Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 01, 1858, Image 2

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COLIM.tIS, WKo.Nh UAH. , - What dues It Mean? Wo published a dispatch in our last issue an nouncing the fact that three Spanish and two French ships of war bad anchored off the Island of Sacrifices, at the entrance of the bay of “V era Cruz. Considered by itself, this demonstration is not devoid of significance. Nor is the conclusion which wc would naturally derive from such astute of things, relieved by a consideration of the rela tions existing between the Spanish and Mexican Governments. Through all the mutations of their several fortunes, each preserves for the other a deep-seated, unrelenting hostility. A remem brance of his former wrongs—nurses the hatred of the Mexican for his anc;ent oppressor, while Spain, decrepid, degenerate and demoralized though she be, with hardly vigor enough to wield the sceptre over her greatly circumscribed domin ions, indulges an unprofitable, yet unappeasable ambition for dominion over her once rich and flourishing colony. Nor can it be doubted that she has ample cause for quarrel and for demand of satisfaction train tlmt >/Lul wmnlu IrwW/1 if stao had not, her case would bo an exception from the condition of all other nations who have endeavored to maintain commercial relations with Mexico. She is in debt to everybody, she has infracted the rights ofevery people, and the politi cal convulsions to which s'uo seems doomed,have so exhausted her resources, and reduced her finances to such a state of depletion, that she is lclt without the means of payment of the one or of reparation for the other. Yet, we cannot think that Spain intends more than a threat by her present attitude. She must he satisfied that this Government will notallow her, or any other power, for any consid eration, tq, obtain a foot-hold upon the Gull, ihc United States must in time, inevitably succeed the miserable factions which sway the destinies of our tawny neighbors. Spain, too, knows tull well, that she holds Cuba by sufferance of us, and that a rupture of peaceful relations with this Govern ment would imperil her title to the Queen of the Antilles. If, however, her valor should override her discretion, if emboldened by the promised aid of France and England, .she should practically contravene and assail the long-enunciated policy of the United States, we shall have a fine time in Gulf this winter, and when the smoke of the con flict clears away, Jonathan will be found sitting cross-legged in his Cuban Hacienda, luxuriating in the fumes of his royal Cabanos. The game is increasing in interest. The Cass Herran peaty. Tho treaty negotiated between General Cass and Senor Herran, for the settlement of the ques tions growing out of the Panama outrage, says the Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia North American, will be submitted to the Senate for ratification, in the form in which it was amend ed by New Granada. The Minister addressed an explanatory letter to the Government, which re lieves the modifications of their objectionable fea tures; and meantime New Granada has agreed to suspend the collection of t l, e onerous tolls claimed to be imposed on the mail and other matter pass ing over the Isthmus. In fact, the officers of our squadron liave boon inutruototl, in tin- last, reeorr, to resist these levies by force, should they be at tempted. So that ihc New Granada difficulty, which has first and last so much exercised the public mind, may bo regarded as definitely settled, and the President will inform the country of that fact in bis annual message. From the West Coast of Africa. Boston, Nov. 26.—A letter from the West Coast of Africa, says it is very sickly on that coast, A French war steamer had lost 25 men within two weeks. An armed boat from the same steamer had impressed a French sailor from the brig Rockingham, of Salem. Death of nn American Alirorul New York, Nov. 23. — The Paris papers an nounce the death there of lion. Beuj. F. Butler, of New York, and formerly Attorney General oi the United States. Mr. Butler sailed from this port but a few weeks ago, with his family, with the view of spending a eouplc of years in Europe. Freight at Apalachicola. —The Adrertixer of the 24th, says: “All the vessels iu port are en gaged full and mostly loaded. One just arrived has taken a full load of cotton and tobacco, for New York, the former at %c. t and the latter at 15c. foot, which is an advance of !-16e. on cotton to New York. We are still much in want of vessels, and would again call the attention of ship-owners to the certainty of profitable employ ment, if they would send their vessels to this port. The port charges here are much lighter than at any other Gulf Port, while it is conceded by all ship-wasters, that vessels, as a general thing, take more pounds from this port thau any other in the country. To Liverpool %and. New York and Boston %c:’ A Native Curiosity. —-The Atlanta Intelligen cer of Saturday says : —"Our city was honored yesterday with the presence of something of a cu riosity, iu the shape of Mr. Hodgman Rabun, of Carroll county, who is 40 years of age, and has never, until this time, seen a town, a railroad, or a steam engine. Was never 20 miles from home be fore in his life, and has never seen Chattahoochee River until he crossed it on his way to this place. . -Was 37 years old before he was married, when he was united to a charming young lady of fifteen summers, lias been a Baptist preaeuer, a school teacher and a couutry merchant. He is still a resident of “sweet Carroll”, that land of chivalry and song, whose stones are iron, and out of whose bowels w dig copper Ac., Ac. He was in extatie rapture on first beholding the mighty iron horse., A Foreign Steamship in Port.— The Savan nah Republican of Saturday says :—The screw steamship Scotia, Capt. Bell, from Havana, arri ved at this port yesterday in search of freights. Her destination is Liverpool. This is the first event of the kind we have had the pleasure of chronicling, though we hope it will prove so profi table a voyage that it will not be the last. Her last voyage was from the East Indies to Cuba with a cargo of Coolies. She draws 19 feet water when loaded, is 1,200 tons burthen, and her deck is 265 feet long. She comes consigned to Messrs. Pad elford Fay A Cos. We learn that it is in contem plation, and with much hope of su***, to e#t*b lish a line of screw steamers between New Orleans and Liverpool. Why may not Savannah enjoy the benefits of such a line also. President of the Senate. We published on yesterday, the beautiful little address of the lion. John E. Ward, delivered upon ■ the occasion of resigning the presidency of the Senate, on last Saturday morning. In the after noon of the same day an election was held for | that office. The following gentlemen were nominated : Guerry, of Randolph, Ward of Butts, Whitaker, of Fulton, Cone, of Bullock, Thomas, of Gwinnett and Colquitt, of Muscogee. Mr. Colquitt declined the nomination : He said, with great deference to tho honorable Senator from the county of Union, who had announced his name, that he must withhold the use of it, in connection with the office of Presidency of the Senate. He was not insensible of the high honor sought to be conferred upon him by many warm and enthusiastic friends of this body, nor was he ungrateful for this expression of their partiality, but when he looked around the Senate Chamber, and bebeW so many more worthy of the position than himself, so many more entitled to it by vir iue of their long service and experience and wis dom, he would violate his own sense of propriety were ho to struggle for the honor attendant upon success in the contest. He was stili young—life was before him, and the bow of promise was yet painted in the horizon of his future, but there were those around him, the sun of whose years was setting beyond the western bills, whose names were inscribed up* n the pages of the proceedings of the Senate, ere the light of Heaven ever shone upon bis ‘ ttl ‘” were emiuenuy nt lor the honorable position to which he had been nominated, and who should be elected. A choice could be made from those names which had been announced. As for him self his highest ambition and aspirations were to serve faithfully the constituency whom ho had the honor to represent, so that when he returned home, having occupied a seat upon that floor the first and perhaps the last time, he could receive from them the plaudit of “well done, thou good and faithful servant.” The balloting was then entered into. On the first ba’lot, Mr. Guerry received 43 votes, Whitaker 5; Cone 12, Ward, of Butts, 14, Thomas 28. The second ballot was as follows-: Guerry 51, Whitaker 6, Cone 8, Ward, of Butts, 11, Thomas 23. So the Hon. T. L. Guerry was declared duly elected President of the Senate. Mr. Colquitt moved that a committee of three be appointed to conduct Mr. Guerry to the Chair — agreed to. That committee were Messrs. Colquitt, Hill, of Harris, and Tucker. On taking the Chair, Mr. Guerry thanked the Senate for the honor conferred. On motion the Senate adjourned until 9% o’clock, A. M., Monday morning. Davis vs. Douglas. Senator Davis, in a speech recently delivered by him before the Legislature of Mississippi, repudi ates in the following manner the doctrine of Squatter Sovereignty” which he was represented by Senator Douglas, in his late contest in Illinois, to entertain. I have been represented as having advocated “Squatter Sovereignty” in a speech made at Ban gor in the State of Maine. A paragraph has been published purporting to be an extract from that speech, and vituperative criticism, and forced construction have exhausted themselves upon it, with deductions which arc considered authorized, because they are not denied in the paragraph pub lished. In this case, as in that of the charge in relation to my position in 1552,’ there is no record with which to answer. 1 never made a speech at Ban gor. • Any fair mind would have sought for the speech to see how far tho general context explain ed tho paragraph, before indulging in hostile crit icism. Senator Douglas, in a speech at Alton, adopt ing the paragraph published, and evidently draw ing his opinion from the unfair construction which bad bet II put llpOlL - Quote from h made toy me at Bangor, to sustain the po sition taken by him at Freeport. He says : “You will find in a recent speech, delivered by that able and eloquent statesman, Hon. Jefferson Davis, at Bangor, Me., that he took tho same view of this subject that I did in my Freeport speech. He there said :” “ ‘lf the inhabitants of any territory should re fuse to cuaet such laws and police regulations as would give security to their property and his, it would be rendered more or less valueless, iu pro portion to the difficulty of holding it without such protection. In tho case of property, in the labor of man, or what is usually called slave prop erty, the insecurity would be so great that the owner could not ordinarily retain it. Therefore, though the right would remain, the remedy being withheld, it would follow that the owner would be practically debarred, by the circumstances of the case, trom taking slave property into a territory where the sense of the inhabitants was opposed to its introduction. So much for the oft repeated fallacy of forcing slavery upon any community.’ ” It is fair to suppose, if the Senator had known where to find the speech from which this extract was taken, that he would have examined it before proceeding to make use of it. And I can but be lieve, it he had taken the paragraph free from the d.stortion which it had undergone from others, that he must have seen it bore no similitude to his position at 1- reeport, and could give no coun tenance to the doctrine he then announced. He there said: “The next question Mr. Lincoln propounded to me is, ‘Can the people of a territory exclude slave ry nom tneir limits by any fair means before it comes into the Union as a State?” .1 answer em phatically, as Mr. Lincoln has hear 1 me answer a hundred times, on every stump in Illinois that in my opinion, the people of.* territory, can, by law tul means, exclude slavery before it comes in as a Staie. [(,beers] Mr. Lincoln knew thatlhad given ihutanswer over and over again. He heard me argue the Nebraska bill on that principle all over the titute, iu 1851, and 55, and 56, and he has now no excuse to pretend to have any doubt upon that subject. W hatever the Supreme Court mavhere alicr decide as to the abstract question of whether slavery may go iu under the Constitution or not, tho people of a territc ry have the lawful means to admit or exclude it as they ] lease, for the reato i that slavery cannot exist it day or an hour anv whei* unk a support ,and by lo< al police regulations, tui mailing remedies and means of enforcing the right of holding slaves. Those local and police regulations can only be furnished by the local Legislature. If ihe people of the territory are op posed to slavery they will elect members to the Legislature who wi.l adopt unfriendly legislation to it. It they are for it. they will adopt the legis lative measures friendly to slavery. matter what may be the decision of the Supreme Court on the abstract question, still the right of the people to make it a slave territory, is perfect and complete under the Nebraska bill. 1 hope j Mr. Lincoln will deem my answer satisfactory on this point.” ~ . Tms is the distinct assertion of the power of a territorial legislature to admit or exclude slavery: ol’ the first in the race of migration who reach* a territory, the common property of the people of I the United States to enact laws for the exclusion i of other joint owners of the territory, who may iu ! the exercise of their equal right to enter the com- ! nion property, choose to take with them propertv recognised by the Constitution, but not acceptable to the first emigrants to the territory. That Sena tor had too often and too fully discussed with me the question of “squatter sovereignty” to be jus tified in thus mistaking my opinion. The differ ence between us is as wide as that of one who snovuu assert the right to rob from him who ad- I mi ted the power. It is true, as I stated it at that i • a Property requires protection from the so- : rt Ce ‘ ‘ n , the of which it is held. This ne- ! ‘* c ’ es not c°uf>.*r a right to destroy, but rath- V , 2 “Jl °? 1, , gation to Protect. It is true as | I stated it, that slave property peculiarly requires | the protec ion of society and would ordinarily be- j come valulessm the midst of a community which ! would seek to seduce the slave from his master, I ftDd eonooAl turn “hilet abieooding, And M juror* I protect each other in any suit which the master might bring for damages. The laws of the Uni ted States, through the courts of the United States, might enable the master to recover the slave wherever be could find him. But you all know, in such a community as I have supposed, that a slave inclined to abscond would become ut terly useless and that was the extent of the ad- j mission. Revision of the Tariff. Some of the papers andpolUiqps are, we per ceive, agitating the question ofToe revision of the Tariff, and it is said that Mr. Cobh will in his Report recommend that a duty shall be imposed ! upon Tea, Coffee, and perhaps other articles now j ; on the free list, while Mr. Buchanan will probably, ! in his Message, recommend an increase ofthedu- j ties on iron. There is no need for any of it. In the first ! place, before Congress can act upon it, there will j be evidence that the present tariff will raise money enough even for the extravagancies of the govern ment; but if this should net be so, there is amuch better plan to be adopted, and that is to curtail expenses. There are many millions of dollars of the expenses of the government which might be cut oft', and ought to be, even if the government had the money to pay them. Stop the appro priations for internal improvements ; reduce the array, reduce salaries—any thing but irnposo ad ditional burthens upon the people. This shows the insidious and dangerous charac ter of this mode of raising revenue. The people have been compelled to retrench and economise, and by reason of it they have paid less to the government than when they were extravagant. Why should not the officials of government re trench and economise too ? There is now no ex cuse for the expenditure of so much money. Pro visions of every kind are low and the expenses of living have greatly diminished ; let their salaries be reduced. If the revenues were collected by direct taxation who would think now of proposing to increase the taxes ? No body. So far from it every body would go for a reduction of the taxes. Not so with this system ; the L-os people are able to buy the more they mu pay for them. Then we say. let us hear no mo- . about increasing the tariff— reduce the exp- tses, and reduce the tariff too. The tariff as it will raise more money than the government ought to spend. —Corner Stone. [From the London Post, Nov. 9.] The United States in Central America—The British Fleet (o Aid Martinez Against Walker. Every information which reaches this country from Central America appears strongly to confirm the opinion which many people in England and in the Uuited States have never hesitated to ex press, that the descendants of the Spaniards in the New World have proved themselves to be total ly unworthy of those privileges of self-government which, for nearly a century—in theory, at least— they have professed to exercise. The same obser vation, with still greater truth, may be applied to the existing condition of affairs in the neighbor ing republic of Mexico—a State the civilization of which has so far retrograded that the aboriginal institutions which Cortez and his followers sub verted may be said to have presented more the form and substance of settled government than the wholesale and long-continued system of brigand age which prevails in every part of Mexican ter ritory. To Europe, the spectacle of a people the constant victims of successive revolutions—at one time clamoring for an Emperor, as in the case of Tturbide and Wanta Anna, and at the next incon sistently joining the standard of the first adventu rer who has the courage to “pronounce” for change, careless whether that’ change involve the restora tion or ihe downfall of the power of the priest hood, the one great point of Mexican politics—to Europe, we say, such a spectacle must ever be fraught with feelings of deep and permanent re gret. The people of the United States, however, have shown a very different appreciation of the condition of Mexico. By the comparatively quiet, but wholly dishonorable, course of annexation, Texas first fell into their greedy grasp, and more recently California, one of the richest countries in the world, has by force of conquest become an in tegral portion of the great North American repub lic. It hardly can be said, even it Mexico tosa left, -jitvae—r na powerful and aggressive neighbor, that its inhabitants would have firmly and steadily pursued those paths of peace and do mestic improvement which lead to national great ness and to national prosperity. That Texas and California, under the rule of the United States, are infinitely better governed than any portions of Mexico is a proposition which cannot with justice be disputed; and though Europe generally would view with some surprise the practical enforcement of the Monroe doctrine to an extent- which would confer upon the United States absolute and uncontrolled do minion over so valuable a territory as that which still belongs to Mexico, yet the change would no doubt contribute directly and largely to the bene fit of the Mexicans themselves, and to the securi ty of all strangers who reside in that part of the world. Recent accounts disclose a state of anar chy which has never been exceeded in the most barbarous countries. Insurrection, bloodshed, forced loans, confiscation of property, mark the progress of every adventurer who obtains a tem porary triumph. So long as these outrages were confined to Mexican citizens neither England nor any other power had a right to interfere ; but British subjects have been exposed to brutal in sult—they have been imprisoned, their property has been confiscated, they have been compelled to pay ransom, and tho authority of the British Consul and s the protection of tho'British flag have i been claimed and exercised in vain. Full and adequate reparation for these flagrant violations of public law must promptly be ei.forced ; but if every Mexican town on the seaboard were bom barded internal anarchy might still reign su preme, and no real security would be afforded that the government would either have the incli nation or the power to prevent the occurrence of such outrages. We have stated the case simply as it is. England, no doubt, will obtain effectual redress; but stiil there will remain those elements of disorganization and utter feebleness which hitaerto have rendered Mexico a disgrace and a nuisance to the c nnnuuiiy of civilized nations. Wi,h regard to the States of Central America, j the intelligence which has lately been received is, ! w irh one exception, of a most unsatisfactory char- Waiker, the model fillibuster, is about to s ai . fc-r t ie sceLes ot his former piratical exploits. We are informed from Washington that he is “well backed, both with men and money,” and that his enterprise “excites great interest.” We hear how- j o’er, that a treaty between England and Nicargua I has at length been signed, and that the British i admiral on the West India station has very prop- j erly rece.ved orders to act against Walker and his j confederates should President Martinez demand \ his assistance. Under these circumstances, we j cave a very confident belief that the demand will be made, that the assistance Jof the British admi ral will be efficiently afforded, and that Walker will be taught the useful lesson that private war fare upon land can no more be tolerated than pi racy upon the sea. New York to be sold at Auction. —The Sheriff advertises that, by a certain writ of execu- ; tion, (supposed to be the Lowber judgment,) he will expose for sale on the 24th December next, all the real and personal property belonging to ! the city and county of New York. Southern Pacific Rail Road.—Louisville, i Nov. 26.—The stockholders of the Southern Pa- ; cific Rail Road met here yesterday, Jeremiah Morton, Esq., acting as Chairman. President | Foulkes made an able report, which will be con- j •idered tomorrow. Two-.hirds of the stock is rep resented. “Black Ingratitude.” —Randolph, a colored speaker at a late Convention in Utica, told the ab olitionists and under ground rail road men, “it is you and such as you who are the real enslavers of my race. Tour injudicious efforts to free ns have done more than all other things combined to per petuate our bondage.” Randolph doesn’t seem in clined to oolor the truth at It**—Norfolk Ut. o Id* Arrival of the Arago. New York, Nov. 2d.—The Arago, from South ampton, has arrived. Her news has been aati pated. Among the passengers in the Arago is Bishop i Davis, of S. C. The Great Eastern Company has been organis ed. One hundred and forty thonsand pounds sterling more are required. The French frigate Neophyte was lost near Cardiz. The great Catholie powers havo remonstrated with the Pape, and requested the release of the Jewish boy Mortara. The Pope replied that the boy’s return to his parents was impossible. In India theexplosiofrof the Kurrashee arsenal had destroyed a million pounds of ammunition. Four Overland Routes to the Pacific One feature of Mr. Buchanan’s policy is of un impeachable popularity. This is the establish ment of a set of continental mail routes —not a single one, but several of them—through our own territory to the Pacific. Each of these lines is not only a happy & enduring bond of inter-State har mony, but it is the cheapest and surest means of Indian repression. Every regularly traveled route is equal to a series of forts, aud are ten times as valuable, and may be had at a twentieth the out lay of a regular military post. Of the four overland routes now settled upon the St. Louis Republican says the Southern one will be open all the year, and the other three for sum mer travel. These routes belt the continent in parallels so judiciously distributed by the care of Postmaster Gen. Brown that each great division of the Union is now brought into stage and rail road connection with all others. Nations have sung “Te Deums” for infinitely less valuable tri umphs.— The States. Col. Steptoe, U. S. A.—This accomplished officer is among the number who departed for the East iu the steamer this morning. His first lau rels were won while he was a young Lieut, of Ar tillery in the war with the Florida Indians. Du ring the Mexican war he commanded one of the field batteries which rendered such signal service in the desperate conflicts through which General Scott’s gallant little company marched into the Mexican capital. Since that time he has been engaged in active and trying service in Utah, Washington and Oregon Territories. His long residence on the Pacific coast has made him many warm friends to wish his success in whatever Held his valor aud skill may be required in his coun try’s service.— -San Francisco National, bth in stant. Information has reached Washington in such lorm as to place the fact beyond question that a large number of Mexicans, residing in Sonora, have entered into a league to revolution ize that State with a view to its annexation to the U. States. Death of an Ex-Congressman. —Hon. Jon athan Knight, an ex-member of Congress, died in Washington county, Pa., on Monday last. He was an eminent civil engineer, and served the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, in that capacity for a considerable time. He was in the 70th year of his age. A Boy’s Trials. The Springfield Republican has a capital artic le on this subject. Here are some extracts : HIS REGULATIONS WITH THE “OLD MAN.” We suppose that the first severe trial a boy has to undergo is to submit his will to the old man, whom he is taught to consider his father. To be restrained in doors at night, to be forbidden to go in swimming five times a day, or to be hindered from pinching the rest of the children just for fun, is an interference with natural inalienable rights, every way injurious to the feelings. And then, when upon some overwhelming temptation, the boy asserts his independence of parental control, and receives a “tanning” with a switch from a quince bush, either upon his back or his bare feet, it becomes really a very serious thing. We never oouid occ cxiUit thv ouuin ur an operation iiKo this was at all assuaged by the affectionate assurance that it was bestowed out of pure love. SITTING WITH THE GIRLS. The next great trial of that boy is to be obliged by a cruel master to sit with the girls at school. This usually comes before the development of those undeniable affinities which, in after life, would tend to make the punishment more endura ble. To be pointed out as a “gal boy,” to be smil ed at grimly by the master, who is so far deligh ted with his own ineffable pleasantry as to give tho little boys license to laugh aloud, and to be placed by the side of a girl who had no handker chief, and no knowledge of the use of that article, j is, we submit, a trial of no mean magnitude. Yet we have been there, and havo been obliged to “sit up close” with big Rachel, laughing aud blushing till we came to bate her name. We wonder where the overgrown frowzy creature is now, and what I the condition of her head is ! THE FIRST LONG TAILED COAT. We do not believe that any boy ever put on his long tailed coat without a sense of shame. He first twists his back half off - looking at it in the glass, and then when he steps out of doors it seems to him as if all creation was in a broad grin. The sun laughs in the sky ; the cows turn to look at him ; there are faces at every window ; his shad dow mocks him. When he walks by the cottage where Jane lives, he dares not look up for his life. : The very boards creak with consciousness of the strange spectacle, and the old pair of pantaloons that stop a light in the garr t wind >w njd wiih derision. If he is obliged to pass a group of men and boys, the trial assumes its most terrific sta&e. Ilis legs get all mixed up with embarrassment, and the flap of the dangling appendage is felt upon them, moved by the wind of his own agita | tion; he could not feel worse were it a dishcloth worn as a badge of disgrace. It is a happy time j for him when he gets to the church and sits down with his coat tails under him ; but he is still ap prehensive with thinking of the Sunday school and wonders if any of the children will ask him to “swing his long tail blue.” Holloway’s Ointment and Pills are twin curatives, derived from one origin, the vegetable productions of the soil. They act* in unison on the system, the one internally upon the secretions | of the body, and the other externally through the countless orifices of the skin, cleansing and recu perating the vital organization. at the manufactory, No. 80 Maiden Lan, New York, and by all Druggists, at 25c„ 63c., and $1 per Box or Pot. nov27dwlw e think it is hardly known even to the most intelligent of our readers, how deep some of the sciences are looking down into the mysteries of creation. We knew there were wonderful dis coveries in these times, and wonderful uses made of them, but did not know the Chemists were imi tating in their crucibles and even surpassing the most wonderful productions of organic life. ° Du ring our visit to Lowell we were introduced by one of their prominent citizens to the laboratory of Dr. Ayer, (inventor of CHERRY PECTORAL and CATHARTIC PILLS,) where we were shown with generous frankness, his processes and bis products. This master genius of his art is man ufacturing the subtle essences of flowers from tar and other vegetable substances. His essence of Pine Apple, Strawberry, Cheekerberry, Quince, Pear, Canella, Cinnamon <fcc., not only equal but they exceed in purity of flavor, those vegetables themselves. His oil of Winter-green is purer and of better flavor than any that can be gathered from the plant—and yet is made by chemical composi tion from the Hydro-carbons in tar! His process is, to analyze the substance and find the exact ul timate atoms of which it is made, then recompose them in the same proportion# which exist is na trxT9+mChn4tivn Advomt*, Another instance of the Ejfleaey of Boer have * Holland Bitters. N. M. Poindexter, at Union office, September 16th, 1854, saya: Some weeks since being seriously affected with pain and uneasiness at the stomach, loss of appe tite, and at times strong symptoms of dyspepsia, I was induced to try your Holland bitters, and j I feel it but an act of justice to the article, as well as for the good of those who may be affected with like derangement of tho stomach, to state, thßt the use of oue single bottle of this medicine proved of incalculable benefit, having freed tho stomach from all sense of depression, and removed every symptom of dyspepsia. I would also remark, that two other mouthers of ray family, who were afflicted in a similar manner w ith myself, were en tirely relieved by the use of a single bottle each. See Advertisement. nov2f —lwdw. • WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. This Restorative for making the hair grow, stopping its falling out, restoring gray hair to its original color, is becoming more celebrated. All the quack nostrums are giving way before it. Three fourths of the mixtures for restoring and beautifying the hair, do it more injury than good. They burn it up, destroy tho life at its rootsjmake the hair fall off, and produce premature baldness. But Prof. Wood’s Restorative may be relied upou as containing nothing which can in any manner be injurious to the hair, while its success in ac complishing what it pretends to do, has been ver ified in hundreds of cases. We advise gray heads and heads getting bald, all who wish to save their wool or obtain anew stock, to get a bottle of Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative. — N. Y. Democrat. Sold by all Druggists in this city, and by deal ers and druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadas. nov24 —wd2w. “iD.A.IFLIB’Y 3 S W&W 19* The Great Premium Disinfectant I A MAGNIFICENT PITCHER was awarded it at the Alabama State Fair at the recommendation of a special scientific committee, who pronounced it supe perior to any similar agent now in use. Besides its strictly disinfecting uses, it may he most advantageous ly applied as a therapeutic agent in the follow ing cases: All putrid diseases, salivation, sores, ulcers, burns, fresh wounds, removing stains, destroying bad breath, curing stings, softening and whitening the skin in bath ing, and especially in limestone countries, where the water is hard, in making it soft, by pouring a few drops into a basin full of water. Read what is said of it: You would confer a general good by using means for its general introduction and use— More than fifty citizens of J-z. burn. The best and most efficient preventative of conta gious diseases now in use.— Auburn Oazet.e. We advise our friends to try it, by ail means—Mont gomery Mad. No one who has used it once will consent to do without it.— I’vskegee Republican. We have used it about our premises with entire satis faction. — Savannah Republican. Superior to Labarraque’s French Liquor.— Corrcs. National Intelligencer. Has received the sanction of medical men in the leading cities of the South Atlanta American. These things Prof. Darby assures it has done, and we be.ieve he would not even think, much less say so, were it not the case. Southern Christian Advocate. It is a most effective and powerful combination. It should be used everywhere. It will not disappoint you as a disinfecting agent. Holmes Steele, M. D. Endorsed by Physicians in Charleston and Colum bia, S. C.; New York, Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta, Macon and Columbus, Ga: Montgomery, Selma and Mobile Ala; and New Orleans, La. Hospitals, corporations, ship masters, manufacturers, planters, physicians, furnished by the gallon at reduced rates. For sale by druggists and country’ merchants gener ally, from whom orders are respectfully solicited. Try at least one bottle. Price 5o cents. Follow di rections. IT7“Manufactured onlv in the Laboratory of J, DARBY, Auburn, Ala. FOR SALE IN COLUMIHJs BY DANFORTH, NAGEL & CO. BROOKS & CHAPM AN, J. S. PEMBERTON & CO. dec l —dwtf DAVID YOUNG. THEATKSI 1 TEMPERANCE HALL WEDNESDAY EVENING DEC. 1, THE THIRD PERFORMANCE, of the Savannah Theatre Dramatic Company. GRAND COMEDY NIGHT. Tobin’s beautiful Comedy of the HONEY MOON ! Will be peformed with Mr FLEMING as The Duke Aranza, Miss Charlotte Thompson as Volante, Mrs. Fleming as Juliana, Mr. J B Studley as Rolando, Mr T D Kemble as The Mock Duke, SINGING by.... Mrs. FLEMING and Mr. RALYEA. To conclude with the Laughable Farce of Slasher and Crasher, Slasher Mr. T D Kemble. HyTomoiTOW Evening, Fourth and Last Performance hut Four, of the Company, prior to their deperlure for Macon Admission 50 Cents. Reserved Seats, Seventy Five Cents, to be procured at the Hall. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Curtains will rise at 7^. COETJAXBXJS Saddlery, Harness, AND LEATHER STORE. H. MIDDLEBROOK & CO., 94 Broad Street, . MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS & Let flier, which the following comprises a part Quilled Saddles, overlaid* hsh do; Planters’ Plain do; Youth’s and Boy’s do; , agon an Plantation do; and Ladies Saddles,—varie iy oi styles. B* idles, martingales, Paddle- Bags, and Medical do. HARNESS. Fine Silver plated Carriage Harness— all qualities “ “ “ Rockaway “ 4, “ Double Buggy “ “ “ “ Single do 44 Plain black Harness, all styles and qualities. LEATHER, Skirting Leather, Bridie do, Hog Skins, Pad Skins, Harness Leather, Oak and Hemlock, Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Lining Skins, Shoe Pegs, Lasts, Thread and Findings. Ac. Machine Belting. Leather and Rubber Belting, all widths, Light Rubber and Canvas Belting, for Plow Back Bands. Just the thing for Planters. Belt Rivets, and Lace Leather. TH.TJMK.S, ijaa-ym Ladies and 0> n'J, men’s fe) mDress and Traveling Trunks, all qua!i- and styles. Bonnet Boxes, Valises and Carpet Bags. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS."” SSPBJL Enamelled Leather, Pat Dash Leather and Enameled Cloths, all widths and qualities- Oil Carpet, Laces. Fringes. Head Linings Leather Cloth Bootings, Nails, Tacks, &c. Stirrups, Bitts, Buckles, Harness Mountings. Hames Collars. Whips, Wagon Breeching.’ And Blind Bridles. h /.£ b °u Ve go ° ds are of our own manufacture meS bCSt mat * nal and b Y experienced workl men. We invite all those who are in want of articles tn our line to call aud examine our stock, and we as m, e n l t^ , ? that J they J u' 11 be weli satisfied with the the* very^EST* TERMS pnceS * as ** wUI b * “W on shorlMt n"e W ° rk * nd ~ STRAYED, JfSPTk ON the 17th hurt., a dark brown mare 4i_dtA.mule, about three or four years old, both ears slightly cropped with cold, and small white collar mark on one shoulder. Last heard of near the Columbus bridge. A reward of ten dol lars will be paid for her. L. HOLT deel 3td Oiwitehee, Russell eo., Ala. SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THEONE PRICE CASH DRY GOODS STORE. 140 Broad Street—Masonic Building mmm M’Phillips. Has just opened a magnificent assortment of SILKS, SHAWLS and FANCY DRESS GOODS. purchased at recent New York Auction Sales for Cash at an immense sacrifice: 5,000 yards Fancy Dress Silks at 50c. worth 51. 5 000 “ Black Silks—all widths; 50 pieces Printed all wool Delaines of the very best quality, at 50 cents per yard; 50 pieces French Merinos—all shades; 20 “ Union Marino Plaids, splendid quality; 100 Rich French Robes a’Lcs—beautiful Goods; 50 Rich French Valencias and Poplin Robes—very choice. ALSB. A I arge Assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS, ©WILE©* Bought at a reduction of 25 per cent., on the price usu an paid for such goods: 25 Piecer ARABIAN CIICSS OVERS— Heavy quality and lieaultful colorings; 30 pieces POILE deCilEVliE, high colors — New and choice designs. 15 pieces VALENCIAS —very handsome. 20 pieces COLLMBIAS BAYADERE— Of highest lustre -5 pieces ELVIRAS —anew and beautiful article. 10 pieces Piaid LASTINGS CHENE — Superior quality and coloring. Together with other stylesofGood* ADAPTED TO A FIRST CLASS TRADE, Also, A LARGE STUCK OF FINE BED, BDAJSTKETS, White and Colored Flannels, LIKTE3STS, AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS IN GENERAL A Large Stock of Calicoes and Homespuns, Of every description at very low prices. CLOAK 3, CH A Whs ND TALMAS, In great vaiiety. Buyers are invited to examine, compare and judge betore making their purchases. Remember the address James JVtcßliilliDs. 140 l.road Mien. Two Doors below J. B. Strupper’s. ONE PRICE ONLY. Every ariich* markeriat the lowest. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 10, 1858. d&wtf SB® A full assortment of Bajou’s Kid (2loves, open* ed this morning. JAS. iYicPHILLIPS, 140 Broad street. Masonic Building. IMPORTANT TO Planters & Country Merchants. J. McPHILLIPS Would call attention of Buyers to his large stock ol Foreign and Domestic DRY-GOODS, As he has a buyer residing in New York, he will at ail times be prepared to otter goods to the Trade for Cash only) at the lowest New York Cost pi ices by the bale or package. Planters will find they can save monev bv bny imr their KEKSE -S, N FGRO BLANKETS, &c.,from turn, his stock is extensive and hispri oon n uch below that ol any other store iu the South. Call and see his goods and prices, and thus post yourselves upc-n what you can get for your mo ney and what goods are worth. Remember the addiess, JAMES MoPHILLIPS, 140 Broad Streat, Two doors below’ J- B. Strupper. Oct. <o..d&w tt. SYDENHAM ACEE. JNO. F. IVERSON. THE undersigned having formed a Copartnership will continue the wholesale and retail Drug Business, at their old Stand EAGLE DRUG STORE,” 93 i street, where they will be happy to serve their friends and the public generally, with a large, fresh, and well selected stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, Oils, Putty, Glass, Burning Fuid,(of our own man ufacture) Aichohol, Pure Brandies and Wine (for medical purposes) Fine Hair & Tooth ’ Brushes, Combs, Perfumery, Fancy & Toilet Articles,Chewing and Smo king Tobacco, Fihe Cigars, and almost every article usually kept in a first class Drug Store. We solicit a share of the public patron age, feeling assured that a strict attention to business, and to the interest of our customers, will merit the con tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on our predecessors. ! Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded .it 1 hours, day or night, bv a competent and experienced ! Dr S£ ist - ACEE & IVERSON. I P. S. Persons in want of Medicine after the usnal hour of closing at night, will find Mr. Acce in the front room directly over our store, ready to wait on them. Nov. 25— dCm * A. & I. EXECLTOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold on Monday the 2srth instant, at 12 o’clock, in front of Harri son &. Pius Auction Room, the House and Lot in the city of Columbus, belonging to the late Mrs. E. R. Crook. This house is delightfully situated on Bryan oireet, and is on part of lot No ’343, with eight large rooms; halls above and below, and colionaded on all sides. Sale positive. Terms: Credit of one and two years, with 7 per cent, interest. ™ 1838 ~ d12 wlt M. J. CRAWFORD. Ex’r n„‘ ‘ ‘ T , ove sale has been postponed, in conse quence of inclement weather, to Wednesday Dec. 1. early sheriff's ales, ~ W l f^n e n S r°l. a nd , b t ef ? re n the Court House door in the TcesdavM, B kely ’ Ear - y ? oum y> Ga - °n the first the mirnw Januar y ncxt - wullin the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: or.f' u , n “ ttu'nher'three hundred and forty nine, in the 20th district of Early county, containing 250 acreß tTmiirf** 9 ’ le J , J? d . on ;ls ? ,he property of John E Babb, Par t* f> one ? fa issued from the Superior Court of Eany county, m favor of Robt W Sheffield \dm’r property pointed out by Plaintiff m r ‘ giewan: Dennard,—properly pointed out bv Plaintiff’s \tt’v November 30, 1858^™ NY HUTCHIN8 ’ EARLY MORTGAGE SALE. W'hltrJ^ 0 ” ,he , fi x rßt Tue?da >’ in January next, lycoumv Ga h l (,llse (loor in Blakely, Ear one hundred ami .north east half of lot of land number coun vfni- n f Sl -\7 B,x - ln the 28th district of Earlv CourtVn f a sl s Mor,paee fi fa from Early Superior ton—Droned ° f Th ° mas B - Andrews, vs. Isaac Lav no\^n P w/° inlcd ° ul m said M°rtpipe Fi Fa. —H2IJO-wtd A. HUTCHINS, Sheriff. COLUMBUS GUARDS. We * kl >’ Drill from 7 to 8 o’clock Sat urday night. By order of the Captain. November 24, td. A LLE.M, Secretary. BLATSTIiS, Of every description used by Lawyers, or officers of Court, printed neatly and on superior paper, at the TIMES OFFICE. CARDS, In Plain and Fancy Colors of any size, neatly printed at the TIM2S OFFICE.