Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 09, 1858, Image 1

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R. ELLIS & Cos., Proprietors, VOLUME VI. TILE COLUMBU3 DAILY TIMES Is published every morning (Sundaysexcepted.) at Six Dollars par annum, in advance. Sev en Doll a r 9it not paid before .the expiration of the ye TIIE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES Js published every TUESDAY MORNING. at Two Dollars per annum,strictly in advance. Office on Randolph Street, opposite, the. Rost Office. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements of live lines or less in cither the aily or Weekly Times, will be inserted at 00 ents for the first insertion and 23 cents lor eacli übsequent insertion. Advertisements exceeding five lines will he charged 10 cents lor the first, and five cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Displayed advertisements will ho charged for the space they occupy. The following are the contracting rates change able at pleasure: WEEKLY KATES. ... . i ■ ci eo i o o rs iSJo,oJ I 33 33 Ti 3 0 o o o o stirs. | sr Si 5. S V. 1 • zr pr ar sr n* to 1/1 ro I/I t/i 1 2 50 4 00 5 50i 10 00 15 00 20 00 2 ! ft 00 800 11 00 20 00 25 (X) ISO 00 3 75911 00 14 50 25 00 35 00 10 Cos 4 10 00 15 00 ]<j 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 ft 12 00 17 (Ml 20 00 <lO 00 50 00 00 00 0 15 00 20 00 25 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 7 j 17 0025 00 30 00 00 00 70 00 80 00 8.. 20 00 30 00 40 00 70 00 80 00 00 00 10.... 25 00 10 00 50 00; 80 00 00 00 100 00 DAILY RATES. ~ f I • j VD t* j IXO, of , ; g gig = s O O o O o o sqrs. || j 5 5 | S = • ; tn jo 5? rn ic 1.. 500700000 13 00 17 00*2J 00 2 9 00! 12 00 14 00 18 00 25 00 30 00 .3 ! 12 00 15 00 18 00 25 00 33 00 40 00 4 15 00 19 O ‘ 22 00 30 0 0 4 0 00 50 00 5 18 00 25 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 60 00 6.. i2O 00 28 00 35 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 7 ! 25 00 33 00 41 00 60 (Ml 7(1 00 80 00 8.. j300038004£007000 80 00 90 00 10.... _49 00 50 00 60 00 80 00 90 00 100 00 . Sales of Land and Negroes, by Adminisira-j tors, Executors and Guardians, are required by | law to be hold on the lirst Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House inthe county in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day ot sale. Notice for the sale ol Personal property must be given at least ten days previous t to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors- of an Estate must be published hrty days. Notice that application wil 1 be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Lana or Ne groes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations /or Letters of Administration must be published thirty days—for Dismission from Ad ministration,momnly six months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must bo published monthly lor four months—for estab lishing lost papers for the lull space of three months —for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been givan by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued ac- j cording to these, the legal requirements, unless I otherwise ordered. j3©©e mm ,o@d PRINTING OFFICE, Randolph Street, Columbus, Georgia. J HAVING ill successful operation one of lIOF, & CO.’S CYLINDER PRESSES RUNNING BY STEAM, We are, prepared to execute, at short notice, every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in unsurpassed style, as cheaply as can be done anywhere iri the South. We have on hand a large variety ol N E W J O B T Y PE, and shall keep a constant sup ply of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPER, CARDS, Arc. Our facilities for turning oil this kind of work, well promptness and despatch, will make it great ly to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &c. &e. Also RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT Blanks. Give us a call. This Department of our office is under the su perintendence of Mr- I). S. Porter, whose long experience and acknowledged reputation as a Job Printer,are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will be executed with energy and faithfulness. We have now in connection w ith the office a complete .BOOK BINDERY, and having recently secured the services of Mr.E. M. Ci .ark (late of Philadelphia,) in this branch of our business, we pledge ourselves to give the most perfect satisfaction in the manufacture of Ledger*, Account Books, Court'Records. Steamboat and Rail - Road Blank Books, &c, We intend not to be outdone in the style and finish of oitr work, in either department, by any establishment South, and that we maybe able to make our prices satisfaetory, we have adopted the CASH SYSTEM. Sept. Ist, 1858, R- ELLIS & c O. MARION BETHUNE, A rTOR AE Y A T L A W, TALBOTTON, Talbot County, Ga. October 24th* 1856. wtwtf. WILLIAM TAYLOR” ATTORNEY AT LAW, Unthbort, Randolph Comity, Georgia. YJI7 ILL practice in tho counties of Randolph, Calhoun, Terrell, Early, Clay, Baker, Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. REFERS TO Wellborn, Johnson &, Sloan, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Georgia. All business intrusted to bis care will receive immediate attention. June 6, ISsß—wtw tf 0. Y. MARTIN. J. J. MARTIN. “MARTIN & MARITN7 Attorneys at Law, eex.txM'jrius: Office on Broad Street—OverCunby & Daniel. Columbus, Jan. 9, 1857. w&tvvly. BAUGII & SL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMP.CS, GEORGIA. WILL practice law in Muscogee and the adjoin ing counties of Georgia and Alabama. nr Office over llank of Columbus, Broad St. ROBKRT B.UTUII. J. J. SLADE. Col limbus, G:t. March 27 1857. wtwtf w. AT T O RN E Y A T I, AW . C U >S S E T A, Chattahoochee County, Ga. (Uves hisentirc attention to the practice in Cbat ttaboochee and adjoining counties, an 2l> —wtwly* 4 BITaT TURNIPSEED, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W , C U TIIB E R T ANARUS, Randolph County, Ga. HAVING removed from Cusseta, loCuthbert, Randolph county, will give prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to his care. ap27—wtf. ft’lt. M. CHAMBERS. WM. M . ROBBINS. J. A. ROBBINS. Chambers, Robbins & Bobbins, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, EUFAULA, ALABAMA. WILL practice in the counties of Barhour, Pike, llenry, Coflea, Dale and Russell. lob I —wlv HOWARD & WEEMS, ATTORN E Y S A T L AW, CRAWFORD, ALA, ROBERT N. HOWARD. WALTER U< WEEI.I3. Crawford, Ala., .1 une B —wtwtf. T. J GU NN, A TTORNEY A T I. A W , HAMILTON, GA. WILL attend promptly to all busineess entrusted to him. * January 26, 1853—wly. JAMES A. CLENDENIK, ATTORNEY AT LA W, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, ABBEVILLE, Henry County, Ala. July 20, 1858.—wly. GRICE & WALLACE, BUTLER, GEORGIA. WILL give prompt attention to all business en trusted to them. W. L. GRICE. WM.B. WALLACE. December 16 —wtf ELAM & OLIVER, ATTOIt NE Y S A T LA W, BUENA VISTA, MARION COUNTY, GA. 117 ILL practice in the counties of Marion Ma- Vv con, oiewart Taylor, Chattahoochee, Kincha foonee, and any of the djoining counties when theirservices niav be required. WM. D. ELAM. TitADEUS OMVKR. November Id —wtf COLLI NSWOIiTH INSTITOTE NEAR TALBOTTON. GA. #THE Exercises of Collinsworth Institute will he resumed on the 26th Boanl is furnished at $2.50 per week- Tuition sjOO, S4O, and SSO per scholas tic year. Early and prompt attendance desired. For farther particulars apply to the under signed. DAVID W. SEAY, A. M. ) j. t. McLaughlin, a m \ I,,nc, P alb * .1. 11. SWEARINGER, Assistant. W. S. NEWELL, Steward. July 20,1858. —wf>t. BEDELL & WEEMS Wholesale and Retail GROCERY DEALERS, \\7ILL .teep constantly on hand a welßselec ’ • ted Stock comprising all articles in their line, which are offered to their’ irieuds and the public generally at the LOW LSI AIARnLI ERE CES. Give us a call. LOCK WEEMS. A. G. BEDELL, Columbus, Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf. UPPING 4 HIS PIPER, OF ALLSIZES AND QUALITIES, FOR SALE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TFIt MS CAS IT. iun 016 wlw t f FOR SALE. THE undrsigned having determined to close up his business in this place, oilers at private sale, his STORE HOUSE AND LOT. .'Enon is well known lor health, morality and good wa ter. No village within my acquaintance can com pare with it for the solvency ol those who pa tronize the place. A reputable business house in a city might make it to its interest to establish a,branch here'provided wUh aMiuWe ' c “ er|Ee,icl N?V PERSONS. Enon, Macon co. Ala., Aug. 7,1353.wtt THE UNION OF THE STATES, AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER !>, 1858. THE LIVER I N VIG O RATO R , PREPARED BY D It. S A N D F O R D, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. IS one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicine now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder,;and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a cathartic, but a Liver Remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter then on the Stomach and Bowels t carry ofl the matter, thus | accomplishing §two purposes effectually, without any of the painful fee lings experienced in theoperation of most ’Chathar tics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate do ses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one of the principal regula tors ot the human bo-r, v-iy; and when it per forms itsifunctionsweil, (h>> the powers of the sys tem are lully develop. Jr fed. Thestomachis al most eniirely depend- JOTjent on the healthy ac tion oftheLiver for the j 1 proper peforinancc of its functions, when the jOT]) stomach is at fault the bowelsare at fault,and tHHj the whole system suff ersin consequence ol organ—the Elv er—having ceased doits duty. For the disease of that organ, JOTUone of the proprietors has made it his study, J^.' in apraetice of more than twenty years, to 5 find some remedy wherewith to counter- jio act tho many derange ments to which it’lsjm]liable. To prove that this re-1 j niedy is at last found, any person troubled thH’ with Elver Com plaint,in any of its f ! forms, has but to try a Dottle, aud conviction ( ‘•*{ is certain. These gums remove )(L; all morbid or bad mat ter ftom the system, j ‘supplying inilieirjjplace “ajiealthy flow of bileA 11) i ivigoratiog the Sto mach, causing food totf'Jdigest well, purify ing the blood, 1 11 j giving tone and health I to the whole machine- f‘ j, ry, removing the cause | ox tho disease.—effec- a radical cure, lltlious attacks cured, [ami, what is better, )uj( prevented, by the oc asional use ot the SOTI Eiver Invigora <or - , LJj One dose after eating is sufficient .to relieve the stomach and pre c <’ v <’ veut the food from rising and souring * J t Only one v <iose taken H (before retiring, pre- ] vents Nightmare. Only one do&e |!aken at {night, loosensjthc bowels fgcntly, and 1 ‘J cures Costlvca s. One dose taken after t J each .meal will cure Dyspepsia. n,i oftwo(tj! tea-spoonsful al ways relieve Sick ( ! Headache. One dose taken for 5 female obstiuction re moveihe cause of the i w-U disease, aud makes a perfect cure. Only onedosefimme- v| diatoly relieves cholic, Jwhllej L-J One dose often repea fUJ ’ ted is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, r (and a preventative of Cholera. (£>>’ one bottle 3r ;is needed to thiov out of the system thoeffects j >of medicine aftera long 1 sickness. bottle for Jainidtre re movesall sallow ness or t unnatural color from the skin. lj! One dose taken a JOT! short time before eat* icg gives vigor to the jf ;appetite and makes food digest weii. One dose often repeated cures Clir 031 ic Diar rhoea,tin its worst forms, while BUM ME R and Boxvel (complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by W or ms in Children; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in The world, as it never fails. t’W A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the! absorbants. VVe take pleasure in recommending this medi cine as a preventive for Fever anti (Ague, • ‘hills, Fe ver, and all Fe vers of aßiiious Type, fit operates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimo ny in its favor. Mix water in the mouth with the Invigoratorand swallow both together. THU LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR, Is a sciantific Medical Discovery, and is daily wor king cures a'most too great for belief. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose, giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle isfrequired tocurefany kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst jaundlccor dyspepsia to a common headache, all ot which are the result ol a diseased liver. Price Ono Dollar per Bottle. . SANFORD &CO. Proprietors,34sßroadway,New York WHOLESALE AGENTS, Barnes Sc Park New York; T. W. Doytt & Sons, Philadelphia; M. S. Burr X- Cos. Boston; 11. H. Hay &. Cos. Portland; JohnD. Park, Cincinnati; Gaylard &. Hammnd; Clevelaond, Fahnsiock &. Davis fChica go; O.J. Wood &. Cos. Bt. Louis Geo.ll. Keyser, Pittsburg; S. 8, fiance, Baltimore. And retailed by all Druggists. Sold Wholesale and Retail by J. S.PEMBERTON & CO., BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DAN FORTH fif NAGEL, May2o—vtwly and all Drugggist?. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE- STATE OF SO..CAROLINA, THE, Aun-ial Course of Lectures in this Institu ion, will commence on the Second in November upon the following branches” Anatomy JF. HOLBROOK, M. D. Surgery*. IJ CHISHOLM, M. 1). Theory and Practice of Medicine P C GAILLARD, M.D. Physiology.. WS'MOIJLTRIE, M. D. Materia Medica HENRY R FROST, M. D Obstetrics TIIOS G PSIOLF.AIJ.|M. D. Chemistry C (I SHEPARD, Jf/. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy F T 71/ILES, M. D, Clinical Lectures are delivered twice a week at the Marine Hospital and the Roper Hospital, by the Phy sieianand Surgeon of thosefnospilals. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened inOctobev and dissections conducted daily by the Demonstra te r Inthe Anatomical Museum'valuable § additions have been made in models of a very large size, illus trative ‘of the more minute and delicate structures of the human body. A valuable and interesting (collection of wax of the various parts of the system, in a healthy and diseased state,i-has also been added. HENRY R. FROST, Dean. June 29 —wtiw. PLANTERS’ WARE-HOUSE. COLU.VinUS.OA., Juneiai, 1858. .NVNOTN THE undersized return their thanks their friends and the public generally the liberal patronage heretofore bestow ed, and hope by a strict attention to business to merit further favors. They are happy to state that they have secured .the services of Mr. J. M. j WATT as Book-keeper, and Mr. W. A. 1-EL)- ELL'as salesman,who will be happy to serve’their friends and the customers of the house. DILLARD, POWELL & CO. Columbus, June 29,1558, —wly. firetroofavakeiiouse; subscribers will continue the Commis !S*k"?7gsion Business at the oldstand ofGreenwood llardaway & Cos. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Cotton. Cash advances made. Bagging and Rope supplied at market i rates. Also, = a heavy article of Cotton Osuaburgs, Cot ton Rope and Mattrasses of the best quality. We have on hand a few Jot Gianger’s Magic Corn and Cob Crushers, for which we are agents. Aug. 8, 1857-wly GREEN WGOD & CO. GEORGIA, Clay County: TWO mouthsafter date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary ot Clay county for leave to sell the Real Estate of ‘William Toney, iate of said couuty, deceased. R.G. RICKB, l i.JmVa, W. TONEY i AIU “ ri ’ July 20,1858. F. LAN DON, HATS! f||l GAPS! HATS! JBL GAPS. ISpoad SI., Coliuiftbu*, Has on hand an elegant of Spring and Summer Hats, embracing SILK, CASSI MERE, and SOFT HATS, ol every variety, color, size and shape For sale C BE E A. F. Columbus, Ga. March 4, 1858. w&twtf FOR SALE. THE Subscriber has on hand a few STILLS for manun jturingPeaeli Brandy or WSils- Ity, which he wil U very low. ALSO, Tin, Sheet Iron and Japan Ware, every description, w Acl can be bought at the I owes rates. one on sh t uotie and u/Aliberalterms. J. B. HICKS,Agent, julylfi w vt Next loor below “Sans Souci” Rroad-itreet, Real Irish Poteen Whisky. THE subscriber is now’ manufacturing the real Irish Poteen Whisky, at his place one and a half miles from Columbus, which he warrants to be pure and genuine, and equal to the best Poteen Whisky manufactured under ground inlreland. Apait from its being a healthy and pleasant le verage, it is an excellent remedy lor Colds, Diarrhoea, Worms, &c. For sale by the bottle at Brooks &. Chapman’s Drugstore, at Brassill <SC Co’s by the. drink or ° herwise, and by the gallon at the distillery. mar 6 wtwtf A. B R ANN AN. Rubber Belting. WE have on hand and for sale 3 and 4 Ply Rubber Belting,6,7 and 8 inches wide. Also a large and well selected stock of DIM®, All of which will he sold as low as can be bought in the market, by J. ENNTS & CO. Columbus, Ga. July 12, 1858. w3m Bacon! Bacon! \\/ r !’, l.avo now onliaml and will be constantly re * ’ ceiving, Prime Tennessee Bacon Hams, Sales and Shoulders,which we will sell at thelowesiOom mission House prices. Mar2U—w&twtf E. BARNARD &. CO. ‘ssniYiaEi® THE HALLOTTEE PICTURES A, J. BIDDLE, HAS purchased of J. Gurney, of New the exclusive right for taking Hallotype Pictures, whicliis alittlcaheadof anything in the way of Pic ture taking the world has overseen. There is noth ing to which they can be cc .opared in the art of Photography, but bear a strong resemblance to wax figures, for softness and beauty of light and shade. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and exam ine specimens. Artists who desire to learn this new and beautiful art, and secure rigiits for other counties wit 1 please cailon A..1 RIDDLE, Jolumlms Ga. Julv2s— SALE OF SPRING & SUMMER Ob D JJ JUS > Dltl-LOODS AT IIALF PRICE! lET all come and avail themselves of this rare j oppoitu nity to purchase good, pietty, and honest made goods at exactly ON E H ALF ol our regular price, and thirty three per cent less than wo paid for them ourselves. We mean exactly what we say, and hope the care lhat.we have always taken to have, our bus iness and goods come full up to our advertisement, will he sufficient to convince at least all, who have so kindly favored us with their patronage, that wo are in earnest. We are now odering our large stcck.of Muslins and Berages atexactly one half our regular price. That is to say—Muslins that we have been selling at 12J- cents, we now sell at - - - - 6*- cents. “ “ “ 20c “ 10 << a (c 2 r y t( (i “ “ “ 3 n “ ißt Muslin side stripe,Robe a’Quille priced 1.25 for 621 “ “ “ “ 2 50for 1.25 “ “ “ 4 CO for 2.00 “ “ “ ** 5.00 for 2.50 Barege Robe a’Quille, price 5.00 for *2.50 do do do 8 00 for 4 00 do do do 10.00f0r5.00 do do do 12.00 for 600 do do do 25.00 for 12.50 SHOES: SHOES! j Wo have in store a large stock of Gents, Ladies j Misses Boys’ and Children’s Shoes, which we will I sell at Cost, consisting 01- Ladies’Enamel Heel Boots, Colored Slippers, Kid Slippers Jenny Lind Boots, Enamel Kossuth Pit Slippers, Kid R. R. Buskins, Cloth Heel Gaiters, Fine Kid Slippors, Calf Slippers. Gent’s Congress Boots, Congress Gaiters, Patent Leather Gaiters, Seal Gaiters, Calf Sewed Shoes, Kip Brogans, Patent Leather Shoes,Enamel Shoes,Low Quar to red Shoes and a variety of Slippers. Children’s Calf Congress Boots, Enamel’ Jenny Lind Boots Kid Heel Boots, Enamel Heel Boots, Fancy Heel Boots, Paroda Boots, Heel Gaiters, Kid Slippers and Boots, Enamel Boots. § i& a a if s * Have this day received an entire new lot ol LACE EXT E N SION SKI It T S,— made from the finest Watch Springs, and which we will sell cheap. Other goods in our stor k will be oflered at un usually ow prices. TERMS CASH—NO SE COND BRICE. Very Respectfully, G. YV. ATKINSON & TAYLOR, Next door to Brooks if Chapman’s Drug Store, Corner of Btoad and Randolph Streets. Columbus, Ga., July 8, 1858. wtf tw2 EARLY SHERIFF SALES. \\7ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in October ’’ next, beforetbe Court House door iu the towuj of Blakely, Early .county, between the usu al hours ot sale, theiolowing property to wit: Lot of land number (twenty eight in the tsthdss trict and 175 acres of lot N0.12 in the 23th district of Early County, levied *on as The property of VV. H. Harrison to satisfy eight Justice Court fi fas, from the 854th District G. M., in savor of M. VV. Stamper vs W H Harrison- levy made and returned to me by a constable. ANTHONY HUTCH IN 9,Bb’ff, Blakely. AufU 31,1858 —wtds. 1 MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD. Change of Schedule. ‘ ON and afleijlhe 15th July, 1858, the Evening A/atl Train wibleave Columbus at 3.45 p. M. and ar id ve at Macon at 9.18 P. M. Leave Macon at 9.45 A M. arrive at Columbus at 3.45 P M The Morning Mail Tra ! n will leave at 4.1)0 A. M. andarrive at A.M. Leave Macon at 11.45 P. M. arriveat Columbus 5.55 A. M. J. L. MUSTIAN,Supt. Columbus,* July 15—tw&wti CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT KAll. ROAD COM I*AN V. MONTGOMERY, Nov. 1'J,1807. ON and after this date the PASSENGER TRA INS on this road wm begoverned by tneioliowing 8< lIEDPLE: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8.30a. in, Arriveat West Point 3.30 p.m. Arriveat Columbus 2.60 p. m. Returning—Leave West Point .....9.30 a.m. Leave Columbus 10.00 a. m. Arriveat Montgomery 4.(0p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.20 p. m. Arriveat West Point 12.50a.m. “ Columbus 1.00 a. n>. Returning—Leave West Point 7.30 p.m. Leave Columbus 7.30 p.m. Arrive at Montgomery 2.30 a. m. Through tickets can be obtained (.10. Double daily Connections) to Atlanta Chattanooga ami Nasnviile, and daily connections to Huntsville Memphis and Knoxville. S.G.JONES Eng’r & Sup. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN ATLANTA & COLUMBUS. BY an arrangement between the Railroad Com panies composing the two routes from Atlanta to Columbus, concluded at their Convention at .8a vannah on the 16th instant, it was agreed that the following rates between Atlanta and Columbus shall govern, taking effect from the first day o< May 1857. VIA WEST POINT. Corn per bushel, He. Wheat 12. Oatsß. Bacon, Whisky Flour iu sacks or barrels, per 100 lbs. 35c. Bagging, Rope Lard iu cans orbbis., per 100 lbs. 45a. Coal, 4 Pig Iron, by ear loud, per ton >i 2IMH> lbs. $3.75. VIA MACON. Corn per busel 14c. Wheat 15c. Oats ltic. Bacon, Whisky, Flour iu Sacks or Uhls., per 100 lbs, 44c. Bagging,Rope Lard, in cans or übls=. per 100 lbs 55c. Coal, Pig iron, by car load, per ton of 2000 lbs. $4.68. J. MUSTIAN, President and Superintendent Muscogee R.R GEO. W. ADAMS, Superintendent Southwestern Railroad. EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent Macon and Western Railroad. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent Atlanta and LaGrange R .11. SAMUEL G. JONES, Engineer and Superintendent M.&.VV. P. Railro&u. May 30,1837 —w&twtl. MOM LE AjSD GIRARD K. R. ri'illE Passenger &. Freight Train will leave Giranl ,JL at 2 P, M daily connecting at Silver Run with a daily line of Stages to Villula, Glennville,Eufaiila. Fort Gaines, and Marianna,Fla. And at Guerytou daily,withtise S'tage3 for UcheeOlivet,Enon, Chun nenuggee, Midway, Hardaway, Pero and Union Sprin s. Leaving Guorytonat 4 A. M., daily, the Cars will reach Girard at 7 A.M., connecting with the Ope lika anu Muscogee Trains. 13 C Duplicate Receipts must accompany Freight shipped. sir All freight must be paid before goodswilibe I discharged. Freight delivered at the Depot before 4 o’clock P.M. wilt bo shipped the following day. Fi eights for stations No. 1 (Fort Mitchell,) and N0.5 (Putsons’) must be prepaid. Way freight must in ail oases be paid in advance. JOHN HOWARD, mar2s 1857-w&.twtf. Eneineei &. Sup. CHAGE OF SCHEDULE. SAVANNAH k CHARLESTON STEAM-PACK ET LINE. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE North Eastorn R. R. of South Ca. TIFF-SPLENDID AND FAST RUN OT^£s3i# N,NG bt EAMUU GORDON, F. Barden, Commander, leaves Savan for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock, and connects at Charleston with the morning I rain of the North Eastern Railroad, going North. Returning: leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night at 8 o’clock, (after the arrival ol thecarson theN.E.R. It.) and arrives at Savannah early next mornings. By this route passengers can obtain through ticb etsto and from Savannah,Ga. and Wilmington, NC. Having a through freight arrangement with the Central K. Road and its connections, all freights be tween Charlestonand the Interior of Georgia, con signed to the agents of this line, will be forwarded with despatch and free of charge. -J. P. BROOKS, Agent3avaimah. E.LAFITTE &CO, Ag’ts.Charleston! Jan 15—w&twtt TO THOSE INDEBTED. LITE hereby give notice that allclaimsdue us, and VV not paid or satis actorily arranged, priorto the next return day of the respectivecounties in which the parties reside, will be sued. None shall be sligh ted. mar2o—wtwtf. E. BARNARD &c CO. THE LAST CALL ! MONEY WANTED. THE subscriber having purchased the entire interest olV. R. TOMMEY, inthe Notes and accounts of the late firm of J. ENNIS & CO (which firm was dissolved on the lirst Oct. 1855,) would earnestly solicit all indebted to said firm, either by note or account, to call at the store ol J.Enni£& Co.,and settle the same,or they will find their Notes and Accounts in the hands oi an officer for collection. J ENNIS. Columbus, Oct. wtwtf TODUL&3 w. mmt. ATTORNEY AT LAW, PRESTON, Webster County, Gn. WILL practice in the counties of Clay, Chat tahoochee, Webster, Early, Randolph, Stewart and Sumter. Partienlar attention giv en to collecting and remitting. January 27, 1857—wtf. * PEYTON H. COLQUITT, ( T ditors JAMES W. WARREN. \ Eclltors ‘ BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE. and the BRITISH REVIEWS. L SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to • publish the following leading British Peri odicals, viz: TIIE LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative) 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. (Whig.) 3. THE NO. BRITISH REVIEW, (Free Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBUBCHMAG. (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radical, —but politics forms only one feature of their character. As organs of the most pro found writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand,as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being consid ered indispensable to the scholar and the profes sional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature o! the day, through out the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. Tiie receipt of advance sheets from the Bri tish publishers, gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the orig inal editors. TERMS. Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews $3 GO For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews. 7 00 For all lour of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews... 9 00 For Blackwood ami the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to he made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price, will he allowed to Clubs ordering lour or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus; Four copies of Blackwood, or of one. Review, will be sent to one address for $9 ; four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood for $33 ; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal citiesand towns, these works will be delivered free of postage. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but twenty-four cents a year for “Blackwood,” and hut (ourteen cents a year for each of the Reviews. N. lb—The price in Great Briinin of the live Periodicals above-named is s3l per annum. Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the pubs iishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO , No. 54,G01d street, New York. Jan 6. RUSSELL’S MAGAZINE! A Monthly Organ oi Literature ami Criticism. Devoted to a Free Discussion of all to pics EMBRACED IN TIIE RANGE OF A MAGA ZINE, AND PUBLISHED IN CHARLESTON, S. C. ON TIIE FIRST OF EACH MONTH. IT is designed to meet a commonly felt want, and to give utterance and circulation to the opinions, doctrines and arguments of the educated mind of the South especially, and to promote, in its sphere, the progress of a sound American Lit erature, free from party shackles or individual prejudice. Agencies will he established as soon as possible, to supply all sections of the country, and mean while, orders from booksellers, periodical dealers, postmasters and others, disposed to extend the work, are respectfully solicited, and will be sup plied ori the most liberal terms. TLe work will be supplied at Three Dollars per annum : or 25 cents by numbers. Specimen numbers will be sent free of postage to applicants who cannot conveniently reach any agency yet announced, on forwarding to “Russell’s Magazine” eight postage stamps. Communications and contributions designed for the work, should he addressed, “Russell’s Maga zine, Charleston, S. C.” July 29. McCOMB’S IRON TIE. FOR BALING COTTON. IS now offered for sale at the Alabama Ware- I house. The superiority of Iron over Rope for baling cotton has been so fully tested in the West for a lew yearn past as no longer to admit of any doubt. Those wishing Ties (hoops,) will please send in their orders at any early date, that a supply may be kept constantly on hand. The orders should specify ihe length of the ties wanted—say 9, 91 or 10 loot, the only lengths now offered. No alteration of ti.e screw or box is necessary for their application, which is simple and rapidly done. They will be sold at 8 cents per pound. For further information, apply to June 22—tw3m B. A.SORSBY. RELIGIOUS LIBRARY. ‘ Triumph over Death 75 Living to Christ 85 Methodism in Earnest, the History ot a Great Revival $1.50 Light on Little Graves 75 Lighted Valley 75 The Guiding Star 65 Marshall on Sanetiiication 75 The Martyr Lamb 50 Dying Thoughts 50 Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer 50 Story of Grace 35 Thought for the Thoughtful 50^ .Missionary’s Daughter 35 Christian Prayer 40 The Hannah’s 40 Scripture Pottions 85 Last Hours ol Christ 40 Plain Thoughts 35 The above, w’ith many other valuable books, or sale by may 13—wtwtf J.W. PEASE & CLARK. PLANTATION AND MILLS FOR SALE. lIAVING determined to remove West offer for sale my Plantation and Mills in JETChattahoochee county. The body of lands contains about 1 300 acres, of which there is a considerable portion open and in cultivation. The mills (Grist and Saw) are in good repair, al most new, situated on the road leading from Co lumbus to Buena Vista, via Glenalta, on the Ochili Creek, are operating advantageously. Persons wishing to purchase this most desirable place, are requested to call and examine for themselves, as - that a great bargain may be had. During niy absence the premises will be shown to purcha sers by G. P. Gordy, who may be found on the place. SAMUEL D. HARP. July 12—wti NUMBER 8