Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 25, 1861, Image 1

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ATE-CITY * ADAIR, GUARDIAN. THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. EDITORS A PROPRIETORS. cv mm: ATLANTA, GEORGIA, MEW, PERRIfART 25, 1861. L. MO. II. "itn Guardian. ^TIOH A ADVHITI8IW0 SCMEDULI ■a or at’BaoRjmoa. I '♦avartetiljr ia'kfiveao*. „ ... ... C**s. 009 ln»eiiJoB, #1; end reach aubccqueot Insertion I«m than on# RA'ITM. riHinf, with ihf privilege or cha»««, will n folio win* rate* : «. renewable once a month, 9 8S b t%>( marked on copy for a specified lUfced until ordered ou», and charged r above rate*. merit* ineerle.1 In the DalLT, and WaraLT I be charged !*) |>er cent, additional to the » the apace con- f ___ at regular ratea RainovaU, Copartuerahl|*. Notice* to , and payment demanded quarterly. bit Anvaanaiau nerr aa paid roa la nent will appear In the Weekly paper (special contract. rmenU to be Inserted In the Weekly paper egular Intervale in either of the papers, |1 per square for every laf"“- a for Charitable Institutions, Mlllta- r . ales. Ward, Town and other Public _i be charged half price, and deaths are published as news i, Tributes of Respect and Funeral Invitations BVerttaesxenls. i Notices In Local Column will be charged SO , under no circumstances, to be Included In FRATERNAL RECORD. MAHON*. ATLANTA LODflK, No. fit, F. A. M , meets on the sec oitd aud fourth Thursday nights In each month. LBWI8 LaWSIIR, W. M. Jouh M. Uoaiso, Secretary. FULTON LODGK, No. 216, F. A. M., meets on the first aud third Thursday nights In each month. DAVID MAYER, W. M. R. J. Mtutr, Secretary. MOUNT ZION ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. 16, meets on the second and fourth Monday nights In eao month. L. J. ULKNN, H. P. C. R. Hablbitbb, Secretary. JASON BURR COUNCIL~OF ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS, No. 18, meets quarterly, on the first i un day In January, April, July and October. LEWIS LAWSilE, Th. III. Jon a M. Bosnia, Recorder. W. W. BOYD, M.-.fc-. W. T. Mead, Recorder. ODD-KE1.LOWM. is every T T. P. MARSH, William Wilson, Secretary. EMPIRE ENCAMPMENT, No. 12, meets on the second and fourth Wednesday nights. WM H. BARNES, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Priest. T. P. Fuwrxa, Scribe. HANKING. A. Abktbll, Cashier. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY—Office on Alabama Street. A. W. JONES, Agent. AGENCY GEORGIA RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY— Office on Whitehall Street near the Railroad. WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent. KB railroads. i ■«# Departure of Train,. | Railroad a Banking Company. , Atlanta, 171 Mtl«— Fare, $4 4». iK YONQfi, Superintendent. I,n F.UI..U TEA,,. , daily, at..— — A. M. i Anguata at 6J0, P- M. ugu.ta, daily, at 4-40, A. M t Atlanta at 6.44, A. M. MIOMT rAHIRSBt TRAIN. , daily, at 8.40, P. M. I Augusta at 5.48, A. M. 1 ru.U at J.S8, P. M. Atlanta at 11.44, P. 14. 1 run, in oounnetion with the Train, l Carotin, and the Savannah and kiirnads, at Augusta. 1 S Railroad. Beet-Point, 87 Uilaa—Fare,. #3 it. I Q. HULL, Superintendent. .AT PAaeaeoae tuaiu. nta, daily, at. 10.10, A. M. real-Point at - 8.10, P. M. t-Point, daily, at ... 8.00, P. M. Atlanta at ... T.41, P. M. piaar raaaaaaaa »Aia. nta, daily, at - 0.80, A. M. Teat-Point at - 4.46, A. M. i-Point, daily, at 8.15, A. M. Atlanta at 7.40, A. X. I connect, with the Montgomery A I at Weet-Petnt. i St AUaatlc Rallroaa. attanooga, 188 Milee—F»re,....$i. LEWIS, SupOrlntandent. nr rAeeauaan rna». Ha, daily, at inttnnooga at pnooga at Rant* at 19.19, A. M. 6.49, P. M. 4.05, A. M. l.lft, P. M. puff'd PASsaxeax MAIN. It*, nightly, *t... 7.99, P. M. 4.8f t A. M. Wnooga at Rente at 8.20, P. M. 11.4ft, P. M. a,each way,with the Rome at Kiogeton, the Eaat Ten 1e Kialrued at Dalton, and the battanooga Railroad at Chatta. i A Waatara Railroad. n, 108 Mile#—Fare #4 40. , TYLER, Superintendent raaeaaaaa nan. 1.45, P. M. i at T.lf, P. M. 1.80, P. M. nt 7.00, P. U i rAteaaaaa nan. ..... 18.00, Night. 7.U, A. M. 18.00, Night. 7.16, A. U. ilna will not ha run on Sun- Night Train from Atlanta, ■ Central Railroad for Sevan- . M, and the South Waatara for a a. baa, at 0.46, A. M. l from Atlaata, eonnaota with illroad lor Savannah at ll.M P. aih-Waatarn Rail Road for Co- . , P.tL gh Ticket, from Atlanta la New Omelboe fora In Savannah, Pbbimo Brown, Cashier. J. P. LOGAN, President. • CITY GOVKKNNGNT. Mayor—JARED IRWIN WHITAKER. COINCILMRR. Ward I—Fell* Haidman, F. C. House. Ward II—William Watkins, J. R. Crew. Ward III—8. B. Love, Robert Crawford. Ward IV—J. H. Mecaslln, James Lynch. Ward Y—S. B. Robson, Thomas Kile. Committee on Finance—Councllmen Robson, Crew, i Ordinances—Councllmen Watkins, Me- u Streets—Councllmen Crew, Robson, Lore. Committee 01 caalin, Robson. Committee < Lynch. Committee on Wells, Putu)>s and Cisterns—Council- DENTISTRY. H. HUNTINGTON, M. D., DENTIST, LT OFFICE in Rawaon's new build ing. corner Whitehall and Hunter Streeat.— Residence first house to the left of Col. Yen cey’s. KcrEitEMCBB: Hon. R F. Lyon, Mr. Rawson. Messrs. Beach 1 Root,' Rer. Mr. Rug ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Her. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Vason, Esq., Col. Nelson Tift, Col. W. Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albany. J an 10. i Ure Department—Councllmen Mecar Lynch, Committee llu, Robson, Watkii Committee on Police—Councllmen Lynch. Committee on Cemetery—Councllmen Hardman, Wat- Committee on Relief—C« Un, House, Watkins. Kile. Clerk of Council, Tax Heceiv Holcombe. Ilmen Crawford, lfecas- and Collector—U. Treasurer— K. J. Roach. Chief Marshal—Thomas B. Boggua. Deputy Marshal—Duke H. Brannon. 1st Lieutenant Police—B. N. Williford. 2d Lieutenant Police—J. M. Lester. City Surveyor—N. L. Currier. Clerk Market-J. D. Wells. City Seaton—O. A. Pilgrim. Superintendent Streets—II. W. McDaniel. BOABD OV IIBALTAI. Dr. H. W. BROWN, Chairman, G. B. Ilaygood, Esq., Dr. D. C. O'Keefe, Dr. J. G. Westmoreland, Dr. T. 8. Powell. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. WM. BAKNES, Chief Engineer. S. B. SHERWOOD, 1st Assistant. K F. MADDOX, 2d Assistant. V. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN F. KZ7.ARD, Treasurer. ATLANTA FIRE COMPANY No. 1, meets first Monday in each month. J. H. MECASLIN, President. W. K. Mason, Secretary. MECHANIC FIRE COMPANY, No. 2, meets first Friday night in each month. LEVI RICHARDSON, President. Oe C. Rooks, Secretary. ATLANTA HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, No. 1, meets first Saturday night In each month. FRANK JOHNSTON, Foreman. Noab R. Fowlbb, Secretary. GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Josarn E. Baowa, Governor. John h. Campbbll, 1 H. II. Watte#*, VSecretaries. H. J. O. Willis Ms, ) E. P. WATIIX*, Secretary of State. Jobs Jobbs, Treasurer. Pstbssox Tuwbatt, Comptroller Oeneral. A. J. Boons*#, Surveyor Oeneral. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Taaonoaa L. Gcaaav, President of Senate. F. H. West, Secretary of Senate. C. J. Williams, Speaker House of Representatlvea. Gkobub Hyllieb, Clerk House of Representative*. PENITENTIARY. Eli McCosssll, Principal Keeper. Chabi aa G. TalbibI), Aasistant. W. A Williamb, Bosk Keeper. Cbab. W. I.akb, Chaplain. Da. R. Q. Case, Physician. Da. S. O. Whits, 1 D. O. Campbell, >Trustees. Millbb Uaiavs, ) JUDICIARY DEPARTEENT. 8CPBBMB COCBT—JCDUB*. Josbpr Hurt Lcmpbix, of Athens. Kicbabd U. Lyon, of Atlanta. Chable* J. Jaaaixs, of Augusta. PBPoaraa. Gaoaua N. Lasraa, of Marietta. CLBBK. Chamlis W. DcBoea, of 8|>arta. DISTRICTS. 1st Distbict.—Brunswick, Eastern and Middle Judicial Ckat-1 tahooclxse. Judicial Circuits. Tims op Sbsbiop—4th Mouday In January and 8d Monday In June, at Macon So Disteict—Tallapoosa, Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge and Cherokee Circuits. Time op Sasaioa—4th Monday In March and 2d Mon day In August, AtlantA^^^^^^^HH^^^^^^^H COUNTY OFFICERS. B INPEBIOB cai'at. Clark Howell, J. N. Simmons, Z.A. Rice, William Watkins, K. M. Taliaferro. Sheriff—C. C. Green—Deputy, 8. B. Love. Clerk Superior Court—B. K. Botnar. Clerk Inferior Court—Daniel Pittman. Ordinary—J. II. Mead. Treasurer—J. R. Wallace. Tax Collector—A. J. Collier. Tax Receiver—William Center. r Atlaula—Thom : unday In May at>d November, SUPERIOR COURT**. COWETA CIRCUIT. OBTiLLa A. Pt’LL, LaGrange, fudge. N. J. IIammosd, Atlanta, Solicitor General. Coutlcs. Time of Session i Monday In April and October. * “ ‘ n ls March ‘ * it Anri londay In Troup—fid Monday In May and November. Meriwether—fid Monday and September. I October. February and August. IRTXER WANTED, bln Muufoetnrinf hujisMT 0.« ‘1 cub cnAitnl. or non, will tod i, wkather he «ngvgM u anaat For farther par- jityu-tf frktlh? Coweta—1st Monday In March and September. Floyd—4ih Monday In Jan. and 1st Monday In July. Heard—fid Monday In March and September. 1 Hsraison—fid Monday In April and October. PsuMtrr—4th Meodav In February and August. Polk—fid Monday In February aud August. BLUE RIDGE CIRCUIT. Canada D. Rios, Marietta, - Judge. Wa. l*MiLun, Marietta, Solicitor Oeneral. Counties. Tims of Mastlnns.1 Forsyth—fid Monday In Febi Gilmer—1st Monday In Mar and October. Lumpkin-4th Monday In January and July. Milton—1st Monday lo Jane and November. Pickens-fid Monday In March and September. Towns—4th Monday In May and Octobet. Union—fid Monday In May and October. J. A. W. JoaaaoB, Caasvtlle, Solicitor Oeneral. Oonntlsa. Time of Sessions. Case-Id Monday la March and September. Catoosa—fid Moadar la May and November. Dade—4th Monday In May and November. Oordoo—1st Monday In April and October. Murray—Yd Monday In April m * “ i first 1 _ Walk' tBBLrn Monday to April and October. THE ARMY OF GEORGIA. FIRST REGIMENT. Colonel—Wa. J. Habdkb, U. 8. A. Lieut. Col.—('has. J. Williams, of Muscogee • aAJOBS. 1. L. B. McLaws, U. 8. A. 2. Edward K. Harden, Whitfield county. CAPTAINS. 1. Wm. D. Smith, U. 8. A Company A 8. Wm. J. McOUl, O. M. I "... 8. Wm. Martin, of Lumpkin county " 4. Wm. G. Gill, U. S. A “.... 5. Jacob Read, U. S. A “.... 6. John O. Patton, of Bibb county **.... 7. George H. Thompson, of Fulton county *• 8. Francis T. Cullens, of Clay county “....! 9. Alexander M. Wallace, of Fulton county....'* 10. S. P. Hamilton, of Chalham county “ PIBST UltrrBMABTS. 1. Arthur Shaaf, U. 8. A Company 2. St. Clair Dearing, U. 8. A '♦.... 8. A. F. Cone, U. & A •*••••( 4. Thomas J. Berry, U. 8. A ",...! 5. A. A. F. Hill, of Clarke county 6. W. W. Kirkland, late Marine Corps M 7. John MlUedge, Jr., of Richmond county ... “ • 8. T. 8. McIntosh, of Chatham county "....1 9. John M. Branch, of Chatham county “ I 10. Tomlinson Fort, of Baldwin county “.. 11. Bedney F. McDonald, appointed by the Colonel Quartermaster lit Regiment, Company J. SECOND LIBrTSBABTB. 1. Thomas A. Mattox, of Chatham Company A 9. Garnett Andrews, Jr., of Wilkes M 8. John F. King, of Olynn 4. George P. Harrison, Jr., of Chatham ", ft. P. M. B. Young, W. I*. C., of Casa. “. 6. E. 8. Willis, W. P. C., Chatham 7. J. Q. Blount, W. P. C., Talbot 8. J. Alexnnder, W. P, C. f Fulton ", 9. John McPherson Berrien, Chatham “. 10. Michael Cass “. 11. Joseph A Blance, Polk ", SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel—Wa. W. T. Walken, V. 8. A Lieutenant-Colonel—E. W. Cnastain, of Fannin. M A JOB 8. 1. Wm. M. Gardiner, U. S. A. 2. Alfred Cummtng, U. 8. A. CAPTAINS. 1. James McIntosh, U. 8. A Company A 2. Thomas McCennel, of Liberty 8. Alfred Iverson, Jr., U. 8. A “... .C 4. John D. Walker, of Scrlren " D 6. John R. F. Tatnall, U. 8. A **....K 6. R. A. Wayne, of Chatham '*....F 7. John 8. Fain, of Union **....O 8. Miller Grieve, Jr., of Baldwin 9. Lewis 11. Kenan, of Baldwin “ ... I 10. Abner 8mead, l r . 8. A "....J PIBST LiaCTBNANTa. L John T. Mercer, U. 8. A Company A fi. Joseph P. Jones, U. 8. A **....(’ Ill Montgomery, U. 8. A M — D 4. Robert H Anderson, U. 8. A **....K ft. B. M. Thomas, U.AA **.... F A Joseph Wheeler, U. 8. A '*....O 7. Robt. A. Crawford, of Fulton “....II A H. D. D. Twiggs, of Richmond *» I 9. Henry Cleveland, of Richmond " J 10. A. P. Brown, of Forsyth, “.... B 11. G. Whitfield Anderson, of Fulton, J sacoND iiarvasANTS. 1. John Howard, Jr., of Muscogee Company A & P. L. Wade, of Screven, “ — B UR. Bowdre, of Bibb, “....C A R. II. Atkinson, of.Bibb “... D A F. M. Myers, of Cobb. “ E A J. Barrow, W. F. C., of Clarke “ F T. John A. Wsal, of Morgan. A Lewis DeLagte, of Richmond fi. G. B. Lamar, Jr. t of Richmond 10. Robert F. llui.t, of Cold*. 11. Henry W. Trippe, of Houston DH. J. P. H. BROWN, DENTIST, Drug Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta,Georgi All operations pertaining to Dental Surgery performed with tne greatest care twawljjeV . A N. W. CRAVEN, DENTISTS, HAKE removed to their ne and splendid room in Pabkbi Block, opposite Beach A Roots, where they a prepared to wait on all who may wish their services. Ministers, who are pastors charged half- urice. Calls from a distance atteuded o with promptness. juuelP waIw W. J. DICKEY, SURGEON AND MECHANICAL DEKTTI ST ATLANTA, OBOROIA. OFFICE— Up-stairs, next door to Richard look Store. sep24twlyr DISSOLUTION. T HE firm of Carroll A High is this day dis solved, by mutual consent. Either of the parties are authorised to sstcls the busiueet of the late firm. Theee indebted will please call and settle. W. 8. CARROLL, Atlanta, Feb. 18,1M1. JOS. P. HIGH. IbblV-St NOW OPENING —AT TBE— FURNITURE STORi, FIRSTD00R WEST OF THE FULTON BANK ALABAMA STREET, A great variety of ParUr Suites, Made of ROSEWOOD, Mahogany, -A^nd Walnut, Corerfd in BROCATELLE, REPS, VEL VET, SIIALLY, and HAIRCLOTH. A] made in a workm.ndike manner, combining Strength, Durability and Beauty! Modelled efler the style of LOUIS XIV, and many of the Oriental Styles adapted to American taste. Also may bo found XOO Rooking ud Ladies’ Parlor Chairs, Mostly ot new Patterns, from $5 to $30 each. Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, and Tete-a-Tetes, Of the latest and most fash ivnable styles. 200 BUREAUS, Of Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Imitation, from $1.25 to $90. LOOKING-GLASSES, Of every style, qi ,lity and variety. Cane, Rush, aud Wood-Seal CHAIRS, fo Parlor, Dining, and Bed-Room, with a large variety of Children's Chairs; Rocking aud Nurse Chairs, with Cane, Rush, and Wood Bottoms. WARDROBES, Wash-8tands, Hat-Racks, Corner Stands; Side, Centre, and Parlor TA BLES, Ladies' Work Tables snd Quartettes. BEDSTEADS OF EVERY KIND. FRENCH IN ROSEWOOD, FRENCH IN MAHOGANY, FRENCH IN WALNUT ORIENTAL IN ROSEWOOD, ORIENTAL IN MAHOGANY, COTTAGE IN MAPLE AND WALNUT, COMMON IN POPLAR & MAPLE. Cottage Suites in s variety of styles. Hair, Moss snd Cotton Mattresses made to order. All kinds of common Mattresses usual ly found in Furniture Stores kept on hand.— Also a full supply of Window Shades, new Patterns, together with many other articles common to this line of trade. Particular attention paid to Repairing and making to order. Looking Ulass Plates kept constantly on hand. D. CHAFFEE, Agent Atlanta, Sept 19—d3m INSURANCE. ATLANTA INSURANCECOMPANY. JOS. P. LOGAN, President. PERINO BROWN, Cashier. DIRECTORS. L. P. GRANT. JOSEPH P. LOGAN, THOMAS L. COOPER, JOHN W.*DUNCAN, GEORGE G. HULL, JOS. D. LOCKHART. Collections received snd remitted for at cur rent rates of Exchange on day of payment Uncurrent money, Gold and 6iiver Coin, bought and sold. Loans and Notes negotiated. Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold on commission. ptr Prompt attention to correspondents, aprillfi FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! W E are Agents for the Auguita Insurance Company, and the Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia. Our rates of premium will oompsre with anv of the Northern Companies. We trust our citisene will patronise Southern Institutions, especially when they are strong, solvent and prompt in redeeming all losses. S. B. ROBSON A CO. aprill7 Atlanta, Georgia. FIRE AND LIFE INSVBANCE AGENCY. T HE subscriber represents the following first class Companies, some of which are now the leading Comp* -tea in the country—all having Cash Capitals and a large surplus. The Companies thus* designated divide seventy-five per et. o/ the net earnings with the policy holders: HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus 91.15HJHKI 2M •CONTINENTAL IMSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus $1,000,000. •SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Hurplus ttt<M>,3H3. CITIZEN INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital and Surplus, *32t.3U2. NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus 9301.951. SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, MASS Capital and Surplus, 91*1,000. •MARKET INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital and Surplus, 9300.000. HUMBOLDT INSURANCE COMPANY, N. Y. Capital and Surplus, 9C3S.OOO. METROPOLITAN INSURANCE 00., N. Y. Capital and Surplus, 9400.0410. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 91*hoo,ooo. Thi* Company offers security ana advan tages unsurpassed by any Life Insurance Com pany in the country. Jt accomodates the in surer tn the payment of premiums, annually, half yearly, or quarterly. Premiums on poli cies for life, if over $50 per annum, sixty per cent, is only required. Annuities granted on the most liberal terms. All the above Companies court investigation into their condition and system of doing busi ness. Office on Whitehall street, next door to T. R. Ripley’s, opposite the “Intelligencer" office. julyl2 SAMUEL 8M1TU. flritardiau. T Louisa L .Shean, John F. Shean ‘I LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. August Term, 1860. resides outside the limits of the State of Georgia. It if ordered by the Court that service upon aaid Defendant be perfected by publion- tion in terms of the law. D. F. HAMMOND, J. 9. C. Agent* 17,1999. nov.ll 1 a mth Mmth.. MECHANICAL. CARVING IN WOOD. HE subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Atlanta, that he is now fully prepared to execute in the best manner, every description of CARVING IN WOOD. He will also give particular attention to the fitting up of Stores, with Shelves, Counters, Ac., after any plan ; also, the internal decoration of public Halls, Churches, Ao. «9> Old Furniture of good quality will bo repaired at short notice in tho best manner. THEO. MR0CZK0W8KI, Marietta street, opposite Gas Work#, lyjanfil ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHOP -AND- BRASS FOUNDRY, O* HUNTER STREET, Bktwbbx McDoxocn and Butlbr Strbbts, Near the City lltll. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and the public generally, that he has established, as above, a Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, and also a BRASS FOUNDRY, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in hia line. He solicit# a share of patrouage, and will guarantee to give entire satisfaction to all that may entrust him with their ordors. Orders promptly attended to. JAMES E. GULLATT. He has on hand and for sale two DRAYS. Cheap for Cash. Atlanta, Jan. SO. lie Cerlaiu That your neighbor h> ■ intentionally done you an injury before you become displeased with him. If men would always act upon this principle, bow maoy heart burnings would be prtveuted. We venture the assertion that out of ten settlement difficulties, nine of them originate in misunderstandings; and the re maining one was brought about by some Busy body who was more anxious about other peo ple’s busiuess than his own. Too often we bear neighbors speaking of the sins of others—of their short comings in the disoharge of their duty—of the many times they have been wronged by them—and of ev erything they know of their neighbors but what little good there may be about them.— How they delight to dwell upon these things! And this practice, we fear, is more common with those who profess to be followers of llim who, when lie was reviled, reviled not again. Shame, shame on you, man—or woman, as the case may be. Why no4 speak of the good, and lei the evil aloue ? Cast about you, and ace in how many instances you have failed—have beeu guilty of worse sins than those you so much condemn in your neighbors. There is an old volume stored away on your table, book-shelf, or somewhere else, which, if you would take down from its long resting place, brush the dust from its sscml lid, open and examine its contents, would teach you belter things. In lhat old book we read that, on a certain cccssisn, a poor sinful woman, takeu iu the commission of a very great crime, was brought before our Saviour for bis con demnation. Did he not do it? No! His an swer was, “ Let him cast the first stone at her that is without sin among you.” (It wan the law in those days lo alone persons guilty of such crimes.) What a lesson does this teach those fault finders who are ever ready to put the worst construction upon all their neigh bors do. Let every one adopt this as their motto :— If I cannot speak well of my neighbor, I will not speak at all; and our word for it, in a re markably short space of time the community will be rid of all settlement difficulties. Man, when you hear (hat some one has been slan dering you, or doing you an injury in any way, go to him or her and inquire into tho matter before you condemn them. Possibly your in formant was wrongly iuformed, or did not hear correctly ; or may be your neighbor was only joking. Exercise a little charity—for give and be forgiven. We do not profess to be entirely free from these sins. We are no more free from temp tation than other people. Many is the time that a hastily spoken word has caused us to spendun happy moments; and wc know it is the same with other people. Let us endeavor to be charitable one toward another, and we will be the happier thereby.—Central Georgian. Rule to Perfect Hervlce. Stillman Uoningtoo J UBEL p 0 R DIVORCE Iioiiington. J '« Fulton Bup.Court M»ryE. Bui«« | UBEL FOR DIVORCE, B. Buile. J in Fo1 '" Court. the Sheriff, that neither of the above defend ants reside in this county, and it further ap pearing, that neither of them reside# in the State, It is, on motion, ordered that each of ■aid defendants appear and answer, at the next term of this Court, or that aaid oaee be considered in default and that the Plaintiff in each case be allowed to proceed. This 1st day of Oolober, 1860. By the CeuA J. M. A W. L. CALiors, Attorneys pro Libelants. A truo extract from the miautee of Fulten Superior Court. Nov. Mth, 1960. DANIEL PITTMAN, Dep. Clerk. Not. 29. wlamfSm J . H . JAMES, BROKER A.YD COLLECTING OFFICE, Atlanta, Georgia, IN HI WELL'S DHY GOODS LTOBE. D RAFTS, Gold, Silver and Uuctirrcnt Mon ey bought and sold, Notes discounted, fills orders for tine Watches, Diamonds aud Jewel ry st 10 per cent, only on cost. RaraRBNcas: Park Bank, New York; Mid dleton A Pooler, New York; C. H. Bbeeon A Son, New York, and the people through the South, where he has traveled lor three years. Feb. 16—2t. SAM KIRKMAM. JOUR W. LUKR. KIKKMAN & LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 17(1, Second Htrocri, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Jobk Kirk man, Jambs Woods, W Gnnr..xrm.D, Nashville, Tenn. jan 0—3m H. B. CLIFFORD, BACON, FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, RICE, WINE, BAGGING, ROPE, —AND— GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER -AND— COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 1^3, 4 th or Wall St„ LOUISVILLLE, KY. P ERSONAL attention given to all orders and consignments. Having thorough knowl edge of the markets and my business, I flatter myself that I can aave those who intrust their business to me, a fair profit. 1 deal sUiellycn the cash system. Those who send their uion ev and orders to me get the full benefit of our Cash Market. I do not u*e the money, and buy the article on time of 30, 60 or 90 days, ns is often done in all markets. I cau ship as low as any man in the South-West. All I ask is a trial. New York Exchange received at selling rate here. 1 do not speculate; do only a legitimate business, gentlemen. jan 16. WILLIAM MACKIE, FRESCO PAINTER AND GRAINER, HAVING located perma nently in Atlanta, willde- rote his whole attention to the~above Branches in all their details. Likewise, SIONS of every description, WIN DOW SHADES, SHOW CARDS, CARVED LE ITERS made to order in any style, war ranted to equal any City in the Union. Orders from the Country attended to. OFFICE—In Beach A Roofs Building— •Win febl