Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 07, 1858, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES. THE CITY. Our Advertising Friend**. IST Our advertising friends will please hand in their favors by 4 o’ciock. New Advertisements. Our readers will please observe the advertise* meat of Mr. G. W. Chase in another column. He gives instruction in Vocal and Instrumental Music. One so skilled as Mr. Chase in the sci ence of music will not fail to meet with success. The pretty residence formerly occupied by Mi. James Hamilton, in the direction oi the Museo gee Depot, is advertised for rent by R A. Thorn* loi, Esq. Beal lwood LxsTnrTE -In our advertising col umns will be found a notice that the exercises of the above school will be resumed on the 4th ot October next. From the representations of many of our friends, we feel warranted in recommend ing it to public favcr. Oy The beautiful residence, formerly the prop erty of Dr. Taylor, which for some months has b en advertised for sale by Paul J. Semmes, will be offered lor rent for one year from the Ist of Oc tober, if not sold within a week fromthis time. MT'Read the Card of Messrs. Ellis and Mathis Auction and Commission merchants, and general Agents for the sale of every description of proper ty. They will perform all that they promise.— They have a Tobacco Agency and will supply traders and planters with any grade of Tobacco they may desire at the very lowest figure. Don’t forget to attend their Auction Sale to-day at the Market House. Among other things they will sell, on a credit, a House and Lot just beyond the Corporate limits of the city. The Lot contains about five acres—all under a good fence. The location is very desirable in point of neighbor hood. Look out for the runaway negro,advertised by | J. fl. Hill,of Albany. Ga. The finder of four notes advertised as lost by D Dempsey, will discover his good fortune by rea ding the advertisement in relation thereto. City Items. The cool, pleasant, delightful spoil that we en joyed so much last week has passed away, and we find ourselves again beneath the burning rays of a summer sun. The brick wails of our stores were heated yesterday almost to a white boat, and the love of money only made us work. A tine rain foil Saturday night arid the earth is still damp. This makes it the more agreeable, as the dust is almost as intolerable here,as it is in some of our sister cities. Tne trade is getting brisk, as will be seen from the bales of cotton sold—the bustle in the street—and the number of advertisements j that appear daily in so fine a circulating medium j as the “ Times.'’ Religious Meeting'. We are requested to state that there will lie a j Union Prayer Meeting at Pierce Chapel, every night at 7i o’clock until further notice. All de nominations invited to attend. Also, prayer meeting every morning at 81 o’clock at the Meth<w dist Church. Invitation extended to all. Muscogee Railroad. An election for President and Directors of this j Company, was held yesterday, at the annual j moe’ing of the Stockholders, which resulted as! fo lows: President, —J L. Musfian. S Directors —L. G. Bowers, S. M. Farrar, J. F.Vi Bozeman, L. T. Downing. R. L. Mott, R. Patten’ ; DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD.! Columbus Times Office, Sept. 6, ’SB. „ C OTTON.—The receipts of Cotton yesterday : were 66 Bales, 41 bales sold at 111 (a! ID, Received during the weekending Sept.4rh,6o6 ; bales. Ship.ed 343 bales. S toe &on hand 1075. i GROCERY AIAUKKT. BACON. —There isa foil supply of Bacon in this marKet. We nuke the fallowing qu >ta’i ms : C lear 8id j .s 1112; Hams, Sugar Cured, 15 to 16; Sh udders 9c BUTTER. —Country 20 to 25c. “ Goshen 30 to 33 SAGGING—India 2Jc Ky 12c. COFFEE—Su.iply ample. Rio, 13 to 14c. La- ; guyra 15c; Java, 22c. CO vN.—Supply light. Demand limited, 60 to 65c. CA nDLES—Starr29 to 30c. Sperm 50c- Patent ! 60e. NEW CHEESE’—IS to 200. HIDES.— io to 121 c. LARD.— fnbarrels lie, K<ge I6c. MACKEREL —No 1 in half bbls $9,03. No %, in bbls sl4 00, half bbls SB,OO. No 3, half bbls $7,03. ROPE.—9i to 10c. SALT. —1,50 per sack. i SUGAR.—SoId at retail only- Brown 12 to: 12 1 2, Cru h:d I4c. SYRUP.—In bbls 45c in half bbls 50 c . MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, CONSIGNEES, SEPT. TANARUS, 1858. M ntgomery <fe W P R R, Mob &. Girard R R, .1. W. Butt, fl. Berustim, King Allen_& Camak, j S. L & R. A. Solomon, Bium 4; Frank, inger & Morton, A. K. Ayer, A. C. Saunders,! Carrikee & Newton, J. Darby 6c Son, Boynton & C, J. S. Pemberton & Co-, A. Hunter, i Van Marcus, Barnard & Cos., J. Ligon, Hall i Moses & Cos., B. &. C-, Irwin Belser, 11. W. i B. Price, & Bro., J. B. Feagin & Cos , Hughes j Daniel & Cos., S- H-‘ Goodman, Teague & O vens, j Mcßae M & L, S. E. Wilson <Si Go., Dilling ham &. Denson, J. Batt,_A. L. McKay, H- Gross- ; mayer,Cowles & C., W. &■ P. J. Kyle &> Cos., Barnett 6; E. J. Heiaman & Cos., Rosette M & Cos., Goetchius H,, Danforth N. & Cos., H. McCauley. J. fTar, Manley &. Hodges, J. J. I Carter, H Middiebrooit &. Cos., J. Kelier, Rag- j land & Birch, J. T. Treutlin agt , Brooks fc Chapman, J. T. Threwitt, agt., Jones & Bell, M. Padgett, Hui, Duck C0.,1. A Brokaw & Cos., W. B. Griffin &. Cos., j. Lowenburg, D, Young, Faut & Cos., Morris & Blair, J. B. Rich, ardsjn J. Lawrence & Cos , W. Mount & Co.- C. Goldstein, Jordan &. Daniel, Davis fc Wilsod, WR. &B. L. Briers, F. L.ndon. G. L. Me- Gough & Cos , B 11. Brantley, Sammis & Roo ney. Caddock G. 6; Cos,, Hunt Ware &, Cos. J. C. Matthews, E. J. Godwin, Greenwood A. Gray, H. H. Cowdery, J, Ennis <&. Cos., J. B. St u per, Buchanan & McC., Locke 4c S. W, E. S inford &. Cos., Bowdeu H. &, Cos., T. B. Slade, W. Clark, N J B, J. J, MeKendree, Wynn &. Park, S. Jones, L. W. Walker, Allums & Barbee, J. .Ylilbau, John Ligon, J- H. Harris, Threau &, Cos., S. Kookogee. MONTGOMERY AND W. P. R. R. CONSIGNEES, SEPT. G,’sß J. Ligon, Harrison &. Pitts, T TANARUS, Smith, J. M. Douglas. Palace Mills. J. Jeffi rson, Alien & Camack, J. Pittman, W. C. Dawson, Hail A1 6; Cos., Dilland P & Cos ,R. .Murray, E. B. it Cos., T. H. AI., R. T. P. M. TvV o mouths alter date, application wilt be made to the Court ot Ordinary, ot Muscogee County, leave to 9ell {the Real Estate of James L. Garrard, dec’d. E. BARN ARDAduFr. #opt ,2, iff 58— w2m.“ MARRIED, On Tue-day evening last, at the residence of H. G. Crawford, Esq. in Rainbridge, by Rev. S. P. Richardson, Col Richard Sims, and Miss S. C. Paulett, of Lowndes County. On Thursday evening, 2.1 instant, at the resi de! ce of Mrs linnet Douglass, by the Reverend Joel Johnson, A. M. Bryan of the above place, and Miss Alary J. Jackson, of Ta . pa, Fla. HA 1R ItES TORA FIVE and young are now indiscriminately using Prof Wood’s Hair Restorative; some as a copmetic or beautifier ot the complexion, some to pievent the hair falling, some as a more dressing of the hair,and others to make it grow and to change gray hair to its original color; and there is no doubt ot its answering all the purposes for which it was designed by its illustrious inventor. We are utterly averse to incurring editorial re sponsibility in trifling matters, but as wo deem it no trilling mailer to have the hair on a gentle man’s head when prematurely tailing off) actu ally and permanently re-tor* and, so mither do we consider it unworthy the editorial profession to recommend a Hair Restorative that will eff-ct this very thing. Wood’s celeorated Hair Resto rative is the article wo have in view, and if the certificates of.the most distinguished men in the country are entitled to credence is this preparation all that is claimed fur it on the part of its propri etor- See extiacts from the “Missouri Republi- ! can” in the special notice column of thi3 paper Rahway American. Sold by all druggists in this City and by drug gists and m medicines generally every | where. sept — 3,185S. —w&tw2w. APPETITE AND STRENGTH RESTORED. William Young of South Pittsburgh says: After having suffered severely for several days with a most distressing attack of Diarrhoea, I pur chased a bottle of Boerhave’s Holland Bitters.— It gradually checked the disease, and restored my bowels to perfect order. Before I finished the bottle, I found my appetite and strength return- •; ing. 1 believe it worthy of the character you j give if, and shall lecommend it as such. See Advertisement. septl lw’ ALABAMA WAREHOUSE COLUMBUS, OA, ALLEiN &. CAMaK having purchased the interest of B. A. Sorsby in the above well known Fire Proof ISrick Warehouse, would be glad to see their old friends and patrons at their new place of business, where they have formed a co-partnership with J. W. King, under the name and style of KING, ALLEN & CAMAK, for the transaction of a general Storage and Commission ISusiness, Special attention paid to the Sale Gf Cotton and Produce, and the Receiving and Forwarding Merchandise consigned to our care- Liberal Advances made on Cotton in store or for shipment to our friends in Savannah, Charles ton, New York or elsewhere. Bagging and Rope furnished our customers at market prices. We solicit a share of public patronage, and pledge ourselves, by close attention to business to merit it. J. W. KING. AM.ALLEN, THOS. CAMAK. THE undersigned, in retiring from the Ware house business, takes great pleasure in re commencing to his friends a continuance of thvir favor and patronage to the new firm. (Signed) B. A. SORSBY* Columbus, July 6, 1858-\vtvv6m. A CARD. HAVING withdrawn from the firm of HUGHES DANIEL & CO., I cheerfully recommend them to all our former patrons, and the public generally. JOHN R. EASTHAM. j THE Subscribers will continue under the same name and style—a general STORAG E & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE FONTAINE & LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, j Thankful for the past liberal patronage of out I friends, wo solicit its continuance, and pledge our ! individual exertions to please all who may entrust their business to us. We are prepared to grant ! usual facilities to our customeis. HUGHES, DANIEL ** CO Wm. H. Hughes, Wm Daniil, Wesley C. Hodges. Aug. 5, tf GREENWOOD A OR A If, WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION, MERCHANTS, LUM US, GA. THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership under the abovei^-^ij firm for the transaction of a general Ware-House and Commission Business in this city. From the long experience of Mr Greenwood (in the fate firm of Greenwood &. Cos.) and Mr. Gray (in the lam firm of Stewart, Gray &, C 0.,) they flatter themselves they will be able, by giving theirundivided and persona! attention to all busi ness entrusted to their care to give general satis faction. They will be regularly supplied with the latest foreign and demesne intelligence, whrch will always be at the service of their patrons. The usual CASH ADVANCES will be made, and Bagging, Rope and other goods furnished j when desired. E. S. GREENWOOD- W. C. GRAY. Columbus, July i3, 1858—wtw3m. WM. F. LEE, D. D. S. ; DENTAL SURGEON, OFFICE corner of Broad and Randolph Streets, Columbus, Georgia, December 17,1H56 — w&twtf J. FOGLE & SON, DENTISTS, Office cn Randolph Street,near Broad, C-olum bus, C a. Columbus, May 9,1867. wtvvt? Land and Residence for Sale. MTHE subscriber offers for safe 320 acres of gooi Farming Lands, three and a half miles south west of Columbus, Ga., ia Russeli county, Ala. It is on the road leading from Girard to Gen. Abercrombie’s. There are about one hundred and forty acres in cultivation, the halarce heavily timbered with mixed growth The residence is anew framed house, with six rooms and four fire plaees. There is a good overseer’s house on tne plantation, and a very fine selection ot fruit trees at both settlements.— This is every way a desirable place for a man, who wishes to do business in Colunfi us and keep his family in the country. For further particulars,see me on the plantation. July27—wtwtf E. A. ’1 HQM. ! ~ W ANTED. A GOOD RUSSET WORKMAN; steady work and liberal .* S , NGER Lumpkio, Aug. 30,1358. w3t. Land in Chattahoochee County. The subscriber offers for sale I,ot If*3 in the 7th District, ami Paction 21 in the 33d District ot Chatta hooebee county. For tun her particulars er. quire of L.T. Downing, Columbus, Ga. _ . . . (&ug2l—win twlw) A. J. MILLER, AUm r TO KENT, FROM the IstOctobernext, Front Room Warren’s Arcade. Apply at this office July 29, 1858-twtf Tor rent. SEVERAL TENEMENTS—one on Broad Street, eligible as a Boarding House. Aug. 19-twtf. L. TANARUS, DOWN ING. To Rent, FROM the Ist October next, the Store at present oc cupied by B G. & S. Stern, in Warren’s Arcade, e.nquirc at this office July 31—twtf. TO KENT. f?RO!Vl the tim of October next,the City Hotel, t? near the Market House. Applv to F Gli TENGER, July 3—tw3m At Rankin’s old Stan.. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! THE EIAGLE MANUFACTURING CO. OFFER their various styles of Goods, com prising OSNABURGS, YARNS, PASH ION (or Stripes.) PINE-KNOT PLAINS, NEGRO KERSEYS, SOUTHERN LINSEYS, “TRUCK FOR | TROWSERS.” COTTON ROPE, &c. &c. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. They invite the special attention of the Trade to their Stock which is complete in every respect. J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. Columbus. Dec. 5, 1857. twit wti FREEDOM FROM FEVER AND AGUE TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS! • THE j GRENADA ELIXIIf, OR South American Antidote for Malaria! Is a sure Cu>e and Perfect Route io Ague and, Fever, Chill ana Fever, Dumb Ague, and all Bilious Affections ! IT has been thoroughly tested in thousands of ! cases, some of years’ standing, where Quinine ■ and all the most popular remedies of the day had ! failed, but the Elixir has met with the most irium phant success; never failed to cure the most obsti - nate cases. The unanimous testimony of ail who have used or witnessed its operations/declare it to j be the most extraordinary medicine ever discov ered for the quick and permanent cure of Fever and Ague. It operates as a gentle Tonic and stimulant, gradually but surely; eradicates every vestige of disease, and restores the system to heahh and vigor. It imparts new vitality to the blood, and will soon induce the glow of health to return to the pale and swarthy complexion, The advantage of this medicine therefore is, that a cure must be radical and complete; not simply j breaking the ('hill, by producing a “new impres- i sion” upon the nervou system, without reference to the operations of the malarious poison, which ! is allowed to remain unchangc-d and renew its Attacks, immediately after the nervous system i has ceased to feel the artificial disease—induced; i by Quinine and many other preparations generally resorted to. The GRENADA ELIXIR aci3 di rectly upon the Liver, Stomach, Kineys, Pores of the Skin, and produces a radical cure. It contains no ingredient the least injurious to the system,and can be given to an infant with | perfect safety. It is warranted to cure every case when taken as directed. All who need such a medicine, will do well to try the Grenada Elixir. It is not only the best but the most economical medicine ever introduced for Fever and Ague and is a Southern Remedy. PREPARED ONLY BY J. S. PEMBERTON & CO.. Chemists and Druggists, Columbus, Georgia. ; And by all respectable Druggists in the city and ; country. July 24, 1858—wSjuv3m. | BEDELL & WEEMS, HAVE removed to the corner formerly occu pied by W. A. Redd, &Cos, lately by Webb | and Sapping-ion ; whore they will keep constantly | on hand, a weil sel cted stock of GROCERIES, consisting in pnrt, of Eicon, Digging and Rope, Sugar and Coffee, Liquors, &c. All of which they offer at tl>- lowest market prices. Aug. 30, 1858 vvtf THE CAUTERFACTORY COR\ HILL, IS now in tail operation, turning out the best quality of Meal. Bring on your Corn. The ! highest market price paid for good Corn. Meal | always on hand and for sale. Feb, 11—Wtwtf H VVH LTQN BOLAND •E. BARNARD & CO. COLUMBUS GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GRGCERS& PROVISION DEALERS H WE oa hand, hand will keep, ft a large anti well selected Stock, embracing [tevery article in their line, which are offered ‘Jio their Friends and the puolio, si ihe lowest i market prices. Come ant) me us, Colimibus,Sepi. 29, 1857. w&twtf. To our Customers ! F?ROM and after theiirst Jauuary next, we shall ’ adopt, as nearly as possible, the CASH SYS TEM. NgfcESSXI'Y COMPELS US TO THIS COURSE. From that day all articles will be priced as cash. Where credits are sjiven (which will only be extend j edtothose whe have promptly paid us) an addition j I wiilbemdide to the price named according to the I time required by the purchaser. E. BARNARD &CO. 1 | Dec. 31, 1857—w&tw6m. MACKEREL A A A PACKGES, Halves, Quarters and Kits, IUU all numbers, for sale at small advances S for Cash, by „ Jan. 19—wtwtf E. BAkNaKD & CO. PLANTING POTATOES -1 Barrels Pink Eyes, for saleat small I IUU advancefor Cash by j Jan 19—wtwtf L. BARNARD & CO. LOXG AXD SHORT SWEETNING, j r A BBLS- and half bbls. Choice Syrvp. 10U 30 Hhds. N O Sugar, ail grades for sale i at small advances for Cash, by Janl9— twtf E. BARNARD & CO. FANCY ST. LOUIS FLOUR. i BARRELS Planters’s Extra Union, and Diamond Brands, for sale at small advance tor Cash, by „ Jan 19—twtf E. BARNARD 4* CO, PALACE MILLS FLOUR. CONSTANT supply kept on hand, and tor safe a; Mill prtees, tor Cash by Jan.lß-wuvtl E. BAKMARP & CO. CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION. jAA BOXES Havana Cigaasot various brands lor .sL-mmr 11 aa ” nce, E or e C kRN b /RD fc CO. to renForTease. ■lFfghw A chartered Fereaie College with all buiidingsand othe con vßivßnr.H<. A genileman, wiih a wile Jhdfiw competent to teach Music,could mane hautiSOii.t =alarie&. For iurtber pat ttculars applv to Uev. r. C. STANLEY, Flat Shoalß,Merriwether countr, ca. August 2i— w&tw4w. Southern Christian Advocate and Savannah Geor gian copy weekly four times and seud bill to iLla office. COTTAGE SCHOOL #THE studies of this Institution will be resumed on Monday, Sept 6th. The school will be wh Uy under the charge of the proprietor, Mr Ed gar. The location Montgomery Camp Ground—b the most desirable to be tound near the city ot C dumbos* The sitution is airy ana healthy, and the very best water is on the premise.’ Young Misses and lads taught on reasonable terms. Particular attention paid to the morals oi the pupils. But a limited number of scholars will ne admitted. For further particulars .call on the proprietor any 16—w3t THOMAS A. EDGAR. References —F. G. Wilkins, Mayor City of Columbus. J hn Johnson, Ordinary, William T. Hoiderness, Notary Public. Calvin Strattor, t lerk of Council. Scientific American PROSPECTUS VOLUME FOURTEEN BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11,1858. MECIIANICsTnVEXTOPiS, MANUFACTURERS, AND FARMERS, THE SIF.MTIFK: AMERICAN has now reached its fourteenth Year, and will enter upon anew volume on the l!th September. It is the only weekly publicat/ou of the kind now issued in this coumry, audit, has a vr 7 extensive circulation in all.the States of the Union. It. is not., as some might sup pose trom its title, a dry. abstruse work on technic al science; on the contrary, it so deals with the great events going on in the scientific, mechanical and in dustrial worlds, as to please and instruct every one. li the mechanic or'artizai! wishesto know the nest i machine in us ,or how to make any substance em ployed in his business if the Housewife wishes'to get a receive for making a good color. &c.—ifSthe inventor wishes know to what is sroing on in the way oi improvements—ifthejmanufactuivr wishes’tokeep posted with with the times, and to employ the best facilities in his business —if the mat; of leisure and i study wishes to keep himself familiar with the the progress made in the chemical laboratory, 01 in the construction of telegraphs, steamships, railroads reapers, mowers,and a thousand other machines and appliances, both ot peace and wai —all theso’de siderata can bejj found in theScientifie American|&nd not elsewhere. They are here ( resented in a reliable and interesting .form, adapted to the comprehension ot minds unlearned in thehigher branches of science and art. TERMS. One Copy, one f 2 One Copy,six months 1 Five Copies, six m mths 4 i Teo Oopios, six monibs.... 8 Ten Copies twelve months.. 15 Fifteen Copies,twelve months 22 Tweuty Copies* twelve months 28 Ttio money must irffcil cases be paid in advance, j Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspection j Pouthernand Western money, or Postage stamps taken for subscriptions. Letters should i e directed to MUNN (V- CO., 12s Fulton Street, N. Y. Munn & Cos., are extensively engaged 1 in procuring patents for new inventions, and will ! advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. aug2l—twif “wooden wares~cheap. REDUCTION IN PRICES! ! tiijjjfctogfcy We would respectfully inform the p4=sa*meicliants especially, and the public sen eraliy. that we have made a great reduc tion in our wholesale prices oi HOLLOW WARES and other goods in proportion; and we know that we can make it to the interest of Sou them Merchants to patronize home manufacture. We ask you to give us a call before going North to purchase, and we are confident you will make your purchases of us. TROY MANUFACTURING CO. No. 40 Ea-'t side Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Columbus. August 16 — w2tn. C O LU M B US, -GE O RGT A VATE the undersigned, have this dav purchased | * * from Jas Hamilton the Troy Factory and I entire stock, and will continue the business under j the name and styo of Troy Manufacturing Com ! any, and will manufacture and keep constantly | on hand, at wholesale and retail, Chairs, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Tubs, Buckets, Safes, Tables, Bureaus, and other House Furnishing articles. Ali orders addressed io ihe Troy Manufacturing Company will receive prompt attention. JEFFERSON & HAMILTON. Joseph Jefrersom. John H. Hamilton, Colurnhu, Ga. April 19—wiy. HOLLAR 0 fliiTi'EttS A ’ SHE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR BTSPSSSIA, DISEASE OK THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, | WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. And the various affections consequent upon a diseased STATE OP THE LIVER. Suchas Indigestion,Acidity, ot the Stomach, Col icky Heartburn, Los? of Ippetite, Despcn deucy, Costliness Blind and Bleeding Piles. In ali Nervous,? Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, it has, in nutne* ms instances proven highly bene ficial, and in others affected a decidedcure. ,'his isa purely vegetable compound, preparedon i strictly scientific principles,after |the manner of the j celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Because i of its great success in most of he European Stales, 1 its introduction intothe United States was intended more especially fortho3eof our tatherj&udscattered j here and there over the lace of this mighty coun try. Meeting with great success among tl ern, 1 now oner it fto the American pablic, knowlng|that its truly wonderful medicinal virtuesmustj be acknowl edged. It is particularly recommended to those per sons whose constitutions may have been impaired by thecontiuuous use ot aident spirits, orolhert<.rm3 I oi'dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat oi life, thr lling and quickening every nerve, raisiDg up thedroo- Ding spirit, and, in fact, inlusing new health and | vigor in the system. j NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a bever i age will be disappointed; butto the sick, weak and nw spirited, tt wib prove a gratettil aromatic cor dial, possessed of singular ren edial properties. C A UTION! The great popularity of thisdelighUul aroma has i induced many imitations, which thegpubiic should ! guard against purchasing Be not persuaded to ! >uy anyth.ngelse until you have given Boerhavp’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One Bottle will convit ee 1 you how infinitely superior it is to all these imita i tions. - ] 00 by the SOLE PROTRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO., MANUFACTURING Pharmaceuists and Chemists, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale in Columbus by Brooks &, Chapman. And Druggists Generally Jth.oughout the State. April 21. ’53 tydwh TWO months afterdate I shailapply totbe honors able Court of Ordinary of Chattahoochee coun ty, Ga., for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Green Bentley, deceased him AN ALBBiTTON. Adm’r. Aug. 30. liU, 8a VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. AS 1 am desirous oi winding up my business, and moving out west, I offer lor sale my place, lying on the Upatoie creek,in Talbot coun ty, two miles northwest of Geneva. This place contains two hundred acres, more or less ; and three or seven hundred acies can be added to this iract For further information, ap ply to M- T. McCrary,on the place, or to me ai Geneva l also offer for sale, one Lot in the town ot Geneva, on which is situated a Grocery House, a l'enpin Alley, and Dwelling House. It is one of the best stands for a Grocery in the county- Terms accommodating. If. 11. McCRARY. Aug. 30, 1858. wit Great Bargains! I AMoffering for sale m Pike Comity Ala., %U acres of good Oak jSaHngp and iliciory land, interspersed with long I eaied pine. There 18 300 acres of cleared taud. The place is in good condition, with iwc omfortable trame dwel lings two tore houses (the store houses form a portion of the village f Monticello) gin house, etc. I will sell all together or in quantities lo suit pur- Ch l 6 &in also offering for sale 240 acres of the same quality oitand, three miles from Monticello, about sixty acres cleared. For particulars address me at Monticello • Ala. Sept B—wtf B. 4. WEST. Lands for Sale. Andrew S. Garr and ethers, ‘ State ot Fieri vs. Ida, .Middle t ir- Lewig Curtis & Nath’l Thurston, J-cu ueon Cos. Trustees of the Apalachicola I In chancery. Land Company and others. J I PURSUANT to a Decree rendered in this cause, the subscriber will sell by auction at the places and times herein specified, all the lands belonging to said Company embraced in the “Forbks Pur chase,’'and lying in the counties of Leon, Wakul a, Gadsden and Liberty, viz: the lands lying in the first two named counties will be sold at Tallahassee, on the seventh (7th) day ol December, and those lying in the last two, will be-old at Quincy, on the four teenth (t4th) day of December uext. These lands.comprising about a million oi acres extend from the St. Marks to the Apalachicola rivers —taey exhibit every variety of timber indiginousto thisiatitude, including, of course, live oau, cypress, cedar and juniper; the soil is adapted to the growth Of grain, cotton—long and short staple, tobacco, and sugar cane. The waters abound in fish, and the lor est with materials for ship building and naval stores. TERMS—One third of the pnrehase money to be paid in cash, the balance i’■ one and two vears in equal installmeuts, with eight per cent, interest from date of purchase; t nles to be made by the Receiver when all the purchase money is paid. The sale will be positive ami without reserve. JOHN BEARD, Receiver. Ac. Tallahassee. August2B,lßsß. sept2—w3m BARBOUR COUNTY LANDS, FOR SALE HAVING purchased land in the AY est, I now offer for sale both my pla tations, lying on the Noah Cowikee Cie k The place on whic I now reside known as the Barna Ivey plantation contains 2,475 acres, with a ia:ge proi ortion tresh and Hammock lard. There are on the plantan m 1.400 acres cleared, and in a fine 9tate of cuftiva tion, thoroughly drained, with ala ge number of well located ditches. The dwelling is c< mmodi ous, having 6 large rooms, neatly finished, and is situated within the corporate limits of Glennville, convenient to the Colleges and Churches The out-houses are in good repair and sufficient for the accommodation of 100 negroes. On this place, are two new gin houses, one of which is propelled by water power, to which is attached a grist mill, ; all in good order. i Lying broadside t’ is place is my other planta i tion, recently owned by Col W. 11. Owens.con i taining 901 acres. The dwelling, out houses, gin | house and screw are ail now and well finished, ! and equally convenient to Glennville Being de~ I termined to sell, I would not object to dividing ;my lands to suit purchasers To those acquainted ‘ with these iand9l need not say more —to those at a distance, l would say that they cannot be ex ceiled in point of health or productiveness in east Alabama. Glennville i.s noted for the morality, int<*’ligenee and refinement of its citizens. It is situated 12 miles from the Mobile and Girard Railroad, 6 miles from Jernigin, a steamboat landing on the Chattahoochee river, and !6 miles from Eufaula, to which point the South-Western Railroad oi Georgia will soon be completed. For further par ticulars, address aie at Gicnuviile, Alabama. II BASS. Sept. 7, 1753. wtf Valuable Plantation For -AM AX* f-.""O-i 3 BY authority of a decree of the Probate Court ot Rus-ell co., I will sell for distr bution on i me eighth (8> day of Oct., next to the highest hid der. on a credit of 1 and 2 years, with interest from the sale, at the Court House in the town ol Craw ford, Russell co., >Ua., sections 7 and 18 in town ship 14, range 20, embracing apout 1280 acres, ot one of the best cotton and grain plantations in the State. On this tract of land are about 600 acres, of open fiesh land well enclosed, and in a high state ol cultivation, a good framed house with 4 rooms, a good kitchen, smoke house, dairy, blacksmith shop, a large new gin house, superior cotton screw houses for the accommodation of 6l)or 70 negroes, large cribs and stables and other out houses ali new and substantial with a plenty of water and limber. This land was selected by Joel Hurt, Esq , ol Russel county, when the couuiry was fresn, and he bad tin country to choose from. It lies on the head waters ot Kiagee Creek, in about 33 rniie3 ol O lumbus, Georgia, and within thiee miles of Hurt’s station on the .Mobile &, Girard Railroad, and is fointsd mostly of creek bottom, and ham mock lands, with sufficient pi le land attached for a beau’ilul and healthful residence. This plantation wa3 selected bv Col. Wellborne, as the best tract of land he coulcf buy, for the cash, and is without doubt, one of the most desirable and valuable planting estates in East Alabama. It will be shown to any person who shall wish to examine it, by Mr. Wm. E. Haynie who re sides on the premises. Sufficient security required. A. Ai aRTIN, Adm’r. of the estate of Alfred Wellborn, dec’d. Columbus, Ga., Sep. C, 1858. wtds. SPROTT’S CELEBRATED VERITABLE OlcS £ln.glisli, AND AMERICAN! BITTERS, An Inestimable TONIC, 3c n 9 i*ll T S* iffie, QCI KNTIFICALLY prepared fr >m the original O recipe of old Dr. Kprott, r n eminently suice-sful ! highly popular physician of Shropshire, Eng. l land. Tuese highly palatable and agreeable bitteis be ing composed of Purely Vegetable Extracts, Judiciously selected and skillful y compounded are conQdentl) recommended totbe public lor their V iiuab! Metlic ral Proper’ ie, For Loss of Appetite, Nervous Debility, Ennui, Dyspeps'a,they are lndisptnsab'e. In functional derangements of the Liver anl K:d neys, as well as ‘aundice, Rheumatism, Goat and Gravel, they are a * sine qua non.’ Foi Female Complaints this preparation Is pecu liarly adapted. Forcbi'dren harrased with the Colic and the pains of Dentition, it is a soothing assuager Asa stimulus to invalids, the enfeebled and sick, these bitters are um-urp&ssable* ’ DIRECTIONS. A wine glass two or three timesa day. For ladies two thirds: < bildren in proportion. For very weak stomachs add one-third water. Prepared at Fag’s Laboratory, A/ontcomery, Ala. To be had of Druggists and coumry mercaanta generally. •eptß-wtf HULL, DUCK St CO., Agents SWAN & CO.’S LOT TRIUMFHANT! SWAN & CO CONTINUE TO DRAW AS USUAL WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. SWAN &, CO’S LOTTERIES ARE LEGAL, AND Authorized by the State of Georgia. THE LATE ATTEMPT TO INJURE OUR FIRM HAS SHOWN THAT OUR LOTTERIES ARE DRAWN FIARLA ;THaT OUR PRIZES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY; AND THAT OUR SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE WORLD. | The following scheme will be drawn by S. Swan At. Cos., Managers of the Sparta Acad ! emy Lottery, in each of their Single Number Lotteries for September 1858, at AUGUSTA 1 Georgia, to which city they have removed their principa I office, under the sworn superintendence of Commissioners. Class 31 draws on Sat., Sept 4, 1858. Class 32 draws on Sat., Sept. 11, 1858. Class 33 draws on Sat., Sept. 18, 1358. Class 34 draws on Sat-, Sept 25, 1858. ONTHK PLAN OF SINGLE NUJtIBICUS 50,000 TICKETS, 5,455 PHIZES. Nearly one Prize to Every nine Ticket*, ax AttixrxapxeasarT sejocaeaxas- TO BE DRAWN EVERY SAT., IN AUG . 1 Prize 0f... .$70,000 is ?0,90U 1 “ 30,000 is 30,000 I “ 10,000 is 10,000 1 “ ... 5,000 is... 5,000 1 “ .... 4,000 is 4,000 1 “ .... 3,000 is 3,000 1 “ 1,500 is 1,500 4 “ .... 1,000 is 1.000 4 *• 900 are 3,600 4 •* 800a ro 3,200 4 “ ... 700 are 2,800 4 “ .... 600aro 2,400 50 “ .... 500 are 25,<H)0 50 “ 3Ooare 1,500 100 *• .... 125ure 12.500 230 “ .... luOare 23,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of S4OO approx’ting to $70,000 are §I6OO 1 e - 300 •* 30,000 “ 1200 4 “ 200 “ 10,000 BOO 4 “ 125 “ 5,000 “ 500 1 “ 100 “ 4.000 •• 400 4 “ 75 “ 3.0U0 “ 300 4 “ 50 “ 1,500 “ 200 5,000“ 20 100,000 5,485 prizes amounting to Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarter-? $2.50 A Circular showing the plau ot the Lotteries will be,sent to any one desiring to receive it. Certiticaies ol Packages will be sold at tbe f .ulowii g rates, which is the risk: Certificates of Package ol 10 Whole Tickets SBO “ “ 10 Half 40 “ “ 10 Quarter it. “ “ Eighths 10 In ordering Tickets or Certificates, Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets order id ou receipt ol which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate I'he List ol drawn numbers and prizes will be orwardedm purchasers immediately after the draw ing Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and rivotbeii postoffice, countyand -State. Re number tliat every Prize is drawn, and paya ble in full without deduction. Allprizesof one thousand dollars and under paid tmusediatelyafter the drawing—other prizes at the usual time,3o days. All communication? strictly confidential. Ths drawn numbers will be- forwarded to purchasers nv nediately after the drawing PrizeTicketscashed orrenewed In other tickets at either office Drders for rickets or Packagescan be addressed to S. SWAN & CQ.. Augusta, Ga., july 28 w&twiv JOHN MAY,Agent,Columbus,Ga. A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after the draw ing in each of the following papers, Ncto Or leans Delta, Mobile Register, Avgusta (Ueo.) Constitutionalist, Charleston Standard, Nath * trilie Gazette, A llanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, nvanvat Georgian, Rich ‘iiortd Despatch and Paulding [Miss ) Clarion, and Little Rock LArk ) True Democrat , LEA & PERRINS’ celebrated WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE PRONOUNCED BY EXTRACT of a Letter from a connoisseurs, Medical Gentleman, TO BE THE MADRAS TO HIS BROTHER, ONLY GOOD SAUCE, WOKCEST; May , lga ‘•Tell Lea & Perrlusthat AND APPLICABLE TO their Sauce Is hignly es teemed in India, and is in EVERY VARIETY myopin.on, the most pal atable as well as toe most OF DISH- wholesome Sauce that is made.” THE only medal awarded by the jury of the New York exhibition for roreign sauces, was obtain ed by Lea fc Perrins, for tber Worcestershire sauce, the world wide fame ot which having led to numerous imitations, purchasers are earnestly re quested to see that the names of**LEA & PERKINS’ - are impressed upon the bottle and stopper, and printed upon the labels. Sole wholesale agents'or the United States, JOH DUNCAN & rfONS, 405 Broadway New York. A stock always In store. Also orders received for direct.shipmentfrom England. decß wly FOR SALE, Ml offer for sale my plantation situated on Chunennuggee Ridge, in Macon County, Alabama, containing 551 acres, 300 cleared. It is but 21 miles from Chunne nuggee Female College, and 3 miles from the pre sent terminus of the Mobile and Girard Railroad- There is on the place a most excellent framed gin house, new negro houses, black smith shop, wood shop and all necessary out buildings .Also a two room log house, with a two framed shed rooms attached, an excellent well ot wab-r, and an abi dance of running water for stock. The land lies well and i unu ually healthy. 1 will *-|I a bar gain. Co-ue and see. J. R ROGERS. July 20—2 m Hardaway, Ala. NOTICE TO Cotton planters. WE the undersigned, inventors ot the Iron Screw Pre-s, take pleasure in calling at tention to this Press, for which we have obtained Lette-s Patent. From experience we are satisfied tha this Press is not only capable of pressing cot ton to the usual size, but with a small additional cost of comp-ession at the Gin to a size suitable for shipment by sea going vessels. The coat now for compressing is from 70 to 90 cents per bale, which indirectly comes out of the planter This Press isdurahle, as all of its bearing and straining parts are of Iron, simple and suitable for negro management. We a‘e making arrangements to put up the Press at all suitable points for inspec tion. For further information, address us at Sel* ma, Ala., or D. A Hobbie. Journal Office, Moatcomerv, Ala., or E. C. Corbett. ColumbaFi Ua. W. F. & C. J. PROVOST. Aug.Bwwtf