Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 24, 1858, Image 1

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R. ELLIS & Cos., Proprietors, v >l(J>ie vi. Till* OILUMJ > li.ULi Hilts 1? published every m irning (Soudayflexcepted.) at 8 < )'l ir-i per aeiiuui, in advance Sev en l) > I ire if o >t o.iid ’•( >re lie exp.ration of the year. THE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES Is pi dished every liHisiHV iO iM Vli. at Two Dollars per annum,-trie ly in advaoce. Ojfi,;e on Randolph Street, apposite the Rost Office. ADvaaiiiiNa ratb3. Advertisements of filines or less in either the Duly or Afoekly Timed, will ‘e inserted at 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents f>r eaeh suiiaeq pm insertion. A ivertisements exceeding five lines will he charged 10 cents for the first, and five cents per line tor each subsequent insertion Displayed adveitisements will be charged for the space thev occupy. The following are the contracting rates change aole at pleasure: WEEKLY RA l ES. „ ! rs ! w cj u? tZ No of | 3'3 3;3 3 3 o ; o 0,0 o Z3 1 O O 33 or 3* zj zr zr CD j X CO I CD X 1 2 so| 4 0 I 5 51) 10 00! 15 00 20 00 2 ... 5 00 m 00 , 1 1 oii 2 00 25 00 3d 00 3 7 5 11 00 i It 5d 25 <*<l 3 00 4<> 00 4 10 00 500 l 9 00 30 00 400; 50 11 5 12 1 0 7 (K) 20 0 1 40 >; 51 0o fit) 00 6 ... 15 00-0 00 25 00! 50 00, 60 <>o 7 00 7 17 0)25 00 30 Odj 6J 00 1 70 00 80 0 1 8 ... j 20 0-3 00 1 40 On 70 0 ‘0 K> 9> U> 10 ... ! 25 -0 40 00 1 5 00 80 Odj 9 00 I<lo 00 daily rytes. *- t* w : j -x) , ci No -°‘ 33 3 ! 3 | 3 i 3 O O -1-0:0 3 73 l S3 C 5 ! 3 £t l r =>- 3* 3- 3* 3- ? 9 . * en j x I rp I 1.. 500 700 900 13 Of: 17 00| 2 00 2 9 O’- 12 00 14 00 18 00 25 ouj 3d 00 3 12 00 15 00 18 00 25 00 33 00 40 -0 4.. 15 00 19 0 22 00, 30 0 0 40 0 50 00 5 18 (>0 25 OO 30 00 40 00 5o Oo 60 00 6 20 00 28 00 35 00 50 00 60 00 70 oO 7 25 ini 33 00 41 00 60 IK) 70 00 80 00 8.. 30 00: :i8 00 46 <K> 70 00 s() 00 90 00 1 > ... 4-0 50 nQ 3 0 B> 00 90 QO'loo 00 S lies ot Laud and viearoes, py Adtniuisira tors, Execu ors and Guardians, are required i > law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in ormoon and three in the afternoon, at the Couri douse in’he county in winoli the property is situate. Notices of these sales nu t be give > in a public gazotte forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must be given at least ton days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must bo -üblished forty days. Notice that application will be made t 6 the Court of Or tinary for leave to sell Laau or Ne groes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be cublished thirty days-for Dismission from Ad ministration,moiuniy Mx months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Ruins tor Foreclosure of [Mortgage must be published monthly tor four months—for estab Fishing lost paper-* for he full space of three months—for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been giv >n by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued ac cording to t lose, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. TI MESS ©MX Mis) 3WB PRINTING OFFICE, Rniypli Street Cos urab is, Georgia. H. VING in Successful nnerution ori** ol H')E & Ci > ’iß CYLINDER PRESSES KUtfNISG BY STEAM, We are prepared to execute, at short notice, every : desorption of BOOK AND JOB POINTING, in unsurpassed style, as cheaply as can be done anywhere in the South. We have on hand a large variety of N E-W JOB T Y 1* E, and shall keep a constant sup ply of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPER, CARDS, Ace. Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, wiffi promptness and despatch, will make it great ly to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS. WAYBILLS, Biank> of rvery description, &c &e. Al-o HAILKOADA.NL> STEAM BO Y T Blank-.. CiiVf- us a call. Th is Deutrimeo’ of our office *8 under the su periinen<fecc-* **l Mr D S P*>rter, whose long and a- k-iowte-lgerf reputation a- a J<-b Primer,are a softie enr gurar>t**e tits’ a-1 v\< rk entrusied to fiis care will be exi-cuied wubei **rgy and faithfulness. We Inve now in connection with the office a complete BOOK BXHDXRY, and having recently secured the services of Mr E. M. Clark Uateof Philadelphia,) in this branch of our business, we pledge ourselves to give the mos’ ierieei satisfaction in Hie tnanufacm e of Ledgers Account Books, Dockats. Court R cords. -1 amboat and Rail Road Blank B oks, &c, We intend not to lie outdone in the styl and finish of ur work, in either department, hy am establishment South, and that we maybe ab'e to make our prices satisfactory, we have adopted the CASH SYSTEM. Sept. Ist, ms. R. ELLIS & CO. WILLIAM IA \ L'ti!, kTTORNEY AT LA , ! Tu-hbert, Hhihlol|li Couti y, Georgia. j \\ II,L practice ui the c<>untie- o Rain). ;ph, I ’’ Calhoun, I’erieli. E rly, Ola,, bilker. ! Dougherty, Miller and Su-wart. R FEUf TO Wellborn, Johnson &, Sloan, Attorneys at Law, Columnus, Georgia. All business intrusted to his care will receive mruediate attention. tune 6, 1858 —*uw tt MJKIUiN bethune, A TTOtt NE Y A T /, .4 W , PALBOTTON, Talbot County, Ga t etober24th. 1856. wtwtl. EAUGH & SLADE, ATTOR ‘ AT LAW, COLUM BUS , G EGRGIA . tXT ILL practice law in Muscogee and the adjoin ! YV ing couuttes ot Georgia and Alabama ! nr Office over Bank >f Columbus. Broad St. J ROBKKT BAUOI! J • J- SI.ADK. Columbus.oa March 27 1857. wtwtf W. S, JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LA W . C U S S E T A, Chattahoochee Comity, Ga. !‘vos his mure attention io the practice in Chat ttahooct.eeand adjoining counties, ap 2R —wtw !y* HOW AED & WEEMS. \ T T OKKEYS A TL AW \ CRAWFORD AL. A ROBERT N HOW\RD. WALTER B- WEEMS I Cr -wlord, Ala., Juneß- wtwt*. BEDS’* L 8l WEJBM | Wliolesaie nnd Etetait GltoCliUY DE4LKHS, SBioaiioa, ®s©* : ieep constantly on hand a welliselec-| ’’ ted Stock comprising all aiticles in their line, : which are offered to tn-ir rieuds and the public generally at the LOW'ESI MARKET Ptil- ? CES. Give us a call. LOCK WEEMS. A. G. BEDELL, Columbus, Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf JAMES^rCLENDEUIN, \TTORNE Y AT L A W AMD SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY J BBKVfLIjt;, El tsry County, Ala. July 20, 1858.—wlv. . ; GRICE & WALLACE, ATOMS MVS ia? ILAW, BU I LEit, GEORGIA. VXTILL give prompt attention to all business en .t trusted to them. W. L. HlilCC. WM.S. WALLACE. December 16—wtf T- J. GUN N. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAMILTON, GA. WILL attend promptly to all busineess entrusted to hint. January 26, 1858—wly. R. A. TURNIPSEED, \TTOPv NE Y A T LA W , CUT HB ERT , RHitdoiph County,Ga. H\ VING removed rom Cusseta toCu hbert Randolph e u py vv II yive jironipt atten tion to all business eutiusted to his care. ap27 wtf. j raciM ‘w.ffl-ora, ATTORNEY AT RAW, PiiBSTON, vt eltstcr County, Ga. \\7 ILIj practice in the counties of ( jay, t hat V V tahoocnee, YV ebster, Karly, Randolph, Stewart and ‘vimter. Particular attention giv- ! en to . nlloetine and remitting. January 27. 1857—wtf. ELAM & OLIVER, \TTOR NE Y S A T LA W, BUENA VISTA, MARION COUNTY, GA. j \ITILL practice m the countlesof Marion Ma j t v co i, .ewart, i’ayior, Chattahoochee, and any j of the a {joining counties when theirservices'mav ! be required. Also in the District Court ol the United | I s or the Ui trict ol Georgia. , WM D. SLAM. TIIADDECS OLIVER. September 10—wtf WM M CHAMBER fl • WM M ROEB.NS J A ROBBINS. Chambers, Robbias & Robbins, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BUFAUL A, ALABAMA. | Wlf L practice in the counties of Barbour, Pike, j Henry, Coffee Dale and Ku-sell feb I—wlv s. s. STuFFORdT” ATTORNEY AT LAV, BLAKELY.EARLY 30DNTV.GA m •” FuK ALE. rSE Subscriber na.-or- hands few BTII.U W *or urn.j. Peach Brandy or Wilis Isy. srhich he ■* ery off ALSO, Tin, Sheet Ir'n and Japan Ware, every lescr-ption, w .cl can be bought at the lowet rales oneon sh 4 ootio and-liber&iterms. J. B. HICKS, Agent. iulylS v vt Next i.wr below “Fans Souci” Rrra-t treet. THE subscriber is now ma*-ufacturing tbe real Irish Poteen Whisk\ .at one ard a half miles from Columbus which he warrants io be pure and genuine, m and equal to the best Poteen YVhisky manufactured under ground in Ireland Apa t from its being a health* and pleasant be verage. it is an • xcellet t remedy tor L olds, Diarrhoea, Worms, &c For saie by the bottle at Br-rnks Jt Chapman’s Drug Btore. at Rrassili &, ‘"o’s by the drink or - herwise, and by the gallon at the distillery. I martS—wtwff A. BRANNAN. THE UNION OF THE STATES, ANO THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. 0-M.UMUPB, GEOUGIA, FRIDAY, 81 PI EMBER 24 IK, 8. Bieon! Bacon! i V, r R Lave new oiibfti and end niilbe constantly i’<- j ceiviug. Prune Tennessee Bacon —Hams, cbdes ! slid t-i-oiild-rs, winch wo will sell at tneiOwe.-iOom t “U'g-iot: H -use inces. V -r-2* e. -f F.. BARNARD & CO. TO I'HOSh INDEBTED. j iIT E hereby give nonce that abclaims-lueus, and ] W no pa dor satis acmrily orrai.gtd. prior to the \ uext returnda> ol the re-pectivecuun ies m Wiich - th pa ties reside, will be sued. iSone shall be eligh- I ted. mar-20—wtwtf. R BARNARD & CO. Ifumurunrint yt ALLSiZESAND^UALinti:. FOR 8* LB AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. V TUMUfs CASH. mnelfiwtwtf THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. THOItS’S CODIPOUAD EXTRACT OF COPAIBA ASD SARSAPARILLA, possesses advantages not enjoyed by any other : medicine toi the cure of sexual disi-aees, which : inu-t with an enlightened public render it assuredly j highly popular, and a desideratum long sought for I in the medical world It needs no confinement or j change oi dtet. In its approved lorm.that of paste, it is entirely tast less, and causes no unpleasant sensation to the patient It has acquitted the utm >-t fame in almost everv part of Europe ; it | has been exam n- and, approved of and sanctioned by | thw racultv ol medicine, and recommended by the j most • minent ot the proteeeion (’r- j-ar-d by J. | ! I'HORN, hernist, London, and for sale, ! whole ale ai. retail by lohvA Tarrant & Cos. ; Ag-tsfor the Uuiiet Sates, 278 Greenwich | New Y--rk A- die atiove valuable preparation has been ex ! retisively i-ounterteited by unprmcipled parties in ! the United States, the proprietm has adopted, as a precaution again-t imposition on consumers, a ; Label, ot w hich the following is a lac sirni e and which will be found burnt -n upon the bottom i>i j oac.h pot of the genuine intended tor sale in tin J United States, Canada, British S’lovinces, We.-’ j Indies, and South America. ■ AihoX / CHEMIST. h LONDON X h JOHN.ATARRANT;] 1? NEW YORK. !/ \<i SOLE AGENT. 7 Wv fOR the So/ The stamp around each pot will also bear tlip names of the proprietor and of the United States agents Druggists and Dealers will observe on eaeh do zen packages the following label; Important Caution. The increased reputaion and noa ioim s extract ->f Copaiba and Sarsaparilla, have been induce meats for others to offer imitations of this valuable medicine. Venders are particularly warned of thi* fact, that they may be on their guard, and not dispose of any impure article, calculated to injur* their reputation, and destroy the merits of the original preparation, to obviate which the Sub seriher (successor to James Tarrant, by whom ii was first introduced into the United States) has attached hie -ignature to this caution, to counterfoil which is forgery Jo in A. Tarrant Address orders for the above article, with full Jirectious for shipment to JOHN A TARRANT&CO , Druggists, No. 278 Greenwich, cor. Warren i >t , N V Oct 1857.—wtwlv. CLOSING SALE OF SPRING & SUMMER &DDHSU DRY-GOOOS AT HALF PRICE! IK V all c--me and avail themselves of this rare u opportu nay to purchase g -od, p-etty, and i honest made goods at exactly ON E 11ALF oi ur i regular pace, and thtriy three per cent Jess than | we paid for them ourselves- YV mean exactly what we say, and hope the j care that.we have always taken to have our bus* | iness and joods come full up to our advertisement, I will be sufficient toconvinc > at least all, who have ; so kindly favored us with their patronage, ihat 1 j we are in earnest We are now offering our large | stock of Muslins and Berages at exactly one haii j our regular price. ‘• hat is to say—Muslins that | we have been selling ai 12£ cents, we now sell i at - - - - 61 cents. “ “ “ 20c “ 10 i “ “ 25 “ 12J • “ “ “ 37 i “ 18$ *• Muslin side stripe,Rohe a’Quille priceSl 25 for 62^ “ “ “ 2 stf<>r 125 “ “ “ “ 4-< 0 lot 2 00 ** “ ,f 5 <-0 tor 2 50 Barege Rohe a’Quille, price 5 t 0 for 2 50 d>* do do 8 00 it r 4 On do do do 10 00 tor 5 00 do oo do 12 00 tor 6 00 do do and > 25 001<-12 50 j SHOES! SHOES! i We iiave m store a large su-ck o! Gent , Ladi* s | Misses and Childon’s cfhoes, hich we will ! St ii at < ost. ot— Ladi*-s’ Euan e tfoe! -'o ts. C nlored Slippers, Kid | s;i. p> i> Jen j L- and B ote. E- >mel Kossuth 130 -ts, Cmoreu Pj’. ■'lipj-ets, K and R. R. Bu kins.i loth Heel Gailt-rs. Fine K and Slip; Calf 8!n pers | Gent’s Cos .gress Boots, Congress Gait. rs. Patent Leather Ga-t*-iB, Seal Gaiter', Call Sowed Shoes, Kip Brogans, Pat-to l eather Shoes.Enam-l Shoes,Lo- Quar tered and a variety ot .-dippers. | Children’s Call Congress Boots, Enamel Jenny Lmd Boot- Kid Heel Boots, Enamel Heel Boot.-, Fancy Heel Boots, Paroda boots, Heel (Talter-, Kid S!t -p rs and Boots, Enamel Boots. Slums* Have this day received an entire new lot of LACE EXTENSION SKIRTS,— i made from the finest Watch Springs, and which we will sell cheap. Oth**r goodf in-our sto k will be offered at on* usually ow prices. TERMS CASH —AO SE | COND PR! Y r ery Respectfully, G. YV, ATKINSON & TAYLOR. Next door to B r ooks 6f Chapman’s Drug Store, Corner ot Biosd aud Kaudolph Streets Columbus, Ga., July 8, ISSB, Wit iw2 LAND!LAND! “T* HE Subscriber , ffers lor sa ** the following I tracts oi Laud, formerly he'd by Dr- M. T. Mendenhall ol Charleston, S. C. No. Dist. 247 19 Muscogee county. 136 9 i 12 Marion county. ’ 26 18 Y\ cb.-tcr. 219 24 “ “ 83 21 Stewart county. | July 20, 1853. t'3wtf Ll’ DOWNING. PLANTATION ANO MILLS FOR SALE. H A VING determined to remove YY’est offer tor sale my Plantation and Mills in : Chattahoochee county. The body ot i lands contains aboutl 300 acres, of which there is a considerable portion open and in cultivation. The miiD (Grisi anti Saw) are in good repair, al most new, situated on the road leading from Co lumbus to Buena Vista, via GJenalta, on the Ochiit Creek, are operating advantageously. Persons wishing to purchase this most desirable place, are reque.-ted to call and examine for themselves, as* j sured ihat a great bargain may he had. During ms absence the premises will be shown to purcha -1 sers by G. P. Gordy, who may be found on the i pfoce SAMUEL D HARP. ! July 12—wtf 1000 ACKEb OF Flint Elver Lands, for Sale. IHs. uadersiguei. oeuit desirousol wu.d up ineir business, offer tor sale, on any <®gj|P|fcunie to suit purchasers, a valuable settle- j men 01 One “-’iiousnad Acres of Laud, yttip on me Ys es. sule ot the Flint River, teu miles a rtn j • tyffeihorpe, and ten uriles’’south oot Rey noius Two hundred acresoi this settlement is n-iro- Oeronepiue iand, the balanc, (Hrt> aer< 8; entirely swamp. Che swamp iand is less liable t<> be innuii daied uy the River than any lands on said River in Vlaeon county* and wii, doubtless make from 60 to obushels of corn per acre, aud ir-nu isht) in iuOti ibs o-cotton. Thereare 80 acres 01 pine land, and loot swamp cleared am in a state of .cultiva* tir n. Water, beaitt and soctet> canno-br-excelled -n temiili VY’e-teri Georgia. Apphm i COOK a aiONTFORT, •fiiivil—w&twtf. at o^iethoipe.Wa. I m lLg Mj ntain City Hydrc-therapuiic Institute full particulars, address T. Carleton, M j I? D. at Ualton,Ga. Dalton is situated 160 I vliles from Atlanta,and 40 miles from C,aita- j ooga. on the Georgia Sate Road. Dalton, May I—mayll vv3m. ~ ~ I Scientific American PitO;>PECTUS OF VOLUME FOUIiTEEN. BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11, 1655, Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers and Faruitrs, j'HE SriEN iIF i .aIMERIC aN has now reached i its.iourteenth year, and will enter upon anew volume oo the llth September It is .he only week iy publication oi the kind now issued in this coun try, and it has a very extensive circulation in all the states oi the Union, his not, as some might suppose from its title, a dry, abstruse wors on tech nical science ; on the contra<->,it so deals with the j great events going on in the scientific, media deal j and industrial worlds, as to please and instruct eve j ry one. U tbe mechanic or artizan wishes to know j the best machine in use or how to make any sub- j stance employed in his business—if ti e housewife ‘ wishes to get a recipe for making a good color, &c. i —if the inventor wishes oka w what is gomg on in the way ol improvements—if the manuiacturer wishes to ko'-p posted with the times and to employ j the best facilities in hie bust ness—if the man of le*- i sure and stud; wishes to keep himsel familial w th j he progress made in the chemical -eborat< ry. or in I -leconsir .0.1- nof tulegraohs, steiutships, rai-roads j eap rs im we's aud a ’uousind oiher mtchtnes j iiiu appliances .otr. oi peace and war—all these de- i sidera a can t e f<utiid-n the ‘c-entUlc American, and j •ut Gsew here. 1 v) ate br< ptsented in a reliable i 1 and lutcrea-.ij g form, a lasted to the comprehension | of uiiiios untcarued iuthe liigner branches of set* ! ei-ce and art. TERMS One copy, one yeai § 2 One copy, *ix utorins Five copies, six months 4 T-.n copies, six mouths 8 Ten copies, twelve mouths 15 Fifteen copies, twelve months *22 Twenty cop es, twelve months... Them >ney mils’ in al!cases b*- paid in advance, i Spec mon copies e mgra uitouslv for inspection* | Houtheru and ya estern money or Postage ■■'‘amps j taken f r a : bsciipti it. Lett* rs shi-u’d bo directed 1 to VlUtlN Us. .O , 128 Fulton street, New York.. C'gT’Messrs. Munn . Cos. are extensively engaged i in procuring ptents for new inventions, and wit’ I advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the j nov-lty of ti eir iiTp-ovemenia. aug 21—iwtf j THE LAST GALL ! MONEY WANTED. * pHE subscriber having purchased the entire • I interest oi V. R. TOMMEY, in the Notes; and accounts of the late firm ot J. EN NIS CO j (which firm was dissolved on tta* first Oct. 1855,) would earnestly solicit all indebted to said firm, either by note or account, to call at the store of J Ennis &Cos ,and settle the same,or they will i find their Notes and Nccounts in the hands of an officer for collection. J ENNIS. Oohimhus, Oct wtwt* To Teachers, A Rare Opportunity. I") ‘NDOLPH Male Cos! leg* 4 . Gut hbert, Georgia i now ud since i-s origin a chartered In-tnu tton, and flouring in the number of its Students and Bo -rdars wi h part, or all the impr< Yemenis and property b i -nging thereto, is offered for sale, pr-vite y til! t -e fir-? I’ue-day in November n xt, when if not di-p -s and of, I wi 1 sell at public sale at Cuthbert C ui II >u-e Te rns one, two, three ior m->re piy uents, as mav su t pn-.-hasers Tne health,tw. fomaiet'o tt.r e Railroad eon neettons. and exi ns v sc i.ol patronise of Cuth bert, ail com mie to render this a d-*si able and sate inv stu ent. the bui dings are all new. and with the location aim re 1 bv hl, either tor public or pr vate use. It ma*. easily be converted into a mag lifiecnr re? den e, Apply for parueu!.iis. at Ta’lahassee. Fla., to A. L. O’BRIEN. Sept 20m, ISSB, lw-3w. VALUABLE PROFIRTY FOR SALE. AS I am desirous of winding up my business, an■) mov ng out west, I offer for for sale my ilice lying on the Upatoie Creek, in Talbot County, two miles north west of Geneva. This place contains two bundled acres, more or less; ad three or seven hundred acres can be added to this tract - For further information, ap p'v to M. T. McDrary.on the place, or to me ai Geneva 1 also offer for sale, one Lot in the town of Geneva, on which is s’tuated a Grocery House, a Tenpin All* v, and Dwelling H -use. It is one ot tite i*est stands tor a Grocery in the County , Terms accommodating. , H. H. MsCRARY. Aug. 3d, 1868. wtf j viuscouivb; a ail aoAD. Change of Schedule. ! urns fjspfii OS -uid uituß ..C ta I. -uly, IKB tbe F.veiling -Vail train * nave OuLiiutiU. ai 3.-*a P. M.audar rive at Macon r 9lt l „) . Leave Mncou *t 5 A ff. arrlveat Columbus m 3.45 P M Tbe Morning Mail Train will leave at -i CO A. M aud arrive at Mncui 9.5 b A. M. Leave Macon at 11.45 P. M. arriveat Coltunbue i 5.55 A. A’ J.L.MUSTIAN,Supt. j Columbus, Jut.v 15—tw&wt: CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. j MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT It Ai L KO X J> COM PAR V, MONTGOMERY, Nov. 19,1857. ON aud slier this date tbe PASSFNI.ER TtiAiNß j on iQ*. road be governed oy tueioilowib. j BCHEDULF: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery F.hC-a. ia. Arriv* at West Point 3.3 it p. ru. Arriveat Columbus -2.60 p. in. Return ng—Leave West Point 9.30 a. ei Leave olutubus itj.oc a m Arriveat Montgomery 4.C0 p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.20 f. m. Arriveat West Point ~..12.6t a.m. “ Oolurabus, ....Lot) a. ip Returnii!"—Leave West Point 7.30 p. m. L.eavoColumbus 7.30 p.m \rriv< at doutgomery 2.30 a. vn Through tickets can be obtained (.to. Doubh Daily Connections; to Atlanta Ghattanoota and Basnv.lle. and daiiy connections to Huntsville Memphis a r jO Knoxville. S. G. JON ES Eng’r .& Sup. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT BETWEKIV Bi an arrangement the Railroad Com paniea from Atlanta toGolumuus,conclude<> r?i. Convention at *a vanuah on tbe tfith instant, ias agreed that ihc following rates between Atlanta aud Columbus small govern, taking eflect Iren, the first day oi M ay ics7, v VIA VVKST POINT. Corn per bushel, I le. AVheat \s4 Oats 8. Bacon Wbu'ky Flour in sacks o’r bar jbteYfter lOOlbs. 35e Bagging, Rope bar'd ui cans or bbls., per Ido lbs 45c Goal, Pig iron, by oar load, er ton of 20(ib Ibs. $3.75. * U-A ’ Corn per bueel kfo. ‘.ViusKY, Flour in Sacks o?l>bis.^ppr % iuo lbs, 44c. Bagging, Rope Lard, in cans’ orjboi/..’ per too lbs 55c Goal, Pig Iron, by csr.kdjh-i, pejr ton oi 2000 los. s4.ikL ‘ 7 ; i //I J. mu^piAn,^ President and Superiuleaaep'l Musg^geeK.R GEO. \V. ADAAIS, JJ* Superintendent South wqCtAJrn fleiiLoad. EMERSON FCJOTE, W Superintendont Macon and/ Western Haijjroad. GEO. G. LULL, * Superintendent Atlanta and JLaGrai#§£ R .R. SAMUEL G. JONES, * U< Engineer and Superintendent MVV.*P. May 30, 1837—wfittwtb / f MOBILE AKB eiBAEB E. R. | HE ‘adseuger at i'’reighi Train wiJ, leave Girard x at 2 P, A. tally coanectiug at Stivei Run wun a daily-line tl ->tagee tt Vliiutu, Gieunviile Eufausa j Fort .laines, and liar auna,Fta. and at Gueryi.i daily, waiuhe ftageifor UcneeOiivet. Euon, e.nun ao< uggee, Aiidwaj, tiariiaway, Fero ai.d Lmtii, jpriu a. t, tying Oueryton at 4 A. 51., daily, the Gars win reao Girard at 7 A M.. connecting with th, t'pt VI t-cogee Trains. Receipts must accompany Freight iiuppeu c tiT All freight must be paid before goods j lie-char cu. eigh ic ivered at the Depot before 4 o’clock \ P. M. win oo sUioped tne toßowiug day. t'ieights for stations No. i vt-'ori, ditcheh,) and N0.5 trc.sonsfiiuust be prenaid. v\ T ay retgnt muslin uncases oh paid in advancs. JOHN iluWAm;, msr-25 L857-w&twti. Enaiueti & Sup CiIVGEOF SCHEDULE. SAVANNAH & CHARLES'ION STEAB PICK ET LIN is, SUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE j Alcitil Eastern R. R. of South Ca. TiIF SPLENDID AND FAST RUN Nt.NG STEA.MER OOiiDUS, I . garden, 4on.nmuiei, itavtt- Bavan ■ggamwwwieii .ft i for i ihariewtou every Sunday and i Wtdneauuy tjteruoonr al 3 o’clock, and connects at | Oharleeti n wiih the rn< ruing train of the Norn 5 Eastern ti Uroad, going North. Returning leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night at s o’clock, (a)ter the arrival oi the carton theN.E, h. R.) and arrives at Savannah ea,ly next mornings. By this route pass engers can obtain through tick ets to aud irom Savannah,Ga. and Wilmington. N C. Having a through freight arra-gement with the ; Central ti. Road aud Us connections, ail freights b. - | tween Charleston and the Interior oi Georgia, con ’ signed to the agents of this line, will be forwarded j -vith despatch and free of charge. J. P. 8RO( iKS, Ager.t Savannab . E. LAFITTE &, GO, Jan 15—w&twi j 1160 Acres Land for Sale, j CtJ P ARING tr. quafiiy wth the be-t h.nd? in j Barboui County, Ala embr<.cing a forge a- j | mount of the best ki id of cotton lands Said * Tract lies 11 miles wesi of Eutaula, Ala —a Cot ton m<rket on the Chanahoouhee River, and soon to be connected wih Savan- ah, (ia bv S. W. Railroad. A good framed dwell ntr, all < ut building!* necessary tor a cotton (arm, together with BoG acres cleared and under a good fence are embraced. Sold n der will of Wm. Oft, deceased, lor di i vision. A bargain is positively offered in all, or ■ n two separate bodies. Apply to E. S. OTT, Ex’r ! Fort Browder, Ala , Aug. 22. w3m* LAND FOR -ga, THE Subscriber offers fo**%afo/about acres ot 7ooacreg | +-*es%bottom *and, abo>o 1000 acresfertiieham mock, 600 to 900 acres oowin cultivation, I in good repair and weil watered—tie balance good j oak. hickory and ptneiand, with an < xcellent range for stock. The improvements are a good dwelling honseand all necessary buildinsn-for plantation purposes Tiiese lands are located on Pei River, iu Barbour and PikeVountirs. ontne Roadleadii'jr from Lonfo ’ vill- to v|n>i'icelloby “Hobdy’e P.ridge,” and will be sold LOW FOR tosuitPur •hasers. Aisnthe entire stock cf cattle, boas and sheep, are offered for sale. Personswishing to purchase, car gain al) infor mation tv -xarnlningthe premises and consulting the suoscriber. H.HOBDY, Julyl—wtf PikeConuty, Ala. PEYTON H. COLQUITT, / JAMES W. WARREN. \ • bdltors ’ blaik wood’s Magazine. AND 1 HE BFITI H Hi VIEWP. LSCOI'T & Cos . Nr* Yoik. continue to • put.ii>li the lolluwn g leading British Peri, v z: 1. THE LONDON QUAKTERLY,(Coneeryaiiv) 2. THE EDINBURGH REVHW.(Whg) 3. THE NO. BRITISH REVIEW, (Fr. © Church.) 4. ! THE WESTMINSTER. REVIEW, (Liberal.) 5. BLACK WOODS EDINBUBfcfI MAO. OW) These Periodicalsably represent the three event political parties ol Great Britain—Wliig, Tory, arid Radical,—but politics forms ottlv one feature oi their diameter. As organs of the nvM (iro fount! writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand,as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being consid ered indispensable to the scholar and the proies sional man, w bile to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more coriect and satisfactory record of the current literature til the day, throi gh oul the world, than can he possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of advance sheets from the Bri tish publishers, Hives additional value to these Reprints, ma miich as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as ihe orig inal editors. TERMS. Person. Tor any one of the lour Review’s..... $3 00 Fur any two .f tlie. lor Reviews s<o For any three ol the n. Reviews ? 00 Forstll lolir ol ihe ReVews H 00 b'or niackwni d’s M.-g'Zine 8 ij) f“I Blackvvtiud and tliiee Reviews 9<o for Bia kwoed aril the lour Re view*....... 10 00 Payments to he mob jn all cases in advance. Money current in the State vvhete issued will be received at par. CLUB RING. A discount of twenty five per cent, from the above price, will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or mote copies of any one or more of the above works Thus ; Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will he sent u> < tie address tor $9; four copies of the lour Reviews and Black wood for §3. ; and so on. POSTAGE. Iti all the principal citiesand towns, these works will be delivered free of postage. When sent by mail, Postag ■ to any part of the United Slates util be hut twenty-four cents a year lor ‘Blackwood,” and but lourteen etuis a year for eac'i ol the Reviews. N B —The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals abuve-i amed is §3l per annum Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid,<b ihe pub lishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54,G01d street, New York. Jan 6. BUSSELL’S MAGAZINE. A Monthly Organ of Literature and Criticism. Devoted to a Free Discussion of all to pics EMBRACED JN THE RANGE OF A MAGA ZINE, AND PUBLISHED IN CHARLESTON, t>. C. o.> THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH. IP is designed to meet a commonly felt want, and to give utterance anti circulation to the opinions, doctrines and arguments of the educated mind of ihe >omh especially, and to promote, in its sphere, the progress of it sound American Lit erature, free from party shackles or individual prejudice. Agencies will be established a* s soon as possible, to Bn|)p|y all sections of the country, and nimn w bile, orders from bookseller*, periodical tiea ers, postmaster* and ntl.eis, dispt *ed to extend die woik,are ies|eeilnl'V Mint ed, and will be sup- P ted on the m< si theta! terns. liew. rk Jibe supplied ut Three Dollars per annum: or 25 cent* by nu ..tiers Specimen numbers will be sent free of postage i<> ai pin ant* who < c< i,wnn iill\ r< at It a< V agency > > i annpiioce t on lorw anting ‘o “Kn**t It’s eight postage stall p*. C< m i.Unicatini.s anti contribotionn designed for the vv. ik,*l|. old he addressed, *‘Ru*seii’ Maga zine. Chariest, u, S. G.” JnJy i f J- Me COMB'S IKON TIE. FOR BALING COTTON. IS now offered for sale at the Alabama VV are house. The superiority of Iron over Rope for baling cotton has been so fully tested in the West lor a tew years pa9t as no longer to admit ol any doubt. Those wishing Ties (hoops,) will please, send in their order* at any early date, that a supply may be kept constantly on hand. The orders should speedy the length of the ties warned —say 9 9s <>r id leot, ihe only lengths now offered. No alteration of t. e eorew or *>ox is net essary ! or their application, which is simple and rapid y dorie. They will he sold at 8 cents per pound. For further information, appiy to June 22—tw3m B. A.SORSBY. RELIGIOUS. LIBRAkYr Triumph over Death 75 Living to Christ 85 Methodism in Earnest, the History ot a Great Revival $1 50 Lighten Littfo Graves,.. 75 Lighted Valley 75 The Guiding S ar 65 Marshall on Sanctification 75 The Martyr Lamb 50 Dying I bought 50 Meditation- on the Lord’s Prayer 50 Story oi Grace 35 Thought for the Thoughtful 50 Missionary’s Daughter 35 t'hiistian Prayer 40 The Hannah’s 40 Scripture Portions. b 5 La>t Hours of hrist 40 Plain ‘I houghts... 35 The above, with many other valuable books, | or sale b may 13— wtwtf T W PE ASF, A* CLARK. NOTICE TO COTTON PLANTERS, WE, the undersigned, inventois of the Iron Screw Press, take pleasure in calling t --| tention t<> thi for wltich we have obtab ed j Patient From exp erience we are satisfied j that this Pngs is not oniy capable ol pressing cot j ton to the u ual size, hut with a small additional j cost ol C'>rm e-sn>n at the Gin to a size suitable lor i shipment lye; g<i g vessels 7“ e cost now for j compre-s ng is from 70 to 90 cents per bale, which i indirectly comes out of the p an’er. ThsPreseii j durable, as all of its bearing arid strait,ing parts | are of irnn.-imoie and suitable tor r:eg- manage ment VVe ate making arrangements to put up ‘the Press a’ all suitable points for inspection, i For for fo r icf rmation, address us at b'elma, Ala., j or D A Hobb e, Journal Office, Montgomery, ’ Ala*,or L. C. Corbett, Columbus, Ga. W. F. C. J. PROVOST. Augutt 8, ’57-wtf. NUMBER 21