Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 30, 1858, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES. THE CITY. Christmas Tree. Many of the okl English customs of Christmas havt passed away and like the Sherris ’ sack of old Falstaff have become mere matters of speculation. But the Christmas tree, however, is frequently to be seen. Never did a- company of and girls enjoy a festival more, than that at the School of the Episcopal Church Tuesday night, the 28th inst. A Christmas tree—loaded down with pres ents, kcep-sakes and mementos—its branches brilliantly illuminated—was erected inside the School-room and the hearts of the children beat with joy and excitement as their numbers drew their gifts. It was a beautiful sight and will be ‘ long remembered, not only by the children, but the Lady contributors who were presen t and those ‘ who were invited to witness the imposing cere mony. Burlesque Opera. Ihe attendance at Temperance Hall, on Tues day evening, to witness the truly meritorious Buckleys’ Opera Troupe, though not as numerous as on the preceding evening, was more select and appreciative. The admired Opera of “La Sonuambula” was given, en burlesque, to the satisfaction and amuse ment of all. The entire gurus were admirably “well up” in their respective parts, and it is hoped that they will always give us a call in their visits South. Washington, Bee. 24. —Senor Don Gabriel Garcia Y. Tassara, the Spanish Minister, this morning assured Mr. Cass, the Secretary of State, of the truth of the statement that the Spanish and Mexican imbroglio had been settled. Letters, however, of the latest date from Tam pico, to a citizen of this city, who is largely in terested in the peace of Mexico, asserts that the statement of a settlement is false, and that the Spanish fleet is accumulating and controlling the Mexican coast from Layuua to Tampico; and thus tending to verify previous advices of the in tention of Spain to open hostilities. African Slave Trade South. The Richmond Enquirer in a well-written arti cle concerning the slave trade at the South, con cludes with the following passage. “We hope this discussion will liberate our coun - try from the “entangling alliance’ of the slave trade treaties. We hope this discussion will wipf: from the statute books those laws which now cast dishonorable reflection upon the institution of slavery, by the punishment they inflict upon those may engage in it. Vv c hope this discussion may who prohibit American national vessels from pursuing and capturing the vessels of auy nation other than the United States, who may bo engaged in the foreign slave trade. If any other nation desires, we have no objection ; and we want to see the United States occupying this pos ition : saying to the world “slavery is right, and the sooner you introduce it the better for your na tional health.” We prohibit our own citizens from bringing any more from* Africa, not that we believe it to be wrong, but because we believe, from economical principles, that we have enough here already.” [From tlie Correspondent of the Newark Advertiser.] Ex-PresliletH Pierce and the Ex-King of Prussia. Florence, Nov. 27. The ex-King and Queen of Prussia mode their grand entrance here a day or two since, and took possession of the fine Hotel de la Ville, turned into a Palace for the royal pair and suite. The cortege comprised twenty carriages and wagons, Iroin the last of which sauce pans and tin kittles bang dangling, as if mocking with their Discor dant rattle the pomp and circumstance of that royalty of which they brought up the rear! Put kings must take their cuisine, as well as their dia monds about with them. Ex-President Pierce happened to he lodged at the hotel demanded for oid Fcdorick Willian, when the order came to vacate it. The extatie landlord made haste to acquaint his guests of the honor intended him, hinting alike to one and all the necessity of seeking other quarters, which hint was differently received by different temper aments, but by no one so amiably as by the ex l’resident. Not so, a stiff upper-lipped Southern er, of family and money, who had been lodged there himself like any king for some weeks, and who, on receiving the notice, sent the poor old king and innocent landlord together to a very bad place, in free Republican style, and ordered his carriage and bill on the instant, shaking the dust off his feet as he left tho unworthy hotel. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. Coluebds, Dec. 30. COTTON—Very little enquiry among shippers —market rather dull. Our quotations are 10 to mi cents. Receipts 432. Sales 15b bales. Savannah, Dec. 27. —Sales of Cotton to-day 380 bales, at unchanged rates. Charleston, Dec. 27. — The cotton market is at a stand, and prices depressed. Mobile, Dee. 27 — Sales of Cotton to-day 5,000 bales. Middling 11 @ 1 lHe. The market elosed with an advancing tendency, with more j buyers than sellers. New Orleans, Dec. 27. —Sales of cotton to day 10,500 bales. The market appeared easier, but quotations were unchanged. Freights Liver pool -15-32d., and sterling. Exchange 834 per cent premium. New York, Dec. 27.—Sales of cotton to-day 900 bales. The market is rather flat, and quota tions nominal. Flour dull, sales 9,000 bids. — Wheat quiet, sales 5,000 bush. Corn heavy, sales 22,000 bush; Spirits Turpentine firm. Rosin firm, at 51.50 @ $1 571“. Rico firm: and Freights nominal. TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce ISAAC T. BROOKS a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Museogee county, at the ensu ing election. nov23dwte We are authorized to announce J. B. HICKS, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Muscogee county at the election in January next. novll—dwtd TAX COLLECTOR. WE are authorized to announce A. C. MOR RISON a candidate for Tax Collector of Musco gee county, at the ensuing election. nov23dwte We aro authorised to anuounco JORDAN L. HOWELL, a candidate for Tax Collector of Mus cogee county for the ensuing year. Election first Monday in January next. WE are authorized to announce the manic of WILLIAM A. BOZEMAN as a candidate for Tax Collector of Muscogee county at the ensuing election in January. dcclS—dtd. jZS©** The friends of Edmund O'neal, Esq announce his name as a suitable candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chattahoochee county at the January election. nov!2—wtd TlMtttftNiei MALL f ~ THE NEW OELEANS ! WBiill! COMPANY. ! ~ rs ‘4T ningcfuents to eivc ./ * las made ar mericniff MONDAY. JancTry °i> 2 , X, ? hu ’ <**- axDERuS” “ hiH * rß< ™^ 6 S: DUR FRISCHUTZ. FRA DIAVOLO, I>o\ PAHQUALE, and tfSSS <*;*->• -iObecomitWKK; Miss GEORGIA HDDSON ~r,li,a Assoiuta, Miss A. KING, * Ten ore Contraltino. Mr. FRED TANARUS, VST Fit Seeonda Donna, Mr. FRANK TRUVOR nmn Basso Baritone, Mr. F. BOH DIN or .Tenon? di Forsa. Mr. G. It. \v ViiRT F Hasso Profuiido. -Mr. S. ARNOLD “ Secondo Tenore, Conductor Secondo Basso, Manager -Mr. A. RE IFF. Jr. Stage Marnier W. S. LYBTER, fiSciKSS r f“ 9 I""* ..,• N. V. composed of Sp-n llß * Arffstes, under tlie direction of Mr Kciif j r atlf? TH vSSSff dl ? t S c whole sii.gK J’ u k iir.Af m d^ I, , ,crp s M,lsic Store, 70 Broad St. ‘ Sio! Simo, TH-H C s‘i !S adluit,i “S to 11 “’ “'hole series MiiiniM stipfyis JUST RECEIVED BY “VYY.j>T MARCUS! CRANBERRIES, Suga r Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Extra County Lard. Best Family Flour; Big Hominy, White Beans, Also, Raisens, Currants, Citron, Prunes, Figs, Cooking Prunes, Gelatine; Extracts of all kinds, Nuts all kinds; Smoked Reef, Pickled Beef, Pickled Pork, Smoked Tongues, Pickled Tongues, Smoked Salmon. Fresh Salmon, 1 resit Lobsters, Fresh Tomatoes, Sardines, Table Oil, Olives, Capers, Preserves, Jellies, Table Sauces, Best Goshen Butter & Cheese, FIRE-WORKS of every description. Columbus, Dee. 24, 1858. TO RENT, „ THE Store and Dwelling part of House iivjii! No. 138 Broad Street, next door to J. Mc- Phillips’ Dry Goods Store. Apply to - dec2S—d3t JOHN B. STRUPPER TO RENT, ttaijlk A Comfortable Cottage Building, with iiil&l. four Rooms and necessary outbuildings in repair, in the lower part of the eitv. Apply to dec2s—dtfi 1L J. MOSES. BULK MEAT. THE Subscribers are prepared to fill orders for Bulk Meat, Hog round, or as the parties may wish ready to be smoked when -delivered. decl7 dwtf TYLER & SHORTER.” 1858 FALL STOCK. 1858 J. H, MERRY FI AS removed his store to No. West side Broad Street, 1 door VT ff-J north of Redd, Johnson & Co.’s, where ho is now recoiviug a large supply of Fall and Winter Clothing ! For GENT’S, YOUTH’S and Children’s wear Also, a large Assortment of GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS! Together with every article usnaly kept in a Clothing Store. Ail of which will be sold on as good terms as are afforded in tho City. Columbus, Ga. Oct. 15- dw3m OAJIDS,’ In Plain and Fancy Colors of any size, neatly printed at the TIMES OFFICE. BINDING, IN Al ' L ITS BRANCHES substantially and elegantly clone at short notice, at the “ TIMES OPFICE. Columbus, Ga. Nov. 27—dtf. MA.TBSSSS £L AN excellent article of Cotton, or Shucks and Cot ton mixed, and all Shucks for under Matresses. — Call and see them before purchasing an Inferior article elsewhere. For sale by J. H. SIKES, nov9 —dtf . 30 Broad Street. 1!. Y. MARTIM. J. J. MARTIN. .J. J. SLADE. MARTIN, MARTIN & SLADE, at Law, COLUMBUS, GA. December 17,1858.—dwtf. TO THOSE INDEBTED WE hereby give narice that all claims due us. and not paid or satisfactorily arranged, prior to next re urn day ot the respective counties in which the par ties reside, will he sued. None will he slitrlited. mar2o—dwtf E. BAIiNART) &CO SELLING AND HIRING NEG-BOES ON CO MMISS 1O N, . Either Privately or at Auction, BY ELLIS & MATHIS. Columbus, G-a., Dee. 0, 1358. lmdty TRUSTE U.S S \LE. IVVlLLsellto the highest bidder (if uot disposed of nrivately before that tioiejon the Ist Tuesday in January next, at th- Market, House in the city oi Columbus, mat valuable property known as “De Graffenruid’s earner.” Terms, one half cash-—bal ance nr twelve months with approved security. 8.8. DeOJR XFFEN i; KID, Trustee, nov21 —dwtm Harrison a. Pitts, Auc’rs. GEORGlA—Muscogee County: ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—By virtue of an or der from tlie Honorable Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, Ga.. I will sell at .the Market House, in the city of Columbus, Ga., on the first Tusday in in February next, within the legal hours of sale, two Lots liaif acre each, ill the city of Columbus known by numbers 579and 581. with all improvements thereon— sold as the property of James L. Garrard, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate.— Terms of Sale Cash.) E. BARNARD, Adtn’r. Columbus, Dec. 13, 1858. . dtd A. VELATI, Candy Manufacturer &. Confectioner, WHOLESALE AND RETIAL DEALER IX GREEN & DRY FRUITS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIG CIGARS. No- 20 Broad st-, Columbus, Georgia. ORNAMENTED PARTY CAKES—Country orders will meet with prompt attention. Nov. 3, 1553. 3m. For Sale. „ a comfortable Dwelling House ana Lot. containing one acre of land, situated on the *ij||ii Alabama side of the Chattahoochee River, on a ! ” i (he road leading from the New Bridge towards Salem. Ala., and about one half mile west of said Bridge. Any person desiring to purchase a comforta ble and quiet home, will be offered a bargain in this place. Applv to MOSES & LAWES, liov. 1— dtf Columbus, Ga. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. A.C. SAUNDERS &, CO. WOULD respectfully inform @Steslß!^Nl! ,he ei,iae ? B of Columbus, and the ESw p OUr,,rv . s " rr, ' un dii)g, that they have taken the’ Store recently occupied toy Merry <fc Lind-m/and are now ow ing the largest, n-st made and cheapest Stock o’ BOOTS, SHOES & BRO3ANS lobe found in the Giiy. OUR OWN factories of ,u i. ,• ■ und having made arrangements with he best factories in the United StaTes, Wi* 20 warrmrt^ lenCe l ” Men,f,hiß > Tennessee, we are TO NONF iTnnl stock tnciU be SECOND EI ONOMY fO THE pJrchAsER^ AN D <->ur stQCK comprises in part— Men’s ! hick Boots sizes Irom 6 to 14; << ,P b a it wilted and double soled, „ Water Proof Boots; ( Napoleon Boots; Cavalry do. „ Extra fine Water Proof Boots- Cork sole ’ a finest peg’d pump and half welt’d Cf Bools rrencn lioots of superior style; Plantation Boots; ‘‘ Finest stitched French Calf Boots; “ Putnp “ “ •- <l Arctic Boots; A,sc, Men’s Oxford Ties sewed and pegged “ Con mess Gaiters “ “ ’ Oaldrrons; f Scott Ties; ~n s f Brogans, pumps and I welted; bowed ‘t * i,.. i e << “ Brogans pegged; fHG.n s H ax, Kip ft tfufi'Bt> & Welted. Men’s Gaiters, Slippers &c., of ail the latest patterns. FOR LADIES. Finest Kid <Sf Morocco lace and Congress Boots, thick and thin soles, with and without twols. I inest silk warp lasting lace and Congress, do do Serge de Be ; rre, do do do .do Eugene, do do do do do Italian and English, do do ‘ do French and Glove Kid, do do do “ Kid Heel Slippers. English Kid and Morocco do and half Gait ers. English Silk Lasting, do do do Velvet Toilet Slippers. Embroidered, do Women’s Common Thick heel ties of Kid, Mo rocco, Seal and Goat. Spring Heel lies and Buskins- Goat, Call, Bufl, Seal At. Kip lace Boots pegged and sewed. Kip&. Calf Oxford Boots laced and strapped Spring heel Kip Fagged iace Boots. FOR BOYS. Boys Thick Boots, sizes 1 to 5. do do Brogans, do l to's. do do Kip and Calf, do do pumps and half welted. Boys Calf and Kip Boots, welted and Double soled.. FOR YOUTHS. Youth’s Thick Boots, sizes 9 to 13. “ “ Brogans, do 9to 13. do do Kip do do do do Boots half welted and double soled. Youth’s Calf, do do do and do do do do Brogans pumps and half welled. FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. Sewed Calf, Kid, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Buff Bcotees thick and thin sole, with and without heels. Pegged Call, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco anti Bufl Bootees, thin and tnick soles, with and with out heels. Fine Kid Ties and Buskins; Common Kid Morocco, Seal and Goat Ties. Silk Lasting, Kid and Morocco Gaiters with and without heels. # > Kid, Morocco nnd ©ilk laotiog- laoo Coot.-. do. do. Strapped Slippers. Children’s Congress Heel Gaiters. FOR PLANTERS. The largest, best made, and cheapest stock of NEGRO SHOES EVER BROUGHT TO CO-UUMBUS, Among them are, Round and Lap Seam, Double Braced, Double Soled Brogans, from 1 to 15. Round Seam Triple Stitched Iron Nailed Bro gans. Round seam,. Three. Soled Brogans. Oak Bottoms, Russctts and other kinds ranging in price from sl.lO upwards. If any of our goods do not prove as represented by us, we will make the deficiency good to the purchaser. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS,TRA. D BUS, S*ISI)DALHB, &c., We can oiler goods at Boston and New York prices, By giving us a call you can save from 15 to 20 per cent on your bills. Taking the quality of our gi>odsinto considera tion, vve are to he undersold by no one North, South, East or West. We have made anangemauts to receive all new styles Irom factories of any note in tlie United States as soon as introduced, and shall be receiv ing fresh goods every week from our own Fac tories. A. C. SAUNDERS & CO., Oet 15..w&dif 102 Broad Street. . AT J. YU PEASE & CLARK’S BOOK ST ORB. i THE following is a list of new books VVj.tS/gjfeSL just received. £... i ?*3jß9 l M l sr Life and Adventures of Kit Carson,the ncstor of the Rocky Mountains. Self-Made Men, by C. 0. Seymour; Frederick the Great, by Thomas Carlysle; Sir Walter Raleigh and his Times, by C. Kingsley; The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Life and Labors of Daniel linker, by bis Son; Public and Private History of Louis Napoleon; I’iney Wood Tavern or Sam Slick in Texas; Arabian Day, a comparison to Arabian Nights; Debit and Credit; Electron, C. Richards. A NEW SUPPLY OF Miles Stanuish Courtship; Vernon Grove; Memoirs of Rachel, Just received bv .1. W. PEASE & CLARK. BARGAIN! THE Subscribers, flavins’ now purchased the enti re property oi the Coweta Falls Manu facturing Company, orier the same for sale. It is one ot the best situations tor Milling and Manu facturing purposes in the whole country, and will he sold on long credits, and the most liberai;terms. Titles of Warrantee will be made. SEABORN JONES, PAUL J. SE.MMES, JOHN L'. MUSTIAN, June 10. —wtwtf JAMES VV. WARREN FALL STOCK OF FimsfrrußS, CARPETTING AND CURTAINS, NOW OPENING AT - SAMMIS & RODNEY’S, COLUMBUS. GA. Columbus, Ga.. Oct 6, 1858. dw3m. ~ seedA)ats7 1 nnn BUSHELS SEED OATS, just received I,UUU and for sale by TYLER a SHORTER Columbus, Dec, 17—dwtf T. S. SPSAS, ‘PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Successor to S. B. Purple, cor. Broad & Randolph st. COSjUMBUS, G-SOUG-XiL. STERLINGStLVEB & PLATEDYv|re. ECAIR. ‘WORK. A b.Mlft.l variety of Palter,,a. I tvlU atako erfaaay de,i S „ A?: .T~F!TX7--|r'T 0 Repaired by competent and experienced Workmen, and warranted. , CANES! CANES! G-ekl, Silver, Ivory Loaded Heads—Hickory Crooks and Swords. PEBBLE SPECTACLES, fe y . Gold and Steel Frames, of the best quality manufactured. ‘Classes set in old frames to suit all eves I invite the attention ofall to my Stock, and y.Jll show it with pleasure, whether you purchase ornot. - s old Stand, Corner Broad and Randolph Streets. Columbus, Ga., Oct, 30, 18wS.—dwtf’ rp g gp^R COLXJMBXJS Saddlery, Harness; AN D LE A T HER STOR E, H. MIDDLEBItOOK & CO., 84 |Sroad Street, ,-ft MANUFACTURERS AM) DEALERS in Saddles, Harness, & Leather, which the following comprises a part ** —Spanish Quilted Saddles, overlaid; Eng lish do; Planters’ Plain do; Youth’s and Boy’s no; Wagon an Plantation do; and Ladies Saddles,—varie ty of styles. , SSridtes, Martingales, SaiMle- Uag’S, isiitd Medical tin. HARNESS. Fine Silver plated Carriage Harness—all qualities. “ ’• “ Kockaway “ “ “ “ “ Double Buggy “ V “ “ Single do •• “ Plain black Harness, all styles and qualities. LEATHEB, Skirting Leather. Bridle do, flog Skins. Pad Skins, Harness Leather, Oak and Hemlock. Side Leather, Calfskins, Lining Skins, Shoe Pegs, Lasts,.Thread and Findings, &c. j . Machine Beltina*. C3 Leather and Rubber Belting, all widths, Light Rubber and Canvas Belting, for Mi.n. iw-k jj.. ,t,,.-t (iiw uiing ror l’tanieis. Beit Rivets, and Lace Leather. TB.UNKS, ” tpcm Ladies and Gentlemen’s and Traveling Trunks, all quH. (l ft It ii<ties and styles. Bonnet Boxes, Valises ana Carpet Bags. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. CdgEJBJL/ Enamelled Leather, Pat Dash Leather ar.d j22SES§_.Enaiuelod Clothe all widths anti qualities; Oil Carpet, Laces, Fringes, Head Linings, Leather Cloth Bootings, Nails, Tacks, &c. Stirrups, Bitts, Buckles, Harness Mountings, Haines Collars, Whips, Wagon Breeching. And Blind Bridles. All (lie above goods .are of our own manufacture; made of the best material and by experienced work men. We invite all those who are in want of articles in our line tocall aud examine ottr stock, and we as sure them that they will be well satisfied with the quality of goods and the prices; as they will he sold on me very BEST TERMS. N B. New Work made, and Repairing done at the shortest notice. decl—dwtf. FOR RENT, fTIHE Store formerly occupied by B. & G. Stern, un- X der Warren’s Arcade. Apply at this office. Nov. 2S—<itf FOR SAIiU, Asa* A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE in |sssf Wynntgn. Apply to tt g ft a l Nov. 16—dtf. ED\Y\ T. SHEPHERD. Administrator’s Sale. f\ EORGIA. Mcscooceb County:-By virtue of an Ij fuller of the Court of Ordinary of said county and State, I will sell at the Market House in the city of Columbus,.on Ihe First Tuesday in February next, a NEGRO WOMAN, named NANCY. SEVEN SHARES MUSCOGEE R. R. STOCK, X Twenty Shares Stock in BANK OF COLUMBUS. A lot of old SILVER WATCHES, and all other personal property belonging to the estate of Samuel B. Pjtrple. TIIOS. .1. NUCKOLLS, Administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of Samuel B. Purple. HARRISON & PITTS. Auctioneers. December 7, IBsß—d4od. AMERICAN WATCHES! jeo IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES. At Purple’s old Stand, June’s New Building, IS Columbus, Georgia. Oct. 30—(hvtf T. S. SPEAR. COTTON, COTTON, COTTON I , COTfOI is now selling at a good ; rice, and if the notes and accounts past due tod. Ennis & Cos. a - e not soon paid, suits will be instituted indiscrim inately. A word to the wise it sufficient. Octi4—w&dtf. J. ENNIS & CO. Of every deecription ttsed by Lawyers, or of Court, printed neatly and on superior paper, at the TIMES OFFICE. NO W OPENING. DILLINGHAM* & DENSON'S FURNITURE STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETINGS, RUGS, MATS BASKETS, &e* Columbus, October 23. d&wtf. BEDEt-L & WBEMS ) Wholesale and Retail GROCERY DEALERS, ®S®. VyILL teep constantly on hand a well selsc ** ted Stock comprising all articles in their line, which are offered to thoir irieodsand the public generally at the LOWES'! MARKET PEI CES. Give us a call. LOCK WEEMS. A. 0. BEDELL, Columbus, Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf. LOOKI LOOK I Startling 1 Intelligence for Vox Populi ! ‘^ST'XXjXaX.^ PICTURE GALLERY IN FULL BLAST. I’IIE undersigned announces to the citizens of Co s( 1 umbus, and in fact to al I Georgia, that ho is now taking Pictures in ns good style us they can be taken in the Empire State. eitherhv a foreign or native,ir tist. His prices range from that much despised sum— tifty cents to ten dollars. And although lie does not pietend to say that lie is the best artist in the United States, \ ct lie fears not the result of a comnarisou with these whose reputation is bolstered up by long adver tisements and purfs ot their own manufacture. He prefers that ladies aud gentlemen should judge for themselves. And if those in want of a good Picture wiJi cal! and give him a trial, he will convince them that he fully understands tin* modus njterandi of picture taking. All he wants is a fait and impartial trial, and lie tears no competition from any quarter. His Gallery is over Barnard’s'Store. Broad Street, where lie will he happy to receive visitors and show them his specimens at all times. v G. T. WILLIAMS, Nov. (, —4md Photographic Artist. MUSIC! MUSIC! \ LBS. FRESH I'IGS, in Fourth. Half and , W hole DRUMS, received this day by w. IT. H. PHELPS, £S Broad Street. ALSO. 8 i l Bili.s ol the FINEST APPLET brought to this !” market this season. PRUNES.! PRi NFS! in tanct boxes and jars. RAISINS : RAISINS ; ill whole, \S, and ‘A Boxes FIRE WORKS! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also. Plain a ltd Fancy Candies, Oranges, “Lemons, Nuts. Dates, Citron. Current.*, &r. &c. Also.a latge supply of Superior Cigars, and Chewing Tobacco, Pipes and Smoking Tobacco. TERMS PASII. No memoranda kept, decl?—dfito. CAKKIAGE MMuOMT J. B. JAQUE3 & BROTHER, OPPOSITE THE “PERRY HOUSE.’ COLUMBUS, GA. jap®. 3 THE subscribers have on hand and constantly keep a large and well selected stock of Carriages of ail de- jut™.scriptions. embracing CALECIIES, MOCK CALECIIES, BAROUCHES. ROCKAWAYS, Shilling Leather Top and No Top Buggiett. Wagons, &c. We feel confident in stating to the Public that we can offer as Good Work, and at lower prices titan can be found elsewhere for Cash or approved Credit. Cash Purchasers will do well to give us a call, ns we are determined to dispose of our present Stock, at a very small advance for Cash. All who favor us with a, call may rolv on beingfairlv dealt with. All work sold at this Establishment warranted to be strictly as represented. In connection with the above Establishment we keep constantly employed competent mechanics in the RE PAIRING Birsmess and its branches. Persons indented to the above firm bv notes or ac counts past due are requested to call and settle imme kiately. Columbus Nov. 1 1858.— dl v’ STOVES, MORE STOVfeS! JUST received and for sale, another large lot of Cocking, ( tlice & Parlor Stoves. I invite public attention to the following choice patterns IRON WIZZARD (for wood) MELODEON (wood.) GOLDEN COOK, “ VIOLET, EASTERN PREM. “ OPAL. PATRIOT, “ WROUGHT Iron “ RELIEF. “ THEBAN. DOUBLE OVEN, (for Coal) Cottage Parlor, “ PERUVIAN, for wood, | New Cottage Parlor. Also, Sheet Iron Office Stoves, different patterns. Box Stoves for Stores, &c. “ T* .••liter with a full assortment of House Furnish ing Goods. My terms are reasonable, and all goods sold by me are warranted to give satisfactionor no sale.—dtf It. M. Ai.DWOttTIf. SYDENHAM ACEE. JNO. F. IVERSON COPARTNERS Nil’. j THE undersigned having formed a Copartnership will continue the wholesale and re tail Drug Business, at their old Stand EAGLE DRUG STORE,” 93 Brood Street, where they will he happy to serve their friends and the public generally, with a large, fresh, and well selected stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, [CHEMICALS, PAINTS, Oils. Putty, Glass. Burning Fluid,(of out own man ufacture) Alchohol, Pure Brandies and Wittes, (for medical purposes) Fine Hair & Tootii Brushes. Combs, Perfumery, Fancy ic Toilet Articles,Chewing and Smo king Tobacco. Fine Cigars, and almost every article usually kept in a first class Drugstore. We solicit a share of the public patron age, feeling assured that a strict attention to business, and to the interest of our customers, will merit tile con tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on our predecessors. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at ad hours, day or night, by a competent and experienced Druggist. ACEE & IVERSON. . P. S. Persons in want of Medicine atler the usnai hour of closing at Right, will find Mr. Acee in the front room directly over our store, ready to wait bn them. Columbus. Nov. 23—dfirn w A. & I. COLUMBUS TIMES OFFICE, Where all descriptions of J 0 B-W 0 R K is neatly and promptly executed. I SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY. ’ • Capital Prize t 550,000. irrivETS ONLY ten DOLLARS notice to the public. as 1 $£ Sul; “zdzrB ,;r 'f above named. L ° ,,er >’ an,, ,he as i our bu”K wuh'mmv to conduct |Xon M r i be! Augusta. Ga. Dec 15. ’sb. S. SWAN & CO. AVOOB, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS. [SUCCESSORS TO S. SWAN & CO.] Hie loUowmg scheme will be.dtawu by Wood, Eddy kt > !’i l,ia?e - r 9 l F‘ s ! Kll| a Academy Lottery, ui Ds‘ at Ai GrxTl"r e “'"‘"7, LoUer ' t,Si for Januaty Sor t ’ P^m.e,;- Ciass 1 draws Saturday, J ail . i, 1858. L- ass l draws Saturday, Jan. 8, 1858. GFiss 3 draws Saturday, Jan. 15, 1858/ L-ass 4 draws Saturday, Jan. 22,'1858 Liass 5 draws Saturday, Jan. 2D, 1858. On the Plan of Single Numbers. 50,000 TICKIaTS— 5,510 PRIZES. NEARLY’ ONE FKIZF. TO EVERY NINE TICKETS* - au nu v—evfry Saturday in January. 1 Prize ol $50,000 I „ 2J.D00 f „ 10,000 „ 5,000 } „ 4,000 f „ 3,000 ~ u 1.300 .. 800 H *’ u • 000 5 .* ™ f m < ij 100 A ND .1 EWELKR, APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Pc ze s Of ® ‘OO Approx’g to #50,000 Prize are 1 C 0 \ ** “ 2U.0L0 “ J,goo 4 ’ \si) ” - l. V *;o moo 4 v u 5,U(0 “ 9iQ -1 “ 2-tO “ 4,01 M) (IU 4• ‘‘ 150 “ 3,000 - mlo o 100 1)500 “ 5-000 *’ 20 ve 4100,000 3,5i0 Prizes amounttiig to $320,000 Whole Tickets $lO. Halves $5. Quarters #2.30. A Circular showing the Plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates which is the risk: Certificates of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, .SBO “ “ 10 Half “ an “ .10 .Quarters “ 20 “ , 10 Eightli “ 10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES Enclose the money to our address lor the tickets or dered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the Drawing. Purchase** will please write their signatures plain, and give their post office, county and State. Remember that every prize is drawn, and payable in mil without deduction] All prizes of sl,ooo.and under, payable immediately after the drawing, other pi izes at tile usual time of 30 days. NOTICE TO COR RESPONDENTS. Those wno prefer not sending money by mail can use The Adams Express Company, whereby money for Tickets in sums of Ten Dollars and up wards can be sent us AT OUR RIHK AND EXPENSE from any city or town where they have an office. The money and order must t>e enclosed in a Government Post office Stamped Envelope, or the Express Compa .v cannot receive them. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tic kets or Certificates to H OOD, EDDY & CO., Augusta, Ga. o.t WOOD, EDDY & CO., Atlanta. Ga. or WOOD, EDDY CO., Wilmington Del. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders filled and save time by ad dressing S. Swan &. Cos. at either of these cities. A list of the numbers that are drawn from the vvhee. with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will he published after every drawing in the follow ing papers:— Augusta (Ga ) Constitutionalist; jXevt Or leans Delta; Mobile Register; Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer; j\ew York Weekly Day Rook; Savannah Dully; Richmond Dispatch; New York Dispatch; Paulding (Juiss.) Clarion, and Little Rock (Ark.) True Democrat. o Li* : t *•’ Mi alij ii S THS OKLEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR BTSFIfStA, msK'.SU OF T!IE KfDSEYR, LIVES COMPLAINT, •VKAUNKSS of ant kind, - “"iul ACHE, And the various affections consequent upon a diseased STATE OF THE LIVER. Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency,Cos tivenes, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numer ous instances proved highly beneficial, and in olhers ef fected a decided cure. nils is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, alter the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Because of its great success in most of the European States, its in troduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there o\A the face of this mighty country. Meet ing with great success among them, I now offer it to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal powers must be acknowledged. It is particularly’ recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, orother forms of dis sipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the *eat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and in fact infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE. —Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak, and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos sessed of singular remedial properties. C A U TIO N ! The great popularity ofthis delightful aroma has in duced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Bcerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. JR. & CO. MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutists and Chemists, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale in Columbus by Brooks & Chapman, and bv druggists-generally throughout the State. ’ April 24, Issß.—lvdwis. # Bacon! Bacon! have nowonhand and will be constantly r ” ceiving. Prime Tenne*(e Bacon—Hsme, Side* and Shoulders, which we will sell at tbelowestCom* mission House prices. Mar2o—w&twtf E. BARNARD k. CO.