Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 03, 1858, Image 2

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COLUMBUS, FRIDAY. DEIKMIiKB 3,l*>sS. A New Invention. We have been shown by the inventor, Mr. John M. Hall, of Warren county, Ga., an agri cultural implement, which is designed to facilitate the operation of chopping cotton. It is claimed, and vouched by a number of persons, that, by the use of it, one man and a horse can do the work oi five or six hands. Xbc whole apparatus is placed upon a pair of cast iron wheels. In front are two small turning plows with the bare of each in juxtaposition, but separated at the proper distance for making a furrow on each side of the cotton at the same time. Behind and connected by a sim ple cog gearing with one of the above mentioned wheels, is a circular cast iron frame for receiving the knives or hoes for chopping the drill. A for ward motion of the machine give a rotary motion to the hoes, and by the combination of both mo tions, spaces are alternately chopped and passed over. The space chopped is determined by the width of the hoe, while the distance skipped may be regulated by their number or the direction given to them on the frame. Or. the whole we are much pleased with the invention end think it may be practically applied with great advantage on old land. Wo understand that Messrs. Hall Moses fc Cos., will soon Lave some for exhibition and sale, when our planting friends will have an opportuni ty to judge for themselves. Message of the Gov. of Florida. We have received the annual message of the Governor of Florida to the General Assembly, with accompanying documents. The message is a lengthy document, but it is replete with good sense and wise counsel. Following the track of Gov. Brown, his Excellency has ignored the hae%eyed topics of national politics and devoted his attention exclusively to State and local mat ters. The Treasurer’s report shows a healthy condi tion of the State finances. It should be a matter of special congratulation with the citizens ol’ that State that her interest account on bonds is— blank. The little peninsular, we perceive, is no laggard in the race of internal improvement. The vari ■ ous lines of railroad, built and in course of con struction, embrace about seven hundred miles, and it is confidently believed that their completion will be effocted without drawing* upon any other resource of the State than her Internal Improve ment Fund. This is composed of various grants of laud from Cougrcss, comprising more than ten millions of acres. A City Seven Hundred Years Old. —The Vienna correspondent of the London Times states that on the 17th of September there was a festival at Munich in commemoration of the 700th an niversary of the day on which the city was found ed. Anything more magnificent and imposing than the procession which passed through its streets on the above mentioned day has seldom been wit nessed. The procession, which was composed of 3,000 persons and 600 horses, contained tableaux of the principal events which have occurred in Ba varia during the last seven centuries, and the por traits of many of the more remarkable person ages who have figured in South German histoi’y during that period. “A Wife Insurance Company.”-— Some of the principal capitalists of London are engaged in the formation of anew company for insurance from damage by fire. In consequence of the con stantly occurring accidents, by which ladies, ow ing to the immensity of their dresses, are either burnt to death, or have a large portion of the val uable and extensive stock of drapery which they carry about them destroyed, these eminent finan. cial gentlemen have determined to establish a Wife Insurance Company. Hon. T. Butler King, of Georgia, was in Louisville, Ivy., on the 26th ult., in attendance on the Pacific railroad convention. The greatehain of railroad between Philadelphia and Chicago is completed. The entire length of this road is eight hundred and twenty-four miles. The cars began their regular passage over this continuous track on the 29th ultimo. A Fortunate Inventor.— The Scientific American, in some pleasing gossip about its ear liest friends who have been successful as inven tors, thus alludes to the case of Mr. Howe, the great pioneer of the sewing machine: Elias llowe, Jr., of Cambridge, Mass, obtain ed a patent for the first practically useful sewing machine in 1816. For several years it was a source of annoyance and expense to him, with little or no pecuniary profit. Since that time, many improvements have been patented, and the manufacturing of sewing machines is'now one of most extensive businesses in the United States, and thousands are sold annually. Elias Howe, jr., once a poor inventor, with but a few friends, now receives from the most prominent makers of sewing machines, a tribute that will make him beforo the first term of his patent expires, 1860, one of the wealthiest men in this country. We do not speak ffom any positive knowledge of the facts, but his present annual income cannot be calculated at less than one hundred thousand dol lars. Certain it is, that in the course of a single month lie must have received from one establish ment no less than six thousand dollars, judging from tho number of machines sold by that con cern. On almost any pleasant day, a portly man with flowing hair, white cravat, and broad brim med Kossuth hat, may bo seen on Broadway, dashing along behind a pair of splendidfancy hor ses, fit for the stud of an emperor, and with all the ease and independence of a millionaire. That rnau is Elias Howe, jr., once the poor and bum ble inventor. The Bank or England.— Articles have been going the rounds, asserting that the Bank of En gland never re-issues a note. Such was the case some years ago,- but finding it a useless expense, they have modified their rule. They now only de stroy such notes as were redeemed iu specie^— re issuing all such as had been received on deposit, or tn payment of notes. The Seminole Indians.— Dr. Barron, light- Cape Florida, now on a visit to Bt \? tbat . eighty Seminole Indians have SmCG the . fi * st a PP eai 'ance there Tiger Tail and party, within two months. Dr Barron is of the opinion that there are at least one hundred and twenty or one hundred and thir ty Indians now m Florida, and says they are in command of the eastern coast, and are likely to be :ome a set ot pirates, should a vessel be etrau del on the coast away from the as i stance of the Wnites. — JCy of tho Gulf, Ao P , 20th, Condensed from the Daily Federal Union. Georgia Legislature. SENATE. Tuesday Morning, Nov. 30. New Matter. Wilcoxon of Coweta, to prevent Judges of tbo courts in this State from sitting in certain cases; a memorial was in connextion from certain per sons. During the reading Slaughter of Dougher ty, arose to a point of order. He objected to this manner of traducing the character of Judges of the Supreme Court. This memorial also, casts reflections on the Legislature of 1853-4 in elec ting Judge Benning. If these memorialists desire to impeach Judges Benning and McDonald let them proceed in the proper manner. The House of Representatives was the body to take charge of such an accusation. Wilcoxon of Coweta, said that he thought that the Senate would at least hear the memorialists. Do gentlemen desire to quell any effort “to investi gate this subject. Pending the decision, Bloodworth of Carroll moved to adjourn. The motion was agreed to, and the Senate adjourned until 3 o’clock p. m. 3 o'clock P. M. The Senate met and resumed the consideration of tho question of the reading the memorial, Ac. Slaughter of Dougherty withdrew his objection to its being read. After it was read Colquitt of Muscogee asked the permission of the Senate to have read a me morial from John A. Jones, Esq. Some objection was raised. Wilcoxon of Coweta moved that 150 copies be printed for the use of the Senate. Tucker of Stewart opposed the motion with all of his force and eloquence. He ably defended Judge Benning. liis closing remark was this: ‘Sir, I have known Henry L. Benning for fourteen years, and I will say that a more honest or up right man God never let breathe the breath of life.’ Slaughter of Dougherty defended the court in a beautiful manner. Thomas of Gwinnett was in favor of printing as a mere manner of getting at the truth. Mr. Bartlett of Jasper: Who is 11. L. Benning? Young though he is, he is not unknown in Geor gia. Ask the associates of his boyhood, of his manhood, of his maturer years, all without hesi tation will tell you he is an honest man —the no blest work of God. No! let all these charges be published —the memorial goes upon the Jour nal of the Senate, and if thus restricted can nec essarily be road by butfew. But publish it all, let it go forth to the people, and an honest public sen timent will surely re-act, and crush, the slander ers of the fair fame of Georgia’s public servant. Is there a man here who believes, or is ready to assert,that the decision complained of was corrupt ly made? If so, go to tho end of the Capitol and prefer your writ of impeachment and let the par ties be heard! The very slave against whom a charge is preferred is given a full and fair hear ing; the most degraded wretch that defiles God’s green earth is not condemned, and cannot be, un der our Constitution and Laws, without a hear ing, and will you withhold this right from the Judge of your Supreme Court. The magnanimi ty of this Senate, I feel assured will answer, no ! no! He felt it his duty to express his views upon the question. 110 differed from many of the friends of the court, who had addressed the Sen ate, and believed that the printing of the memo rial would disarm the hand of the knife, with which the memorialsts were endeavoring to strike these distinguished men in the back. It would at last close the clamor that the friends of the court desired to suppress, an investigation. Mr. P. who is C. J. McDonald? Go to your executive office and enquire there. Go to the records of every judicial office in the gift of the people, from the office of Solicitor General, to Judge of the Supremo Court, and enquire there. Go to the ‘•Old Democrat,” illiterate though he may be— unable to write his name, or to speak correctly his mother tongue—scarred with the evidences ol many a lire political conflict—in the past day when high political excitement existed in the State, (which lam glad to say has passed away,) aud enquire of him who is Charles J. McDonald. He will with pleasure give you an answer.—That he it was, who lead the host of Democracy to victory in the darkest hour of that great National party. Ask the historian who is C. J. McDonaid, he will tell you that he is the man whose name is written on tho tablet of every old Democrat's heart in Georgia. Spalding of Mclntosh, did not desire to see gentlemen give this lick in the back to suc h men as Judges of the Supreme Court. The motion to print was lost—yeas 37, and nays 75. HOUSE. Tuesday morning, Nov. 30, 1868. After the usual formalities, the House proceed ed to business. Several bills were read the second time and variously referred. The special order of the day, to-wit: The subject of Public Educa tion, was taken up. Wo never have seen better attention paid to any subject,than was manifested by the members during the reading of tho various bills relative to this subject. If the present Gen eral Assembly does not adopt some plan it will not be, because its importance is not appreciated. The difficulty is, that members cannot agree upon the plan. The substitute reported for all the bills was read, when Mr. Lends of Hancock, offered two amendments, which he sustained in a short speech abounding in practical truths, which commended themselves to our judgment as eminently practi cal. He concluded by saying, so anxious was he to see something done on this subject, that he was willing for the purpose of conciliation, to yield up some of his predilections, he called upon other members to come up in a spirit of compromise and this House could accomplish a great deal—in fact inaugurate a plan. Mr. Lewis’ idea seemed to be to furnish to every child an education in orthography, reading, writing, and arithmetic, free, be the parents rich or poor. Mr. Diamond of DeKalb, opposed tho amend ment on the ground that in some communities many of the children had advanced in their edu cation, to a point where, by Mr. L’s amendment, they would bo deprived of the provisions of the bill. Mr. Pickett was opposed to the amendment. Mr. Harrison was iu favor of the amend ment. Mr. Lewis withdrew tho amendment and an other amendment was offered by Mr. Milled ■•e. We do not give the amendments for the reason tha t it the bill is perfected and passed, it wiil be published entire, when all can see its pro visions. 1 Mi-. Milledge’s amendment was agreed to. Amendments were offered by Messrs. Smith of Towns, Lewis of Hancock, Walker of Henrv. Faulk, Harkness, Diamond, Harris of Glvnn'j Luffmau and Milledge, which were variously dis posed of. The substitute was agreed to, when Mr. Kenan of Baldwin, offered a substitute for the substitute, which was rea 1 and taken up by sections. * Upon the adoption of the Ist section of Mr. Kenan’s substitute, there sprung up an animated debate in which Messrs. Kenan, Irwin, Lewis, Colquitt, Smith of Towns and Pickett, participat ed. r This first section proposes to set aside annually $200,000 of the net earuings of the W £ A R Rto the payment of the public debt. The yeas and nays were called on the adoption of this sec tion. The section was adopted. ’ The second section was taken up. This section provides that the balance of the net earnings of the W & A R R be applied to the reduction of the taxes of the people. Mr. Irwin oflered to change tlio section, so as to appropriate the balance of the net earnings of the W & A R R, to educational purposes. In a few pertinent remarks he adro- Ca, \r adoption of the amendment. Mr. Kenan replied in vindication of tho section proposed to be amended. Harris ot Glynn followed in favor of the amend ment of Mr. Irwin. Mr. Hardeman opposed the amendment. Hillycr of Walton favored Mr. Irwin’s amend ment. Ponding the discussion of this amendment, Mr. Hillyer ot Malton. having the floor, the House adjourned to 3 o’clock this afternoon. AFTERNOON SESSION. The House resumed the discussion on Mr. Ir win’s amendment, Mr. Hillyex having the floor said he should reso. ve his remarks until the pro position came up to substitute this whole bill, for the substitute agreed to this morning. On the motion to strike out the second section, a debate sprung up which lasted during the re mainder of the day, and ended in the success of the motion. Yeas 81, nays Cl. Ror.T. Owen. —Our telegraphic advices report the death of “Robert Otveu, late American Minis ter at Naples.” We will take the liberty of read ing it correctly and of regarding it as the an nouncement of the death of Robert Owen, the vet eran theorist and philosopher of New Larnrk. who had been for some time very ill, and in ad vaneed age. His’ son, Robert Dale Owen, late Minister at Naples, and formerly a representative from Indiana, and one of the most architectural members of his day in Congress, took the first op portunity, on being released at Naples by the ar rival of his successor, Joseph R. Chandler, to visit his aged father in England. Our English ex changes have prepared us to expect, at any mo ment, the decease of Robert Owen, from reports given of the State of his health, and in considera tion of his age. Ho was born in 1771, and lived a varied and eventful life, which will furnish rich material to some historian of human opinion and theoretical reform. — Char. Courier, Noe. 30. Dastardly Outrage. On Tuesday night last, as the editor of this pa per was returning home from the post office, he was violently assaulted by some unknown fiend in human form, with a stick and felled to the ground. The night was exceedingly dark, which enabled the cowardly ruffian to escape detection after per petrating his hellish purpose. But for a friend who was attracted to the spot by our cries for help we to-day would have been sleeping our last sleep. That we have enemies, wc are aware : but never dreamed that a man of our small and feble frame would be assaulted in the dark. An open enemy we always respect. There is something manly in the man who fearle? . uikcs hi? position and pre sents an open fr >.i. Such an one we know where to locate, and r not afraid to meet. But a snea king, cowardly rascal who, under tho cover of darkness, sio: tkily creeps behind his victim and assaults him, ve must confess we are afraid of.— Such a man would apply the torch to the dwelling of an enemy w hilst he and his family wen asleep. Yea, he would gloat over the scene with hellish joy as the lurid flames drowned the plaintive wails of helpless infancy! Thanks to a kind Frovidence, although considerably bruised, we r ro still able to be at our post, discharge of duty.— Lump kin Palladium. Is this Treason.? Tho Hon. Win. Barksdale, member of Congress from the northeastern district of Mississippi, was invited recently to deliver an address upon the political topics of tho day before the Legislature now in session at Jackson. In his letter of reply, which was duly read, lie expressed regret that in dispensable engagements prevented his addressing tho Legislature, and alluded, according to the Jackson Eagle of the South of the 27th inst., to the probable contingencies of the political future in this wise: “It is not beyond the range of possibilities that the superior number of our enemies (at the North) may secure tho triumph at tho ballot-box in 1860. In that event I have no hesitation in saying, that it will become the duty of Mississippi, to assert her independence, vindicate her rights, and resume the powers which she has delegated to the Gener al Government.” Col. Davis, in his last speech, if we are not mistaken, gave utterance, substantially, to the same sentiment. Senator Brown, as is well known, entertains rather stringent views, and all the loading men of the South, of all parties, if wo except Gov. Hammond of South Carolina, have arrived at about the same conclusions. There may be here and there an exception, but this will not affect the general result. Well, we shall sec what these valiant gentlemen will do when the time arrives to reduce their the ories to practice. The opportunity, we fear, will be afforded them right speedily. We doubt wheth er they will be obliged to wait the short space of two years. Coming events are casting rapidly thickening shadows before, and the period, when they must either fight or run away, back down, and stultify themselves generally, is, as it were, at hand. Me trust they will be prepared for it, and that there will be, to use a cant phrase, no “caving in.”— N. O. Crescent. ITon. W. L. Yancey. —This distinguished gen tleman passed through our city yesterday en route for the Hot Springs of Arkansas, whither he goes to try the sanative virtues of its waters towards the restoration of his health. It grieved and shocked us to see the gallant man, whom last we had beheld launching the thunders of an elo quence scarcely less than godlike in behalf of the rights of the South, stricken down by disease.— May Heaven and the healing waters of Arkansas soon restore him to us, and the cause of which he is so brave and efficient a champion, “like a giant refreshed and ready to run hi* race.” Col. Yan cey was accompanied by his estimable lady.—Mo bile llcyister. A Boy’s Tongue Fastened to a Lamp Post.— On Saturday morning, a little fellow, about eight years old. a son of Mr. Gilleau, book seller, while playing with some other boys on North street, approached a lamp post and care lessly applied his tongue to its gray frosted sur face, when, in an instant, to the boy’s own horror and utter astonishment of his playmates, he was held last by his tongue to the post, suffering very severe pain, and totally unable to help or extri cate himself. Of course the boy could not speak, and could only manifest his feeiings by signs with his hands. Various applications of warm tea, steam, Ac., were made by some neighbors, who heard the unusual noise made by the other boys, and came to learn what was the matter, but ofc'uo avail, such was the action of the cold iron that the hold was even getting tighter. When, after ten minutes had elapsed, the boy’s father heard of the affair, and hastening to his relief, he took a knife and was obliged to cut the tongue loose, leaving its skin still fast to the post, and causing the blood to flow very profusely. Immediately on his release, the poor little fellow became insen sible, and was taken home. —London (C. lU.) Proof, Abr, 22. A Young Man’s Course. I saw him first at a social party. He took but a single glass of wine and that in compliance with the request cf a young lady with whom be con versed. I saw him next, when he supposed he was un seen taking a glass to satisfy the slight desire j formed by his social ■ indulgence. He thought ! there was uo danger. J I saw him again with those of his own age meet ing at night, to spend'a short time in convival ! I pleasure. He said it was only innocent amuse i meat. j I saw him next late iuthe evening, in the street unable to reach home. I assisted him thither ‘ lie looked ashamed when we next met. I saw him reeling in the street, A confused ! stare was on his countenance, and word® of bias ■ phemy were on his tongue. Shame was gone! | 1 saw him yet once more. He was pale cold motionless, and was carried by his friends'to hi last restmg place. In the small procession that followed, every head was cast down, and seemed to shake their uncommon anguish. His lather s gray hairs were going down to the i grave in sorrow. His mother wept to think that she had given birth to such a child. ‘ “ 1 Kailroa-l contractors, placed obstructions to tL way oTthe cars and threatened violence to the engineer should run his train by. At this stage of the pro ceedings the locomotive wheel struck the sX which had been placed on the track and projected it against a bystander, killing him istnanUy. S. olnel Osborne w M immediately arrested 7 Arrivals of Steamships. Savahnah, Dec. 1. —The steamships Augusta aud Huntsville, from New York, and the City o Norfolk, from Baltimore, arrived here to-day. Departure of President Paez. Nkw York, Dee. 1.-—President Paez, having been much relieved from the injuries he recently received, will depart for Peru to-morruw. Successor to J. Glancey Jones. Reading, Penn., Dec. I.—There is no doubt about the election of Gen. Wm. 11. Keim, to fill Mr. Jones’ unexpired term in Congress. He is certainly elected by an increased majority over Mr. Jones’ former competitor. The Grand Jury in the Haldee Case. Nf.w York, Nov. 30. —The Grand Jury in the case of the United States vs. the Ilaidee prisoners, have returned “no bill.” The Echo Slaver Case. Columbia, S. C., Nov. 30. —The case of the United States vs. the white persons found on board the slaver Echo, and charged with being engaged in the slave trade, was retux-ned by the grand jury to-day, and endorsed i! Xo bill.” Marriage of kindred. A bill has passed the House of Representatives, by a vote of 56 to 52, prohibiting the intermai*ri age of first cousins, under a severe penalty, and cutting off the inhei-itance of issue. The pream ble to bill asserts that many deformations of mind and body are of congenital origin, fr ui the prac tice of near kindred intermarry iug with each oth ex*. — Sou thern Recorder. tny- % Beans for Poultry.— Perhaps it may not be generally known that beans are good food for hens and, with the addition of a little meal, cause them to lay abundantly. For a year or two past, there has been a large quantity of bad beans, which have to be sorted out from the good, to render the latter saleable. Now, of those bad beans, wc take about four quarts, boil them well, and mix with three pints of meal, and when cool, feed to our hens, and we find that they richly repay all the trouble. W hether it is some peculiar property of the beans, or what it is that causes them to lay, not knowing, I couldn't say. But we know by experience that they do lay abundantly; and also that they are very fond of the mixture.— Cor..Maine Farmer. gentleman (who lias a sensitive ear for grammar)—“My dears, there’s your mother call ing you.” „ Wild Boy of the West—“o, her ain’t a callin’ o’ we; us don’t belong to she.”— Punch. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECOm COTTON.—There was a brisk demand yester day, confined almost entirely to the streets, at from 10 to 11 %. The sales in storo were very light amounting to 512 bales. Factors are firm at quo tations given say, 11c for good middlings and 11% for fully middling fair. Montgomery, December Ist, 1858. COTTON.—There was an active demand for the article to-day, at prices ranging from 1 0% to 11%0. The principle sales were made at 10%. Savannah, Dec. Ist, 1858. COTTON—SaIes of cotton to-day 537 bales.— Themarkst is quiet, and prices rather in favor of buyers. Charleston, December Ist. COTTON—SaIes of cotton to-da,v 3,600 bales. The middling and lower grades are a shade easier. Mobile, Dec. Ist. - COTTON—The sales to-day were 2,000 bales, at from 11% to 11% cents for middlings. The soles during the previous three days ending the oOrh Nov. were 8,500 bales, and the receipts 12.750 bales. Freight on cotton to Liverpool %. Sterling Exchange 7 to 7% premium. New Orleans, Dee. Ist. COTTON—Salcsto-day ofcotton 13,000 bales: middling ll%c t011%c., with an advancing ten dency. The sales for the three days ending Nov. 30th, were 26,500 bales, and the recipts 26,500 bales. The increase at this port is now 218,000 bales. Sterling Exchange 7% to 8 per cent px-e ---inium. New York, Dec. Ist. COTTON—SaIes of cotton to-day 2,000 bales, at firm prices. Flour firm, sales 12,500 barrels. Wheat heavy, sales 16,000 bushels. Corn inac tive, soles 36,000 bushels. Spirits of Turpentine firm at 48 a. 50 cents. Holloway’s Ointment and Pills are twin curatives, derived from one origin, the vegetable j productions of the soil. They act in unison on I the system, the one internally upon the secretions | of the body, and the other externally through the ■ countless orifices of the skin, cleansing and recu perating the vital organization. ‘iStt-Sold at the manufactory, No. SO Maiden Lane, New \ ork, and by all Druggists, at 2oc 63c., and $1 per Box or Pot. nov27dwl w Ysi.A\ e think it is hardly known even to the most intelligent of our readers, how deep some of the sciences are looking down into the mysteries of creation. We knew there were wonderful dis coveries in these times, and wonderful uses made (n them, but did not know the Chemists were imi tating in their crucibles and even surpassing the most wonderful productions of organic life. ° Du ring our visit to Lowell we were introduced by one of their prominent citizens to the laboratory of Dk. Ayer, (inventor of CIIE UR Y RFC TOP 1 T ami CATHARTIC PILLS,) where we were shown with generous frankness, his processes and •i> piuduet.'. this master genius of his art is man ufacturing the subtle essences of flowers from tar and other vegetable substances. His essence of Pme Apple, Strawberry, Checkerberry, Quince, 1 ear, Canella, Cinnamon Ac., not only equal but they exceed in purity of flavor, those vegetables themselves. His oil of Winter-green is purer and of better flavor than any that can be gathered from the plant—and yet is made by chemical composi tion from the Hydro-carbons in tar! His process is, to analyze the substance and find the exact ul timate atoms of which it is made, then recompose them m the same proportions which exist in na tuic,—— Chntfticin Advocate. WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. This Restorative for making the hair grow, l stopping its tailing out, restoring gray hair to its ; original color, is becoming more celebrated. All the quack nostrums are giving way before it Three fourths of the mixtures for restoring and beautifying the hair, do it more injury than good They burn it up, destroy the life at its roots-make the hair fall ofi; and produce premature baldness But Prof. Wood’s Restorative may be relied upon as containing nothing which can in anv manner be injurious to the hair, while its success in ac complishing what it pretends to do, has been ver ified m hundreds of cases.- We advise gray heads and heads getting bald, all who wish to savethei? tr ° A° r w btaU L a ? ew stock > to get a bottle of Prof. Sold by all Druggists in this citjq tnd by deal Another instance of the Efficacy of Boerhove's Holland Bitters. N. M. Poindexter, at Union office, September j 16th, 1854, says : Some weeks since being seriously affected with pain and uneasiness at the st omach, loss of appe tite, and at times sti-ong symptoms of dyspepsia, I was induced co try your Holland bitters, aud ; I feel it but an act of justice to the article, as well j a3 for the good of those who maybe affected with ! like derangement of the stomach, to state, that i the use of one single bottle of this medicine proved j of incalculable benefit, having freed the stomach j from all sense of depression, and removed every ymptoms of dyspepsia, I would also l-emark that two other members of my family, who were afflieted in a similar myself, were en tirely relieved by the use of a single bottle each. See Advertisement. nov27 —lwdw. HBXxiirsr’s Tlie Great Premium Disinfectant t | A MAGNIFICENT PITCHER was awarded it at i A the Alabama State Fair at the recommendation of | a special scientific committee, who pronounced it supe periortoany similar agent noxvin use. Resides its strictly disinfecting uses, it may be most advantageous ly applied as a therapeutic agent in the following cases: All putrid diseases, salivation, sores, ulcers, bums, fresli wounds, removing stains, destroying had breath, curing stings, softening and whitening the skin in bath- I ing, and especially in limestone countries, where the | wafer is hard, in making it soft, by pouring a few drops I into a basin full of water. Read w hat is said of it: 1 You would confer a general good by using means for ! its general introduction and use— More than fifty citizens of Auburn. The best and most efficient preventative of conta gious diseases now in use.— Auburn Gazette. We advise our friends to try it, by ail means.—Mont ! gomery Mail. j No one who has used it once will consent to do 1 without it.— Tvskegee Republican. | We have used it about our premises with entire satis | faction. —Savannah Republican. Superior t.o Labarraque's French Liquor.— Correa. | National Intelligencer. Has received the sanction of medical men in the leading cities of the South- Atlanta American. These things Prof. Darby assures it has done, and we believe he w ould not even think, much less say so, were it not the case.— Southern Christian Advocate. It is a most effective and powerful combination. It should be used everywhere. It will not disappoint you as a disinfecting agent.— Holmes Steele. M 1). Endorsed by Physicians in Charleston and Colum bia, S. C.; New York, Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta, ! Macon and Columbus, Ga: Montgomery. Selma and j Mobile Ala; and New Orleans, La. Hospitals, corporations,shipmasters, manufacturers, f planters, physicians, furnished by the gallon at reduced ; rates. j For sale by druggists and country merchants gener j ally, from whom orders are respectfully solicited, j Try at least one bottle. Price 5o cents. Follow di j rections. ’ i£7”Manufactured only in the Laboratory of • J, DARBY, Auburn, Ala. FOR SALE IN COLUMBUS BY DANFORTH, NAGEL &. CO. BROOKS & CHAPM AN, J. S. PEMBERTON & CO decl-dwtf DAVID YOUNG. Columbus Guards! Appear at the Armory on Monday next at 2% j o’clock P. M., armed and equipped as the By i Laws require, for Parade and Prize Target prac tice. By order of the Captain. Dec2—dtd HODGES, 0. S. m-rj—cr* A rp-p-p i TEMPERANCE HALL THE STAR COMPANY, from the SAVANNAH THEATRE, under the man agement of Mr. W. M. FLEMING, Willi appear on FRIDAY EVENING In Shakspeare’s great play of 111, j The very amusing Comedy of 808 NETTLES, with singing, &c. 077” Tomorrow’ Evening, Fifth and Last Performance i but Three of the Company, prior to their departure for Macon. Admission 50 Cents. Reserved Seats, Seventy Five ; Cents, to be procured nt the Hall. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Curtain will rise at 7%. ; F OHSALE . M THE House and Lot on thejiorth east corner Troup and Bryan Streets, fronting the House of Mr, II W Nance, and directly west of the new Metho dic Church, at present occupied by M J Crawford. For terms apply to J M Russell, Esq.‘ dec3—d*2w MARTIN.!. CRAWFORD __ _ HOUSE LOT ! FOR SaJLF. Ml HE Dwelling House on Oglethorpe Sheet. lately occupied by Mrs. Anna Spencer is en sale on liberal terms. It not sold by Christmas it v ill be rented for the next year. For particulars enqni:. ofR P. Spencer or LAMBERT SPEN < ER. November 24, 1858. t ji m COLUMBUS : Saddlery, Harness, AND T,E A T lIE R ST OR E. 11. MIDDLEBROOK & CO., 94 Broad Street, . MANUFACTURERS and dealers liar ness, & Leather, which the following comprises a pail ... . —Spanish Quilted Saddles, overlaid: Eng lish do; Planters’ Plain do; Youth’s and Bov’s do; ” a P on ai > Plantation do; and Ladies Saddles.—varie ty ot styles. Bridles, Martingrales, Saddle ®ags, and Medical do. harness. j Fine Silver plated Carriage Harness—all qualities. Rockavvay •• “ Double Buggy “ . “ “ Single do Plain black Harness, all styles and qualities. leather, [ Skirting Leather, Bridle do. Hog Skins. Pad Skins, Harness Leather. Oak and Hemlock, kole Leather, Call'Skin?*. Lining Skins, Shoe Pegs, Lasts, Thread and Findings, See. jNXacliine Belting. Leather and Rubber Belting. all widths, Light Rubber and Canvas Belting, for Plow Back Bands. Just the thing for Planters. Belt Rivets, and Lace Leather. thun-hls, fgvrrm Ladies and Gentlemen’s and Traveling Trunks, all quali "WW I'IT I Kies and styles. Bonnet Boxes, Valises and Carpet Bags. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Enamelled Leather. Pat THqli t noth/- Leather Cloth Bootings, Nails Tacks hKM!’’ 1,,pa ’ w ‘ e °“ m A 1 * o^ih°h Ve , goods are of onr °wn manufacture: be . st material and bv experienced work in oiir linp f lnVit n all i hose who are in want of articles M.r. ti, .k cal l audex ' a,nine our stock, and vveaa them that they will be well satisfied with the bKt TERMI. PriCM! “ ,hey WiU bC 80111 <"> BhorteM nfe W ° rk maile ’ a " d “‘^'‘ZecTLhul^ a STRAYED, the 17th inst,, a dark brown mare L-SmX A. mule > about three or four years old both ears slightly cropped with cold, end small white collar mark on one shoulder. Last heard of near the Columbus bridge. A reward of ten dol lars will be paid for her. j. ttiat m deel Oewitchee, Huneli •., Ala. SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THE ONE PR.ICJK Cil SB BEY GOODS STORE. 140 Broad Etiest—Masonic Building turns m*mhluk Has just opened a magnificent assortment of SILKS, SHAWLS and FANCY DRFSS GOODS. purchased at recent New York Auction Sales for Cash at an immense sacrifice: 5,000 yards Fancy Dress Silks at 50c. worth sq. 5,000 “ Black Siiks—ail widths; 50 pieces Printed all wool Delaines of the \*-, v best quality, at 50 cents per yard: 50 pieces French Merinos—all shades: 20 “ Union Marino Plaids, splendid qualitv 100 Rich French Robes a’Les—beautiful Goods- ‘ ’ 50 Rich French Valencias and Poplin Robes—mv choice. axsb. Alaiga Assortment cf FANCY DRESS GOODS, rnw @wi Bought at a reduction of *25 per cent., on the pm e usu all paid for such goods: 25 Pieces ARABIAN CROSSOVERS— .... „ Heavy quality and beautiful colorings; .10 pieces PC'ILE deCHEVRE. high colors— New and choice designs la pieces VALENCIAS—very handsome. 20 pieces COLUMBIAN BAYADERE , . Of highest lustre a pieces ELY IRAS—a new and beautiful article. 10 pieces Plaid EASTINGS CHENE Superior quality and coloring. Together with oilier styles of Goods ADAPTED TO A FIRST GLASS TRADE, AI O , A LARGE STOCK OF FINE IBIBID, BLAHICETS, White and Colored Flannels, Xj.X3STEIKrS, AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS IN GENERAL A Large Stock of Calicoes and Homespuns, . Of every description at very low prices. CLOAKS, SHAWLS £ 3STD TALMAS, In great vaiiety. Buyers are invited to examine, compare and jut!;v before making their purchases. Remember the aUdn-E J”ames -VEclPliilli us. 140 Broad Street. Two Doors below J. B. Strapper's. ONE PRICE ON LY . Every article markedat the lowest. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 10, 1858. dAwn All! A full a* sor intent of Bajou’s Kid Gloves-, open ed this morning. JA-fcs. iVicPHILLIFS, 140 Broad street, Masonic Building. IMPORTANT TO Planters & Country Merchants, J. McPHILLIPS Would call attention of Buyers to his large stock of Foreign and Demesne DRY-GOODS, As he has a buyer residing in New York, he will at ad times he prepared to oiler goods to the Trade for Cash only) at the lowest New York Cost pi ices by the halt-, or package. Planters will find they’ can save money by inly ing their KERSE'/S, NEGRO, BLANKETS, &c.,irom him, his stock is extensive and his pri ces nuch below that of any other store in the youth. Cali and see his goods and prices, and thus posl yourselves upon whal you o n get k>r your mo ney and what goods are worth. Remember lint address, JAMES McPHILLIPS, 14tt Broad St:e3t,. Two doors below J. B. Strupper. Pet. 0.. and& w tf. SYDENHAM ACEE. JNO. F. IVERSON ” COPARTNERSHIP?” : MIE undersigned having formed a Copartner-hip i -L will continue the wholesale and retail B iti fr Bxxsines s, at their old Stand ’- EAGLE DRUG STORE,” lO Broad Street, where they will he happy to serve their friends and the public generally, with'a large, fresh, and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS Oils. Putty, Glass, Burning Fluid,(of our own man ufacture) Alchohol, Pure Brandies and Wines, (for medical purposes) Fine Hair & Tooth Brushes, Combs, Perfumery, Fancy & Toilet Articles,Chewing and Smo king Tobacco, Fine Cigars, and almost every article usually kept in a firs: da.-* Drug Store. We solicit a share of the public patron age, feeling assured that a strict attention to business, and to the interest of our customers, will niprit the con tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on our predecessors. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, day or night, by a competent and experienced Druggist. ‘ ACEE & IVERSON. P. 8. Persons in want of Medicine after the usual hour of closing at night, will find Mr. Acee in the front room directly over our store, ready to wait on them. Columbus, Nov. 25—d6m ‘ A.&.1 EXECUTOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold on Monday the 29th instant, at 12 o’clock, in front of Harri son &. Pitts’ Auction Room, the House and Lot in tin city of Columbus, belonging to the late Mrs. E. K Crook. This house is delightfully situated on Brvan Street, and is on part of lot No. 343, with eight large rooms; halls above and below, and collonadetl on all sides. Sale positive. Terms: Credit of one and nw years, with 7 per cent, interest. Nov. 16, 1858—dlsi-wlt M, J. CRAWFORD. F.x’r N. B. The above sale lias been postponed, in conse quence of inclement weather, to Wednesday Dec. 1 EARLY SHERIFF SALES, j VUILL be sold before the Court House door in the I * ’ town of Blakely, Early county, Ga., on the fir>t i Tcesday in January next, within thelegai hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of Laud numbi rhiiree hundred and forty nim-. m the 20th district of Early county, containing 250 acres ) more or less, levied on as the property of John E Babb, to satisfy one ti la issued from the Superior Court of n^£j^ W - y ; 1 5 lavo . ro C Robt W Sheffield, Adni’r.— property pointed out by Plaintiff. • j - la ” d numb er two hundred and tvventv six, irtv/f#- 1 d ! 3tr,, ; t ot ea d county, levied on as the prop ut Charles Powers, to satisfy one ti fa issued from Stew art County Superior Court, in favor of Jacob Dennard,—property pointed out bv Plaintiff’s Att’v v , on .ANTHONY HUTCHINS, Sh’ffi November 30, 1858.— wtds. EARLY MORTGAGE SALE. \\ *J'Fhe sold on the first Tuesday in January next. * before the Court House door in Blakelv. Ear a l s e 1,0,111 east half of lot of land number one hundred and sixty six, in the 28th district of Earlv county, to satisfy a Mortgage ti fa from Earlv Supei mr Couit u. lavor ot Thomas B. Andrews, vs. Isaac Lav ton property pointed out in said Mortgage Fi Fa _fl°v JO— will a. HUTCHINS. Sheriff. COLUMBUS GUARDS. Company Weekly Drill from 7 to 8 o’clock Sat urday night. By order of the Captain. -v , _. . AtiLEN, Seeretnrv. November 24, td. L-A-INT ZES.SB, J every cieecription used by r Lawyers, or officers oi court, printed neatly and on superior paper. at too TIMES OFFICE. CARDS, In Plain and Eanoy Colors of anv size, neatly printed t tht TIMES QFFICI,