Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 03, 1858, Image 1

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E. ELLIS & Cos,, Proprietors, VTOLU.vItt VI. THE COLUMBUj DAILY TIMES Le published every morning (Sundays excepted.) at Six Dollars per annum, iu advance Sev en Dollars il not paid betore the expiration ul the year. THE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES 1 a published every TU US L)A YMO liN'G. ut I'svo Dollars per annum,stric ly in advance. OJfi -e on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. ADVtftiTisiara iiatss. Advertisements of five lines or leas in either the Daily or Weekly Times, will !>° inserted at 50 Cents lor the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements exceeding five lines will tx charged 10 cents for the first, and five cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Displayed ndvettisetneats will he charged for the space they occupy. The following arc the contracting rateschango anlti a? pleasure: WEEKLY RA TES. , : UT j w oo | j to ■ ! No. of 1 ! a | 2 2 •aio o o o Z.\ a 3 i , a a 1 • “ ! f g- j =■ . §• ! g -1 2 50 4 oi> ‘ 5 50: 10 00 15 00 20 00 2.... 5008 00 11 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 3 75b11 00 14 50 25 00 35 00 40 GO 4 10 00 !5 00 19 00* 30 00 40 00 50 00 5 ! 12 00 17 00 20 00; 40 00 50 00 60 00“ 6 J 5 00 20 00 25 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 7 17 0025 00 30 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 8 20 00 30 00 40 00’ 70 00 SO 00 90 00 10.... 2:5 00 10 00 50 00; 80 OO 90 00 100 CO DAILY RATES. I—i W C O *3 N°,ot 3 3 3 ; 3 f 3 2 O O , o o & 13 “ * 33 W “"• 3 - ? f;?■; fj ff 1 5tH 700 900 13 00 17 00 2 00 2 V oi>> 12 00 14 00 18 00 25 00, 30 00 3 12 00 15 00 18 00 25 00 33 00 40 00 4 15 00 19 0 22 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 5 18 00; 25 00 30 00 40 00 50 00: 60 09 6 20 00 28 OO 35 Ol> 50 o.*f 60 00 70 00 7 25 00 33 00 41 00 60 0 70 00! SO 00 8 30 00 38 00 46 00 70 o<* 80 00 1 90 00 4:) 00! 50 HO GO 00 80 00| 90 GO 1 100 00 Sales of Land and Negroes, by Adminisira tors, Executors and Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in forenoon and three in tho afternoon, at the Court House intho county in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette lorty days previous totheday ol sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must be given at .least ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application wili be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Lana or Ne groes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations tor Letters of Administration must be published thirty days—for Dismission from Ad ministration,moniniy six months—lor Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules tor Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—for estab fishing lost papers for .he lull space ol three months—for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been giv s n by the deceased, the lull space ol three months. Publications will always be continued ac cording to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. ®®®iK MO® cD®® PRINTING- OFFICE, Randolph Street, Co’mnbns, Georgia. | . AVING in successful operation one of HOE XJL &CO/S CYLINDER PRESSES BUNNITO BY STEAM, We are prepared toexeeute, atshort notice,every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING-, in unsurpassed style, as cheaply an can be done anywhere in - the South. Wo have on hand a large variety of N E W JOB TY PE, arid shall keep a constant sup ply of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPiht, CARDS, &C. Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, wiMi promptness and despatch, will make it great ly to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLA RATION S, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &c. &c. Also RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT Blanks. Give us a call. Tins Department of our office is under the su perintendence of Mr- D. S. Porter, whose long experience and acknowledged reputation as a Job Printer,are a sufficient guarantee tha! a i work entrusted to his care will be executed with ei **rgy and faithfulness. ... We have now in connection with the olfifce a complete mm BISBIEY,. am! having recently secured the services of Mr.E M. Clark (late of Philadelphia,) in tins branch oj our business, we pledge ourseives to give Lie most perfect satisfaction in the manufacture of Ledgers. Account Books, Court Uncords. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank Books, Bcc, We intend not to be outdone in the style and finish of our work, in either department, by any establishment South, and that we maybe able ’ to make our prices satisfactory, we have adopted tho GASH SYSTEM. | jpt Ist, 1858. R. ELLIS & CO. Hfjt “ ‘MI imm ir\o 180 ATTORNEY gA T L A W, HAMILTON OVA. Wi l praciice in the counties of Harris, Musco gee. Talbot, Merriwether and Tr up. Particular attention will be paid to collections. Octoberß—vv fidly. HGWAE3D & WEEUSi A. T T 0 R N B Y S A T L.AW. CRAWFORD, ALA. ROBERT N. HOWARD. WAVIER H- WEEMS Crawford, Ala., Juneß—wtwtt. W. S. JOHNSON. AT T O ft NL Y A X L a VV . C U S S E T A, Chaßithoechec rotinty, Os. Byes his mn?t- ■.iwniUia .<> tire practice in Ohat ttahoochee n djoiidog count!. s. ap 26—wt—t.y * WILLIAM TAi LOH, 4 ttOHSBT A T I. A V , Cuihbert, Randolph Foamy, Georgia. VV ILL practice in the counties ol Randolph, T Calhoun, Terre!!, Early, Olay, Baker. Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. REFERS TO Wellborn, Johnson A Sloan, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Georgia. All busin gs intrusted to Ida care will receive immediate attention. June 6. 1858—wtw ti Marion betiiune, A TTO RA E Y A T L A W, TALBOTTON, Talbot County, G*a. Ic-tober 24th, 1856. wtwtL BADGE & SLADE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COL XIMB US, G EORGIA . CTTILL practice law fri Muscogee and the. adjoin lk jnir eu.*d.;< ■ of Georgia and Alabama. over Bank of Columbus, Kroad Bt. ROHKfiT I.AVmt! J. J. 3fjAJJ 1£ , Ooluinbbs.La. March 27 1857. vvtu’ MOSES & LAWEsT” ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, columbus, a aoa aia . KT’Offieo next door to the Post Office.-/TO R. J. MOSES, WILLIAM A LAWES. Sept.. 21st—tk w. f. lel^bTeTsT DENTAL SDBGEOIL OFFICE corner of Broad and Randolph Streets, ColumbxiaQ-sorgia. Dec. 17, 1856—w&twtf J’. FOGLE & SOH, r> E N T IS T S ; Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, Colum bus, Ga. Columbus, May 9,1357. wtvvtf FOB SALE. r HE Subscriber na&on hand a few BTILLB for liiaiiui; HuringPeacli ISrandy or Wliis-’ ky which he wii very tow. ALSO, Tin, Sheet Iren and Japan Ware, every description, w id can be bought at the iowea rateis <u fn-m Q ; ji^CDUirs oneou sb 4 uotic and <,L liberal terms. J. B. HICKS,Agent, july!B v vl Next ioor below “Sans Souct” Rroad-ftreet, Bacon! Bacon! WE Lave nowonhand and willbe constantiy re ceiving; Prime Tennessee I!aeon — Side and Shoulders, winch we willse.ii ;.i : iteiowesiOotus ruissiou House prices. MarCO —iv&twtl E.BAUNARF) &.CO. A GREAT BARGAIN! THE Subscribers, having now purchased the entire pro perty of the Coweta Falls Manu facturing Company, olfer the eame lor sale. It is one of the best situations lor Milling and Manu facturing purposes in the whole country, and will he sold on long credits, and the most liberal terms Title? of Warrantee will he made. SEABORN JONES, PAUL J SC Vi viEs, JllriN L. .VIU3TIAN, June 10. ~wtw;f _ JAMES >V W A \i RE N TOPPii & ABWS PIPEIJ OF ALLSI'ZfiB'ASn ‘KIALiTIES, FOR Bx LA AT Rock Island Paper Mill OiSce, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS T#c If? r?l S BASH. iiinel6wtv.-tt A CARD. HAVING withdrawn from the firm of HUGHES DANIEL N CO., 1 cheerfully recommend them to all our former patrons, and the public generally. JOHN R. EASTHAM. rpHE Subscribers will continue under the same J. name and style—a general STORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE FONTAINE & LOWELL FIRE-PEOOF WAREHOUSES. Thankful for the past literal patronage of our friends, we solicit its continuance, and pledge cut individual exertions to pleat-e all who may entrusr their business to us. We are prepared to grant usual lacilities to our customers HUGHES, DANIEL & CO.. Wit. K. IIdGHES, Wm. Daniel. Wesley C. Hodges. Aug. 5. tf. ‘ mHE subscriber is now manufacturing the real j Irish Poteen Whisky, at hispiaee one aud a half miles from Columbus, which he warrants to be pure and genuine, and equal ty the best Poteen Whisky mauuiactured under ground mlreland. Apait from its being a healthy and pieasam b<j ve'rage, it is au excellent remedy for Colds, Diarrhoea, Worms, &c For sale by the bottle at Brooks to Chapman’s Drng Store, at Brassil! & Co’s by the drink or otherwise, aadby the gallon at A. BRANNAN’ the UIsION of the states, and the sovereignty of the states. COLUMBIA, GiiVHGIA. FRIDAY, DECE3IBEA 3 ISSB DRUGS, DRUGS, DUG \ BROOKS & CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL J) a L’ (jiii Si S, SIGN OF THE NEGRO b> MORTAR, COL UM B US, a EOR GI A. Have on hand,and are constantly receiving a large and Weil selected stock oi DKUO.B. ME ICIM A, H GMT, LtKNTAi. ASB gU i !•;; \L iN- • feTRU M : -.\T6.tASM •: 8,0;,,, D'VE BTUFFB, And all other articles pertaining to tried busL mess, which they offer at the lowest jiic3, and w arrant thorn nesh nuu genuine. FAMILY MEDICINES, As we 1 a? Pity- ci'injs bills, put up with neatness and dispatch. Fmsinipfi ns accurately prepared at all limes oi the day and night. FANCY GOODS, LUBIN’S Handkerchief Extracts, fins Cologne Waters, li e .Soaps and poma ss, also Hair and Too h Brusht • ol b.'nglis’t and Frcn-ii manu facture. sold by BROOKS &,CHAPMAN, rst-pt. ati. u— tr. EEAHBIE3 AND WINES. FOR Medicinal and culinary purposes. Sold by BROOKS CHAPA]N. Sept. 2.1 d—if. ~ poe^eandlle. SOLD by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept, 23. d— tf. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. SOLD by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept. 23, d— tf. BURNING FLUID. SOIjD Ly BROOKS cj CHAPMAN. Sep,. 23. d—tf. GREY POTASH. fN jars orotherwire. Sold bv X BROOKS & CM .PMAN. _ LEAD MW ’ oils. * Union White L ad, Linseed Oil, Sperm Oil, Whale Oii, Lard Oil, Neatsioot Oil. ‘Grain Oil, &.c. Sold by BROOKS &. CHAPMAN. Srpt. 23 and it 1000 AOEES OF Flint Elver Lands, for Sale. Tiitl uudoreife'iieii being desirous pi wind '■Wiiig up their business, ofler for sain,on anj to sail purchasers, a vakabie setllo incut of One Thoaeaad Acres of Laud, lying on the West side of the Flint River, ten mile, north o; Oglethorpe, and ten miles * souU. . o: Key noids T wo hundred aerosol’ this settlen.ent is num ber out pine land, the balance (800 acres) entirely swam;.), rhe swamp land is less liable to be inivun datcu by the River than any lands on said .Rivet in Macon county, and will doubtless make from 60 to y-jushelsot corn per acre, and I'rc-rn i-e 2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres or pine land, and 15el* Swamp cleared and in a state of cultiva tion. Water, headband society camioibeoxcelle-. iu South Wester) Georgia. Apply to COOK to MONT FORT, •lulvtl —vr&twtf. at, iigiethorpe.-.a. FIFTY ISGEOES WANTED, A CAVING made our fdr tha Fall trade, we desire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, of good character, consisting of young men, women, plough boys,and gi’le, for whom the big leo marketprice tviil be paid. Peis.ns ha ving negroes lor sale willfind it to their interest to give u- a call. We will receive and sell Ne groes on commission and no efforts will be spared to make satisfactory sates, fur those who may pi ce their negroes in onr charge. Liberal advances always made on negroes when desired. Cali at the Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON &. PITTS, aug2l—vvtwtf 50 &, 61 Broad Street. Sale of Ken Estate and Negroes. AT the Market House in Columbus will be sold, on pie 21st Ltecernber next, 13 likely negroes, and 300 acres of land, lying on tha road Lorn Columbus to Taibottun, seven iniie3 from Columbus, 250 aetes cleared and balance in wood A two story dwelling house, in good order, anew gin house H-.d seiew, and all necessary outhouse in good repair, ii>e ;>o the premises. Good water, healty location, and a good neighborhood. The property was the re ticence of mo late Thomas Davis, and needs no recommendation t *th’ se who know it. It is sold for division among the he rs, and terms will be made known at the time of sal-* THO V] A > J. DAVIB, * Oct2o..wtda Agent lor A Yaluabl-3 Eesidence and Flanaation for sals •v^s 5 - Stuated 14 miles east of Columbus ... as the Widow VDower, in the ‘ . f'f ..igmal Ellerslie la in, or the it-<> ;B_o YUbu. residence oi’Uie Jat© General c r.arlvs vvYA-A'i, Ptuii.-s,uf Harris county, Ga.. eompriteng 52-. acres of as siood farm.lauds as lucre no ~’ are tu sa:cl ce., 275 acie well timbered woo 41 a ad, the open land is have laid on;, mostly for 10 ,<r 15..ears.Out..e ere nis ea is a splendid, >argu, convenient and com n.odious Brick O irellir.g II >use, the sm Ice house and kitchen ot brick, the outbuildings are so mow La dilapidated. The location is hominy, water good an aa excellent neighborhood, co tiguouslto churches, schools, toe,, *our miles ,r • a the Muse.gee Kthromi It is in every respcc one ol the mcs. u* sirable (arms aud residences ia Western Gia. Harms will be liberal and time accoaimodat-iiig. Apply to Maj Henry Moffett, or P. J. Paiiipsof Columbus. Ga. ... October 9,1^33 — -p. B.—lt will be sold prlvate’y, if desired. Titles made iudi: putable J. B. & W. A. ROSS, Wholesale and Retail BEY §023-5 4 BfiO*iEߥ MERCHANTS. II a € o is, Geo £* gi a. Also, Agents lor Wheelers and Wilson’s! Sewing Machines. oetll \s .t. LUMi'XIN HOUSE. LUMPKIN, STEWART CO. GA. MTHE subscriber, having purchased the ab ive house, is resolved to nu ke b one worthy the patronage ol the Uavellu-g public. It good fare and atientiv- servants siuymcl entitle a Hotel to custom, the tiatters himself, that those who try him once, will come again, t'onnected with the Hotel, are eomqio dions Stables with trusty < stlers Oct 19. wtf. JOHN YARBROUGH. ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. COLUMBUS, GA, A LL N &, C A A1.5 iv having purchased the lx interest ofß. A. Soisbv iu the above we?! known FillL PROOF BRICK WARLHOUSF, be giad to s.-e their <1 Lieuds and patrons at their new place ol bui-iu.'.-s, where they have form u. co parmetship with J. W. iviug, under the name aud style of KING, ALLEN & CAMAK, for ihe transaction of a general STORAGE AND CO uMISSION BUS! A LSS Special attention paid to the Sale ot Cotton and Prod me, aud -he Receiving and Forwarding March.-nd-se consigned to our care. Liberal Advances made ou Cotton in Store or for shipment to our triends in Savannah, Cholt-s ---ton, New V<>rk or el -ewhere. Bagging and Rope famished oar customers a! i market p ices. vv. 8.0i.*0 a share ot public patronage, and pledge ourseives, by close attention to business to merit it J. W KING. A M.ALLLN. . T*iOS. CAMAK. undersigned! in retiring from the Warc- Loose bustuess, takes great pleasure iu re commending to his friends a continuance of then favor and patronage to the ne w tinn. ‘(Signed) B. A. SORSBY. L’olurnhas. Julv g. 1858 d6m. P. LAN DO N, Is STI .L AT THESIGN OP THE i ; sf BIG HAT where may be found all kind s , sorts, sizes, de seription •, q-ia lilies and quantities of HA i 8 AND CAl'o,aud the prctti.. , st Chiidrea’e Hats jc Caps. C REAP. Columbus, Ga.,Oct. 5, 1858. wJ <!;: IAILIY A lotSJA * RL DOW iii receipt of one of the best and most x A carciully soheted LI I stocks, they have ever one red to their pj tes luv, ai.c.f. les choice* Rube ales Silas in great variety, Robe a ies Delaines kIWI- a lea .lorinoo’a Plain worsted Dechines Blk Riik Robe a ies. 7 -8 rrd 10 4 TABLE DAMASK, Linen Sheotmg 100 inches wide, Piiiow L‘ aen 40 anti 45 inches, Napkins, Doylies, -Ac. A Superior Lm of G Nail VTA.s O lAijM'i U ;81TK.Y. 10 11-12 and 13-4 MAIL A iL-- aQi IL'IS. Superior Bed Blankets, NEGRO BLANKETS. .... O.OL II iIS; u c. VELVET, BRUriSELLS. 2 and .3 PLY CARPE i S, HUGS, CfC. Our stock ot WHITE GOODS aud EMBROI DERIES was never belter, MANLEY 65 iidiDGES. Sept 24, d— if. MAililayS A Fi'iYJ, ibOliOa & COMMISMOo MSKCiIMT.i, AND NBGao BkOKSHS, 59 and 31 droad tolu.nbus, Ga. 1 1 %; iLLs. il c M-.iimio Die sibow© • nue at our old V ? stand* iha kfui i->r the patronage heieto fore so liberally exte;rded .o us u; -w ir.cads and tho public, \V6 hope by renewed exertions to iner t its corninuance. Noeifom wiii be spavtcl to -ive entire satisfaction to those who may confide their business to our care. We wilt fire our personal attention to the sale of iieal Kstate, Nesr-.e*, Marchai.c;aeauu Pro duce. Having nouiPs fitted up expres.--.-y lor ‘ purpose, v.e are psepured to board, purchase ana sell Negroeso-.u Ooti nsPsion. Liberal advance** wilt be m.aio as horetoic n Negro,-? an- Merthaindzc iidminzstrators and fixecuiors’ sales nttonded to on : ••:S’ -L; terras. iD” Ar 4 c-ck of ;d;i::r.V NMG io.iiHP of a!f classes wii; ‘i keptcouj-taiuiv on >< .ml. ■‘l cS. r \is ti: >N, GM> > n {. p-r ■ Oo!umhus.Bept. 2. Ih ; -h ._. vv: v Great Inducements to LAND BUYER AS - t;A 1 oSer tho following gw’\,v,. or • R Rfi to those wii >w sh buy i.a .and i , os.i toor* CO a ty, a <t, A.vkit 1 wid sol! my home p. o oru.-d mites -ouih oft.e town or Giayion, at.SI per acre* This place contains One Thousand Acres, f6X are cleared,'*Cso Iresh., ii<ell, and is one of the handsomest piacss in Hie country The gr ow ing crop, which purchasers are invited to exaßine, wjii speak for the productivenees of the land. Hie wooulaud ts heavily timbered with oak and hickory. The imp pve*uents;:re oi tur bes- character, embrac ing- a two story bouse,- with eight rooms, weii built and in good repair The heattii of the place is ex cei eut, bevoiid ai ! doubt; rod the e is ati abun cinoce oftheoest water : euces io exceiieut ortler, and‘he plantation improvements as good a 5 cou'd be desired. >2 In immedi doconnection with this place, I will sell a body of 500 acres 0 0 acres open, first rate fences and the ether imp ovemeais pretty good. Price pe- acre -<>:d separate or iu couuccuou with tisc home place as preferred 3. Also f*t*o acres’ of iauo thr.:e miles distant from the other places, known as the mid trset. On this p.ucc ‘her -are 3.M) acres iaod open, balance well timbered. Health and wate excellent a4 the land strong and productive. Pi ice six dollars per acre. 4. al*b, several Desirable Eutiding Dots, tu the town of Clayton ffaPTome soon and buy bargains. J- HN il. .HILLER. Clay ten, Ala. Aug. 20, 1658—wtf. V"'. W. H OBISOR Wltolesale Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &c., WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Coiumbr.*, <4e rgia, HAS now on hand, tad wil! constantly keep, ao ex elient selecuoa ot all the nsu .-Uy kept iu tae Grocery hoe. iiis >tock consists in (uni ol Bacon, Lard I iuu) Sugar. Coffee, Sj uo?, Flour, Salt, ce Cheese, Baggtag. Rope, Tobacco, Nails, Soap. Crockery, Ac. Together wiib -’ve ry article usually dem,inde*i by ih j city or country trad:*, all of which he Midis b* his friends and the public, at the lowest market price?. Call a ds© Sept. 4,1853. di.v,3ui. ‘<> I’ 18. IUI.MU'H!’ ELLIS & M \THIsT Audios & Ccmmsissiosi Merchants, COLUM BIT S, GA . WILL rive prompt attention to-toe sale of ?! rcUandite, Country Produce, Xc groca, Furniture, Veltlcles, Stock, Heal Estate, &.e. &.c. Will a’encivo particular aUeutlon to Renting Real Estate, lli -imr • * .-roes, Ac. ao. Adm >!.;>; tors’ h-i 4 >t :u’a sales will be eon da-.-itu on ri-asou.nbio icrms tiIRK;4.-\L AD /ANCfc'.s wil! bo made. A'!goods i -i .re ;i- be in?ur. and. I’.- nsV otherwise and rrcled. Uotiim; a;. Sent 7 wto<! ’v. ia EI*I’INCS’N C-’v Mi OLLND l iA II). Extract of Btscliu. - UAROSMA CRE.\A TA” A ?ov rt-ig-i remedy for disoasese--. ol tho B L ADD■ R. SPINE, | j-i 1 1)V VB. tJN Jrj RY ORGANS, i.R ,Y ; If. i'.L, STO\M in the \ fiDKK, Ul-iO ! jjliO C; - T -.liilH of the i-L \D!>: R. AIOItBID j jI3KITATIOir ( (lie ** --D ; >i U a.ul iK> j r®|'T;iß\a diaen.set of the PH ST iTJj, ;:id j it* jTiiNT;O N an.l INGO.V- T.N N E of UR N 1 ftjfoma loss of tone in s-ho pnris chi , I p (AI ao, DYSPEPSI A, ORO 4 i II -.VvSA- fa, j TiSM aud AFFB 5- TIONS-orth; SSL'i. !SO ’ * j ‘Pbo above medi cine is earnestly re- j j ommended to ciaus anil pract ition-| 55 r era of medicine and me ru ‘hc g -temily,) (as it can be used by peivons of a! ! ages and \m habits, is pleasant to ‘h® taste, and can b j *3 j readily taken by any patient no matter how adverse he may be to taking medicines CAUTION. None genuine without the names of Eppiug ol L Fierce &. (>o., blown upou each bottle* MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, C 0 L UMB US (i EOR GIA . And sold by ail respect aide Druggists uirough ou> the con try. dc|)t 27 dw —if THE lAIWHWL ] N VIGO Li AIO R , PREPARED BY ! .. ANDF OR D, COMPOIRSIEED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. | -uiu‘uM.i!eb'st Purgative and iaver Medicine i. ho • -,>e ore :li - public, that acts as a lathartic, i i-.-. r, r, at and lucre effectual than any other nicuici;,.’ Liicwu • It is not only a catiiartic, but a Liver’ Rciue<>>, c;u g first on the Lu-er to eject Us. morbid matter then on the Stomach an<l Bowels t - oa-ry ot* ti e matte.i - , thus accotuplisbing two t>U’ (sost-s ellt-c'u;J>y. without any of the painful -ee linga experienced in tht iperation of most hath ar ises. It stiengthenethesystem at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate do ses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity ■ lie 3,i\ r er is one o! VTSj\ t.}>e principal regula tors oi urn iuin.’au Lo-r. s <ly; aiul when it per iormsita funcuonsweii. pbwe 1 ’ the sys tem are tally deveioj |r ( • ..e stomach is al mst emireiy depeud-)| en on the healthy ac tion thei.iver lortio js.< •, > per peloriiiance oi its iunctioas, when i*u slomacii tsat fault the uo .veisare at jault, aui Jr-jj he whole system suff ri'nni C'lUseqtfcnce o Rj-ine organ—the JLiv er having ceased R doits duty. For the uisease oi that oigan j -V* „ )0 of toe proprietors has-made it his study i>s iu apraclice of more Dan twenty \ ars, i- unci some remedy wiierev uii t> counter ‘|.J ictttie many derange m-.iUs to which it is'ijMj able. io (irove that this re- j iedyisat last found, a y person iroub t*. ff™j* .villi i,iver coin piu.iut,m any iit Ulhi-iiis, te hut to try a* ooille aud conviction ) >f J sci; . fhese gums reinovt lMjt vli morbid or bad mat ter flora tne eyttm j 1 supplying in a bealtny flow oi bib vig..rating the -to macti, c . us-; f !oe- !• ‘) well, pur4fy tog the tolled, ,-i ing lone au-l hea.tu to me whole aidcbint - flj. ry, removing he cause Oi tin di-eas- rffo-J>ju!ig a radical cure. Biiloias R4iaclts)^ ,re cured, and, wh&t ts beuei,l jpievented, oy me oo -o.oiiai use o. us. )i-Ml -jives- luvigora jor t ‘ # lwl • J f i ■ me dose alter eating f- yj .s sufficient to relieve the stomach anu p’ t f \ vm-.t the food from rising anti a; uring J J uuly oi - ose take! before retiring, pre ve.its Nightmare l’—?’ Omy oiio u./ac ia.*ve: j / i ) at night, loosens tho bowels gently, ai c j cures Costive a * ’ut- ands taken auv. each meal will cure Dy sjpejjsiu, fc .jr me dose OftW< iijf tea-spoonsful will al ! ays r Oeve Sick r ( ISeadaeht-. fine dote ta.en o<i ■oiiicile oosm ucfiOD re* move ihe cause o) t..i iisease, and makes a per et;tcure. i'^! uniy onedose imnji- liateiy relieves cholic, while Ok€ dose or’ien repea # jQ{ttl iR a sure cure for •t-olera Morbus, )* J and a preventative ol * lioiefiv. kjcT tody or.e bottle jr .Is needed to thio v out of Mie sysiom theetfeett jij) of medicine altera long sickness. t bottle tak- (/>y* en for Jaundice re movesau sallowness or I tonaturai color from the skin. [ ’. One dose taken a J \) j short time before eat ir.g gives vigor to the}- [ appetite and makes food digest well. ■ ine dose often repeated cures f ltronic Diar rhaea, in its worst lorms, while S I’ AJ M K R aud Uowel eomphtiats yieiu ah-.-osi io the first and se One of two doses cures attacks caused ry V orisn s in children; there is no sj.-er, safer, or speedier remedy in ihe world, as ‘.t never fai s. x lew bottles cures Dropay, by exciting the absorbants. We tsxe pleasure in recommending ibis medi cine n a nrevemive for Fever and Ague, kills, r e ver, a y! ail Fevers oi aßiiiaus Type, It -.‘perates with certainty, and thousands fire willing to testify to i*s wonderioi virtues. AU who ii.-o it are giving their uaaal.nous testimo ny in its favor. Mix water ut the meuih with the luvigoratoi and swailcw both together. THE LIVER INVIGrOR ATOR, Isa >L. ioai Discovery, and is daily wor king cures almost too great for belief. it cures as il by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and .-eidom more than oue bottie isVequired kirdof Liver Complaint, from the wor?t jaandiceor •ij.-pepsin to a eo.auion h •adache, ail ot which are beresuitola diseased liver, price i ne Ociiar per Bottie SANFORD & JO. Proprietors,34s Broadway,New York WHOLESALE agents. Barnes to Park New lTork; T. VV. uoylt & Sons, P Iladelphia; M. S. Burr v-Jo. Boston; H.H. Hay to Cos. Portland; John fi. Park, Ciheinnati; Gfeylard to !I -i romnd;a:tevelaond, FahrstoeK to Davis Chica go; O. i Wood to Cos. Si;. Loais Geo.H. Keyser, Pit rb irg: S. S, Haace. Baltimore. And retailed by all Druggists. Sold Wholesale and Retail by J. S PfcIMBLRTOA & CO., BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DANFORTH {* NAGEL, May2D --vtw iy and all Drugggiats. PEYTON H. COLQUITT, t JAMES W. WARKEN. \ EQUor ‘- VIISCOGIE RAIL ROAD. Oh O'* ‘ml aitej. lit) ISIII July, lr‘3B, tbe Evening 4UI Traiu w . ioiive Columbus ai 3.45 p. M.andar rive hi Macon at 9.1 b P A<. ue ive Macon at 9.45 A 4f. Arrive at Columbus at 3.45 P V ihe doming .Mail Train will leave at 4.U9 A. M. and arrive ai A.M. Leave Mucou at 11.45 P. M. arriveai Columbus 5 ,35 A. jV J. L. MI’STI AN ,Hupt. Columbus, July 15— twLwt CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SEE VICE. <SI | MOiNTGOMEKY AM) \\ &>! tOIKT KAIL KOVj> COilli*AN V AiONTGOMERi , Nov. 19, 1857. I j \N sad alter tint dale the PaS&IM.LR ! V_/ on (Jin i .mil w. do .iivorusu oy (Üb.iKio*ui dOiILUULI : L)A V TRAIN. • L.e:wc Montgomery „ C.3t a. in. Arnvt a: H esi Paint 5.30 p. ni. Arrive at Columbus a.o p. m. Returning—Leave Wcbi Point k.3oa. m. Leave ■ oluaibus lb.iib a in. ( Arrive at Montgomery 4.1.0 p. ni. NIGHT TRAIN. Lenvt Montgomery 5400 j*.tu. Arrive at West point “ Columbus l.uOa. n. Returning—Leave Woet Point 7,3 b p. in. Leave Goiumbus.. 7.30 p. ro Arrive at Montgomery g. 30 a. m. Through tickets can be obtained t.ic. DoubL I‘aily Connections) to Atlanta Ct attanooea and Nasnv .lie, and daily connections to Huntsville Memphis an u Knoxville. B.O.JONES Etiif’r &. Sup. HEIGHT ARRANGEMENT ; 18J2TWilJbJN ATIjANTA&CUJLUiHHU.S. | i anurrangenient between the fcaiiroau Com paqu-e c-jiupsikg tbe two routes from Atlanta tuO'iiiiaiuUßfj juciuiitii at .belt convention at *a yanaaii on me tOtn instant, iiHvas a.<itod tbal the iollowing rates between Atlanta and Columbus avtui govern, taking tihct itn tie brsi day oi M ay i057. VIA WUfeT POINT. Corn per bushel, lie. Wheat isi. Oats'B. iiacon (Viiisii,, flour in sacks or buireJs, per lOoibu. 35c ‘tagging, R.,pi Laid in cans or oui&., per U>u lbs too t orn, Pig iron, by ear load, pn ton ol iIOOO i Jb. $3.75. VIA MACON. Corn per busel 14c. Wheat 15c. Oats lc. Bacon, vVaisky, I'iotir ui Sacks or Bbls., per 100 tbs, 44c. Bagging,Lope Lard, in cans or Unis., per iUblbs. ;>6c. Coal, Pig iron, oy car ioau, per toll ol tiOOd ins. J. JViUSTIAN, President and Supi-riuiuudeni Muscogee K. R hnU. W. LUAMB, , Superinteudfciii evuni western Laiiruad. L.>.Lnto> N i\.(/TL, ‘UpjrUilundont Macon and vt eoiern hanroau. GLO. G LULL, superintendent Atlanta anu CaUrange K.R. BAAIL L.L G. JGN l 8, Wngiueer and ouperunenuent AI.&W.P. Railrotu May 30, lb37—waiwll, JS.OISIL.L: Afi'D GILAEL JR. R. , Hr. asseugero. freight Train will leave Girard JL at ■- P, .anally connecting at Biivei Run with a daiij Hue el stages tc V uiuia, Cieunviile,Luiaula, toiiiaiiius, and Marianna,!ia. tinu at Guerytou daily, Witn tue Stages tor Donee Olivet, Lnon, ciiuu oenaggee, Alidway, Hardaway, Peru ana Union jprin o. u . vuig Guerytou at 4 A. M., dally, tho Cars will reao Giraruat 7 A ftl., conuectuig with tnt Ope uKaanu Muscogee Trams, i jf/“HJpaeatd Receipts must accompany freight sJHpped. idf Jillireight muatbepaid before goods will be aiscnargfcd. rCt gut delivered at the Oepot before 4 o’clock P. Mi */in be atnoped the iOilowing day. .. . eights ior stations No. i (i od Mitchell,) and NO.. t_r u>sous’ ) must be prena’U. ■V ay reigat must in aii oases oe paid in auvanci i uflN IIU vt AIL, uardo 1857-wkuwii. Lngineei <a oup. CHAGE OF KCHIfi&UJLE** SAVAiiKAII & OilAiiLEblOk SiEiJIPiCK ET LINE. itUNNINUIN CONNECTION WITH THU JLaG rth Eastern K. R of South Ca. . THP SPLLNIiIU AN O PAST ACJJf dTLAaiLn GOKIIUAI, !•’. oaruen,, iuhi Bavan hi. lor (hiarieatoh every *iunuay und ft v t eniurjii at 3 o’ctock. anu connects at Gharieston with the un.ruing traiiioi the North eastern L.dlroad, going Norm. Returning leaves Cunrffeston every Jiutiday aud Friday night at 8 o'clock, (aiter the arrival o* the carson the n. L, K. and.) and arrives at Savannah next morntnpg* tiy tins route passengers can obtain through tick* ct 9 to aud from .savannan,<>a. and VV ilmington, N C. Having a through freight arra <getnent with the Central it. Road and its connections, all freights be tween Oharlesiouand ihe interior of Georgia, con. signed to ilie agents of tais line, will be forwarded •vith despatch and free oi charge. J. P. iiIiOOKB, Agent 8a van nan. L. LAI *nL Ag’ts.'JnarlestOn Jan 15 —wAtlwi l S. BikßMililß & CO. COLUMBU3, GA, ‘WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER* & PROVISION DEALERS -CHs D AVtn on hand, aod will keep, S-'C-si a large and well selected k,embracing every article to their line, which are offered to their Irieuds aod the public. at the lowest market piiees C, me and ccie us. Columbus, Sept. 29. 1857. w&twtf. CIGARS DIREOT IMPORTATION. 1 A A Havana Cigars ofvarious brands lUv ior sale at small advances lor Cash by Jan 19—wtwrtf E. BARNARD At CO. TO THOSR INDEBTED. iX7 K hereby give notice that all claims due us, and VV run paid or satis actorily arranged, prior to the jest return day ol the respective coumies in which in. parties reside, will be sued. .None shall be slight ted. marCO— wtwt r . P. HARNATtPACO. NOTICE, 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of Thos. J.A. Davis,late of Muscogee county, eiitn roy note or account, will please cal! and settle he n, and those holding uoles or accounts will p es nt thsm. THO*. J. DAVIS, Ag . October 23 1858... w4od NU3IBEU 80