection of the English and French. Consuls. The successful party in Vene zuela, disregarding this protection, seized Monagas and proceeded to try him for va rious high crimes, including malfeascence in office and the corrupt appropriation of the public funds for the purpose of enriching hisown family and partizans. The British and French representatives protested against this trial as a violation of the right of asylum, and an insult to their re spective nations, and this protest being dis. legarded, they have proceeded to enforce it. It is difficult, with our present comprehen sion of the affair, to understand upon what ground ti e right of ihe allies to protect Monagas is founded. lie was elected President under the laws of the Republic, and is rightly amenable to those laws for an abuse of his trust. Certainly neither Eng land nor France would attempt to enforce such a claim against a nation sufficiently powerful to resent their interference. A Terrible Tornado in Ulster County —Two Ladies Killed, One Fatally Injur ed, and Three Children very Seriously. —A terrible tornado recently visited the town of Denning’ Ulster County, it began 1 at Devvittville, and took its course westward to a place called Smithville, about live miles distant, tearingyip trees, and leveling almost every thing in its course. At Dewitt ville,the house of Mr. J. Smith and that of Mr. Iloyt, were blown down. There was no one in the latter house at the time, Mrs. Hoyt and her three children being on a visit at the house of Mr. Smith. Mrs. H. was instant ly killed, and Mrs. Smith so badly injured that she died in five hours. A lady named Mrs. I limbeck, who was also in the house, was so seriously injured that her life is dispared of. The three children ofMr.Hoyt were also badly injured. Mr. Smith was in this city at the time of the accident. The tornado passed on its course toward Smith ville, but whether any more lives were lost, or property destroyed we are unable yet to learn. Encouragement.— Reverdy Johnson, of Baltimore, lias written Judge Douglas a letter on tlie present attitude of the can vass in Illinois, in which he expresses the strong hope that Douglas may succeed in defeating his enemies. The leitcr seems to have been spontaneous, but Douglas pub lishes it with evident feelings of satisfaction. It looks very much as if the little, giant is in need of consolation and encouragement. —Richmond South. JKsf-We invite our readers to the perusal of DR. AYER’S advertisements which appear in ihe columus of our paper. They deserve attention as treating of what interests us all, and from a source which all have long respected. The Doctor is well known as one of the leading Chemists of this country, who devotes his great acquirements to the discovery and manulacture of remedies for popular use. The unparalelled success which has followed his labors is too well known in this com munity to need any elucidation from our pen. — Washington Cos. Observer. Escaped Jail.— Revel, who was comic ted for murder at the last term of Crawford Superior Court, and transferred to Clinton Jail for safe confinement, contri ved on Sunday morning last to open the inside door ot his cell, where he stationed himself until the jailor opened the front door to present him his breakfast, at which mo ment the prisoner presented a bowie knife and revolver, and tumbling the Jailor overboard, made for the swamp, where friends with horses were waiting his arrival and have since escorted him to parts un known. The Jailor received no material damage from the ungallant salute. Clinton jail is one of the strongest in the State, the walls, floor and ceiling, having been erected out of heavy, solid, smooth granite ashlers, at a cost of ten thousand dollars.— Albany Patriot. NUMBER 5