Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 17, 1858, Image 3

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TIIK.iI UI.Y TIMES . THE CITY The Telegraph line is down between Augusta and Wilmingtnn, and hence we have no Tele graphic dispatches. New Advertisement a. Mrs. Marble has taught with success in this City and deserves well the pationage of our citizens. — The exercises of her institution will be resumed on the 4th of October. Anew School is opened for boys in Colum bus by Dr. J. P. Hoyt. Having had several years i experience as a teacher, he expects to give satis faction to the parents, who place their boys under his care. Mr. Wiley Jones’ boy William has not returned to his home recently and he adveitises for him Our Marshalls and Police-men should be on the watch-out. He is not probably far from the city. Strayed. The person who took from the room of one of the Kditors of this paper, a copy of the Memoirs of S. S- Prentiss, will confer a favor on the owner, by returning it. Examination of the Captain of the Brig Putna m Boston, Sept. 11, 1858.—Captain Town send, the alleged master of the slave brig l Echo or Putnam, who was brought to this port in the Dolphin, was taken before Uni- j ted States Commissioner C. YV. Loring, to day, for examination on the charge of pira- ■ cy. Lieut. J. N. Maffit, of the Dolphin, was ! the only witness examined, and he testified mainly to the facts connected with the cap- : ture of the slaver, and which have already been published. Capt. Townsend is an extremely good looking man, very gentle manly in his address, and about thirty-five years of age. lie gives no indication of J where he belongs, and even his Christian name is unknown. At the conclusion of j the testimony, the prisoner was remanded to jail until the 21st instant, when a further ; examination will be hold. Naval Intelligence. llenry Levit, carpenter’s mate, was ar raigned before a naval general court mar tial on Friday afternoon, at the Naval Lyceum, charged with various offences. The court consists of; President, Captain L. M. Powell; Vice Presidents, Captains llenry Eagle and Francis B. Ellison ; Judge Advocate, Purser Chas. Murray ; Comman ders, Win. L. Ogden, Lemuel Swartwout, Stephen C. Rowan and Ed. Middleton.— The court will try all cases of delinquency on the New York Station before it adjourns. Commander Chas. Stedman has been appointed lighthouse inspector of the Phil adelphia district, vice Commander Yard, detached. Lieut. Mercomb has been transferred from the navy*yard, New York, to the receiving ship North Carolina. Lieut. James M. Duncan has been or dered to the New York navy yard. The following officers, now on the Ports mouth (Va.) station, have been detailed for the Paraguay expedition: Lieut. James A. Green, T. S. Phelps, inspector of ordnance, and Lieut. YVm. H. Murdaugh, attached to 1 the light-house board. The latter has been selected by Com. Shubrick as the flag lieutenant of the squadron. The only commissioned officers at the navy-yard will be Captains Dornin, Robb and Henderson, until Lieut. Barney, who has been ordered as first lieutenant at the yard, reports for duty. The frigate Saranac, from Nicaragua, arrived at Panama on the 29th, making three war vessels, including the French and English, in port. Army Intelligence. The following letter furnishes some interesting intelligence in reference to the movements of troops in Oregon : Third Artillery Camp, Near Fort Walla Walla, W. TANARUS., Aug. 3, ’SB We have been here since the 25th ult., and aro under orders to start for Snake river, in tho advance, on Saturday, the 7th inst. Col Wright goes in command of the ex pedition. Staff: Owen, A. A. A. General ; Kirkham, Quartermaster, Mullen, Topo graphical Engineer; and Hammond, Medi cal Staff. The command consists of four companies of dragoons, (190 men,) under Maj. Grier; six companies 3d artillery, (400 men,) under Capt. Keyes; and two companies 9th infantry, (ridemenj 90,) un der Capt. Dent. About 150 men, undCol. Steptoe, remain at fhe post, with Wheeler as subaltern. Wyse commands the battery, consisting of two 0 pounders and two howitzers, (mountain.) A post and depot is to be established at the Pelouze crossing of Snake river, and a fieldwork thrown up. It is doubtful wheth er tho Spokans will fight or not. If they do not, the campain will be fatiguiing and harassing, as we will be obliged to pursue them until the winter sets in. Maj. Garnet with four companies from Fort Simcoe, joins us in the field. A company is to be left at Snake river, but it is not known which one it probably Maj. Wyse's. Celebration of the Rattle of Lake Erie. —Eight steamer and one schooner loads of passengers from the lake ports, numbering six thousand persons, celebra ted Perry's victory at Put-in-Bay on Friday. The United States steamer Michigan was E resent. Prayer was otfered by Rev. Mr. bitfield, of Philadelphia, and speeches were made by Dr. Parsons, of Providence, R. 1., surgeon of Perry's flagship ; Capt. Cham* plain, of the Scorpion; Mayors Stark weather, of Cleveland; Cook, of Sandusky; Mason, of Toledo, and Wilkins, of Detroit. Gov. Chase was president of the day, and Mr. Giddings and Senator Wade were pres ent. A monumental association was form* ed, of which Hon Lewis Cass is president. The Comet. The Atlanta Intelligencer , of the 14th inst,, says: “ Early risers about this time may enjoy the pleasure, (if pleasure it may be called) of viewing a comet in our firmament. We observed it for the first time on yesterday morning between four and five o’clock. It j may be seen at that time a little North ol East and about eight or ten degrees above the horizon. Whence it came, whither it | goeth, what is its name, whether it will come In collision with our terrestrial planet, and other questions of a kindred character, we leave to those more familliar with the j science of astronomy than we profess to ’ be.’* Mourning in New York.— The Newark Mercury is responsible for the following illustration of the manner in which the dignitaries of Gotham pay the last tribute of respect to a worthy associate: ‘•The city’s bill for the funeral expenses of Alderman Murray, in New York, amoun ted to SG72 ;o! this SI3G was lor drinks, &c., on the road to the cemetery!’’ Sad Accident. —We regret to learn that Mr. Oliver YVarnock, while engaged in blasting rock, a few miles from this place in Chambers county, Ala., on Wednesday evening last was blown up, and dreadfully mangled, lie was alive up to yesterday evening, but it is thought that he will not re cover.— West Point Citizen. Sept. 11. Methodist in New England. —From the minutes of the several Conferences of the New England States, ii appears that there are in round numbers one hundred thousand members of the Methodist Church in New England. The increase the past year has been about ten thousand, including those on probation. .fudge S. A. Douglas and lady were in attendance at the St. Louis Fair on the Bth inst. The Accident on the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad. —The rumors in regard to the railroad accident near Steubenville were greatly exaggerated. A despatch from Janies G. Morris, Secretary of the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad, says. “ A bridge broke near the first tunnel, but will be leadv for passing on Saturday All the passengers went off on Saturday morning, except one man, who had both legs broken. Conductor Mooney has a severe flesh cut on the head. The bag gage master was slightly hurt. James Fleming, a consumptive engineer, who was on the train, but not on duty, was also badly hurt. Other passengers were slight- Is injured, but were able to leave.” DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. Columbus Times Office, Sept. 17. COTTON—Our market yesterday was droop ing, and holders were forced to submit to a de cline of■! to f. The transactions included 331 bales at the following prices, 116 at ills, and at 11. Receipts for thoday 847 bales. View Orleans, Sept. 13.—The sales of Cotton to-day amounted to 2,00 hales—prices easier, but quotations unchanged. GROCERY MARKET. BACON. —There is a lull supply of Bacon in this market. We make the following quotations: Clear Sides 11® ; Mams, Sugar Cured, t ls to 16 ; Shoulders 9c. BUTTER,—Country 20 to 25c. “ Goshen 30 to 35c. BAGGING.—India 20c. Ky I9e. COFFEE.—Supply ample. Rio. 13 to lie. La guyra 15e ; Java, 22e. CORN.—Supply light. Demand limited, 60 to 65c. CANDLES.—Starr 28 to 30c. Sperm 50c. Patent 60c. NEW CHEESE.—ISto 20c. FLOUR.—SS 00 to $5,75. ! HIDES.—IO to 12ic, IRON —5 (5) 7c. i LARD.—In barrels 14c. Kegs 16c. : MACKEREL —No lin half bbls $9,00. No 2. in bbls $14,00, hall bbls SB,OOO. No 3, halt bbls | 00 j MOLASSES.—3Sc. New Orleans refined 45c. ! NAILS—44 (S) sc, i ROPE.—9i to 10 C . SALT.—I,SO per sack. SUGAR.—SoId at retail only-Brown 12 to 12 1-2. Crushed 5 14 c. WHEAT.—9O (5) 110. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, CONSIGNEES, SEPT. 17, 1858. I M & W P R R, D Walbohen, , Mob. & G R R, J Ligon, t Estes &, Bro., Sammis &, Rooney, ■ Jones &. Bell, J H Merry, J Friedenburg, Shipp Howard, Harrison & Pitts, Redd Johnson 4j Cos., j G L McGough &. Cos, Van Marcus, B G & S Stearu, B G Alderman & Bro. Rosette M & Co', G W Atkinson & Cos. A C Gordon & Cos., Blum & Frank, Hull Duck*. Cos., J J Carter, W B Griffin *Co , YV K<fc B L Briers, j E B Young & Son, G F Baltzill & Cos., Hughes Daniel & Cos. Billard P & Cos. Rock I Mills, S Rothschild 4$ Bro., 1 M Padgett, II Goodman, j Wells Curtis & Cos. Guaby&Co., I Brassill Ar Cos., Ragland 4* Birch, Kaigler & Walker, Eagle Mfg Cos., H S Estes, J T Treutlin agt., Allen 4s 8., Hall Moses & Cos., Manley Hodges, L F Stow. II Middlebrook 4j Cos. King Allen 4$ Camak. J Kvlc & Cos.. J A McNeill, VV K Harris, J B Feagin & Cos., Ar& Cos., JB Hicks, J S 4* W J Wood, T S; A Brummur 4$ Bro, J J McKendrce, Mcßae & Jones, Hunt Ware Cos., T McKenna, G B Terry, | Carrikee & Newton, J P 4$ A lllges, I M Jacobe, A Hunter, t H Grossmayer, W H Webb, A F Johnson, R S Crenshaw. W J Hudson, J M Scott, L F Watkins, R C 4* W J Ward Q T Pencell, J N Webb, Ellis & Mathis, Thweatt & Cos., MONTGOMERY AND W. P. R.R. CONSIGNEES, SEPT. 1G J 3B. Pallace Mills, H Ficken, J P&A J lllgos, Jas Farrell, King Allen Cos J Ligon, Tyler 5$ Shorter, Dillard P b; Cos., ARRIVALS, September. 16, 1858. AT THE PERRY HOUSE: J WfJarrett, E M Dillard, Montgomery, Ala-; J F Pou, Talboton, E E Scofield, Augusta, G C Carmichael, Magnolia Springs, Ga.; P Hunckle, V L Merrill, E A Hinnings, Baltimore; G M Dean Savannah; S ti Graftin, Baltimore; M H Harris, MaconJ W D Graham, Americus, Ga; J G Quince, E A Laney, J J Leah. Evergrie, Wm McNab, Eufaula, Ala’; J W Brooks, Columbus, Ga ; G Camball, N Y.; N Long, ,Fia ; Wm 11, Long, J W B Milson, Macon,Ga.; ?Q531 soisa.l &S3D SMIFSH HORSES. I WILL be in Columbus at the stables of Ivey, Wilkins & Cos. by the 20th inst., with a lot of fine Horses, some 10 pairs of well matched Broke Horses, also a lot ot fine single Horses. LARRY HOWE. 1 Columbus, Sept- 14th, 185®, dlw LIST OF LETTERS. \ LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Columbus, Ga , September 15, 1858. Arnold, E Lynch, Asa Alexander, Sandy col’d.Lee, Joseph Bone, Simeon Latham, J W Brannon, Miss Fannie Lewis, J O Brady, A J Lehman, Joo Brown, C R Long, W H Brannon, Mrs S R Mullins, Mrs Ann Bryan, R L & Cos Massalon, Jas Broderick & Drew, Morris, J P Beasley, Mrs Mollie Maicom, A K Burrau, J M __ Mickerson, J J Bonner, Mrs W P Murry, Mulky & Cos, Bowdon, Jno M McGrath Jas 2 Boyette, Jas McCarty, Anthony Bush, A H McCann, T \Y T Bu3h, Thos McGill, M Byrd, Wm McGraft, Mary A Billups, Mrs Clara Norris, Almira Burns, F G Norris, Fanny E Carter, Thos D Neal James Coulter, Miss Elizabeth Pearce, Jno L Collins, Rachael Pearce, Mrs Nancy Cherry, Wm Perry, Phineas Crummev, G YV. Phillips, Miss E Craig, Chas Petty, B Cook, Melissa Pope, R C W Pierce, R B Day, YViley L Peevy, Mbs Mary Davis, J no YV Roth, H Dickens, Mrs B L Riley, Mary A Drew, S. J. Rid ely, Miss Jenny Denig, Jno M Smith, Mrs J B Eck.P S Smith, Mrs Mary A Elias, L Sharp, Mrs Susan Eddy, Ii P Short, A D Fleming, A!ex Strickland, Jno Ficklin, .Miss Sarah Skrowiski, Mrs Faulkenberry, J M Stafford, Thos Fields, O A Stroud, Major Green, Nancy Scofield, E E Goodwin, F A Slooer, YV H Goldsmith, Rhody Stewart, V A Gentry, Jas J Stark, Jno M Goodo, n J Skinner, Lewis Hill, Turner Start, F R Hamer, Miss M J Scott, E S Pres’t, Hamer, Nathan Troy,CP Howard, Jackson Thompson, Miss E Hopkins, Jno YV ‘Thompson, Rob’t Howard, Jas YV Thompson, W R Halbrook, Mrs E Tinsley, Wm Holmes, S G ‘Turner, J M Hodgers, Miss Peggy Taber, Peter Hanson, T YV ‘I aylor, Mrs Margaret Harum, Chas H Y'an Hook, M A & G YV Hanks, S L Youngblood, Miss S Hutchins, L York Jno Ingram & Linn, YVorsham, Sarah Jones, Mrs Nancy Woodruff, Geo Jones, Mrs Mary YY r atson, M G Jones Miss Sarah Ward, Lucretia Jacobus, S YVilliams, Geo Jones, Frank Willburn, Allan Koemple Jno Winstead, S Kimbrough, Jas YVagner, Chas A Kirk, S Ii YYise, BA Koppel, Geo Wynn, Wm T Kelly, J YY r YVarren, W W Livingston, Ino Wellington, RH Persons calling for any of the letters on this list will please ask for advertised letters. R. C. FORSYTH, P. M. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 15, 185 M DISSO jUTION, ‘PHE co partnership heretofore existing between A WATKINS &CO Bit is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All those indebted to the concern must settle ‘immediately. L P. WATKINS, Sept. I—l in J. N. COBB. STEAM EiYGINE FOR SALE. LOW FOR CASH OR GOOD PAPER ONE Steam Engine,B inch cylinder, 12 inch stroke, with tubular boiler, smoke stock, 12 feet turned shafting, all complete. Everything is new and warranied perfect. Any person wishing to purchase can call and see the engine work at any time, and satisfy themselves that she is a No. 1 engine. Call on or address henry McCauley, Columbus, Ga. Sept. 3, 1858 dim FIFTY NEGROES WANTED. fH AVI NG made our a v rangements for the Fall trade, we desire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, of good character, consisting of yonng men, women, plough boys,and girls, for whom the highest marketprico will be paid. Peis ns ha ving negroes for sale willfind it to their interest to give us a call. Y\ r e will receive and sell Ne groes on Commission and no efforts will be spared to make satisfactory sales, for those who may place their negroes in our charge. Liberal advances always made on negroes when desired. Call atthe Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON & PITTS, aug2l —wtwtf 50 & 61 Broad Street. mm mmm, DOCT. THORNE, by Antony Trollope. A P° or Fellow, by the author of gg£f|j|§Y\’hich the Right or the Left. Man upon the Sea; comprising a detailed ac count of Remarkable Voyages, Ancient as well Modern, by Frank B Guodiich. Titcomb’s Letter to Young People, Single and Married, by Timothy Titmouse, Esq. ’l'he Art of Beauty, or Science of a Lady’s Toi let, by Lola Montez, The Family Aquarium, by 11. D. Butler. The American Horse Tamer and Faurier, showing how to cure the wildest and most vicious horse in the world of kicking, balking, and other had habits. Also, anew supply of other books. Mary Derwent, by Mrs Ann S Stephens. Debit and Credit, a Novel. Lord Ylontague’s Page, by James. A YVomans Thought about Women. Mesula, by Sewel. Guy Livingstono. Lena Rivers. Quitts; a Novel. Just received and for sile by septß—dwtf J. YV. PEASE & CLARK. GREENWOOD & GRAY. WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COLUMBUS, GA. | Ry“\\\ THE undersigned have formed It) i gjgttfl a Co-partnerehip under the above! ! firm lor the transaction of a general Ware-House i and Commission Business in this city. From the long experience of Mr. Greenwood, (in the late firm of Greenwood Cos.) and Mr. Gray (in the late firm of Stewart, Gray C 0.,) they flatter themselves they will be able, by giving their undivided and personal attention to all busi ness entrusted to their care, to give general satis faction, They wiii be regularly supplied with the i latest foreign and domestic intelligence, which will always be at the serivee of their patrons The usual CASH ADVANCES wdl be made, and Bagging, Rope and other goods furnished, when desired. E.S. GREENWOOD, W. C. GRAY. Columbus, July 13, 1858—vv>w3m. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. AS I am desirous of winding up my business, and moving out west, 1 offer for lor sale my piace, lying on the Upatoie Creek, in Taibot County, two miles north-west of Geneva. This place contains two hundied acres, more or less; and three or seven hundred acres can be added to this tract* For further information, ap ply to M. T. McCrary, on the place, or to me at Geneva. I also offer for sale, one Lot in the town of Geneva, on which is situated a Grocery House, a Tenpin Alley, and Dwelling House. It is one of the best stands for a Grocery in the County. Terms accommodating. x H. H. McCRARY. Aug, 30, 1858. wtf ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAKS. NORTHERN AND EASTERN MAILS ar rive 535A, M. and 3.45 P. M. Clo9e at 2 and 7 P. M. WESTERN Mail arrives at 3 A. M. and 250 P* M. Closes at 2 and 7 P. M, EUFAULA Mail arrives at 91 A. M. Closes 12 M. STEW ART Mail arrive?!Mondays, YY T ednesdavs and Fridays at 9 P. M. Closes Mondays, Wed nesdays and Saturdays at 7 P M. WHITESVILLE ANDELLE3SLIE Mails ar rives Mondays and Thursdays at 6 P. M. Closes same days at 10 A. M. HAMILTON Mail arrives Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6 P. M. Closes same days at 10 A. M. CRAWFORD Mail arrives on Mondays, YY'ed nesdays and Fridays at 11 A. M. Closes at 11 A. M. same days. BUENA VISTA Mail arrives Tuesdays, at 6 P, M. Closes at 10 A. M. same day. OSYVICHEE Mail arrives Tuesdays 6 P. M. Closes 4 P. M. KINGS Mail arrives Tuesdays at 11 A. M. Closes Tuesdays at 11 A. M. OSANIPPA Mail arrives YVednesdays at G P. M. Closes at 10 A. M. BY HARRISON & PITTS. SUNDRIES ATPRIVATE SALE. / A fill US. BACON (Extra Clear U’J tiOßarrels Rectified Whisky 25c per gallon. 20 “ Old Burboun WhiskyJ 10 ‘ *• Mononaabela “ 2(0 Boxes Virginia Tobacco. 100 Boxes Star C ndles. 100 Cases Cognac Brandy. 100 Cases Chestnut Grove Whisky. 1 Cask fie French Brandy. r > Bbls’American Brandj. 50,000 Cigars—assorted brands. Persons in want of any of the above goods will find it to their interest to give us a tall. HARRISON & Pl'frS, Auct’rs. Sept. 1, 1858—o&wim. ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. COLUMBUS, OA, ALLEN & CAMAK having purchased the interest of B. A. Sorsby in the above well known FIRE PROOF BRICK YVAREHOUSE, would be glad to see their old friends and patrons at their new place of business, where they have formed aco partnership with J. YY\ King, under the name and style of KING, ALLEN & CAMAK, for ihe transaction of a general STORAGE AND CO MMISSION BUS! N ESS Special attention paid to the Sale of Cotton and Produce, and the Receiving and Forwarding Marchsndise consigned to our care. Liberal Advances made on Cotton in Store or for shipment to our friends in Savannah, Chirks ton, New York or ekewhere. Bagging and Rope furnished our customers at market prices. YVe solicit, a share of “public patronage, and pledge ourselves, by close attention to business to merit it J. YV. KING. A M. ALLEN, THOS. CAMAK. THE undersigned, in retiring from the YVare house business, takes great pleasure in re commending to his friends a continuance of their favor and patronage to the new firm. (Signed) B. A. SORSBY. Columbus, July 6. 1858-d6m. NEW BOOKS. jfanm. TWO MILLIONS, by Wm. A llen Butler, author of Nothing to Mary Derwent, by Ann S. Stephens, author of Fashion and Famine. Memoirs of Rachael, by Madame De B History of tho Origin, Formation and Adoption of the Constitution of the U. S. by Geo. Ttcknor Curtis. The Cruise of the Betsey, or a Summer Ramble among the Fossi'erous Doposites of tho Hebridees by Hugh Miller. Harper for September. Godey’s Lady’s Book for Sept. Knickerbocker. Just received by J. YV. PEASE & CLARK. Columbus, Aag. 26—w&twtf. FOR RENT. a A COMFORTABLE TENEMENT near the corner of Mclntosh and Ran dolph Streets. The situation is one of the most desirable in the city. Apply immediately to Sept. 7—dtf B. A. THORNTON. TO RENT SEVERAL TENEMENTS-one on Broad Street, eligible as a Boarding House- L. T. DOWNING. Aug. 19—t wt f. TO RENT. FROM the Ist of October next, the City Hotel, near the Market House. Apply to P. GITTENGER. July 3 tw3m. At Rankin’s old Stand, TO RENT ()R LEASE- “ A Chartered Female College with all the necessary buildings and other conveniences. A gentleman, with a wife competent to teach Music,could make handsome salaries For further particulars apply to Rev. T. C. STANLEY, Flat Shoals, iVlerriwether co., Ga. Aug. 21—w&tw4w. Southern Christian Hdvocate and Savannah Geogian copy weekly four times and send bill to this office. E. BARNARD & CO. j COLUMBUS, GA. WHOLESALE AISD RETAIL GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS HAVE on hand, and will constantly keep, a large and well selected Stock, embracing | Wl every article in their line, which are offered j to their friends and the public, at the lowest i market prices Cc me and see us- Columbus, Sept. 29, 1857. w&twtf. To Our Customers! FROM and after the first January next, we shall adopt, as nearly as possible, the CASH j SYSTEM. Necessity Compels us to this } Course. From that day all articles will be priced as cash. Where credits are given (which will on ly be extended to those who have promptly paid us) an addition will be made to the price named according to the time required bv the purchaser. E. BARNARD, & CO. Dec, 31,1857 —vv&twGm. CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION, I A A BOXES Havana Cigars ofvarious brands 1U” J tor sale at small advances for Cash by Jan 19—wtwtf E. BARNARD <k CO. TO RENT. THE Store on the corner of Broad and Randolph A Streets, at present occupied bv E Barnard it Cos 1 is for rent from the Ist October next. Apply to septl3—dtf PERRY’ SPENCETt , —— A GREAT BARGAIN! THE Subscribers, having now purchased the entire pro perty ot the Coweta Falls Manu lacturing Company, offer the same lor sale. It is one of the best situations for Milling and Manu facturing purposes in the whole country, and will be sold on long credits, and the most liberal terms. Titles of Warrantee will be made. SEABORN JONES, PAUL J. SEMMES, JOHN L. MUSTIAN, 1 June 10, —wtwtf JAMES W. WARREN. FFEEDOM FROM FEVER AND AGUE TRIUMPHANT SUOCESS i THE GRENADA ELIXIR, OR South American Antidote for Malaria? Is a sure Cure ay\d Perfect Route to Ague and Fever, Chill and Fever, Dumb Ague, and all Bilvms Affections ! IT has been thoroughly teste*] in thousands of cast>9, some of years’ standing, where Quinine and all the most popular remedies of the day had failed, but the Elixir has met with the most tri umphant success ; never failed to cure the most obstinate cases. The unanimous testimony of all who have used or witnessed its operations, declare it to be the most extraordinary medicine ever dis covered for the quick and permanent cure of Fe ver and Ague. It operates as a gentle Tonic and stimulant, gradually but surely; eradicates every vestige of disease, and restores the system to health and vigor. It imparts new vitality to the blood, and will soon induce the glow of health to return to the pale and swarthy complexion. The advantage of this medicine therefore is, that a cure must be radical and complete ; not simply breaking the Chill, by producing a “new impres sion” upon the nervous system, without reference to the operations of the malarious poison, which is allowed to remain unchanged and renew its at tacks, immediately alter the nervous system has ceased to (eel the artiticial disease—induced by Quinine and many other preparations generally resorted to. The GRENADA ELIXIR acts di rectly upon the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Pores of ihe Skin, and produces a radical cure. It contains no ingredient the least injurious to the system, and can be given to an intant with perfect safety. It is warranted to cure every case when taken as directed. All who need such a medicine, will do well to try the Grenada Elixir. It is not only the best but the must economical medicine ever introduced for Fever and Ague and is a Southern Remedy. Prepared only by J. S. PEMBERTON & CO. Chemists and Druggists, Columbus, Georgia. And by all respectable Druggists in the city and country. July 24,1858 —w&tw 3m THE LAST CALL ! MONEY WANTED. r PHE subscriber having purchased the entire A. interest 01 V. R. TOMMEY, in the Notes and accounts of the late firm of J. ENNIS & CO (which firm was dissolved on the first Oct. 1855,) would earnestly solicit all indebted to said firm, either by note or account, to call at the stored J. Ennis & Co.,and settle the same,or they will find their Notes and Accounts in the hands of an officer for collection. i J ENNIS. Columbus, Oct. wtwti Scientific American PROSPECTUS OF VOLUME FOURTEEN, BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11, 1858. Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers and Fariuers, THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has now reached its fourteenth year, ami will enter upon anew volume oti the 11th September. It is ,he only week ly publication of the kind now issued in this coun try, and it has a very extensive circulation iu all the States ot the Union, it is not, as some might suppose irom its title,a dry, abstruse work on tech nical science ; on the contrary, it so deals with the great events going on in the scientific, mechanical and industrial worlds, as to please and instruct eve ry one. It the mechanic or artizan wishes to know the best machine in use or how to make any sub stance employed iu his business —if the housewife wishes to get a recipe for making a good color, &e. —if the inventor wishes to know what is going on in the way of improvements—if the manufacturer w ishes to keep posted with the times, and to employ the best facilities in his business —if the man of Jet sure and study wishes to keep himseß familiar w th the progress made in the chemical laboratory, or in the construction ot telegraphs, steamships, railroads reapers, mowers and a ♦housand other machines and appliances, both of peace and war—all these de siderata can be found in the Scientific American, and not elsewhere. They are here presented in a reliable and interesting form, adapted to the comprehension of minds unlearned in the higher branches of sci- j ence and art. TERMS One copy, one year $ 2 One copy, six months ] Five copies, six months. 4 Tn copies, six months 8 Ten copies, twelve months 15 Fifteen copies, twelve months 22 Twenty copies, twelve months 28 The money must in all cases be paid in advance. Specimen copies sentgratuitoualy for inspection* Southern and Western money or Postage S'amps taken for subscript!- n. Letters should be directed to MUiVN Sc. CO., 128 Pulton street, New York Munuat Co.are extensively engaged in procuring patents for new inventions, and will advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. aug 21—twtt Land in Chattahoochee County. TH!2 subscriber offers for sale Lot 193 In the 7tf District,and fraction 2> ju the 33d district o Chattahoochee county. For lurther particulars enquire of L.T. Downing, Columbus,Ga A. J. MILLER, Adm’r, Aug 21—twlw OUR CUSTOMERS ’j WHO “dont like to be dunned,” will ploise , * * save themselves the mortification and us the trouble and expense,by Daying up, or we shall sue out our claims, and close all busiuess connec tions with such parties. We did believe.your promise, Now believe ours REDD, JOHNSON *CO., Columbus, Ga., Aug. 7, 1853 wtltjan dim. acardT HAVING withdrawn from the firm of HUGHES DANIEL & CO., I cheerfully recommend them to all our former patrons, and the public generally. JOHN R. EASTHAM. THE Subscribers wdll continue under the same name and style—a general STORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE FONTAINE & LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. Thankiul for the past liberal patronage of our friends, we solicit its continuance, and pledge out individual exertions to please all who may entrusr their business to us. We are prepared to grant usual facilities to our customers. HUGHES, DANIEL & CO.. Wji. H. Hughes, Wit Daniel, Wesley C. ‘Hodges. Aug. 5, tfc THE CARTER FACTORY CORA RILL, XS now io full operation, turning out the best quality of Meal. Bring on your Corn. The highest market price paid for good Corn. Meal always on hand and lor sale Feb. 11—wtwtf HAMILTON BOLAND. TWO mouths after date I sh all app y to the hono rable Court of < ‘rdinary o Chatt hoochee coun ty, Ga., for leave to sell the lands be ouglng to the estate of Gr en Beutley, deeeaed. 1 HIMAN BRI VLTTON, Adm’r Aug 30. 18*8 —2m. Dissolution of Partnership, THE firm ot KING {$ SoRSBY is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Those having demands against the firm as well as those indebt ed to it, will please call on B A. Sorsby lor settle ment, at the Alabama Warehouse, who is hereby authorized to settle the same. JOHN W. KING, June 25--wtwtf. B. A. SORSBY. SWAN & CO.’S LOTTERIES Triumphant! SWAN & CO. CONTINUE TO DRAW AS USUAL, WITHOUT .INTERRUPTION ! SWAIN & CO’S Loiters arc legal and authoriz ed by the Slate oFGeorgia OUR FIRM HAS SHOWN THAT OUR LOTTERIES ARE DRAWN FIAKLY; THAT OUR FRIZES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY, AND THAT OUR SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL I'll AN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE WORLD. The following schemes will be drawn ty 8 SVX AN &. CO. Managers ot the Spans cadenoy Lottery, iu eat It of thcirsiuglu number Lotte, ms for fceptt tuber 1858, at Augusta, Geor-ia, to wnich city they have r> moved their principal office. Class 31 draws Saturday, Sept. 4, 1858. Class 32 draws {Saturday, {Sept 11,1858. Class 33 draws Saturday, Sept 18, 1858. Class 34 draws Saturday, St p . 25, 1858. On the Plan of Single Numbers. £O,OOO TICKETS—S4BS PRIZES. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS. Scheme! To be drawn every Saturday in Sept. 1 Prize of $>70,000 I * 30 out) 1 “ 10.000 1 “ 5,000 1 “ 4,000 1 “ 3,000 I 1,500 4 “ 1,000 4 “ 9>o 4 w too 4 7OO 4 “ 000 50 6bO 50 “ \\ ”” ” 300 100 125 230 100 AIT OXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of Approx’gto Prize ate 1.000 4 “ 300 ** 30.0(0 “ 1,-'OO 4 “ 200 “ 1<‘,(I00 M 800 4 “ 121 “ 5,00(1 “ 400 4 “ 100 “ 4,’ 00 “ 4i i0 4 • 75 “ 3,010 “ 300 4 “ 50 “ 1,500 “ 200 5,000 •* 20 are.... SIOO,OIO 5,455 Prizes amounting to . $320.t;U0 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5, Qnniters $2.50 A Circular showing the plan of the Potteries, w ill forwarded to any one desirous of receiving it Certificates ot Peonages will be sold at the follow ing rates which is ihe risk. Certificates of Packagi sof 10 Whole Tickets. .SBO “ 10 Half “ 40 *■ “ 10 Quarters “ 20 “ “ 10 Eighths “ 10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OK CERTIFICATES Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered on receipt of which they will be. forwarded by first mail, t’urcnasers can have Tickets ending iu any figure they may des gnalo The i.isf ot drawn numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately alter the drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain and give their Post <dllue, County and State. Remember that every Prize isdiawn and payable In Iu I without deduction. All Prizes a‘ SI,OOO and under paid immediately after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time ot thirty days. All communications strictly conflden ial. Address orders for Tickets oi Certificates to 5. SWAN tz CO , Augusta, oa. Persons residing near M ntgom ty, Ala.or Atlanta Ga,can have their ordns filled., and save time by addressing S. Swan &.Co at either of those places. tir a list of the numbers that are ihawu from the wheel, with the amount ol the Pr ze that each one is entitled to, will be publisbeu aiur every drawing iu the following papers —Augusta Constitu tionalist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette. Atlanta >n telligeucer, New York Weekly Day book, Savannah Morning News, Richmond Dt spKch, New York i>is patch, Paulding (Miss) Ularrion, and latte Rock (Ark ) True Democrat. septl— c!&wtl • , • y \ J .y,t kk Vki iliAit ‘irJ kt& Hj tS M&s&k tilt 3ls U-m filing | la tSftf THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND KMKDY FOR DISEASE OF THE KIIttEIS. LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FKWM &UD A CUE, And the various affections consequent upon a dis* 6886(1 STATE OF THE LIVER. Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the stomach. Col icky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despond ency, Jostivents?. Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all b ervons, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affect ions, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others r Uric ed a decided cure This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the tnaune- ot the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave, Because of its great success in must of tan Kur ‘pean States, its introduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of our f thertand scattered here and there >vertbe faeofthis mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now of i ferittothe American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtuesmust be acknowledged* It is particularly recommended to those persons I whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Gent rally instantaneous in tifict, it finds its way and rectlyto iheseat of lifi*, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising np the druoping spirit, and, in fact, imusing new health and vigor in the system NOTICE, —Whoever exp.-ets to find this a beve rage will be disappointed ; but to tiie tick, weak, and low sp rited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, poetessed of sinuulir r medial properties. CAUTION! The great popularity of this delightful aroma has induced many mitations, which the pub.ic should guard against purchasing Be net persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Boerhave’s Hol land Bitter? a fair trial. One bottie will convince jou how infinitely superior it is to ail these imita tions. j’-gf.-ioUl at S! 00 par bottle, or six bottles for $5.00, by the SOLE PROPRIETO RS , BENJAMIN PAGE. Jli. & CO., MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutists and Chemists, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale in r, olumbu? by Brook & Chapman, and Drogwistsge mrally throughout the State. April 24,’59 lydwis W. F. LEE, D. D, S. DENTAL SURGEON, OFFICE eorrer of Broad and Randolph Streets, Columbus Georgia. Dec. 17, 1856—w&twlf J - rOGLE & so N > •'AAtSYf* dentists, Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, Colum bus, Ga. i Columbus, May 9,1857. * wtwtf