Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, October 26, 1858, Image 3

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THK DAILY TIMES. THE CITY. Our New Dim. Wc greet our readers this morning in anew dress Our gratification at the event is great, and assimi lates, both in kind and degree, with the pleasure we used to feel when, a boy, we threw aside our patched and threadbare habiliments and donned a more attractive exterior—our “Sunday clothes.”— “The apparel oft proclaims the man.” So wrote Shaksspeare; so thought we, and hence our refor mation. It is not so thorough and radical, we hope, that we may not still be recognized by old acquaintances; but quite decent enough, we think, to entitle us to be presented to stran gers. For the benefit of other* wo will merely mention that our old clothes are lor sale. - The Weather.— Our city was visited yester day with a delightful rain. The dust was"getting to be almost suffocating and it was gladly wel comed. Wc anticipate a cold spell from this time. More Negroes. Mr. George Pitts returned home on Saturday morning from Virginia, whither he went for the purpose of buying negroes to supply the almost insatiable demand for field laborers from planters in this vicinity. lie brought twenty-eight repre sentatives of the African aristocracy, and a health ier. happier looking delegation we have never ob served. We learn that Messrs. Hatcher &, McGe bee also received a considerable accession to their supply a few days ago and are rapidly transfer ring them to the planters. A good crop and good prices necessarily impart great activity to their business. New Advertisements. Reader, do you desire to buy a beautiful and convenient residence and lot in Linwood? If so i J | now is the time for you to do that very thing.— Messrs. Ellis Mathis are now offering one for i sale. See also the advertisement of these gentle- ; men offering a choice variety of fruit trees. If you would prefer a city house and lot, Mr. John McCarty is offering several. Choose ye one of them, and get a home of your own. Those of you indebted to 11. Middlebrook A Cos. are notified that longer indulgence will not be given. So you’d better call round at “the Captain’s office” and settle. This firm are also offering road wagons and negro shoes for sale. Mr. J. 11. Ivey is offering for hire a first rate , house servant. MILYHcOMMERCIAL RECORD, j Columbus Times Office, Oct. 26. COTTON.—Very little doing in our market yesterday. We quote 10%(}llc. Receipts 51)8. Sales 594. COTTON.—Up to date, there has been 1,113 bales shipped from this point the present season; and of this amount there have been 365 bales i bought in Auburn. We understand that only j about 1,500 bales were shipped during the whole j season previous to this. —Auburn Gazette Oct 23d. ‘ Montgomery, October. 23, 1858. — COTTON. There has been a good demand for the article to-day, ces ranging from 10)4 to 10% extremes. According to the statement in the Savan nah Republican, of 22d inst., the total increase in the receipts of Cotton to latest dates, at all ports, compared with last year, is 219,808 bales. The increase at Savannah and Charleston is greater than at New Orleans and Mobile. We copy their statement of the increase at the ports, as fol lows : New Orleans, .... 05,273 Mobile, - 34,047 Florida, - - - - - - 3,730 Texas, ------- 7,725 Savannah, - - - - - - 09,571 Charleston, - - - ■ - * 37,502 North Carolina, - - - - - 575 Virginia, - - - - 1.440 The increase in the stock on hand at those ports, is 101,032 bales, as follows: New’ Orleans, ... - 35,827 Mobile, ------ 23,055 Florida, - 3,175 Texas, - 5.305 Savannah, 49,086 Charleston, - - - - - 30,382 Virginia AN. Carolina, - 819 New York, ----- 13,383 ; MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, CONSIGNEES OCTOBER, 26, 58. M A IV P R R, T Ragland A Cos., Mob. A G It It, S Ellis, 11 A Ware A Son, A C Gordan A Cos., J S Pemberton A Cos., Chaffin A Johnson, I G Strupper, Mcßae A Jones, J Ennis A Cos., Rev. S II Higgins, IV W Robison A Cos., G L McGough A Cos., E Barnard A Cos., S A Stovell, Estes A Bro., A II DeWitt,’ D B Thompson A Cos., J McPhillips, Redd Preer A Cos., Eagle Mfg. Cos., Dillingham AD, J P Murray, S Schlein A Cos., Goetchius A 11. Sammis A Rooney, IV K Harris, Wells Curtis A Cos., A Velati, F Bachlo A Cos., W E Sanford A Cos., S Rothschild A Bvo., McGehee A Wilson, f> Ogletree, W H I, A Cos., Ogletrec A Jackson, C.ettinger A S., N H B, J J McKendree, G W Atkinson A TANARUS, Hall Moses A Cos, E C Ellington, J Widgeon, Hughes D A Cos., J N Webb, D Johnson, J W Pease A Clark, W T Ogletree, Danfortk N A Cos., Nance A Renl’roe, J W Sappiugton. J Ligon, Mauley A Hodges, II Middlebrook A Cos., J H Mulford, [B] 12 boxes cheese. Hunt Ware A Cos., Redd J A Cos., J J Carter, Van Marcus, II L Woodruff, D Young, W P Alexander, Gunby A Cos., J H Daniel A Cos., Brassill A Cos., J II Merry, Hull D A Cos., Bock I Mills, II Grossmaver, C Petty, A Brummcr A Bro, Bedell A V eems, B F Petty, Muscogee R. R., King A A Cainak, J Linelilcy, S C Denlison, [H] 300 sacks Oats, Davis A Wilson, ARRIVALS, October 25, 1858 AT THE PLANTERS HOTEL: W C Wilson, Macon Ga.: B P Jenkins. Harris Cos. Ga.; W J Hatcher, Clay Cos. Ga.: S G Duke, Tenn.; T II Waldrup, Cherokee Ga.; W V atkms, Atlanta Ga.: J G Bethune, Columbus Ga.; P Dan iel, W W McKee, Lowndes Cos. Ala.; Mrs Solo mon A child, Phila. Pa.; GAS Watford, Chatta hoochee Cos. Ga.; A M Sneed, Stewart Cos. Ga.; R A Miller A serv’t, Houston Ga.; W B Brown, lichee Ala.; J D Bagley, J G Cobb, Cusseta Ga.; L Johnson, Va.; W S Stokes, Tuskegee Ala.: B Jackson, Columbus Ga.; Dr. R P Noble, I niou Springs, Ala.; Eli Justice, Macon Cos. Ala.; J M Delay, Tenn.; G W Averv, Cusseta Ga.; S Bella my, Russell Cos. Ala.; J B M atson, Opelika Ala.; W W Bussey, Cusseta Ofa.; NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. A. C. SAUNDERS &, CO. ■ WOULD respectfully inform country surrounding, that they have taken the Store recently occupied by Merry <fc Landon.and are now ope ning the largest, nest made and cheapest Stock of BOOTS, SHOES & BROGANS lobe found in the City. HAVING EXTENSIVE FACTORIES OF OUR OWN, nnd’having made arrangements with the best ‘actories in the United States, with 20 years experience in Memphis, Tennessee, we are warranted in saying our stock will be SECOND TO NONE IN QUALITY, STYLE, AND ECONOMY TO THE PURCHASER. Our stock comprises in part— Men’s Thick Boots sizes from 6 to 14; “ Kip “ half welted and double soled, “ Water Proof Boot?; “ Napoleon Boots; Cavalry do. Extra fine Water Proof Boots; “ < Cork sole “ “ Finest peg’d pump and half welt’d Cf Boots “ French Boots of superior style; “ Plantation Boots; “ Finest stitched French Calf Boots; “ “ ’Pump “ “ Arctic Boots; Also, Men’s Oxford Ties sewed and pegged; “ Congress Gaiters “ “ “ Calderons; “ Scott Ties; Men’s Call Pegged Brogans, pumps and f welted; “ “ Sewed “ “ half “ “ Seal, Goat and Buff Brogans pegged; “ Army and Plantation Shoes. Men’s Wax, Kip Buff Brogans pegged, Pumps & Welted. Men’s Gaiters, Slippers &c., of all the latest patterns. FOR LADIES. Finest Kid &, Morocco lace and Congress Boots, thick and thin sole 9, with and without heels. Finest silk warp lasting lace and Congress, do do Serge de Berre, do do do do Eugene, do do do do do Italian and English, do do do French and Glove Kid, do do do “ Kid Ileel Slippers. English Kid and Morocco do and half Gait ers. English Silk Lasting, do do do Velvet Toilet Slippers. Embroidered, do Women’s Common Thick heel ties of Kid, Mo rocco, Seal and Goat. Spring Heel lies and Buskins. Goat, Calf, Buff, Seal &, Kip lace Boots pegged and sewed. Kip& Calf Oxford Boot 9 laced and strapped Spring heel Kip Pegged lace Boots. FOR BOYS. Bovs Thick Bools, sizes 1 to 5. do do Brogans, do Ito 5. do do Kip and Calf, do do pumps and half welted. Boys Calf and Kip Boots, welted and Double soled. FOR YOUTHS. Youth’s Thick Boots, sizes 9 to 13. “ “ Brogans, do 9to 13. do do Kip do do do do Boots half welted and double soled. Youth’s Calf, do do do and do do do do Brogans pumps and half welted. FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. Sewed Calf, Kid, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Buff Bootees thick and thin sole, witn and without heels. Pegged Calf, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Buff Bootees, thin and thick soles, with and with out heels. Fine Kid Ties and Buskins ; Common Kid Morocco, Seal and Goat Ties. Silk Lasting, Kid and Morocco Gaiters with and w'tliout heels. Kid, Morocco and silk lasting lace Boots. do. do. Strapped Slippers. Children’s Congress Heel Gaiters. FOR PLANTERS. The largest, best made, and cheapest stock of NEGRO SHOES EVER BROUGHT TO COLUMBUS, Among them are, Round and Lap Seam, Double Braced, Double Soled Brogans, from 1 to 15. Round Seam Triple Stitched Iron Nailed Bro-- gans. Round seam, Three Soled Brogans. Oak Bottoms, Russetts and other kinds ranging in price from sl. lO upwards. If any of our goods do not prove a9 represented by us, we will make the deficiency good to the purchaser. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS, TRAD ERS, PEDDALRS.&c., We can offer goods at Boston and New York prices, By giving us a call you can save from 15 j to 20 per cent on your bills. Taking the quality of our goods into considera tion, we are to be undersold by no one North, South, East or West. We have made arrangements to receive all new styles from factories of any note in the United States as soon as introduced, and shall be receiv ing fresh goods every week from our own Fac tori**s?. A. C. SAUNDERS & CO.. Oct 15.. w&dtf 102 Broad Street. L’ATDRA NTTv “THESE Scales are now t £ regarded as Standard SCIIICS. lor Correct Weight, and are in use by nearly eve ry Railroad Company, F VIRB ANKS’ I Merchant and manufactu * 1 ‘ ring establishment thro’- kCaleS. >ut the ; country. The re putation which these . xT-rrov IScales have acquired has Jt AIIyJjAjN KS been of steady -growth I • | bom the commencement to the present time, and !is based ;upon the princi rtmn a Vtrci P le adopted by ns, and PAI IxJL) ATN IVo never deviated from, of allowing uone T but perfect I *'’ • | weighing machines to go (forth from our establish 1’ AIRB ANIvS m vVe have more than one hundred different modifi- ‘cationsof these Scales ad apted to the wants of eve- F\l RBANKS’ “T department of business “, _ where a correct and dura -S*C*JIIUS. ole is required. Call and examine, or _„ ~ . „ n a send for an illustrated Bell, Prentiss &. CoAg t circular. ,J sa^ nnah ’r ,a ’ FAIRBANKS & CO. Oct22 — d2aw w4rn. jis9 Broadway, Ne York* LOST IN CUSSETA. A POCKET BOOK, containing S7OO or $750, 7X —2OO of which was on the Bank ot Lolum bus,most of the balance in notes on the Marine Bank, Savannah. A suitable reward will be paid on its return to the subscriber at Cusseta. oct2l—d2 wit* YVM. YV. FRAZIER. NOTICE, IHERF.BY notify all persons not to trade for two notesgivenby me; oae for Fifty Dollars, payable : thirty months after date, given to Benjamin Frank lin Swanton, and one for Fifty Dollars, made paya ble to Edwin Daniels, twenty four mouths after date, i The consideration for whieh said notes were given ! having utterly failed to be complied with, 1 am de termined not to pay them unless compelled by law. OCt2l w2t TH IMaS MORRIS, Sale of Personal Property. AT the residence of the late Thomas Davis, of Muscogee coudlv, will be sold ou ihe 15th December next, all the personal property of the deceased, consisting of corn, fodder,.horses, mules, cows, hogs, &C-, also housohold and kitchoo lur— □ Jure, and a good assortment of farming utensils. The property is sold for a division, and terms will be made known at the time of sale. THOMAS J. DAVIS, 0ct20.. Agent for the Heirs. FURNITURE. TH. SIKES, respectfully returns his u . ■ thanks to his friends lor past favors and begs leave to remind them of the fact that he is still at his old business and stand, 36 Broad street, where he will be glad to see his old customers, and as many new’ ones as are willing to give him a trial. MrUrasse* in any quantity for sale cheap Re pairing of every description of Furntture done at once, and in the neatest style. Particular attention given to upholstering Church Pews, Chairs and Cushions of all kinds. Oct. 8, wd tf. 1858 FALL STOCK. 1858 J. 11. MERRY Epp 1 HAS removed his store to No e3t s 'de Broad Street, 1 door north of Redd, Johnson & Co.’s, where he is now receiving a large supply of Fall and Winter Clothing ! For GENT’S, YOUTH’S and Children’s wear Also, a large Assortment of GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS? Together with every article usually kept in a Clothing Store. All of which will be sold on as good terms as are afforded in the City. Columbus, Ga. Oct. 15- dw3m FALL STOCK OF FURNITURE, CARPETTING, AND CURTAINS, NOW OPENING AT SAMMIS & ROONEY’S, COLUMBUS. GA. Columbus, Ga., Oct. G, 1858. dw3m. D. P. ELLIS. B. H. MATHIS ELLIS & Auction & Commission merchants, COLUMBUS, GA. WILL give prompt attention to tue Bale of Merchandize, Country Produce, Ne groes, Furniture, Vehicles, Stock, Real Estale,&o.&c. Will alsogivo particular attention to Renting Real F.state, Hiring Negroes, fcc. &c. Administrators’ aud Guardian’s sales will be con ducted on reasonable terras. LIBERAL AD/ANCES will be made. All goods n store will be insured, unless otherwise diiected... Columbus, Sept. 7—w&d3mis MANLEY & HOBBES. ARE now in receipt of one of the best and most carefully selected fall stocks, they have over offc red to their customers, prices low, andstyles ehoice. Robe a les Silas in great variety. Robe ales Delaines Robe ales Merinoe’s Plain worsted Dechines Blk Silk Robe ales. 7-8 and 10 4 TABLE DAMASK, Linen Sheeting 100 inches wide, Pillow Linen 40 and 45 inches, Napkins, Doylies, &c. A Superior Lot of GERMAN AND ENGLISH HOSIERY. 10 11-12 and 13-4 MARSAILES QUILTS. Superior Bed Blankets, NEGRO BLANKETS. WOOL II ATS; &c. VELVET, BRUSSELLS, 2 and 3 PLY CARPETS, RUGS , 4-c. Our stock of WHITE GOODS and EMBROI DERIES was never better, MANLEY t* HODGES. Sept 24, d—tf. New Fall & Winter Goods, WE are now prepared to offer, at reduced prices for Cash, one of the largest and most varied assortments of Staple aud Fancy Dry Goods ever exhibited in Columbus. Our stock comprises the most ehoice and best selected varie ty of English, French and Swiss Dry Goods of our own selection, many ot which were imported ex pressly for our house, together with our usual stock of Staple and Domestic fabrics. Also fine Bed Blankets, Negro Blankets, Brogans, Kersey, fyc., Ac. We below name a lew of our leading styles; LADIES’ DRESS GOODS: Rich Silk Robes a’Les, S4O to SBO each ; Plain Silk Dresses, Robe a’Les style; A variety of Fancy Silks from sll to S2B per pattern; Chintz Figured French DeLaines ; Rich Figured American DeLaines ; French Figured Cashmeres; Black Alpacas; French Merinos ; Two Jupes, Robes a’Les, SSO to SBS each ; New style Fancy Silk Dress, at Sll each ; French Printed DeLaine Robes a’Les, very rich; French DeLaine Robes Armenienne ; Rich Printed Foie Chevers, Black Bombazines ; English, French and American Gringhams ; French, English, aud the best American Prints, &,C*i &c. Owing to the fact that Shawls are to be the pre vailing style for Ladies’ wear the coming winter, we are well prepared to exhibit a large stock, in great varies of colors, styles, 65c., among which is the Circular Shawl. We also have our usual stock of Cloth and Velvet Talmas. Biollis’best Black French Broad Cloths, Black French Doeskins,Beaver Cloths, real French Fan cy Cassimeres, Satinets, Sheep 9 Greys, Tweeds, Jeans, &c., &c. New style. Chenille Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons, French Flow’rs. Vel Ribbons, S’k Belts, best Kid Gloves at 75e., Ladies’ Cotton, Wool and Silk Hosiery, Head Dresses, Scarfs, Ladies’ Silk and Cashmere Gauntlets, Ac., a c. YY 7 e keep a stock of Embroidered Sleeve 3 , Col lars, Bands, Edgings, &c., second 10 no house in Georgia. Our stock of these goods is now very complete. W e are well prepared to offer inducements to buyers of Osnaburgs. Kerseys, Liudseys, Sheetings Shirtings. Stripes; Ticks, &c., and have complete stock of Ladies and Gent’s fine Shoes Negro Brogans, Kip Brogans, Fine Call Boots, Ladies’ Heel Gaiters, Children’s, Youths, Boys, and Mbses Shoes. Also a large stock of Negro YVool Hats (rent’s Bengal and Soft Fur Huts together with a complete stock of Hats and Caps for Boys. READY-MADE CLOTHING. On tba second floor, over our stock of Dry Goods, we keep a good assortment of ready made Clothing. , . , , \Ve buy our goods mostly for cash, and sell ex lusively for cash at short profits, thus sav ing tor our patrons at least a difference of ntteeo to twenty-five per cent, from the usual Credit system . We earnestly solicit a call, believing that we will in every case, be able to GIVE ENTIRE. SAI - GEO. W. ATKINSON &. TAYLOR, Broad street, one door south ii Randolph street, below the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. Sept. 24th w—tf TWO months after date, application will be made to the Court ol Ordinary, of Muscogee County, G a., for leave to tell |;he Real Estate of James L. Garrard* deo’d. E. BARNARDAdm’r. Sept.?, Issß—wfjn, DeWITT’S JEWELRY STORE, At the Old .Stand, next Door to J. Ennis & Cos. 99 Broad St., ColumDus, Ga. WHERE can be found a superb assortment of Watches, Jewel ry, Silver Ware, Fancy Hair Pins, Head Ornaments, Guns, Rilles, Pistols, best quality of Gold Pens, and every description of goods Biff* ilyfP’ usually kept in a first class establishment, for Cash or approved _\'W 1 Credit. Every article sold will be warranted as represented, and ■ImV 9’ will not be allowed to be sold any other way. Mr. J. H. BR AM HALL, a practical Watch-maker, and Manufac turer of fine Chronometer Duplex Lever and other Watches, is in charge to do the Watch Work. I will add that Mr. B's reputation in New York as a first class Workman is beyond question. He will be happy to see all who have good Watches, and desire them kept so by having them properly repaired, also those who have been unfortunate iti having had their watches injured by incompetent workmen,and desire them putin as good condition as when first made, and at reasonable rates. Samples of his new work will be shown at any time. Mr. GOLDSBECK is on band at his post, ready to set diamonds, make new Jewelry, engrave neatly, all kinds ol Hair Braiding, in a neat and artistic style. Thankful to my friends and the community at large for their liberal patronage hereto* or we hope to merit a continuance of the same. Oct9—\v&dsm A. H. DkWITT EPMNG’S COMPOUND FLUID. Extract of Buchu. “BAROSMA CRENATA.” A sovereign remedy for diseaseses ol the BLADDER, SPINE* jft j & KIDNEYS, UNIR A RY ORGANS, GR W- J 5 EL, STONE iu the BLADDER, CIIRON-! jJ jIC CATARRH of the BLADDER. MORBID j3 j IRRITATION (f the BLADDER and URE } ® fTIiRAs diseases of the PR< STATE, and RE- J TENTiON and INCON TINENCE of URINI) ( from a loss of tone in the parts comerned, ‘ Also, DYSPEPSIA, OI'RONIC, RHEUM A- ( j TISM and AFFEC TIONS of the SKIN. !SJ J *1 Ihe above medi cine is earnestly re- j S3 commended to Physi cians arid practition-j 55 ers of medicine and the public generally,) it can be used by persoDSof all ages and j £ j habits, is pleasant to the taste, and can he j CJ) readily takon by any patient no matter how adverse he may be to taking medicines. CAUTION. None genuine without the names of Epping & L Pierce & Cos., blown upon each bottle* MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, COLUMBUS GEORGIA. And sold by all respectable Druggists through out the country. Sept 27 dw—tf. TO THOSE INDEBTED. WE hereby give notice that all claims due us, and not paid or satis aetorily arranged, prior to the next return day of the respective counties in which the parties reside, will be sued. None shall be sligh ted. mar2ft —wtwtf. E. BARNARD & CO. w. W. KOIDSON, Wholesale Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &c., WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Columbus, Georgia. HAS now on hand, and will constantly keep, an excellent selection of all the articles usu ally kept in the Grocery line. His stock consists in part of Bacon, Lard, Flout ,Sugar, Coffee, Sytups, Flour, Salt, Kice Cheese, Bagging, Rope, Tobacco, Nails, Soap. Crockery, &c. Together with eve ry article usually demanded by the city or country trade, all of which he offers to his friends and the public, at the lowest market prices. Call and see. Sept. 4, 1858. d<fcw3m. P. LANDON, IS STILL AT THE SIGN OF THE B I G HAT where may be found all kinds, sorts, sizes, de scriptions, qualities and quantities of HATS AND CAPS, and the prettiest Children’s Hats &. Caps. C H E A. F. Columbus. Ga.,Oct. 5, 1858. w&dtf TOBACCO AGENCY, COLUMBUS* GEORGIA. ELLIS & MATHIS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, HAVE on hand and will continue .to receive di rect FROM FIRST CLABB M ANI FACTD RERRS a large supply of all grades Tobacco, which they will sell to the Dade at Factory Prices, expenses only added. rr’ ! raders wiil do |well to call belore buyin Isewkere. sept?— w&d3ramis NOTICE TO COTTON PLANTERS, WE, the undersigned, inveniois of the Iron Screw Press, take pleasure in calling at tention to this Press, for which we have obtained Letters Pattern. From experience we aro -;;tisfieu that this Press is not only capable ol preying co:- ton to the u-ual size, but with a small additional cost of compe?sion at the Gin to a size suitable for shipment by sea going vessels. The cost now for compressing is fromfO to9o cents per bale, which indirectly comes out of the planter. This Press is durable, as all ot it3 bearing and straining parts are of Iron.simple and suitable lor negro manage ment. We are making arrangements to put up the Press at all suitable points for inspection. For further information, address us at Selma, Ala., or D. A Hobbie, Journal Office, Montgomery, Ala.,or E. C. Corbett, Columbus, Ga. W. F. <V C. J. PROVOST. August 8,’57-wtf. EL BARNARD & CO. COLUMBUS, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS HAVE on hand, and will constantly keep, SKiQ! a large and well selected Stock,embracing every article in their line, which are offered to their friends and the public, at the lowest market prices Come and see us. Columbus, Sept. 29. 1857. w&twtf. To Our Customers! FROM and after the first January next, we shall adopt, as ueariy as possible, the CASH SYSTE.U. Necessity Compels us to this Course. From that day all articles will be priced as cash. Where credits are given (which will on ly be extended to those who have promptly paid us) an addition will be made to the price named according to the time required bv the purchaser. E. BARNARD, fc CO. Dec, 31,1857—w&.tw6m. CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION, 1 A A BOXES Havana Cigara of various brands JL\M J tor sale at small advances for Cash by Jan 19 -wtwtf E. BARNARD & CO. A LARGE STOCK OF FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS. J. KYLE A’ CO.. HAVE now in store the largest and best select ed Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ever ofiered in Columbus. Also‘a fine assort ment of Carpets, Rugs, Shoes, Hats, &c., all at their usual low prices—with additional induce ments to cash buyers. Columbus, Sept. 18,1858. wfitdtf iHo SIEi\lLS,j AT T O RNEY AT L A YV, HAMILTON GA. Will practice in the counties of Harris, Musco gee, Talbot, Merrivvether and Tr up. Particular attention will bo paid to collections. OctobeiS—w sr.d ly. COTTON, COTTON, COTTON! CIOTTON is now soiling at a good price, and If tlio ) notes and accounts past due toJ. Ennis & Go. are not soon paid, suits will be instituted indiscrim inately. A word to the wiser is sufficient. Oct 14—w&dtf. J. ENNIS & CO. NOTICE. W. N. Hutchins is my authorized agent during my ab-enoe from the city. J. A. FOX. octl9—dlw old magnolia'~whlskyT a THE undersigned offer for sale the above standard brand of PURE RYE WHISKY, of their own distillation in Barrels and Half Bar rels. The quality of this Whisky, known so favorably inthe S >uth, lortne past eight years, will alwsys be kept up to its former high standard, and purchasers and consumers can [jrely upon its being a perfectly pure Rve Whisky, distilled under our own personal supervision, and entirely free from delete rious substances, which often render Whiskies so objectionable. In addition to the above, we have on band in New Yoik, aswellas Philadelphia, per haps the largest stock of tine Rye Whiskies in the United States, and are enabled to ship goods Irorn either city direct to any Southern point. The above Whiskys are all from our own distilling from selected grain, and are constantly improving by agej and we offer them to the trade from first hands upon the most liberal prices and terms. FREEMAN te SIMPSON, Phienix Distillery, No. 101) South Front Street, Philadelphia, and Of) Wall Street, New York. Oct20 —dly trustee’s sale. I WILL sell to the highest bidder (if not disposed of privately before that time)on the Ist Tuesday in December next, at the (Market House iu the city of Columbus, that valuable property known as‘*De Graffenreid’s Corner.” Terms, half cash —bal- ance m twelvemonths with approved security. B. B. DeGRAFFENREID, Trustee, ocl2l—dwlm Harrison Sc. Pitts, Auc’rs. FOR SALK. ■ __a THE residence at present occupied by the Rev. Mr Watt, opposite Mr Slade’s possession given the Ist Jan. next. Also two vacant lots adjoining, with the store on Broad street No 34, at present occupied by C. Michael as a Furniture store, possession given the first of October. The above property will he rented if not sold. S BOYKIN. Ex. Sept 24, d—tfl or T G HOLT. MILLEDGEVILLE HOTEL MIS STILL OPEN for the reception o* Members of the Legislature and transient visitors. The Proprietor is determined to reserve ample room for the accommodation of ladies ; and also for the entertainment of gentle men and ladies. He has engaged the services of one of the best Bands of Music in the State; and intends giving two Cotillion Parties per week du ring the Session , and no pains will be spared to render his guests coinfortahle. E. D. BROWN, Proprietor. 0ct.21, dim. DRS. GRIMES & WINGFIELD, HaVE associated themselves together in the pratice of Mccllclue and Surgery.- Call 9 left at Ware & Son’s Drug Store duriug the day, or Perry House at night will be promptly answered. Patients Irom a distance confided to the rcaro will receive every necessary attention. sept2B—u3w mm. a. w. (DUMB, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC —i THANKFUL for past and present favors, would respectfully give notice that he continues to give instruction u “ SC u “in Vocal and Instrumental music. Arplicatiocs received at Carter’s music Store. Sept. 7 d3m* Just Received, By VAN MARCUS, New buckwheat ; Stuart’s Extra Syrup. Hiram Smith’s Flour. Fresh Goshen Butter. New State Cheeso. English Dairy and Sap-Sago Choose. White Beans and Big Hominy. ALSO—Raisins, Currants, Citron, Almonds. Pecans, Paradise Nuts, Preserver! Ginger, Candied Ginger, Chow Chow, Pickled Oysters and Lob sters, Fresh Salmon, Codfish, Mackerel and Lob sters in Cans, Sardines, and all kinds of Pickles, and Preserves, and Pure Turkish Smoking Tobac co, Genuine Murschaum Pipes, Havana Cigars, Genuine. Chewing Tobacco,-best quality. Oct 16 dtf NOTICE. THE Copar’nership of Clarke Iverson, in the Drug Business in this city, was dissolved on the 18th inst. by the death of Samuel D. Clarke. The business will continue to be carried on by the undersigned on his individual account, at the EaoJe Drug Store, 93 Broad Street. ° ° JOHN F. IVERSON, Columbus, Ga., Oct. 21,1853. dtl REMOVAL. THE Sheriff's office has been removed from the Court Houseto the office of Robeit E. Dixon. Esq., opposite the Post Office, where the Sheriff’ or his Deputy can always be found unless officially engaged. 0ct20..d5t F. M. BROOKS, Sh’ff. baconT 35,000 lbs. Tennessee Clear Sides, 40,000 lbs. Tennessee Shoulders, On consignment and R*r sale at HUGHES, DANIEL & CO Sept. 20th, 1858. dtw SWAN & CO/S LOTTERIES Triumphant! SWAN & CO. CONTINUE TO DRAYV AS USUAL, WITHOUT INTERRUPTION! SWAN &, CO’S Lotters arc legal and authoriz ed by the State of Georgia OUR FIRM HAS SHOWN THAT OFR LOTTERIES ARE DRAWN FIARLY; THAT OUR PRIZES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY, AND THAT OUR SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE WORLD. The following schemes will be drawn by S SWAN & GO. Managers of the Sparta academy Lottery, In each ofthoirsingle number Lotte.ies for October 1858, at Augusta, Georgia, to which city they have removed their principal office. Class 35 draws Saturday, Oct. 2, 1858. ("lass 36 draws Saturdays Oct. 9, 1858. Class 37 draws Saturday, Oct. 16, 1858. Class 38 draws Saturday, Oct. 23, 1858. Class 39 draws Saturday, Oct. 30, 1858. On the Plan of Single Numbers. £O,OOO TICKETS—S,*3S rRIZES. NEARLY’ ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS Scheme! To be drawn every Saturday in Oet. 1 Prize of $70,000 1 *• 30,000 1 “ 10,000 1 “ 5,000 ] 4,000 1 3,000 1 1,500 4 1,000 4 000 4 ’. feOO 4 4 m no :,o aoo 100 •* *BS 230 ‘* I APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 5 Prizes of SUIO Approx’g to $70,0(0 Prize are 1,600 4 “ 300 “ 30.0(0 “ 1,200 4 “ 200 “ in,ooo ’ 800 4 “ 125 “ 5,000 4M) 4 ] 00 4,<00 * 400 4 75 . 3,000 “ 300 4 “ “ 1,500 “ 2f 0 4,000 *‘ nre„„ SIOO,OOO 5,485 Prize* amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; nalvi s $5, Quarters $2.50 A Circular showing the plan of ibe Lotteries, wil 1 forwarded to any one desirous of receiving it. Certificates ol Puck ages will be sold a* th* follow ing rates which Is ihe risk. Certificates of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets.. SBO “ 10 Half “ 40 • “ 10 Quarters “ 20 “ “ 10 Eighths “ 10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered on receipt of which they will be lorwarded by first mail. Purcnasers can have Tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The List ot drawn numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain and give their Post Office, County and State. Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in tuff without deduction. All Prizes of SI,OOO and under paid immediately after the draw ing—other prizes at the usual time Ot thirty days. All communications atrictiy conflden tal. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to 9. SWAN & CO., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomt ry, Ala.or Atlanta Ga.,cau have their orders tilled, and save time by addressing 9. Swan &Cos. at either of those places. irsT A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount ol the Prize that each one is entitled to, will be published alter every drawing iu the following papers—Augusta Constitu tionalist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta in telligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning News, Richmond Despatch, New. York Dis patch, Paulding (Miss) Clarrion, and Little Rock (Ark. ) True Democrat. octl—d&.wtf BEDELL & WEEMS, Wholesale and Retail GROCERY DEALERS, vvrlLL veep constantly on hand a welßselec ted Stock comprising all articles in their line, which are offered to their iriendsand the public generally at the LOWES'I MARKET PRl m UES. Give us a call. LOCK WEEMS. A. G. BEDELL, Columbus, Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf. lIOULAx\ BiViliKS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR mmwmm, DISEASE OF THE KIDNETB, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF AKY KCSTD, FEVER AMD AGUE. And the various affection?; consequent upon a dfs 6&56(1 STATE OE THE LIVER. Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the B:omacfi, Col icky Pains, Heartburn, Loss Of Appetite, Despond ency, Jostiven ess. Blind and Bleeding Piles. In ail Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, ami in others etfeecd a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound,prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave, Because of its great success in most of the European States, its introduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of our L therland scattered here and there >verthe faceofthis mighty country. Meeting with great success .mnng them, I now of fer it to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It, is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent epirits, or other forms of dissipation. Gen* rally instantaneous in tffect, it fluds ts way and rectly to ihe seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, iu fact, infusing new hoalthand vigor in the system. NOTlCE,—Whoever expects to find this a beve rage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak, aud low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial properties. CAUTION! The great popularity of this delightful aroma has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Boerbave’s Hol land Bitters a fair trial. One bottle will convince you bow infinitely superior it is to all these imita -1 nr*3ohl at $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, benj amin PAGE. JR. & CO., MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutists and Chemists, PITTSBURGH, PA. For ta\e\n Columbus by Brooks & Chapman, and T>rugg'vsvsleperaAVs tbrouiboutthe State. Apr\\24,’st, lydwis