Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 23, 1861, Image 1

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/ ATE-CITY & ADA1E, GUARDIAN. THB PrBliir IKKID BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. EDITORS & PROPRIETORS. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1861. VOL. I-NO. 10. •fit)! Guardian. JON fc ADVERTISING SCHEDULE emb or ftfVBtoBtrrioN arlably lu advance. iT*ATI*INO ,,, „uea or le*e, one Insert oh gubeequeat Insertion leu than « A'TI.Y ratks. ■f .... no . 920 I. t root. 1* mot. •T'TwTlis : •!« '.wo - j »*> ' —* ■“ S'« It I tt *1 , »0 I l» I « '3 ! M a. T 40 ! «B C | »J : st 43 ; ;o j as 40 [ «• » O I 14 I 41 I 48 | 10 ►tUlu*, with the privilege of change, will following rate*: renewable onci re*. Colamn, ork, with or without rule*, and adver ting double column, will be charged r * r *' f "harked on fippt tor a specified li until ordered out, and charged 1 above ratia. 14 Inserted In the Daily, and Weekly rtimged SO per cenL additional to Ihe diets -win ba limited to the apace c«n- jr will be charged eatra at regular rate* >* Rgmorala, Copartnership*. Notices to -nd payment demanded quarterly. r Aavi*vi».»o xo«*T mm rsw rvk in will appear In the Weekly paper I contract. its to be Inaerted In the Weekly paper on- ar interval* In either af the pai»er*, will >er auuare for every Insertion. :andldate* for State, County, and Mnol- each—to be paid In advance tu every nenU for Charitable Institutions, MiliU- npaniea, Ward, Town and other Public e charged half price, id death* are published a* new*; but iute* of Respect and Funeral lovttaOomj In Local Column will be charged 20 der no clrctrtnetance*, to be included in or variation will be made from the fore- U A SLUTER A ALA IK. RAILROADS. and Departure of Train*. -i A Banking Company. tlauta, IU Kilt.—Fare,—tl 60. £ YONGB, Superintendent. iHiRtt PA**Rit«xR teai*. U, daily* at 9.95, A. M. igusta at.6.10, P. M. •ta, daily, at 6-3*. A. M lanta at 9.45, A. M. bbt raasaaQBR train. ta, daily, at 8.40, P. M. ~u*ta at 5.56, A. M. U at 2.30, P. M. lanta at... 11.45, P. M. ubs in connection with the Trains ’wrdina and the Savannah and roads, at Augusta. it Wast-Point Railroad. t-Point, 87 Miles—Pare,..ft 60. O. HULL, Superintendent. r PASsaaena train. ; daily, at. 10.10, A. M. t-Point at 3.10, P. M. oint, daily, at 3.00, P. M. BUat... nM N M 7.61, P. M. HT PAflSRNOBR TRAIN. , daily, at 0.30, A. M. i-Point at - 5-46, A. M. oint, daily, at 3.16, A. M. ala at;..-....; 7.50, A M. nnecU with the Montgomery A * at West-Point. ooga, 138 Miles—Fare $5. LBWI8, Superintendent. PASSBNQIR TRAIN. ly,at.....« 10.10, A. M. ooga at 6.40, P. M. -a at...* 4 06, A. H. li.LZ P. rAMVRBSR TWAIN. nightly, akT. .. 7.60, P. M. ►oga at 4.60, A. M. U at 3.20, P. M. IsTat 11.45, P. M. eots.each way,with the Rome at Kingston, the East Ten- Riadroad at Dalton, and the ~oega Railroad at Chatta- iN«Un IUU*.«A. , 102 MUm—Ftra 14 «0. UR, 8up4riit.Dd.nt. MHIIIII TKAtt. i,45 t r. m., r. m. 1.80, P. M. 7.00, P. M Tuiimu T1AI1. 11.00, Night. 7.16, A. M. ,11,00, Night. >Rbt Train from Atl.nU, nlral for Btran- totl the Hoalh WMlorn for hut, at 0.46, A. M. m Atlanta, connacta with ' far SaranD.h at 10.00 P. -Waotorn Bail Bead far Co- okou front Atlanta to Naw Omniha. fart in Barannah, vtrr •not ba rod c UR WANTED, a factor) ag kaaJnaaa. On. aapital, or Bora, will »ad . w hath or ha angagea an- - ar hot. Tar farther par- aaOia. JolpU-U FRATERNAL RECORD. MASON*. ATLANTA LODGE, No. 541, V. A. M., meets on the ro- ' - rach month. aWSIIK, W. M i M., Secretary. DAVID MAYER, W. M. R. J. Masoky, Secretary. MOUNT ZION ROVA1. ARCH CHAPTER, No. 16, meets on the second anti fourth Monday nights lu each month. I* J. GLENN, II. P. C. R. Hakleitek, Secretary. day lit Jauuary, A|»ril, July and Octobe W. W. BOYD, M.-.R-. W. T. Mead, Recorder. ODD-PLUOMH. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 2b, meetaj William Wilson, Secretary. EMPIRE ENCAMPMENT, No. 12, meets on the second and (ourth Wednesday nights. WM H. BARNE8, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Priest. T. P. Fleming, Scribe. 0AMEIXQ* DANK OP FULTON—Alabama Street A. AmrrtLL, Cathie K. W. HOLLAND, President. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD k BANKING COM PAN Y—Office on Alabama Street. A. W. JONES, Agent. AGENCY GEORGIA RAILROAD k RANKING COM PAN Y—Office on Whitehall Street near the Railroad WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent. ATLANTA INSURANCE COMPANY—Office, next dooi to Georgia Railroad lbtnk. J. P. LOGAN, President. Puino RaowK, Cashier. ATLANTA PIKE DEPARTMENT. WM. BARNES, Chief Engineer. 8. IJ. SHERWOOD, 1st Assistant. K. F. M ADDOX. 151 Assistant. V. M. JOllNttTON, Secretary. JOHN F. EZ/.AKl), Treasurer. ATLANTA PIKE COMPANY No. 1, meet* first Monday In each month. J. H. MKCA8LIN, President. W. K. Masox, Secretary. ATLANTA HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, No. 1, meets tirst Saturday night In each month. FRANK JOHNSTON, Foreman. Noah R. Fuwxkr, Secretary. GOVERNMENT OP GEORGIA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Joaapu K. Baowx, Governor. John li. CAMrnitLL, 1 II. H. Watt gas, V Secretaries. H. J. G. Williams, \ E. P. Watkins, Secretary of State. Jomx Jonas, Treasurer. Pbtkksox Tiiwkatt, Comptroller General. A. J. UocoKSs, Surveyor General. LEGMLATZVE DEPARTMENT. Timopoxa L. GcxttaY, President of Benate. P. II. Wht, Secretary of Senate. C. J. Williams, Speaker 1 Charlu* G. TaUMRO, Assistant. W. A. Williams, Book Keeper. Cham. W. Lank, Chaplain. Dk. K. G. Cask, Physician. LUNATIC ASYLUM. Da. T. Gukkn, Superintendent Lunatic Asylum. Da. S. G. Whit«, 1 D. G. Cami'iiku., VTrustces. MlLI.SK Grikvk, 1 JUDICIARY DEPARTEENT. BVPBSMX COLAT—Jinuaa. Jasara Hkhby LvMrxix, of Athens. Richard H. Lyon, of Atlanta. Cuablks J. JiXKiMS, of Augusta. raroRTKR. Qrorub N. Lkstkr, of Marietta. CLERK. Charles W. DlBosk, of Sparta. DISTRICTS. 1st District.—Brunswick, Eastern and Middle Judicial Circuits. Time or Skrmiok —2d Monday In Jauuary and June, at Savanaah. 2d Diraict —Pataula, Macon, South-Western and Chat tahoochee, Judicial drcnlt*. Tms or Saaaiox—4th Monday In January and 8il Monday In June, at Mason. So District—Tallapoosa, Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge anti Cherokee Circuit*. Timb or Suwiox—4th Monday In March and 2d Mon day in August, at Atlanta. 4tm District.—Western and Northern Circuit*. Time or Session—4th Monday lu May and November, at Athens. 5th District.—Ocmnlgee and Southern Circuits. HUPERIOK COURTS. COWETA CIRCUIT. Ortilln A. Bdll, I.aUrange, ludge. N. J. Hammoxp, Atlanta,.. .Solicitor Qeneral. Coutlea. Tima of Session. Clayton—1st Monday in May and November. RcKalh—4th Monday In April and October Payette—2nd Monday In March and September. Pulton—let Monday In Anrll and October. Meriwether—8d Monday In February and August. Troup—Sd Monday lu May and November. TALLAPOOSA CIRCUIT. ' • D. P. Hammond, Newaan,< Judge. M. Kknohick, Oetlar Town r ... Counties. Time i Campi>eU—9d Monday In February and August. Carroll—1st and 2d Monday In February and August. Coweta—1st Monday In March and September. Ployd—4th Monday In Jan. and 1st Monday in July. Heard—Ud Mouday in March and September. Haralson—3d Mouday In April and October. PanMIng—4th Monday In February and August. Polk—Sd Monday In February aud August. Wm. Paiiiira, Marietta, Solicitor General. Counties. Time of Hesslone. Cherokee—let Monday In Mareh and S<q>U*Rber. Cobb—8d Monday In March and September. Dawaon—Al Monday In February ami August. Faonln—2d Monday In May and October. Portyth—8d Monday in Pebruaiy and August. Otlmer— 1st Monday In May and (Metier. Lum|>kla—4th Monday In January and July. Mi lien—1st Monday Id Jan* and November. Picktns—2d Monday In March and September. Towns—4th Monday In May and Ortohei. Union—Sd Monday In May and October. CHEROKEE CIRCUIT. D. A. Walkbb, Spring Place, Judge. J. A. W. Jobnson, Casavlile, Solicitor General. Counllee. Time of Station* Case—2d Monday In March and September. Catoosa—9d Monday In May and November. Dad*—4th Monday In May and November. Gordon—1st Monday In April and October. Murray—3d Monday In April and October. Walker*—Meed ay before Bret Monday In Mareh and **?rhl!ijl4-4th Monday In April and October. CITY GtJYEKNMEKT. Mayor—JARKD IRWIN WHITAKER. Ward f—Felix llardinun, F. C. ll<*use. Ward II—William Watkins, J. tt. Crew. Ward III—S. B. Love, Robert Crawford. Ward IY—J. II. Mecaslln, James Lynch. Ward V—P. 11. Robson, Thomas Kile. Committee on Finance—Councilinen Robson, Crew, Love Committee on Ordinances—CouncUuien Watkins, .Me- casliu, u obson. Committee on Streets—Councilinen Crew, Robson, Lynch, Committee on Wells, Pumps aud Cisterns—Council- men Lynch, Kile, House. Committee on Lamps and Gaa—Councilinen Kile, Me caslln, Crawford. DflTJ Committee on Market—Co jncllmen Hardman, Love, Lynch. Committee on lire Department—Councilinen Mecas- lln, Robson, Watkins. ^ Committee on Police—Councilmeu Love, House, Committee on Cemetery—Councilinen Hardman, Wat kins, Rnheon. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds—Coun« oilmen House, Crew, Mecaslln. Committee on Tax—CouncUuien Watkins, Crawford, Lynch. Committee on Relief—Coun J linen Crawford, Mecaa* liu, House, Watkins, Kile. Clerk of Council, Tax Receiver am J Collector— H. C. Holcombe. Treasurer—E. J. Roach. Chief Marshal—Thomaa B. lioggu*. Deputy Marshal-Duke II. Brannon. 1st Lieutenant Police—It. N. Williford. 2d Lieutenant Police—J. M. Lester. City Surveyor—N. L. Currier. Clerk Market—J. D. Wells. City Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. Superintendent Streets—11. W\ McDaniel. Dr. H. W. BROWN, Chairman, G. B. llaygood, Ksq., Dr. D. C. O'Keefe, Dr. J. G. Westmoreland, Dr. T. S. Powell. COUNTY OFFICERS. JUSTICES INTERIOR CRt'kT. Z. A. Rice, Clark Howell, William Watkins, J. N. Simmons, E. M. Taliaferro. Slieriff—C. C. Green—Deputy, S. 11. Love. Clerk 8u|>erior Court—B. F. Bonsr. Tnx Receiver—William Center. Coroner—A. R. White. Surveyor—Thomas A. Kenedy. T1IE ARMY OF GEORGIA. FIRST REGIMENT. Colonel—Wm. J. Harder, U. S. A. Lieut. CoL— Chau. J. Williams, of Muscogee co. MAJOR*. 1. L. It. McLaws, U. 8. A. 2. Edward R. Harden, Whitfield county. CAPTAINS. 1. Win. D. Smith, U. 8. A Company A 2. Wm. J. McGill, 0. M. I ". .. B 3. Wm. Martin, of Lumpkin county " C 4. Wiu. G. Gill, U.8. A ..D 5. Jacob Read, U. 8. A ".... E fi. John G. Patton, of Bibb couuty "....F 7. George H. Thompson, of Fulton couuty "....0 s. Francis T. Cullens, of Clay county “ 11 2. Alexander M. Wallace, of Fulton county " I It*. 8. P. Hamilton, of Chatham county " J flRHT LINPTNNANTS. 1. Arthur Shaaf, 17. 8. A Company E 2. 8». Clair Dcaring, U. 8. A " B 3. A. F. Cone, U. 8. A “• • G 4. Thomas J. Berry, U. 8. A " D ft. A. A. F. Hill, of Clarke county “.... A 6. W. W. Kirkland, late Marine Corps “... .F 7. John Milledge, Jr., of Richmond county ... “....C 8. T. 8. McIntosh,of Chatham county "....II l*. John M. Branch, of Chatham county " 1 10. Tomlinson Fort, of Baldwin oonnty “ J 11. lledney F. McDonald, appointed by the Colonel Quartermaster 1st Regiment, Company J. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. 1. Thomas A. Mattox, of Chatham Company A 2. Qarnelt Andrews, Jr., of Wilkes " .. .B 8. John F. King, of Glynn "... .C 4. George P. Harrison, Jr., of Chatham "....D ft. P. M. B. Young, W. P. C., of Cass ..K 6. R. 8. Willis, W. P. C., Chatham " J T. J. 0. Blount, W. P. C., Talbot "... F 8. J. Alexnnder, W. P. C., Pulton ".. ..G 9. John McPfibrson Berrien, Chatham "—II 10. Michael Cass " I 11. Joseph A Blance, Polk " I SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel—Wm. W. T. Walkbb, U. 8. A Lleotenant-Colonel—B. W. Chastain, of Fannin. MAJOtS. 1. Wm. M. Gardiner, U. 8. A. 2. Alfred Cutnmlng, U. 8. A. C APT AIM. 1. James McIntosh, U. 8. A Company A SL Thomas McCenntl, of Liberty "... .11 8. Alfred Iverson, Jr., U. 8. A C 4. John D. Walker, of Scriven ".... D ft. John R. P. Tat nail, U. A A “....K 6. R. A. Wayne, of Chatham ‘‘....F 7. John 8. Fain, of Union "....G 8. Miller Grieve, Jr., of Baldwin ".. .H 9. Lewis II. Kenan, of Baldwin " . . . I 10. Abner Smead, V. 8. A "— J FIRST Lilt TENANTS. L John T. Mercer, V. & A Company A 2. Joseph P. Jones, U. 8. A ". ...G 8. A. B. Montgomery, U. 8. A '* — D 4 Robert U Anderson, U. 8. A *' — K ft. 1L M. Thomas, U, 8. A "••••* A Joseph Wheeler, U. & A “••••<» 7. Robe A. Crawford, of Fulton ",...H 8. H. 1). D. Twiggs, of Richmond ’* I f. Henry Cleveland, of Richmond. *'—J 10. A. P. Brown, of Foreyth, "—B 11. G. Whitfield Andereon, of PuRon, ".... J SECOND UNITE* A NTS. 1. Jolui noward, Jr., of Muacogce Company A 9. P. L. Wade, of Screven, " — B 8. R. U. Bowdre, of Bibb *‘....C A R. 11. Atkinson, of Bibb "....D ft. F. M Myers, *f Cobh -K A J. Barrow, W. P. C., of Clarke “ — i* ». Jolm A. Weet, of Morgan "....0 A Lewis DeLagle, of Rickmnnd .H 9. G. B. I«aai*r, Jr., of Richmond I 10. Robert P. Hunt, of Cobb •«.... J 11. Henry W. Trippe, of Houston M .... J dissolution. H K Arm of C*rroll A High it this day dia- m. solved, by mutual consent. Ruber of the pkftiet Are authorised to mUIo the btieinews of ie late firm. ThoM indebted will please call kd eeltle. W. 8. CAtlROLL, Atla.U, Feb. 18, WH. JOi. P. HKOH. f»bl9*3l DENTISTRY. II. HUNTINGTON, M. I)., DB2STTIST, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, OFFICE in Rawson’s new build ing, corner Whitehall and Hunter Streest.— Residence first house to the left of Col. Yan- ItKFBRKNCKB: lion. R. F. Lyon, Mr. E. E. Rawsou, Messrs. Beach A Rooti Rev. Mr. Rog ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Vatk.n, Eaq., Col Nelson Tift, Col. W. J. Lawtou, Ilenry Tarver, Albany. Jan 16. DH. J. P. H. BROWN, DENTIST, acocKaaoaTooAMrasLLsaao., ^D-U U 1 OFFICE over Massey A Unadell's Drug 8tore, Whitehall street, Atlanta,Georgia. All operations pertaining t<> Dental Surgery porformed with the greatest care tws wlyje0 E. J. H. W. CRAVEN, DENTISTS, 11A EE removed to their new aud splendid room in Pakkku’b Block, opposite Beach A Roots, where they are prepared to wait on all who may wish their services. Ministers, who are pastors charged half- nrice. Calls irotii a distance attended o with promptness. junelV-witw IV. J. DICKEY, SJRGKOM AND MECHANICAL DBKTTI » T ATLANTA, GEORGIA. OFFICE—Up stairs, next door to Richard * took Stove. sep24twlyr T NOW OPENING —AT THB — FURNtTURE §TQRE» FIRSTOOOR WEST OF THE FULTON BANK ALABAMA 8TREKT, A great variety of Parlor Suites, of KOSEWOOD, Mahogany, JiLiifl Walnut, Covertd in BliOCATELLE. REPS. VEL- VET. S1IALLY, ami HAIR-CLOTH. All made in a workuiau-like manner, combining Strength, Durability and Beauty! Modelled after tiie style of L0DI8 XIV, and many of tho Oriental Styles adapted to American taste. Also may be found lOO xtool5.ins AND Ladies 7 Farlor Chairs, Mostly of new Patterns, from $5 to $30 each. Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, and Tele-a-Tete.s, Of the latest and most fash ienable styles. 200 BUREAUS, Of Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Imitation, from $1.25 to $80. LOOKING-GLASSES, Of every style, qi .hty and variety. Cane, Rush, and Wood-Seat CHAIRS, fo Parlor, Dining, and Bod-Room, with a large variety of Children’s Chairs ; Rocking and Nurse Chairs, with Cane, Rush, and Wood Bottoms. WARDROBES, Wash-Stands, Hat Racks, Corner Stands; Ride, Centre, and Farlor TA BLES, Ladies’ Work Tables and Quartettes. BEDSTEADS OF EVERY KIND. FRENCH IN ROSEWOOD, FRENCH IN MAHOGANY, FRENCH IN WALNUT ORIENTAL IN ROSEWOOD, ORIENTAL IN MAHOGANY. COTTAGE IN MAPLE AND . WALNUT, COMMON IN POPLAR Si MAPLE. Cottage Suite* in a variety of style*. Hair, Moss and Cottor. Mattresses made to order. All kinds of common Mattresses usual ly found in Furniture Stores kept on hand.— Also a full supply of Window Shades, new Patterns, together with rasny other articles common to this line of trade. Particular attention paid to Repairing and making to order. Looking Glass Plates kept constantly on hand. D. CHAFFEE, Agent. Atlanta, Sept. 19—d3m Louis. L .8he.n, 7 UBKL F0E DIVORCE. John p’shean. J Augu.tT.rm, 1860. I T appear* to the Court that the Defendant reside* outside the limits of the State of Georgia. It i* ordered by Ihe Court that service upon said Defendant bo per fooled by publica tion in term* of the law. D. F. HAMMOND, J. 8. a Agent* 17, I860. nov.12 1 a mth f.Jmths. INSURANCE. (fMiartlian. ATLANTA INSCRANCECOMPANY. JOS. P. LOGAN, President. PEIUNO BROWN, Cashier. IHKUCTOKS. L. P. GRANT, JOSEPH P. LOGAN, THOMAS L. COOPER, JOHN W’DUNCAN, GEORGE G. HULL, JOS. D. LOCKHART. I \EP06IT8 received aud commercial paj5fcr -Iy discounted. Collections received and remitted for ate rent rates of Exchange on day of payment. Uncurrent money. Gold aud Silvor Coin, bought and sold. Loans and Notes negotiated. St4>eks, Bonds and Real Estate bought nnd sold on commission. J&fr Prompt attention to correspondent*. aprill4 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE ! V17E are Agents for tho Augusta Insurance Vv Company, nnd the Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia. Our rates of premium will compare with of the Northern Companies. We trrst eitisens will patronize Southern Institution*, especially when they are strong, solvent and ■prompt in redeeming all losses. 8. B. ROBSON A CO. apriil7 Atlanta, Georgia. FIRE AND LIFE iMUHAHCJ JlfilBCY. T HE subscriber represents the following first class Companies, some of which are now the leading Comp" -tea iu tho country—all having Ca-sA Capitols and a large surplus. The Companies ihua* designated divide sccenly-/ioe per ct. of tiie net earnings with the policy holder HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus fl.UH.OOO ‘irt ♦CONTINENTAL IMSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus SMKMMHM*. ♦SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital and Surplus fGOOjSlC. CITIZEN INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital and Surplus- $.'J21,;i(»2. NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus tS06«N6i SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COriPA. Y. MASS. Capital end surplus $*91,000. •MARKET INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capitol and Surplus, $>3<::MIRO. HUMBOLDT INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus. *C33 C30* METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO., N. Y. Capital and Surplus $100,000. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital,...: This Company oflers aecuriiy ana advan tage* unsurpasaed by any Lite insurance Com pany : n ihecouut'y. it accomodates the in sure. iu the of premiums, a.muul'y, half yei.'/y, or qua'‘erly. Premium* on poli cies ior Ihe, if over $50 per annum, shty per cent. isonJy require *. Annuities granted on the most liberal terms. Ml the above Com panics court investigation into thc : r cord't'on n”d system ef doing busi ness. Office on Whitehall street, next door to T. R. Ripley’s, opposite the ••lutelJigpucer'* office, july12 SAMUEL SMITH. MECHANICAL. CAKVING IN WOOD, f DUE subscriber roapeclful’y announcoa to 1 the citizens of Atlanta, that ho is now iu)! v prepared to execute in the best manner, every description of CARVING IN WOOD. He will also give particular attention to the fitting up of Stores, with Shelves, Counters, Ac., aft-ir any plan ; also, tho iuierual decoration of public Halls, Churches, Ac. few Old Furniture of good Quality will bo rcpai'c.l at short notice in the best manner. Til EG. MR0CZK0WSKI, Marietta street, opposite Gas Worlu. lyjanU ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHOP —AND- BRASS FOUNDRY, (IK HUNTER STREET, Bkiwkbn MoDosorn and Butlf.r Streets, Near the City Hall. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and the public generally, that ho has established, as above, a Blacksmith aud Wagon Shop, aud also a BRASS FOUNDRY, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in hi* line. He solicit* a share of patronage, nnd will guarantee to give entire satisfaction to all that may entrust him with their orders. Orders promptly attended to. JAMES E. GULLATT. He baa on hand and for aale two DRAYS. Cheap for Cash. Atlanta, Jan. SO. Rule to Perfect Service. Stillman noisington 1 L i BEll Foil DIVORCE Jana Hoiaington. J *» Fulton Sup. Cuurt. Marj S. Buim | libel FOR DIVORCE Jam* B.Bui*. J in f ' ull ' ,B Suitor Court. I T appearing t4> the Court, by the returns of the Sheriff, that neither of the above defend ants reside in this county, and it further ap pearing, that neither of them reside* in the State, Tt is, on motion, ordered that each of laid defendants appear and answer, at the next term of this Court, or that said case be considered in default and that tha Plaintiff in each case be allowed to proceed. This 1st dsy of October, 1860. By the Court. J. M. A W. L. Calhoun, Attorney* pro Libelants. A true extract from the minutes of Fulton Superior Court. Nov. 26th, 1866. DANIEL PITTlrtN, D«p. CUrk. Not. 29. wlamfSm How to Avoid a^llad Husband. 1. Never marry for wealih. A woman's life consieteth not in the thiDg* she possess eth. 2. Never marry a fop or one who slruls about dandy-like in bis silk gloves nnd ruf fles, with a silver cane and rings on his fin gers. Beware ! There is a trap 3. Never marry a niggard, a close fisted, mean, sordid wretch, who saves every penny, or spends it grudgiagly. Take care lest he stint you lo death. 4. Never marry a stranger whose character is not known or tested. Some females jump right into the fire, with their eyes wide open. o. Never marry a mope or a drone, one who drawls and draggles through life one loot after another, and lets things take their own course. C. Never marry a man who treats his moth er or sister unkindly or Indifferently. Such treatment is a sure indication of n mean and wicked man. 7. Never, on auy account marry a gambler, a profane person, one who iu the least speaks lightly of God or religion. Such a man can never make a good husband. 8. Shun the rake as a snake, a viper, a very demon. 'J. Finally, never many a man who in ad dicted to the use of ardent spirits. Depend upon it, you are better off alone than you would be were you tied to a man whose bteath is pollulod, and whose vitals are being gnaw ed out by alcohol. In the choice of a wife, take the obedient daughter of a good mother. Cm acustiv New Vock City.—The Dumber of clunc'iics in New Yo k city, as shown by the late census, is 2.’»C, capable of seating an aver age of l.fffK) persons each. The value of the churches is an average of $4*2,700 each, ora total oi Si 1.818,100. In lboU the number of the churches was 214. with a capacity of seat ing an average of 1,024 persons each. The average value of each church was $■‘•12,050, making a total valuation of $*0,01i8,70 f 1. The population of the city in 18-»0 numbe.ed ’*15,- 517—2404 persons for cacit chotch. a little moi e than twice as many as the churches could accommodate. The present population of the city being 814,254, (here arc now 3,218 per sons for eacn church, which is more than three times as many as there are church accommoda tion for. Thus it appears that while in 1850 one half of the people in the city could be seat ed in church of a Sunday—always supposing them properly habited to pass inspection by the sexton—at the present time tut one third of the peoplo could enjoy that privilege. In the Third Ward there is one church ; in the First and Fourth, two ; in the Second and Sixth, throe ; in the Eighteenth there are twenty-six; the number in the remaining wards range from seven to twenty-one. Real Property in Mexico.—According to the latest assessment roll the number of lan ded estates in Mexico was 13,000, valued nt $270.0t*0,000. The value of city propei ty, according to *ho snmo document, was estima ted at $(135,000,000, waking <he total valua tion of all lh* real estate of the country $1,355,000,000. This roll was made out ten years ago, and of course the increase of that period is to be added to the estimate. The Church properly ba» been fixed as h'gb *b one- half, by oi hers one-l bird, and others again con sider it not more than odo eighth of tho whole real propet ty of the country. These esi tmates ,11 relate to the free ample titles. Taking in to consideration Ihe title deeds nnd liens by mortgage which at o in he hands of the clergy, the estimale of or*e ’bird may reasonably be considered within the mark in tiling then-claim upon the real estate of the coun 1 ty. The revenue* derived from estates owned by the clergy at one timo were $12, GOO,000 to $11,000,000 annunUy. The receipts f**om in terest* on loans cannot b* nsceriained. nor can an approximate idea be formed of their magnitude, on aconnnt of (be deaiio of the clergy to keep this matter to themselves.— These reccip s, however must have been serer- a’ millions mo e. The church also gains from $0,* "0,000 to $8,000,000 annually from their pavocbal dues, fees, pious donations and bequests, and from the sale of devotional objects. From very ce’ tain and reliable data, it appenrs that tho tevenues of the church are over twenty millions of dollar per annum. i he Jixtraordintny os'imates the revenuesof # the Government a. fifteen millions of dollars, or five millions less than that of the church. A Yankee I’iuntf.h's Toast.—At a Printers’ supper, in Boston, in honor of the birth day of Franklin, the following toast was “drunk, all ■tending'’: "The South—May it never be necessary to uso Shooting Sticks lo kuock into pi tho forms of our Southern brethren/’ Dkatu of Col. Johnson. In Washington, D. C., on Monday, John Jobnson, of Ohio, eighty-six years of ago, was found dead in his bed, at the United Stales Hotel. He paid his sixtieth years' subscription, a few days ago, lo the National Intelligencer. Col. Johnson wns unde r, Mason at l’aris, Ky., in 1704. Ct'Biors GKOQUArniCAL Fact.—Whales, it appears, have got into Behring’s Straits, after escaping harpooning in Baffin’s Bay. In one or two instances, a fish harpooned iu the Atlan tic ha* been captured soon afterwards in the I'aoific ; and there can bo only a short distance between them, as the whale cannot remain long under water. ADMINISTRATORS* 9ALU. AGREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary I , _RHi..alh Comity, the same Mn* a part ef L<* No. 194, one h*lf of Lot No. 19ft, one-balf of L<.t No. 156, one-half of Lot No. 159, one-half of Lot N<>. 151, the whole of Lot 1!V\ and a part of Lot ! M. Alio. Nine Negroes : America, a worn to, 56yean old ; kraut., her huBband, 44 year* old; AndBraon, x7 year* ol<l , Jane, *8 year* old ; I^ar, 96 year* oW ; her two chil dren, Kteklei and Marie, 7 and 4 years old ; Aaren, 24 years old. and Jeue, 14 year* old. All *o1d fbr the benefit of the heir* and creditor* of the Estate of Robert D. Greer, late of said county,de ceased Term made known oa the day of aale. A. L. PJTT8, Administrator. MART A. GREER, Adm'x. H, 1849-