Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 23, 1861, Image 2

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GATE-CITY GUARDIAN. determia days a report, authority j him, dettl panic do ing out ; mandacic tious children I city I and guan represent! long t exist eno duced. . tfuariian. C. HOWABD and R. A. CRAWFORD, CO-EDITORS. LTLANTA. OBOROIA, iDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1801. WTi.—Citizens of this S.ste, at St. daia of the people’s rights being lorn »f the action of the Secessionists.— •tionista were entirely overwhelmed i of the movement. The people t harden. On the Alabama line sad work. The planters • and the people in debt * for them in leaving the pater fifer. 1 Government. Such are ots. which promise to result in reaclH^HH^H| overthrow of the leaders of L—Distre-s and ruin press lavs a posit et at Washington. «ke fora the Phila- ©ru a nia»s of such delud- Non hern papers seem ; all irutbful information ( regard to the condition ■them people. A few ling Abolii'on print, e. by a mau of some Bong those who sent ‘ircumstantinlilv. the l Colton States, grow- nsu erection. This that in many sec- Uth the womon and fitly, into the hotels, I places in the cities, I soldiery. This mis- and its people has ► a system vital to the Bng political party in and inundation of arty press have pro- i chance for ibe mass wbat questions or I foundation of the d distractions which Falsehood and in- •bed their expected f people. the same tnen- eogaged to excite We look upon the ( people throughout .heir war or the South, as social riddle explicable T human conduct or f can be more certain than arse for the Abolition iss i the seceding States, is rt in peace; we cannot live apart as citizens of l as brethren. We will lible for von in the judgment of the world, but deal with you as with the rest of mankiad, paying for what we get, and exact ing pay lor wbat we do for you. Only give us on good terms aa you give the ‘most favored nation, 1 and we ask no more.'’ This, at the present juncture, would save both sections millions of expense W'hich are to l>e lavished on war and on those who live by it, adding noth ing to the producing wealth of the country, but destroying much. But the crazy creatures who live by delusion and strife have the North in their leading strings, and there will be just fighting enough to exclude the North from the benefits of the “most favored nation’' clause in any treaty that may be made between the se ceding States and commercial nations. Besides this, the heart-burnings which are sure to spring up between North and South, will be almost eternal. Far more bitter and inveterate must be the hatreds and revenges growing out of the enormities of a fratricidal war, begun without cause or provocation, ,han those generated by our conflict with Great Britain. There we had the inti mat ion—the threat of oppression to resent. We only snuff ed tyranny in the breeze. It was our mother that we feared, and something of the awe and reverence of parental superiority entered our minds. Now a brother, with all the assumption, arrogance and brutality of a kinsman who is for wholesale robbery of the estate, is our op pressor. The consequence is, the part of the family here are in for such a retribution us will astonish the party that are anxious about plun der. As they seem fond of raids, here we are and here’s the stuff. Enter gentlemen ! A Slave Republic. The institution of African Slavery produced the Secession of the Cotton States. If it had never existed, the Union of the Statee would, to-day, be complete. But, by the existence of African Slavery in the Southern States, civili zation has arrived at a degree of perfection equal to that of any aga in tha history of the world. Its influence and effects are felt and received throughout the length and breadth of the globe. And yet, this influence has perme ated every section of the earth to some extent or other, despite the most virulent opposition of the Free States of the Federal Union, and the combined influence of the Great Powers of Europe. Cotton, as it has been called by Hen ry A. Wise, “the Sampson’s hair of the South, the great staple and product of Slava labor,” now holds in cheok the ambition of Kings and Potentates—it curbs the opposition of Empe rors and usurpers—allays schemes of conquest and rapine, and even holds in obeyancethees- acence and quint-essence of diabolical and un scrupulous Puritanism. Such, however, was tha grandeur of this sys tem of African 81averyin the Southern States, and such was the lust of power, envy and ha tred of the institution, by the Puritans of the North, that, to complete its destiny in the cause of civilisation, the Cotton 8tates have been compelled to sever an alliance with those who seek iia destruction or abolition. The destruc tion or abolition of African Slavery at the South, would cause more distress in tha civil ized world than all the oivil wars recorded in the book of Time. It would desolate the Eden of the earth, avert the progress of the arts and sciences, sow desp the seed of infidelity, efface the proud boon of Christianity, bagger the rich, starve the poor, and erect upon its ruins tha altar of beastliness, shrouded in the mantis of tbs dark ages I Secession, than, being a necessity, in view of the perpetuation of African Slavery, no Stats hould be permitted to become a member of the Southern Confederacy, unless it beg Slave- holding State, and specially declaring, in the act of entrance into the Southern Confederaoy, that Afriean Slavery is right, socially, moral ly, politically, and a blessing to the African.— And, furthermore, it should be Constitutional ly provided that no State, or member of the Southern Confederacy should abolish, or enact any law detrimental to Slavery, unless by the consent of the unanimous voice of every Slate composing the Southern Confederacy. And, again, the Constitution of tbe Southern Confederacy should uot, under any circumstan ces, for any reason, in view of any policy, place any restrictions upon the African Slave Trade. Let the Constitution of the Southern Confeder acy say nothing about the Slave Trade, either one way or the other. If tbe States want wild Africans, let them have them, and, for the sake of our ancestry, and for tbe sake of Slave own ers at this day, or who rosy hereafter be, let the b^nd of piracy be applied to no gentlemen of tbe Southern Confederacy. And for those whose consciences are so tender, whose sensi bilities are to delicate, and whose inherent sympathies of suffering humanity ate so great that tbeyeffe r vese in Puritanical horror at tbe bare mention of the Slave Trade, we can only say, Lord help them, and help them quickly to move to tbe dominions of anti-Slavery. For if the Slave Trade is wrong, the institution it self is also wrong, and the sooner we leave it, or get rid of it, the better. If, however, the Constitution of the South ern Confedeaacy should prohibit the African SlaveTrade, Slavery will not be in a whit better condition in the new than it was in tbe old Government. Consequently, to perpetuate it, States will agsin secede. Here are decreed facts. “ Semi-Coercion.” Our highly respected cotemporary, the Au gusta “ Constitutionalist/' would like some light on this new diplomatic phrase, first used, we believe, by the New-York “Times.” We think our friend has partially succeeded in getting tbe idea. Much grimace and many fierce airs are (o be paraded before us; but that is not the whole of the prescription pre paring for us by the Abolition quacks. “Semi Coercion,’’ or all but the Coercion, means a regular butcher's bill passed by both branches of Congress, as ful 1 of horrors as old Garrison hinjaelf would like it—but vetoed by President Buchanan! We suppose the whole howling pack of pa triots would become as quiet as lambs under Ibe parliamentary disabilities created by such a veto, and, charging the disgrace of the coun try, the loss of forts and government property to a corrupt Democratic Administ rat ion, would laugh in their sleeves at the clever dodge, and thank Fortune for their success in walking round the stumping problem of “ How is the South to be whipped in ? A., aid of Southern Men. The insult to every Southern born man in the United States army, implied in Gen. Scott’s displacement of CapL Elzey from his command Washington City, would be resented on the spot if there was a spark of honor in their souls. Copt. Elzey was the only man not a North erner, who was trusted with any control in the arrangements made by the Lieutenant-Gene ral for overawing the multitude at the ap proaching inauguration. Upon reflection, we suppose Gen. 8cott and his Black Republican laborers thought it safest and more seemly to have no patch-work variety in the agencies used for the suppression of Constitutional Lib erty, and therefore he selected all Northern . In this there was wisdom, for we have yet to be informed of one politician or private citizen, sympathizing with anti-slave aggres- who has yet waked up to aaeuseof the tyranny and anti-Republican spirit involved in General Scott's high handed conduct about Washington. Fit men he has chosen for a bad work. Mr. Lincoln spoke with the utmost difficulty, being so hoarse from his frequent efforts as to be scarcely able to make himself heard. The reception, in this place, was the most ill conducted affair witnessed since the depart ure from Springfield. A thick crowd had been allowed to await the arrival of the train in the depot, so that but a narrow passage could be kept open by the few soldiers ana policemen detailed to protect the President. He had hardly left his car, and after heartily shaking hands with Mr. Fillmore, made a few steps to wards the door, when the crowd made a rush, and overpowering him and the guard, pressed upon him and party with a perfeot furor. A acene of the wildest confusion ensued. To and fro the ruffians swayed, and soon cries of distress were heard on all sides. The pressure was so great that it is really a wonder that men were not crashed and trampled to death. As it was, Major Hunter, of the President's es cort, alone suffered a bodily injury by having his arm dislocated. The President elect was ssfely got out of the depot only by the desper ate efforts of those immediately around him. Ilis party had lostruggle with might and main for their liyea, and after fighting their way to the open air, found aome of the carriages al ready occupied, so that not a few had to make for the hotel afoot as best they ootild. The hotel door was likewise blockaded by immovable thousands, and they had to undergo another tremendous squeeze to get ineide. The indignation of the Preeidential cortege at their rough treatment is great, and they think that Mr. Lincoln should decline all turther public receptions, in case no better protection could be guaranteed.—PhiL Inquirer. pMt' All this display of Beecher’s free-born “ decency " and “ weight of brains ” took place at Buffalo, and Millard Fillmore “was thereto see.” We venture to say that in not a single instance on Southern soil has ever occured such a scene of brutal ill manners as the above illustrates. Think of a set of ruffians and rowdies so jostling high dignitaries who were the guests of their town, and even taking pos session of the carriages provided for them !— Thesentimentof veneration hssdied out among Abolitionista, and the same ruffianly daring whioh impels Phillips, and others like him, to dethroneQod himself, if He will not agreawith tha dominating set, puts all distinctions be tween men under foot, and has bruised out, un der Us brutal tread, all grace, gentleness aad high courtesy. “ Present *u Spirit.” Worthy of imitation is tha generous deed in the hour of need. We crave indulgence of tbe parties in the announcement we make. A no tice appeared in a Charleston paper, a day or two since, of the immediate by some of the soldiery in that vioinity of tha thick and comfortable country-made nock. Such call no sooner oaught tbe eye of Mr. Shackelford, of Hayne street, Charleston, (now sojourning for a few days with his parents, in Atlanta,) than It was responded to with the bounding impulse of tbe true Southern heart. Tbe generous Car olinian “struck the ball at the first bounce,” and on went one hundred pairs per Express.— Not a copper of change staining the fingers of the great necessity. The tip of our beaver to Mr. Shackelford and the gentlemen of Adams Express. An rival or Alabama Troops—The PM* Ex Postmaster Fowler of New York, is said to have charge of a Cotton Factory in Maxioo, at a ysafly salary of $3,090, and house rant free. firing of cannon yesterday at the dawn of day, announced tbe arrival of tbe troops from Bar hour County, Alabama, who have enlisted for the period of one year in the service of the Comederate States of America. It waa a beau tiful sight, that of eighty such men, as com posed Captain Alpbeus Baker’s company.— There was Pugh, the gifted, the eloquent mem ber of the old Congress from the 2d District; Cochran, one of the men of the South, bearing each a musket in the ranks, and full.'offlre and zeal of heroic devotion to their country.—Co lumbus Time*. JptT' A prompt, pointed and honorable man ifestation of faith by works, so patriotically given by the gentlemen named above, in facing to the fighting line in this tbe hour of need and peril. Are there not Pughs—are there not Cochrans, too, in the glorious old Fourth of Georgia? Of course there are. Then march to the Flag-staff, gentlemen, one at a time, and enter for the War. Old Georgia—the nursing mother of Statesmen and of Soldiers—may soon summon her every son to ward from her bosom, if not tbe stilletto of tbe assassin, cer tainly that of the ball and bayonet of road Aggression. Jfiore of the Decency, We give another refresing sketch of the graceful entertainment offered the Rail splitter at Cincinnati. The correspondent of the New York Times seems to have no idea that he is placing a large crowd in the pillory. “On the platform stood Er. Lincoln; on the chair stood Mayor Bishop; around the plat form waa a cordon of policemen, and behind the hero of the occasion stood Col. Ellsworth, Col. Sumner, Major Hunter, several of the committee, and your humble servant. ‘Let ’em come,’ roared out Ellsworth—the doors were flung open and in they rushed. Mercy on me, wbat a se'. “ Some in ri£S, some in jags, and some in velvet gowns.” says an old nursery rhyme, but that does not begin to express it. All classes, all aorta, all conditions, all employments, all ages, both sexes, all styles, all nations, and apparently all creation were well represented there.— Every man considered it his duty to shake * Old Abe’s’ hand, as if it was a pump handle, or a delinquent scholar. He was called 'Old man,’ 'Old Abe,’ 'Uncle Abe.’ 'Old boy,’ *01d ’uo,’ 'My friend,’ ‘My cherished friend,’ ‘Our country’s hope,’ ‘Honest old Abe,’ and ‘Old Cock.’ He was recommended to the Divine blessing about six hundred and fifty times, and urged to ‘take care of yourself old inan,’ on at least three hundred and seventy occasions.— Occasionally somo distinguished individual would endeavor to reel off u labored sentiment, or a well-concocted speech, but the surging crowd behind him. impatient of delay, would give him a boost which would send him irre sistibly on, like a wad from a pop gun—and once out, no wriggling, swearing, protesting or bribing could get him back again, and the bright speech would bo lost forever.” The Tarill. The “Chronicle A Sentinel” furnishes the following synopsis of manufactured article*, under the Tariff of 1837, now in force in the Southern Confederacy, which comprises nearly all of interest to our merchants: Manufactures of cedar-wood' granadilla, ebony, mahogany, rose wood, and satin- wood, per cent., 30 Manufactures of the bark of the cork-tree, 21 Manufactures of bone, shell, born, pearl, ivory, or vegetable ivory, 24 Manufactures, articles, vessels, and wares, not otherwise provided for, of brass, cop per, gold, iron, lead, pewter, platina, sil ver, tin, or other metsl, or of which eith er of those metals or any other metal shall be the component material of chief value, 24 Manufactures composed wholly of cotton, bleached, printed, painted, or died, 24 Manufacture* of cotton, linen, silk, wool, or worsted, if embroidered or tamboured in the loom or otherwise, by machinery, or other process 24 Manufactures, articles, vessels, and wares of glass, or of which glass shall be a com ponent material, not otherwise provided Manufactures and articles of leather, or of which leather shall be a component part, not otherwise provided for 24 Manufactures and articles of marble, mar ble paving tiles, and all other marble more advanced in manufacture than in tlabs or blocks in the rough 24 Manufactures of paper, or of which paper is a component material, not otherwise Manufactures of wool, or which wool shall be the component material of chief value, not otherwise provided for, „ 24 Manufactures of hair, 19 Manufactures of fur, 24 Manufactures composed wholly of cotton, not othsrwiss provided for, „ 19 Manufacture# or goat's hair or mohair, or of which goat*’ hair or mohair ahall bo a component material, not otherwise provi ded for,.... ]9 Manufactures of silk, or of whioh silkshaii be the component material, not otherwise provided for, 19 Manufactures of worsted, or of which worsted shall be a component material, not otherwise provided lor 19 Manufactures or flax, not otherwise provi ded for, 15 Manufacture# of hemp, uot otherwise pro vided for, 15 Manufactures of mohair cloth, silk twist, or other manufseture of cloth suitable for the manufacture of ahoes, out in slip* or patterns of the sice of shape for shoes, slippers, boots, bootees, gaiters, or buttons, exclusively, not cot combined with In dian rubber, 4 Manufactures of tastings suitable for shoes, boots, bootees, or battons, exclusively, 4 Bagging (Gunny) 15 Coffee, free, Iron in bars, Ac., „ 24 Lime, tm g Molasses and sugar,.,,,,,.., 24 Books, Periodicals, Illustrated newspaere,... 8 Drugs in a crude state re Medical preparations, 24 Die woods and extracts for dying 4 fPr The Charlotte Bulletin bat received tha following dispateh from Senator CJiogman: „ ValBftoB, Fab. 8, Jgfil. Kdxtor Bulletin t Thera is no ohanoe whatev er for Crittenden’s proposition. North Carolina must secede, or aid Ltnooln in making war on Ua South. T. L. CLINOMAN. Georgia State Convention. Tbo delegatee of the Convention from the several counties in this State, are hereby noti fied to meet in the city of Savannah, on Thurs day, the 7th of Maroh next. GEORQX W. CRAWFORD, Bel-Air, Geo., Feb. SI, 1881. President. Military Movements. A company of hale troops, numbering seven- ty seven good looking men, under command of Lieut. Mowry, of South Caroline, arrived in this city by Western A Atlantic RaWroad yes terday morning, and departed by the Georgia train last night for Charleston, via Aogusta.— We learn that another company of about nine ty men, en route for tbe sains point, are expec ted here this afternoon. Both these companies ware recruited in Memphis, Tennessee. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. Mr. Stephens, Chairman of the Committee to organize Executive Departments, submitted the following Report, on the 21st instant. The sev eral Bills were read three time** and passed, and ordered to be engrossed : Be it enacted by the Congress of the Confede rate States of America, and it is hereby/ enacted by authori y of the same, That the President of the ConfederH e States of America be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint a Private Sec retary, through whom he may communicate with the Congress, and present such bus ness as he may desire to offer; and that the said Sec retary shall discharge such duties ns shall be assigned him by the President, and receive such compensation as shal 1 Iw fixed by law. AN ACT TO ESTAELISII THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. The Congress of the Confederate Stairs of A- merica do enact, That there shall be an Execu tive Department, lobe known as the Department of Treasury,in which shall be the following offi cers, namely: a Secretary of the Treasury, to be deemed the head of tbe department; a Comp troller, an Auditor, a Register, a Treasurer, and an Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, which Assistant shall be appointed by the said Secretary; all of which olh. ers shall receive such salaries, respectively, as may be provided by law. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duly of the Secretary of the Treasury to superintend the collection of the public reve nue; to digest and prepare plans for the im provement and management thereof, aud for the support of the public credit; to prepare and report estimates of the public revenue, and the public expenditures; to decide on the forms of keeping and stating accounts, and making re turns, and to grant, under the limitations herein established, or to be hereafter provided, all war rants for moneys to be paid into tbe Treasury, aud all warrants for moneys to be issued from the Treasury in pursuance of appropriations, by law; to execute such services relative to the sale of tbe public property belonging to the Con federate States as, by law, may be required of him; to make reports, and give information to the Congress, or the President, in person or in writing, as maybe required, concerning all mat ters referred to him by the Congress or the Pres ident res|>eciively, and which shall appertain to his office; and generally to perform all such ser vices relative to the finances, and all such other duties, as lie may, by law, be directed to per form. Sec. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall have power to appoint 11 Chief Clerk, and also such other clerks, from time to time, as he may deem ne cessary and Congress may authorize by law, which officers shall respectively receive such compensation ns may be provided by law. Sec. 4. Uid us it f rther enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause to be pro cured an official seal for the Department of Treasury, to be approved by the President, aud copies of all official papers, or records, in said department, certified under the seal thereof, shall be received in evidence in all the Courts of the Confederate States in lieu of such origi nal papers or records. Sec. 5. And be in further enacted, That it shall be tbe duty of the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury to examine all letters, contracts, and warrants prepared lor the signature ol the Secretary of the Treasury, aod perform ail such other duties as may be devolved on him by law or by the Secreta y of the T easury. Sec. 0. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Comptroller to superintend the adjustment and preservation of the public accounts; to examine all accounts settled by the Audi'or, and certify the balances arising thereon to the Register; to countersign all war rants drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury, which shall be authorized by law; to report to the Secretary the official forms of all papers to be issued in the different offices for collecting the public revenue, and the mauner and form of keeping and stating the accounts of the sev eral persons employed therein. He shall more over provide for the regular and punctual pay ment of all moneys which mav be collected, and shall direct prosecutions for all delinquencies of officers of the revenue, and for debts that are or shall be due to the Confederate States. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Auditor to receive all public accounts, and after examination, to cer tify the balance and transmit the accounts, with the vouchers and certificate, to the Comptroller for his decision thereon : Provided, That if any person whose account shall be so audited be dissatisfied therewith, he may appeal to the Comptroller against su h settlement. Szc. 8. And be it further enacted, Thai the Auditor of Public Accounts shall be empower ed to administer oaths or affirmations to wit nesses in any case which he may deem it nec essary or proper for the due examination of the accounts with which he may be charged. Sac. 9. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Register to keep all accounts of the receipts and expenditure* of the publio money, and of all debts due to or from the Confederate Statee; to receive from the Comp troller the accounts which shall have been fi nally adjusted, and to preserve such accounts, with then vouchers and certificates; to record all warrant# for the receipt or payment of tnonejs at the Treasury, certify tbe same there on, and to transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury copies of the certificates of balances of accounts adjusted as herein directed. Sac. 10. And be it further enacted, That it •hall he the duty of the Treasurer to receive and keep the moneys of the Confederate States, and to disburse the same on warrants drawn by the 8eoretary of the Treasury, countersign ed by the Comptroller, and recorded by the Register, and not otherwise; he shall take re ceipt* for all money paid by him, and all re ceipts for moneys received by him shall be en dorsed by warrants signed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with which warrant, so signed, no acknowledgment for money received into the publio Treasury shall be valid. And the •aid Treasurer shsfl render bit accounts to the Comptroller quarterly, or oftener if required, and shall transmit a copy therof, when settled, to tbe Secretary of tha Treasury. He shall, at all times, submit the 8eor«Ury ef tbs Treasury and tha Comptroller, or either of them, the in spection of the hooks and records in bis office and of all moneys in his hands; and shall, prior to entering upon the duties of his offlse, give bond, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by toe Secretary of the Treasury and Comptroller, in the autp of $150,080, paya ble to the Confederate Statee of America, with condition for the faithful performance of the duties of hlsoffioa, and for tha fidelity of |ha persona to bs by him employed, which bond •kali be lodged in the office of the Comptroller. Sno. 11. And hi it further enactql. That no person appointed to any ©ffioe instituted by this set, •hall, directly or Indirectly be concerned or interested as ownsr in whole or in part of any saa vessel, or purchase by himself; or ano ther in trust for him, sny public property or forfeited goods, or be concerned in the pur chase or disposal of any public securities of any State, or of tha Confederate States, or take or apply to his own use any emolument or gain for negotiating or transacting any busi ness in the said department, other than what shall be allowed by law; and if any person •hall offend againat any of the prohibitions of this act, he shall he guilty ol a high misde meanor, and forfeit to the Confederate States the Density of three thousand dollars, and shall, upon conviction, be removed from office, and forever thereafter be be incapable of hold ing any office under the Confederate Slates: Ihrotidtd, that if any other person than a pub lic prosecutor shall give information of any such offence, upon which a prosecution and conviction ahall be had, ose-half of the afore said penalty of three thousand dollars, when recovered, shall be for the use of the person giving such information. NAVY DEPARTMENT. AW ACT T > ESTABLISH TUB WAVY DBI'ARTMBNT. J Be it further enacted, dc , That an Execu tive Department be and the same is hereby es tablished, to be called the Navy Department. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the Chief Officer of said Department shall be called the Secretary Jof tbe Navy, and shall, under the direction and control’ of the President, have charge of all matters and things connected with the Navy of the Confederacy ; and shall perform all such duties appertaining to the Navy, as shall from time to time be assigned to him by tbe President. Sac. 2. Beit further enacted, That said Sec retary shall be authorized to appoint a Chief Clerk and such other Clerks as may be found necessary, and he authorized by law. AM ACT TO ESTABLISH 1 M It NT. Be it further enacted by the Confederate States of America in Congress Assembled, That there •hall be an Executive Department to be de nominated the Post Office Department, and there shall a principal officer therein to be called the Post Master General, who shall per form such duties in relation to Post offices and Post routes as shall be enjoined on him by the President of tbe Confederate States, agreea bly to the Constitution and the laws of the land, who shall be paid an annual salary, to be fixed by lew, and have power to appoint a Chief Clerk and such inferiror clerks as may be found necessary, who shall receive such compensation as may beiixed by law. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. AN ACT TO ORGANIZE AMD ESTABLISH THE DEPART NEWT OP JUSTICE. Sec. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That from and after tbe passage of this act there shall be an Executive Department to be knowu as the Department of Justice—the principlsl o cer at the head of said department shall be denominated the At torney General, who shall be paid an annual salary, to be fixed by law, and who shall have tbe power to appoint a Clerk, at sucb compen sation as may be fixed by law. Sac. 2. It ahall be the duty of the Attorney- General to prosecute and conduct all suite in the Supreme Court, in which the Confederate States shall become concerned, and to give his advics and opinion upon questions of law when required by the President of the Confederate States, or when requested by any of the heads of Departments, touching any matters that may concern their departments on subjects be fore them. He shall also have supervisory power over tbe accounts of the Marshals, Clerks and officers of the Courts of the Confederate States, and all claims against the Confederate States. WAR DEPARTMENT. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE WAR DEPARTMENT. Sec. 1. Be it enacted, That an Executive De partment be and the tame is hereby establish ed under tbe name of the War Department, the chief officer of which shall be called the Secretary of War. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Secre tary shall, under tbe direction and control of the President, have charge of all matters and things connected with the army, and with the Indian tribes within the limits of the Confed eracy, and shall perform such duties apper taining to the army and to said Indian tribes, as may from time p> time be assigned to him by the President. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the Secre tary of said Department is hereby authorized to appoint a chief clerk thereof, and as many inferior clerk# as may be found necessary, and may be authorised by law. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. AN ACT TO OROAHIZB THE DEPARTMENT OP STATE. Sso. 1. Be it enacted by the Confederate Slates of America in Congress aesembled, That there shall be an Executive Department to be de nominated the Department of State: and there shall be a principal officer therein to be called the Secretary of State, who ahall perform and execute such duties as shall, from time to timo, be enjoined on, or intrusted to him, by the President of the Confederate States, agreeably to the Constitution, relative to correspondences, commissions or instructions to or with public ministers or consuls from the Confederate States, or to negotiations with public ministers from foreign states or princes, or to memorials or other applications from foreign public min isters, and other foreigners, or to suoh other matters respecting foreign affairs as the Presi dent of the Confederate State.1 shall assign to the said department; and furthermore, the said B rincipal officer shall conduct the business of is said department in suoh manner aa the President of the Confederate Statee shall from time to time order or instruct Said Secretary •hall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Congraaa, and shall receive a compensation to be ascer tained and regulated by law. Sec. 2. Be ii further enacted. It shall be the duty of tha Secretary of State to keep and pre serve a'l bills, and resolutions of tbe Congress having been approved or signed by the Presi dent or otherwise become laws, and he shall oerefully preserve the originals, and shall as soon as conveniently may be, after he shall re ceive the same, cause every suoh law, order and resolution to be published ia at least three public newspapers, published in the Confeder ate Statee, and ahall also cense two printed copies, duly autheatieatsd, to be sent to the Executive authority of each State. It shall be ths duty of the Secretary to keep the great seal of the Confederate States, aud to make out and record aad affix said seal to all aivil cecum is sions to officers of the Confederate States, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice of the Congress, or by the President alone: Provided, that said seal ahall not be af fixed to any commission before it is sigasd by the President, nor to soy other instrument or •ct without the specisl warrant of the Presi dent therefor. Tns said Secretary shall sdso cause a seal of office to be made for said de partment, of such device as the President shall approve; and all copies of records end papers la said office, authenticated under the said seal, shall ba evidence equally as tbs original record or paper. Sac. 8. Be it further enacted, That there shall bs in the said department a Chief Clerk to ba appointed by tha Bserslary, and sucb other clerks as from time to lima may be found nec essary, and authoriaad by tha Congress, who •hall receive a compensation for tbair Services to be fixed by law—and the Secretary of State and every other person to ba appointed or am* shall, before he an- Confederate lutes i B a i relating to ths duties of his office, to vl making out aad authenticating copies« •rds, teu cents for each baadred words, i authenticating a copy of a reeord or p ' der ths seal of office, one dollar. Sac. 5. Be it further enacted, This act it- be in force and take effect from and alunl passage. * Another Meautt of New York I Up to the prevent time the eras the New York Polios, have failed to u band, or even to bo delivered into the i •ton of tbo agent of the State in N#t_ Thera is no prospect of tbair recovery, * ing to present appearances, aad ibe Get has determined to resort to other i „ reimbursing our eitizeos for their loss, his order Col. Lawton soi: ed yesn following veisels now it non, bsL citizens of New York, and placed them"! military guard. Ship Martha J. Ward, 758 tons, Cept. | ley, consigned to Brigham, Dalilwir ' and loading for Liverpool. Bark A/'Justa, 495 tons,Capt. Eoell.coni ed to Muller & Michels, and loadiat Queenstown and a market. Brig I far aid, consigned to W. U.Gftei/gJ and loading with lumber for 8un<lsrlaoi I These vessels are of sufficient value u^l up a good por ion of tbe loos, and wepu B tbe Governor will forthwith advertise tk sale at tbe expiration of thirty days, arms sbal’ be laid down in Savannah j, meantime.—Stvannah Republican, 22d. PLANTS AND FLOWERS! 8HD.UB3 AND FRUITTRg Just Imported from France. CHAPIN Sc CO. F rench horticulturists *Dd FLORISTS, from the city ' of Paris, respectfully Inform the a Ladies and Gentlemen of Atlanta, that they have recently arrived in i with a splendid collection of Trees, ]__ flowers and Shrubbs, the whole offered for Cl at very moderate prices. Holland Houm, a ner of Alabama street. COKE! COKE!! COKEiTT AT THE GAB WORKS. A LARGE quantity for sale at the uiualp of 124 cents per bushel. Feb. 21-dtf. J. F. WARNER, 8 ploy ad in said department I ters on tbe execution of his offios or employ, mept. take an oath or affirmation wall and tin 1 * f u VH* opt*»>itUd to 8«o. Jk itfyrtktr ended, Thor. thall b* —Id to lb, feonUrr, for lb. v* of lb. Con. Mml* IU*m, th. fallowing Cm, «{ oA« br tb, ptrwu requiring (b, „r T lc*. mb*|Mr. PROFESSOR NOTTS DANCING ACADEMY, CORNER OF PEACH TBBB AMD MARIETTA I Atlanta, Georgia. D AYS OF TUITION: Mondays tait days, from 3 till 6 o clock, P. M., dies, Misses and Masters; and the same A at night, from 74 tiff 18 o'clock, for Yoangtii tlemen. Terms. $10 for the full course of 12 lemnl Feb. 19—tf. G. K. & J. L HAMILTON SUCCESSORS TO SMITH k ECZARD, DRUGGIS’ PHARMACEITTINTH, AND DEALERS IN PURE MEDIO] CHEMICAL#. PAINTS, OlIA, WINDOW C— FANCY AND ^ ARTK'LB, BURNING rr CAMPHI K FROMM II AND LAM FINK FRENCH AND CATAWBA BRANDI W1NB8, Ac. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. IMPROVED META LIC BURIAL CIS A L80, a general assort Wood Coffins, includioih Wood and Mahogany. Marshal’s Sheet Metallc Burial ( An entirely new article, nearly aa lightu* and closed up with India Rubber—sirAf for sale at my Rooms, in Markham’s Nsvl ing, on Whitehall street, up stair*. L. ROB Orders, by telegraph, or otherwise, I ly attended to THOMAS 6i ABBOTT, ATTORNEYS AT Lil| Atlanta, Georgia. Office in Smith’* Building, Whii G. 8. Tbomas, jaI8tf Ben. F.J J. W. HEWELL, WMOLZBALB AMO ENTAIL DBA Lit », Fancy and Staple DRY GOOD! MARKHAM’S BLOCK, Com.r Whitehall 4c Al»b ATLANTA, QEOE'JIl. F«b. W-l 7 . GUANO! Bum a Mivimm hi FOB SALE ar FRANCIS R. SHACKELFOM. | Agent fbr Atlanta. Feb. 14.—M H. B. CLIFFORD BACON, FLOOR, COFFEE. 8t«f| HICK, WINE, BAGGING,W —AND— GENERAL PRODUCE —AND— COMMISSION MERCHi Wo. 143, 4th or Wnll «• | LOCIATILLLS, IT. PERSONAL .tunlioo (riwn L WB.ffBin.iU Having •dg, of th. market, and mj bu.'e. mjMlf tbit 1 o.n im tbooo who W tm.i.000 to mo, » profit. 1 *•*!' tbo o»h iTlUm. Tbooo who r- n ** 1 •» Mid wtwmw to HU art tbo lull M* Ch»h M.rkot. I do not bp, the orttrle o* Htno of JO. P of " I I. ofUarfeMi. .11 m»rb«l». ***•,, tow m ur m.b in th. goatb-Wwt. I. . tri«L New Tub Kwbwi* " _ Mill eg nt. h.ra. I do net «poouW«< n legtum.t. bruiMM, gonttan-w- “