Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 17, 1858, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. The Effect of Rust. One ol the peculiarities in the history of so much of the present Colton season as has already trans pired, is the rapidity with which the Cotton has sought the markets ofinterior towns. This fact will, of itself, have a tendency to induce the be* lief that the numerous reports in circulation, in re spect to the unfavorable prospect which the crop everywhere presents, are erroneous. Abstracted Irom all consideration of causes, large early re ceipts are an index of the fact that the plant has retained, in a great measure, its earfy fruit, and that the seasons have been favorable to its rapid perfection. There are,however, exceptions to the truth of this inference. Other causes than early growth and propitious seasons have the effect to hasten the maturity of fruit. If a cotton stalk were pulled up and thrown upon the ground, all the bolls upon it that were grown, or only hall grown, would open. The latter would not mature, that is, they could not increase in si/e, their sus tenance being entirely withdrawn, bat they would open and make cotton. If the stalk, without be ing torn up by the roots, were badly bruised, the same result would follow, and any cause, natural or artificial, which intercepts ihe operation of the proper functions of the plant, would 4^* like effect. * rfeT, the disease of rust is just such a cause. How it acts we can not tell, but we are not the less satisfied that it does act deleteriously upon the plant and has the effect to check its healthy development. In addition to the direct agency of this damage to the plant, and, in an eminent de* gree,auxiliary to the forward opening of the fruit, the leaves wither and drop, and the sun comes down with all its power upon the unsheltered bolls. But, in whatever way we may account for its existence, the fact is abundantly susceptible ol ocular demonstration. In a held partially visited by this disease, a matter of frequent occurrence, it will be uniformly observed that in the spots ex empt from it, the cottou is green and vigorous and but few oolls are open, whilst in those which have been attacked, a precisely opposite appearance is presented by the plant, and the amount of cottou opened is in a direct ratio with the age and viru lence of the dieease. The rust has spared but few localities in the cotton region this year. If that large class of our fellow-citizens which is engag ed in agricultural pursuits is worthy of credit, its prevalenceia not far from universal. Hence, cot ton has opened early—much of it prematurely, and planters, finding a remunerative price in the vari ous inland markets, have rushed it forward with energy. The result, therefore, is such as might have been anticipated, not only, independently of the supposition of a large crop, but from causes and circumstances which militate with great force against that hypothesis. The Atlantic Cable. The sound of rejoicing has scarcely died upon the ear, ere intelligence is received that the communications through the Atlantic Cable are intercepted. Whether this interruption is causep by agencies which in the future will prevent the complete transmission of messages or whether it results from the ignorance of the operator on the other side of the water, we are left to conjecture— The experiment has been tested sufficiently to re move all skepticism as to the success of the achieve nrent should it be carried on according to well understood scientific principles. The htnderance then in the channel of communication must be owing to some sad disaster, which as yet has not developed itself or an unaccountablo ignorance of chemical principles by the operators. It is enough to excite distrust as to the thorough success of the present cable, when the most learn ed and skilful of the managers cannot delect the cause of the interruption and refuse to give the public any light upon the subject. It is sufficient for the people to know at present that the channel of communication is intercepted by some slight acci dent, which is merely temporary and cannot pre vent the success of the enterprise in the future.— This is well-enough and we are content to wait for the trial of all the experiments to unravel the present mysterious interruption of the messages.— We would feel more sanguine of success however were the operators at the ends of this great cable of yankee blood aud descent; having great faith in their powers of invention, plotting, discovery and ingenuity. Indeed there is no difficulty on the New Foundland shore where the Yankee has control of the instruments. England, whose vani* ty would be wounded by our suggestion, will ’ore long be forced to recognize the superior skill of her trans-Atlantic Cousins, albeit she Jaughs at their literature and the diplomacy ot her “Militia men.” The great achievement of the age cannot how ever prove fruitless of many experiments which will doubtless soon show their utility in the scien tific world. The science of alchemy now vanishes into in significancy before the rapid march of intellectual development and we may soon expect no less a discovery than the Philosopher’s stone. He who will be disappointed these days at any triumph in practical science, still rides in the slow coaches andjnever beheld the swift “Iron-horse” as he moves like a “thing of life” over space or heard of time being annihilated by the transmission of nows at a moments quickness from points thousands of miles distant. Capture of Another Slaver. —The Charles ton Courier, says: We learn from a passenger by the Catawba that a Dutch Coolie ship whicli arrived at Havana, on the sth inst., brought in formation that the brig St. Andrew, formerly of this port, was captured early in July on the Afri can coast, near the Equator, by a British steamer under suspicion that she was employed in the slave trade. The St. Andrew and her crew had been taken to St. Helena, and were there await ing a trial when the Coolie ship left that place, about the middle of July. It is our impression that the St. Andrew was sold sometime since to parties in the Island of Cuba, and they were, no doubt, her owners on this voyage. Where Broderick Stands.—The Black “Re publican” Convention at Sacramento gave the following endorsement ol their friends and co laborers, Broderick and McKibbiu : Resolved , That the conduct of the Hon, D. C. Broderick, Senator in Congress from the State of California, during the session ot the late Con gress, is worthy ofhigh approbation and approv al, and evinces a regard lor free labor and free men equally becoming the State he represented and the station he occupies. Resolved, That the course of the Hon. J. C. McKibbin during the late session of Congress has l>een manly, courageous and just; that he deserves the highest praise for his opposition to the Admin istration in its attempts to destroy the purity of election and defeat popular right. Yellow Fever in Mobile. Since our last notice of the health of the city, \ wo are sorry to say that there has been an increase oi yellow fever. The last reports of the Board o! . Health show a pretty large number of new cases , and a decided tendency to epidemic on Saturday there were five and on Sunday six, whilst ihe re port which we publish this morning announces nine cases. Unless then there be abatatement in a | few days, the Board will feel it their duty to de- j clare the lever epidemic. The report is to Ite found below: Office of the Board of Health, ) Sept. 12, C o’clock, p- m. $ Six cases of yellow fever have been reported to the Board within the last twentv-four hours. Mobile, Sept. 13th, G o’clock, P. M. Nine cases of yellow fever have been reported to the Board within the last twenty-four hours.—Mo bile Register. New Orleans, Sept. 13.—The Board of Health report 70 deaths from yellow fever for the twenty four hours ending at noon on Saturday. Whole number of deaths lor the week 472. New Orleans —The Picayune, reviewing the material progress of New Orleans, says that it has escaped entirely the late commercial ievulsion, and its commerce shows an increase, while in every other commercial city there has been a decrease. Io all the leading staples there has m afp*” qf ftv<y la 9 * vear - X he population of the city is given at 223,000. In 1810, it was 102,143. A Call for Relief in New Orleans —The President of the Young Men’s Christian Associa tion in Washington, has received a dispatch from R. G. Lating, of the Young Men’s Christian As sociation, in New Orleans, saying—“ The epi demic brings heavy labor and expense upon our community. We have two hospitals,and two or three hundred sick under treatment. Can you send us any funds Irom your city V’ BProf. Wm. J. Sasnett.— At a metting of the Board of Trustees, held in Atlanta, the above named gentleman was unanimously elected Presi dent of the LaGrange Female College, and we understand that he has accepted the appointment. Domocratic. StateJConvention of Cali fornia. This body, says the Union Democrat, met in —three hundred delegates present. James H. Hardy was chosen Chairman ; a member from eacli county Vice Presidents, W J Hooten of Solano, and E. C. Palmer of San Francisco, Secre taries. The various committees were ap pointed, when the convention adjourned until Thursday morning. At 10 o’clock on that day the convention assembled, when the committee on resolutions, through its chairman, reported. The lesolutions indorse the Cincinnati Platform, the Eng lish Kansas bill, the President, favor the passage of the railroad bill, oppose the right of search, and endorse Governor Wel ler. They wete passed by a vote of 287 to 2. Joseph G Baldwin of San Francisco, was nnanimonsly nominated for Supreme Judge, and A. R. Meloney of Contra Costa, for Comptroller. No nominations for Con gressmen were made, although the proprie ty of it was discussed. The utmost good feeling prevailed, and the convention ad journed, satisfied that it had done its duty to the State and party. A mass meeting was held in the evening, in front of the Orleans, at which speeches were made by the leading men oflhe party. From Mexico. New Orleans papers of Tuesday last, are at hand, containing important news from Mexico: Tampico was captured by the liberalists, with 400 frontiersmen, assisted by the revo lutionionists inside. Gen. Vidaurri, with 10,000 men and fifty four pieces of artillery, was left at San Luis early this month, to march against Guanajua to and the city ofMexico. A financial transaction wasfabout to take place between Gen, Vidaurri, and the Gov ernor of Zacatecas, by which it was provi ded that Vidaurri would be placed|in the possesion of ample means to insure success. An express arrived at San Luis on the 15th of August, saying that the forces of Aramberri fchad defeated those of Majia; that those of Huerta had defeated those of Miramon, stationed at Salamanca; that Mi ramon was on his way to the city of Mexi co; and that the ‘forces of Aramberri had gone *in pursuit of the disbanded ones of Majia, until the latter had entered Queretaro. Suppression of the Slave Trade. It appears from a Parliamentary return, just issued, that in 1854 twelve ships, with 992 officers and men, were engaged in the suppression of the slave trade on Jthe west coast of Africa ; in 1855, twelve ships, with 1,082 officers and men; in 1856, thirteen ships with 1,222 officers and men; in 1857, fifteen ships,with 1,424 officers £and men. At the Cape of Good Hope. In 1854, four ships, with 475 officers and men ; in 1855, five ships, with 775 officers and men; in 1856, three ships, with 760 officers and men ; and in 1857, three ships, with 610 officers and men. North America and West Indies : In 1854. eleven ships, with 1,650 officers and i men; in 1855, twelve ships, with 2,466, officers and men ; in 1856, lourteen ships, j with 2,843 officers and men; and in 1857, ; nine ships, with 3,363 officers and men. On the southeast coast of America : In 1854, six ships, with 541 officers and men; in 1855, six ships, with 905 officers and men :in 1856, seven ships, with 1,200 offi cers and men ; and in 1857, six ships, with 1,335 officers and men. The total deaths on the four stations were forty—eight in 1854, fifty-two in 1855, one hundred and sixteen in 1856, and one , hundred and forty—one in 1857. The num bers invalided were one hundred and thirty six in 1854, one hundred and ninety-two in j 1855, two hundred and one in 1856, and one hundred and seventy-nine in 1857. In slaves, for whom head-money was paid j were sixty-tuo in 1854, none in 1855, ; nineteen in 1856, and three hundred and ; eighty-four in 1857. In none of the years j was any head money paid for dead slaves, i —National Intelligencer. City Mortality, —The following is the weekly leport of deaths in the City and County of New r York, from the 4th day of September to the 11th day of September, 1858 : Men, 87; Women, *75 ; Boys, 231 ; Girls, 195; total, 588. Decrease this week, 4. Adults, 162: Children, 426; Males, 318 ; Females. 270 . Colored persons, 10. Oregon. GOLD EVERYWHERE. Mr, Ellsworth of Eugene City says gold has been discovered in a spur of the Cas cades about twenty-five miles from that place, and that a party have gone out from there to dig for it. A party of Californians on their way to Fraser’s River, discovered gold on the Des Chutes, and came into Eu gene for supplies, and have returned to work. They said nothing about the rich ness or extent of their discoveries. They have “humbugged” us once about gold discoveries near Eugene, and we can’t be expected to believe in this second dis covery without being furnished a “speci men.” A large gold bearing quartz specie men would be preferred. Indeed, this age is so given to lying respecting gold mines, that every report of new discoveries must be accompanied with ‘‘something tangible” to “ insure publication.”— Oregon States man. The Quarantine War. —The eighth regiment,Colonel Lyons, proceeded to Sta ten Island on Saturday afternoon for the purpose of guarding the ruins of the hospi tal buildings against any future attack of the rebels. The soldiery encamped without the Quarantine enclosure, on thenorihwest side. Sentries will be stationed around the premises, and no one will be permitted to come near the walls, except those who have Hie grounds.^^ The Return of the Captured Afri cans.—Dr. Thomas Rainey, of New York, has been appointed the special agent ot the government to proceed on the Niagara to the Republic of Libel ia, in charge ot’ the Africans recently captured and about to be restored totheir native land. Dr. Rainey is a higlixtoned gentleman, a consistant and zealous Democrat, and we feel satisfied that he will discharge the duties imposed upon him with promptness and fidelity.— He has already left the city for Charleston, where he’will join the steamer. — [Wash. Union. New Discovery of Guano. —The schoon er Emeline C. Johnson—sent out to the Ca ribbean Sea some time since by the Atlan tic and Pacific Guano Company, in search of Guano—arrived at this port to-day, with Lieut. G. T. Sinclair, U. S. N„ and party, explorers. We are iaformed that Lieut. Sinclair dis covered several islands in that sea covered with Guano in immense quantities. The position of the islands and all the partic ulars of the discovery are kepi secret, con sequently we could obtain no further infor mation with regard to them. The Guano is said to be of the very best quality, equal ing that of the Peruvian, and seems to be almost inexhaustible.— Key of the Gulf. Cotton in the Yazoo Valley. —A cor respondent of the New Orleans Picayune, writing from Yazoo County, Mississippi, says that the most sanguine do not now count upon more than two-lhirds of a crop in the hills. The ciop in the bottom he estimates at an average one, deducting the loss from overflow, which, for that county, he estimates at 7000 to 10,000 bales. The hill crop has suffered from, worms and rust. New Orleans. —The Picayune, review ing the material progress of New Orleans, says that it has escaped entirely the late commercial revulsion, and its commerce shows an increase, while in every other commercial city there has been a decrease. In all the leading staples there has been an excess of receipts over lasf year. The popu lation of ihe city is given as 225,000. In 1840, it was 102,143. Hon. George W. Summers, in a card, declares that he does not “intend, under any circumstances, to become a candidate’’ for the Governorship of Virginia. The Paraguay Expedition. —The Uni ted States Government has made arrange ments with the Cromwell line of steamers for the use of the Memphis, Thomas Swan, Atlanta and Potomac, in the Paraguay ex pedition. These steamers are to undergo immediate overhauling at New York for greater strength, and as soon as possible sail for their destination. It is stated the Government pays SIO,OOO a month for each steamer and supplies the coal—the owners paving for the crew. The contract is for six’ months. We further learn that the fleet will he commanded by an experienced naval officer, whose name we have not heard.— Baltimore Palriol. A Beautiful Paraphrase. —As we have got into Sacred Poetry, we may as well re mark, as an inexplicable curiosity, the in tense badness of rhyme in most of the psalms and hymns used in public and pri vate worship. Watts, Wesley, William Cow per, James Montgomery, Kirke White, and Thomas Moore are almost the only poets who, writing upon sacred subjects, have adhered to rhythm, as well as to ap propriateness of expression. We have late ly fallen upon something very different from the usual poetical paraphrases of Sacred Writ. It is a versification of the Lord’s Prayer—an orison, the brevity and concen tration of which ought to be a lessen to those who indulge in many words when they pour out prayer and praise. It has lately been published in London, is com posed as a duet, and harmonized for four j voices, with an accompaniment for the or gon or piano-forte! It runs thus: Our Heavenly Father, hear our prayer; Thy name be hallowed every where ; Thy kingdom come ; Thy perfect will In earth, as heaven, let all lulfil; Give this day’s bread that we may live ; Forgive our sins as we forgive , Help us temptation to withstand, From evil shield us by thy hand ; Now and for ever unto Thee, The kingdom, power, and glory be, Amen. Here, nothing is redundant, nothing I wanting. The music, simple and melodious, is said to he worthy of the words. The most curious circumstances connected with ! this paraphrase is, that all persons concern ied keep their names concealed. The au thors are “ J. M.” and “ W. H. ’ The artist who has beautifully adorned the music is‘R T.” The musical composer is “G. F. H.’ The paraphrase, which is as near perfection as human talent make it, has been duly “ entered at Stationer’s hall,’ but is not published. It is to be hoped that it will he published, o that it may be adopted in public and private worship. —Philadelphia press. Texas Crops. The Clarksville Standard ot the 14th inst., contained the following reports of the wheat crop in Grayson and Red River counties. The Standard says there has been no extraordinary yield in that section the present season : Head of Choctaw, Grayson Cos., Texas, \ August, 6th, 1858. \ Dear Sir :—1 see in your paper, of July 31st., an account of two crops of wheat in your county, one of 16 and the other of 28 bushels per acre, which I think we can beat a little. I made 25 bushels to the acre, that weighs 62 1-2 pounds per bushel.- Mr. J. M. Dou’iiiit, my neighbor, made 24 bushels, and Robert Foster, another neighbor, made 28 bushels per acre. Mr. Wm. Davis, another neighbor, made 25 bushels per acre, on 25 acres. £ * * Pine Creek, Aug. 6th, 1858. Dear Sir: —On the 15 acres of poor sandy land, on Pine Creek, Red River coun ty, I gathered 381 bushels of wheat, or 25 bushels per acre. This is a white wheat, and by far the best kind in this section for yield, and makes pretty flour. I only got 15 bushels of the common May wheat from the same kind of land. Noticing a request in your paper for farmers to send up good yields, 1 conclud ed that 25 bushels would do for poor land, and 1 would send it up. ...... „ __ • * * * Female Admission kv Measurement.— According to the Courier de Charleroi the lessees complain bitterly of the falling off in thei r reeepts, occasioned by the extra space now occupied by crinolines. An instrument, called tlie “ Crinolimetre” has consequently been adopted by some of them, and persons whose crinolines surpass a fixed develop ment are charged an extra admission fee.— At a ball given at Montigny, in Belgium, one female was measured and charged an | extra 75 centimes ; another person, of an ! economic disposition, preferred reducing | her crinoline by taking out two hoops ? An Editor Tight. —We believe it is rare that editors indulge in a drop, but when they do, their readers are sure to find them out. A Syracuse cotemporary was called upon to record a “melancholly event” at a time when his head was rather heavy, and did it in the following manner : “Yester day morning, at 4 o’clock p. m., a man with a heel in the hole of his stocking, committed arsenic by swallowing a dose of suicide. The inquest of the verdict re turned a jury that the deceased came to the facts in accordance with his death. He leaves a child and six small wives to lament the end of his untimely loss. In death we are in the midst oflife!” Accident on the Fall River Railroad — Boston, Sept. 11th, 1858.—The 2 1-2 P. M. train for Fall River run into a freight train yesterday, near North Braintree, slightly injuring James Simmons, engineer; Benjamin Gleason, baggage master; Chas. F. Lathrop of Easton, passenger, and Thos. E. Belcher, fireman. Three freight cars were badly smashed, a number of cattle were wounded, and several hogsheads of whale oil stove. The loss by the collision is about SIO,OOO. Attempt at Suicide. —Mr. Charles P. Thornton, a young man residing in this place, and a recent graduate of the Medical College at Philadelphia, attempted to com mit suicide, while at the Camp Ground, near this place, on the 13th inst., by shoot ing himself in the head with a pistol, the ball taking effect in the skull just above the right ear and entering his brain. He was standing near the stand while services were going on, when he committed the deed. He was brought to town, where he is still alive, but little hopes are entertained ot his recovery. We forbear comment, as there is no reason assigned for this melan choly attempt upon his life.— Lumpkin Palladium. Confession of a Murderer.— A New York correspondent of the Charleston Courier, says: It is said that Smith, the proprietor of the Sea View House, Never skin, who died a few days since, confessed, shortly before his death, that he murdered Albert Moses, his bar-keeper, in 1857—a deed for which young Donnelly was exe cuted, but who died most earnestly pro testing his innocence. It will be remem bered that Donnelly made a speech upon the scaffold, charging the crime upon Smith, and several papers which published the speech were sued by the latter person for libel. If true, it is a horrible reflection upon the uncertainty of circumstantial evi dence and the imperfection ot human judg ment. The People’s Candidate. The undersigned having discharged his duty as Tax Receiver of Early county, Ga., to the best of his j ability, and to the satisfaction of the citizens gener ! ally, takes this method of returning his sincere thanks J to the same for past favors, and announces himself as i a candidate for re-election to the'same office on the i first Monday in January 1859. S. A. HOWELL, Blakely , t Ga. Aug. 21—wtd Pataula Circuit. We are authorixed to announce William 31. Potter, Esq.of Early county, as .a candidate for Solicitor : General of Pataula Circuit, subject to the nomination ■ of the Cutbberl Convention. aug2l—wtf HEADAt lIE. FROM AN EMINENT CLERGYMAN. Pittsburgh, July 9, 1855. Messrs. B. Page, Jr & Co.—Gentlemen, 1 take great pleasure in saying to you that I made use of Boerhave’s Holland Bitters, which I obtained at your store aud tound special relief of a severe headache, from which I had long suffered, and I believe they were of service to me in relieving my stomach and head. Very Respectfully, tyc. SAMUEL E BABCOCK. Headache aud Debiltty. Mr. Silas J. Lipscomb, of Birmingham, says: I found in Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a remedy for Headache and Debility. My wife has also used it with the greatest benefit.” Mr A S Nicholson, of Pittsburgh, also remarks that he has experienced much relief from its use for headache. ! STRENGTH AND HEALTH RESTORED. Mr. John Davidson, living ten miles above j Pittsburgh, on the Pennsylvania Canal. 5 When I commenced taking Boerhave’s Hoi- j land Bitters, I could hardly walk. Now 1 en- j joy excellent health. See Advertisement. *ept9—lw HAIR RESTORATIVE. Old and young are now indiscriminately using Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative; some as a cosmetic or beautifier of the complexion, some to preventthe iiih .ailing, some as a mere dressing of the hair and others to make it grow and to change gray hair to its origiual color; and theie is no doubt of its answering all the purposes lor which it was designed bv its illustrious inventor. We are utterly averse to incurring editorial re- j sponsibility in trifling matters, but as we deem it no trifling matter to have the hair on a gentle man’s head (when prematurely falling of! ) actu ally and permanently restored, so neither do we consider it unworthy the editorial profession to recommend a Hair Restorative that will effect this very thing. Wood’s celebrated Hair Resto rative is the article we have iu view, and it the certificates of the most distinguished men in the country are entitled to credence is this preparation all that is claimed for it on the part of its propri etor- See extracts from the “Missouri Republi can” in the special uotice column ot this paper —Rahway American. Sold by all druggists in this City and by drug gists and dealers in medicines generally every where. sept — 3,1858. —w&tw2w. DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. AND ®2®IfH2UIO mm !¥ -J. The most powerful Disinfectant known. Purifies Dwellings hii*l Ships. Removes all offensive odors; Invaluable in the sick rooms, Cures Burns, Biles Carbuncles, and-Running sorts Cleanses the Teeth; Foetid Breath; —. _ Prev-fents Decayed Teeth proving injurious .Mitigates the most alarming symptoms of SCARLET AND TYPHOID FEVERS; Cures Tetter and Scald Head; Used in Bathing, keeps the skin heathy,sort amtwhite REMOVES STAINS AND MIDDEW; Destroys all Animal or Vegetables Poisons; Cures the Bites of Insects and Stings ot Bees; Removes Rancidity from Butter and Lard; More powerful than auy other agent in preventing the Spread of Courageous Diseases:. Manufactured only in the Laboratory of J. DARBY, Auburn , Ala. From which, or Harrel, Risley & Kitchen, No. 76 Barclay Street, New York, it may be ordered. FOR BALE IN COLUMBUS BY BROOKS & OH ‘VPM^N, .1. S. PEMBERTON A. CO. DANFORTH, NACF.L Jk HO. and. Young. Professor John Darby is so well known as a scien tific gentleman throughout the South, that it is only necessary to know that he is the preparer of this fluid, to feel assured there is no quackery about it. Sept. 9—w&dthu Columbus Building’ & Loan Association. C n the third Saturday in September, the 47th an nual instalment is due. Payments received at the office ol the Treasurer. The money will be sold at 8 P. M. R. J. MOSES, President. Sept. 17, 1858—d2t MRS. MARBLE’S SEMINARY. The exercises ot this institution will d commence on Monday, October 4'h. JpLMby.Terms and studies the same as hereto- and it is confidently hoped the same patronage will be be- Enquirer copy—twtd. Columbus, Sept. 17, 1858. dtd NEW SCHOOL FOR BOYS. #DR. J. P. HOYT, having had several years experience in teaching, and being favorably known by many citizens of Columbus, will opon a school for boys at the coiner of Forsyth and Thomas Streets, on Monday, Oct. 4th. Every exertion will be made to deserve a liberal patronage. Equirer copy—twtd. Columbus, Sept. 17,1858. dtd RANA WAY- T&jf On the evening of the 28th of August, JpAda niy boy William, common:y called Bil, *7ar some 30 or 35 years of age, about 5 feet 111 inches m height, his complexion not quite black, wears a pair of whiskers, and also a moustache, ibe first joint of his left thumb is cut off, and the back of his right hand recently hurt by machinery. He is rather spare built and stoops as he walks. The subscriber thinks he is about the City. lie will give SIO,OO reward for his apprehension and safe delivery. WILEY E. JONES. Sept. 17,1858. dtf TO HIRE. A NEGRO GIRL, twelve or fourteen year* old. Apply to O. H.FARNUM, Sep. lo—dtf Broad St. House i 52 o CE> o CD. o MUSCOGEE LODGE, No. 6. It is earnestly desired that every member o j this Lodge attend at the Lodge Room Monday i evening next at half past seven o’clock. Important interests of the Order require the whole Brotherhood to be present. By order of the Lodge, Sept. 13th, 1858. ; dot BRYANT DUNCAN, R. S. NEW SCHOOL. MR. F. R. STARR will open a School on the Ith of October for the instruction of a limited number of boys under fourteen years of age. TERMS: English branches per session of forty weeks..s3o French, German and Drawing,each 20 Columbus, Ga., Sept. 14,1858. and It F. LAN DON, CAPS. 102 Broad SI., Columbus, Has on hand an elegant assortment of Fall and Winter Hats, embracing SILK, CASSI MERE, and SOFT HATS, oi every variety, color, size and shape. For sale CHEAP. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 14, 1858. w&dtf w. W. ROBISON, Wholesale Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &0., WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Columbus, Georgia. HAS DOW on hand, and will constantly keep, an excellent selection of all the articles usu ally kept in the Grocery line. His stock consists in part of Bacon, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Flour, I Salt, Rice, Cheese, Bagging, Rope, Tobacco, ’ Nails, Soap. Crockery, &c. Together with eve i ry article usually demanded by the city or country ! trade, all of which he offers to his friends and the public, at the lowest market prices, Call and see. Sept. 4,1858. d&w3m, tUKET llimtl, CASES. PS BI’RIAL CASE, reprensent . , . . the above engraving, is beautifully fin ished in mutation of polished Rosewood, and is the most tasteful aud appropriate metallic case now used. It permits a view of the entire body after it is enclosed, the top being composed of thick plate glass, protected by elaborately orna mented caps, one of which may be seen in its place in the engraving. AU size's from 271 to 75 inches in length, constantly on hand. NAME PLATES furnished, neatly engraved N. R.—AT) Charge for Dr ayage or Delivery DILLINGHAM & DENSON. Sept. 15th, 1858. d-ltvvti LOST. ABREAST PIN ill the&hape of a bunch of grapes, near the Methodist Church. The finder will be liberally rewarded by calling at dtf BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, THE firm heretofore existing under the name and style of McKEE, ROBERTS & Me- IvEE is hereby dissolved. The undersigned will settle the business of the firm. Those indebted to the old firm of McKee ; & Roberts, and also to the present firm of McKee, Roberts & McKee, nil please come forward and settle, and those having claims against said firms, will present them to the undersigned for payment. H. C. McKEE, J.G. McKEE. Columbus, Sept. 11,1858—d2w. SALE OF REAL ESTATE BV ORDER OF THE COLUMBUS BUIL DING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ON the first Tuesday in October next,at the Murk At House inthe city of Columbus, during tho usual j hou aof sale, 1 will soli tho VV r est Half of Lot 325 in | the city of Columbus, containing one fourth of f in I acre moreo?less, with the improvements thereon to | close the account of James D. Williford with the Cos. luinbus Building and Loan Association. ALSO, The West Half of Lot 486 containing one fourth of acre more or less, with the improvements thereon, io close the accouunt of John W. Bevllle, with said Association. Terms Casj. By order of me Board of Directors. It. J. MOSES, Treasurer, Columbus Building & Loan Association, N. B. Stockholders are particularly requested to attend the sale. septll—did ELLIS & MATHIS, Ac’r*. stewart County lands FOR SALE MOWING to misfortune, I offer for sale my farm, lying six six miles cast of Lumpkin, containing 500 Acres, -400In cultivation On the place are good negro Cabins, over seer’s house, frame gin and press. Tho land is rid land —growth oak and hlckoiy. I prefer letting the present crop spe k for the productiveness of the land. I will sell a bargain if applied to soon. J.C.C. BLACKBURN. Lumpkin, Sept. 9, —dtitwfiw. BEALLWOOD INSTITUTE. #THE Exercises of this School will bo resumed on Monday the 4th day of Oc tober next under the charge, a3 hereto, fore of .Miss A. BAILEY. Lessons on the Piano will he given by a competent Female Teacher. Board can be obtained in the immediate neigh 1 borhood. Beallwood, Sept. 7, 1858. dtd. l’r weekly Enquirer copy. 948 Acres Land for Sale. AT Guerrytown on the Mobile and Girard Railroad, 350 of which is asaijppUopened, with good improvements— in the woods. All lies well, anc [ a {air proportion rich low lands. Provisions can be had on the place. Dr. Miller on tho place will show tho lands. septl3—dwtf E. S. OTT. D.P. ELLIS. B. 11. MATHIS. ELLIS & MATHIS, Aurfiois & Commission Merchants, COLITM BU S , GA . WILL give gprompt the sale of Merchandize, Country Produce, Ne groes, Furniture, Vehicles, Stook, Real Estate, &c. &c. Will also give particular attention to Renting Real Estate, Hiring Negroes, &c. Ac. Administrators 1 and Guardian’s sales will be con ducted on reasonable terms. LIBERAL AD 7ANCEB will be made. All goods in store will be insured, unless otherwise diiected.j Columbus, Sept. 7—w&.d3mis TOBACCO AGENCY, COLUMBUS* GEOIIGIA. E L LIS & MA T 111 S, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, HAVE on hand and will continue to receive di rect gFROM HRHT GLASS MANUFACTURER R.S a large supply of all grades Tobacco, which they will sell to the trade at Factory Prices, expenses only added. vsr Iraderswiil do well to call before buying elsewhere. sept?— w&d3mmis HARRISON & PITTS, AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND NEGRO BROKERS, 59 and 61 Broad Street ,Columbus, Ga. WILL stiil continue the above line at our old stand. Thankful for the patronage hereto- fore so liberally extended to us by our friends and | the public, we hope by renewed exertions to merit lits continuance. No efforts will he spared to give i entire satisfaction to those who rnay confide their i business to our care. We will give our personal attention to the sale of Real Estate, Negroes, Merchandize and Pro duce. Having houses fitted up expressly for the purpose ,we are prepared to board, purchase an l sell Negroes on Commission. Liberal advances will be made as heretofore on Negroes and Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’ sales attended to on reasonable terms. Stock of LIKELY NEGRGOESof all classes will be kept constantly on hand. CHAS. S. HARBISON, GEORGE I. PITTS. Columbus,Sept. 2,1858. —wtwly NEW FALL GOODS MANLY & HODGES. Have jus t a fow choice DRESS GOODS of entire New Style, call and see something, very handsome and at reasoaable pri- C Two “Volants,” EMBROIDERED SILKS, do. do. of RICH VELVET Finish. Embroidered Collas, very low prices. Valenciens Lace*, &c- Hemstitched & Embroidered Handkerchiefs, &c, Enquirer copy. Sept 3—tf. Th5T. W. ©BASS. PROFESSOR OF Ml SIC THANKFUL for past and present o^o Jort would respectfully give notice IFW i h continues to give ns.ruction 7 * y 3 “in Vocal and .Instrumental music. Applications treceived at Carter s music Store, Sept, 7-d3m*