Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 01, 1858, Image 4

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CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS,WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. TOrimfirlin Mass., 2fltH De<\, ido not hesitate to say the best remedy I have ever found for Coughs, Hoarseness, Influenza, and the Concomitant symptoms of a ( - <dd. is your CIIKRRV PECTORAL. Its constant use in my ‘practice (family forthe last ten years hag shown it to possess superior virtues for the treatment ot these complaints.; EBEN KNIGHT, M. i>. A. B. MORTI.EY, Esq. of .Utica. N Y. writes: ‘I have used your Pectoral myself and in my family ever since you invented it. and believe it the isast medicine for its purpose ever put out. VVi l l l a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty live dollars for a bottle do without it, or take any other remedy. CROOP, WHOOPING; COUGH, INFLUENZA, SpmxoFlELn. Afisss Fet. 7, 1856. Brother Ayer: F will cheerfully certify your Pectoral is the best remedy we possess for the cure ol H koopinjr QruzK Croup, and the chest diseases of children, we of your fraternity in the South appeciate your skill,and commend your medicine t<> our people. HIRAM CONKLIN, M. I). Amos Lee, Esq.; Monterey, la., writes 3d January 1850, “1 had a tedious Influenza, which confined me in doors six weeks; took many medicines without re lief; finally-tried your Pectoral by the advice of our clergyman. The first dose relieved the soreness in my throat and lungs; less than one half the bottle made me completely well. Your medicines are the cheapest as well as the’ best we can buy, and we esteem you Dr. and your medicines as the poor man’s friend. asthma or phthisic, and bronchitis. I West Manchestuk. I’a. Feb. 4, 1856. ir, Your Gherrv Pectoral is performing marvellous cures'in this section. It has relieved several from alarming symptoms of consumption, ami is -now curing a man who has labored under ah affection of the lungs for the last forty years. HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant. A. A. Ramsey, M. P.. Albion, Monroe County,lowa writes, Sept. 6, 1855: “During my practice of many years, I have found nothing equal to your Cherry Pec toral for giving ease and relief to consumptive patients •r curing such as are curable.” We might add volumes of evidence, bur the most convincing proof of tbe virtues of this remedy is found in its effects upon trial. SOLD BY Dr. David Young, and Danforth & Nagel, in Colum bus, Druggists and dealers iu Medicines gener ally every where. pct3o—*vddm. Adxninistrator’s Sale—Agreeably to an or der of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chattahoochee county, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Cusseta in said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale—One Negro man Allen, about 30 or 35 years of age, as the property of Samuel C. Dodson, de ceased. Sold for the benefit of creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN S. DUNCAN, * . . mv , a W. J DUNCAN, i Admi s ‘ November 8, 1858. / _ w4od GEORGIA Chattahoochee county: WHEREAS, Seaborn W. Ellis applies to me tbr Letters of Guardianship for the property of his daughter Sarali A. Ellis: All persons concerned are required to shew cause within the time fixed by law, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, the 7th November 1858. ’ F,. G. RAIFORD, Ordinary. Nov. 15, 1858—wtds. Sale of Personal Property. AT the residence of tbe late Thomas Davis, o Muscogee county, will ho sold on he 15ih December next, all ihe personal propc-ily of Use deceased, consisting of corn, fodder, hor-es, mules, cows, hogs, 6u: . also household and kitchsn fur niture, and a good assortment of farming utensils. The property is sold lor a division, and terms will be made known at the time of sale, THOviAStl. DAVIS, ct2o.. Agent forthe FHrs GEORGIA, Ghnttahoochee County : Court of Ordinary , July Term 1858. tit) iiE N I l. TIT HERE AS, Y\ i Ilium J. Me. Bride, T-omits H. Me Vf Bride, and M. V. Vvardla v, Execuiore of the last will and testament of VVißiam Mcßride, deceased having fully settled the business of the estate oi said deceasd, appiy to me for Letters ot Dismission front the same. It is therefore ordered, that ail persons con cerned shew cause it any they have* why said Letters should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary to beheld in anil for said county on the second Mon day in January next. And it is further Ordered, that this Rul j be published in let ms of the law. Atrue transcript from the minutes ofthis Court, July 7, !858. •Inly 12—worn E. R. RAIFORD. Ordlnnr,. 4 dm In is tr a tor’s Sale.--Agreeably to an Jr\. order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the Court House door iu the town of Blskely, Early county, Ga„ on the drst Tuesday in December next, within tbe legal hours of sale, all tbe lands, consisting of Lot number ouo hundred and twenty six (126) known as the Bartlett lot, a:.d let number one hundred and fifteen (H 5) known as the Matthew Lewis lot, both in the six.h district of Earliy county, (each lot con taining 250 acre 9 more or lea-': a large portion of whicu is unde? ‘cultivation.) Together with all the negroes belonging to the estate oi Robert G. T. Taylor dec’d. Sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the day of sale. And on the day following will be sold on the pre mises, alt the perishable -property of sad est te. consisting oi corn, fodder, mules, horses, wagons, household furniture and p antumn uiensils ofall kinds. Sale to continue from-Jay to day until the properiyis til .sold. Sold for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors. RICH A KO D. B. TAYLOR, Adm’r. October-2,lßsß—wtd. GEORGlA.— Meriwether County. Administrator’s Sale —Hv virtue cf an order Ironi tle Hon. Court of Ordinary of Meriwether county, will be sold on the first Tues day in December next, betcve the court house door in the town oi Greenville said ounty, Ga. be tweeu the legal hours of sale, three hundred acres. — 1 <"'• *' ” ftss&u rfouit v a. muus, ueceas and last resided, and cohsis* of parts of Lots numbersSS, 53, and-lot number 75 and ot eight acres oj lot number s*l all lying a d be iiK in the Ist and. strict of said county.” It s well improved and possesses the advantage of adloiniua the ChaU beate Springs p'acc- “” J Also, at tbe same time and oiace will he sold eisr .t negroes towit—Pate, 22 yea-s old; Jane, 20 years oi age, and her two chLuren, one two years the other two months old; Silvev, 18 years of eg ; i.orana. lo years of as ;Betsey 4u years of age, and her child * years o,d Sold as ihe:property oliho John F Rbl uus deceased. Teriusof sale, twelve months with approved .er v lt l- M A GIN DA ROLLINS, Adro’x October 9, 1858—wtds. GEORGlA—Chattahoochee county. WHEREAS. Jacob Parker applies for Letters of t y Administration on the estate of Thomas J Bacon deceased: These are therefore to ciie and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my otiice within the time prescribed hv law. and shew cause, if any they have, win said il cr iers should not be granted. ’ * * Given under my hand at office. Nov I*=t 1858 ■ovß w4dH E. G, RAIFQRn. Ordinary. GEORGlA—Muscogee County. Court of Ordinary, June Term , 1858. RULE NlSl.—Whereas Timothy G Mc'rarv nrf intulstrator on the estate oi Wilev W Tod ! “VuSL h * vi,) * a Pr*>'ed for betters of DismiJ-S it is therefore hereby ordered Th.. BB,O B‘ concerned .bewc.uti’f“‘ffifgS firjit \iAnnL ? ©heli in and for said county oa tht* | published in terms'ofthetat Bnd lhis Ruie be T. J. G XJ H N, ATTORNEY AT I.AW HAMILTON , GA. Pr ° mptly ‘° all bu9lD ®^entrusted January 26, 1858-wly. LAGRANGE FEMALE COLLEGE. \ I TILL o;8Mi its ftMifjjep.-fon the SMilt ot Sc,. VV leni'-er, whit the following • FAC O ITT. Rf.v. w.\l J SA3NETT, A M , D D , P.-e ---iderit and .of Moral ScL-nee and Belleg-lietfres* * V Ktv J AMDS R MAYSON, A V 1 , Prole--or or MatimMiarioe W.VIjsA. 11A Ujy IS, A. M, Prof s.-orof Nat - arm Science and French'; J4 >llN w. AKEfiS. A, 11., Professor ol Ancient Language..- and•. Mrs H P. JUDOB, li!ftructrv-> in Cn^iitlrLit erature. F . WUBIM, pi. I)., Munich; University, Pro* lessor o- Vliislc. ioMrume-iiai aod vocal. Wise 8 All A a tiORRY,- (Assist ant in Music; Miss MARIA BROWN, hist rue tress in Panning and Drawing? i\ (}, LESSEN F, Sit ward Tmsiosiiiuiiofi cdlors advautag-sf which few, if any, in the South can claim. For the charade and completeness oh its Faculty, for elegance of ‘buildings and ‘general facilities of learning;for accessibility, beasuty and health ot location, the LaGiange College of Georgia lias no superior iff the'HJriiOn. It is in sight oi the Railroad and ot the great Poutheiifer-ute from New Void to New Orleans.. Expens.s in College, ;neldm® board, washing, iuel, and literary tuition, S!BW per session of ten months. For Catalogues address the Faculty?'” or WM. A. HARRIS, Sec. Sept. 20—v(Sr.dim _ Lagrange, Ga. UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. I. COIiLE&ft.TE DEPASTMEMT. MXUTARY cettiei. .1 BERRIFN LINDSLKY, M D , 1)1), Chan cellor ,of (he University, and Professor ot Chemis try and Geology. Coi. 1). if. JOHNSON, Superintendent of ihe Military College and Professor ot Engineering. JAS. F. HAMILTON, A. M., Professor oi Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, and Astrono my. J. H. STEWART, A. IM., Professor ofGreek and Latin Languages and Literature. F, L. J. . IiYSSENS, A. Mv, of French and Drawing. G. S. BLACKIE, A. M., M. D-, Professor ol Botany and Natural History Rev. J. VV. HOYTE, A. M., M. D., Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Biblical Literature. C. K. WINSTON, M. D., Surgeon. The First Term of the next Academic year com mences on the 20th of September, and the Sec ond Term l#h of February, Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Fuel, Rooms, Servants’ attendance, and use of arm?, SIOO per term Matriculation Fee, $5. Students are re quired to furnish their rooms, which can be done at a moderate charge, by rent or purchase. En gineering, French, Spanish, German, Drawing, Book Keeping and Fencing, each $lO per Term of twenty weeks. In the regular Collegiate Course, the ancient reputation ol the University tor Scientific and Classical Scholarship will be maintained,and at the same time, every facility afforded those who desire to pursue a partial course. Besides the tour regular College Classes, there is also a pre paratory class. Ssudents under 14 years o age will not be admitted. By the aid ol Military Discipline, effective gov eminent ia established, and health, physical cul ture, good order and industrious habits are promo led For Catalogues, or additional information, ap ply to any member of the Faculty. II MEDICAL DEPARTMENT SESSION 1853-9 —The 7th Annual Course of Lectures in th s Institution will commence on Monday the 2d of November next, and continue tii! the first ot the ensuing March. Thomas R. Jennings, M. D , Professor of An atomy. J. Berrien Lindsley, M. D , Professor of Chem istry and Pharmacy. C. K Winston, JVI. D„ Professor ot Match . Me diea and Medical Jurisprudence. A. H. Buchanan, M. D., Professor ofSugtcal Anatomy and Physiology. John M. Watson, M. D., Professor ol Obstet rics and the Diseases of Women and Children. Paul F Eve, M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice oi Surgery. VV. K. Dowling. M. I)., Professor of Insti tutes and Practice oi Medicine. Wm. T. Briggs, M. D.. Adjunct Professor and Demonstrator of Anatomy. ‘i he Anatomical Rooms will be opened for stu dents on the first .Monday in < fetober, (thesth.) A preliminary course of lectures, free to all students, wili be given by the Professors com” ineucing also on the first Monday in October, The Tennessee Wtate Hospital under the Di rection of the Faculty is open to the Class free o i charge. A Clinique, has been established in connection with the University, at which onerations are per formed and cases prescribed for and lectured upon in presence of the Class. Amount of Fees lor Lectures is $105; Matricu lation fee (paid once only) $5; Practical Anatomy, $10; Graduation Fee, $25, Good boarding can be procured for $3 to $4 per week. For further information or Catalogue apply to m, W. K. BOWLING, Nashville, Term., July 1858. Dean of the Faculty. August sth, 1858.—vvtw2t* ARRIVAL and departure of mails. NORTHERN ANB EASTERN MAILS ar rive 535A, M. and 3.45 P. M. Close at 2and 7 P. M. WESTERN Mail arrives at *3 A. M. and 250 P* M. Closes at 2 and 7 P. M, EUFAULA Mail arrives at 9i A. M. Closes 12 M. STEWART Mail arrives*Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 P. M. Closes Mondays, Wed nesdays and Saturdays at 7 P M. WHI FESVILLE ANDELLESSLIE Mails ar rives Mondays and Thursdays at 6 P. M. Closes same days at 10 A. M. HAMILTON Mail arrives Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6 P. M. Closes same days’ at 10 A.M. .CRAWFORD Mail arrives on Mon:!ay?. W, and - nesuays"at>u ;•. .uiry* i s . ffu. ... ~ A m. OiIUIV UdJS BUENA V 19*1’A Mail arrives Tuesdays, at 6 P. M. Closes at 10 A. M. same day. OSVvICHEE Mail arrives Tuesdays 6 p. M, Closes 4 P M. KINGS M ail arrives Tuesdays at 11 A. M. ( loses Tuesdays at 11 A. M. OSANIPPA Mail arrives Wednesdays at 6 p. M. Closes at 10 A. M j j ~pIIEBE .Scales are now & recared as Sianderds or Correct Weight, and irei'i a-e by nearly eve- 1 T Railroad company, /ir|S 8 -lerchant and raanur’actn /]\|f i ring establishment thro’- : & t >utthe country.’ The re / r!U ' :,^: !1 which these ( S ales have acquired has oeen of steady growih ,om the commencement to uie present time, and Is based upon the oriuci- T? A rT>T> AXTTrc? t>le adopted by us, and A.liiDAi\iVo never deviated from, of llowinv uonebut ported Ksvtaics. weighing machines to go orih from our establish- FAIRBANKS’ h „, m , ret6 „ JSjjCIC X• ihundred off rent modiil- ‘ * jcitioii3 of these Scales a I -1 rded f. o the wan - s of evv- I? A T Dl4 A ‘V'TrQl* rv department of business, a run u-rv*J v. hcrc a correct and dura- ble Scale is required. . Calland examine or send n „4_ . tor ai! illustrated circular. Bell, Prentico & Co.Ag’t EAIRBAN KS & C O Savannah, Ga. ISO Broadway, Oct 2*2— d2aw 4m New York. TWO months after date application wiil be made to the Coprt of Ordinary of Taibot county for leave to sell the land and negroes, belonging to the estate of Mrs Elizabeth Duncan, latent Taibot countv, dec’d. JOHN 8 DUNCAN, Administrator. Nov, lOtfi, 1858.—wtds. TH K SOUTHERN LIT RAM MESSENGER. ! ONE OF THE CHEAPESi publications in the COUNTRY. WO VOLUMES A YEAR. HVcift, least 480 pages, in neat style, v.iih fine C<;ver, and Advertising Slseet. THE TWO VOLUMES FURNKISHSO FOR ONLY Till? EE, DOLE Vfts A YEAR j For the year ISSB. Twtntv-sixlh and Twenty-seventh Volumes . s N issuing Ih.e ibosp’ Bins of die twenty.sixth I aui seven?h Vo.Ljnfrtfs of. the SOUTiI- I iRN LITEitARY MESSEi#GER, CT*mmeiieing j with the January Number, the Proprietor? heg to a-'iire the public that no exei tidns will be, remit or: iheirpart to maintain the iiigh character of tie* work, arid to challenge the patronage of all win Ifaiue sterling literary merit. For twenty. Viren Years, ihe Messenger has endeavored to re flect llie Soutliern mind, vvliile disdain ing all narrow and sectional views, and has alums among the monthly periodicals of America in defence of the Peculiar Institutions of the Southern Country. To this office it will be de voted, and will be prompt to repel assaults upon the South, whether they come under the specious garb oi fiction, or in the direct form of anti-slavery; pamphlets, At this critical juncture, while our j enemies .ire employing literature as their most po- I tent weapon of attack. fhß* Southern people will surely not withhold their encouragement front a work whose aim it shaii be to strike idTnvs in their defence. The MESSENGER, will, as heretofore, present its readers with Reviews,Historical and Biograph ical Sketches, Novels, Tales, Travels, Essays, Poems, Critiques', and Papers on the Army, Navy, and oliter National Subjects. YViih a view to insure a large circulation of the Messenger, the proprietors have reduced the price of subscription, which is now only Three JUoSia-i’s pec rumuir Iu advance, ! (lit FOUR DOLLARS NOT RAID BEFORE THE FIRST r JULY IN ANY YEAR. CLUBS R i oting us Filteen* Dollars in one. letter, w ill be < • titled to Six Copies. The Editori: I and Critical department of the Messenger wil continue under tlie charge of JOHN it: THOMPSON, Esq. And will embrace copious noles on current litera ture and reviews of all new’ American.or Foreign vvoiksof general interest and value. The Editor’s opinions vviil be aiways fearlessly and honestly avowed. * The business department is conducted by the undersigned, to whom ajl communications of a business nature must be addressed. macfarlane, feHudson & co.. Corner of Bank and 32th streets, Richmond, Va. Aug. 20. russell’s magazine” A Monthly Organ ol Lileraluro and CrHicisssi. Devoted to a Free Discussion of all to pic? EMBRACED IN THE RANGE OF A MaGA ifZINE, AND PUBLISHED IN CHARLESTON, 9. C. oa the first of each month. : IT is designed to meet n commonly fel: want, I 1_ and to give utterance and circulation to the j opinions, doctrines and arguments of the educated mind of the South especially, and to promote, in its sphere, the progress of a softiid American Lit erature, Ace from party shackles or individual prejudice. Agencies will be established as soon as possible, to supply all sections of the eonr:try, and mean while, orders from bookseller?, periodical dealers, postmasters and others, disposed to extend the j work, are respectfully solicited, and will be sup | p ied on the most libera! terms. Tie work will be supplied at Three Dollars per i annum: or 25 cents by numbers, j Specimen numbers will be sent free of postage S to applicants who cannot conveniently reach any | agency ye! announced, on forwarding to “Russell’s j Magazine” eight postage stamps, j Communications and contributions designed for the work, should he addressed, “Rnssell’s Maga zine, Charleston, S. O.” July 29- BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE AND THE BMTIOH REVIEWS ; 1 SCOTT Bc, CO., New York, continue to Je publish the following leading British Perfe otiteais, viz: i odica 1. | THE LONDON QUARTERLY,(Conservative) 2 | THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. (Whig.) O G. I THE NO. BRITISH REVIEW,(Free Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) *QL r, BLACKWOOD S EDINBURGH MAG. (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties ol Great Britain—Whig, Tory, ; and Radical, —but politics forms only one feature |of their character. As organs of the most pro | found writers on Science, Biterature, Morality, j and Religion, they stand,as they ever have stood, j unrivalled in the world of letters, being consid ! ered indispensable to the scholar and the profes sional man, while to the intelligent, reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of tbe day, through out the world, than can he possibly obiained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of advance sheets from the Brfe tb.ii publishers, gives additional value to those Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in file hands of subscribers about as soon as the orig inal editors. TERMS. Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all lour of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood arid three Reviews 9 00 Fur Biackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 ■i-lUwfl in iifi,wia, received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price, will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above w orks. Thai; Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, wdl he sent to one address for §9 ; four copies of ihe four Reviews and Black wood for §3’ ; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal eiliesaml towns, these works wilHie delivered free of postaoe. When sent hv mail, :h- Pusrag j to any part of the United, Slates will he hut twenty-four rents a year lor “Blackwood.” and but fourteen rents a year for each of die Reviews. Remittances for any of tha above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the. pub*. LEONARD SCOTT & CO . No. 54.G01d street, New York. RELIGIOUS LIBRARY, - Triumph over Death 75 Living to Christ 85 Methodism in Earnest, the History of a Great Revival ; 51.50 Light on Little Graves....... 75 Lighted Valley 75 The Guiding Star 65 Marshal! 00 Sanctification 75 The Martyr Lamb 50 Dying Thought 50 Meditations od the Lord’s Prayer 50 Story of Grace 35 Thought for the Thoughtful 50 .Missionary's Daughter 35 Christian Prayer 40 The Hannah’s *. 40 Scripture Poitions 85 Last Hours of Christ 40 Plain Thoughts* 35 j The above, with many other valuable book*, * or sale bv maylS—wtwtf J. W. PEASE & CLARK. ’ Scientific American PROSPECTUS OF VOLUME FOURTEEN, BEGINS SKPTISMHER 11, 1858. Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers And Farmers, i ltS sofas nt'l \MERIC VN has how reached iia fourteenth ..year, and w4R et ter upon a irw volume on the i till September Ills .be only week Jy puoiiraii‘iroi the k ud now issued in this oouu try, and it In, a very extensive cumulation .ia all the r talesot the (Juion. It is toot, as some might suppose from ila.titfo*,a dry, abstruse work on tech nical science ; oh the contrary, ueais'-with the great events goina on in the scientific, mecha.oical an i industria 1 w irtds, as 10 please and instruct eve ry one. fe the mechanic r-r artizan wishes lo know tho best machine in use or how to make any. sub stance employed in his business—4C the housewife wishes to get a recipe for making a good color, &e. —if the inventorwishes to. km>w what is going on in the way of improvement* —it the manufacturer wishes to keep posted with the tira<;6, and to emptoy the best facilities in hisbaainess —if the man of Ie 1 - ‘ sure and B*dj wishes to keep himseii familiar w it* j the progress madein the chemical laboratory, or in : tfflConstruction ol telegraphs, steamships, railroads t reapers, mowers and a ’housancl other machines j an<l appliances, both of peace and war—ail t hese de- . siderata caa be found in the Scientific American, and I not els ew m-re. They are hejre presented in a reliable 1 ar and interesting form, adapted to the comprehension of minds unlearned in the higher branches ol sci ei-.ce ami art,. TERMS One copy, ono year. 8 - One copy, six mot'ths...., ] Five copies, six months 4 Tun copies, six months Ten copies, twelve months Iu Fifteen copies, twelve months Twenty copies, twelve months • • • a8 The money must in all cases be paid in advance. Specimen copies sentgratuitousl v >r inspection* Southern and Western money Postage Stamps taken fi r subscription. Letlrrs should be directed tofeUN’N & JO., 128FulLui street, New York. £3^,Mess's. Morn -:x Oo.are extensively engaged in procuring puteuts for new inventions, and wilt advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novvlty of tt.eir improvements. aug 21—twti FEDE* AL GOVERN AiENTf James Btieltanan, of Pennsylvania, President. John C. Brerkenridge, ot Kentucky, Vice-Presid’n t Lewis C as-, of Michigan, Secretary of State. ilovv-U Gi'bb, of Georgia, Sec’y of the Treasury. Jacob Thompson, of Miss, Sec’y of the Interior. John B. Floyd, of Va , Secretary of War. Isaac Touchy, of Conn., Secretary of the Navy. Aa ou V, Srown, of Te'-n., Postmaster General. Jerenvali S. Black, of Pa. Attorney General. JUDICIARY—SUPREME COU RT. Roger B Tanev, Baltimore, Md. Chief Justice, appointed 1836—Salary $6,500. John McLean, Cincinnati, Ohio, Associate jus tice, appointed in 1829—Salary $6,000. James M. Wayne, -Savannah, Ga. Associate Justice, appointed 1839—S alary $6,000. John A. Campbell, Mobile, Ala., Associate Jus tice) appointed 1852—Salary $6,000. John Catron, Nashville, Tenrv., Associate Jus tice, appointed ; 837—Salary $6,000. Peter V. Daniel, Richmond, Va., Associate Jus tice, appointed 1841—Salary $6,000. Samuel Nelson, Cooperstown, New York, As sociate Justice, appointed 1845—Salary $6,000. Nathan Clifford, Portland, Me . Associate Jus tice, appointed 1857—Salary $6,000. Robert C Grier, Pittsburg, Pa., Associate Jus tice, appointed 1846—Salary $6,000. Lfenj C. Howard, Baltimore, Md. Reporter, ap pointed 1843 —Salary $f.300 The Supreme Court is held in the City of Wash ingtori, and has one session annually, commenc ingon ihe first Monday in December. ►STATE OF GEORGIA. J F. Brown, Governor. J li Steele, Secretary Executive Department. John B Campbell, do do M W MeComb, do rio L J Aired, Messenger. E P Watkins, Secretary of State. John B ‘l’tippe, Treasurer. Peterson Tnweatt,Comptroller General. James A Green, Surveyor General. John F Condon, State Librarian. John E Ward, President of the Senate. J VV if Underwood, Speaker of 11. Representatives Alex M Speer,Clerk House Representatives. William Turk, Principal Keeper Penitentiary. Benjah S ( arswell, Ass’t. do do il J G Williams, Inspector of Penitentiary. Wm A Wiiiiams, Book Keeper do Dr Tomlinson Fort, Physician do Dr T F Greene,Sup. and Res. Pliy. Lun Asylum. DrT Fort, B P Stubbs and Dr L Strohecker, Trus tees Lunatic Asylum. SUPREME COURT FOR THE CORREC TION OF ERRORS. Joseph II Lumpkin, Judge—Term expires 1863. Charles J McDonald, Judge— do 1861. Henry L Banning, Judge— do 1859. B Y Martin, Reporter. R E Marlin, Clerk, First District—Composed of the Eastern and M (Idle Judicial Circuits, at. Savannah, on the second Monday in January, and June in eaMi year. Second District—Composed of the Macon, South western and Chaitahoochee Judicial Cir’ cuits, at. Macon, on the 4th Monday in January, and 3d Monday in June in each year. Third District-Composed of the Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge, and Cherokee Judicial Cir cuits at Atlanta, on the 4th Monday in March and second Monday in August itt each year. Fourth District—Composed of the Western and Northern Judicial Circuils, at Athens, on the fourth Monday in May and fourth Monday in November in each year. Fifth District—Composed of the Oemufeee and Southern Judicial Circuits, at Mil ledge viTie on the second Monday in May and November in each year *Note.—The Patau!a Circuit is at'ached to 2d Supreme Court District; Brunswick, to the Ist • Tallapoosa to the 3d. VvvO months after publication of this notice j 1 application will he made to the Court of Or- ‘ diner/ol Museogea county, for leave to sell the intetest which James L. Garrard held in and up- j on the JgU owing named negroes to wit; Mingo.! EDWARD BAIINAD, Adm’rT “ Oct. 22, 1858—w2m. Early County Sheriff Sales. T/aTTLL be sold before the Court-house door in the y V town of Blakely, Early county, Ga.. within the usual hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to-wit: Part of Lot of land number one hundred and fifty five, in the twenty-eighth district of Early county bounded as follows: commencing on the original West line ten chains from the North-vvest comer of said lot aud running East ter. and a half chains, thence South Ml hundred and eighty yards, thence West ten and a halt chains, thence North to the place of beginning containing seven and a half acres; sold as the property of Bryant P. Kent, under mortgage ft fa, in favor of William T. Robinson, issued frond the Superior Court of Early county. Also, Lot of land two hundred and thirty-six, in the 6th district of said county, levied on as the property of George W. Mays to satisfy one fi fa in favor of William T. Robinson, said Lot co'ntaining 250 acres, more or less: property pointed out by defendant. Also, nine head of mules,” two cows and calves, six bales of cotton, fifteen thousand pounds of seed cottou, more or less, and lot of cotton seed, one hundred and’ fifty bushels of corn, more or less, seventeen stacks of f , c i? more or less ’ f arm 'ng and blacksmith tools, also two wagons and harness, levied on as the proper ty of Neham H. Wood to satisfy ft fas issued from the Superior Court of Early county, in favor of Bemis & Prescott: property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Lots ofLand viz; Nos. 323, 324, and 358, all in tlie sixth District of Early county, levied on as the proper ty of Franklin L. Pepper, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa in favor of Benjamin T. Lowe, Guardian. Also, number 362. in the 28th District of Early coun ty, and West half of Lot number 363 in the sth “district of Early county, levied on as the property of John Dill to satisfy sundry fi fas vs Dill and Marshall ‘ ANTHONY HUTCHINS, Sheriff. November 1, 1858. w-tds JAMES A. CLIfIDmEN, attorney at law. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, ABBEVILLE, Henry County, Ala. jaly 80, 1858,-wly, r T. S. SPEAR, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, a ■fffi Successor to S. B. Purple, cor. Broad OOXiTnVI3BXTtS, GEOK.GIA. shz&ise STERLING SILVER & PLATED WARE. SAIEI WORK., A beautiful variety of Patterns. I will make to order any design and style and platt you may request. WATCHES, CLOCKS <Sc JEWELRY Repaired by competent and experienced Workmen, and warranted- CANES! CLA NKB 1, Gold. Silver, Ivory Loaded Heads—Hickory Crooks and Swords. 4ggsPsgg|PEß]3LLE SPECTACLES, Gold aad Stefsl Frames, - I tko best quality manufactured. Glasses set in old frames tc suit all eyes. I invite the attention of all to my Stock, and will show it with pleasure, whether you purchase or not. Purple’s old Stand, Corner Lroad and Randolph Stiecis. Columbus, da., Oct. 30, 1858.—dwif __ T. S. SPEAR. ’ ‘ J “~~ “ De WITT’S JEWELRY STORE, At the Old Stand, next Door to J. Ennis & Cos. ©S3 33x*0£t,(3. St., Coliisnlaus, Grsi. WHERE can be found a superb assortment of Watches, Jewel ry, Silver Ware, Fancy-Hair Pins, Head Ornaments, Guns, Rifles best quality of Gold Feus, and every description of goods dually kept in a first class establishment, for Cash or approved o. 1 “Jir&edit. Every article sold will be warranted as represented, and 1 9’ will not be allowed to be sold any other way. Mr. J H. BRAMHALL, a practical Watch-maker, and Manufac turer of fine Chronometer Duplex Lever and other Watches, is in charge to do the Watch Work. 1 will odd that Mr. B’s reputation in New York as a first class Workman is beyond question. He will be happy to see ail who have good Watches, and desire them kept so by having them properly repaired, also those who have been unfortunate in having had their watches injured by incompetent woi kmen, and desire them putin as good condition as when first made, and at reasonable rates. Samples ot his new work will be shown at any time. Mr. GOLDSBEOK is on hand at his post, ready to set diamonds, make new Jewelry, : engrave neatly, all kinds ot Hair Braiding, m a neat and artistic style. Thankful to my friends and the community at large tor their liberal patronage hereto’ ! fore we hone to merit a continuance of the same. O t9—w&dsm i A. H, DnWi'iT. ! CLOTHING J . CLOTIIING J CLOTHING! No. 125 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, ©A. Are now opening a large and extensive stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, all ot theirown manu facture, and made up in the most desirable styles worn this season. Most oi the stock having been purchased for CA&H, it.will enable us to se 1 die same for CASH at lower prices than any other House in the city, lor the same quality of goods. Goods sold at this establishment will be found as i represented. ! We would call particular attention to our stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, | it is extensive and embracing every variety. BOYS AND YOUTH’S CLOTHINGS, a full assortment in Store. Large lot of TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS LADIES BONNET BONES, and TRAVELLING TRUNKS, GENTLEMEN’S SHAWLS MUFFLERS, COMFORTS, RAIL-WAY RUGS. 400 Suits Blue Satinett for Traders. 800 11 Kersey for Servants wear As this is the Only Cash Clothing Establishment in the City, Buyers for Ca?h will find it 10 thoir interest to give us a call before making their purchases. POSITIVELY NO MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS kept against purchases made. Thankful lor past patronage, we hope to merit a continuance of the --ame. ROSETTE, MELICK & CO Mr. S. E. LAWHON, Haying taken an interest in the above establishment would be pleased to see his old friends and acquaintances, and wili be ready at ail times to serve them. Sept. 20~dw6m. J, H, DANIEL & CO,, Have now in £tore and will be constantly receiving during the Fall months, the most Fashionable and approved styles of READY MADE CLOTHING! entirely of their own manufacture, which they claim to .surpass any brought to the Southern Market. A LARGE AND CA it EF UL L Y SELECTED STOCK OF GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Traveling Blankets, Shawls, &c., &c. They also keep constantly on hand an assortment of YOUTH’S CLOTHING, of thei wn manufacture, ranging from 10 18 years. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, 7*A ia'rgts.otg'm s ‘ J ' les 1o • Sept 29, 1838—dwtf. J. H. DANIEL & CO. Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. moD^s a * ler da te application wi'l be made to the Court ol Ordinary of Muscogee County lor leave to sell a negro woman by tiie name of Columbia, belonging to George C. b. black, orphan, and VSrs. M ar y 4 Jordan ~ COLUMBUS M- JORDAN, r • ~ w * m Guardia n. TWO months after publication of this notice application will beomade to the Court of ordinary of Muscogee c unty, for leave to sell •he t egroes belonging o the estates of John M Russell, and Sarah E. Russell, deceased JA VIES M. RUSSELL, Admr’ Oct. 7, 1858—w2m * GEORGIA) CHATTAHOOCHEE CO, WHEREAS Samuel D, Harp, Guardian, ft.,’ tne per son and property of John C. I the same* PP 3 letters of dismissi °° from All persons concerned, are hereby required to appear at my office, within the time prescribed ttd’n^belroted? 86 ’ Hf a " W Whyßa ' and let, " s Given under my hand at office, the 2d day of August, 1858. a y loco RAIFORD, Ordinary. Aug. v, 1858. w6m 3 \ T VVO mont^9 er date application will be mu. 7l A to the Hon. Court ot Ordina.y of Harris county Ga. for leave to all the lands belonging to estate of Charles Phillips, late of said county Jm I „ „ HRKRY MOFFETT Fv’t Ahor ‘ft‘Q wQrtl f, - _ i T v l® month* alter date I shan a pry to the hTno rable Court of • trdinary of Talbot county r the real estate and ue|S“J*&E*! dridge Adams, late of said oountv, £ OMW-a. ,OBN E ’ O**^**® GkOitGlA*’i alhot countyi RULE NISI. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1858. IA7HKREAS, John s, Duncan, admin 6trator of i-raniim Duncan, petitions this Court ior let ters of Dismission iron. said admioLiration: Beit ordered,That all pers ns concerned be and appear at the February term next et suing of this Court, then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. A true ex iract from the minutes of this Court. July 24th. 1857. July, tub w6m MARION BliT Hl’N K, od GEORGIA, Chattahoochee County. Court of Ordinary July Term, 1858. p? NISI..— VV her* as Samuel D.Harp and administrators an the estate ot twhiia R. McCook, deceaee *, apply lor Letters of . 9 ) D ? 1 !? 10n said administration: Han°v r i ere i’ * hat ““personsconcerned uot n^t i, hey . have ’ why Baid fetters should in aud g ,or i?H ht : Courtcl ordinary to be he Id uexufnd ft u f n£. ty ° n j he ‘ 2d Monday in January ,tal “• K “' * j July 7, U fßs8 &n? | ,lptfromth ® minutes vf salo Court July 1-- v.'fira e. G.RAIFORD. Ordinary, EORGIA-ChattahoocWcoun|r. r ° Urt °- f Ordinary, October Term 1858. VTmo E n A , S h eeS of “dministra petitions this Court lOilettersof **, William8 ’ d f ec ’ d > said administration: ? f ‘ etJ ,ss,on from d < that all persons concern- Wlthintth Sand 1 Bh ,T v oause - V HD i they have, h -.litw k Ol6 P rcsc, ffied by law, why said etters should not be granted. r[ U . e l rail ! Cri P tf,,om the minutes of said Court, this October 4th. 185?, Oct. 7,1858. w-flm E. G. RAIFORD, Qrd.