Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, October 26, 1858, Image 2

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COLUMBUS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26. The Late Elections—Democracy. It is a matter of congratulation with every pa triot of the country that the Democracy at the North have fallen in a struggle for principle. Iti'-- ing above the horizon of present passion and local prejudice, they planted themselves upon those im mutable truths which have heretofore guided as a beacon light the Democratic party and preferred a temporary defeat ton sacritice of principle and on ill-gotten victory. The Republican party stooped to every subtifuge for success and had no bond of union except the cohesive power of spoils. They gathered to their embrace protective tariff and dis affected Douglas Democrats and free-labor Amer icans and fought with a desperation worthy a bet ter cause. The renegade Forney—whose vault ing ambition had overleaped itself, whose disap pointment and chagrin at not receiving n high of fice from the President burned as a brand in the quivering flesh—used all his great powers to de feat his old friends and accomplish a victory for his former enemies. Notwithstanding this unholy alliance against the Democracy, we find men, like Hon. Jf Glancey Jones of Pennsylvania, rejecting the olive branch tendered them of a high impost on iron and clinging to the old time-honored demo cratic principles with nil the zeal and honest en thusiasm, that the Christians of the Middle age hugged to their bosoms the Holy Cross. Is not the prestige of such a defeat worth a thousand vic tories? In lowa and Indiana, however, the Democracy have triumphed : and the true men of the party are encouraged to believe that in those places where it has met with defeat, it has been accom plished by an opposition whose elements are in congruous and whose union will prove to be a “rope of sand”—Then the democracy should not be dis heartened. The voice of the South will soon speak in tones of approbation to those true men at the North who recently fell in the hard-fought Le compton struggle— —“paying a tribute of just applause To those who died in such a cause.” The Administration, too, has gallantly stood by the South. The tone of the Washington Union to wards those democrats who hankered after the flesh pots of Federalism—who advocated an unjust dis crimination against the agriculturists of the coun try in fa vor of a-few manufacturers of iron—is in deed significant. It proves conclusively that the Administration with principle for its guide will oppose all false doctrines with the same purity of purpose and patriotic motive, which actuated the iron-nerved Jackson to demolish a United States bank or veto iniquitous internal improvement bills passed by Congress—All honor to the Administra tion and its faithful followers! Comptroller General's Report. We resign a large portion of our space, this morning, to the able report of Peterson Thweatt, Esq., Comptroller General for the State. The whole report displays a degree of energy and in dustry in the collection of facts, and of just obser vation upon our system of taxation which may not be-found in other papers issued from that otlice, before the installation of the present incumbent. cinct and lucid exhibition of the finances of the State, their manner of distribution, and the prob able condition of the Treasury at the close of the fiscal year 1859. It assumes, or rather demon strates, that alter paying the ordinary expenses of the State Government, reducing the public deb s4s,ooo, and setting apart for extraordinary apt propriations the sum of $50,000, a surplus will main in the Treasury of $219,325 10 to be devoted to whatever purpose the Legislature may direct. This is certainly a flattering representation of the financial condition and prospects of Georgia. It is based, mainly, upon the assumption (to the truth of which the experience of the last eight months imparts a high degree of fixedness) that the IV estern and Atlantic Railroad will continue to yield a nett income of $25,000 per month. In compliance with an Act of the Legislature making it the duty of the Comptroller General to accom pany his Annual Report with such recommenda tions with respect to the revenue laws of this State as to him may seem proper, Mr. Thweatt has in dulged his leisure at considerable, but not too great length. We have read his suggestions carefully, and heartily concur in every recommendation ho has made. Our space will not allow us to consid er them here, but we will advert to some of them at an early day. llis views are so just and bear upon subjects of such general interest that they deserve to be pressed upon public attention. It will appear from the tables annexed to the report, that the Comptroller General has not confined himself to the requirements of official duty, but has carried his exertions beyond them, and collec ted much statistical information having an inti mate nnd important relation with subjects which, doubtless, will claim tho early and earnest atten tion of our Legislature. We allude to the sub jects of Education, Free and Common Schools Ac. YV e feel confident that the report will commend itself to all who will take the trouble to examine it. and will win for Mr. Thweatt the meed of praise which it is always the pleasing duty of a people to accord to a public servant, who discharges his official obligations with so much energy and faith fulness. Give us a Chance. The receipts of the Muscogee Railroad, although large beyond precedent, are greatly diminished by insufficient means of transportation. The cause of this lies not in any deficiency of rolling stock owned by said Company, but in the fact that the ears, freighted at this point with cotton, are not returned with sufficient promptness by the roads east of us. Y\ e are not acquainted with the diffi culty which may lie in the way of a remedy for this state of things and cannot, therefore, charac terize the responsibility which they incur for this neglect; but, it is apparent that the result must be very prejudicial to this market. There are now awaiting shipment 3,000 bags of cotton and only a dozen cars are here to do the work. No wonder our market has been and is depressed. We hope the Central and South-Western Roads will have a care for our situation and do whatever in their power lies to relieve us. Tiie Next Elections.—Elections for members to Congress will be held in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin, on Tuesday, the 2d day of No- Tmber. Hanging in Greensborough.—‘-The boy Thornton, convicted as accessory to the murder of Mr. Jones, in Greene county, on Mr. Hart s ; plantation, was hung on yesterday. A large concourse of people assembled to see the awful spectacle. — Avr/nsto Dispatch, 23 J. Fragrant Oil.—Collect a quantity of the leaves of any flowers that have an agreable fragrance; card thin layers of cotton, and dip into the finest sweet cil: sprinkle a small quantity of fine salt on j the flowers, and lay first a layer of cotton and then a layer of flowers, until an earthenware vessel, or a wide-mouthed glass bottle, is full* Tie the top well over with a bladder, then place the vessel in a southern aspect, so that it may have the heat of the sun: and in fiftteen days, when uncovered, a fragrant oil may be squeezed away lrom the whole mass. jg*- Messrs. Newell A Cos., of London, have taken a contract with the Turkish Government for laying down a telegraphic cable between Cape Hellas and Alexandria. By this cable England will be brought in immediate telegraphic com munication with the latter city, from which a land line is to be laid and carried through the Red Sea and Persian Gulf to India. Gone to Europe.—Among the passengers for Havre by tho Arago, on Saturday, was Mrs. Crawford, widow of the distinguished sculptor.— She now returns with her four children, to her residence in Italy, whence she was recalled by the fatal illness of her husband. -gs©- The friends of the Hon. J. Glancey Jones, at Reading, Pa., fired one hundred guns on hear ing of his appointment as Minister to Austria. REPORT. Comptroller General’s Office, Milledgeville , Oct. 20th, 1858. To His Excellency Joseph E Brown, Governor : Sir :—ln compliance with the provisions of an act of the 28th December, 1843, I have the honor to lay before your Excellency a statement of the receipts und'disbursements at the Treasury during the fiscal year 1858, showing a balance in the Treasury at the end of the year, of $455,918 65. Of this balance $455,918 65, now in the Treas ury, there is, however, unavailable, the sum of $325,564, consisting of the following items, viz: Bank stock, (Education Fund.) - - $290,900 00 Stock in Milledgeville and G. Rail road, - - 20,000 00 Darien Bank bills, - 2,237 75 Western A Atlantic R. R. Script, - - 4,784 75 Uncurrent funds, - 7,642 0U Total, --- - $325,564 00 Leaving an available balance in the Treasury of $130,354 65 to meet the balance unpaid on the appropriations for 1858, amounting to the sum of $110,130 43. There was an available balance in the Treasury on the 2tth October, 1857, of 112,- 262 16, to meet appropriations unpaid, amount ing to $84,111 36; leaving the sum of $28,151 80, as a balance in the Treasury after paying all the appropriations for 1857. An abstract from the books of this office, accompanies this report as required by an act of the 23d of Dec., 1539, setting forth the amounts of the general appropriations, both common and special, under their respective heads: The dates and amounts of warrants approved : In whose fa vor drawn; and, The balance undrawn of each appropriation. And as required by the act of the 26th of Dec., 1821, an exhibit is herewith submitted, showing the amount of taxes with which the inhabitants of each county in the State stands charged in the digests returned to this office by the several Re ceivers of Tax Returns, for the year 1858, from which it appears that the tax assessed amounts, in the aggregate, to the sum of $441,965 06. Receipts and Disbursements ok the treas ury. Of the Receipts into the Treasury during the fiscal year, 1858, there was received : On account of the General Tax, 1857, $390,897 20 Net earnings, Western and Atlantic R. R. 200,000 00 Bank Tax, ----- 31,120 11 From Bank dividends, ... 29,575 00 Railroad tax, - - - 6,204 94 From miscellaneous items, (a more full account of which will be found in another part of this report,) - - 5,575 88 Sale of bonds to the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, - - - - 100,000 00 Total receipts, - - - 763,573 13 Add to this balance available funds in the Treasury, 21st Oct., 1857, 112;262 16 And wc have a total fund of- $875,835 29 Of the disbursements of the Treasury during the same time, there has been paid: On account of Civil establishment, ’57, 16,996 00 Contingent fund, 1857: - 2,182 82 Printing fund, 1857; 1,715 57 Poor school fund, 1857, 30,604 00 Special appropriations of ’56, 750 47 Civil establishment, 1858, - 40,205 56 Contingent fund, 1858, - - 8,181 70 Printing fund, 1858, - - 18,449 85 Over-payments, 1858, - - 2,054 57 For pay of members and officers of tho Legislature, - - - 114,242 25 “ reduction of the Public l)edt, - 40,722 22 “ interest ou do. do. 162,016 83 “ subscription to Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, - 100,000 00 “ Lunatic Asylum—for building, 57,500 00 “ do. do. furniture, 5,000 00 “ do. do. support of pau per patients, - 15,000 00 “ do. do. sal. Super’t 1,800 00 “ do. do. officers A serv’ts, 9,412 50 *• Deaf and Dumb Asylum—for sup port of pupils; - 8,000 00 “ Academy for the Blind-for build’gs 15.000 00 “ do. do. support of pupils, 4,500 00 *• Georgia Military Institute, for sup port of Cadets, - 2,000 00 “ Savannah Medical College, for build ings; Ac., - 15,000 00 “ Atlanta do. do. do. 15,000 00 “ Penitentiary, for pur. of provisions, 2,5000 00 “ other miscellaneous appropriations, which will be seen in an abstract accompanying this report, amount ing in all to - - - 56,646 30 Total, $745,480 64 While the demands upon the Treasury for the fiscal year, 1858, is $77,383 78, more than were the demands upon the Treasury during the fiscal year. 1557, still the receipts into the Treosury (not including the proceeds from the sale of State Bonds) from all sources except the Western and Atlantic Railroad, have been $22,037 60 less than they were in 1857. The reason for this is: Ist, more of the old tax claims that were worth any thing, were collected last year; and, 2dly, there was received in ISSS, $11,332 68, less from the general tax 0f1557. than was received in 1557 from the general tax of 1556. The increased re ceipts from the Western and Atlantic Railroad be ing this year $91,500 more than that of last year. The payment intv the Treasury in 1857, from the road being $108,500. It will therefore be seen that, but for the follow ing monthly incomes into the State Treasury this year, from the net earnings of the Western and At lantic Railroad, the State could not have met the ordinary expenses of government, reduced the public debt and paid the interest on the same as it became due. and met the large appropriations of the last Legislature to the Lunatic Asylum, Aca demy for the Blind. Medical Colleges, Ac. Ac., as they have been called for, without temporarily borrowing money for this purpose: As it is, all demands have been prompty met, and there is an abundant surplus—and with the taxes for 1853, now coming in, and with further anticipated re ceipts from the railroad, this surplus will continue to increase from day to day. There is still due to the Atlantic and Gulf Rail road Company the sum of $400,000; (and the State is bound for a further subscription of $500,- 000. when the private stockholders raise an addi tional $600,000;) but the Act making the State’s subscription to this work, provided also for the is sue of State six per cent, bonds, payable at the ex piration of twenty years, in the event of there not being money in the Treasury to meet, the install ments as they are called for; consequently, this subscription has been charged to the Treasury only as the bonds have been issued and sold to the company. Having thus dwelt upon and exhibited the op erations of our State Government, financially, for the past twelve months, I will now turn with greater pleasure to the future, ensuing fiscal year, as it exhibits the financial affairs of Georgia in a still more flourishing and flattering condition. With an almost nominal State tax, - it being but three fourths of a mill on the dollar, or se\ enty-fiv e i cents on the one thousand dollars, on all the prop : erty in Georgia—except bank and railroad capital —we shall raise for the ensuing fiscal year, at least $375,000. Judging from the past eight months, and if the Superintendent of the ‘V estern A Atlantic Railroad be not greatly mistaken, said road will pay into the State treasury, as net earn ings, at least $300,000 annually. Add to this the bank tax of $31,120 11; the dividends from. bank stock, $29,575 00; the tax on railroads *0,204 9-4 ; and from miscellaneous items, $5,770 88, and we will have an income of $747,675 88. V\ bile on the other hand, it is not at all probable that the ex traordinary appropriations for ISA be as large as thev were this year by sloo,ooo. ine Lunatic Asylum, Academy for the Blind, Georgia Military Institute, and Medical Colleges of Sa\ - annah and Atlanta, having been provided lor to a liberal extent, it is not supposed that much more if any, will be asked for to complete their build ings, Ac., Ac. This being the case, it will be seen that there will be a large surplus at the endol the year, to be applied to the reduction of the Public Debt, to Education, or to any other purpose the representatives of the people may think proper. Assuming then, that the ordinary receipts into the Treasury for the fiscal year 1859, will be as follows, viz: From General Tax, - - $375,000 00 Net Earnings of W. A A. Railroad, 300,000 00 Bank tax, - 51,120 11 Bank Dividends, - - - 29,575 00 Railroad Tax, - 6>204 94 Miscellaneous items - - - 5,7(5 8S Balance after paying Appropiations for 1858, - - - 20,224 22 And we have total, - ■ $767,906 10 The demand upon the Treasury for the same year will approximate as follows: To pay members of the Legislature SIOO,OOO 00 “ Civil Establishment, 1859, 70,000 00 “ Contingent Fund, 1859, 14,000 00 *• Printing Fund, 1859, 24,000 00 “ Poor School Fund, 1858, 29,575 00 “ Reduction of Public Debt, 45,000 00 “ Interest on Public Debt 170,000 00 “ Support of pauper patients Lunatic Asylum, 15,000 00 “ Salary of Supt. do. 1,800 00 •• “ other officers and servts 10,000 00 “ Support of pupils, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 8,000 00 “ Support of pupils, Academy for the Blind, 4,500 00 “ Support of Cadets Georgia Military Institute, 2.000 00 “ Purchase of Provisions for Penitentiary 2,500 00 “ Salary for Chaplain for do. 150 00 State Library—for purchase of books, 1,000 00 “ “ for Salary of Librarian, 600 00 Military Store Keeper at Savannah, 300 00 “ “ at Milledgeville, 150 00 For extraordinary appropriations, say 50,000 00 Total $548,755 00 It will thus be seen that after meeting the or dinary demands upon the treasury, and reducing the public debt $45,000, and allowing $50,000 for miscellaneous or extraordinary appropriations, there will still be a surplus of $219,325 10 to ap ply to a further reduction of the Public Debt, to Education, or to any other purpose the next Lcg islature may dGfJJk’iSßueu, < yci vcm.; to pay the liabilities of the Central Bank, amount ing in all now to $241,000, and which are annual ly falling due in comparatively small sums, there will be no State bonds due sooner than 1562. There are, however, $289,500 of State bonds issu ed in 184S, for the benefit of the railroad, and not due until 1863 and 1868, but the State in issuing them having reserved to itself the right to redeem them and stop interest at any time after ten years, these bonds can now be redeemed at any time the State chooses to do so. There are also’s2oo,oo 7 per cent, bonds, issued in 1852, to pay for rail road iron SIOO,OOO are due in 1862, and the State also reserved to itself the right to redeem the $200,- 000 in 1862, if it desired to do so. The Public Debt. So far as I can discover from the Treasurer’s report and the various Acts of the Legislature, tho Public Debt, in bonds, now amounts to $2,- 631,500, which will be increased to $3,530,500, (unless before-educed,) when the remainder (900,- 000) of the bonds for the subscription to the At lantic and Gulf Railroad are issued. The follow ing will shoAv tho character, and the amounts of the various bonds, and when due, viz : Due in 1859, 7 per cent. Central Dank Bonds, - - - $15,000 “ 1860, do. do. do. 40,000 “ 1861, do. do. do. 10,000 “ 1862, do. do. do. 22,500 “ 1863, do. do. do. 48,500 ** 1864, do. do. do. 75,000 Other State Bonds for Bail roads, de. 1862, 7 per cent. - - 100,000 “ 1862, 6 “ 26,000 “ 1863, “ “ - - - - 62,500 1865, “ “ 47,500 “ 1868, “ “ - - - - 216,500 “ 1868, 5 ** sterling bonds, - 72,000 1869, 6 “ - - - 283,500 “ 1870, “ “ - - - - 153,500 lB7l, 7 162,250 “ 1872, “ “ - - - - 104,750 1872, 6 “ 625,500 1873, “ “ - - - - 180,000 “ 1574, 7 “ 181,500 1874, 6 - - - - 80,000 1577, ‘* •• for A. &G.R. R. 100,000 $2,630,500 To be issued, payable 20 years after date, .... 900,000 $3,530,500. *Note. —With the slight glance I have been able to give the late Tax Acts,within my reach, of several Southern States, I find,that in South Carolina, upon lands in cities, towns, villages, boroughs, &c., the tax is 124 cents on the SIOO, and upon other lands it is GOcentson the SIOO, and slaves pay 70 cents per head. In Kentucky, real and'personal estate is taxed at 17 cents (on the SIOO. In Texas, cents on the SIOO. In Mississippi, 16 cents on the SIOO on land, 20 cents on money, &c., and 40 cents on each slave. In Arkansas, 164 cents on the SIOO. In Florida, 16$ cents on the SIOO. In Virginia, 40 cents on the SIOO on real and personal estate, and $1 20 on each slave. In Alabama, 20 cents on the SIOO on real estate and other property, 50 cent on the SIOO on mo ney at interest, and an average tax of 60 cents on each slave, (those between 15 and 30 years of age being $1 10 each) —While in Georgia, the tax on land, and slaves, and other property, (except Bank and Rail Road capital) is now but 7£ cents on the SIOO. It will therefore be seen, that while the per cent, tax in South Carolina andTexas is near double of that of Georgia, the per cent, of the other States named are more than double that of Georgia, and in Alabama, it is nearly three times larger, while in Virginia, upon real and personal estate, it is more than five times larger than in Georgia. In Ohio, the per cent., 31 cents on the SIOO, is four times larger, and in Illinois, the per cent, tax, 67 cents on the SIOO, is nearly nine nmes more than it is in Georgia. FOR THE TIMES. “Brining our Sheaves with Is.” “The time for toil is past, ami night has come — The last and saddest of the harvest-eves; Worn out with labor long and wearisome, Drooping and faint, the reapers hasten home, Each laden with his sheaves. Last of the laborers, thy feet I gain, Lord of the harvest! and mv spirit grieves That I am burdened not so much with grain As with a heaviness of heart and brain:— Master, behold my sheaves! Full well I know I have more taers than wheat, Brambles and flowers, dry stalks and with’d leaves, Wherefore I blush and weep as at thy feet I kneel down, and reverently repeat, Master, behold my sheaves! 1 know these blossoms, clustering heavily With evening-dew upon their folded leaves, Can claim no value nor utility,— Therefore shall fragraney and beauty be The glory of my sheaves. So do I gather strength and hope anew: For well I know thy patient love perceives Not what I did, but what I strove to do,- — And tho’ the full-ripe ears be sadly few, Thou wilt accept my sheaves!” [From the Indianapolis Sentinel, Oct,, 19.] Democratic State Ticket. We figure up, this morning, 2,354 majority for the Democratic State ticket, and the lull official returns will increase it. This vote is evidence that the majority of the people of Indiana sympathize with* Democratic'pviaciples. The election of the State ticket is a great triumph. Four Democratic Judges of the Supreme Bench secured for six years, and the administration of the State government is confided to Democratic officers for the next two years. The Legislature.—We publish this morning a complete list of the members of the next Legis lature. We classify them as follows : SENATE. Democrats holding over, - 10 “ Regular, elected, - - - 12 “ Independent, elected, - - -3 Total, - - - - - - -25 Republicans holding over, 13 “ Regular, elected. - - - II Opposition Independent. - - - - 1 Total, 25 HOUSE. Democrats, regular, elected, - - - 45 “ Independent, elected, 5 Total, ------- 50 Republicans, regular, elected, - - - 41 • Independents, Whigs and Americans, - - 6 Total, 50 There are twenty-five Democratic Senators and fifty Democratic Representatives, who in 1856 stood upon the Cincinnati Platform, and who upon all party issues stand there now. The political character of the Legislature will depend mainly upon the six Americans and Whigs who are national in their sentiments, and who have no sympathy with abolitionism. In the Sen ate the Lieutenant Governor has the casting vote. The Barbecue —The Fair Grounds, we believe, have been selected lor holding the grand Railroad Baibecue on the 30th inst. will aUdICOO iho J/OOplc fruiil the stand in the amphitheatre; and the tables will be spread immediately outside the amphitheatre, on the left. We are glad to learn that Mr. Hooker is succeeding re markably well in the collection of contri butions in money and provisions. Up~ wards of S7OO (including the estimated val ue of meats, &c.,) have been already sub scribed. If this liberality continues to be evinced, Mr. Hooker will soon have enough in his possession to get up the finest bar becue that has ever been known in the State. The object is well worthy of it, and we may expect this railroad dinner to eclipse anything of the kind heretofore known in Alabama. Seiah!— Montgomery Advertiser. — Peabody’s Prolific Corn.— Mr. William Slade, of Dooly county, informs us that he planted a field of ten acres the present year of this corn, from which he gathered four hundred bushels. He se lected one acre of the best, and measured from it of good corn, sevety-one bushels.— This corn was grown on pine land, manur ed pretty well with Compost, after which he added one hundred aud sixty pounds of Gu ano to the acre, planted in rows six feet a part, eighteen inches in the drill; the Guano was applied about midway the hills in the drill.— Pulaski Times. MARRIED. In Chambers county, Ala., on the I2th instant, at the residence of Mr. R. B. Iluguley, by Rev. O. R. Blue, Mr. George W. Shelton, of Auburn, Ala., to Mrs. Mahala G. Dallas. “I saw two clouds at morning, Ting’d with the rising sun. And in the dawn they boated on, And mingled into one.’’ DIED. At Black Point, Camden county, Ga., Oct. 6th, 1858, in the 61stjyear of hisjage, Dr. A. Delaro che, a native of Dinan, France. In Brunswick, Ga., on the 13th inst, after a lingering illness, P. 11. Me Conn, aged 34 years. At the time of his death he was a member of the City Council of Brunswick, and Clerk of the Glynn Superior Court. At Audaston, near Sparta, on the 16th inst., at the residence of his father, of consumption, Tnouas C Audbs, only remaining son of Tuttle H. and Henrietta W. Audas. “After life’s fitful dream, he sleeps well.” k. Daily Federal Union. —The first number of the Daily Federal Union, will be issued on Thurs day, Nov. 14th, and contain the Governor’s Mes sage. Terms : for the session, one dollar , in ad vance. Address, Bouchton, Nisbet a Barnes. Holloway’s Pills are a Remedy hailed yq all as the best annihilatoJ of the internal diseases most common to the human family, including dyspepsia, bile, sick headache,and all febrile and inflammatory influences. Their operation is sim ple, harmless and effective. Sold at the manufactory, No. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all Druggists, at 25c., 63c., and $1 per box. oct!B—wdlw HAIR RESTORATIVE. How to Preserve Beauty.— Nothing is more becoming to a man or woman, than a beautiful I and luxuriant head of hair, and a woman’s beau- I ty is certainly incomplete without a fair complex- j ion, and he or she who neglects these great and | important adornments of nature must expect to suffer the mortification of premature baldness, ana a wrinkled face and a sallow skin. Nothing is necessary to preserve these essential attractions but the ute of Professor Wood’s Restorative.— Louisville Times. ... Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative— We have had occasion to use this famous preparation ot Prof. Wood’s, and after thoroughly testing its qualities, we find that where the hair is thin it will tl icken it, if gray it will restore it to its original color; likewise, it gives a glossy appeaiAnce, as well as keeps the hair from falling on. This in valuable ingredient is for sale at the “Chinaman s Tea Store,” southeast corner Frederick and Bal imore streets, by Mr. J. C. Given. — Baltimore Clipper Sold by all druggists in this City and by drug gists and dealers in medicines generally every wh6r6 oct — 12,1858. —w&tw2w. HAVES HOLLAND BITTERS? Simple in its composition, pleasant to the taste and truly wonderful in its effect, its popularity cannot be wondered at. To invalids just recove ring strength, it is invaluable; exercising that soo thing influence over the nervous system, and im parting that health and tone to the stomach, so longed tor by the convalescent.” — Daily hnter- DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Allows no Rival in Americ A ! It emoves . every bad Odo R ! U ursts into contagion hke a bom B ! ielda to nothing in supretnac Y l ? S tands unrivalled in its merit* S ! P oisons “cannot elude its gras P ! It emoves rancidity from butte It ! O tiers cures for sores and burns als O ! P urifiesthe .breath on beauty’s li P ! II ighly benefits and preserves teet II ! V ou ought to have it for your famil Y ! I, ets no malaria ‘escape its contro L ! A cts with certainty on all miasm A ! C uts short the necessity tor physi C ! T akos pain from the bite of an insec T I Invites the notice o t Literal I ! C omes up to the idea ot Prophylacti C ! F lings contagious diseases entirely ot F! It ets nothing have color so beautilu 1. I II se it freely and you’ll find this FI U I Id more wonderful than feats ot Mag I I Manufactured only in the Laboratory •/ J. DARBY, Auburn, Ala. From which, or Harrell, Risley 4$ Kitchen, No. 76 Barclay street N. Y. it may be ordered. FOR SALE IN COLUMBUS BY BROOKS & CHAPMAN, J. S. PEMBERTON At. CO. DANFORTH, NAGEL A CO. D. YOUNG. Professor John Darby ts so well known as a scien title gentleman throughout the South, that it is only necessary to know that he is the preparer of this Fluid, to feel assured there is no quackery abent|it. Sept. 9—wfcdGai TO HIRE, A FIRST RATE HOUSE SERVANT—Good ( ook. Washer and Ironer, for balance of the year. Ap ply to [ocf26 d3t] J- R IVEY. BY ELLIS & MATHIS. GRAFTED FRUIT TREES, ~i AAA Grafted Apple Trees. J ,UUu 1,000 Grafted Peach Trees. 7 1,000 Pears, Plums, Apricots, &c. &c., together with various other Shrubbery and Plants, which will arrive here about the first of November next, from the Nursery of Mr. Thos. 11. Fentriss, of North Carolina, whose reputation as a fine Fruit grower is unsurpass ed. Orders for Trees will he promptly attended to and filled as soon as the trees arrive. THE GORDY GRAPE. 1,000 vinoe of this superior native Grape for sale. — Tins Grape is well aim lavoraiify Known m tins com munity. ELLIS & MATHIS. Columbus, Oct. 20, 1858. lrndw FOR SALE. PLANTERS, NOTICE THIS! TWO GOOD ROAI) WAGONS, for Plantation use. Also, 100 Pairs of good NEGRO SHOES. These articles will he sold at a bargain to close them out. Apply to H. MIDDLEIJROOK & CO. Oct. 20—dwlm. 94 Columbus. NOTICE. DON’T FAIL TO LOOK AT THIS ! ALL persons ‘indebted to the subscribers, whose notes and accounts were due on the first of Janu ary, 1858. are respectfully requested to come forward and pav up, as longer indugence will not be given. 11. MIDDLEDROOK & CO. Columbus, October 20. wdlm. The most Valuable Property within 1 1-2 miles of r the City, NOW IN MARKET ! a_. WE are offering for sale that very desirable Residence in Linwood, 134 miles east of this Ia Sp city, at present owned and occupied by P. JLJLiLGiiteiiger. Esq. with ft) acres land attached.— On the premises are a good Dwelling, with 8 rooms, fine garden and ornamental grounds, excellent Springs, with fine bathing houses: first rate jouthouses, stables, Cow houses; one of the best young orchards in the country, and in fact every improvement [necessary for comfortable living. Several desirable building lots on the premises. Apply to ELLIS & MATHIS. Enquirer copy. oct2C tlfit FOR SALE ON accommodating terms, several desirable dwell ings. Apply to JOHN McCARTY. Columbus, Oct. 26. d*2m DRY GOODS A.T ATTCTIOISr, BY HARRISON & PITTS. WE now have instore, and are daily receiv ing from New York, a fine assortment of first class STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Which we will offer at Auction and Private Sale through the season, and to which we invite the attention of our friends and the public generally. The stock consists in part of the following arti cles, viz: Prints of every style, White Briiliante, Muslin de Laines, Robes a Les, de Laines Robes a’Quilie* Valencia Flounced Robes, Cashmeres, Plain and Figured Alpaccas, Ginghams, White and Red Flannels, Lindseys* Cloths. Cassimeres, Sattinets, Tweeds, Kentucky Jean s, Keystone and Morse Plaids, Allenda.e Sheetings, Irish Linens, Blank ets, Bed Ticking, Bleached Domestics, Towels, Linen Table .Cloths, Linen and Cotton Table l Diaper, Linen Napkins, Linen Cambric and Bor dered H’d’kfs, Apron Checks, Hoes and Half Hoes, Shirts, Merino, and Cotton Net Shirts, Razors, Table and Pocket Cuttlery, Needles, Spool Thread, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Percus sion Caps, Letter Paper, Envelops, and’a great many articles too tedious to mention. Our first first sale of the season will take place at 7} o’clock on Tuesday Night next, the 12th inst., to be continued every night throughout the winter. We will also have one or two day sales each week. All goods offered at Auction guarantied as rep resented or no sale. HRRISON & PITTS. E. J. Pinckard, Auctioner. 59 and 61 Broad Street, Columbus, Oct. 8, ’SB dlf. TWO months after date I shall appy to the hono rable Court of Ordinary of Talbot county, Ga. for leave to sell the and negroes of El lrtd 8 a Adams, Adm’r Oct 6, DfrS—Vm. By ELLIS & MATHIS, Auction Sale or BOOKS nil STVHOMV, EVERY NIGHT. Columbus, Oct. 15—dtf. BARBOUR COUNTY LANDS FOR SALE. HAVING purchased land in the West, I now offer lor sale both my plantations, lying on the North Cowikee Creek. The place on which I now reside, known as the Barna Ivey Plantation contains 2,475 acres, with a large proportion of fresh and Hammock land. Ttv re are on the plan tation 1,400 acres cleared, and in a fine state of cultivation, thoroughly drained, with a large num ber of well located ditches. The dwelling is commodious, having 6 large rooms, neatly finish ed, and is situated within the corporate limits ot Glennville, convenient to the Colleges and Churches. The out houses are in good repair and sufficient for the accommodation of 100 negroes. On this place, are two new gin houses, one of which is propelled by water power, to which is attached a grist mill, all in good order. Lying broadside this place is mv other planta tion, recently owned by Col. W. ll* Owens, con taining 901 acres. The dwelling, out-bouses, gin house and screw are all new and well finished, and equally convenient to Glennville. Being de termined to sell, 1 would not object to dividing my lands to suit purchasers. To those acquainted with these lands I need not say more—to those at a distance, I would say that they cannot be ex celled in point of health or productiveness in east Alabama. Glennville is noted for the morality, intelligence and refinement of its citizens. It is situated 12 miles Irom the Mobile and Girard Railroad, 6 miles from Jemigan, a s'eamboat landing on the Chattahooehie river, and 10 miles from Eufaula, to which point the South-Western Railroad ot Georgia will soon be completed. For further par ticulars, address me at Glennvillo, Alabama. P.S. As 1 am axious"to carry out my plans west I propose if I can find a purchaser for the above named lands, to let them go at the low price ot twelve dollars and a half per acre, cash. And if not sold before Saturday the twentieth of November next, I will have them divided into two or more tracts by asuivey, and offer them on thatday at public outcry to the highest bidder. Land buyers might do well to examine the lands before buying elsewhere. 11. BASS. Oct 22, 1858. d&wtf _ NOW OPENING. ‘ AT DILLINGHAM & DENSON'S FURNITURE STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETINGS, RXJGfS, MATS, BASKETS, &c- Columbus, October 23. d&wtl. NEW CASH ~ DRY GOODS STORE. JAMES McPHILLIPS No. 140 BROAD STREET, Masonic Building, Has just opened with one ol the best selected stocks of FALL AND WINTER DRY-GOODS, ever offered for sale in the city, which lor VARIETY, NOVELTY AND BEAUTY, cannot be surpassed, They wero bought exclu sively for Cash, and will be sold lor Cash at pri ces much below those charged by any other house in COLUMBUS, Having the advantage of a buyer residing in New York, he will be weekly in receipt of fresh Goods, bought principally at the large Auction Salee at immense sacrifices, and.they will be of fered here at a small advance on cost. The stock comprises the CHOICEST VARIETY OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. He would call particulai attention to his large stock of Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloak*, Embroi deries, and Hosiery. Importing all his Linen Goods direct from Ire land, he will bo prepared to offer great induce ments in that department. The following are a tew of the leading articles— Dress Silks, Embroideries, Black ‘‘ Hosiery, Silk Robes, 14 Shirting Linens, French Dress Goods, Linen Sheetings, “ Merinos, “ Damask, “ Plaids, “ Napkins, 4-4“ Calicos, §scts, ‘‘ Towelings, Merrimac Prints ( Jyds Fine Bed Blankets at for SIOO j $4 50 per pair. English Prints, All Wool Flannel “ Merinos 20 cts. ! cts per yd “ Delaines 13 12 Planters’ Goods in “ Poplins, 25 cts, ! great variety. Shawls in great vari’y Together with a general assortment of Foreign Staple Articles, adapted to every section of. the country. Buyers are requested to examine, com pare and judge before making their purchases. ONE PRICE ONLY. Every article marked the lowest. J. McPHILLIPS, 140 Broad street, Masonic Building. MB fsQaOWSSr A full assortment of Bayon’s Kid Gloves, open ed this_morniDg- JAS. McPHILLIPS, M 0 Broad street. Masonic Building. IMPORTANT TO Planters & Country Merchants. JAMES McPHILLIPS, Would call attention of Buyers to his large stock ol Foreign and Domestic DRY GOOD?. As he has a buyer residing in New York, he will at all times be prepared to offer goods to the Trade for Cash ‘only) at the lowest New York Cost prices by the bale or package. rianiers will find they can save money by buy ing their KERSEYS, NEGRO BLANKETS, &.c.,from him, his stock is extensive and his pri ces much below that of any other store in the South. ... i . Call and see Ins goods and prices, and thus post ; yourselves upon what you can get for your mo j ney and what goods are worth. Remember the address, JAMES McPHILLIPS, 140 Broad Street, Two doors below J. B. Strupper. Oct. &o..d&w tf. COTTAG-E FARM, M Situated three miles and a halfeast from the City, is now offered lor sale. It con tains 200 acres, about half of which is cleared and well enclosed, the balance finely tim bered and is one of the most valuable and pleas ant residences in the county. The dwelling has four comfortable rooms with fire places in each, a wide passage with pantries attached. A large kitchen, smoke house and servants rooms; also barn, stable, cow sheds, cribs and carriage house, all in a tew rods of a fine spring; also a large garden and young orchard. On the premises is a neat school house, beautifully situated near anoth er fine spring. Persons in want of a desirable p’cce. near the C ; ty, will find it to their interest to examine the above. Possession given first January next. For Terms,&c., apply to Tr AUG ’ oi lIARKIaON & PITTS. Colombo,, Ua., Soot. IS, 1858. wfcdlm