Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 21, 1861, Image 1

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ATE-CITY f LEI TER ft ADAIR, GUARDIAN. THE PUBLIC COOl) BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. EDITORS & PROPRIETORS. iu mm: ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TBIRNSDAV, FEBRUARY 21, 1861. VOL. 1-NO. 9. -Cito Guardian. Ik *OVI«T.MM« »CM€OOLt hw IT iUBBOBlPTlO* I p«r annua — diavarUblp In ndrnno«. AUTBBTIBIBO. a,, of 10 line* or ltd, on* Insertion, f 1, Wfor *•«»> *ab##<jtt#nt Insertion leu than and ■ advertlefDf, with the privlle^ of change, » " X the following ratca: re, renewable once a month, 9 IdSim, bahove ralea charged nenu marked on copy for a specified e publish©*! until ordered out, and charged 0 the Ub#v© rates. menu inserted lu the Daily, and W lULT 1 he charged 60 per cent, additional to **“ of rates, Hv«iU»era wUl be limited to Uie apace c~ If bey will be charged extra at regular rates Kents, RemoYsla, Copartnerships, Notice* Be., and payment demanded quarterly. kUtutxT Advibtummo not »* rain roa HUemeut will appear in the Weekly pa|*er 1 contract. , .-4 to b* Inserted In tl*« Weekly paper „nlUr Intervals la either of the papers, Will I $1 per square for every inaertlou. ■nz candidates for State, County, and Muni \ $T> each—to be paid in advance In every nstltuUoM, MlliU- i and other Public J be charged half price, i and deaths are published as sates of Respect and funeral iuvltstions Notices In Loeal Column will be charged 30 b under no circumstances, to be included In i or YariaUon will b* made from the fore- HANLEITER A ADAIR. RAILROADS. 1 tnd Depirtan of Traliti. 1 a Banking Company | Atlanta, 171 Mile,— Fare,..._$5 SO. BB YOKGE, Superintendent. eaamo puamm taaia. Bita, daily, at. ».•*, A. M. Augusta at • J®, f • JJ. mala, daily, at 0-3®, A. H gtlanta at 9.46, A. M. ueit raaeaasaa raaia. feta, daily, at *4®. P. M- ■Ugu.ta at..... 5.5®, A. M. •U at.. *30, P- M Atlanta at 11.44, P. M. ■runs in connection with the Train. (Carolina and the Savannah and 'oada, at Auguata. 1 O Woet-Feint Railroad. feat-Point, >7 Milee—Fare,..IS 4®. LG. HULL, Superintendent. ar rails. , daily, at. 10.10, A. M. i-Point at - 3.1®, P. M. ’oint, daily, at 8.M, P. M. nual........ T.51, P. M. ,j rasiiaeam raaia. a daily, at 0.30, A. M. LPoint at 4.46, A. M. feint, daily, at 1.16, A. M. DU at... 7.6*. A. M. ••eta with th. Montgomery A | at Weet-Point. ■ Atlantic Railreaa. pooga, 138 Milao—Pare $6 LEWIS, Superintendent. .mills Tears. ily, at ...... lt.19, A. M tooga at 8 40, P. M 4.04, A. M. at... 1.16, P. M. rasuaaia raaia. rhtly, at 7.60, P. M. ga at..- 4.60, A. M. it 3 JO, T. U. 11.44, P. M. .each way,with the Rome I Kingston, the Bait Ton- lialroad at Dalton, and the KMge Railroad at Chatta- Sailroad. Milea—Fare $4 60. LKR, Snperintendeat. iBaaia raaia. k.„.1.40, P, U a Ml, P. JC. 1.30, P. M. . 7.00, P. M aaaaa nan. ..,.11.00, Night. 7.16, A. M. • 18.00, Night. W», A. M. not ha run on Sign. Train from Atlanta, I Railroad for Saven- Ifea South-WeeUrn for 0.46, A. M. anti, conneeU with Savaaoah at 10.00 P. ira Rail Road far Co- its Rom Atlanta to Now has fan In Savannah, R WANTBD, , j ufastariag businaa Ons spite!, or mon, will Sad wfeothor ho ongsgoa ao- eraoi. For farther fl it .ffloa July 14-tf I FRATERNAL RECORD. ATLANTA LODGE, No. 69, t. A. M., meets on the set ond and fourth Thursday nights In each month. LKWlft LaWBIIE, W. M. John M. IIokinu, Secretary. i the Aral DAVID MAYER, W. M R. J. Massay, Secretary. MOUNT ZION ROYAL AKCH CHAPTER, No. It, meets on the second and fourth Monday nights in each month. L. J. GLENN, H. C. R. Haslhtes, Secretary. JASON BURR COUNCIL Of ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS, No. 18, meets Quarterly, on the first sue day in January, April, July and October. LEWIS LAWSHE, Th. Iia. Jons M. Boring, Recorder. CUiUR DE LION COMMANDKRY, No. 4, meets on the first and third Wednesday In each month. W. W. BOYD, M.-.K.-. W. T. Mkad, Recorder. ODD-^liLLOWSa CENTRAL LODGE, No. Is, meet# every Tuesday night. T. P. MARSH, N. G. William Wilson, Secretary. EMPIRE ENCAMPMENT, No. IS, meets on the secon and fourth Wednesday nights. WM H. BARNES, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Priest. T. P. Plkmimo, Scribe. BANKING. BANK OP PULTON—Alabama Street. K W. HOLLAND, President. A. Aostill, Cashier. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY—Office on Alabama Street. A. W. JONES, Agent. AGENCY GEORGIA RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY—Office on Whitehall Street near the Railroad. WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent. ATLANTA INSURANCE COMPANY-Office, next door to Georgia Railroad Bank. J. P. LOU AN, President. Psatxo Brown, Cashier. ATLANTA FIKE DEPARTMENT. WM. BARNES, Chief Engineer. S. B. SHERWOOD, 1st Assistant. K. P. MADDOX, 2d Assistant. P. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN P. JCZZAKI), Treasurer. ATLANTA PIRE COMPANY No. 1, meets first Monday in each month. J. H. MKCASL1N, President. W. K. Mason, Secretary. MECHANIC PIRE COMPANY, No. 2, meets first Prldi night in each month. LEVI RICHARDSON, President. C. C. Bonn, Secretary. GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Josrpr K. Baowa, Governor. John B. Campnell, 1 II. II. Wattkrs, VSecretarles. If. J. G. Williams, | R. P. Watkihr, Secretary of State. John June*, Treasurer. PsTaasoN Tii waatt, Comptroller General. A. J. Boouzss, Surveyor General. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Theodore L. Gcerrt, President of Senate. P. H. Wert, Secretary of Senate. C. J. Williams, Speaker House of Represent at Ives. Gkorub Htllier, Clerk House of Representatives. PENITENTIARY. Eli MoCoinsix, Principal Keeper. CHARLKa G. Talbird, Assistant W. A. Williams, Book Keeper. Char. W. Lane, Chaplain. Dr. R. G. Cask, Physician. LUNATIC ASYLUM. Da. T. Grrrn, Superintendent Lunatic Asylum. Da. 8. O. Whiyr, J D. G. Campbell, VTrustees. Millrr Grieve, ) JUDICIARY DEPARTEENT. bcprkme court—jvhoml Joseph Hknry Lumpkin, of Athens. Ricmard H. Lyon, of Atlanta. CUARLRH J. JBNKINB, of AllgUStS. PKPORTER. Georqr N. Lama, of Marietta. CLRBE. Charles W. DuBose, of Sparta. DISTRICTS. la? District.—Brunswick, Eastern and Middle Judicial Circuits. Tims or Szsmos—M Monday In January and June, at Savannah. in Ditrict.—Patau la, Macon, South- Weatern and Chat tahoochee, Judicial Circuits. Ties op Semion—4th Monday In January and 8d Monday In June, at Macon. 8d District—Tallapoosa, Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge and Cherokse Circuits. Tims op 8b*mion—4Ui Monday in March and 2d Mon day In August, at Atlanta. 4m District.—Western and Northern Circuits. TiMBorSaaMOR—4th Monday in May and November, at Athens. Atm Drawer.—Oeraulgee and Southern Circuit*. Time or Sessions—id Monday in May and November, at Milledgevilie. SUPERIOR COURTS. COWETA CIRCUIT. Orville A. Bull, LaGrange, fudge. N. J. Hammond, Atlanta Solicitor General. Coutlea. Tims of Session. Clayton—1st Monday In May and November. DcKalb—4th Monday In April and October. Payette—Sod Monday In March and September. Pulton—1st Monday In April and October. Meriwether—8d Monday in February and August. Treup—IM Monday in May and November. TALLAPOOSA CIRCUIT. D. P. Hammond. New nan, Judge. M. Kendrick, Cedar Town, Solicitor General. Counties. Tim* of Seealous. Campbell—id Monday In February and August. Carroll—1st and id Monday In February and August Coweta—1st Monday In March and September. Floyd—4th Monday In Jan. and 1st Monday in July. Heard—Sd Monday In March and September. HaralssM- 8d Monday In April and October. Paulding—4th Monday In February and August. Polk—Sd Monday In February aud August. BLUE RIDGE*CIRCUIT. Groror D. Rice, Marietta, Judge. Wa. Phillips, Marlata,. .Solicitor General. Counties. Time of Sessions. Ohefokee—1st Monday In March and September. Cobb—3d Monday In March and September. Dawson—id Monday in February and August. Pannln-id Monday In Map and October. Forsyth—Sd Monday In February and August. Gilmer—1st Monday In Mar and October. Lumpkin- 4th Monday in January aud July. Miitou—1st Monday lo Jui CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor—JARED IRWIN WHITAKER. COUKCIUUN. Ward 1—Felix Haidraan, P. C. House. Ward 11—William Watkins, J. B. Crew. Ward III—S. B. Love, Robert Crawford. Ward IV—J. H. Mecasllu, Jaouts Lynch. Ward V-& B. Robson, Thomas Kile. Committee on Finance—Oouncllmen Robson, Crew, Love. Committee on Ordinances—Councilman Watkins, Me* cssliu, Robson. Committee on Streets—Counclluen Crew, Robson, Lynch. Committee on Wells, Pumps and Cistern*—Council- men Lynch, Kile, House. Committee on Lamps and Gas—Councllmen Kile, Me* caslln, Crawford. Committee on Market—Council men Hardman, Love, Lynch. Committee on Fire Department—Councllmen Mecae- klna, Robson. Committee on Public Buildings aud Grounds—Oouu- cilmen House, Crew, Mecaslin. Committee on Tax—Councllmen Watkins, Crawford, Lynch. Commutes on Relief—Councllmen Crawford, Mecaa* lin, House, Watkins, KUe. Clerk of Council, Tax Receiver and Collector—H. 0. Holcombe. Treasurer—K. J. Roach. Chief Marshal—Thomas B. Boggus. Deputy Marshal—Duke H. Brannon. 1st Lieutenant Police—B. N. Williford. 2*1 Lieutenant Police—J. M. Letter. City Surveyor—N. L. Currier. Clerk Market-J. D. Wells. City Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. 8u|»erluteud<uit Streets—11. W. McDaniel. BOARD or HEALTH. Dr. H. W. BROWN, Chairman, G. B. 11 ay good, Esq., Dr. D. C. O'Keefe, Dr. J. G. Westmoreland, Dr. T. S. Powell. COUNTY OFFICERS. justice* iefeeior carET. Z A. Rice, Clark Howell, William Wat kina, J. N., Clerk Superior Court—U. P. Boi Tax Receiver—William Ceuter. Coroner—A. R. White. Surveyor—Thomas A. Kenedy. e and November. Town*—4th Monday In May and Oowhn. Union—9d Monday In May and October. J. A. W. JonR«oa, Caasvllle Counties. Tim# of Csss Id Monday la March and September. ..Solicitor General. , J MuH Owed«>—lit Moadagr la April and Geiebwr. ^ChUflefd—4Ui Monday In April and October. TI1E ARMY OF GEORGIA. FIRST REGIMENT. Colonel—Wm. J. Harder, U. S. A. Lieut. Col.—Cbm. J. Williams, of Muscogee co M A JOES. 1. L. B. McLawe, U. 8. A. 2. Edward R. Harden, Whitfield county. CAPTAINS. 1. Wm. D. Smith, U. 8. A Company A 2. Wm. J. McGill, G. M. I M 8. Wm. Martin, of Lumpkin county 4. Wm. G. 0111, U. 8. A 5. Jacob Read, U. 8. A M , 6. John G. Patton, of Bibb county 7. George H. Thompson, of Pulton county “. 8. Francis T. Cullens, of Clay county “. 9. Alexander M. Wallace, of Pulton county—“. 10. 8. P. Hamilton, of Chatham county “. rtasT lieutenants. 1. Arthur Shaaf, U. 8. A. Company E «. Pt. Clair Bearing, U. 8. A 8. A. P. Cone, U. 8. A “ • 4. Thomas J. Berry, U. 8. A ".. 5. A. A. P. Hill, of Clarke county “.. fi. W. W. Kirkland, late Marine Corps T. John Mllledge, Jr., of Richmond county ... ".. 8. T. 8. McIntosh, of Chatham county “.. 9. John M. Branch, of Chatham county **.. 10. Tomlinson Fort, of Baldwin county . 11. Bedney P. McDonald, appointed by the Colonel Quartermaster 1st Regiment, Company J. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. 1. Thomas A. Mattox, of Chatham Company A 2. Garnett Andrews, Jr., of Wilkes “ 8. John F. King, of Glynn “. 4. George P. flarrison, Jr., of Chatham “. 5. P. M. B. Young, W. P. C., of Casa ”. 6. E. 8. Willis, W. P. C., Chatham “. 7. J. G. Blount, W. P. C., Talbot M ... P 8. J. Alexnnder, W. P. C., Pulton ..G 9. John McPherson Berrien, Chatham “....11 10. Michael Cass “....I 11. Joseph A Blance, Polk “ I SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel—Wm. W. T. Walker, U. 8. A Lieutenant-Colonel—E. W. Chastain, of Fannin. HA JO a a. L Wm. M. Gardiner, U. 8. A. ‘A Alfred Cummlng, U. 8. A. OAPTAIga. 1. James McIntosh, U. 8. A Company A 2. Thomas McCennel, of Liberty “... .B 8. Alfred Iverson, Jr., U. 8. A “,...C A John D. Walker, of 8criven. “... .D 6. John R. F. Tain all, U. 8. A “...K A R. A. Wayne, of Chatham “... P 7. John 8. Fain, of Union “....0 & Miller Grieve, Jr., of Baldwin “....H 9. Lewis U. Kenan, of Baldwin “ ... I 10. Abner Hmead, U. 8. A “— J FIRST LIEUT BN ANTE L John T. Mercer, U. 8. A Company A 2. Joseph P. Jonea, U. 8. A “—<’ 8. A. B. Montgomery, U. 8. A " D 4. Robert H Anderson, U. 8. A “....£ A B. M. Thomas, U.8. A “... P 1 Joseph Wheeler, U. 8. A “... .G T. Robb A. Crawford, of Pulton “....II & II. 1>. D. Twiggs, of Richmond I 9. Henry Cleveland, of Richmond. " J 10. A. P. Brown, of Forsyth, “....B 11. G. Whitfield Anderson, of Pulton, “ J SECOND LIEUTENANTS. I. John Howard, Jr, of Muscogee Company A 1. P I Wade, ef Sereven, “....R Ull. Bowdre, ef Bibb “....C 4. B. H. Atkinson, of Bibb “... D fi. P. M. Myers, of Cobb. ** E A X Barrow, W. P. C., of Clarltw “ — F T. John A. West,*! Morgan. »“....G A UuMDeLagle, of Richmond -« i. G. R Lamar, Jr., of Richmond “— I 10. Robert P. Hnnt, of Cobb. " J |1. Henry W. Trippe, of Roueton “— J DENTISTRY. II. HUNTINGTON, M. !>., DENTIST, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, OFFICE in Rawson’s new build ing, corner Whitehall and lluntar 8treest.— Residence Brat house to the left of Col. Yen cejr’a. References: Hon. R. F. Lyon, Mr. Rawson, Messrs. Beach A Root, Rer. Mr. Rog ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, D, A. Vason, Esq., Col. Nelson Tilt, Col. W. J Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albany. Jan 10. i>H. J. «». H. BROW N, DENTIST, SU00EH8OB TO CAMPBELL * BBO., OFFICE over Massey A Lanadellh Drug Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta,Georgia. All operations pertaining to Dental Surgery performed with the greatest care twawlyjetl E. J. A R. W. CRAVEN, DENTISTS, HAKE removed to their new J-I-7 and splendid room in Parkeh’i Block, opposite Beach A Roots, where they prepared to wait on all who may wish their services. Ministers, who are pastors charged half- urice. Calls from a distance attended o wif* promptness. junel9-watw W. J. DICKEY, SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DENTI »T ATLANTA, GR0R61A. GFF1CK—Up-slain, next door to Kichanl'i Book Store. B«p24twly onsiumoii. r ln *rm of Carroll * Hlgfe la tkfa da, feta oolrafe, b, aiaual comaot. Either of tfeo portioo art authoriiod to aotllo tbo bmioeao of tbo lata firm. Tbooo Indobtad trill i»l»aao<*U Mfeootata. W. I. OAHitObl* Atlaata, Fab. II, 1M1. JOS. P. HIOH. fablO-St NOW OPENING —AT TI1B — FURNITURE STORE. FIRST000R WEST OF THE FULTON BANK ALABAMA STREET, A great variety of Parlor Suites, Made of ROSEWOOD, Mahogany .And W r alnnt, Covered in IiROCATKLLE, REFS, VEL VET, SHALLY, and HAIR-CLOTH. Ai made in a workntan-like manner, combining Strength, Durability and Beauty! Modelled after tho style of LOUIS XIV, and many of the Oriental Styles adapted to American taste. Also inay bo found XOO Iloclting Ladies 7 Parlor Chairs, Mostly of new Patterns, from $5 to $30 each. Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, and Tete-a-Tetes, Of the latest and most fash isnable styles. 200 BUREAUS, Of Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Imitation, from $1.25 to $80. LOOKING-GLASSES, Of every style, qi Jity and variety. Cane, Rush, aud Wood-Seat CHAIRS, fo Parlor, Dining, aud Bed-Room, with a large variety of Children's Chairs; Rocking and Nurse Chairs, with Cane, Rush, and Wood Bottoms. WARDR0BE8, Wash-Stands, Hat Racks, Corner Stands; 8ide, Centre, and Parlor TA BLES, Ladiea' Work Tables and Quartettes. BEDSTEADS OF EVERY KIND. FRENCH IN ROSEWOOD, FRENCH IN MAHOGANY, FRENCH IN WALNUT ORIENTAL IN ROSEWOOD, ORIENTAL IN MAHOGANY, COTTAGE IN MAPLE AND WALNUT, COMMON IN POPLAR & MAPLE. Cottage Suites in a variety of styles. tlso a full supi pnly of ther wit Window Shades, new commou to this line of trade. Particular attention paid to Repairing and making to order. Looking Glass Plates kept constantly on hand. D. CHAFFEE, Agent. Atlanta, Sept. 19—d.Tm Loui- L. Show,! LIBBIi r0R „ “sboam ) Aortal!*™, DIVORCE. 1690. •re to the Court that the Defendant • outside the limits of the State of Georgia. It is ordtred by the Court that service upon said Defendant be perfected by publica tion in terms of the Jew. D. I*. HAMMOND, J. S. C. Agents 17,1899. nor. 111 a mth f.Smths. INSURANCE. ATLANTA INSURANCECOMPAN Y. JOS. P. LOGAN, President. I’ERINO BROWN, Cashier. DIRECTOR*. L. P. GRANT, JOSEPH P. LOGANj THOMAS L. COOPER, JOHN W.;DUNCAN, GEORGE G. HULL, JOS. D. LOCKHART. D EPOSITS received and commercial paper discounted. Collections received and remitted for at cur rent rates of Exchange on day of p&vmen Uncurrent money, Gold and 6ilver I bought and sold. Loans and Notes negotiated. Stooks, Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold on commission. fSB* Prompt attention to correspondents, aprilld FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE ! W E are Agents for the Augusta Insurance Company, and the Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia. Our rates of premium will compare with of the Northern Companies. We trust our citizens will patronize Southern Institution*, especially when they are strong, solvent and prompt in redeeming all losses. S. B. ROBSON A CO. aprill7 Atlanta, Georgia. FIRE AND LIFE _ A6IICY. T HE subscriber represents the following first class Companies, some of which are now the leading Comp* .ies in the country—all having Cash Capitals and a largo surplus. The Companies thus* designated divide seventy-jive per ct. of the net earnings with the polity holders: HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital aud Surplus, 9I.45H.OOO *JH •CONTINENTAL IM8URANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital aud Surplus, 91.000.004). •SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital and Hurplus, 9600,3H3. CITIZEN INSTANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Hurplus, 9324,362. NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY Capital aud Surplus 9304,954. SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, MASS. Capital and Surplus 9484,000. •MARKET INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus 9300,000. HUMBOLDT INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus 9^35,000. METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO., N. Y. Capital and Surplus 9400,000. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 91,800,000. This Company offers security ana advan tages unsurpassed by any Life Insurance Com pany in the country. It accomodates the in surer in the payment of premiums, annually, half yearly, or quarterly. Premiums on poli cies for life, if over $60 per annum, sixty per cent, is only required. Annuities granted on the most liberal terms. All the above Companies court investigation into their condition and system of doing busi es. Office on Whitehall street, next door to T. R. Ripley’s, opposite the “Intelligencer” office, july 12 SAMUEL 8MITH. MECHANICAL. CARVING IN WOOD. TITHE subscriber respectfully announces to 1 the citizens of Atlanta, (hat he is now fully prepared to execute in the best manner, every description of CARVING IN WOOD. He will also give particular attention to the fitting up of Stores, with Shelves, Counters, Ac., plan; also, the inter falls, Churches, Ac. -T , . 1 Furniture of good auality will b repaired at short notice in the best manner. THEO. MR0CZK0W8KI, Marietta street, opposite Gas Works. lyjanSI ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHOP —AND— BRASS FOUNDRY, ON HUNTER 8TREET, Bktwekn McDoffoua and Strrkts, Near tho City Hall. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and the public generally, that he has established, as above, a Blacksmith and Wtgon Shop, and also a BRASS FOUNDRY, rbere he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, lie solicits a share of patronage, and will guarantee to give entire satisfaction to all that may entrust him with their orders. Orders promptly attended to. JAMES E. GULL ATT. lie h as oa hacd and for sale two D RAYS. Cheap for Cash. Atlanta, Jan. 20. Rule te Perfect Service. Still man HoUioglon 1 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE J«. Uoiaington. j in Fulto “ 8u P' Court M.ry K. BuIm I LIBEL FOR DIVORCE JkiumB. Bui... J ,i ' ulu>,, •xpwiwOmf*. I T appearing to the Court, by the returns of the Sheriff, that neither of the above defend ants reeide in this county, and it further ap pearing. that neither of them resides in the Btate, it is, on motion, ordered that each df said defendants appear and answer, at the next term of thif Court, or the! said eaae be oouetdered in default and that tha Plaintiff in each caee be allowed to proceed. This 1st dsy of October, 1889. By the Court. J. M. A W. L. Calhoun, Attorney a pro Libelants. A true extract from tha minutes of FuJton Superior Court. Nov. 29tb, 1899. DANIEL PITTMAN, Dep. Clerk. Nov. 29. wlamfSm Tiger Chase by llaboou*. The following account of a tigor chase is extracted from (be North Lincoln Sphinx, a regimental paper, published at Graham’s town. The writer after alluding to bis sporting ex- periencies of all kinds, and in all quarters of the Globe, declares that he never witnessed so novel or intensely exoiting a chase as that about lo bedesoribed: Not long ago i spent a few days at Fort,Brown, a small military post on tbe banks of the Great Fish river, where my friend W. was stationed. One evening, as roy friend and I were returning borne, after a some what fatiguing day’s buck shooting, we were startled by hearing tbe roost extraordinary noises not lar from us.— U seemed as if all tbe demons in the infernal regions had been unchaiued, and were amus ing themselves by trying to frighten us poor mortals by their horrid yelling. We stood iu brcathlesscxpeetntion, not knowing what could possibly be the oause of this diabolical row, with all sorts of strauge conjectures flashing across our minds. Nearer and nearer the yelling and screaming approached, and pres ently ibe cause became visible to our asten ished eyes. Some three or four hundred yards to our right, upon the brow of a hill, a spotted leopard (commonly called, in this country, a tiger, though much smaller than the lord of the Indian jungles) came in view, hounding along, with all the speed and energy of des pair, while close behind him followed an enor mous pack of buboons, from whose throats proceeded the demoniacal sounds that had, a few seoonds before, so startled us. Our excitmsnt in the chase, as you may sui pose, was intense. On went the tiger, making for the river, the baboons following like avenging demons, and evidently gaining ground upon their nearly exhausted foe, though their exulting yells seemed each mo ment to increase bis terror and his speed.— They reached the stream, the tiger still a few yards iu advance, and, with a tremendious bound, he cast himself into its muddy waters aud made for the opposite bank. The next moment his pursuers, in admirable confusion, were struggling after him, and as the tiger (now fearfully exhausted) clambered on the land again, tbe largest and strongest of tbe baboons were olose at bis heels, though many of the pack (the old, the very young, and the weakly,) were struggling in the water. In a few moments all had passed from our sight, behind tho brow of the opposite bank; but their increased yelling, now sta tionary behind the hill, told ue that th« tiger had met his doom, and that their strong arms and jaws were uow tearing him limb from limb. As the evening was far advanced, and we were still some miles from home, we did not cross the river to be in at the death ; but, next morning, a few boftes and scattered frag ments of flesh and skin showed what had been tbo tiger’s fate. On our return home we were told by some Dutch gentlemen that such hunts are not uncommon when a tiger is rash enough to attack the young baboons, which often hap-, pens. All these creatures for miles around, assemble and pursue ihcir enemy with relent less fury, to his death. Sometimes the ehase lasts for days, but it invariably olosoe with the destruction of tbe tiger—a striking in stance that the idea of retributive justice is not confined to man alone. Crows and Corn* Everybody has heard a gang of crows squaw king "Corn ! Com ! Corn 1” Just so is now the cry of the press throughout the Gulf and At lantic States, proclaiming the approaching scarcity of cereals, and urging planters to sow more oorn this year and less ootton. From personal observation in Mobile and New Ualeans, tbe la6t week in January, we inform the publio that the purchase of Western corn had already commenced on a large scale. Huge piles of oorn in sacks were unloading in Mobile. At New Orleans the levee almost grunted” beneath its weight of oorn, te be sold to those who plant cotton mostly. Whole aores of the levee were covered with sacks of corn piled up breast high. This early begin, ning of (he purchase of corn surely indicates that millions of dollars worth of cotton must go to purchase Black Republican corn this year. For this is there no remedy to be found for the future in casting our crops the present spring ? It may be a matter in which we have small in terest, and we would not “for tbe world” at tempt to dictato how others should manage their own affairs—but when we reflect that the South may have an army to feed before the new oorn orop oan be gathered, although we might say nothing—yet, as the little boy said to his daddy, “we can’t help thinking,” and hops it is no harm. Wo omitted to state in the proper place, (hat we saw a steamship at ibe levee in New Orleans loading with corn for Galveston, Texas.—Mont gomery Mail. A Knra that Cakhot ns Dethrokbu.—The Northern papers are quoting with great gusto John Mitohel's letter to the Charleston “Mer cery” about raising cotton in China, and there is a loud clapping of hands in anticipation of the downfall of King Cotton. But J. B. Smith, Esq., the member for Stockport, England, in a p«per read before the Society of Arts, slated that nowhere else upon the habitable globe oan Uplands ootton (“nine bags of whioh En gland eonaumes for ono hag of all other quali ties put togtther”) bs raised outside of the Golf States and the Carolinas. Much was hoped from India as a cotton growing coun try ; but India, while it supplies none of the Uplands cotton, consumes enormous quantities of it. So Will it be with China. In spite of Abclition efforts to grow the right quality of ootton in other countries, there is a prospec tive demand for four thousand seven hundred million pounds more cotton then is now grown, even to reach the French rate of consumption, which Is four pounds a head, against an aver age of nine pounds a head in England, and twelve pounds in Antenca. Tub Pknmstlvabia Pkmobal Limbxtt Bill.—A Washington letter says: “Aprivate despatch recsivad by a Senator from Harris burg states that the Judiciary Committee of the renhsytnnla Legislature had unanimous ly agreed to report in ffcvor of tho repeal of the Personal Liberty hill. It was thought It wonM he put upon its passage to-morrow, and would past both) Houses in a fsw days.”