Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 08, 1858, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES. THE CITY. Our Advertising Friend®. Our advertising friends will please hand in their favors by 4 o’clock. New Advertisements. Those in need of new books, can be supplied by calling on J W. Pease and CLrk, wh keep al ways *n ha and a large supply of every thing in the line of books and stationery. Religious Service. Elder Wm C. INorris, (P i mtive Baptist) will by divin**pcrm ssion, preach at Temperance Hall th a evening and also oa to-aorrow evening, at the u ual hour. sep.B—c.2i 80-ivess.—Fow cities in the South, especially such as are the ter nini of several Rrilro idf, pres ent such an appearance ot business as Columbus Dur ng the burine s season the wagons and carts that are seen in Broad Street are legion. It is wit': great rl.tlicultv that the Vo'u-teer Corps can perform a ivre, notwithstanding the wid h ol the Street, bo crowded is it with the tean s, and prod u eof every description. Nor is it all a ahow of business. The merchants, ware*iiou;e men, bank men and sale-’ men realize doubtless the frui’ ol tb ir la! ors The sea-ou lor Made is com mencing we thiult earlier this year than heretofore. Se!d itn have we seen at this period so much cot ton in the market . The price is satisfactory to the far uer and we may expect the trade in ail the do partments of the City advanced in point of bri-k* ness more than formerly in Sep ember The banks are and our country folks may expect good bargains. Returneo.—Our Mayor, F. G. Wilkin?, whose place in the Council Chamber ba9 been tempora rily filled by one of the Aldermen, has returned home from a visit to New York He doubtless atr, >d high theie, as he deservedly does here. Among others who have returned, we notice the arrival of Mr. S. H. Hill —better known in the business world ss “Express Hill.” His kind at tent on to the press in furnishing it with news ahead of the mails will not soon le forgotten A religious meeting is in progress at Fierce Chapel in the southern part ofthe City, that prom ises to do much good. It is carried on by the lay members ol the diff rent churches, who take great interest in the awakening of their friends to anew ness of life. Fierce Chapel is eitualed at the cor ner ol Jackson and Early Streets—one block be low the Catholic Church. Magistrals’® Court, Mr B. Simp on was yesterday b ought before Jud*e W. N. Hutchins, on three warrants, gut otiby Mr. Jim s Tory. One for atiak'and bat o y anotl er tor cor yng concea'oJ weapoi s, , an 1 the th rd to keep the peace. A‘ or a prelum- | nary ex Ruination, he wna di c'largeJ for these-! coud vfieuie, aid touud ov.r to the Superior i Court on ihe tlurJ. Cleansing Cotton Seed. An in ellignut correspomien', (says the VV.tshingiou U ion,) r<*s ding at Antwerp, write* under date of May 19th, 1853, that a machine f r cleansing cotton seed has lately been invented, and is now in opera tion in that city. From two to three tons ofst.ed can be cleansed per day by a ma* chine of tour horse power, with the assis tance of throe persons. The cotton eur rounding the seed is taken clean o(T, and can be sold to carpet manufacturers and piper makers at from thirty to fifty francs the one hundred kilogrammes. After the oil is pressed out, the cakes remaining can be sol I for the same price as other cakes of oleaginous seed- 1 . The cost ofthe machine ry is said not to be expensive. This is an important invention, and promises to be of incalculable advantage to cotton growers, j She is not Listening How. I held a park y with my tear*, My sata ih it lei! like rain ; I cannot an g in these dull years The Id exulting strain. What though this sad declining li r o R ches and tame endow, Tuo late .he peace, too iog the Strife—” She is not its eciug now ! To thee, my trnvel-w-iaried sou! W old ever fly to re;t, Aid all ns dear bought stores unroll Thou brightest and thou best. Treasure above all weahh or lore, As I shall e’er avow. Thou ha-t gone hei ce for evermore, Thou art not listening now ! True that for thee I would have died, Or lived all fear nbove—* And red si shocks of lit * d-flea, With an o'er mastering love in vain this wi and and frantic grief, In vain each fervent vow ; Slow time, wan age, buna small relief, She is not lrsieuiug now ! Ah ! bound on earih in dearest links VV ith the soui’a brightest chain— A whisper corn, ?, “ I hy spirit sink?, Yet shall it climb again To richest reac^ —to union sure'’ My blest one—answereet thou ? 0 world, thy worst 1 may endure, For she is listening now! The Mission to Spain.-Yesterday Sena tor M i! ory, of Florida, finally declined the j President’s recent kind ten er to him of the mission m Spun. This step was the result ofthe health of Mrs. Mallory, which is not such as would justify Mr. M. in going abroad at thi-time. The necessary deter mination in this case is greatly to be regreted insomuch as no other of the public men ot ! the country ia better qualified than Mr. M. for the discharge of the responsible and now arduous duties of the p sit ion. Calm, sensible, energetic, and well informed in ail branches of knowledge necessary ro q l-dify the American statesman for positive utility, his long residence in Florida, has afforded to him an opportunity of learning the Spanish charae er, such as few of those in public in this country have enjoyed. He j h a gentleman of few words, yet we rea’iy j kni-v no other more effective statesman of! the times, for ho has initiated and con- I swim tied as much of local and general utility, in the discharge of his duties as an U iitt*d States Senator, as any other gentle tn I: m the p jsitio.i ever dnl in the length of tine during \vhichhe has been a member of the United States Senate Washing* ton Star, nrWa ir vita our reader# to the perusal of DR. AYE.I’S a’vertisements which appear in tbs colu nus ‘if our paper. They de-erve attention ss trea ing of what interests us all, and from a source which all have loog r#apecttd. Tha Doctor i w r ell known as one of the leading Chemists of this country, who devotes his great acquirements to the discovery and manufacture of remedies for popular use. The unparalelied success which has followed his labors is too well known in th.s com munity to need any elucidation from our pen.— Washington Cos. Observer. Fatal Accident. —We learn from tfe Forsvth Educational Journal, that Mrs. Barnes, on returning from the funeral of Rev. James Carter, near the Indian Springs on the 25th tilt., was thrown from her bug gy, and killed instantly. She had a small child in her lap at the time, that escaped unhurt. We learn from the same paper, th?.t Mr. William Bostick, white ridmj a race < n Saturday week lust, was thrown ftotu his horse and insHnti\ ki led. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. Cos: cm bus Time* Ones. Sept 7, ’53. COTTON —Came in trebly yteu-iday, 416 re> e vi and, and the market stiffened up to Ilf. Principal sales lit 5 H We hear o: but little Coring, and planters v. ho have bi'ci. ii the habit heretofore of storm?, now re diiy take the very satisfactory prices efie ed by tha uyers SAVANNAH, Srp\6.—Cotton—2 bales s<dd to-i’av at 121 cent#. AUGUSTA, Sept. f>.—COTTON—Sales t is forenoon 53 bales, as follows: 2 at 11 : -16 at 12; a::d 10 ai 1 i cents. Receipt# 3 l bal3. GUO EKY Di AH KBIT. BACON.—There is a lull supply ot Bacon in this market. SVp make the foll\ w.rg qu >t i >ns: < lear S d*? ! 1 1 2; Hams, LU..d, 15 10 I r > ; sh mlder# 9c BUTTER —Conttirv 20 in 25c. “ Goshen 3t> to 35 ;. BAGGING —lndia 2Jc Ky 19c. COH’FI'.E—r u.tply ample. Rio, l3to lie. Li imyra 15c; Jhv.i.2?c- CO > N —Supply light. Demand limited, 60 to 65c. CAN DLES—Starr 23 to 3Cb. Sperm 50c- Patent 60.*. NKW CHEESE -15 to 20t>. FLGUR—SStOto c&;5. HIDES.— mto ISIc. IKON -5 (a) 7c. LARD inbarreia 14"*, K.-gs I6c. Dj ACKER EL— No 1 in halt bt>l $9,00. No 2 , in bble sl4 00, hail bbls $5,00. No 3, halt bbls $7,03 MOIaSSES 35c. New Orleans refined 45c. NAILS- 4i (5) 5c- ROPE— St to 10c. BALT.-—1,50 per ta<-k. SUG xR SId at retail only- Brown 12 to 12 12, Ctu h and 14c. WHEAT- 9u (S) 110. MONTGOMERY AND W. P. R. R. CONSIGNEES, SEPT. 7, ? 5S B. A Rich rrR Stubhl-fit*ld <Nr Cos., J. Mo?s ---m m If, Co-, E Bir ard & Cos , R I. P- Mills, B & U., Drlland P & C>.. VV, B. Frost. — — ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. NORTHERN AND EASTERN 7 VlULSar me 535 A. M.and 345 P. Al. Close ai2auci 7 P. M. WESTERN Mail arr've* it 3 \, M. and 2 50 P. Ai.. Close#at 2 and 7 P Jl. EUFaULA Mail arrives at 9J A. M. Clo-es 12 M. STEW A RT Mail arrive* Monday?, Wednesday# and Fiiday< at 9 P Al. Clows Mondays, Wed ne.-days and Saturday? at ?P M. WHITESVILLE AND KLLERSUE Mai’s ar rives Mon ays and Thursdays at 6 P. M. Close# same days at 10 A. M. HAMILTON arrives Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6P, M. Closes same day. at 10 A. M. CRA WFORD Mail artives on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 11 A. M. Clores a 1 II A. M. same d-iys. BUENA VIS FA Mail arrives Tuesdays, at 6 P. M. Clones at 10 A. M. same day. Vlail arrives Tuesdays 6 P. M. Closes 4 P M. K NGS Mail arrives Tuesdays at 11 A. M.Clore d'li-adfiy at 11 A. M. Ma'l arrives Wedne c dyat6 ‘M # Clo-es ut 10 Vi OUR OUM'oMKkS WHO •*dontlike tv be dunned''’ will p!<- £# sav- them#- Ives the momfication a. a i th** ‘r üb!** ad o, by paymg up, or v e shall sue out our claims, aud tioso ail bu*jutt# co.jneeti<uis with such pas tins We did luiieve vour piomise, Now beli- ve ours. REDD, JO iNSON &. CO. Columbus. Ga, Asia 7 1353. wtpjan twlm ~ALABAMA WAREHOUSE COLUMBUS, OA. ALLEN &. CAM having purchased th in* rest of B A Bors >y in the above Wei known Fi e l;ick Wfsrehone, woulc be glad to see tmirold fnendsand patrons st ihrn new place of bu-> nea*, where they have formed r co partnership with J. VV. King, under the asm aud B'vie of KING, ALLEN & CAMAH, for tho transaction <>t a general Storage and Commission Special attention paid to the Sale of Cotton sne Produce, and the Receiving and Forwarding Merchandise consigned to nur care- Liberal Advances made on Cotton in store or f*>r shipment to our friend? in Savannah, Cnaries ton, New York or elsewhere. Bagging aud Rope lurnished our customers at market prices. We solicit a share of public patronage, and pledge ourselves, by elo#e attention to business to J. W. KING. A. VI. ALLEN. THOS, CAMAK. THE undersigned, in retiring from the Ware house business, takes great pleasure in re eommeooing to his frionds a continuance ol th ii favor and patronage to the firm. (Signed) B. A. feORsB Y- Columbus, Jily 6, 1858-wtw6in. A CARD. HAVING withdrawn from the firm ol HUGHES DANIEL & CO., I cheerfully recommend them to ail our toriner patrons, and the public generally. „ JOHN R. EASTHAM. THE Subscribers will continue under the same name and style—a general STORAGE &CuMMISSI(LS BUSINESS at the FONT AIN K & LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. Th tnktul for the past liberal patronage cl ui friend#, we solicit its continuance, and pledge om indiviunal exertion? to p ea-e all who may entru> their buHness i* us. We are prepared to gran usual facilities to our c stotm-:S . I HUGHES, DANIEL oj CO W's. H. Hughes, Wm Dani l>. Wj-lev C. Homes. Aug- i, tf TO KENT, FROM the Ist Octobernext, Front Room JEagLin Warren's Arcade. -Apply atthis office. July 29, 1853— tvvtf FOR RENT. SEVERAL TENEMENTS—one on Broad Street, eligible as a Boarding House. Aug. 19—twtf. L. TANARUS, DOWNING. To Rent, FROM the Ist October next, the Store at present oc cupied by U G. <fc ri. Saeru, in Warren’s Arcade, hnquire at tnis office July Hl~twlf. TO KENT. 17*ROM the fir-t of October next, the City Hotel, L near the Market House. Applv to P GIiTJfiNGER, July 3—Wv3m At Rankin’s old Stanu PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES!! EJAG-L.EI MANtTFACrURING CO. OFFER their various sttles of Good?, com-j prising YARNS, PASH-I TON ior stripes,) PINE KNOT PLAINS, NEGRO KERSEYS, | SoUriJE N LINSEYS 11 TRUCK FOR i TROW SERS.” COTTON ROPE, &c &c. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. They invite the special attention of the Trade to their Stock which is complete in every respect. I J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. Columbus Dec. 5, 1557 twit wtt FREEDOM FROM FEVER AND AGUE TRIUMPH AH X SUCCESS l THE GRENADA ELIXIR, OR South America* Antidote for Malaria! Is a sure Cu r e and Perfect Route to Ague and Fever, C/iillum F ver, Dumb Ague, and ell Bilious Affections ! IT ha3 been thorouehly tested in thousands of cas *s, some of years’ standing, where Quinine and all the most popular remedies of the day had tailed, but the Elixir lias met with the most trium phant success; never tailed to cure the most obsti - nate cases. The unanimous testimony of all who have u#el or witnessed its operations, declare it to be the most extraoidinary medicine ever discov ered lor the q lick and permanent cure of Fever and Ague. It operates as a gentle Tonic and stimulant, gradually but surely; eradicates every vestige of disease, and restores the system to health and vigor. It imparts new vitality to the blood, and will soon induce the glow of health to return to the pale and swarthy complexion, The advantage of this medicine therefore is, that a cure must be radical and complete; not simply breaking the Chill,by producing a “new tmpres sion” upon the nervou system, without reference io the operations of the malarious poison, which is allowed to remain unchanged aid renew its attacks, immediately after the nervous system ha* ceased to tee! the artificial disease—induced by Quinine ar and many other preparations general'y e*o'ted to. TheUKENADA ELIXIR acs di rectly upon the Liver, Stomach. Kmeys, Pores of the Skin, and produce? a r id cal < ure. It comains no ingredient the least injurious to ho system,and can be given to an infant with perfect safety. It is watt anted to cure every ca#e when taken as directed. At! who need such a medicine, will do well to ‘ry the Grenada Elixir It is not on y the best but die moat economical medicine ever introduced tor Fever and Ago** and is a Southern Remedy. PiIKP.iRED OVJ.Y by J. S. FE vi BERTON &CO , Chemists and Druggists, Columbus, Georgia. \nd by all respectable Druggists in the eity.and tountry. July 24, 1858—wijtwSm. BEDELL & WEEMS, HAVE removed to the corner formerly occu pied by W. A. Redd, &Co-, lately by Webb uid Sappington ; wh-ro they wili keep constantly on hand, a weil sel ctod stock of GROCERIES, | consisting in part, of Btcoc, Digging and Rope, ; Sugar and Coffee, Liquors, &c. All ol which ; ney offer at th<- lowest market prices. Aug. 39, 1858. wtf rHE CARTER FACTORY COO HULL, fS now in full operation, turning out the be?’ j 1 quality of Meal. Bring on yur Corn. The i -ighest market price paid tor good Corn. Meal I t wavs on hand and for ?a!e. Feb. 11 —w:wtt H A M ILTON ROL AN P NEW BOOKS. ! TWO MILLION*, by Wm. .3llea Bvtu r,a‘*tho ot Noth!hr to Wear. 3£Ljpp& Vi.,ry tierwenr, b j9hu S. Ktephcss, author of Fashion m.d Famine. >1 >i Kite-hat 1, by Madame De R . U e’ory otihe < 'rign. Formation amt An option of it* C ot tne U. 3. by iieo. Ticknoi Cuitis TbeCruit-e of the Betsey, * r a HLirmier Fambx hi ejc the t-’ i.erouapcsUts ot tau Uebridee# >. Hugh Miller. Paruer iwr September. Godcy’s Lady’s Book for ept. Knickerbocker- Just r.ceivtd by I.W,PEASE & CLARK. Columbus, Aug.-6 WM F. LEE, D. D.S. denial sukgeom, )FFICE corner of Broad and Randolph Streets, Columbus, Georgia. December 17,1^56—w&twtf jTfogle & SON, ©Wft DENTISTS, Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, Colum ’•up, L a. Co'nmbiip, May 9 1367. wtwtf E. BARNARD & GO. COLUMBUS UA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEHES: PROVISION DEALERS li vVB oa han l, hind will oonstcntly keep fitg'a large ami well selected Stock, enreractiii! article in their linn, are offered TO to their friends and the pa die, atthe lowest aarket prices. Come ami see us. Columbus, Sept 29, 1d57. w&twtf. To our Customers! and alter metirst Jaeuaiy next, we shall ’ adopt,, a, nearly as possible, me CA3H **V#- fEM NS-ESSIiV CtiMPKLS ns TO THIS COURSE From* that day all artiema w ll be priced as cash .Vhere credits are aiven (which w*ll only be expend dm those whe have promptly psju us) an additioi ivill be mide to the price named according to tat ime required by the purcha#-r- BARIJARD &CQ> Dec 31, 1857—w&twfim. CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION. jiiiiß >XEB Mavetia Cigaaa ot various brdn-as or co. ‘JO KENT OR LEASE. . 4s’s > Bbif A Chartered Female Coi’ezew.ib a.i the necessary buildings end e’.he r con- V en nice*. A sreutleman, with a• ‘> e competent to ieach Alus*c, could make us in iso • r salaries For turtber paiticulara apply to Kev.T.C STANLFi, Flat 3hoaia,Nleri-iwether counlr, La- A'icast 2i—w&tw4w Soathern Christ n Advocate and Favannah Geor g an copy weekly tor times and tend bill to tl-l* efiee. GREENWOOD & 6RAY, WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION, MERCHANTS, COLIIJIIiIfS, UA. H’ THE undersigned have formed f a Co-partnership under the above firm tor the transaction of a general Ware-House and Commission Business in this city. From the long experience of Mr Greenwood (in the late firm of Greenwood &, Cos.) and Mr. Gray (in the la© firm of Stewart, Gray & C 0.,) they flatter themselves they will be able, by giving their undivided and personal attemion to ali busi ne-s entiU'ted to their care to give general satis faction. They will be regularly supplied with the latest foreign and domes’ie intelligence, whrch will alwavs be at the service ol their patrons. The usual CA-Hf ADVANCES will be made, an i Bsggir.g, Rcpe and other goods furnished when desired. iv S. GREENWOOD’ W C GRAY. Columbus, July 13, 1859—wt3m. Scientific American PROSPECTUS VOLUME FOURTEEN BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11,1858. mechanicsTTnventors, MANUFACTURERS, AND FARMERS, THEjS lENrtFlo AMERICANhan now reached its fourteenth Year, and willenterupon it new vo'urae on the i1 th September. It is thte only w*ekly publication of *he kind now issued in this’country, audit has ave y extensive ciiculat on in all tiic s*tate3 of the U ion. It is i or, as some might sup pose irom its title, a dry. abstruse work on technic al science; oa the contrary, it so teals with the great evei ts going on in the sefe title, mtchanicai aidin dustriat worlds, as to p ease a id instruct every one. !t the mechanic or artizan wishes to know the nest machine in us ,crho*'to ina'se any substance em ployed in his business it the Housewiie wishes‘to ge: a reseipe for making a good color, &c.—ifjthe inventor wishes know to want is smingon in the way o! improvements—it tiiejmanufjictun r wishes'to keep po-ted witn with the times, and to employ the best facilities iu his business—if the man ofieisure and study wishes to keep himself familiar with the ih progress made in the cliem cal la >orat<>iy, oi in the construction of telegraphs, steamships, railroads respe s, mow*rs,amt a thousand other na.hines and appliacces, both ol peace and wai—all iheseMe* side a a can be} tout din theScientiflc American t and not elsewhere. They are here i resented in a reliable and interesting form, adapted to the comprehension ot rninds uilearncd in the higher branches of science and art. TERMS. OneCopy, one year.... .....§ 2 On*- Copy,six months 1 Five Copies, six m onths 4 Tec Copies, six raonihs 8 Ten Copies t*eke months 15 Fifteen Copies,twelve nioGt’ns..... 22 Twenty Copies, twelve months 28 Tne money must iu all cases besutid iuadvance. Specin en copies sent gratuitously for inspection —. Foothornand Western money, or Postage stamps taken for subscriptions. Letters should t e directed to ViUNN <V CO., UH Fulton Street, N. V. Munn&Co., are extensively engaged in pr >curing patents for new inventions, and will advise i ivr-ntors. *ithout charge, in regard to the noveity of their improvements. . aug2l—twif COLUMBUS. GEORGIA YJI7 E the undersigned, have this dav purchased from Jas flarniltoii the Troy Factory and entire stock, and will continue the business under the name and stye of 1 roy Manufacturing Com any, and will manufacture and keep constantly ; ori hand, at wholesale and retail, Chairs, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Tubs, Backets, Safes, Tables, Bureaus, and other House Furnishing articles. All orders addressed to the Troy Manufacturing Company will receive prompt attention. JEFFERSON & HAMILTON. Joseph Jefbersoh. John fl. Hamilton. Columbu?, Ga. April 19—wly. *.-- - ■ - UifL hX X il IS i’ iTE if S lUSC CKLEBKATED HOLJ.AND ftKMl£Dr POA arsFifSJA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AMD AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a diseased STATE OF THE LIVER. ■luch as indigestion. ot tbe stomach, Col icky ‘8 G* i leartburs, Loss of Appetite, L)e*p. and. ieucy, costi tness BUndand Biecding Files, in ill Nervous, 1 ’ Rheutravi and Neuralgic Affectioo, 1 ; has, in nutn<*’ .us instances firovei highly bene* dcial.andin others a deeidvdeure. .’his Is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on trictlj scientific principles,after fthe manner of the jetebraled Holland Professor, Boerhsve. Because >f Its great success tn most of he Kur pean States n.9 introduction intothe I’nitcd States was intended core especially for those of uur fatbe-ihnd scattered nereand there over the lace oi this mights ccun ry. Meeting with great sueef st ann ng tletP,lnow Giieritjtothe p ibi c, knowing|that its rily wonderful tne licinal virtussaiust” be acknowl edged. It ia particularly recommenced to those per one hoe constitutions may have been impaired >y theconti iuous use of a dont spirits. or©iherl< rms >i dissipation. >'enerally instantaneous in lndits way directly lothe seat o life, thrlliig md quickening every nerve, raising up tbedroo- J ling spirit, an isct, mtusing new health and j viaror in thesvstem. NOTlCG.—Whoever expects to And this a bever- ! age will be disappointed; btitto the sick, weak and ii w spi -iced, it wit prove a grateful aromatic cor dial, possessed of singular ren ediaiproperties. CAUTION! The great popularity of thisdellght r nl aroma has nduceii many imitations, which thefpnbiic should ruard against purchasing Bs not persuaded to •uy an7th ug else until you have given Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One Bottle will conviree j von how infiuittly superior it i3 to .all these imita tions. UiF*3o!datsl.oo por bottle,orslx bottlesfor $5.- 00 by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO., MANUFACTURING Pharmaceuists and Chemists, PITTSBURGH, PA. For psD In Columbus by Brooks & Chapman. And Driijorists Generally ih.oughout the State. April 24. ’53 lydwis Land ia Chattahoochee Count}. The subscriber offers for sale Lot 193 in the 7th District, and fraction 21 In the 33d District of Chatta ! hoochee county. For fun her particulars enquire of L.T. Downing, | Coiutnbus, Ga. (a ?2l—win twlw) A. J. MILLER, Adm’r TWO monihs afterdate I shallapply tothe honors able Court ot Ordinary of hattahoochee coun ty -a , for live t.-eil th-” lands belonging tothe estate of Green Bentley, decea e*f. Hi * A* AbBRITTOK. Adza’r, A4g, 30,1858, 2a VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. AS i am desirous of winding up my business, and moving out west, 1 offer for sale my place, lying on the Upatoie creek,in Talbot coun ty, two miles northwest of Geneva. This place contains two hundred acres, more or less ; and three or seven hundred aero* can be addpd to this iract For further information, ap ply to M- T. McCrary, on the place, or to me at Geneva -1 also offer for sale, one Lot in the town of Geneva, on which is situated a Grocery House, a Teupin Alley, and Dwelling House. It is one of the best Blands for a Grocery in the county. Terms accommodating. I!. 11. McCRARY. Aug- Lands for Sale. Andrew 9 .Carr end t thers, ‘ State ol Florl va. i da, .1/iddle i ir- Lewis Curti;- & Nath’l Thurston, t in i ton Cos. Trustees of the Apalachicola | In Chaucery. Land ompauy and oihirs. J PURSUANT to a Decree rendered in this cause, the subscriber wul stli by • uctionattbe places and times htreiu sped ed, all the lauds belonging to said Com, any embraced in the ‘‘Forbes Pi r cHASK,vand lying in the com. ties of Leon, VVakul a, Gadsden and Liberty, vik the la ids l.viug iu the first two named counties will be toid at Tallahassee, on the seventh (7ih) day ol December, uuJ those lying in the last two, will be old ut Quincy, on the four ; teenth (t4th)dayof December next. These lands, comprising aroma million ol acres [ extend from the St. Marts to the Apmchico'a rivers j —l.iey exhibit every \ane*y of timber indigmouslo this latitude, including, of course, live oak, cypress, cedar and juniper; the soil is adapted to the growth ol graiu cotton —long ands ;ort s.aple, tobacco, and sugar cane. The waters abound in flsh, and the tor esi with materials for slop building and naval stores. TERMB—One third of the purchase money to be pa s d tu cash, the balance i one and two veara in equal installments, with ekht. p r cont interest from date of purchase; t files to ho made by the Receiver when all the purchase money is paid. The sde will be positive and without reserve. JOHN HEARD, Receiver, Ac. Tallahassee. August 2d, 1858. sept 2 w3m ISA li BO 1 11 COUNTY LANDS. FOR SALE. HAVING purchased land in the W est, I now ofK-r lor sale both my plantations, lying on the North Cowikee Cie k. The place on whicti 1 row reside known as the Barna Ivey plantation, contains 2 475 acres, with a large proi ortion fresh and Hammock lard. There are on the plantation I 400 acres cleared, and in a tine state of cultiva tion, thorougMy drained, with a laige number of well located ditches. The dwelling is commodi ous, having 6 large rooms, neatly finished, and is siiuated within the corporate limits oi Glennville, convenient to the Collegia and Churches The out-houses are lr. good repair and snfficie .t for the accommodation of 100 negroes. On this place, are two new gin houses, one of which is propelled | by water power, to which is attached a grist mill, i all in good order. Lying broadside t* is place is my other planta ; tion, recently owned by Col. VV. H. Owens,con taining 9JI acres. The dwelling, out houses, gin house and screw are ail new and well finished, and equally convenient to Glennville. Being de termined to sell, i would not object to dividing my lands to suit purchasers. To those acquainted with these lands I need not say more —to those at a distance, l would say that they cannot be ex cciiei in point oi health or productiveness in east Alabama. Glennville is noted for the morality, intelligence and tefi lenient of its citizens. It is situated 12 miles from the Mobile and Girard Railroad, 6 miles from Jernigm, a steamboat landing on the Chattahoochee river, and 16 nnles from Kufauln, to which point the South-Western Railroad of Georgia will soon be completed. For further par ticulars, address aie at Glennville, Alabama. li Bass. Sunt 7. 1758. \vif Valuable Plantation For s BY authority of a decree of tho Probate Court of Russell co.. I will sell for distr bution on tne eighth (8) day of Got., next to the highest hidjj der. on a credit of 1 and 2 years, with interest from the tale, at the Court House in the town ol Craw ford, Russell c0.,/Ha, sections 7 and 18 in town ship 14, range 20, embracing apout 1280 acres, of one of tha best cotton and grain plantations in tho State. On this tract of land are about 600 acres, of open fresh land well enclosed, and iu a ineh state of cultivation, a good framed house with 4 rooms, a good kitchen, traoke house, dairy, blacksmith i shop, a large new gin house, superior cotton screw | houses for the accommodation of 60 or 70 negroes, large cube and stables and other out houses all | new and substantial with a plenty of water and j timber. This land was selected by Joel Hurt, E?q , of ; Ru-sel county, when the country was freso, and he had ih ; country to ch >ose from. It lies on the head vvateia ol Knsee Creek in about 33 miles ol Cr luoibus, Georgia, and w.thin thiee miles of Hur ’s station on tho Mobile & Girard RaJroad, and ir formed rnos’lv of creek i>ouom, and ham mock lands, wish rufficient pine land attached for a b-'&u'i u! and heal hful residence. Tnis planta ion was a lected by Col. Well bo me, as thw be*: tract of land lie couia buy, for the cash, and is without d<>ubt, one oi the most datable at and valuable plan iig estates io East Alabama. It wil’be shown to any person who shall wish to exmi i‘B it, by Mr. Wm. E. Haynie whore sides on liie premises. s* uOlcient security required. A. m ARTIN, Adm’r. of the estate of Alfred Wellborn, dec’d. Columbus, Ga., Sep 6,1858. wtda. SPIIOTT’S celebrated veritable Cic3 iEiaasixs&Xx., AND AMERICAN BITTERS, t An Inestimable TONIC [DIURETIC* aiv i*i f a* if tit, SCfF.NT IFICALLY prepared the original recipeofold Dr. Pprott,sn einiientty and highly popular physician of Shropshire, Eog. land. Tnese highly palatable and agreeable butet? be ing composed of Purely Vegetable Extracts, judiciously a-lected and skillful y compounded are confidently recoin mended to tha public ter their Vaiuabl Medicinal Properties', For Loss of Appetite, Nervous Debility, Ennui, ; Dyspeps’a,they are indispeneab’e. in functional derangements of thef.lverand Kid neys, as well as Jaundice, Rheumatism, Goat and Gravtl, they are a 1 sine qua non ’ Foi Female Complaints this preparation is pecu liarly adapted. Forchi’dren harrassed with the Colic and the of Dentition, it is a soothing assuager. Asa stimulus to invalids, the en.eebled and sick, these bitters are unsurpassable. DIRECTIONS. wine glass two or three timesa day. For iadie? two thirds; ‘’hildren in proportion. Fur very weak stomachs add one-third writer. Prepa-ed at Fag’s Laboratory, .Vontsrmery, Ma.fe To be had of Druggists and coun’.ry merchants genera’ iy. sept 2 Wtf Htrr.r., r.p Kfc r-n \ o e n i* WOODEN WAKES CHEAP.” REDUCTION IN PRICES! SWe would r oc r>ectfuily inform the meichantsi especially ,,and itiepubiic gen erally. that we have made a great redne j tion in our wholesale prices of HOLLOW WAR G3 and other goods in pronorion; and we know that we can make it to the iuterP3i of Soil’ , them Merchants to patronize home manufacture, j We a-k you to give U3 a call before going North l to purchase, and we are confident you will make your purchases of us , * TROY MANUFACTURING CO. No. 40 Ea:-t sids Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. i Columbus. August 16—w2.n- SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES! TRIUMPHANT l SWAN & CO., CONTINUE TQ DRAW AS USUAL WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. SWAN &, CO’S LOTTERIES ARE LEGAL, AND Authorized by the State of Georgia. THE LATE ATTEMPT TO INJURE OUR FIRM HAS SHOWN THAT OUR LOTTERIES ARE DRAWN FIARL\ ;THAT OL R PRIZES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY; AND THAT OUR SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE WORLD. The following scheme will be drawn by S. Swan & Cos., Managers of the Spurts Acad emy Lottery, in each of their Single Number Lotteries for September 1858, at aUGUS I’A Georgia, to which city they have removed their principal office, under the sworn superintendence of Commissioners. Class 31 draws on Sat., Sept 4, 1858. Class 32 draws on Sat., Sept. 11, 1858. Class 33 draws on Sat., Sept. 18, 1358. Class 34 draws ou Sat-, Sept 25, 1858. ON THE PLAIV OF SINGLE NU9IBII.US 50,000 TICKETS, 5,485 PRIZES. Nearly one Prize to Every nine Ticket*, nx BeaacßikXE TO BE DRAWN EVERY SAT., IN AUG. 1 Prize 0f....570,000 w fTO.OOh 1 “ 30,000 is 30,00 b I “ .... 10,000 13 10,000 1 “ ... 5,000 is 5,000 1 “ .... 4,000 13 4,000 I “ 3,000 is 3,000 1 “ .... 1,500 is 1,500 4 “ .... 1,000 is 1 000 4 *• . .... OOO.ire 3,600 4 “ .... 800a re 3,200 4 “ ... 700a re 2,800 4 “ 600 are 2,400 50 “ 500 are 25,000 50 SOOare 1,500 100 “ 125a ro 12,500 230 ** .... loOsre 23,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of SIOO approx’tingto §70,000 are §I6OO 4 300 ” 30,000 “ 1200 4 “ 200 “ 10,000 “ 800 4 “ 125 “ 5,000 “ 514) 4 “ 100 “ 4,000 “ 400 4 75 “ 3,0U0 “ 300 4 “ 50 “ 1,500 “ 200 5,000 “ 20 100,000 5,485 prizes amounting to ,^320,000 Whole Ticketsslo; Halves §5; Quarter* #2.50 A Circular ehowiug the plan ot tho Lotteries will be sent to any one. desiring to receive it. Certificates ol Pacivages will be eoid at the f.ijlowitg rates, which iatheriak: Certificates of Package ol 10 W hole Tickets #BO “ “ 10 Halt 40 “ “ 10 Quarter it. “ “ Eighlh3 10 In ordering Tickets or Certificates Gucioje the money to our address for the Tickets ! order id ou receipt ol which they will be forwarded by first mail. Furjhaaers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The List ot drawn numbers and prizes will bo forwarded io purchassrs immediately after the draw- I ing. Purchasers will tilease write their signatures plain, aud rive their post office, county and Stato. Ra njmberthat every Prize is drawn, and paya ble in full without deduction. Aiiprizcaofono t housand dollars and under paid immediatelyafter tho drawing—other prizes at the übur! time,3(J days. All coromaiiicatiotis strictly confidential. The drawn nntnbere will be torwardod to purchasers immediately after the drawing Prize Tickets cashed orrenewed in other tickets at either office. Orders for Tickets or Packagescau be addressed to S. SWAN to 00.. Augusta, Ga., July 28 wtotwlv JOHN MAY, Agent,Columbus,Ga. A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after the draw ing in each of the following papers, New Or leans Delta, Mobile Register, Augusta ( Ueo.) Constitutionalist, Charleston Standard, Nash>. ville Gazette, \tlanta intelligencer. New York Weekly Day Book, 1 nvannat Georgian, Rich mond Despatch and Paulding (Miss ) Clarion, and Little Rock (.Ark ) True Democrat, LEA & PEKRINS’ CSLSBRATBV WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE PRONOUNCED BY EXTRACT oi a Letter from a CONNOIHSLUB3, Medical Gentleman, AT MADRAS it) bc the to HIS BROTHER, o,'iLl GOOD SAUCE, wOBCESTKR;M.j, 185 l ••Tell Lea to Perrinsthat AUD AFPLICA3LE TO their Sauce Is hignly ea teemed In India, and laic EVERY VARIETY myopin.on,ihemotpkl atabie as well as toe most OF DISH. wholesome Sauce that la made.” THE only meda! awarded by the juryoftbe New York exhibition for toreign laucea, was obtalc-- ed by Lea & Perrins, for their Worceaterahire nauce, the world wide fame oi which baring led to numerous imitation?, purchasers are earneatly re quested tothat the names of**LEA to PBRRINS” arc iraprossed upon the bottle and stopper, and printed upon the label?. Sole wholesale agents ‘or the United fltat^s, JOH - DUNCAN to 80N8, 405 Broadway New York. AFt >ck always in store. Also orders received for c'j ect shipment from England. decß—wly FOR SALE, Ml ofier for sale my plantation situated on Chunennugaee Ridgo, in Macon County, Alabama, containing 551 acres, 300 cleared. It is but2i rniloa from Chunne nuggee Female College, and 3 miles Irom the pre senl terminus of the Mobile and Girard Railroad. There is on the place a rno.-t excellent framed gin house, new negro houses, black smith shop, wood -hop and all necessary out building? . Al*o a two room log house, with a two framed shed rooms attached, an excellent well of water, and an abun dance of running water for stock. The land lies weli and w unusually healthy. I will ■*•)! a bar gain. Gome and see. J. R ROGERS, July 20—w2m Hardaway, Ala. NOTICE TO COTTON PLANTEIS. WE the undersigned, inventors of the Iron Screw Press, take pleasure in calling at tention to this Press, for which we have obtained Letters Patent. From experience we are satisfied that this Press is not only capable of pressing cot ton to the usual size, but with a small additional cost of corop r essioo at the Gin to a size suitable for shipment by sea going vessels. The cost now for compressing is from 70 to 90 cents per bale, which indirectly oomes out of the planter. This Press i3durable, a3all of its bearing and straining parts are of Iron, simple and suitable for negro management. We me making arrangements to put up the Press at all suitable points for inspec tion. For further information, address U 9 at Sel ma, Ala., or D. A. Hobbie. Journal Office, Montgomery, Ala., or E. C. Corbett. Columbus, Ga. W.F. 4 C.J. PROVOST.