Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 01, 1858, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES. THE CITY! Dramatic. 11 ~ Ou Monday night we had the pleasure of seeing Bulwer’s popular play, “Richelieu” repre sented by Mr. Fleming’s company, at Temperance Hall. Notwithstanding the inclemency andthreat cning aspect of the weather, the audience nearly filled the house. We infer from their earnest and repeated assuran ces of approbation, that they, like ourself, were satisfied with the performance. Mr. Fleming, in the character of Richelieu, fully realized the exalted expectations which Ids fame had excited, The cast of the other characters was good, and the whole effect confirmed the report, which had pre viously reached us, that the company is one of superior merit, and deserves the encouragement of all lovers of the histrionic art. The after-piece was highly amusing, and ‘‘Thomas” succeeded in “bringing dowu” the house, as well as himself. The “Honeymoon” and “Slasher and Crasher” are on the bills for to-night. We say to our read ers, go! New Advertisements. The attintion of our readers is again called to Darby’s^Prophylactic Fluid. It will be perceiv ed by reading the advertisement that, in addition to receiving very high endorsements from the press, it also secured a premium from the Ala bama State Fair, as being the best disinfectant on exhibition. See also a notice of stray mules Ly L. Holt, of Russell county, Ala. We invite the attention of our readers to the advertisement of H. Mlddlebrook A Cos. in an other column. Mr, Middlebrook has been so long known to our trading community, as a first class merchant in all branches of the leather bu siness, that we feel it to be almost superfluous to call attention to the fact. He has long enjoyed a monopoly in this city in that department of trade, and has done so by low prices and close attention to business. He has met with success and he de served it. Reform of the Ccrrencv.— An important movement. —A number of New York merchants have recently held meetings to consider projects to be submitted to the New York Legislature aud Congress concerning a change in the laws regu lating the currency, and have adopted a report embodying the following propositions: Ist. That the banking laws of New York, be so amended that no bank shall hereafter be permit ted to extend its loans, discounts and other invest ments beyond an amount equal to the sum of its capital, half its capital, and the specie in its vaults —nor shall it be permitted to let its specie at any time fall below 2D per cent, of its immediate lia bilities, exclusive of its circulating notes. That banks hereafter to be organized in New York, also be required before commencing business to have their entire capital paid up full in specieiand that all bank? be hereafter prohibited from making loans, either directly or indirectly, on their own stock. 2. That the laws against usury be repealed. 3. That the circulation of all bank notes of a less denomination than ten dollars be suppressed by means of a tax or stamp duty to be levied by Congress. 4. That the government of the United States, through the different treasuries, receive gold from the people, and issue receipts or certificates of de posit therefor, in sums of not less than one hun dred dollars. Truth. Marble and recording brass decay, And, liko the ’graver’s memory, pass away : The works of mini inherit, as is just. Their author’s frailty, and return to dust; But truth divine forever stands secure, Its head is guarded, as its ba3e is sure ; Fixed in the rolling flood of endless years, The pillar of the eternal plain appears ; The raving storm and dashing wave defies, Built by that architect who built the skies. Cowper. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. COTTON. —Receipts yesterday, 800 bales and sales 700 bales.with a firm market. Extremes 10 to” 14 c. The better grades seem to be in much . uest. Montgomery. —November 29th, 1858. COTTON.— There is an active demand from shippers. All offering is readily taken at advan cing prices. We quote Middlings 10%, Hood Middlings 11c. StocK on hand September Ist. - - SGS Received past week. - - -5,106 “ previously. - - 64,132 —68,238 69,806 Shipped last week. - - 2,100 “ previously. - - 11,573 —13,673 Stock on hand November 29, 1358. * 56.133 Rec’d same time last year. - - 21,440 Snipped. - - - - - - ‘ ,946 Stock ou hand Nov 23, 1857. - - 13,424 Savannah, Nov. 29, —Sales of Cotton to-day 1,550 bales. All qualities advanced %c.@%c. Good middling ll%c. New York, Nov. 29.—Sales of cotton to-day 2,00£f bales, with a firm market. Middling up lands 12% c. Flour heavy, with sales of 9,500 bbls. Wheat heavy ; sales 30,000 bushels: South ern red $1 20. Corn heavy ; sales 33,000 bush. Spirits of Turpentine heavy at 47@48c. Rosin buoyant at $1 55. Chaleston. Nov. 29.—Sales of cotton 700 bales without change in prices. Arrivals at savannah. Nov. 29, 1858- —Ship Lucy Thompson, Pendle ton from N. Y., in ballast to C. A. L. Lamar. Ship lowa, . Mobile for Liverpool, put in m distress, leaking. Ship Tapscot, .N. Y.,to Order. Bark Savannah, Polleys, N. Y., with hay, to Brigham, Baldwin & Cos. Schr. Langdon Gilmore, Chase, Boston, to Hunter & Gammell. ARRIVALS, November 30, 1858. aT the PLANTERS HOTEL: G W Downs, Ga; A W Mallory J D Danid. Talbot Cos. Ga; J Irvin. Stewart Cos. Ga, Johnson. Midway, Ala: J A Lott. r .. t f o bb VV W Bussey, Cusseta ba. “ toi £; T H Harrell, West Point, Ga; H Mashby, V>Jt Hughs. Ky; H H Gr mcs M.acon Cos. Ala: M G Stamper, Cuthbert Ga: R u Bon, J M Little, Stewart Cos. Ga, C A Baxiey and Lady, B F Gardner, Jasper Cos. Ga. m G Billin,'Philadelphia: W J Hateher. Ft Gaines. Ga; L B Sherrill and Son, Chambers Cos. ’ J F Baxter and Lady, Talbotton ’ r ler J Kilgore, Chambers Cos. Ala: R D “ k !f; G p G M T Thurman, J N Cherry, Macon, Ga, t Hick3, Fayette Cos. Ga: D Cox, B H a ’ l p J F Simmons, J W Edwards, Upa.toie txa; J R Gausj J R Thompson, W Hieks, W Nix. Cuth b rt Ga- G L Bird, Ala: Mrs Sauls A Child. Midway Ala; J Putnam. Ga, S D Varner New W Horkin., Kv; J M Cottot Valley, Ala; J P Barber, Pike CoAi.WC Thompson Macon Cos. Ala; M Peters, Cotton Valley Ala. FOR MAYOR. WE are authorized to announce WILLIS S. HOLSTED, a candidate for Mayor, at the ensu ing election. nov 25 dtd. FOR MARSHAL. WE are authorized to announce WILLIAM MAIIAFFEY, a candidate for City Marshal, at the ensuing election. n o v. 25, dtd. WE are authorized to announce JAMES M. HUGHES a candidate for City Marshal, at the ensuing election. nov27dte. FOR THE TIMES. Jlcitare Edicors :—A ou will please announce me as a candidate for Marshall of Columbus, at the ensuing election to be held on the second Satur day in December. It is objected to me by some, that I have alrea dy an office on the railroad. But it should be re collected that I am u man of iauuiy and have chil dren growing up. My present position keeps me from nome nearly all my time, and thus my offi cial duties Conflict with those which every father owes to his family. Married men, especially, will appreciate this reason lor my desire to secure a autUon wuicu wnl allow me to live at home. R. i'. ftiMUNS. I-- ‘ ______________________ . . CITY TREASURER. JOHN LLOITD announces Liimself as a candi date for the office of City Treasurer, and will be thankful for the suflrages of his friends and fel low citizens. nov3o dtde. FOR DEPUTY MARSHAL. WE are authorized to announce GEORGE A. HUCKEBA, a erndidate for Deputy Marshal, at the ensuing election. nov27dtd. WE are authorized to announce JACOB W. SHOUP a candidate for Deputy Marshal, at the ensuing aleetion, 11th Dee. nov.27dt(L TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce ISAAC T. BROOKS a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Muscogee county, at the ensu ing election. nov23d wte We are authorized to announce J. B. HICKS, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Muscogee county at the election in January next. novll—dwtd TAX COLLECTOR. AYE are authorized to announce A. C. MOR RISON a candidate fer Tax Colleotor of Musco gee county, at the ensuing election. nov23dwte We are authorised to announce JORDAN L. HOWELL, a candidate for Tax Collector of Mus cogee county for the ensuing year. ‘ Election first Monday in January next. CITY SEXTON. We are authorized to annnounce JAMES G. SMITH as a candidate for the office of City Sex ton at the election-in December. nov23. The friends of Edmund O’neal, Esq announce his name as a suitable candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chattahoochee county at the January election. novl2—wtd FRESH MAX AGAR GRAPES, Just received by I. G. STRUPPER. Alia New Figs, R,aisins, and Prunes in Fancy Boxes, and Nuts of all kinds, just received by I. G. STRUPPER. FIRE WORKS! A large lot of Fire Works including 100 Boxes Fire Crackers, Just received by Nov. 23—d6t, I. G. STRUPPER. ISTEYV FRUIT & CONFKCTIONERY STORE. (No. 88 Broad et.—opposite Redd & Johnson’s.) W ISHES to announce that he H as just received a fresh supply of Candies, K avvana Oranges, Lemons, Banannas, Northern Cabbage and Apples, P reserves. Jellies Fruits, Vegetables, and Baltimore Cove Oysters in H ermetically sealed cans and Jars; E nglieh Walnuts, Pecans, 8. 8. Almonds. Brazil and Cocoa Nuts; Li aver and Bunch Raisins, Prunes, Currants, Cit ron. Crackers; P ickles, Fresh Lobsters, Sardines, Pine Apple, E. W. and State Cheese; Superior Cigars of various brands, and fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. TERMS CASH. No memoranda kept. nov!3 —dCm. FOR SteLF, A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE in Wynnton. Apply to Nov. 16—dtf. EDW. T. SHEPHERD. “Stoves, more stoves! TUST rereived and for sale, another large lot of tooki g, ttic & Parlor tovrs I invite public attention to the following choice pattern? IRON WIZZARD (for wood) | MELODEON (wood.) GOLDEN COOK. “ VIOLET, EASTERN PREM. “ OPAL.*;, p at RIOT “ W ROUGHT Iron RELIEF ’ “ THEBAN. DOUBLE OVEN, (for Coal) Cottage Parlor. PERUVIAN, for wood. | New Cottave Parjof. of‘h™ Fiirnish inc Goods. Mv terms are reasonable, and all good. ■*£i£yy’- n ““ i '° * . m“aldwo Atlantic cable Suspended! AND edits sir-osAra® CYLINDER POWER JOB | PRESSES IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION AT THE COLUMBUS TIMES OFFICE, Where all descriptions of J 0 B-W 0 R K is neatly and promptly executed. BINDING, IN AIX ITS BRANCHES SSSlyand elegantly at Mambas,* Ga. Nov. 27—dtf. TRE STLE s sale. r WILL se'lto the highest bidder (if not I rtf nr vb'mlv be'ore that time).!! tbe Ist i tesuty in January next,at th - MiTKein „ l ftr Cos uiiiju., u>at vain* ** 1 “ •, h , CJI4 ., hi -Bev2l~dwl® Earrlson A puts, Auers. NEW BOOT & SUOF. STORE. A. C. SAUNDERS &, CO. i WOULD resp*“ct!uily ioform he citizens ot Colombo?, and die c-ouiitr. surrounding, that tbry . have taken the Store recently occupied t, vlerr* London, and are now ope ning the la g-i-t, st n ade and Stock ol BOOTS, SHOES & BRO3ANS lobe found in the City. HAVING extensive factories ok Ol K OW N . and having made arrangements with the best Pennies in the United Sa.e?, with 20 y ars exp rieoce tu Mt-nipiiio, Tenues-tse weave warranted in saving r.ur siock will be SECOND TO Mine IN QUALIFY, 8H LE, D Ei ONOVIY IO U tIE PURCHASER. Our comprbe? m part— Men’s Thick sizes irom 6 to 14; “ Kip “ hail w--itrd and double soled, “ V\ at- r Pr„ol Boob-; “ Napo’e<*n Boots; CavJrv do Extra tine Water Proof Boots; “ CotkS'le “ “ Finest peg\i t iu np aid hilf welt’d Of Boots French B o? ot uperiur style; *’ plantation 8001-; “ Fiu si rti ch -d F etich Cal) Boots; *’ Pump •* “ ** “ Arctic B Ol ; Also, VleuV Ox ord Tie? sewed and peg ed; “ v,- n >res.- Gam re “ “ “ < aid to * “ Sc >t> Tier; Hen’s Call egzeu Brogan?, pumps and I welled; ” Sew, and “ *‘ half “ “ Seal, ana B iff Brogans pegged; “ Ar::yanri Pi nt'a ioii ...hues YlenL Wax, Kip Bufl Brogans pegged, Pumps Sl Welted. e<i’e Gaiters, Slippers &c. t ot all the latest patterns. FOR LADIES. Finest Kid 5l viorouuo lace and Congress 800 s, thick and thin sole?, whin and without h e s. Fue-st i-i k warp lasting lace and Congress, do do Serge de Berre, do go do do Eugene, do do do do do Italian and F.iig!i-h t do do do French and G|..v Kid, do do do “ Xd Heel S|,pper-t- English Kid and Morocco do and half Gait e 8. E ali-h Silk Lasting, do do do Velvet TVilet Slippers. Embroidered, do Women’s Common T hick heel tiesof Kid, Mo* iOcco. Seal and Goal. Spring Heel ‘ie? and Buskins. Goat, Call, Buff, Seal a Kip lace Boots pegged and ed Km Call Boots laced and strapped Spring bee! Kip Feg/ed lace Boots. FOR BOYS. Bovs Thick Boots, -iz & 1 to 5. do oo Brogan ,dolto 5. do do Kip and Cali, do do pumps and halt welted. Boys Calf and Kip Boots, welted and Double -oied. FOR YOUTHS Youih’s Thick Bo >t?, sise- 9 to 13. “ “ Brogans, do 9to 13. do do Kip do do do do Boots half welted and double -ole I. Youih’s Calf, do do do and do do do do Brogans pumps and half welted. FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. Sewed Calf, K:d. Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco tod Biti B otees thick and thin sole, witn and without heels. peyg-d l all, G at, Sell, Grain, Morocco and Buff Bootees, that aud trick soies, with and with* out he*! -. Fine Kid Ties and Bukins; Common Kid Morocco, Seal and Goat Ties Silk Lastii g, Kid i.nd Morocco Gaiters with md without heels. Kid, M -rocco and silk ‘asting lace Boots, do. do. Strapped SI piiers. D’hiidren’s Congress Heel Gaiters. FOR PLANTKKS. The largest, best made, and cheapest stock of NEGRO SHOES EVER BROUGHT TO CO UMBU3, Among them are, Round and Lap Seam, Double Braeed, Double Soled Brogan?, from 1 :o 15. Round Seam TANARUS: pie S itched Iron Nailed Bro gans, Round seam, Three Soled Brogan?. OaK jfot'oms, Ru-set sand other kinds rauging in ptice from sl.lO upward?. It any ot our g >ods do not prove a? repre eve I oy us, we will make the deficiency good to the purehast r. (JI’KTBY me* chants,trad His PEDDALitS^c., vVecanoff -r goods at Boston and .New York trines, by gi ing u? a ead you <au ?ave 15 2!) per c*ni o your bUs Tak'ing the q ility of our s ods into considcra 'on.weare to he undersold by no one North, Sou h, K-st or V\ e t We hnv-- m .de ar.ang ment? to receive all n-*w n 1-s Tom .actori sot any note in ibe I nited latesas B<*on a? inimtiuc and, and .-hall he rei eiv ng fresh goods ev?ry week lroin ocr own Fae ories. A. C. SAUNDERS & CO., Oct ’s..w&d'J b 2 B oad Sireet. COLUMBUS DRUG- STORE, THE subs ribers take pleasure in informing t their customers and ati interested in the purchase of Drug-, 31 <ii (•>•. v% hi( Lemi, 4>i s, dkc., to their laree and varied assort uent of usually sold by Druggists, wdiich they ire now offering on as reasonab.e terms, a? can be bund in this city; and to those who prefer buying for ash vvp would say, call, and they will find it to their intetest to purchase from ns. Every article sold by us v arranted to be as represented. DAN FORTH, NAGLE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Sign of the Golden Mortar, No. 107, Broad St. Columbus. Ga. Nov. 18, 1858. dwtf freshljuppltfk N'EW Hulled Buckwheat. Famiiv Fiour —A < ‘mace Article; HIRAM SMITH FLOUR, Choi, e Goshen Butter. English Diary Cheese, Best S.aie Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese, Cranberries. White Beans, Large Hominy. Potatoes, Onions. Pickled Beef. Pickled Pork. Smoked Beef. Smoked Tongues, 100 Bushels Sweet Potatoes, Just received by VAN MARCUS. Coinmbus, Ga. Nov. 6. 185S.—dtf To Rent, TWO STORES, now fitting up at 34 Broad Street Apply at this office. nov2o dtf. WANTED, 4 N Overseer for a force of eighteen hands in South Western Georgia. He must be sober, industrious Tnd honest, and must furnish a recommendation of hie character in all three respects. A married man would be preferred, but his family must be small. Apply m person at this Novl-wtl. FALL STOCK OF furniture, carpetting. AND curtains, NOW OPESINCt at SAMMtS & ROGNEV’3, COLUMBUS. GA. Colusnho*, Ga., Oct.C, 1858. dw3. FoR RKfiT, THE Store formerly occupied by B. 6c G. Stern, un der Warren’s Arcade. App.y at tins office. Nov. 23—dtf AMERICAN WATCHES! _ IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES, At Purple’s old Stand, Jone’s New Building, Jr- 4 jjt Columbus, Georgia, a Oct.,3o —dwtf T. S. SPEAR. COTTON, CuTToN, OUTRUN! COT 04 is iov selling til a food j Ice, ami if il * O’ tea and bctouiife pm-toi e Lnnua ‘V. are not soon pmd. *u t- w- I be instituted ind.serin in*tr4v. A word to the v is* i Midi in,t. odi4—wfedtl. J E'M-fe'O NO 0 OPfcNLNtL AT DILT,I\TrII\M I DFN<ON’S FURNITURE STO&E, A LARGE ST- CK OF CARPETINGS RUGS, MiYTS BASKETS, &c Columbus O ;mbe 23. d&u'f. A LARGE AND FRESH SUPPLY OF LANERETH’S GARDEN SEEDS. Just received and for sale by nov27—d&w BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Suu and Enquirer please copy. CARRIAGE EMPORICm] J. B. JAQUES & BROTHEB, OPPOSITE THE “PERRY HOUSE. ‘ COLUMBUS. Ga. • THE subscribers have on hand and will constantly keep a large and well selected slock of Carriages of all de- Vi> srriptions, embracing CALECHES, MOCK CALECHES. DAROUCHES ROCK A WAVS, Shifting Lealher Tp and No Top Buggies, Wagons, &c. We feel confident in stating to the Public that we can offer as Goon Work, and at lower prices than can be found elsewhere for Cash or approved Credit. Cash Purchasers will do well to give us a call, as we are determined to dispose of our present Stock, at a very small advance for Cash. All who favor us with a call mav rely on being fairly dealt with. All work sold at this Establishment warranted to be strictly as represented. In connection with the above Establishment we keep constantly employed competent mechanics in the RE PAIRING Business and its branches. Persons indebted to the above firm by notes or ac counts past due are requested to call and settle imme kiatelv. Columbus N'ov. 1 1856.—d1y “nEWBO OKS. L C our ',ship of Miles Siandish by Vernon Grove, or Hearts as they are, by a Southern Lady. Tiie K. N. Peppers; Bessie Meliviiie, a Sequel to the Little Episcopalian; Lectures to Children, by Rev. John Tood; ALSO. A NEW SUPPLY CF Quits: Initials; Timoihy Titcomb’s Letters to young People; True to the Last or Alone on a wide, v/ide Sea. hv A. S. Roe. At nov22—wdtf J W. PEASE Sc CLARK’S Book Siore. I S. ST jF-BSH , Attorney at I^w, Being a Graduate of Law of the University of Vir ginia, respectfully tenders his sendees in all the branch es of the profession. up Stairs, over No. 26 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga. November 6, 1858. dly 1858 FALL STOCK. 1858 J. H. MERRY HA'S removed his r-tore No. i-Afl 87 West siue Broad Suet-t, 1 do r ..011 hot Kt-dd, Johnst n &. Co.’,-, wiere he h uo-v rec-*tv ng a lari?- suouly of Fall aud Winter Globing* ! For GlxN i ’S, YOUTH'S aid CLildien’s we; r Also, a large Assortment of GENI’S EURNTSHIISG IOODH Together with ev--ry hi i l* usua'v kepi in a Cl ehing S;ore. All of m i h will be sold on good mrms as are at! rde.i inihe'iiy, Columbus, G*. Uct 15- a3u BEDSI'Ii & VVEtIVb Wholesale and itetatl GKoCKKY DEALERS, si®. Y*7ILL *eep eonsiai tiy on hand a well selec ted rStoek comprising all a tides n ‘heir tine which are tiered to tn-tr nends and the pubhi gen-raJiv at the LOW LS l JSlAßiiEl’ Phi CES. Give us a eali. LOCK WEEMS. A sJ' BEDELL, Columbus, Ga Dec. 22. wtwif „ FOR S \LF. ■ •> THE residence at p esent occupied by fiisTisfp the Rev. Vlr Vatt. >o t-i-ure Mr Slade’- dUM possession given the It J o mx’. Aiso iwe vacant lo l * adjoining, witn the store on Br* ad street No 34 at present occupied by C Michael as a Furnaure store, po ses'ion given the fir-t ot October. Tne above property wi l h ..o j■* not e< >ld. 8 BO Y \ iiK . r.x. Sept 24, d— tf. or i G HOLT. PR.?. •*> - her tn the Scpra iceo; Slodi line and Surgery.— alii to’t at >V &. . D a -C a. -re -iuriu ► tae day. or Pjrr* H a.a a msf'it will t pr •raptly ans’VereJ. Pi p its ir m a distune iitide ! to ih/rcare wsl; ree ive ev-rj iseesvi ry wttei.iinn. * P n NOTICE. THE undersigned invites proposals until the 15'h December next, for the building of a BAPTIST CHURCH in this city. Plan and specifi-iions -an be seen bv bidders, at the office of Thomas J. Nuckolte in Jones’ Building. For any information on stjUCT. address N. NUCKOLLS, Ch n Columbus. Nov. 16. 1858 —dim. MATRESSES. AN excellent article of Cotton, or Shucks anti Cot ton mixed, and all Shucks for under Matresses Call and see them before purchasing an Inferior article elsewhere. For sale by k .1. H. SIKES, nov 9 jj.f 36 Broad Street. W. H. SAYRE. A. H. WHITE. “SJVUE & WHITE, Commission fHtrcjiants, and dealers in Pork- Bacon. Lard, * Flour Butter. CH7ESF, D-*I‘D FRUIT, &c. 39Walnut Street © K trX©a Particular anention will be given to the Purchas’ and Shipment of all descriptions of Western Product ind articles of Cincinnati Manufacture. November 9, 1858. dlmw6m. carpenters wanted. tttaNTED. on or before the 25th of this moml W * ei ght or ten good Negro Carpeniera for wbr •rood .v~zes will be given. Apply to the undersimeu good wages * H VARINGTON. rt* tprisp, Alt .N*- H novaoim LOOKI LOOKI Startling Intelligence for Vox fcpuli ! WTT.T.T A MW P.ertM GALLERY l FULL BLAST. J| HE undersigned announces to the cit liens of Co lumbus, and m tact to ai i Georgia, that he is now taking Picture® in as good styie as mey can be taken m the ‘ Empire Siate,” either by a joretg-n or name ar tist. His prices range from that much dexmsetl sum— fifiy ten.s to ten donars. And although lie does not pretend to say that he is the best artisi m tire United Slates, yet he ft* irs not the result of a comparison with those whose reputation is bolstered up by long adver- Uaepems aud puffs of their own niunulacture. lie prefers that ladies and gentlemen should judge for themselves. And if those in want of a good Picture wui can and give him a trial, he win convince them that he ftuiy understands the mu dus opemuti of picture taking. An he wants is a fair and impartial trial, and lie fears no competition from any quaher. His Galter} is o~er Barnard’s Store. Broad Street, where he wnl be happy U> receive visitors and show them his specimens at ah tunes. G. T WILLIAMS. ¥ Nov. t —toad Photographic Arust. H i; sal OK~hLYI\ ‘ FROM ihe 25th of December next, the House and Lot at present occupied by Dr. c B.iswell, on Troup S.reet, fronting the Baptist T Ghur.h Lot. Appty to Nov 10—dtf JAS 34. EVERITT A. VELAS'!, “ Can !} Mi.i.ll actiiiH & l(Me inter, WHOLESALE AND ItETLAi DEALER IN GHEEN & DRY FHUITS, WFGF.IID AhD COKESIiC CIGARS. No 20 Broad st, Columbus, Georgia ORNAMENTED PARTY CAKES—Country orders will meet with prompt attention. Nov. 3, ISSS. dl3m. RICH ART SON’S IRISH LIISTEI^rS, DAMASKS. DIAPERS &c /'CONSUMERS of Ri.hardeoji’s Linens, and those de sirous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS.should see that the articles they pun. base are sealed with the fill] name of the firm. as a truaraniee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially necessary, as large quant hies of inferior and detective Linens are prepared, season after season, and'sealed with the name of RICIIAKDSCN, by Irish House*, vc ho. regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the Ame rican consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable while purchasers can be imposed on with goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKS & J. R. LOCKE, nov. 16—dly. Agents 36 Church Street, N. Y. HugAiSi!l’ ‘ OLB 71”*-', TH E undeis'gta and < ffer toi sale the above j jt sta, ciaru braid o PL . F. BY t VS UIFKV. • i t: i-ir wo di 1 ilat on n Baf els and Hailtc- re Is Tn q ati'y of hi, Vt ixßy, k mwi. *. av.'rab y intb S mb, ort. ie pas’ •* g it, w 1 I*)* tie kep up imt* lo mar high slamiuid a c pu'C asersand c.'iisumeracan rely up u its (Mint* p r c;p i.*e iva A T tm<y, oretilie * unuer our t.wi j>i’Si>ii!il -upt r i- to>, ami entirely free 1;• mi del t - r ns *iii s’.iu c s. which olteii rei, er Whiskies s. je ii toab e. fit addition totbe ah-\e, we hi'e •ot and tn N w V’ ik, as w !l i* P i hi l p la, p i |is iln* ls: w.a. of Une Ste Wtiisuic* in tin U in o States, anti are enab edto -hip goods iron e t er c ty direct to ai y p tint. T e atrov* VVi i-K\s a-t all r on .v:r own ri’stillini tom eidol tr n. Moi site i ftat.sSy tnpt< vii t ■ia< { id we ot? rtheti to th • trad.? from firs, hud pffu ibe n'en li -e a p-i *. s *itl erens FhEFM N SM’3 *N Pboe • x Distillery, No. !til)S>UiU Tr t.i S t P idadeiitbia, and 9 . VVail S.reet, New York. ’ c '•T- riy For Sale. p___i A comfortable Dwelling House ana Lot, jv?*; containing one acre of land, situated on the jjxjggi Alabama side of ihe Chattahoochee River, on ■ the road leading from the New Bridge towards Salem, Ala., and about one half mile west of said Bridge. Any person desiring to purchase a comforta ble and quiet home, will be offered a bargain in this place. Apply to MOSES &. LA WES, nov. 3—dtf Columbus, Ga. NOTICE. ‘l'HECopar'nership ot < laike 65 iver-on, in the X Drug Busine.'S m this coy vas dissolved cm me 18th just, bv the d-a h ot Samuel D Ciaike Tne t usit.ew will continue to !>e carried on by h u ider-ignea on his indvidu t | accnuiit, at the b gle Drug Sto<e, 93 Br ;.d S ivei John F. IVERSON. Columb is. Ga., Oct. 21,18 >8 dtf ms, .W. (KBAB3, * i PROFESSOH OF M USIC TH NKr i 1, o j a,i and pres> 1 efpi.iiYcSlSffi * VO e , v 0.1 C rri-peo .u liy HOI M t -vr-vr-Vf ii a< lit coiiiu.ues to - v. instraetioi J J Ir u ui \ oca an i lusti U’lienia mus e. , p cat oi.s ‘eCei veil at car*er’ music Store. 8 • ,7- dam* Tobacco agency, COLOIBIS, GEORGIA. ELLIS &, M A V U I S AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, I I V r ci on hsuleml w 1 coat am to receive di ll. FROM ,IR ST CLASS MAMTFaCTC HERRS t arge silfsp >Ota 1 • ‘•** Too v> c.l ihi y Will sell othetaae a F.ctory Prices, expenses oi Iv aide i. raders wiil do weil to cad beiore bnyin sewdere. eril’— v,&.d3 mis T\d \7 r’ {\/a AT AUCTION, BV HARRISON & PITTS. \ITE now to v- in wor® arid are daily receiv- YY ini?tr"m New Y rk, a fme assortment o! j first class STAILEA FAN. Y ST DRV tR M iDS, AND FiSCT AETICIB3 Which we mill fF-ra’ A uctw> and Private Sale j ih-ough the feason, and 10 wi ict ve invite the arent~on of our iiie: a- and it- i uh ic g-uerally. Tne stock consists in part f the following ar.i de vz* Prims of every style. White B-illiarde. Muslin j de baines, R.'bes a Les, de Leiines obesa Quiiie Valencia Flounced Kobes, <'asbm6ies, I lam ana Figured Alpaccas, Ginghame. V\ Lite and Red Fianneb. La dsevs‘Cloih- ‘ assiineres, IBattinet-. Tweeds, K-ntui ky Jeans, Kev#one an.l Morse Plaids. A llenda e ."heeti’ gs, I t.-h L n-ns, Biank- Pts, *Vd IT king. Bleached l>ome-tic-', Towel-, Lin j n Table < 1 ihs. Linen ami Colton Table Diaier, I inen Napkins, i men Cambric and B.>r dered H’d'kis, Apron ( h-ck-. Hoes aid Halt Hoes Shir:~ Meri'*o. aid Cotton Net Shirt', Razors, Table and P<“ ket Cmtlerv, Needle-, -ipo >1 I bread, Fan- y So; p , P. T umeiy. Pemus ,;on ('ps, Leiier Pape , Envelops, and a great , n ., v ar cle- t’R> tedious to mention. Our fiisi first site ol ihe season will take place r ?4o clock on I'ue-ilay Night nex'. ihe 12>h ,st. to be eonti tFd ever’ right ihtoi gnoui ne wi; <e’- We will also have one or two day al-seuch week. All gold- ottered at Auction guarantied as ep -sen ; ta or no sale. HARRISON & PITTS. F.‘ J Pisckard, Auct oner. 59 and 61 8.0 and St c< t, * r. ! mnb is Opt. 8. ‘SB tf. Book Binding EXECUTED in superior style at the offica of the “ColumbueTiiaw” SWAK & CO.’S LOTIERIES Triumpbauitl Capital Prize TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS The jVhiuwmg scheme will be drawn by 8. SWAN cr CU., Managers ofthe Sparta Academy Lottery, in Sj, '* ie Number Lotteries lor. DeeemLcr. at Atot sta, Ga., n> public under the superinten dence of Commissioners Class 40 draws 8a urday, D c 4, 1858. Ciats 41 draws Saturday, Dec 11.1858. Cl-55.42 draws Saturday, Due. 18, 1858. Ciass 43 draws Saturday, Dec. 25, 1858 On the Plan of Single Numbers. £O,OOO TiCKIiTS— 5,510 ritii.ES. nearly one PIIIZF. TO every kink tickets Scheme! To bo drawn every Saturday in December. 1 Prow of 5 s .000 1 “ kt 04H) > ** tu,ootr l “ h,UOU l “ 4,4“** l k * 3,000 ? “ I^HHI lo “ t. 400 10 “ 9h) 10 “ 800 19 “ 74 At 10 “ 000 bn “ 6UO 5!! “ Hn “ !...! 17. -25 “ 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 P t, of §*oo Approx’g Lo i 5 ,<K)oPrixe are 1,600 4 “ am sM .o “ t. uo 4 “ ?50 “ 1*.,4Ki0 “ io w 4 u 2.-5 5,04141 “ oo 4 ** li<H) “ 4,i Ot) “ 8 0 4 “ 1“ 3,0 U) 6.10 5 ‘ 100 ** 1 ,t>i 0 a. 0 3, 410*’ 20 re.... 8100,040 5.5 0 Piizes anu.unti tr to s3i'ti.i4)o Whole Tickets SlO. Halve* S3. Quarter* 52.50. A Circular showing the Plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates which is the risk: Certificates of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, SBO “ “ 10 Haii “ 40 “ “ 10 Quarters “ 20 “ “ 10 Eighth “ 10 IN GRDITIINO TICK 118 OK CJ Encloge the money to our address for the tickets or dered. on receipt of vvliiih they w ill he forwarded by first mail. < Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. List of Draw n Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the Draw ing. Purchasers will please w rite their signatures plain, and give their post office, county and State! Remember that every prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. All prizes of ?r 1,000 and under, payable immediately after the draw ing, other prizes at the usual time of 30 days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tit kets or Certificates to 8. SWAN & CO., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Ga., can have their order* tilled and save time by ad dressing 8. Swan 6c Cos. at either of these cities. A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel w ith the amount of the prize that each one is entitled , to, will be published after every drawing in the follow ing papers:— S.ugvsta (Ga 1 Lxmstuutit/i.ultst; N nr cr leaus Jbdta; Mobile Rtgister; J\asltville G aiette, jit lav ta JnteUigcnier; Anr iork h eekly Lay book; Sarawak Daily A eut<; hu hvnnid Dis/ aU h; Anr 1 ark JJittj itUk; Paulding■ UUtim.) Clarion, and Little bock (Jirk.) ‘1 rut Democrat. \ DMIMSTRATOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold at VjL Fun Gaines Ga.. on lsi Tuesdaj in February next lo the highest bidder, four Negroes to wn: Kitty a wo man 40years oid; Mann a Woman 29 vents old, and her ihiuhen John 6 years old, aud a child 2 years oid, as the properly of Win Toney, dei eased. IiOBT. G RICKS, i W TONEY, jAdmra November 29,185b —wtds. FOR SALE ON accommodating terms, several desirable dwell ings. Apply to JOHN McCARTY. Columbus, Oct. 26. d2m V\ HITE AND YELLOW ONION SETTS, Just \\ received and lor sale bv Nov. 15—dwtf BROOKS 6c CHAPMAN. 4 -r k: i > ‘k.i i 5e i 1/ R, ifk| A A THE OKLEBRATKD HOLLANP REMEDT 01 ©YSP#gIJL, DISEtSE or THE KIIISETB, LIVER COMPLAINT, V EARN ESS OF ANY KIND, ACUf. And the various affection* consequent upon a diseased STATE OF THE LIVER. Such a? Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains. Heanbum, Less of Appetite, Despondency.Co*- tivenes. Blind and Breeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumdi’- and Neuralgic Affections, it has iu numer ous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others ef fected a decided cure Tins is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after llie manner of the celebrated Holland Prolessor, Bccrhave. Because of iis great success in most of ihe European States, its in troduction into the United Stales was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country'• Meet ing with great suet ess among lliem, 1 now offer it to the American public, know ing that its imiv v underfill . wST dae.-t K ad ‘q„ everv nerve, raising ud Ihe drooping spirit, and in fact infusing new health and vigor in the sysiem. NOTICE Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to ihe sn k. weak, and low spirited it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos sessed of singular remedial properties. CAVT I O S ! The great popularity of this delightful aroma has in duced man v imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy anything efse until you have given Bmrhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. ‘ One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. Sold at SI per bottle, or six botties for So, by the SOLE PROPKIEIORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. J11.&CO. MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutists and Chemists, F, TTSEURGH, PA. For Fale ia Columbus by Brooks & Chapman, and by riniepiats generally throughout the Bute. ’ April 24. 1 -58.—lydwis. FURNITURE. TH SIKES respectfully returns his thanks to nis fri- n-stbr pr tavor^ H nd t—gs lev- to remind th-m of the rfST* f ,et that he is soli ai h'pold buMinepsand wand 36 Rroad street, w here be will be glad t< K e hii* old customers, and as many new ones as are w llmg to -ive him a trial. ■* Maorasse’ in any quantity for eale cheap Re pairing of every ion ..f Fumttur* at ■nee. and in the reatee’ style. Prt!cular retention rveffto npholste-ing Church Pews, Chiire and ‘n>.h : on- of all kind?. Oct. 8. wd tf CA CORDS WELL SEASONED PINE WOOD O\J Appply at this ®e • dtf