Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 25, 1858, Image 1

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. R. ELLIS & Cos., Proprietors, VOLUME VI. THU CJLUMBUj daily times 1h published every morning (Sundaysexcepted.) at S k D>lUrs par annum, in advance Sev en !) ill irs it n t paid before the expiration of the year. THE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES lopi'listied every ’U I'iNl) \ V UO S ’■> IM■ at Two L).lI ir- per annum,-tne ly m advance. (JJi eon Itaalnph Street, opposite the l‘osl ttfflce ADVJTiIJNa HATE 3. A fve/usem ai'a f fiv ■ Ini or foa-* i j either ?h** Duty or Weekly Fine", wil! inserted at 50 Ceius tor tin ti.-t i iserti n a id 25 cents f r each hu h *q i ‘in insertion A v ir|ise,ne;its exceeding fiv* lutes will he charts; l 10 ce its foi me nrsi and five Cent? per tin.- lir e,,tun s'.b sequent insertion Die lay-'d adveitisemeuis will be charged for th snare thev occupy. Tne following are the contracting r ites change aole ai pleasure.* WEEKLY RAI ES. ” | w o to to No of I § I 33 3 : 33 9 0 O O O O *— a 3 C 5 a 3 *I rs - F ; 3- 1 3- 5 ~ 5- j oo on a: ‘/> 1. . 2 50 40 i | 5 50 10 00 15 00 20 00 2 ... I 500 ‘ 800 ! 1! 0 i 2 00 25 00 30 00 3 ! 75’ ll 00 ! 14 50 25 <><> S> 00 f 4o 00 4 10 00 5 00 i 19 00 30 00 40 0<; 50 o 5 12 n0 i7 (K) j 20 0 >1 40 “ti; 5o 0<) 60 00 6 ... 15 00 20 00 25 00. 50 00; 60 00 7> 00 7 17 0025 00 30 On; 60 <o| 70 00 80 00 R ... 20 0 >;3 00 ! 40 Oo 70 0 80 00 9> “0 10 25 .10 40 00 ! s'oo 80 00, 9 00 l'O 00 DAILY R\TES. to to o j o j * j No - of 3 ; 3 ! 33 33 S?SB 2 I 2 ! sqrs. 3. j 3- j ? =- £■ 3 a i cc x 7> qc !.... 5 in 70) 900 13 Ooj 17 00 2 00 2 ... 9 0 12 00 14 00 18 “! 2> <H 300 3 ... 12 O’ 15 00 HOO 500 33 >0 40 “0 4.. 15 M 19 0 22 ■( 3) 00 4< 0;5 00 5 ... 18 oO 25 00 31 <0 4> 00 50: 60 I*o 6 ... 2* 00 24 00 3> 0 5l 00 fi OO 7‘ 1 0 7 ... IS ■> 33 0) 41 00 60 Ooj 7) O'l 8 00 8.. 3) OO 800 46 o 70 < 0 O Ooj !)•()! |i... 4 0 5 1 0 3• 0 ‘ 8’ 00 90 0” lin 00 8 ties 1 Laud vetroes, oy Yduinnstra tors, Execu ors and Guardians, are required l \ law to he held on the tirst Tuesday in the momh between the hours of ten in forenoon and three in the itteruoon, at the Court House in'he county in which the property is situate. Notices of then sales hi t be givei in a public gazette forty days orevious to the day of sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of oale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must he mblished forty days. Notice that application wil l be made to the Court of Or linary for leave to sell Lam or Ne groes, must bo published weekly for two months. “ Citations for Letiersof Administration must be published thirty* days-for Dismission from Ad ministration, mommy fix months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules tor Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—for estab hshing lost papers for he full space of three months—for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been giv*n by the deceased, the full space of three months. ; Publications will always bo continued ac cording to these, the legal requirements, unless, otherwise ordered. 1 TIMES IB ©TO J DS PRIVTIMO OFFICE. RinJopli Streat. Cos ami) is, Georgia. j UiVING i'i snccpsufiil im** of H')E .v CYI.I N pRR-SKd RUSNISG BY oTE.\M, UV are prepared to exec <te, at short notice, every desrr pi ion u| BOOK AND JOB PAINTING, in niiiu-|iasse<l tyl*,as cheaply as can be done ; anywhere in the South. W ‘ have on band a large variety of N E W JOB TYPE, aid shall k-'-p a runsiam sup ply f PLAIN AND FANCY PAPER, CARDS, &c. Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, wrh prompineas and despatch, W i make it great ly to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &c. &c. Also RAILROAD AND S I'EA VIBOAT Blanks (Jive a rail. Tnik l>i!triineot of oijr office is <r der the mi p**rmteildei C- ol Mr L> S f.-RTMt. whose long etiierteiioe and a k‘>ow edged reputation a Job Printer,are a snffir eiit gii,rnt-e Ilia’ a I work entrusted n hi* care will be executed withei-'g ! and fail httiloess. Welt now nniinrciion with the office a complete BOOK BHTDSRY, and ha vine reremlv * curedl h** serv-c a <>f VJr |- M. Clark (Uteot Philadelphia.) m mis b*an-h < oik, we pledge < nrse!\vs to give th. nios- perieci satistaerion in ‘tin manulacu-p of Ledgers Account Books, Dockets Court R cords. St amboat and Kail Road Blank B:oks, &c. We intend not to he outdone in the style arm finish of IK work, in either department, by an establish merit South, and that we may b- al*. to mak-onr pneessatisfactory, we have adopt e the ASH SYSTEM. Sept. Ist, HiH. R. ELLIS 3t CO. ’ WILLIAM LA)Lull, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cuthhert, Randolph Conn y, Georgia. WILL iiractico in the counties o? Kau"< Iph, Calhoun, Terrell. E-rly, Clay, Bi.ker, I Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. R 1 Ffc> TO Wellborn. Johnson & Sloan, Attorneys at Law, Colum m-, Georgia. \ll bui-m.-s intrusted to his care will receive mmediate Mtonnon. tun*- 6 1854 —e V] \KION iEiIILIaNE, 4 rTo fi v E Y A T L A W , PALEOTTON, Ta:bot County. Ga 24th. 1856. wt wt‘. HA UGH & S ALE. ATTOR AT LAW, COLUMBUS , GEORGIA. \ 1LL pract ci taw in Muscoge* aiictth* adjoin j 1 \ jn'/ o‘).inne, 01 Georgia and A!at>&ma fip- ntfict over Bank ■!’ UoiuuU us. isr.<ad Bt. aon kki BAren J* sladb. Columbus.<>a March 27 1P57. wi wtl W. S, JOHNSON, ATTORNKY AT LAW. CUSS E ‘V A. Chattahoochee County, Ga. 3<ve“ his entire attention to the practice In CL&t ttahoocheer.nd adjoininji couDiies. ap 21!—wtw ly* HOWARD & WEEMS. A T TORN EY SA T LAW CRAWFORD. ALA ROBERT IV. HOWARD, WALTER B- WEEKS Craw ford, Ala., Juneß—wtw t. Wholal and Retail G it* HI Kit V UivU.K US, ®3[L®ai!BlS3 9 ©H©. \\7 ILL .eep ooiD-ia; tly on hand a welßselec ’’ ted comprising all a tides in then >i> © which are >rt.*red tosn-ir nends and the puhl.t g*ner.i|iv at the LOWESI JSIAUtiEf Put t JiN. Give us a call. F.OCK WEEMS. A G. BEDELL, Coiunibu', Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf JAM"esX CLE^DEiMV \TTIItNE Y A T L A 44 AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, ■ ÜBUVILIii';, H nry County, Ala. July 20, 1858.—wlv GRICE & WALLACE, av ilaw* BU ILER, GEORGIA. WILL give prompt attention to a!) business eu- ; trumte.u 10 1 tit-in. W. L. IiRtOB. VVM.3. WAbLAUt. December 16 -wt T. J. G U N N, A T TORN K Y A T L AW , HAMILTON, GA. WILL attend promptly to all busineessentrusted to him. January 26, 1858—wly. R. A. TURNIPSEED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■ CVTHBERT , Randolph County,Ga. HAVING removed from Cusseta, toCuihbert, Randolph county, will give prompt atten- I tion to ail business entrusted to his care. ap27—wtf. TO©M m If. © DJO, ATTORNEY AI LAW, P tBSSTOM, Webster County, Ga. U ILL practice in the counties ot ( lay, t hat j lahoocnee. M ehster, Karly, Kar.dolph, j St’ v. an aud Sumter. I’uittcnlar utUmtion giv- j en to o||e‘ing and remitting, lanuaiy 27. 1857—wtt EL A M & OLIV EK, ATTORN EYS AT LA W, BUENA VISTA, Marion county, ga. I practice mtn countiesot Marion Ma c>> 1, ewa.i, ’aylnr, Chattahoochee, and any of tne a Ijoining counties when {.heir ,erviros*iiiav b“ required Also in die District Court os tlie Uuittd a ertae Dl irict ol Georgia, i *B D. KLxW. THADDKCS OLIVER, j September It’—wtf WM M CHAMBERS. WM M ROBBiNS J A ROBBINa. Chambers, Robbias & Robbins, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, EUFATJIiA, ALABAMA. WILL practice in the counties of Barbour, Pike,; Henry, Coffee Palo and Kmsell feb I—wlv I S. S. STAFFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAV, BLAKELY, EARLY 30TLNTV. GA <p vt> | FOR ALE. rllß Subscriber nas on ham) a f 'etv f oi ! ,sna„ lurint. Peach Brandy or Whis Jty, ‘Vtiich he v.< er\ no ALSO, Tin, Sheet Ir'a and Japan Ware, j aver> lescripliou, w .cl can be boufcLi at the ; ! uA'op rates on< on b t oot’.c and <.. libera terms. J. B. HICKS, \gect. •ilvlW et Next i tor ttelow “Snns -mici’’ r.i. • freer. Eral Irish Poteen Whisky. rfiE <ur>s riher is now manufacturing the real 1 rt-h Poteen Whiskv, at hi?p! ice one at and a mil miies from Columbus which he warrants to >e pure and genuine, and equal to the best Poteen \Vbisky manufactured under ground in Ireland \pai t from its being a health? and pleasant be verage. it is an exoeliet t remedy tor c olds, ) arrhoea, Worms, &c For sale hy the bottle i Brooks vV, Chapman's Dmg •'tore, at Brassill .!t o’s hy the drink or 5 herwise, and by the gallon at the distillery. “* „ mar6-wtwH A. BRAN NAN. THE UNION OF THE STATES, AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1858. Bacon! Bacon! VVTG have now onband and willbe conetantiy rc ’ * cetviua. Prime Tennessee Bacon —Haius, Sides and Shoulders, which we will sell at thelowesiCom aiie-lon House iirices. Mir-Ji—-&.iwti E. BARNARD fc CO. TO IHOSE INDEBTED. a* E hereby give notice that al. clatnasdue us, and VV no pa and c satis acioriL arranged, prior to the text return day ol the in which to pa tics reside, wilt be sued, a one eball be sligb 'ed mar JO—wtwtf. E BARNARD & O’. WMITIMI & MWTFIW, ul ALL SIZES AN DQUALIiUfc. FOR LB AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, % IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. t'f !’ H ’ C\xSl iiinelfiwtwfl THE GREAT ENGLISH RIM^DY. THUKN’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF COPAIBA AND SARSAPARILLA, possesses advantages not enjoyed by any other medicine toi the cure of sexual diseases, which mu>t with an enlightened public render it assuredly highly popular, and a desideratum long sought for 111 the medical world It needs no confinement or change ol diet. In its approved lorm, that of paste, it is entirely tast less, and causes no unpleasant sensation to the patient It has acquitted the utmo>t fame in almost every part of Europe ; it has fieen examined, approved of.and sanctioned by the acuity of medicine, and recommended by the most • minent of the profession Prepared by J. • TUOKN, 1 hemist, London, and for sale, whole-ale ato retail,by John A Tarrant &Cos Agents for he Uuitet States, 278 Greenwich stier-t, New York A- the above valuable preparation has been ex rensively counterfeited by unprincipled parties in the United States, the proprietoj has aDopied, as a precaution again-t imposition on consumers, a Label, ol which ihe following is a tao simile and which will be found burnt m upon the bottom < u teb pot ot the genuine intended for saie in th< United States, Canada, British Pioviuces,VVet Indies, and S'v.u Ameren. / CHEMIST.T\ fi LONDON \ ji JOHN.A.TARRANT;] U NEW YORK. S] SOLE AGENT. T W. FOR THE >%/ The stamp around each pot will also bear tb names of the proprietor ard of the United, States igents Druggists and Dealers will observe on each do zen packages the following label : Important Caution. The increased reputaioi and gr J ana ior . ; c.xtiat f Copaiba and 6arsaparilia, havß been induce men's for others to offer imitations of this valuable medicine. Venders are particularly warned of the fact, that they may be on their guard, and no dispose of any impure article, calculated to injur’ *heir reputation, and destroy the merits of th original preparation, to obviate which the Sub scriber (successor to James Tarrant, by whom it was first introduced into the United States) ha? attached to this caution, to counterfeit which is forgery Jojn A. Tarrant. Address orders for the above article, with full directions for shipment to JOHN A. TARRANT & CO., Druggists, No. 278 Greenwich, cor. Warren St.. N Y Oct 4, 1857.—wtwlv. CLOSING SALE OF SPRING & SUMMER l)BV‘SOI)DS AT ESALF PRICE! Ir, 1 all cane and avail themselves ot this rare ojip'niu n.ty 10 purchase g od, p etty, and ! tiimcst made goods at exactly ONEHaLFoLu egulai p toe ad tin v three per cent less than v paid tor them <>ur e ves. W mean exactly whit we say, and hope the care that.we have always taken to have om bus iness and goods come full up to our advert is uncut, wil he sufficient to con vine at least all, who have ! ?o kindly tavored u? wiih tf eir 1 aironage, that ftv aiv in ear est We are now offering our large stock of Vlusltiis and Berages at exactly one halt ; our regular price. 1 hat is to say—Muslins that we have been selling at 121 cents, we now sell at - - 6$ cents. *• “ “ 20c *’ id (C (f O', < ri • “ 371 “ 181 *• I Muslin side stripe,Robe a’Quille priceS 1 25 for i •* “ “ “ 2 sof.> r 12 > • “ 4-( 0 toi 2 00 “ “ 5 00 ior 2 50 1 Barege Robe a’Quille, price 5 < 0 tor 2 50 do do do 8 00 Tor 4 00 do do do 10.OOtor 5 00 do co do 12 00 tor 6 00 j • do do do 25 00 toi 12 50 SHOES l SHOES l We have in store a targe stuck of Gents, Ladies Misses Boys’ and Children’s Shoes, hich we will sell at Cost,consisting of— Ladies’ Enamel Heel Boots, Colored Clippers, Kid : Clippers Jenny Lu and B ots, Ei smel Ko.-suth Bo us, Colored Pat Hippere, Kid H. R. Bu kins,-- loth lieel Gaiters. Fine Kd Slippers, Calf Sip pen* item's Cos press Boots. < ougrese Gain rs. Patent Leather Gam ns, Seal G uter-. Call Sewed Shoes, Ku> Brogme, Pat. m i.e ither “hoes,Enamel Shoe.-.Lo Q ar te od Shoe- and a variety of ~ii per*. Children’s Cal* Congress Boots, E-.ame| Jenny L'|<l B *ot Kid H.el Biots, Enamel Heel B ol , Fancy H-'-l Bouts, Paroda Boots, iicel Gate!-. Kid Sli p rs and Boots, Enamel Boots. ssubtfs. I Have this day received an ent re new lot or LACE extension skirt s,— made from the finest Watch Springs, and which we will seil cheap. Other goods iu our sto k will be offered at un usually O’-v prices. TERMS CASH—NO SE COND FREE Very Respectfully, G. W. ATKINSON & TAYLOR. Next door to B r ooks if Chapman’* Drug Store, Corner ot Bio; and and Randolph Streets Culumbus, Ga., July 8, 1858. wU iw2 LAND!LAND! THE Subscriber offers tor sale the following tracts ol Land, formerly held by Dr- M. T. Mendenhall ot Charleston, S. C-. No. Dist. 1 217 19 Muscogee county. 136 9 1 I*2 Marion county. 2'6 18 VNeb.-ttr. 219 24 “ “ 83 21 Stewart conn’y. July 2u, 1858 t. 3 v*t L I* DO W’VI VO. PLAN i'ATIuN ASS* JUULji EUR SALE. H VVING determined to remove West ; otier tor sale my Plantation and Mills in fjLU* < iißtiahooehee county. The body ol laud> contains about 1 3UU acres, ol which thero is a considera'-ie portion i'pen and in cultivation Tlie mill- (Gnsi and Ba<x) are in go< and repair, ai most tiew, st uated on the road leauing fioin Cos lumbus to Buena Vista, via Glen ’ita, on the Ochili j Creek, are operating advantageously. Persons i wishing to pu chase this moat ue.-trable place, ar>- reque-ted to call and examine for th-mselves. as sured that a great bargain may bo had. During rm absence the premises will be shown to purcha sers by G. P. Gordy, who may be found on the place SAMUEL D HARP. July 12 —wtf 1000 ACRES OF Flint Elver Lands, for Sale. mi l , undersigned oemt desirous ot wind up ttteir business, offer for sate,on any to suit purchasers, a valuable settle* Oiae TlioM.sars.jl Acres of Land; ■ j’ing oa tne West side of the Flint River, ten utiles north j: )giethorpe, and ten miles’'south go) Rey nolds Two Hundred acret-oi this settlement is unm oor otiepine land, the balanci (801! acres; entirely ‘Wanip. rhe swamp land is less liable to be muun laied by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from ‘into nbushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to months o’cottun. There art-80 acres 01 pine laud, md lsot famp cleared aim in as:ate of cultiva ioe. Water, healtfand soeiet’ cannoibeexcelled 11 outb VV’esteri Georgia. Apply to CODE & MONTFORT, Itjivll—w&t-wtf. at <) j,e.- the Mo Mtain City Hydro-therapu ic Institute JT'OR full particulars, address T. Carleton, M Ij D. at L/.ilion,Ga. Dalton is situated BO ‘iil’s from Atlanta,and 40 miles from C..atta oga. “n the Georgia Siate Koad. Dalton, May I— mm 11 3m. Scientific American Paa.OoPBCTT7 3 OF VOLUME FOURTEEN, iiEtihNS SEPTEMBER 11, 18S8. Mechanics, Inventors;, Manufacturers mat Fitran rs, . 115 S’ ICNflf-i iiilEitlii \N hisnow reached 1 as iou>-tecn‘h year, and will ei ter upon a tatw dumeon the Hih September His he only week y piiGiicaii.isi 01 the kind now issued in this conn ry, and ii has a very ‘extensive c rcuiation in all he. states of the Union. It is not, as some might Uj'pose from its tit e. a dry, abstruse worst on tech nical science ; on the contra >. it so ueais with the real events going on in the scientific, mecha deal at t iudustria v? inds, as to pie ise and instruct • ve vone. [t the mechanic <>r artizan wishes to know he best machine in use or bow to make any sub -tiance employed in his Business —i! ti e housewife Ashes to get a recipe for making a good color, &.c. —if the inventor wishes ;o know what is going on in the way ot improvements—if the manufacturer wishes to keop posted with the times, and to employ the best facilities in hisbusiuess—if the man of lei sure and study wishes to keep hirnseh familiar w'th the progress madein the chemical laboratory, or in he construction ot telegraphs, steamships, railroads eapers. mowers and a ‘housand other ratehines and appliances, both of peace and war—ali these de siderata can be found in the Scientific American, and uot elsewhere. They are here presented in areiiable a-d interesting form, adapted to the comprehension of mines unlearned inthe higner branches of sci ence and art. TERMS One copy, ono year St 2 One copy, nix tnoruiß ! Five copies, six months 4 T.n copies, six mo ths a IVn copie-, twelve mo V -s !J> Fifteen copies, twelve m uiths 22 I'vvei.ty con es, twelve mouths..■ 2^ Thera m is'in allcases bo paid in advance ‘pec men copies s attra uitousiy for inspection, rn anil v\ estern uioiit-y or Postage •s'amps tsk< “ frs dHCiipti n. Lett* rs should be directed io v’J v\ &l o n t-28 Pulton -iretf, New York . ? @r’ Mess-a Mtinn . Cos. are extensively engaged in procur.m: p/>unts for new inventions, and wi! 1 ad v se in tmors. wthou’ ciarge, in reward to the in v lfy oft, etr it; p oven ems. aug vl—twtl Tiilii LAST OALL ! MONEY WANTED. ‘I'’HE subscriber having purchased the entire K interest V. R TOftIMKY, in she Notes and accounts ol the tate firm ot J. ENNIS & CO i (which lirm was dissolved on the first Oct 1855,) would earnestly solicit all indebted to said firm, either by note or account, to call at the store ol J Ennis &Cos ,and settle the same,or they will find their Notes and \ecounts in the hands of an officer for collection. J ENNIS. Columbus, Oct. wtwtt To Teachers, A Rare Opportunity. RV N DOLFII Male College, Cuthbert, Georgia now <rid since us origin a chartered Institu tion, and flouring in the number of its Students and Boarders with part, or all the improvements and property b l eiging thereto, is offered for sale, private y till t e Tue-day in November n-st. when if tu tdp -d ot, Iwi 1 sell at public sale at Cuthbert C u II u.-e Teims one, two, three or m >re pay nents, as mav su t purchasers The heal ti ,tw<> Female Cos 1-ges, tire Railroad con nections, and ex’ ns v sc *>*! patronage of Cuth bert, all coin >i;ie to rend j r this a desi able and -ale inv irtii ent. the bui dings are ail new. anti wiih the location adm re t bv all either tor public or private use. Jt mav easily be converted into a tn g itfieenl tesden e. rtpply f r particulars, at TaMahassee Fla., to A. L. O’BRIEN. Sept 20th, 1858, l^-3w VALUABLE PROP RTY FOR SALE. \S lam devious of winding u,, mv bu-mess, an i mov ug O'lt west, I offe- for tor sale mv j • 1 ce on ihe Upa'me Creek, in I'albot C- untv, two miles rth west .*t Geneva. This piece contain- t-vo bundled acres, more or less: ad or s- ven hundred acre- can be to ‘ , 'i- tract’ For further information, ap idy to >J. T. McCrary, on the place, or to me at ‘Geneva. 1 a so offer fhr sale, one Lot in the town of Geneva on which is s : mated a Grocery House, a Tenpin All v, and Dwelling H nse. It is one ol the best stands tor a Grocery in the County Terms accommodating. , H. H. McCRARY. Aug. 30, 1858. wtf .VIUSCUGI'-E HAIL ROAD. Change of Schedule. ON and after; ne Isib4uly, 1858, the Evening fraiu ‘vi (Vi mbu ai 3.*5 P. M.aad ir rive at Macon a ,r • A'. ue-ivo Mscon it 8 to A .tf. arrive at Oolumbus a t. 45 P M t he Morning Mail Train will ieave at 4 It) A. M md arrive in viacoi 951 AM. Leave Macon at 11.45 P. M. arriveat Columbus 5.A5 A. Al* .1. L. MU3TIAN,Supt. Columbus, Ju’y 15—twfcwt CHANGE OF SCiif D E DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. fi SHIM MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT KAIL KO,li COiVI'AXV. MONTGOMERY, Nov. it', 1857. ON and after this date the PASBLNGER TnAINS on tU'.- road Wn. be governed by lueiottowim SCHEDULE : DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8.30a. m. Arrive at VY'est Point 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Ujlumbus *2.6” P* Returning—Leave West Point 9.30 a. m Leave olumbus 10.00 a m Arrive at Montgomery 4.U0 p. m NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.20 p. ui. Arriveat YVesi Point “ Columbus 1, uOa. u>. Reiuruing—Leave West Point 7.30 p, m. Geaye Columbus l>* ,a Arrivt at dontgomerv 2.T0 a. m Througli tickets can be obtained (io Doublt Daily Connections) to Atlanta Chattanooi.a and Masnv.Ue, and daily connections to Huntsville Memphis a’,(i Knoxville. S.G.JONES Eng’r & Sup. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT BETH'MSN ATl.A\TAiCUl.liJllll's. Bi an arrangement between tlie kail roan Uom paiueo comp osing tbe two routes from Atlanta toGniumous,concluded at their convention at 8a vAiin&h on tne I8:.h louaut, it was agreed that tin following rates between Atlanta and Coluinbm -uali govern, taking effect the first day o* i/ay 1857. VIA WEST POJNT. Corn per bushel, lie. Wheat 1 2. Oatsß. Bacon vVnisky Flou** iu sacks or barrels, per KlUiba. 35t Bagging, Rope Lard in cans or onis., per Dm ibs 16c < oal,, Pig Iron, by car load, per ton of 2Ubb lbs. $3.75. VIA MACON. Corn per bueel 14c. Wheat 15c. Oats U)c. Bacon. vVtuoay, Flour in Sacks or Bids., per D0 lbs, 14c. Bagging,Rope Lard, in cans or bids., per 100 lbs •)5c Coal, Pig Iron, by car load, per toe. ot 2001) lus. $4.68. L MUSTIAN, Preside?:! and Sapennteuaeui Muscogee R. R GEO. W. ADAMS, Saperiatendeut Southwestern Railroad. EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent Macon and Western Railroad. GEO. G. LULL, Superintendent Atlauta and LaGrange R .R. SAMUEL G. JONi S, Engineer and Superintendent M.&W. P. Railroau. May 30, 1837—w&twti. MOBILE AND GIRARD R. R. I‘tiE ‘aasenger tit Freighi Train wil, leave Girard at 2 P, A* daily conuecung atSiivei Hun with a u&iiyfine ii Stages to Villula, Glennviiie.Eufaula. ForlGaiaas, and Mar.anna,Fia. And at Gueryton daily, withthe Stages for Uc.heeOlivet, Enou, Chun nei.uggee, Midway, Hardaway, Union apriu s. L : ving Gueryton at 4 A. M., daily, the Cars will reac Girard at 7 A M., connecting with the Ope lika smi Muscogee Trains. ijfP Duplicate Receipts must accompany Freight snippeu Ail freight must be paid before goods wilibe dischar-ed. •sigh, ie ivered at the Depot before 4 o’clock P.M. be shinped the following day. Fi eights for stations No. i (.Fori. Mitchell,) and Ni. i v.ouß’) must be prenaid. Vay reig it .aast iu oil eases o paid <n *.dvamc*. #UHN MUtt And, mario 1857-w&twtt. Engineti &. sun Gil ttifl OF ivf •I L i'J iljll • SAVANNAH & CIIARLEtsION STEIM PiCI E T L l y (s. ItUNNINUIN CONNECTION WII’HTHI Ulorth Saiterr, R. R. of South Ga. „ I'HK SPHENOID ANl> F/\ST RUN fcTEAj.Ln GOrtUON, t . t - ofl Dhl del, icavtf Bvan <gssslßgaPgia mi i’nr itharicioon every Sunday and iVcdncduiiy <.jternuonr at 3 o’cioch. and connects at Obarienum with the nc train of the Norii. Eastern u.UrORd, going North. Returning leaves! Charleston every Monday and Friday night uth o’clock, (alter the arrival oi thecareon theN.E, k. R.} and arrives at Savannah ea ; ly next tcorninpß* tty this route passengers een obtain through tick ets to and troni savannah,Ga. and Wilmington, N C. Having a through freight arra igemeM with the Central .. Road and its connections, aiJ freights b. - tween Charleston and the Interior of Georgia, con signed to the agents ot this line, will he forwarded -vith despatch and free of charge. J. P. KRU< >K3, Agent Savannah. E. LAf ITTL & CO, Ag’ts.Charieftton,, Jan 15—-w&twi i 1180 Acres Land for Sale. CO PARING in quality the be t lands in Barboui County, Ala embracing a large a mourit of the best kiud of cotton lands Said i'ract lies 11 miles west ol Eutaula, Ala —a Cot tori market on the Chattahoochee River, and soon to be connected witn Savarr ah, Ga. bv S. W. Railroad. A good framed dwell ng, all <ut buildings necessary lor a cotton lar.n, logethei with Bbo acres cleared and under a good ience ar*- embraced. Sold u d-*r will of Wm. F'tt, deceased, lor di vi-ion. A bargain t? positively offered tn all, or n t*o separate bodies- Apply to E S. OTT, Ex'r Fort Browd-r, Ala , Aug. 21. 3 n* LAND FOK S ; Lfc). i .--j, TH C offers to - srte cb-nt teres ot Gaud r.risini 700 u res boti••in and, *>'• > 1 GOO acres re'i lie ham mock. GOO to ©OO n> res now in cultivation, n good repair and well natcreri— tl* tialai c< tor and >*k. hickory and pine and, with an < xcellent rang*, or stock. The improvements are agood dwelling houseand ai) necessary buildinesfor plantation purposes These lands are located on Fe*. River, in Barbour and Pike*‘ bounties, ontne Road Jeadirg fnmi Enui-- viU< to vlori iceUoby u Hob<iy’sßrid2e, ,! andwil he -old HOW FOR CAS H,andinqaautities toaait Pur chasers. Aisothe entire “tock of cattle, bogs and sheep,are offered for sale. Persons wishing to purchase, can gain ail infor mation by Kamiainsthe premises and consulting tbe j u'sertber. IJ.HOBOV. Juljrl—wtf Pike County. Ala, PEYTON H. COLQUITT, ( p, litorß JAMES W. WARREN. S * <CUtO BLACKWOOD'S MaGAZIM. AND THE BRITISH RLVIEWS. L SCOTT &. CO., New York, continue to • publish the follow n g leading British Peri* ihli, <.lb, vz : 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY,(Conservative) 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. (W h g ) 3. THE NO. BRITISH REVIEW,(Fr.e Church ) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH M A f '. r V ) The-e Periodicals ably represei t the thr e r ent pinna) purlieu oi treui Britain—Whig. Tcr\, find Rustical.—hot politics forma only > i o leaior o* il.cir cnariirt-r As organs of the nt >-l r* found writers on Science, Literature, M.rainy, and Religion, they stand.ns lhe\ ever have. stood, unrivalled in the world of tellers, hm a • i sid ered indispensable t the scholar end the proces sional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more coriert and satisfactory record of the cinreni lneratnre of the day, ifiroi gh out the world, than can he possibly obtained lrora any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of advance sheets from the Rri* tish publishers, gives additional value to t’ ree Reprints, ma-mnch as they can now he placed in the hands of subscribers ahoutas soon as the orig inal editors. TERMS. Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews $3 00 Forany two of the f or Reviews 5 < 0 For any three of the tour Reviews 7 00 For all lour of ifie Reviews HOO For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 (0 For Blackwood and three Reviews 0 (0 For Bla. kvvood and the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to he m ide in all cases in advance. Money current in the Suite where issued will be received at pur. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty five per cent, from the above puce, will be allowed to Clubs ordeting lour or tn"ie co| ics of any one or mote of the above worst* Thus; Four copies o| Blackwood, <*r of one Review, wdl be sent to Headdress tor $9; f'ur copies of ifie four Reviews and Black wood for $3 ; and so on. POSTAGE. In ai) the principal cittesand towns, these works wdl l>e delivered FREE of J’OsTAtJtt. \\ h-n sent by mail, the Postag to any part of the United B ates will he hm tweniy-hur cents a year lor ‘Blackwood.” and hut fourteen cents a year for each of die Reviews. N B —'Flie price in Great Brimirt of the five Periodicals above-i arned is S : *l f*cr annum Remittances for any of the above publications should always he addressed, post-paid, to the pub* i l&ii£f ft LEONARD SCOTT & CO . No. 54,G01d street, New York. Jan fi. ivlßSiiLL’B MAGAZINE. A JtloMhlf Osgan of Literature and Cm tcisnn. Devoted to a Free Discussion op all to pics EMBRACED JN THE RANGE OF A MAGA ZINE, AND t I’BLLSiIED IN CHARLESTON, C. O THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH. I T is designed to meet a commonly felt want, _L and to give utterance and circulation to the opinions, doctrines and arguments of the educated mind of die South especially, and to promote, in its sphere, the progress of a sound American Lit erature, free from party shackles or individual prejudice. Agencies will be established as soon as possible, t-o supply a!i sections of the country, anti mean while, orders from booksellers, periodical dealers, postmasters and others, disposed to extend the work, are respectfully solicited, and will be sup p led on the most liberal terms. Tf e work will be supplied at Three Dollars per annum: or 25 cents by numbers. Bpvcimen numbers will be sent free of postage to applicant* who cannot conveniently reach any ngeuct yei announced, on forwarding to “Russell's Viagnzine” eight postage stamp*. C> m iiUnicatioiiß and emit nbntions designed for the w< ik, should he addressed, “Russell's Maga zine. Charleston, S. C.” JnJv 49- Ml COMB 6 IKON TiE. FOK BAKING COTTON. IS n<*w olkred for sale at the Alabama V\ are huu-e. fne superiority ol Iron ov-r Rope for ha! ng col ton hits been to lul.y tested m li.e V\ e.-t ioi a ie past ua no lung* r to adnrt ol any and. ni l. Tho.-e wishing Ties thoop-.) will please sid m ttieir order-at any early date.thai a sui ply may bo k- pi constantly <n hand. The oiuerg snonld rpeedy ihc length ol the- tea wan ed —ety 8 9i -r >0 feet, ihe only lengths now off red. i\o alteration ol t. c screw or ’ox is nc essary lor iheir application, which is simple and rapid y done. They will be sold at 8 cents per pound. For further information, appiy to June 22—iw3m B. A.SORSBY. I RELIGIOUS LI BRAKY. - ’ Triumph over Death 75 Living to Christ 85 iVI-ihodism in Earnest, the Hist, ry oi a (.reat Revival $1 50 Light on Liitie Graves,.. 75 Lighted Valley 75 The Guiding S ar 65 Marshall on Sanctification... 75 The Vlartyr Lamb 50 Dying Thought. 50 Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer 50 Story oi Crane 35 Thought for the Thoughtful 50 Missionary’s Daughter 35 Chiisiian Prayer 40 The Hannah’s 40 Scripture Portions.... b 5 La-l Hours of hriat 40 Plain ‘I hough's 35 The above, wuh manv other valuable hooks, or sale b may tR— vrtvvtf T \V PE \PF & H,A R K NOTICE TO COTTON •PLANTERS', \\7E, the undersigned, ir ventois of ifelrra V V s< rwP e-, t; ke p i-hi-u e in caiii ‘H .t ---! ’enonn t■ ti j Pies--, lu w icli ne hi>ve ohiai- ed L From -xp ri'i it we are sat hind chat this P si is ro: oily ratable ol p co - ton to the u u ) s z-*, ‘u; wi'h a -mai add iu ai cost q! C in e si >n at the Gin to a Size Suita’ Ie Gr shprueri! lye n- i gve-‘’s ’Pec >st row for coir.pre-s ng is fri m7d to9o cents bale, w hich indirectlv cornea out of the p'an’er. Th - Press ia dtrable. as all ot its hearing and strait ins; rarta are of Iron, simple and suitb ! e tor reg’ manage ment We ate making arrangements to put up the Press at all suitable points for in=peeti n. For lurher irf* rma'ion.add'eso u s at Selma, Ala., or D. A Hobo e. Journal Office, Montgomery, Ala-,or E. C. Cor et, Columbus. Ga W. F. & C. J. PROVOST. August 8, ’o7-wtf. NUMBER 22