Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 21, 1858, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES. THhl CITY! Local Intelligence. Yes'erday was a bright, beautiuful, lovely day. The lad ies wera out beautifjiug the promenade? find visiting the different dry-goode houses in search of th© novelties of the season. By reading the Daily I itnes b-fore starting out in *he morn ing* they might see advertised the very articles they want and the discnption of the different va rie’ie*. Don’t forgot this in the fumr, and be sure and call on those merchants, who have -uch a fine ptock. hey can afford to give the printers list of them. The is some talk about opening the new bridge by the p-ople “up town,” but the initiatory steps failed from a want of that moving power—the almighty dollar—Still the idea is not given up, and the merchants “up town” anticipate the day when wagons loaded with cotton and produce Will come lumbering over the new bridge. The business in the different departments of the ci'y i-* characterized by its activity and energy. EveJy hmg is moving along at railroad speed This teas it should be in o flourishing a city as Colburn bus. Be Clad ! We invite attention to the advertisement of Messrs Rosette, Mclick X Cos. in this issue. They have purchased a large stock of Fall and Winter Clothing for Cash, and are ready to dispose of them to their customers on the same terms. They are able, thereby, to preseut great inducements to purchasers to give them a call. Mr Lawhon, formerly of the hou*e of J. A. Brokaw &, Cos ,is associated with them, and the fumofß. M &. Cos , now, as before, is every way worthy of public confidence and patronage. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. Columbus Times Office, Sept. 21. COTTON,-There was no great animation in ; the Cotton markv v s’erday; though sales mere effected easi yat lUc - The fine weather for picking O't is doubtlesscontributing towards light recei its by w gons. Planters show a disposition to t ki the handsome pric s oflbred and they are not f r from right in doing it. Receipt for the day 5>3 hales. Sale*—279. Savannah, S-pt 18,4 P M —CO l TON—4S4 bales were sold to-day at the following prices , 25 at 12 74 at 121, 194 at 1.1. 51 at 124, and 108 bales at 121 cents. Review of the Mobile Cotton Market. COT TON—The last weekly review, says the Trihn e, closed with an excit.d maiket, and “ales ot 3100 ba es forth© wvk Middlings lVfg)l 1 Saturday the market opened eg tin very animated, and sales wete 140 ) bales—the mark, t pretty well swept of all desira le cotton, and still firm and advancing from Monday. The stock on sale was increased by arrivals du ring the past two days from the river, and although the demand was not as general. 75) hales from buyers at full prices brought 12£®2?. Tuesday the sales were 750 hales—no noticeable change in prices. Wednesday there was still less animation, yet 850 bales found purchasers at rather easie prices— M ddlings 12f3>!2* Thursday the decline repo ted brought huyeis <<ut,and 120 bales were sold at easier rates Frday the sales we r © 16) bales—prices still declining. The Persia’s ac counts to th- 4th, at hand, states sales of 45,000 , bales at slight decline—prices closing in favor of buyers. The sales this week have been principal ly for Havre and Eastern accounts. UVERFoOL, CLAS IFICATION : Inferior Nominal. Ordinary.. .91(2)'(H Low Middlings 11 <2)114 Middli’ gs lHfa>'2 Strict Middlings I24(a>l2{| Good Middlings —(2> Middling Fair Nominal. Fair Nominal. Mobile Cotton Statement . Friday Evening, Sept. 17 1858. Stock on hand let Sept., 1858 10763 j Received this week 6,577 Received previously. 3,934 10,511 21,274 Exported this week 299 Exportod previously 3,500 3 799 Stock on hand, Sept. 17,1858 17,475 MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, ’ i CONSIGNEES, SEPT 21,1858. M&WPRR, JHMulford, Mob. &, G R R, N J Bussey, ii L MeGough Sc Cos. T Langford, F Landon, E B Young <feSon, J L Celia, Hughes Daniel Sc Cos. Gittinger fit Springer, J Widaem, T C Pndgeoo, W VV Robinson & Cos, j T S <pear. Manley 65 Hodges, Bfi & S Stern, Hunt vVare v, 00., J Keller, J Friedenburg, E tee & Bro., Harrison X Pitts, J L'g 'i, R P Peacock, J Harris, M Jacot e, June* X Bell, T McKenna, Mcßae J >nes. J L Logan, .IS If W J Wood, King Allen Ik Camak. I Barnett & Ellison, Daufouh N & Cos., G VV Atkmson X Cos. L Sjhwaiz, H D Lamply .t Cos.. D P Ellis; R E W J Ward E H Beall, J Kyle Cos.. A Hunt-r. . - r , BF Burnett, Smith X Diniel. S Rnhsehild if *Bro., I \ Br..k wJc Cos, H vl ddl brook 6f Cos„ H Fr-*eman, Carter fif J >nes, Shipp Howard, J J vlcKmdree, W Mount &, Cos., 1G S'rupner, .1 Knnn&Co, Nance &. Renfroe, W B Griffin &Cos, Tuttle VV flf Cos., J Revan, C C Green, McKee R & McKee, Wells Curtis bf Cos., H Grossmaver, Redd lohnson Cos., Blum X Frank, Catiker & Newton, A O Saunders X Cos., A O Gordou & • 0., B F Stre. ter Kr’ l !r L )aC o k r V o 0 • Redd & Cos, W KAt B L Brers, S S Wilson, A Bnavner 4- Co*, D RT H id-pith &. Cos. Brooks ,Sr. Chapman, A L vieK iy, A Vilati CB L'otd. C'arxe &. lv* rson, K 0.—6 Biles Bagging, J. G Winter, ARRIVALS, Sejtsmbe’*. 20 1858. AT THE PERRY HOUSE: if ,8, S’ A Paulk, James Scarbrough, M -a Phillips MmsTarver, W H Brown, Mont Ga •S V R lr> , VV ?°i ; >,r3Sh - lh y- Colnm r* I. m Beasl L’ UGrange, Ga ; VV A Ktin 9 ‘i 0, Te *, a i 8 ’ aharn< London, England ; J M hi er and ladv, Thomas Turk Ga. AT THE PLANTERS HOTEL: J. L P^J, Chennnn ßß:®. Ala; A H o*eoe y? 1 " 0 , £■ Ala ; S G Run, M H Gay Barber. Alt , VV H Moor®. La Faveite H Middlebrook, Columbus, Ga, p McoLnajJ’ fl C i Jmtt C Ktlw, Tmh. 1 CLOIHINtS! clothiag: clothing: ROSETTE, MELICK & CO., No. 183 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, G 1., Are now opening a large and extensive stock of Fall and Wmter Clmhing, all of theirown manu .facture, and made up in the most desirable styles worn this season. Most of me stock having been mirchasf-d for CASH, it wip enable us to *e 1 thessme for CASH at lower prices tl an any other Hoi se in the city, for the same q iality of goods. Goods sold at this establish meat will be tound a? represented. W® would call particular attention to our stock of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, it is extensive and embracing every variety. Boys and Youth's Clothing—a full assortment in Store- Large K t I tunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Ladies Bonnet Boxes and Travelling Trunks, Gentleman’s Shawls, Mufflers, Com lons and Rail-way Rugs. 400 Suits Blue Sattanett for Traders. 300 “ Kersey for Servants wear. As this is the ONLY CASH CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY', buyers lor Cash will find it to their interest to give us a call before making their purchases. POSITIVELY NO ME.YI ACCOUNTS kept against purchases made. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit a continuance of the same. 0 , rA „ rrir , X7L . ROSE PTE, M ELICK X CO. Mr* o. b. LAW HON having taken an interest in the above establishment would be pleased to see his old friends and acquaintances, and will be ready at all times to serve them. Sept. 20—d6m. 03 CASKET BIiRHL CASES. “jPIIE CASKIT BURIAL CASE. leurensent _JL ed by ihe above engraving, is beautifully fin ished in imitation of polished Rosewood, and is the most tasteful and appropriate metallic case now used. It permits a view of the entire body after it is enclosed, the top beiDg composed of thick plate glass, protec ed by elabora e y orna me ted caps, one ol which may be seen in its place in the engraving. All sizes from 274 to 75 inches in length, constantly on hand NAME PLATES furnished, neatly engraved. N* B. —No Ch tee tor Dniyage or delivery DILLINGHAM X DENSON. Sept. 15th, 1858 d4twtf GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTy7 rWO month? atcr da e. application will be made to the Court of O dmary of Muscogee Lounty, for h ave to Ml the real estate of El Zi beth Wor&ham, deceased. J. M. DENSO ~ Adm’r. Sept. 14th, 1858 sep*<;ow’2rn. P. LAN DON, HATS j CAPS. 102 Broad St., €oiumHu§, ’ Has on hand an elegant assortment of Fall and Winter Hats, embracing SILK, CASSI- M ERE. and SOFT H\l S, of every variety, color, size and shape For sale C H K A P. Columbus, Ga., Sept 14. 1858. w&dtf NEW’ FALL'GOODS” MANLY A HODGES. HAVE jus I received a lew choice DRESS GOODS ot entire New Sty'e, call and see something, very handsome aud at reasonable pri ces Two “Volants,” EMBROIDERED SILKS do. I mbroidtred Collas. low pikes. Valenciens Laces, &c Sc Embroidered Handkerchief*, &c, Enquirer copy Sept3-tf. HARRISONSPUTS, AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND NEGRO BROKERS, 39 and ftl Broad Street Columbus, Ga. y\. ll.Ls ilcontinue the abo© lino at our old TV stand, fha kful for the patronage heieto fore so liberally extended to us by our friends and the public, we hope by renewed exertions to merit Us continuance. Noefforts will be spared to eive entire satisfaction to those who may confide their business to our care. We will give our personal attention to the sale of Heal Estate, Nerroes, Merchandize anil Pro duce. Having houses fitted up expressly for the purpose ,wo are prepared to board, purchase an J sell Negroes on Commission. Liberal advances will be made as heretofore on Negroes and Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’ sales attended to on reasonable terms. tgp*A Stock of LIKELY NEGRGOESof all classes will be kept constantly on hand. CHAS. S. HARRISON - , GEOKGE l. PITTS. Columbus,Sept. 2,lßsß.—wtwly BY HARRISON & FITTS. SUNDRIES AT I'KIVAIE SALE. HHIS. RALON(Extra Clear -’ides,) O'! fiOßarrels Recufled Wnisby 25c per gallon. 20 “ Old Burboun V\ tnsky; 10 * Mononsahela “ SCO Boxes Virginia Tobacco. 100 Boxes Star C nd es. 100 Cases Cognac Brandv. 100 I ’ases (. hestnut Grove Whisky. 1 Qr. t ask fi’>e French Brandy, 5 bls American Brandy. 50,000 Ckars assorted brands. Persons in want or any of the above good?, will find it to taeir interest to give us a > all HARRISON & PITTS, Auct’rs. Sept. 1, 1858—u&wim. FIFTY NEGROES WAN TED. HAVING made our a-rangemeuts for I*4, the Fall tracD, we desire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, of good character, cousi-ting of yonng ineu, women, plough boys,and gi'ls, for whom the highe-t ma<ketprue will be paid Pe'S ns ha ving negroes for sale will find it to their interest to give us a call. We will receive and sell Ne groes on Commission and no effoits will be spared to make satisfactory sales, for those who may pi ice their negroes in our charge. Liberal advances always made on negroes when desired. Call at the Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON & PITTS. aug2l—wtwtf 50 A 61 Broad Street. W- VV. RuBbON, Wholesale Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &c., WIST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Coitiiiibn-, GenreiH. HAS now on hand, and will constantly keep, an excellem selection of all ihe articles usu ally kt-pt in tne Grocery line. His Hock consists ii pait of B icon. Lard, Flour Sugar. Coffee, Syuns. Flour, Silt, Rice, Rigging. Rope, Tobacco Nils, Sap. Crockery, dtc. Together with eve ry aruele usually and m .nde i by h‘ ciy or c uatry irad-,a 1 oi which he offe sto his triends and the public, at ihe lowest market prices. Call aid see. Slept. 4, 185S. H.V3m Dissolution of aitnership, THE firm of KING ftf S RSBY is this day diss dved by mutual consent. Those having demand- against tire firm as well as those tndebt ed o >t, will please call on B A. Sorsby for settle ment, at the Alabama Warehouse, who is hereby author zed to settle the same JuHN W. KING l Jum Ue.wtwtf . A. SOitSBY. Ml. ‘ ®. W. (DUMIR, PEOFEfeSOR OF MUSIC THAiNKFIJL lor past and presi-ni would respectfully give notice TfTjflO he continues to give insiruction * * * **in Vocal and Instrumental music, Appiicatious received at Uaricr’s music Store. Sopt, 7- d:tm* STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH OR 0000 PAPER ONE Steam Engine, 8 inch cylinder, 12 inch stroke, with tubular boiler, smoke slock. 12 feet turned shafting, all complete. Everything i:- new and warranted perfect. Any person wishing to purchase can call and see the * ngine woilt at any time, and satisfy themselves that she is a No. 1 engine, Call on or address HENRY McCAULEY, Columbus, Ga. Sept 3. 1858 dim pqihi aasm® aeid saAifisia HORSES. [WILI, be in C<> unit us at the siahlrs of Iv 1 }* VVilkms X ’ ’o. by the 20,h inst., with a lot oi fine Horses, s m- 10 pairs ol well matched Broke Horses, al-o a lot ol fine single Horses „ , LARRY HOWE. Cos 1 imbus. Sept. 141 h, 1858 d1 w AL AB AM A WAREHOUSeT COLUMBUS, GA, ALLEN & CAMAK having purchased th“ interest of B A. Sorshy in the above whl known FIREPROOF BRIIK WAREHOUSE woild b.* glad to see \heir <>ll friends and pa'ron at their new place of business, where they have formed aco parinesship wjth J VV. King, undei the name aud stv le of KING, ALLEN & CAMAK, for the irm*aeti >n of a S I’ORagE AND CO VI M [SBIO N BUSi N S eeial attention paid to the Sale o* Cotton and Prod ‘ce, and ihe Receiving and Foiwaidng March -ndise con*ig"ed to <>ur care. Libe al Advance© made on Ootton in S f ore or for shipment to our friends in Savannah, Ch r|,a ton, New York orel-ewhere. Bagging and Rope furnished oar customers at market pores, We solicit a share of pnhlic patronage, and pledge ourselves, by close attention to bu mess to merit it. J W KING A VI ALLEN. THOS.C.A.H \K. r HE undersigned in renring f rorn the Ware house business, takes great pleasure in re commending to his tiieinls a conti uuuce ot tbeff iavor and patronage to ihe nev film (Sig• ed) B. A. SORSBY. Columbus. July fi. 1858 <6n NEW BOOKS. rHist,: PWO MILI IONjS, by Wm. Al- B-tier, author of Nothing to Mary Derwent, by Ann S. Stephens, author of Fashion and Famine. emoirs of Rachael, by IMadarne De B History of the Origin, Formation and Adoption of the Constitution ot the U. S. by Geo. Ticknor Curtis. The Cruise of the Betsey, or a Summer Ramble among the Fossi erous Deposited of the Hebridees by Hugh Miller. Harper for September. Godev’s Lady’s Book for Sept. Knickerbocker. Just received by „ , J- W. PEASE & CLARK. Columbus, Aug. 2G—w&twtf. TO RENT. SEVERAL TENEMENTS—one on Broad Street, eligible as a B jardmg House. L. T. DOWNING. Aug. 19—twtf. TO RENT. FROM the Ist of October next, the City Hotel, near the Market House. Apply to P GITTENGER. July 3 tw3m. At Rankin’s old Stand, TO KENT OK LEASE- A Chartered Female College with all the necessary buildings and other conveniences. A gentleman, with a wife competent to teach Music,could make handsome salaries For further particulars apply to Rev. T C. STANLEY, Flat Shoals, Merriwelher co., Ga. Aug, 21—w&tw4w. Southern Christian Advocate and Savannah Gleogian copy v/eekly four times and send bill to this office. TO RENT. r PHE Store on theenrner of Broad and Randolph A St eetß, at present occupied bv E Barnard &Uo is or r- ii from the isi October next. App y to sepit3—dt‘ PERRY r*PLNCRR ” GREENWOUD & G AY. WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CULUMBIS, .j;\, THE undersigned have formed a Co-partner -hip under the fi in ioi the trausaciion ot age iera> W and Commission Business lit thi- ci y From he long exp rience ot Mr. Gr> enwood, (in the ian firm of oreenwoi and Cos.) and vi r G'ay (in tho late firm o Stewurl, fir iy v C> ,) h-y* fleeter the nselve?ihi y will !>e ; b'e, by giving then undiVul and aim personal am nun to all t>u?i ---i ess entru-ted to thr.rcare. to give general smi (action, ‘They will be r g darly -un. bed with tn. la est toieign and domestic miel ig rce, which wi'i alway* be at the se oi then p .irons Tie usual CASH ADVANCES hII mare and Baggi g. Rope and o her fc oods furui lie when de-sTcd. E.S.GRE N AOOD, \v c GRAY. Columhus. July 13, 1858—w w3m. OUK CUSTOMERS YY’HO ‘dont like to be dunned wil’ ple'p* save ihem-eives the nioitihcaiion and us th. tio< b’e ai d rX’ paying up, or ice sha.i gve out our claims, and close all taamesa ton et t, COS with such parties We did beneve.your promise, Nowoeheve o^rs REDD; JOHNSON A- CO , ‘ CoJtunbus. Ga., Aug. 7, w4\jao dim. E. BARNARD & 00. COLUAfIBtJd, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS @H \Vtj on hand, and will constantly keep, a large and well selected Sto k,embracing every article in their line, which are offered to their friends and the public, at the lowest market prices Ct me and see us. Columbus, Sept. 29. 1857. w&twtf. To Our Customers! FROM and after the first January next, we shall adopt, as neariy as possible, the CASH SYSTEM. Necessity Compel* us to this i onrse. From that day all articles will be priced as cash. Where credits are given (which will on ly be extended to those who have promptly paid us) an addition will be made to the price named according to the time required bv the purchaser. E. BARNARD, & CO. Dec, 31,1857 —w&tw6m. CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION, i A A BOXES Havana Cigars ofvarious brands lUv tor sale at small advances for Cash by Jan 19—wtwif E. BARNARD & CO. A GREAT BARGAIN! THE Subscribers, having now purchased the entire pro perty of the Cowota Falls Manu facturing Company, oiler the same for sale. It is oue of the best situations tor Milling and Manu facturing purposes in the whole country, and will be sold on long credits, and the most liberal terms. Titles of Warrantee will be made. SEABORN JONES, PAUL J. SC vi VIES, JOHN L. MUSTIAN, JunelO,—wtwtf JAMES W. WARREN. FFtEDt ¥ FROM FtVERMDAGUE TRIUMPHANT SUOOESS! THE GRENADA ELIXIR, OR South American Antidote for Malarial Is a sure Cure and Perfect Route to Ag ue and Fever, Chill and F ver. Dumb Asue, and all Bilious Affections'. [T has been thoroughly tested in thousands of cases, some of years’ standing, where Quinine aid all the most popular remedies of the day had failed, but the Elixir has met with the m ist tri umph ‘id. success ; never failed to cure the most oh-tmaie cases. The unanimous testimony of all who have used or witnessed its operations, declare it t • b-* the most e tra'o<*dtnary medicine ever dis covered for the quick and permanent cure of Fe ver and Ague. 11 operate* as a gentle Tonic ad -timulant, gradually hut surely; eradicates even vestige ..f disease,and restores the g,stem to health and v gor It intoarts new vitality to the blond, od wo soon induce the g ow n health to return to the pale and sWadllV complexi’ n. Tit- advantage ot this medicine therefore is. that a cure mti the radical and compl-’e; not simply breaking the Chill, by prndiic-n.g a ‘new impieg s on” tip n the nervous sys'em. wiiliout reference t i tit operations of the mulniimis pni-on, which i* a lowe I <• lemam U'ichaog-d and renew us at tacks, imniediateli auer the oeivoiis syst-m has r-a-ed to lee.l ill- artificial rliseas —-i iduced h\ Q nnitie and mmv other pr-paraDon* g-neralu resorted to. The GdKNADA EI.'XIK acts di rectly upon the Liver, >t< natch, K dnevs, Pores of h- Skin, and produces a radical cure. I contains no ingredient the least inj iriotts to i lie 9vstem, and can he given to an irimnt with perfect safety It ia warranted to cure every case when taken as directed. All who n-ed sttclt a medicine, will do well to try the Grenada Elixir I is not only ilie hest hut t ie mud eeo mnvcal medicine ever introduced tor Fever and Ague -md is a Southern Remedy. Prkpakkd only bt J. S. PE BURTON & CO. Cfiemisrs and Druggists, Columbus, Georgia. And sold by all respectable Druggists in the city and country. July 24,1858 —vv&tw3 u mm ®o®m DUCT. THORNE, by Antony dmSm Troltope. A Poor Fellow, by the author of Which the Right or the Left. Man upon the Sea; comprising a detailed ac co nt of Remarkable Voyages, Ancient as well Modem, by Frank B Goodrich. Titcomb’s Letter to Young People, Single and Married, by Timothy Titmouse, Esq. The Art ol Beauty, or Science of a Lady’s Toi let. by Lola Montez, The Family Aquarium, by H. D. Butler. The American Horse Tamer and Fattrier, showing how to cure the wildest and most vicious horse in the world of kicking, balking, and other bad habits. Also, anew supply of other books. Mary Derwent, by Mrs .Ann S Stephen?; Debit aud Credit, a Novel. Lord Montague’s Page, by James. A Womans Thought about Women. Mesula, by Sewel. Guy Livingstone. Lena Rivers. Quitte; a Novel. Just received and for Pile bv sepiß -dwtf J. W. PEASE & CLARK. BARBOUR COUNTY LANDS FOR SALE. HAVING purchased land in the West, I now offer tor sale both my p antations, lyiqg on the North Cowikee Creek. The place on which I now reside, known as the Barna Ivey Plantation contains 2,475 acres, with a large proportion of fresh and Hammock land. Th reareon the plan tation 1,4000 acres cleared, and in a fine state >f cultivation, thoroughly drained, with a large num ber ot well located ditches. The dwelling is commodious, having 6 large rooms, neatly finish ed.and is situated within the corporate limits ot convenient to the Colleges and Churches. ‘I he out houses are in good repair and sufficient for the accommodation of 100 negroes. On th s place, are two new gin houses, oi o of which is pr> el led by water powder, to which is attached a erisi mill, all in good trder Lying broads de ihis place is mv p *uta li >n, recently owned by 1 01. W IT <wens, con taining 9ul *c es. The dwelling, out ho re* gn house and screw are all new and well fin --hed, and equally c nvenient to Glennville B-iug de termi i> and to sell, i would not object to div and ng my lands to suit purchasers. To those acquaint and with iht-se Innas I need not say n ore—to those at a di-tance, I woul 6ay that they cannot b- ex- in point ot health or productiveness in east Alabama. G e mville is noted fort'ie morality,intelligence and refinement ot it- cit zai s. It is si'uate 12 mil j s r>m he Mobi’e and G rod Railroad, 6 miles from Je nigai, a e'eamb ai landing on the Cha tahoochie river, and >6 rn b? irom Enfaula, t'l which point the South-Western Kailroal of G orgia will .io- be c t. F r further par ioulars, ad ess me ai G enuvii e, Alabama h. bass. Sept 7. lfcsS. wtf B’ IIFI.L & WEKtIS, BAVrt temoved the corner formerly occu pied hy W A R-d I. & o . ittely by Watt lud Sappirigtt n , where they will keep constantly n hand, a well s le.’ed stock of GROCERIES, eon=ist : ng in part of Bacon, Baggi gr and Rope, S gir arid Coffee. Liquors, &c. A 1 ol which ihe y off rat t e lowest market prices. Aug JO, 1 ‘55. wtf DIsSO UTI >N. ~~ PHE co partners* p he-e one existing tet* en 1 VV A• K l>?< *ot tHii i 9 this day dissolved by m tualc nsent ail th.#e inuebieu to the concern o s get. e Immediately. . , , LP. WATKINS, |jpt, I—lm J. N. COBB. TOBACCO AGENCY, CCLUMBCS, GEORGIA. ELLIS & M A THIS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TGBACCO, HAVE on band and will cent nue to receive di rect *f ROM HRST CLASS MANCfACTCI. RR Ks i a large supply of nil grades T*>bEcc whicu they wii sell 10 thet-ade at Factory Prices, expense only added. ’ traders will do well to catl betore buying elsewLero. sept?— w&dPmmls THE CARTER FACTORV CORA’ KILL, IS now in full operation, turning out the best quality of Meal. Bring on your Corn. The highest market price paid for good Corn. Meal always on hand and tor sale Feb. 11—wtwtf HAMILTON BOLAND. LOST. ABREAST PIN in the shape of a bunch of grapes, near the Methodic Church. The tinder will be liberally rewarded bv calling at dtf BROOKS & CHAPMAN. STE WAR T CO UN TV LANDS FOR SALE MOWING to misfortune, I offer lor sale my farm, lying i> six miles cos’ of Lumpkin, containing 5 00 Acres,—4ooin cultivation On the place re goou negro Cabins, ovet reor’n house, frame gin and prt bs. The land is red iand—crowth oak and hlckoty I prefer letting the present crop spe k for the productiveness ot the land. 1 wilt sell a bargain if applied to soon. J C.C. BL.4CKBURN. Lumpkin, Sept. 9, —d6tw3w. A CARD HAVING withdrawn from the firm of HUGHES DANIEL.<fe CO., I cheerfully recommend them to all our former patrons, and the public generally. JOHN R. EASTHAM. rHE Subscribers will continue under the same name and style—a general STORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE FONT AINU & LOWELL FIRE-PBOOF WAREHOUSED Thattklul for the past liberal patronage of or friends, we solicit its continuance, and pledge out i idividual exertions to pleare all who may entreer their business to us. We are prepaid to grant usual to onr customers HUGHES, DANIEL & CO.. W M H. Hughes, Wm. Daniel, YVes-lev C. Hodges. Aug. 5, tf and. s7 DENrAL SURGEON, OFFICE correr of Broad and Rtndolph Streets, Columbia Georgia. Dec. 17 185G—w&t'vfl jggg* FOaLE & SOlV> DENTISTS, Offi e on’ph Street, near Broad, Colum >us, Ga. Columbus, May 9,1857. wtwtf THE LIVER I N VIGO RAI’OE, I’KEPARED BY UIt.SANU F O R I), COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. 1* one of tde best Purgative and Liver Medicint now be ore the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known Itis not only a eathari e, but a i.iver Remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter then on the Btomach aud Rowels t > carry oH the matter, thus accomplishing two purposes etfec’ually. withoutany of the painful'ee lings experienced in theoperation of most < Cathar tics It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate do ses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one o the principal regula tors ot the human bo- j j dy; and when it per forms its funclionswell. f the powers of the sys tem are fully develoj r ud. The stoinachis al most eniirely depend-ent on the healthy ac tion of the Liver lortht iJTjf proper peforniance of its functions, when tht j~j3 stomach (sat fault the oowelsare at fault,am he whole system suff ersin consequence o j'w/jone organ—the Liv cr—having ceased to f ***• doits* duty. For the disease of that organ >ue of the proprietors has made it his study . in apractice of more than twenty years, t< some remedy wherewith to counter jL-jMCtthe many derange ments to which it isjTjFiable. To prove that this re-) medy is at last found, ay person troublec with Liver Com plaint,in any of it- f forms, has but to try a boitie, aud convictioi | certain. These gums remove ■ alt morbid or bad mat ter tiom the system ) 3 supplying inibeirfplace a healthy flow of bile. jLj)i vigoraling the sto mach, causing food to j”) digest well, purify ing the blood, jL_jj ri sing tone and hea.tb to the whole machine- ry, removing because oi the disease effei■- ting a radical cure. Bilious attacks *N; are cured, and, what is better, prevented, by trie oc asional use ol tht J Liver Invlgora tor. One doseafter eating (mj is sufficient to relieve the stomach and pre the food from rising and sr uring r, t Only one'dose taken (HHI before retiring, pre vents Nightmare. 3 Only one dose ,takei 3 X! at r night, loosens , the bowels gently, and cures Costive ns. Onedos*- taken after each meal will cure Dyspepsia. Nj I3f"uiie dose of tw. | i. al ways r‘lieve Sick i 1 ( Headache. * >ne dose taken loi obs.ruction re move the cause of the | disease, and makes a per ect cure. inly onedose’immt- V) tiatety relieves cholic, while One dose often renea t'Jjl ted is a sure cure for holera Morbus,/, (and a preventative of holera -uly one botth ; is needed to thto-v out of the system theeffects of medicine altera long ■sickness. I’jl bottle tak en for Jaundice re moveeaii saliowness or l muatura. cu.or iron the skin. One dose taken a 3 short time before eat ing sires vigor to the } i ; appetite and maker food digest well. One dose oftea repeated cures f hronic Diar rhoea, in its worst torms, while 8 I M M K R uut Bowel complaints yi. la an on to tl t first and ?r One or two doses cures attacks caused biVt ormi in Children; there i9 no surer, saler. or remedy in the world, as it ne'er ful's. Afw b >tilea cures Dropsy, by exciting the absorbants. We taae pleasure in recommendit s ‘Mb medt rf** hs a tor Fever and A gne, hills, Fe ver, and all Fevers n a Bi ious Type, it perates with Certainty, and lb <u*a.-.v.f arc wu ing to testily to its wonderlut vittues All wno u-e it are giTiug their anaul nous tedimo n> in it* favor. Mix wa er n the mouth with the Invigoratoi and swa.b'w both together. THG LIVER INVIGOR \TOR, Isa cimtific d-.; licit Oisco wry, and is daily wor king cures almost too great or oe.tei. it cures a.* ll •y magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and eld<*m more than one matte ‘s’requtred to cure£an> k nd" l l.i ver 1 ompiaint, from the worst jaundict r djepepsiatoa co umon n-a lactie, ail ot which are ihere*U(t ot a ciiseised liver. p.iceOno llotlar per Bott e * an FORD a. Fropneiors.34s Broadway,New York WHOLESALE AOISTS. Barnes %Psrk New Yotk; T. W. uoytt k. Song, P iladelphie; M. 8. Burr A- Cos. Brgt.m; H H. Hay st Go. Portland: 4ohn tt. Park, Cincinnati: -a\tard St Hammnd; <:ievelaond, Fahnstock &■ Davis Chica go; O. I Wood At Cos. Kt. I ouis Geo.H Keyser, Pi"sh'tv: 8 8, Hance. Baltimore. Aud retailed by ali Druggist* Sold Wholesale and ftetail by J. S PEMBEKTO.’ & CO., BROOKS & CHAPVMN, DANFORTH 65 NA(4EL, May*o—vtwly and all Drugkgiatt. SWAN A CO.’S LQIIHhV Triumphant! SWAiN & CO. CONTINUETO DRAW AS USUJ WITHOUT INTERRUPTION! I SWAN & CO’B Lotters are legal and authori ed by the State of Georgia OUR FIRM HASSHOV\N THAT OUR LOTTERIES ARE DRAV FIARLY; THAT OUR PRIZES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY, AND THAT OU SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHI LOTTERY IN THE WORLD. The following schemes will be drawn by 8 S\V & CO. Managers ot tne Bpaua cademy Lottery each of their single number Lotte.tes forbepieni, 18.58, at Augusta, Geor-iR, to which city they bt removed their princijial office. > Class 32 draws Saturday, Sept. 11, 18£ Class 33 draws Saturday, Sept 18, 18£, Class 34 draws Saturday, Sept. 25, 18I| On the Plan of Single Numbers. £O,OOO TICKETS— S,4BS rBIZEg NEARLY ONE FRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKET Hlagnillceßit Scheme! To be drawn every Saturday in Sept. 1 Prize of $5i1,00( l “ UO OtK 1 “ 10,001, 1 “ 5,00 t; 1 “ 4,1 KiC* l ** 3,000 1 I.MX) 4 “ 1,1-00 4“ 9 0 4 “ rOO 4 “ 7tO 4 u MW 50 6bo so “ !!.’.!!!! ]OO 123| 3d •* . .......... 100 APPOXIMATION PRIZES. 5 Prizes ol S 4 l> Approx’g to *70,1(0 Prize are lO’ 4 “ 3(0 “ 30.0(0 1,1 4 -* 200 “ I*,ooo H 4 “ 125 “ 5,010 “ 4t, 4 “ ] 4 0 ‘ k 4, 00 “ 4i 4 *• 75 “ 3,0i 0 “ 3f> 4 f 0 “ 1,5441 “ 2: 4,CHO“ 20are * 00 o>j 5.4-'5 Prizes to $324.4(1, Whole Tickets $10; Halv B*s Quarter.-$ -50 1 A Circular showing the plan ofthe l.oUeries, wi* forwarded to any onedtsin usoi lectivna it Certificate# ol Pacsuges will be sold at the folio*; ing ratis which is ihe nss. G’er ificate# ol Package sol 10 Whole Tickets. “ * 10 Half “ 4; *• “ 10 Quarters ** itj ‘ l “ 10 Eighthß “ l'i IN ORDERING TICKETS OR Cl RTIFICA E 8 ; nciose the money to our address for the Ttckt t ordered on receipt of witicii tliey wilt be torwariitti ny nist mail, t'urcnasers can have Tickets end tne in any figure they may designate r l he List ot drawn numbers aud Prizes w D be stn to purchne r 6 immediately after thedrawit g. Pu-clmseiH will please write their sigi attm s plait, aid give t'uir Post (tHce, Conn y -n-* Btate. l emeii her that every Prizi is dmw n and payabW In tu l wuh.'Ut ‘tedui-tiom All Priztso* $1 ,UOO and under paldimniedlatel] alter the draw in*, —ciber prizeß at the usual time Oi ihirti itais. All co nmunications str*ctiy confiden ial. Ad .rcss orders fo> Tickets o Certificates to 8. SV\ AN & CO , Auausta, Ca. Perstns res ding i eai M nigom i>. Aia or Atlanti Ga,ca lave their o>d< is fined, and save time by aitdri ssiug rt &Cos at either oi those peaces. s-rr* A list <>f tt,u n iinb.ra that are and awn trom the Wheel, with the amount ot the Pr ze that each one !s entitled to, will be pubntly. ai.nuiy drawii ir in the lollowing paieia— Aurus bt> i stiiu iionaiist, hew ttrlt&is l-eita, Mobi e In Bur, Cbai lesion Btandare, bashvibt t az< tie Atliita n telltgenoer, New v oikV\tekly Day Book, Ba> a nah j Morning Ni-ws, Richmond D. epilct., New \oth nie patclt, Pauldimr (vi es) Glaniou, and l iite hock ( rc- > •• i *- m ,- rat sent l- < jjolLaa if isi and ibHS tee crlkhrated Holland remedy to BTBPS9SXA, DISEASE OF THE KIDVEVS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVEP AND AGUE. And the various affections consequent upon a dis eased STATE OF THE LIVER. Such as Indigestion, Acidity of ihe stomach. Col icky Pams, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despond ency, Dostivenes?. Blind and Bleeding Piles. In ail Nervous,Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in otners effeo ed a decided cure This is a purely vegetable compound,prepared on strictly scientific principles,after the manne ofthe celebrated Holland Hr ifessor, Boerhave, Because of its great success in most of tae Kur >pean States, its introduction into the United States was intended more e*pec ally for those of our I thertand scattered here and there • ver the fa eofthis mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now of fer it to the American public, knowing tha’ Ls truly wonderful m. diciithl virtuesmust be acknowlcdg, and. Itis particularly recommended to those pe’-sens whost constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of aident spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Gem rally insisniar eous in • ff- 1 t. It finds Us way and rectly to ihe seat of lif-, thrilling aDd quickening every nerve, raising np the dr< oping -pirit, and, in tact, tn!Ußingnew health and vigor in the 84 su m N >TIOK, —Whoever expects to find this a beve rage will be disappointed ; but, to the tick, weak, and I'iw Fp rited. it W'll prove a praietu) a>rit j.t.C cordial, poi^esstd ol snvuli r'rr*dial properties. CAUTION! The great popularity of this •leii!'ht r nl r o ma has induced many nutations, which the pub ic should guard purchasing Be nrt ; ersttaded t” buy invthmg e’se u ttil you nave given Boerhave’s II il land B:t ers a fair tiial. One t.ottle will cotiv nee \ou how infinitely superior It is to all these imita tions. f’ST-'old at S’ 03 per botila, or six bottles for S .00. hy ‘he SO L R PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. JIL & CO., MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutists and Chemists, PI TSBURGH, PA. F rsa'e in Columbus by Brooks & Cnspman, and >r g is s r tfrally throughout the State. \t rii24 ’SB lylwis Hi.ui months after date I sba i aiq y to the h< no. JL rable Court of ‘rdinarv o’ ChaHln.i cheecoun ty. G a ,ifr eaveto sell the (aids to ibe estate ol Gr m Ben lev. deeea rd HIM AN KRI \LTTON, Adrn'r * a? uo la 1 :"—2 i Foil SALK- “ PRICE 84,500 In two pa\merits The plat ta ttou <>u the res’de -Itnai* on the -ninth sid •ol BlueC.e< k. n the c--u ity of Ea- y, a Ijoini g I an t r f Judge u olle, V\ m. Ov per. and titii.'/olii r. ci'-trining"o3 trri-s it is well! nprov ed. an t ha- ail t*-e bu Idi g- •i-ual on a <-o t->n p au tat on; ali new and tu g >od order. Tu*- C'op wll be the best evide-ce of its f rt ll'y. t\ru. Plan si on qc ml is, aud stock of all kinds cau be debased on the place. Sept.39—w6t A- H- Me LAWS, Blakely.