Gate-city guardian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, February 28, 1861, Image 2

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L gate-city: guardian. (fiatc-Citii fttiarfan. T. ('. HOWARD ud R. k. CRAWFORD, CO- EDITORS. ATLANTA, OEOROIAi 20DAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1801. tieorfla State Con rent Ion. egates of the Convention from the IfiS lu thin State, are hereby noti- n the city of Savannah, on Thurs- March next. ISO&GE W. CRAWFORD, Feb. SI, 1861. President. le Meeting. 'Ion County : to the State Convention, cable at Savannah, ask ‘ to the queation of a Legislature. There is this time throughout d while we feel our i so far as •fit go, wo are not ir delegated power sent more partic- Convention upon the United BUtes lline to stretch a subject aa for >n of Legislative tak* this power ion of our Con- out your in meet us at the ay, the 6th of r the purpose * ary laud, nence, stands Qthern Rights* Eciently large barn State, and \ his niche in that > devoted to the i men. We bad I hazardous fideli- I Abolitionist of Lin ked recognition.— Itapposed that Balli the recipient of the seed Presidential fiCrem this, however, Bal- i her, the whole SUte of Bplication, had cast upon (insult by Lincoln’s re i city and State. The f one, and the Northern nts and ever-vary- Hncoln’s cowardly con- r there is a far deeper sign i 6- r than the mere disgrace to the American people inflicted by the truthful expreasioa uhder panic of the character of a blustering poltroon. The idea is, that as soon as the Presidential oortege touched Slave soil, the lives of aoaa of them, women or men, were safe, aad that a brutal, wholesale destruction of human beings, at thought of which the blood runs oold, was just the work for the hands of slaveholders. Will Southern men, appeal- I,| to their self-consciousness and to their knowledge of Soathsrn people, still hope against hope for restorati on of good feeliDg and polit ical interests, in the face of such misconstruc tion, or such diabolical defamation? While the calumny implied in this flight of the Black Republican chief is, perhaps, the most galling of anything of a similar character we of the South have had to suffer for a long time, still it is only of a piece with the injustice that has been heaped upon our fair name for more than twenty-five years. This thing, at last, has borne its natural fruit, and now the fruit is commended to the lips of those who nurtured it so industriously, they make a great ado that it is bitterness and ashes on the lip! But, poor Baltimore! poor Maryland! unhappy Hicks! If anything could console the above named parties under the sting of Lincoln’s insults, we suppose it would be the unutterable infamy brought on their traducer by that aet of his which was intended to reflect on them. From a great deal which lias been said about Lin coln’s stampede into Gen. Scott’s bosom, we give the following rich items. That touch of Fort Sumter is really enough to make a horse laugh : "To avoid a demonstration al Baltimore, Mr. Wood, who has had charge of the trains, was undetermined last night whether to go via Philadelphia, to avoid change of cars, or to go by the direct route from Harrisburg, and cross Baltimore in close carriages. "He declined the latter course, and in re sponse to a letter from Erastus Corning, saying that tho Peace Congress desired Mr. Lincoln in Washington as soon as possible, he arranged to arrive several hour* before the time set down in the programme. Older heads were at work, however, and not until Mr. Lincoln had gone was Wood let into the secret, and bis trouble proven useless. So complete wss Wood’s mys tification, that after Mr. Lincoln left he was bothering himself ss to which Baltimore dele gation (three ere present) should be received, and wanted to see the President elect about it. "Although not divulged to Mr. Lincoln till yesterday, as some say, the whole plan was ar ranged daya ago. Only three persons were to be let into the plot, including Mrs. Lincoln and Mr. Judd, of Illinois. Speeches and re- esptions were to be kept up meanwhile. Spe cial trains were arranged, the telegraph silen ced, the wires to be out if necessary, Mr. Lincoln to laava, Mr. Judd to be put out of tbs way, Mrs. Lincoln and family to return to Philadel phia, and the denouement here kept back till about eight o’clock this morning. Too many vessels were entrusted with tbs secret, howev er. Some were leeky—and it is out. Mr. Lin coln returned from the ceremonies at the State Housa at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.— Then the plan was laid before him. He is eeid to have Indignantly rejected it. Mrs Lincoln j begged of him to go. Other persons had to be let into the secret in order to pursuade Mr. Liaeolo, among them Oov. Curtin. All aaid go. OoUncl Sumner almost wept with anger et this plan—called it abominable, and said Mr. Lin* coin was si bravo as any man, but ho bad cowardly friends. Mr. Lincoln was asiurod that ha would cortainly be aaaaasiaated, per haps tho whole family destroyed, and that au attack would be made upon Fort Sumter at the same time; finally, his frienda' perauaaioc end Mrs. Lincoln's tears induced him, who wss to be our future Jackson, to consent to tho ar rangement. "Mr. Lincoln was conducted down stairs, put in a covered carriage and drawn swiftly to the depot. Few saw him depart, and these were assured that be had gone to Gov. Curtin’s residence to rest.’* Mrs. Jeff. DavU* This most estimable and gifted lady, the wife of our Provisional President eleet, says the New Orleans Picayune of the 24th, arrived in this city a faw days ago, and is stopping at the residence of her father, Col. Howell, of this city, where she has been holding a levee of her numerous friends. We understand that the compliment of a grand serenade waa paid Mrs. Davis last night by the Washington Artillery, and that she leaves this morning cn route for Montgomery. Vice Prestdeut Stephens. The Montgomery correspondent of tbe Mis souri (St. Louis) Republican gives the "Per sonnel of Vice-President Stephens” as follows: Imagine the reanimated form of remarkable, eccentrio John Randolph, habited in a swal lowtail coat of black, badly cut panta, black vest, flowing silk neckerchief of the same som bre hue, flashy pendant watch chain, heavy seals, golden-rimmed eye-glasses, and a beaver cocked on the side of the head, and you have a faint idea of Stephens of Georgia. Until you look at the face a long time, however, you have no conception of the man. To picture the coun tenance with pen and ink is difficult. In its ordinary aspect of repose it is very common, yet even in its commonness it is unusual. At a first glance the impression it makes is but of pity for the "sufferer” to whom it belongs The occasion when it was first my chance to see this remarkable man I would have declared he was a Floridian. Mosquitoes, ague and fever, swamp and malarious exhalations of the low lands of the South recurred to me instantane ously. " What in the name of wonder do they scud such a man here for?”—"Where did he come from ?” and “ Who is he, pray ?" were questions that I promptly asked. "That’s Stephens of Georgia,” was the answer that astonished me. I need not say that my curiosity was fully aroused, and that I examined the face fully.— Minutely, then, I should say, it is excessively pale and almost corpse-like. The lips are thin, determined, of nearly an ashen hue. Heavy lines indent every part of it. Around the eyes are wrinkles run with the same regularity that spokes branch out from the hub of a wheel.— The forehead is high, wide and full—yet the larger part of it is hidden by harsh, grayish hair, allowed to straggle about loosely. The whole countenance is small, and em phatically elfeminate. In youth it might have been prepossess)ug, though decidedly never good looking. Now it might readily be lakou lor an old lady’s wrinkled face. The eye is the only redeeming feature; even in repose it sparkles, fascinates and commands—in excite ment it flashes. When conversing in an ordi nary manner the voice, too, is boyish—woman ish—but is, nevertheless, melodious and well modulated. As conversation merges into de bate, and debate grows into an effort at orato ry, excitement seems to change the entire man. His gestures beccmo graceful, and the voice gains strength but not harshness. It has the clear ring of silver, and is so distinct that it can be heard by every man in the largest as sembly. The Capital. The Waynesboro’" Independent,” speaking of the cite for tho Capital of the Confederate States, says: " Atlanta is the most convenient place of ac cess by railroads in the Sculh; having direct railroads from its centre to Montgomery, Ala bama, to Savannah, Georgia, to Charleston, South Carolina, to Memphis, Nashville, and Knoxville, Tennessee, and will soon have a direct line from Atlanta to Charlotte, North Carolina, Richmond, Virginia aud Tallahassee, Florida. Which places Atlanta far superiors any other point for the Capital of the Southern Confederacy—so far as its great facilities are concerned. And as for its building facilities, the Capital and Government buildings could be erected out of the best granite, several thou sand dollars cheaper than any other available place in the country, owing to its being sur rounded by an immense amount of building material, aud in close connection with the Stone Mountain, an inexhaustable quarry of fine granite. And as for the healthfulness of the climate and pureness of tbe water, Atlan ta is not surpassed by any spot South of Ma son A Dixon^s. It is far superior to Montgom ery in point of health—for Atlanta is entirely free from all such epidemics as the yellow fever, cholera, Ac., while Montgomery is subject to, and is frequently infested with, yellow fever. "We merely mention these facta as sugges tions not disparagingly of Montgomery, but to shovr the advantages Atlanta has over any other place, and for the public good.” A Hcautllul Extract. The following is from a lecture delivered, some fifteen years ago, by Rev. John Newland Mafflt: " Phoenix, fabled bird of antiquity, when it felt the chill advance* of age, built its own funeral urn, and fired its pyre by means which Nature’s iratinct taught it. " All plumage, and its form of beauty, be came ashes ; but ever would rise the young- beautiful from the urn of death and chambers of decay would the fledgling come, with its eyea turned toward the sun, and essaying its dark velvet wings, sprinkled with gold and fringed with silver, on the balmy air, raising a little higher until at length, in the full confi dence of flight, it gives a cry of joy, and soon becomes a glittering speck in the deep bosom of serial ocean. Lovely voyager of earth, bound on its heavenward journey to the sun ! "8o rises the spirit from tbe ruins of the body, the funeral urn which its maker built, and death, frees. Bo towers sway to its horns, in the pure elements of spirituality, the intel lect Phoenix, to dip its proud wings in the foun tain of everlasting bliss. "So shall dear, precious humanity survive from the ashes of a burning world. 8o beau tiful shall the unchanged soar within the disc of Eternity’s great luminary with undsssled ays and unscorched wings—the Phoenix of im mortality-taken to its rainbow home and cra dled on the beating bosom of eternal lore." tST A dispatch to the Charleston “Cour* Ur” of yesterday, from Mongoinery, Ala., states that President Davis intended to leave for Charleston on Wednesday night last, on a tour of inspection of the forts and posts in that harbor. J0r A physician in Wisconsin being dis turbed one night by a burglar, and having no ball or shot for his pistol, noiselessly loaded tbe weapon with dry, hard pills, and gave tbe intruder a "prescription” which ho thinks will go far toward curing tbe raeoal of a very bad ailment. . Correspondence of the •• Guardian.” w Mohtuonkry, Ala., Fee. 27, 1861. The political atmosphere of the Cepitol is unususlly calm. All is quiet end serene. Tbe visitor sees or hears nothing which indicates that the Cotton States are in tbe set of giving birth to a uew Rspublie. There is no cxcito- rnent—no enxious and doubting faces to be seen; but all is gravity and solemnity. Har mony, dispatch and concord mark the deliber ationa of the Confederate Congress. If there be, or has been, bickerings and dissensions among tbe members of Congress, it is unknown to tbs outside world. But, in all candor, we learn, with the alight differences of opinion in regard to the re opening of the African Slave Trade, there ha* been s miraculous unanimity of sentiment with the Confederate Congress. It is expected that the permanent Conatilu lion of the Confederacy will be presented to morrow, or in a few days at all events. Hon. A. R. Wright, of Georgia, offered a leaolutlon this morning, in effect, that when the Consti tution is presented, it be done with open doors. The resolution was appropriately referred.— Should the resolution of Judge Wright be adopted, the public will doubtless be much in terested in learning the various views enter tained by the several members. The Consti tution will be similar to that of the Federal Constitution, but much more explicit, and lim ited in its prerogatives. In short, we have reasons to believe that tbe Government of the Southern Confederacy will be placed upon a much firmer and more enduring basis than that of the Federal Union. The Cabinet appointments, as far as we can learn, give universal satisfaction. It seems that each gentleman selected for the sevoral Departments, possesses, in a high degree, the requisites of vheir important trusts. Mr. Toombs, the Secretary of State, with his superior intellect, energy, and thorough knowl edge of the machinery of Government, in all ita phases, is eminently qualified for so respon sible a position It is thought, by some, that, from the known temperament of Mr. Tiombs, that he would act, in grave matters of State, rashly and precipitately. This is a great mis take. There is method in his madness, and it is only bis convictions of justice and right, and his ardor and determination to carry into ex ecution the convictions of a well-matured judg ment, that has gained for the distinguished gentleman the reputation for rashness and pre cipitancy. We opine that the career of Mr. Toombs, as the first Secretary of State of the infant Republic, will be, not only satisfactory to the Confederate States, but both brilliant and statesmanlike. We are pleased to inform jour readers, and the numerous friends of the gentlemen, that the UDhappy differences ouce existing between tbe Hons. A. II. Stephens and B. U. Hill have been amicably adjusted, aud that they are, to day, cordial friends. The crowd of visitors here at this time is small; there being but few offices to give, with small salaries. The weather is delightful and spring like, and with the budding of the rose we have the song of the turtle. JUVENAL. A Plea for the Soldier**. The following significant paragraph appears in the advertising columns of the Charleston Mercury. The name attached to it all will rec ognise as that of the President of tbe South Carolina College, and who, about the time the Brooklyn was first rumored to be preparing for a visit to Charleston, published a pamphlet imploring the authorities and citizens of that city not to oppose her entrance to the harbor, and avoid thus the responsibility of initiating civil war: FortSunter - Thetimoisapproao.hingwhen Fort Sumter will probably be attacked. Let the assailants remember that the garrison are, in the main, poor hirelings, bound to obey the orders of their superiors, and, doubtless, not disposed to fight it they could avoid it. That they are not responsi ble for the acts of the Pres ident, or of the United States, and that no one of them should be put to death, but as a neces sary measure to secure the fort to 8outh Caro lina. Let not one be killed after the fort is surrendered; let as little blood be shed as pos sible. A. B. LONGSTREET. Texas Ratifies. The Montgomery " Mail,” of yesterday, oon- tains the following telegram received by Hon. W. B. Ochiltree, of Texas : New Orlkans, Feb. 26.—Galveston, Houston, and all other places heard from, go for seces sion, and with but little opposition. The Or dinance of Secession hat surely been ratified by the people of Texas. fcar The Court of Sessions in Sootland has unanimously decided that, by the law of Scotland, marriage with a deceased wife's sis ter is civilly null. 00T The British House of Parliament are said to be crumbling to pieces, being built of false "dolomite,” (magnesia limestone,) which is acted on by the ammonia in the air of Lon don. It is proposed to protect it by a glaring of soluble glass. K&T A man in Detroit advertises for a part ner in the nursery business. A new way, perhaps, of advertising for a wife. A. J. Ilinckly has contracted to olsan tbe streets of New York city for five years, for $279,000 a year. Jftjr There is a young man now io Chicago engaged in the business of bill posting, who wss worth $70,000 two years ago. Rum was his min. Mr A fellow entered a hardware store in Cleveland last week, and seeing a large buzz saw suspended against the wall, remarked, " I had an old dad ripped to pieces one day last week with one of them fellers !” Mr King Francis II. is no coward, and if Be may believe the etories told by bit ad mirers, has shown excellent pluck. Recently, a bomb fell near where he was standing with some offioers. The soldiers turned to fly, but ht calmly pioked it up and threw it over ths wall exolaiming, "return, comrades, the dan ger is over.” On another occasion, be waa for hours in s castle overlooking the harbor, and during bin visit ths room hs occupied was three timea entered by cannon balls. Walk* ing in tho strati unattended, he was met by a man who presented a pistol and announced nn intention of shooting him. "Be careful of your aim, friend, said the king, folding his arm, "for if you mis* fire, I will have you •hot in the morning.” Overoome by such bravery the mao threw himeelf at the feet of Francis aad craved pardon, which waa granted. From ths Charleston Mercury. Tbe Cabinet of tbe Confederate Utatss. SSOS XT AIRY or STATE. Hon. Robbrt Toombs wss born in Wilkes oounty, Georgia, July 2, 1810. Commencing his collegiate life at the University of Georgia, he subsequently went North and graduated at Union College, Schenectady, New York. In 1836 be served as a captain of volunteers in the Creek war. la tbe nest year be was elected to the Legislature, and since that time has been constantly in public life as Representative and 8enstor. In both branches of the Federal Con - gross, he has always served upon important Committees. Mr. Toombs has been so conspicuously be fore the eouotry, and his ability and expert ence are so well known, that it is superfluous for us to say anything of him. In the late movement of Georgia, he has been active and potential in tbe cause of Secession. We honor him for the signal service ho has rendered.— He has been called to a post of great import ance, one which will serve to display all his merits as a stateman. Upon tho sagacity of his counsels and the power of his {ten, much will depend in regard to the relationship of the Confederate States with the rest of the world. He has our hearty good wishes for complete success in the grave duties which lie before him. SECLETABY Of TUK TREASURY. Hon. C. G. Memminobr.—There are few men in the South who are more competent, in point of ability and business capacity, to administer the department of the Treasury under the Gov ernment of tbe Confederate States than Mr. Memminger. Possessed of a high order of in tellect, a student, learned and full of resources as an accomplished advocate, he is eminently a man of facts and details. This is an essen tial qualification to a great fiuancier, and com bined with ability and integrity, almost insures success to one who, like Mr. Memuiinger, has studied political eoonomy by the great princi ple of laxsat tout fulrt. Tbe South wants an economical Government, and an adequate rev enue raised by equal taxation of citizens. Free trade, low duties, and no discriminations, will put all on an equal footing, and saddle the bur den of taxation upoa the labor of none. It will encourage none to enter upon unremune- rative enterprises at the expense of neighbor’s pockets, but give all fair play and the benefit of the markets of the world. We congratulate Mr. Meintninger upon the honorof his appoint ment of this responsible position in the New Confederacy, and ths Slates upon having one so well fitted to perform its duties faithfully and upon sound principles. SECRETARY Of WAR. Hon. Lecrt Forte Walker is a lawyer of Huntsville, Alabama, a native of that county, Madison, and about forty-five years of age.— He is tbe eldest son of the late Major Walker, and one of a family distinguished for talent and influence. Two of his toothers are Hon. Percy Walker, who recently represented the Mobile district jn Congress, and Hon. Judge Richard W. Walker, of Florence, Chairman of the Alabama Delegation in the present Cooled erate Congress. Hon. L. P. Walker, at one time, practiced law in South Alabama, and was for several sessions Speaker of the House of Representatives of tbe State. He has been a consistent Democrat of the Slate Rights school. For the last ten years, he has beeu located in Huntsville, and has the reputation of being the le&diug lawyer, and next to Clay, the lead ing Democrat of North Alabama. Careful in the preparation of his causes, and clear, con cise, logical and eloquent, in presenting them before Court, he is said to be an eminently suc cessful practitioner. For the last three years, he has been conspicuous in his denunciation of the free-soil heresy of squatter sovereignty. In the Alabama Democratic Convention which took ground against it and sent a delegation to Charleston to carry out her instructed opposi tion, Gen. Walker's influence was marked and effective. He was one of tho delegation sent here, and exerted himself ably in resisting the compromises offered. The result all know.— He has been a leader iu the cause of the South, and deserves a place in the picture. As a man of clear head, good judgment, systematic and laborious in his habits, with undoubted nerve, spirit, energy, and will, wo cannot help think ing he is an excellent scleotion for the Depart ment of War at the present juncture. secretary or the navt. Hon. Jour Perkins, jr., was born in Louisi ans, July 1, 1819. In 1840, hs graduated at Yale College, and subsequently at the Law School of Harvard College. He began the practice of his profession in New Orleans. In 1861, he was chosen a Judge of the Circuit Court of Louisiana, Which position he held un til elected to Congress in 1853, where he advo cated States Rights Democratic measures.— Since 1855 he has devoted himself to planting in his native State. Tbe post of Secretary of the Navy to the Confederate States is a post requiring prompt energy and sound practical judgement. A navy is to be organized, and, as we have recently had occasion to suggest at length, the manner of that organisation is of lasting consequence. Upon ths wisdom exer cised in fitting it to ths wants of the South, and that as early as practicable, much proper ty and many lives, not to say ths Confederate character be'ore the world, may depend. Mr. Perkins bears a high character, and, we trust, will proto himself fully equal to the task. SAM KIRKMAM. JOMR W. LUKE. K1KKMAN d£ LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wo. 17G, Second Sreet, ST. 10UIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Jorm Kirkmam, James Woods, W Grebnkiei.d, Nashville, Tenn. jan V—3m NOTICE* T HE undersigned will continue the GROCE RY AND PROVISION business et the old stand of J. C. Hendrix A Co., on Alabama street, where he will be pleased to receive the calls of his old customers, acd as many new ones as may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. fcbl^h J. 0. HENDRIX. Georgia—-Mlltou County, Whereas, Giles F. Mayfield applies to me for Letters of Dlmnlmton from the Cxecutorshlp of the Rotate of Battle Mayfield, late of eeid Coanly, deceased Tbcee are therefore to oil* aad admonish ell aad sin- V*lar, the kindred aad creditors er said deceased to Aot cause, If any they have, whm said Letters should aet be mated. O. P. SKELTON Oet. ft, 1 WO—4m Ordinary UNITED 8TATBM. Washington, Feb. 27. 1 The Peace Conference revised end passed by . a vote of nioe to eight, the Franklin subeii | tute. It ia understood that Virginia and ! North Carolina were divide I, nod a majority ! in each Stale against it. The Utter, however, * is not authentic. Io the Federal Senate, a report of (be Peace Congress was referred to a Select Committee of five, to report to morrow. Ths report was also tent to ths House, but amended sinee it j was first published—principally by giving Congress tbe power to provide a law for so- curing to the citizens of oaeh State tbe privil- j eges and immunities in others; and also that when the Government pays for a rescued slave, it vitiates all further claim by the owu ner. Tbe Army bill «h passed. A Postal service bill was reported. In the House, the first two resolutions of the Committee of Thirty three, including the force clause; the third resolutions was amend ed so ss to prevent Congress from legislating upon Slavery in the States. J. H. LOVEJOY WHOLESALE & RETAIL Gtd|] AND DSALER IN HYMENEAL. BA8SFORD-HOU8TON—Married, on Tues day, tbe 26th insUnt, in this city, si the First Presbyterian Church, by Rev. Dr. Wilson, Wm S. Basrfokd. to Laura L. Houston COMMERCIAL. Atlanta, Feb. 28. COTTON—There is a good demand for Cotton to day, at prices ranging from 7@I0L Receipts light. THE SOUTHERN REPUBLIC. T HIS Daily and Weekly Political and Com mercial Journal, edited bv JAMES M. SMYTHK. Esq., and JOHN B. WEEM8, Esq , Associate, contains the latest news by Telegraph and Mail; is published in the City oi Augusta Georgia, by WM. J. VA60N A Co. It is the cheapest Political Paper of its site, issued Daily, in the Confedei ate States of Amor- ica. TERMS-CASH IN ADVANCE: Daily for One Year $5 00 " " Six Months 3 00 " " Three Months 1 60 " " One Month 50 Weekly for One Year $2 00 " " Six Months 1 25 " " Four Months I 00 " " One Month 25 Post Masters are authorized to act as our Agents, to receive subscriptions, and forward ua the Money. IMPROVED METALIC BURIAL CASES. L60, a general assortment of l. Wood Coffins, including Rose Wood and Mahogany. Marshal's Sheet Metallc Burial Cases, An entirely new article, nearly as light as wood, and closed up with India Rubber—air-tight— forsale at my Rooms, in Markham’s New Build ing, on Whitehall street, up stairs. L. R0BIN80N. Residence on Bridge street, near Col. John Collier’s. Orders, by telegraph, or otherwise, prompt ly attended to jan 23-ly. WILLIAM MAtkIE, FRESCO PAINTER AND GRAINER, HAVING located perma nently in Atlanta, will de vote his whole attention to the above Branches in all their details. Likewise, SIGNS of every description, WIN DOW SHADES, SHOW CARDS, CARVED LE ITERS made to order in anv style, war ranted to equal any City in the Union. Orders from the Country attended to. OFFICE—In Beach A Root's Building— tairs fabl BUTLER & PETERS, (Successors to High, Butler A Co.,) Commission Merchants, TOR TOR PURCHASE AMD 8ALR OP TEJVJYESSEE PROltVCE Cotton, Groceries, Ate., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Have removed to the large Fire-Proof Ware house, formerly occupied bv Winship A How ell, opposite the State Road Depot. junel9 F LOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR !-600 barrels of St. Louis Family Flour, aud 300 sacks of Tennessee Extra Flour. For sale by june 19 BUTLER A PETERS. W HI8KY!— 300 barrels Pure Corn Whisky in Store and for sale by junel9 BUTLER A PETERS. S UPERFINE FLOUR—2,006 sacks 98 tbs For sale by june 1 BUTLER A PETERS. june18 BUTLER A PETERS. COKE! COKE!! COKE!!! AT THE OAS WORKS. A LARGE quantity for sale at ths usual price of 121 cents per bushel. Feb. 21-dtf. J. F. WARNER, 8upL h7 b. clifford,' BACON, FLOOR, COFFEE, SUGAR, RICE, WINE, BAGGING, ROPE, —AND- GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 143. 4th or -Wall Bt„ LOUiaTILMJt, IT. P ERSONAL attention |i.*n to.llord.rauS conaignm.nta Haring thorough knnwl- edge of tho markota and mj buainana, I flatter rnyxlf that I oan aava thoaa who inlroat thair bu.inaaa to mi, a fair profle 1 deal atriotlr on tha caah aratem. Thoaa who aud thair moa- ar and ordara to n. got tha fhil bonaflt of our Caah Market. I do not uaa tha monar. and buy tha artieia on tima of It, U or M dara, u I. often dona ia nil markon. I aaa akip aa low aa U? man in tha Bouth-Waal. Alllaak ia a trial. Naw Tork Exchange raceirad at •oiling rate horn. I do not .peculate j do oalr n legitimate buiinaaa. geatieaau. Ju IA Tobacco, Wine, Liquor, Cigtn, it, Cherokee Block, Peach-Tree Street, > i Atlanta, Q*mongi;». j ] feb25-ly THOMAS ic ABBOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LA|,| Atlanta, Georgia. Office in Smith’s Building, Whitehall*- _ G. S. Thomas, jalfitf Bsa. F. figM PROFESSOR NOTTS DANCING ACADEMY, CORN Kit or PRACH TURK AND MARIETTA «**^J Atlanta, Csergla. D AYS OF TUITION: Mondays andfel days, from 3 till 6 o’clock, P. M., ferial •lies. Misses and Masters; and Ihesamsltal at night, from 71 till 10 o'clock, for YouaeCk I tlemeo. ” 7* P Terms. $10 for the full course of 12 le^i I Feb. 19—if. “ I J. W. HEWELL, I KKTAIL DIALER I. Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS] MARKHAM'S BLOCK, Corner "Whitehall Ac Alabama 81a, | ATLANTA, GE0E3IA. Fab. 1»— ly. A CABO—TO THE LADH3, Mrs. J. M. Boring Announces, with pleasure, to her friendiwt I patrons, that she is again prepared to saittkts I with ALL THE LATEST AND Most Fashionable Styles of Bonix^ | HATS, CAPS, Head-Dresses, &c. At her old 6tend, oa WHITEHALL 8TREB, | Where she will be happy to reeeiv* A Liberal Share of the Trth Atlanta AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY, oct». | ] ASOMRIATIVt TONIC,DIURETIC, ^ DYSPtVt? lNViCORAflNC. CORDIAL W OLFE’S celebrated SCHIEDAM A* MATIC SCHNAPPS should be kopi II every family. It invariably corrects ths illrf fecta of change of weather, and, as s b«ven|* it is the purest Liquor made in the world Put np in pint and quart bottles. Alaa, UDOLPHO WOLFE’8 Pare Cognac Brandy, Imported and bottled by himself, warranted port.Ml the best quality, with hfs certificate on the botlk.M* bis seal on the cork. UDOLPHO WOLP1T8 Pure Port Wine, Imported and bottled by himself, put up for insildd use, with his certificate on the bottle ; warranted ft and the best quality. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Sherry Wine, Imported and hotted by himself, the same as tbe N Wine. ** UDOLPHO WOLFrs Pare Madeira Wlue, Imported and bottled by himself, for private anJ Icinal use, the best Wine ever offered to the trad* lah* ilea. This Wine Is warrented perfectly pore. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pare Jamaica Rum, St* Croix Rum, Scotch and Irish Whht* All the above Imported and bottled by ranted pure and the beet quality. To tho Public. 1 wilt stake my reputation as a man, ,ny standtof •* merchant of thirty years' residence In New York®* whal 1 pledge and testify to with my seal, my Ubsh*® my certificate. Is oorrect, and can be reded npoalf *T*hyalclan* who use Wines and Liquor* le thHr p*** flee should |tve the preference to these articles. For sale by all respectable Druggists and A pot*" rlea. UDOLPHO WOLFE. Sols Manufacturer and Importer of 8c hied am A Schnapps, No. ft, Bsavbr Street, New York* runniuutt, Taylor a ionbs, Atlanta, Gtmorgiu. February 16,1691 ,—d $m