Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, November 19, 1858, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES. THE CITY. New Advertisement*. Our readers arc referred to tiro advertisement of Etli* 4 Alatliis, by which it will bo acou that they will sell util o'clock on Saturday a valua ble lot oi Parlor and Bed-lloom .Furniture. Flunkey old batchelorg, who arc likely to fare hard during the winter would do well to attend the sale and make themselves as comfortable as they can; and families cau also render their komel more attractive by being at these sales. Circus. — Lovers of Gymnastics, acting Ani mals, good music, and the Sports of the King in general, will be delighted to learn that the great Southern Circus of Messrs. Orton A Olden will exhibit in this city on tha 27th and 29th instant. As this is anew Circus, we cannot speak know ingly of its merits, but the fact that it is a Circus will be sufficient to draw the crowd. Seizure of a Slaver. — The Navy Depart ment is iu Receipt of dispatches from Commander Tuornas YV\ Krcut, of the U. S. ship ot war Ma rion, dated otf Mayumba, southwest eoast of Afri ca, September 8, 18>8, trom which we make the following extract: ‘*l have the honor to inform you that on this <iay 1 lull iu with the American ketch or yacht, Lr.K.jors, Jam js Gage master, from Havana bound to the river Yuive, or Congo, and that I found iu her, in my opinion, ample evidence to justify her seizure as a vessel engaged in the slave trade. “1 have accordingly directed Lieut. E. A. Stone, with Midshipman N. Green and a prize crew, to proceed to Charleston, S. C., as the port to which she belongs, and to deliver her, with her crew and cargo, into the custody of the Marshal of tiie United States for that district. “ The evidence to justify her seizure, together with her papers, I have sent under cover to the U. S. Attorney for the district of Charleston, S. C. Tue despatch states that the Marion will pro ceed to Port Praya, and report to Commodore Conover. Her Commander asks for the return of Lieut. Stone and the prize crew, as the vessel is in wans of both officers and men. Tne above despatches were accompanied by a I rom Lieut. Stone, dated at Charleston, S. C., November 11, announcing his arrival there with the prize vessel, in sixty-two days after leav ing the Marion, without anything of importance occurring on die passage. Lout. S. reports that ho parted company with the Marion on the 9th of September, and on the loth spoke the Vincennes, in latitude 31 min. South, longitude 1 dog. 20 1 min. East from Port Praya, bound to Luanda. All were well on board. Lieut S. farther says that the Brothers beiongs to Massrs.” Street A broth ers, of Charleston, and with the three persons found on board, she will bo transferred forthwith to the custody of the U. S. Marshal.— Washing ton H'tar. The Magnitude of a Million.—The human mind has but a faint idea of the magnitude of the sum total included in the term million. As an il lustration it may be stated that if a man should reach the extreme age of 100 years, he would not have lived for a million hours, the number falling short f ne hundred and twenty-five thousand of that amount. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. Columbus Times Office,Nov. 9, COT TON—Our market yesterday was active, with an improved demand. We quote 9to 10}£c. Receipts 525. Sales 397. Charleston, Nov. 17. COTTON—SaIes of cotton to-day 3,800 bales, at firm prices. New York, Nov. 17. COTTON—SaIes of cotton to-day 2,500 bales, at an advance of % a'£c. The prices for Middling Uplands ranging at 11 %c. and Middling Mobile 11% cents. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, CONSIGNEES, NOVEMBER, 19, 58 M A W P R R, [P] Potatoes and apples. Mob. A G R R, W II W, Gunby A Cos, J Ligou. T C Pri lgeon, Rock Is. Mills, II C J/cKee, * Van Marcus, lliuley A II [B] 20 Kegs Nails, Smith A D., II Cook, ■I M -Phillips, J B Jaques A Bro, JJHtrris, T MiKanna. Ragland A B, Manley A Hodges, I R f G L McGough A Cos, K Barnard A Cos J G Jones, C Ogletrce. A Stow, Hull. 1) A Cos. II Harris, f Baehlc, A B Redd Pi •eer A Cos., Barnett A E, Hughes D A Cos., II Middlebrook ACo J W Sappington, Brooks A Chapman, Dillingham AD, Estes A Bro, A C Flewellen, bum mis A Rooney, Wells, Curtis A Cos, King. Allen A Carnak. ,1 L Mustian, Supt. J B Struppcr, James Ross, Cowdry A Cos, J S Pemberton, 1- Landou, Chaffin and J, D L B > ober, J Miller, YY S Needham, Danforth, Nagle Cos, Bedell A Y\ eems, Redd, Johnson A Cos. ARRIVALS, November 18, 1858. AT THE PLANTERS HOTEL: J C Riley, Win J hSort, Upatoie, Ga: Mrs E Thom and Daughter, Russell Cos. Ala: Wm G Wooldridge. G H Sapp, Jamestown, Ga: B F Boram, Macon Cos. Ala: J II Forman, C Bil lingsloa, Oak Bowery, Ala: W Williams, Craw tord. Ala; J A Green, Cuthbert, Ga; J M D F M A Brown, Perote Ala: X Prethro, Richland, Ga , L C Mims, Miss J Mims. Oham- ! >.ts Cos. Ala: B R Hhrrison, R T Bostick. Lumpkin Ga: W J Hudson, J W Smith. Harris Cos. Ga; \Y Wiggins. J T Crawford, Muscogee , Cos. Ga : M P Johnson and Son, T J Wheelers. Macon Cos. Ala: YV T Robison. Montgomery. Ala: C Petty, Clayton, Ala; C R Woods, Eufaii la, Ala ; J j Harris and Lady Macon Cos. Ala: D 11 McLeroy and Lady and three Servants, 3 McLeroy, F McLeroy, Airs Fowler and two Children, J A Slaton, Barbour Cos. Ala: J R Miyson, Lagraune. Ala: Air Rotom New York: J !tuney, Gordon Ga: W Bellamy, Russell Cos. Abi; A A1 Pepper. Columbus, Ga: T J Adams, Tennessee; Mrs. Ealy, Alacon Cos. Ala; G F Cranberry, 11 G Johnson, Columbus, Ga ; J AI Henry, Upatoie. Ga: Y\ Todd, Union Springs, -Via; A C Morrison, YY T Bussey, Muscogee Cos. Ga; J B McDowell, Bellview Ga. YY'e are authorized to announce J. B. HICKS, as a candidate forwe-elcction to the office of Tax Receiver of Muscogee county at the election iu January next. novll—dwtd ySSt* The friends of Edmund O’neal, Esq., announce his name as a suitable candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chattahoochee county at the January election. novl2—wtd A. VELATI, Candy Manufacturer is, Confectioner, * WHOLESALE AND RETIAL DEALER IN GREEN & DRY FRUITS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. No 28 Broad st, Columbus, Georgia. ORNAMENTED PARTY CAKES— Country or iers will meet with prompt attention. Kov. 3,185*. dlsm. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! J.YYL PEASE & CLARK, YVHOLESALE & RETAIL Book-Sellers & Stationers, ?ie. 92 Broad Mreet, COLUMBUS, GA it E respectfully invite the attention of Country * Merchants, Teachers, and all buyers to our large and complete assortment of School, Classical, Law, Medical, and Miscellaneous Books, ASD FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STATIONERY. ALSO Blank & Account Books, CONSISTING in part of Day Books. Journals, Ledgers. Records, Docket Books. Memorandums, &c. &c. Our arrangements being such as to enable us to fur nish Goods in our line, on as favorable terms as any other house, it w ill he our aim to give satisfaction in every respect. Orders with satisfactory references, will be executed with the same care and promptness as when given in person. novll—dvvtf J. W. PEASE & CLARK. /msji BIBLES, ‘ ’ zF A large assortment of every size and quality at the Book Store of J. W. PEASE & CLARK. PRAYER BOOKS—A great variety of Prayer Books —also Ilvmn Books. tließook Store of J. YV. PEASE & CLARK. Pocket Diaries for 1859. Grier’s Almanac for 1859. Blank Notes. Kail Road Iteceipls. at the Book Store of J. VV. PEASE & CLARK. PORTABLE DESKS—A tine assortment of Rose wood and Mahogany Desks, just received by J. VV. PEASE & CLARK. PORT FOLlOS—Portfolios and Portfolio Desks, a large stock for sale at the Book Store of J. YV. PEASE & CLARK. POCKET MAPS—Guide Books and Pocket Maps of each State separate, at the Book Store of J. YV PEASE & CLARK. GOLD PENS, of a superior quality at the Book Store of J. YV. PEASE & CLARK. Columbns, Oa. Nov. 11, 1858. wdtf RICHARDSON S IXIISI-X HtHSHEISrS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS &c. CONSUMERS of Richardson’s Linens, and those de sirous of obtainingthe GENUINE GOODS should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, as a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially necessary, as large quantities of inferior and detective Linens are prepared, season after season, and sealed w r ilh the name of RICHARDSON, by Irish Houses, who, regardless of the injury thus indicted alike on the Ame rican consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable while purchasers can be imposed on with goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, nov. 10 —dly. Agents 36 Church Street, N. Y. For Sale. o f j| A comfortable Dwelling House and Lot, containing one acre of land, situated on the !#jg! Alabama side of the Chattahoochee River, on a JLj.the road leading from the New Bridgetowards Salem, Ala., and about one half mile west of said Bridge. Any person desiring to purchase a comforta ble and quiet home, will be offered a bargain in this place. Apply to MOSES &: I, AWES, nov. I—dtf Columbus, Ga. CARRIAGE EMPORIUM ! J. B JAQUES & BROTHER, OPPOSITE THE “PERRY HOUSE.’ - COLUMBUS, GA. THE subscribers have on hand ami will constantly keep a large and we. selected slock of Carriages of all de 'dVc S2—scriptions, embracing CALECIIES MOCK CALECHES, BAROUCHES, ROCKAWAYS Shifting Leather Top and No Top Buggies, Wagons &c. We feel confident in stating to the Public that we can offer as Good Work, and ai lower prices than cai be found elsew here for Cash or approved Credit. Cash Purchasers will do well to give us a call, as w T e are determined to dispose of our present Stock, at a very small advance for Cash. All who favor us with a call may rely on being fairly dealt with. All work sold at this Establishment warranted to be strictly as represented. In connection with the above Establishment we keep constantly employed competent mechanics in the RE PAIRING Business and its branches. Persons indebted to the above firm by notes or ac counts past due are requested to call and settle iimne kiately. Columbus Nov. 1 1858.—dly R BARNARD & CO. COLUMBUS, GA. WHOLESALE AJND RETAIL GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS HAVE on hand, and will constancy keep, JkSCuj a large and well selected Sto k,embracing yfeWS every article m their line, which are offerer ” to their friends and the public, at the lowesi market prices C me and see us. Columbus, Sept. *29. 1857. w&twtf. trustee’s sale. [WILT, sell to the highest bidder(if not disposer ofprivately be ore iha time) >n the Is’ T lesday iu December next, at the Mirkot Hou.-eiu ihecitj t> Columbus, that valuaoie property known as ‘ 1> DrattVnreid’s Orner” Trm. one h l'casi —ba - ance to twelve mom hi with p >-ovel security. B. B. DeGR ifcVENKEI.), Trustee, oct2l— dwlru H irriso-i At Puts. Auc’rs. Columbus Races ! THE FALL MEETING OF the Coluinhus Jockey Club will t .| k[ , pj ace over t j, e ‘Chattahoo chee Coarse, com.nous, Ga. on tiie 30th November, and continue rive days with two Races each day. From the number of fine horses that are certain to attend on that occasion, the public generally, and the lovers of the Sports of the Turf particularly, may rest assured that they will have an opportunity of w itness ing .as good, if not the best week’s Racing, tnat has ev er fallen to their lot to enjoy. Then we say to every body and the rest of mankind, who are desirous to spend a pleasant week to be sure and come to the Co lumbus Races. C S X- W. P. PRYOR. Proprietors. P. S.—For particulars of Race Week, see handbills Oct. 30 dwtd C. S. & P. W. P DRY GOODS AT AXTCTIOIST, i(V HARRISON & PITTS. I ATE now’ have ins oro.and are daily receiv- YY ingtrom New’ Y >rk, a fine assortment ot first class STAPLE A FA^cY Dll Y t.001)8, AND FANCY ART'CLES Which we will offer at Audio >and Private Sale through the reason, and lo which we invite ihr attention of our triends and ilie public generally. The stock consists in part ut the following ara cie , viz: Prims of every style, White B illiante, Mu-lm r ja ’ nes ’ LYues obes a’Quiiie* Valencia flounced Robes, Gashmeres, Plain and figured Abaccas. Ginghams. White, and Red flannels. Lt dsevs. Cloths Oassuneres, Satlinet-. I weeds K ntucky Jeans, K- ys'one and ’Worse Piatds Allenda e sheetings, f .sh L nms, Blank ets, Red l taking, bleached Domestics, Towel- Linen Table Cl uh, Linen and Cotton Table’ Dt iper, Linen Napkins, Lmen Cambric and Bor dered H’d’kis, Apron Checks. Hoes and Hall Hvres, Shirts Merino, and Cotton Net Shirts, Razors, Table and Pocket Cuttlery, Needles. Spool Thread, Fancy Soap-. P. r umery, Percus sion Caps, Letter Paper, Envelops, and a great many ariicles too tedious to mention. Our first first sale ol thes*ason will take place at 7io clock on Due-day Night next, the 12ih inst.. to be continued every night throughout the winter. We will also have one or two day salesevch week. All goods ollered at Auction guarantied as rep resen'ed or uosaie HARRISON PITTS. E‘ J. Pi.vckard, Auctioner. 59 and 61 Broad Street, to.ombua, Oct. 8, ‘M o\f. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. A. C. SAUNDERS &. CO. Ip! WOULD respectfully inform V-.J Jkf iej he ci izens of Columbus, and the countr surrounding, that they have taken the Store recently occupidb oy .Vlerrv & London, and are now ope ning me largest, ’<--st made and ch -apesl Stock ot BOOTS, SHOES & BROGANS To be found in the City. H WING EXTENSIVE FACTORIES OF OUR OWN. and ha ving made arrangements with the best ‘actories in the United Stales, with 20 y- j ara experience in Memphis, Tennessee, we are warranted m saving our slock will be SECON D TO NOYE IN QUALIFY, STYLE, AND EtONOYIY I O THE PURCHASER. Our ?to comprises in part— Meu’s Thick Boots sizes from 6 to 14; “ Kip “ half waited and double soled, Water Proof Boots; “ Napoleon Boots; “ Cavalry do. ” Extra fine Water Proof Boots; “ Corks-ile “ “ Finest peg’d pu Tip and half welt’d Cf Boots “ French B >o sof-uperior style; “ Plantation Boots; “ Finest stMch-d Fiench Calf Boots; “ “ Pump “ “ Arctic Bi>oi-; Also, Men’s Oxford Ties sewed and pegged; “ o< Gaikrs “ “ “ Cald rons; “ Scott Ties; Men’s Calf Pegged Brogans, purnns and I welted; “ Sewed “ half “ “ Seal, Goat and B iffßrogatu pegged; “ Armyand Plantation ohoe9 Men’- Wax, Kip 6{ Buff Brogans pegged, Pumps &, Welted. Men’s Gaittrs, Slippers &c., of all the latest pitterns. FOR LADIES. Finest Kid & Morocco lace and Congress Boots, thick and thin soles, with and without h- els. Finest sTk warp lasting lace and Congress, do do Serge de Berre, do do do do Eugene, do do do do do Italian and English, do do do French and Glove Kid, do do do “ Kid Heel Sbppers. Engldh Kid and Morocco do and half Gait ers. E ialish Silk Lasting, do do do Velvet T< ilet Slipners. Embroidered. do Women’s Common Thick heel tiesof Kid, Mo occo. Seal and Goat. Spring Heel nes and Ruskins. Goat. Calf, Buff, Seal .v Kip lace Boots pegged md sev ed. Kip &- Calf Oxford Boots laced and strapped Spring heel Kip Peg .red lace Boots. ’ FOR BOYS. Boys Thick Boots, nzes 1 to 5. do do Brogan-, do 1 to 5. do do Kip and Call, do do pumps and tail welted. Boys Calf and Kip Boots, welted and Double oled. FOR YOUTHS Youth’s Thick Boots, size- 9 to 13. “ “ Brogans, do 9 t<* 13. do do Kip do do do do Boots half welted and double -oled. Youth’s Calf, do do do and do do do do Brogans pumps and half welted. FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. Sewed Calf, Kid, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco nd Bali Bootees thick and thin sole, witn and viihout heels. Pegged Cal), Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Buff Bootees, thin and thick soles, with and with* eit heel-. Fine Kid Tie 9 and Bti kins ; Com non Kid vtoroceo, Seal and Goat Ties Silk Lasting, Kid and .Morocco Gaiters with nd with >ut heels. Kid, Morocco and silk lasting lace Boots, do. and >. S rapped SI ppers. Children’s Congress Heel Gaiters. FOR PLANTERS. The largest, best made, and cheapest stock of NEGRO SHOES CVER BROUGHT TO COLUMBUS, Among them are. Round and Lap Seam, lrouble Braced, Double Soled Brogans, from 1 <> 15. Round Seam T tple S itched Iron Nailed Bro gans. Round seam. Three Soled Brogans. Uak lotioms, Rn-scrs and other kinds ranging in price from sl.lO upwards. If any of our g ods do not prove as represented by ns, we will make the deficiency good to the imrehaser. MERCHANTS, TRAD ERS, PEDDALRS, &c., VVe can offer goods at Boston and New York prices. By giving us a call you can save from 15 to 20 per cent on your bills. Taking the quality of our g-'odsinto considera ■ ion, we are to he undersold by no one North, South, East or W e?t. We have made arialignments to receive all new styles Irom factories of any no*e in the United states as soon as introduced, and shall be receiv ing fresh goods every week from oer own Fac tories. A. C. SAUNDERS & CO.. Oet 15.. w&dtf 10*2 Broad Street. TO THOSE INDEBTED. WE hereby give notice that all claims due us, and not paid or satis ac orily arranged, prior to the text returndayol the re pectivecounnes in which ‘he parties reside, will besued. iNoue shall be sligh ed. mar2o—wtwtf. E R\RV4Rn&r;o CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION, lAA BOXES Havana Cigar 9 ofvarious brands IUV tor sale at small advances for Cash by J m 19-w.wif E H \RN AllD t y CO. Barbour county lands FOB SALE. HAVING purchased land in the West, I now offer lor sale both my p antations, lying on he North Cowikee Cre k. l'he place on which I now reside, known as the Barna Jvev Plantation c mtains 2,475 iicres, with a large proportion of nesh and Hammock land. Th re are on the taiion 1,400 acres cleared, and in a fine state 4 cultivation, thoroughly drained, wnh a large num ber ot well located ditches. Ihe dwelling is commodious having 6 large rooms, neatly finish d,acd is Hiuatr-d vvnhlu the corp.nate limits o Gl nnville, convenient to the G<l eges aid Churches, ihe out houses are mg. and impair aid sufficient for the accommodation of 100 negroes. On th s place, are two new gin houses, one >l which is pr jelled by water power, to which is attached a grist mill, all in good order Lying broadside this place is mv oih*r p mta tion, recently owned by 01. W H- <wens, con taining 9dl acres. The dwelling, out ho gn house and screw are all new and w’ell fin.-hed, aud equally c mvenieot to GDm.v.ile B-i .g de termined to sell, l would not object to div dng my lands t > suit purchasers. To tn<>se acqu-.iut> and with these lands i need not say more—to those ai a di-tance. I woul i say that Upy e.mnot b- rx ceiled in point ol heaitii or pr daettveness in ea.-i Alabama. Glennville is noted fort‘ie morality,imelligenc and refinement of its cil zens. It is si’uate 12 miDs irom he Mobile and G rard Railroad, 6 miles from Jeingai, a seamb< at landing on the Chattahoochie river, and Ifi rn.les irom EufauL, to which point the South-Western Kadroal ol Georgia will rooii be completed. F->r further par ticulars, acd r ess Giennville, Alabama. P S As l am axiom o carry out :ny plan- wesi I propose it 1 .an find a purchaser tor ihe above named ian is, to let them go at the low’ price ol twelve dollars and a haf per acre, cash. And it not soid before Sa'unlay the twentieth o! November n-xt, l will have them and v.ded into two or mire tracts by asmvjv, and offer them on thatdiy at public outcrv t< the highesi bidm-r Land buyers might do wt-11 (p exaimue the lands be or * buying elsewhere. Oft. 82,18 M. d&wtf H ‘ BASS ’ FOR SALE ON accommodating turns, several dsairabie dwell ings. Appiy to JOHN McC ART If. j Coiumbus, Uct. -26. d2iu MATEESSES. AN excenent arocie of Colton, or Smicks and Cot ton mixed, and au Shucks lor under Matressee.— Caff and see ilieni before purchasing an interior article elsewhere. For sate by J. H. fsIKES, novo—dtf 3o Broad eLreet. 2!. S. SfiMims, Attorney at Law, Being a Graduate oi‘Law of the University of Vir ginia. respectfully tenders his services m an the branch es of the profession. i£r*Ottice up Stairs, over No. 28 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga, November 0, 1858. dly MANLLY KHUUGEi. ARE now in receipt ofoue ot the fiesi and most carefully selected tall s.oeks, they have evei oficred to their customers, prices low, tn.d.-t) lee ehotce* Robe ales Si'Ks in great variety. Robe ales Delaines Rojo ales <lerinoe*s Plain worst'd Dechines Blk Snk Robe ales. 7 -8 and 10 4 TABLE DY.MaSK, Linen Sheeting 100 inches wine, Pillow Li ,en 40 and 45 inches, Napkins, UoylieS, &c. A Supeiior L< t of GER\I\>J Adi ENGL.IBH HOSIERY. 10 11 12 and 13 4 .MARsAILtS QUILTS, fcupeiior Bed Blankets, NEGnO BLANKETS. VY O <L II i IS. me. VELVET, 2and 3 FLY CARFE I S, R L Ci N. cjfc Our s-tock oi Wlll I'E tiOODS and EMBROI DERIES was never better. M ANLEY 6f HODGES. Sept 24, and tf. __ F. LAW DON, I? STILL AT THE SION OF THE IIAr where may be found all kind-!, sorts, -criptions.q lalities an i quantinesof *• Ai S AND G’APS.aod the pietiirst ChiidrenV Has Caps. c h:e A. I’. Columbus Ga. ,<)et 5. 1858 w-Vdtf NOTICE. DON’T FAIL TO LOOK AT THIS ! VLL persons indebted to the subscribers, whose notes and accounts were due on the first of Janu ary, 1856, are respectfully requested to come forward and pay up, as longer indugem e will not be given. H. MIDDLEBROOK & CO. Columbus. October 26. wdlin. PffiSA E. PLANTERS, NOTICE THIS! TYY’O GOOD ROAD WAGON*?, for Plantation use. Also, 100 Pairs of good NEGRO SHOES. These articles will be sold at a bargain to close them oui. Apply to H. MIDDLEBROOK & CO. Oct. 20—dw-lm. 94 Broad Street. Columbus. NO A OPENING. AT DILLINGTI \M & DKNSOYS FURNITURE STOKE, A LARUE ST CK OF CARPDTINGS RUGS, NJAATS, BASKETS, &c. Cofumbns O -iobni 23. d<St,wtf. I'ALIv Si OCR OF PURMITURE, CARPETTING, AND CURTAINS, NOW OPENING AT SAMMIS & ROONEY’S, COLUMBUS. GA. * Columbus, Ga., Oct 6, 1858. dw3m. BY ELLIS & MATdIS. GRAFTED FRUIT TREES, ]AAA Grafted Apple Tices. ,UUU 1,000 Grafieil Peach Trees. 7 1.000 Pears, Plums, Apricots, &c. &.c., together with various otiier Shrubbery and Plants, which wifi arrive here about the first of November next, from the Nursery of Mr. Thos. H. Fentnss, of North Carolina, whose reputation as a fine Fruit grower is unsurpass ed. Orders for Trees will be promptly attended to and filled as soon as the trees arrive. ,TIIE GORDY GRAPE. 1.000 Y’ines oi inis superior native Grape for sale.— This Grape is well and favorably known in this com munity. ELLIS & MATfHS. Coiunibus, Oct. 26, 1856. lmdw TOBACCO AGHNCY, COLUMBUS, B BORGS. 4. ELLIS &, M A T Fi IS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, Vd on nanJa id r;l. coalmue .to receive di rect FltOM MRsr CLASS MAKUFACTU kK KKB a large suppiy oi a 1 uca-les T xiacu c i .hey vvui stU.oihetaJe at Ftory Prices, expenses ouiv aide 1. raders wiil do well to call betore buyin Isewuere. e->'? wtSulHrmnis TPl’itYG’B ct M OIJND F. i l) . Extract of Euchu. * JJAKUxMA CRIsAAi'A.” A st Vt r ig i remedy t< r oi the BLUIi) R, SPINE, i RV O .G.Ai'S . R V BU4.H >ER, Ht. ! oL <DDi R MORBID * Lmiii R a.d t a. Pit ST ,I'E, ad . - T N X E o’ UR N j u e oaris c*n esne* ; O R >NIC, IH’ UMA-1 f.ON’S of the SKiN. cine is earnestly r -| iars and praetttion ; the pu’ ] per-onsot all agesanc < the laste, ad can b l patient no maiter how adverse he may be to taking medicines. CAUTION. • None genuine without the nam-s of Epping & L Pieice <&L Cos , bl >wn up n each bottle* MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, COLUMBUS GEORGIA. And sold by all respectable Druggists through out the cou try. 87 dw—if. I * Kill i VS, UNI3A- I.L STO - G . the It; T RRH of tie f the TIR \s diseases ot the T ..\T.;jNaud IN ON m a os? ot tone u, iso, dys. j i-:ps \. C M and AFFE Ti fc above medi oimnended to PhtM rs of medki e aim t? it an ie used bv a its, is pVasant to taken by an . i’MkTlt \ i) r -i* ItlHTolll FOE SALE. AX ACCOMPLISHED COOK. A NEGRO WOMAN, very ukeiy, has experience as a Putin and Fancy Cook—good house servant, and a good Washer and Irouer. For sate hy novo—d.rt ELLIcS MATHIS. Full t-ALt OK litiN TANARUS, ...-a FROM the 23th of December next, the T.- j - House and Lot at present occupied by Dr. Fiosvven, on Troup B.reel, fronnng the Baptist I* CnurUi Lot. App,y to Nov 10—du* JAS. M. EVERITT. a large siolk uf FILL&U l.\ mu Dltr UOOD.I. J. KYLE 4* CO., HAVK now in store the larged and best select e<l Stock of Staple and Fa icy Diy Goods ev.-r < fieri and id Columbus, Also a tine assort incut <>t Carpets, Kut-s, Shoes, Hats, vc , all ai their u uai low prices—with additional induce ments to cash buyers Columbus, >ept. IS 1358. w6tdtl iBSB FA LL sTuCKT 1858 J. H. ME HUY OjTTSTI HAS rent >ved his store to No vV eSt s ‘ ldu Broad Street, 1 dour 1 f I I 1 orthoi Kedd, Johnson M, Co.’s, wiicre no n uo-v receiving a large supply of Fall and Winter Clothing ! Fort_i:,N l ‘6, YOU I’ti’S ad Cinl Jre.i’s wear Also, a large Assortment of GENES FURNISHING GOTDSI Tog-ther With every article u-nally kept ia a Clo tnng Store. All ot which will Ire sold on as good terms as are all >rde t in the City. C.'lnmteis (_i<. Oet 15- dw3 n W. SV. ROBISOX, Wholesale Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &c., WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, CotuHjbti-, Cwe>'firi. HAS now on hand, and will constantly keep, an excellent selection ot all ihe usu ally kepi hi the Grocery line, iiis lock consists in patt oi 13 icon, Lard H< ut Sugar. Coffee, Sy-utw. Flour .Sail, u n t’ eese, Digging, Rope, Tobacco Nil-, Sap. Crdhkery, Arc. Together with rve ly ai icie usual y and m tide i hy h ciy or c u .try tra-1-, ;i | ot winch he olio st-> ins -tiondsaud the public,at *he lowest maruel p.iets. Call a> and see Sept. 4, 1858. diX.w3in. AMERICAN WATCHES! 4*o IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES, At Purp.e’s old Stand, June’s New Building, A Columbus. Georgia. Sfek-tr-gS Oct. 30—dvvtf T. S. RPFAR. 1 < •* f. 0.. 8. _ ELLIS &MMHIS~ Auction A €Olll mission Merchants, COLUMBUS, GA. WII (.give pro npt attention toDre sale of Merclinndiz Countr y Produce, Ne groes, Furniture, Vehicles, Stock, Real testate, &c. &c. Will al*o give ptriicu ar attention Renting Rea Estate. IL mg e-roes. * c ■c Adm ui<trntr>rs’ and Duardian’s sales will be con dueled on reaso iabte lerrns. 1,1 itKittL AIWA'JOES w it be made. A’l good n store wit i e insured, unless otherwises dicte 1 I'ol'im U."i'tit 7 w&d tm IS y -hum UHBONy J| “OLD MAraOLLAmSKEY.'’ a THE u. djisigned IF r lot sale tile above standard brand o PU E RYE V\HH-KY, .1 t. eir own di tdlation n B .r els and Ha . B li ft Is. Tin qaali'y of hi. vVuisky, kiovn a iu>. .ob } lathe S uih, sort <e pur. e.ig ,t yacrs, will 1 1* ”\s be kept up to it< tomier nigh standard, a. u ptt c asersandc >tisu uerscan rel,) upon itsbtinga p r c .j p t.e ive vVaisvy, distme • under our own pjrsouai supertis'on, and emirely tree troin del, t - rims subsiai.C s, winch often rn.,er Wnisivies a. )i jaai uiabic. (a ait .lion to the above, we have on an f m New Voik, as will as Petal p•( i, p i haps the large-t siooa of it us dye -Vtn-aus in iiit U in and States, and are enabled to -hip goods iron et er c ly direct to any S iuttiei t. p i it. Tic above Wiii.iiys a e all rmi >ur own distiilnn from e ected grain,and arec lolumiy iaipr< vim by ag t and we off’ r them to the trade trom first hii.ds upon the m > t li >era> D'i -es atul .erms. FnEKM N SM.B N r*iujß i x DisTlcy, No. iU9 S mtu Fr >u. S re t, P ulade.phia, and 9o V ail S.reet, New YorK. r C’-‘-D dlv FOR SALE. MTHD residence at p esent occupied by the Hev. Vlr v’att. >o msite Vlr Siad i’s ‘possession given the 1-t Jut. next. Also two vacant lois adjomi tg, with the store on Broad street No 34 at pn aym occupied by G VLch tel as a Furniture stoie, poses-ton given the first ol October. Tue above property wi l b- rented it nut sold 8 BO7KIN. Ex. Sent 24 and -tf. orTGiiOL |’ Jußt Received, By VAN MARCUS, New buckwhevr; Stuart’s hxua .Syrup. Hiram Smith’s Flour. Fresh Goshen Butter. New State Gh e-e. English Dairy and .-'ap-Sago Ghee-e. v\ • tie Beans and B g Hominy. ALSO Kai-ins, Currauu, Gitrm, Almonds, Pecans Parai i>e Nu s, Pres rv *d (imger, Ca Ginger. Gnow Ghow, Pickbd Oy-iers and L >b s ers. Fresh Salmon, Goatish, Vla. kerel and L > - .-ters ii l.ans, Sardi .rs, and all kind- ol Pickles, and Preserves,and Pu e Tmki.-h Smoking Tonac co. Genuine vtursci.aum Pipes, Havana Gigars, Genuine. Ghewing Tobacco, best qu -.l.ty. Oct 16 dtt JN’UTio’2o. r PHECopartnership of • 1 uke if Ivor-on, iu the A U.uij li i-me.-s in tins euy. vas tins lived o i i’ e 16m i,tit. by tne d*a h o! Samuel D Glatke T-ie business wiil continue to i>e carried on by h u ider-ugnea on his indivuiu ti, at ttie bugle idrug Store, ‘J3 Br ad S r-*ei J> ifJ i\ F. IVERSON. Coiurnb m, G Uct. 21,18/8. dJ 20, S. W. (OHASIB, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC .. Til t l Vhi , ’u|. o pa. 4 auJ pres ui ’ • vo s ’ w - u!<l rerpect.uily give notice B Tu mu lie c )iiutius to ‘iv- instruction * 1/ • .;! Vma an I lustrum ynt-i maj c. vgp ■; u v -eceivtsJ at Oarer’. music Store. Sep .7- 0 irn* MILLEDGEVILLE lIOTTIT IS S I’ILL OP ‘IN for the reception of ‘rt = i friemb f’ the L j ji.'l t'ti e and ‘ran-ien * v.-itori The i r<>pnetor i.- deonmni-d to reseive simple r om tc.r ttie aiconm..datum of adies-; aid al.-o Ur the ent/-r'ai> rneui <>f a. n!e men aid lades. He bus engaged the se r vic.-s of •me ft the b Si Bands td n ttie State; and intends tiding two Cotillion per week and i •i <g die ‘rsnon , a- dno i.anis wi 1 be spared t< render hi-guests c.i m‘ r'ahl". E D. BROWN, Proprietor. Oc 2!.dlm cotton, Cotton, cottont ” CJT 0 i* now sell Djf a a _ood ilap, and if ihe it tesaud t-. ci oim bpi• t and i e t*>4 funis & 1 ‘r* ire not soon paid, sa t-* in 1 be intituled indiscrim inately, A word to the wlae itsufflient. •aU4~*wfcdif. i £NMSkc. SWAN & CO.’S LOIIELIES Trlumpliaut! Tht following scheme wiu ba drawn by 8. SWAN & CO., Managers ut dit Sparta Academy Lottery, in each ot men Single Numbrr Lotteries tor Nuueii.ter, icoo, at alolsta, Ca., in public under the supetunei.* deuce ot Commissioners. 4o draws isa urday, Nov. 6,1858. Glass 41 draws JSaturdat, Nov 13.1858. Glass 43 draws Haturday, Nov. 20, 1858. Class 43 draws Saturday, Nov. 27, tbsß. dll the Plan of slug e Numbers* 50,000 T-CKiiTS 5,485 iriilZtiS. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS iflagniliceait Bcii€iue! To be drawn every Saturday in November. 1 Prize ol *<u,ooo 1 - H) tiU J 1 “ 10,000 1 “ a,oou 1 “ 4,nw) I “ 3,000 1 “ I,HW 4 “ I, 00 4“ 9 0 4 “ SOO 4 “ 7co 4 “ *],!!".! ! 000 so “ .... !!!.!”!! 600 so 4 lnU “ 1-* •c3J “ 100 APPROXIMATION prizes. 4 P .7. sol s>oo Approx’gto s7u,(>t 0 Prize are 1,800 4 “ acO “ 30.M0 “ 1,-00 4 goo 4 44 125 “ 5,000 “ 3 0 4 44 HO 44 4. 00 4OO 4 44 75 44 3,000 “ 300 5 4 ’ 50 44 1,5(0 44 2(0 4,'idi) *• 20 re $!()0,0,0 * 45,5 Prizes amounting to. s32u.ti(H> Whole Tickets SlO. Halves $5. Quarters $2.50.” A Circular showmig die Plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates which is the risk: Certificate! of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, SBO “ 44 10 Half 44 40 “ “ 10 Quarters “ 20 “ “ 10 Eighth “ 10 IN ORDERING TICK lIS oh i FTtFICA I I 8 i Enclose tlie money to our address for the tickets or dered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. List of brawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the Drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their post office, county and State. Remember that every prize is drawn, and payable in mil without deduction. All prizes of SI,OOO and under, payable immediately after the drawing, other prizes at the usual time of 30 days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tit kefs or Certificates to S. SWAN &c. CO., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders tilted and save time by ad dressing 8. Swan &. Cos. at either of these cities. A list of the numbers iliat tire drawn from the wheel wiiii the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to. will he published after every drawing in the follow ing papers:— JiuguttUi (G a.) Covstilhtvrtalist; Anr (r ---leavs Jjelta; Mobile Register; ushrttle Gazette , -f. tlavta Intelligencer; A etc 1 ork Weekly Day Book; Savannah Daily A eics; Richmond Dis/atth; J\ew lurk DisjaUh; I holding (Miss.) Clarion, and Little Rock (J9rk,) ‘line Democrat. - ol Vg lijJhlVX^ Wholesale and lietail GROCERY DEALERS, ©©lLlSaihlßSt, ®s®* UcrILL veep constantly on imua a welt .-elec— ted Stock comprising all aiticles m their m e, which are uttered lu Hi •ir riends and the public generally at the L(i)AESI SSlAttiiEl l 3 * CES. Give ns a call. LOCK WEEMS. A G. BEDELL, Colnntbus, Ga Dec. 22. utwit. JH SIKL>, respecitully returns hiw J thanks to .iis Ira rms tor past mvi r.- tnd lee Vo to remind tin m ot the -j tad that he is suit at his old bus.ness and sim.u 36 Droad .-treci, u her.- lie “ill be glad to s, e his oid customers, and as ma. y new ones as are w Jling to j;ve him a trial. Alaiirasses in a: y quantity lor sale cheap Re pairing ot tvciy de o p.ion t Furnttuie done at •nee, and in the i ea tsi style. Faitic ular attention given to upholstoiiog Church Few.-, Chairs and Cushions ol all kinds. Oct. 8. wd if a 111.1. Ail 11 111 i t 11.l 1 . H S tCJK CELEBRATED HOLJ.AVp REMEDY FOE aYSPSfSIJL, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEWER ASD AGUE. Ard the various affections consequent upon di easd STATE OF THE LIVER. kuch as Indigestion, Acidity of ihe stomach. Col icky Pams, Heartburn, I oss ot Appetite, i espoid eocy, Jostiveness. Rlind and Rleemne Tiles. Ii all \erv>i’.B, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections it nas in jnst inces proved highly, and in otoers < ffi; e'J a decided cure This is a purely vesreiaole compound. prepared on strictly sci- “’ fi(; principles, a'ter the rnaune ofibe ceiei>ra r ed II >nar<d r ifessor, Boerhave, Because of its great success in most of Riir pean Stales its introduction into the fluited Stales w <s intend* and more espec ally for t hose of our I tht r<and ecatUred here and there ■ ver the fa e o'this mig ny country. Meeting with great succes* amour the n, i now of fer itu> the \msrican pub) c. knowing tha Jls truly worderfulm dicmal virtues raus bo acknowledge and. lus particularly reco n nonded io tnose pe sons whosr cou-di-minus may have been impaired by rhe continuous use of aoien spirits, or o.her forms of dissipation. (len > raDy instantaneous in iff ft. it 8 ids ts way and renlyto ihe seat of ltf~, thrilling and ja ckenirg every nerve, raising up the dr-oping ipi* it, and, in lact, mmsing new health and vigor in the system N >TlCß.—Whoever -xpr-cts to find this a beve rage wid be disappointed ; but to tne sick, weak aud l >w sp riteil, it will prove a grateful arnn Mic cordial, possessed oi sui uli’ r-medial properlite. CAUTION 73 The g'eat popularity of this de'ight'nl aroma i-a induced many mitatmns, which the pub ic hon and g i -.rd against purchasing Re nr t persuaded t<> buy anvthing o'se i it 1 y>u aave given Boerhave’s If > - land Bit ers a fair trial, tine fott!e will convince you how infinite y superior it is to all these imita tions. r at 3 Oi) ver bottle, or six bottles for * .00 by ‘he SOL E PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. Jli. & CO., MASUFfiTUI'SC Pharnnce t:sts and Chemists, Pi T3BURSH, PA. .S'e n by Kronfr?* Chapman rnd a-- r Hts vtne a! > ihroaghoa the Pfate. Apr i. 24 ’-o ly Iwis DR3 G31M33& *7 INGriCLD, fil IVB l oil t. -r|.. , v‘-i'o-n I> in II j “. ice Tleill hie and urg#rv all >let a* w,r £ > ’ Du’ “S -r u ug • op. day or p >-rv H u at night win bi pr -mp'fv onswsrrtl. Pt tents irm a dot nc • confidei to tha'rcire willreojlra ev*ry osce ay/ atteutioE. aepiSS —dint