Newspaper Page Text
wlk Marietta Allocate.
alu ittarictti Advocate.
The Weekly Advocate
fs published eveiy Friday Evenin at
$l5O a year in Advance,
Blanks’ Blanks! Blanks!
BLANKS in any quantity and of every vv
riety kept on hand or printed to order, at
the lowest passible price, at this office.
Also—JOß WORK, of every varie
ty an 1 style, executed in the neatest 1
in' most approve! style of the art. and at
..rices which cannot be" ••murmured at" by the :
•closest-fisted" in or out of this section ot the !
country. Give ns a trial.
itfliil Sdvcitiis.m nts- j
• **
G-eorsia Cobb County:
WHltiM S. Rasberry Eason Adminis .rator .
V V o', t ctte of Elias S. Norton, deceased
late of siii e intv. applies to me for letters of
dismission tftn; said Administration.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
an 1 singular those concerned to file their objec
tions. if anv they have, in iny office on or before !
the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters i
of dismission will be granted the applicant at >
that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb •
Given under my hand, at office, in Marietta. ,
this 30th September. 1861.
JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary.
Oct. 1.-fun.
Georgia Cobb County: i
WHERE AS, ElizibetbCler. Administratrix
o! Chnr'es Cler. deceased, late of said
County, applies to me for letters of dismission
from said Administration.
These are therefore to cite and Admonish all ‘
and singular those concerned to file their objec- >
tions. if anv thev have, in iny office on or before
th.- first Mon by in April next, otherwise letters i
of dismission will be granted the applicant at
that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb
Given un ler my han 1 at office, in Marietta,
this 30th September. 1861.
JNO. G.CAMPBELL. Ordinary.
Oct. I.—6m.
Cobb County:
WHEREAS. H. C. Jackson. Administrator
of John Hull, deceased, late of said t’onn
tv. applies to me for letters of dis.nissi'.n
from said Administration.
These are therefore to cite and Admonish all
and singular those concerned to file their objec
tions. if any they have, in my office on or before
the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters
of dismission will be granted the applicant at
that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb
County. . •
Given tinder my hand, at office, in Marietta. '
this 30th September. 1861.
JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordin try.
Oct. I.—6m.
Georgia Cobb Cou’.V.y:
WHEREAS. Clayton Vaughn. Administrator
of Moses Rnsseau. deceased, ate of said
Conn'y. applies to motor letters of dis- ■
mission from s nd Administration.
These are therefore to cite and A lmonish all ,
and singular those concerned to fib- their obiec i
lions, if any they have, in my office on or before ;
the tir-t Monday in April next, otherwise letters i
of dismission will be granted the applic tnt at j
that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb j
County. |
Given under my Irin I. at offi te. in Mirietta.
this 30th September. 1861.
JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordin iry.
GEORG-IA. Paulding County.
WHEREAS. Isaac O-bond Administrator ot
the Estate of John Osbond. deceased, ap
plies to me for Letters of dismissson from said
These arc therefore to cite an 1 Admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at my of
fice on or before the first Mond ty in March next
to show cause (if any they have' why said Let
ters Dismi.-feory should not. then be granted the
Giv.-n under my hand at office this September '
2nd. 1861. " MILES EDWARDS, Or dy.
GEORGIA. Cobb County.
WHEREAS. Parks Hardeman. Admr. ot
Martha P. Hanim n. deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission from said Admin
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular those concerned to file their objec
tions. if any they have, in my office.on or before
the first Monday in March next, otherwise Let
ters of Dismission will he grante I the applicant
at tnat term of the Court ot Ordinary for said
Given nnder my hand at office, in Marietta,
this Anguat 29th. I*'il.
Georgia Cobb County:
WHEREAS. James Sneed as the son of de
ceased. applies to me in writing for let
ters ot administration on the estate of Elijah
Sneed, late of said county deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish a’l
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to file their objections. if any they
have, in my office on or before the first Monday
in December next, otherwise letters of adminis
tration will be granted the applicant nt that
term of the Court of Ordinary for said conntv
Given under my hand, at Marietta, this 26th.,
dav of October. 1861.
Oct 29 -30 d. JNO G CAMPBELL Ord y.
Georgia Cobb County:
WHEREAS George M. Daniell, as the broth
er of deceased, has applied to me, in writ
ing for letters of administration on the es
tate of William R. Daniell, late of said county
deceased :
These are therefore to cite and .admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to file their objections, if any they have
In my office on or before the first Monday in De
cember next, otherwite letters of wdminDtratinn
will he granted the applicant at that term of the
Court of Ordinary of s lid county.
Given under my hand, at .Marietta. this 26th
dav of October 18BL
Oct. 29—30 d. JNO G CAMPBELL. Ord’y.
Georgia. Paulding County.
HENRY HOLDER) Libel fur Divorcein Psuld
vs 'r ing >up rior Court, Align t
RHODA HOLDER ! Term. 1861.
It appearing to the Court by the retirn of the I
{Sheriff that the defendant i- not to be found in said
eoiiutv, nnd it further appearing that she resides I
without th. limits of tbi- State.
I< ir oid' r ,. f i by the Com t. that service be per- '
feeted by publication according to List, is such ,
cases made and provided.
l». F. HAMMOND. J. B.C.
I certify the above to Lj a true copy taken from j
the minutes of Court.
' Itth. 186'. sI. «TJt KTLANb, Ci I.
Georgia Cubb County:
WHEREAS. F M Megarity. as the brother of
decease,!. Ims applied to me, in writing,
for letters of administration on the estate
of John W Megarity, late of said county de-
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to tile their objections, if any they
have, in mv office on or before t .e first Monday
in December next, otherwise letters of adminis
tration will be granted the applicant at that
term of the Court of Ordinary for said county.
Given under my hand, at Marietta, this 2i th
dav of October, 1861.
Oct. 29—30 d. JNO G CAMPBELL, Ord’y.
Georgia C-bb County:
WHEREAS. Nathan W Smith, as the friend
of deceased, has applied to me in writing,
for letters of administration on the estate
of Samuel S Henderson, late ot said county, de
ceased : .
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to file their objections, if any they
have, in iny office on or before the first Monday
in December next, otherwise letters ot adminis
tration will be grante t the applicant at that term
i of the Court of Ordinary for said county
I Given under my hand, at Marietta, this 26th
: dav of October 1861.
0ct.29—30d. JNO G CAMPBELL Ordy.
Georgia C"b: County :
U'HEREAS. Enoch Faw. as a friend of de
ll ceased, applies to me in writing for letters
of administration on the estate of Isham B Har
low. late of said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to file their objections, if any they
have, in mv office on or be;ore the first Monday
in December next—otherwise letters of admin
istration will be granted the applicant at that
term of the ourt of Ordinary of said county.
Given under my hand at Marietta, this 26th
dav of October, iSCI.
Oct. 29-30'1. JNO. G CAMPBELL. Ordy
A .ministrators sale.
ty iLL be sold under an order of the Court of
VV Ordinary o r Cobb County, on the first Tues
dav ih J mu try n xt. b fore the Court House door
in ’’ e city of Mariettv. between the legal hours of
!sa e the following property. One town lot in te
c,tv of Marietr i. situated on the Roswell road, with
agood fr.-mud dw <d ng thereon, at present occu
pied by Thos Brook.
Also, tots of land Nos. 8 , 89 and south half of
No. 9", in the first di trictof secund sec ion, Cobb
County, with a ■ oil framed dwel'ing and all nec
essary ,ut bui dings good wat *r <fce There are on
this place fifty acres of cleared land, an excellent
fruit orchard/ <o <1 «s th- property of Allen T
Meacham deceased, fur the benefit of the heirs aud
c editors of said dccea-ed. Terms made known on
dy of sale. Octobe -th 186'.
tds JOHN 0. HAYS. Admr.
WMTILL be sold Heiore the Court House door
▼ » i.t the Town of Jasper, on the first Tues
■ i ,v in January next, between the legal hours of
safe ai unblie outc v. the following property.
Lot of lan 1 No. 245 in the 12th District and 2d
.section ot I’ickens county. Levied on by vir
tue of a ti fa issued from the Superior Court of
Bibb county. i:i fnvor of Erasttis Henry. jr„ vs
Clark S. Putnam. Levied on as the property of
the defendant. Pointed out by John E. Price
as agent of Plaintiff.
B. F. HANIE. Dept. Sh'ff.
November 16th. 1861.
T \'O MONTHS after date application will be
ma le to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb
countv for leave to sell the undivided half in
terest of R. -V. .Montgomery, deceased, in one
town lot in the city of J/arietta. for the benefit
of their heirs and creditors of said deceased.
r liis November 3.1861.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John
J. Hardman. lateol’Cobb county deceased,
are hereby required to make immediate pay
ment ; and nil persons having demands against
said estate are requested to present them, pro
perly attested, to the undersi.inied, within the
time prescribed bv law.
Nov. 9. 1861- (iw.
GEORGIA, Paulding; County:
IVHEREA 5 Jane Cooper and Nathan Cooper
• V applies to me. for letters of Administration
on the estate of Moses Cooper deceased.
These are therefore to cite and require all
persons concerned to be and appear at my of
fice on the first Monday in January next, to
show cause (if any they have) why said letters
should not be granted the applicants.
Witness my hand and official signature this
Nov, 6th 1861.
GEORGIA, Paulding County;
WHEREzkS Enoch Pinkard Administrator
on the estate ot James N. Pinkard de
ceased applies to me for letters of dismission
from said Administration. These are therefore
to cite tmd require all and singular all persons
concert'd t<> l)e and appear at my office in Dal
las on the first Monday in June next to show
cause (if any they have) why said letters of
dismission should not be granted the applicant.
Witness my hand and official signature, this
November 6te, 1861.
Nov. 12,186). per S- L. Strickland.
GE' Hl GIA, Milton County.
WHEitEA.s Wil'iam Morris of the county of
Milton. clairning to be an executor of
the nuncupative will of Shadrack Morris, has
filed said nuncipative will in my office for pro
bate at the regular term of the court of Ordina
ry to be held for the county of Milton the first
Monday in December, 1861. You, R. N. Flem
ming. James Morris ami the heirs at Law of Jo
seph Morris, ami all others, next of kin, are
hereby cited and summoned to be and appear
at the Ordinary’s office in the court house of
said county, on the first Monday in December.
18rd. then and there to attest the probate of
said will, and to contest the same if you please.
In witness whereof, we have hereto set our
hand and seal of office this 4th day of Novem
ber. 186'. O. P. SKELTON, [L. S. j
Nov. 12. Ordinary.
G-EORGIA. Paulding County.
WHEREAS. Enoch Pinkant. Administrator
of the Estate of James N. Pinkant. de
ceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismi-.-ion.
from said Administration.
These are therefore to cite and Admonish all
persons concerned, to be and appear at my of
fice. on or before the first Monday in March next,
to show cause (‘f any they have why said Let
ters Dismissory should not then he Granted the
Given under my hand at office this September
2nd. 1»61. MH F.-’EDU' MID.*. Or’Jv
: begirt gtdvrrtsicmcnts,
' STATE OF GEORGIA, Forsyth County.
I MAIIALA V. HUMPHRY. 1 Libel for Divorce
l vs. • in For?.v th Superi-
DAVID R. HUMPHRY. 'or Court, August
Term. 1861
It appearing to the Court that the defendant
in said case does not reside in said counsy. and
it further appearing to the Court by the affida
vit of the plaintiff that said defendant does not
reside in Georgia. It is therefore ordered by
the Court that service of the writ in said case
I be perfected on said defendant by the publica
tion of this or er in the Marietta Advocate, a
public journal published in the city of Marietta.
Ga.. and it is further ordered that said defend
ant be and appear at the next term of this
Court and answer said case or it will proceed
! as by delanlt. ISAAC S. CLEMENT,
i Aug Plat 1891. Att’y pro Libl’t.
I Granted. GE'). D. RICE. Judge J. C.
A true extract from the minutes of the Court.
Sept. 30th. 1861.
GEORGIA. Cobb Covxtv:— ln the Superior
Court. Present the Honorable
Judge of said Court.
vs v September Term
IT appearing to the Court by the petition of
Mei rill T. Castleberry and John Rogers us
ing the firm name and style of Castleberry A
Rogers, (accompanied by the four promisory
notes and Mortgage deed.) that on the sixth day
of April. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one, the
defendant made and delivered to the plantiffs
his four promisory notes, bearing date the day
and year aforesaid, whereby the defendant
promised, thirty d iys after the date of said
promisory note's, to’ pav your petitioner or bear
er the sai’dsuim in said promisory notes, speci
fied to-wit: by two of said promisory notes the
sum of Fifty dollars each, and by the other two
of said promisory notes the sum of thirty-five
dollars and 80 cents each, m iking in the ag«re
gate the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-one
Dollars and sixty cent-, for value received.—
And that afterwards on the day and year afore
said. the defendant, the better to secure the
payment of said four promisory notes executed
I and delivered to the plaintiffs his deed of Mort
gage whereby the said defendant Mortgaged to
the plaintiffs lots of land Nos. 1268 and 1253. in
the 16th District and 2nd Section of said connty.
containing sixty acres, more or less. And it
further appearing that said four promisory notes
remains unpaid, it is therefore ordered that the
defendant do pay into Court on or before the
first day of the next Term thereof the principal
interests and costs due on said four promisory
notes, or show cause to the contrary, if any he
can. and that on failure of the defendant so to
! do. the equity of redemption in and to said
! mortgaged premises, be forever thereafter bar
i red and foreclosed. And it is further ordered
i that this Rule be published in the Marietta Ad
I vorafe. a public Gazette of this State once a
I month for three months, previotr to the "next
i Term of this Court, or served on the Defendant
1 or his special agent or attorney at least thr e
I months previous to the next term of this Court,
i GEO. I). RICE.
Judge Superior Court, B. R. C.
I certify that the above is a true extract from
the minutes of this Court this September 26th,
i 1861. DILLARD M. YOUNG. Clerk, S. C.
I November Sth. 1861.
Administrator’s Sale.
i 'WMTILL be sold on the first Tuesday tn
i ▼ » nary next, before the Court House door
i in the town of Dallas. Paulding county. Geor
| gia. within the legal hours ol sale. Lot of Land
I No. 187. in the Ist District and 3d Section, and
I Town lots Nos. 3.8 and 14. situated in Drake
; Town Paulding county. Ga. Sold for the ben
i elit of the heirs and creditors of Wm. Green.
, late of Paulding county, deceased.
; Terms made known on dav of sale.
R. M. BRYANT. Adm’r.
| November 14th. 1861.
IO Cts. T’oi*
3.500 Finest quality of Light ana
Dark Buff Envelopes.
5000 Very Fine White Envelope,
Os Writing Papers, we have
Os Letter, ( aq>, Bath Fine Nou- and other
Besides, all sizes of Ink. Lead Pencils, Slat -s
School Books and everything usually
found at. the
Marietta Hook Store.
November 29th. )H6l.
Respectfully can the attention of the
public to their stock of
fall and Winter Goods!
Just, received fro;,, Charlt'jitvm. Almost every
article usually kept in a DRY GOODS
STORE, may be found.
staple and fancy
Crockery, Glass Ware aud Cutlery
Call and sec onr Stock b-dor.> buying
elsewhere. I'ric- s will be made to correspond
with the hardness of the time’.
Store next door to V. M. Young.
Oct. 19tb, 1860-ts. PAGE A HALEY.
Any quantity in Sacks and Barrels to be bad
ut the lowest m >rket price at
A. GREEN A f '<*
Churches in Marietta.
M. E. Churchßet. Alex. Giuilam, Pastor.
Presbyterianßev. E. P. PaLMer, Pastor
Episcopal (St. James) Rev. S. Benedict. Rector
Baptistfilled 2nd and 4th Sabbath
In each month by the Rev. Mr. RaMbaV.
Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Marietta Georgia.
■ October 6, ly.
f A. T. HANSELL, ~
Attorney at Law Solicitor in Chancery.
Marietta Georgia.
October 6, ly.
Attorney and Councellor at Law
Marietta Georgia.
July 29. .yl
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Marietta Georgia.
june 15iy
“g. m. Lester.
Marietta, Georgia,
TTT'ILL practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit
VV the Supreme Coitrt of Georgia, and the
District Court at Mrrietta.
February 29, 1861.1 y.
" CICERO c. winn;
Marietta Georgia.
Will attend promptly to all claims entrusted
to his care.
Oct. 12 * ly.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Acworth. Cobh County. Geo.
"TXT’ h.l practice in Cobb. Cass, Cherokee, Mil-
V> ton. Paulding and Fulton.
References.—Hon. J. W. Lewis, Hon. L. J.
Gartrell. Atlanta. N. A. G. S. Avery, Acworth.
T9r Any information as to respott-'ibili'y of
parties, promptly given. - r"b. 2i.<-’til
Attorneys at Ucvw.
Nlnriettn, Ocorjgin.
Will practice in Fulton. Paulding and all the
counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit , in the Su
preme court, and District court,
April 5, '6O-ly.
Marietta, Georgia.
IVT ILL diligently attend to any business con-
V ▼ fffle Ito his care in the counties of Cubb.
Chetokce, Milton and Paulding.
CLAIMS collected as soon as it can bo done by
law. and the money promptly paid over.
Jan 20. 1861.
Dfty cfc Heatli,
Attorney's at Law,
Jasper. Pickens County, Georgia.
TXTILL practice in the counties of Pickens.
VV Gilmer, Fannin. Lumpkin. Dawson, Mil
ton. Cherokee. Murray and Whitfield.
The utmost vigilance given to collections, and
moneys promptly paid over.
ept. I (th-- y.
-Attorney iind (Counsellor »»t LaW,
Marietta, Cobb county Ga.
Will practice, and give prompt attention to
all business confided to his professional '-are. in
the District Court of the U. S. at Marietta, The
Supreme Court of Georgia, at Atlanta, and the
Superior and Infe dor Courts of the Blue Ridge
Ciretpf . atpl the counties atjjfiiuißg f'obb of oth
er circuits.
Especial attention given to the collection of
debts, and the securing of all manner o' claims.
Prompt and efficient attention will be given to
all manner of business in the Courts of Ordina
ry in the county of Cobband adjoining ;o tnties.
Feb. 10 W y
Hamilton, Markley & Joynci
HAVE just received froit) flic West, and of
fcr for sale for G/.sV; Only : '
200 Gallons Pure Lard Oil ;
“ Prime 4|p<>h(>! :
I<*s “ Tai’ners Oil ;
90 “ Burning I'lnid ;
120 " Kerosene Oil ;
2 Barrels Liimeed Qoil ;
150 Pounds Pure Sulphur ;
1 Keg Salt Peter ;
250 Lbs. Cooking Soda
For Sale for CASH Only,
N. B. Let no owe take offense, )ye giytt fitly
notice that we will iu;t now sell anybody (piods
on creiiit. Cash <temand|';u on delivery hf all
goods M A J.
May 31st, 18bj
Willow Spring Nursery.
A FINE assortment of the most popular va
rieties of
1- or sale by
Mri'Ji'tta. C ’.. Ors. 4th. IPsI ts.
| arietta jpiwaie.
The bill reducing tint aalarh s of pub
lic officers has been vetoed by Gover
nor Brown. Both houses have since
passed it over the veto.
F,d. Advocate —l see that you have
taken the correct view of 'degislalion
fur the benefit of the people” about to
be inaugurated l y our over patriotic
law makers. It will indeed be a sad
day f>r us, when onr Governor’s and
Legislator’s take upon themselves either
to enlarge or restrict trade ; to build tip
or destroy monopolies ; to increase sup
ply or diminish demand ; fur history
teaches ns that whenever or wherever
attempted, i' has failed of its pnrpos •,
and o|»erated to weaken the confidence
of the people in the government.
I understand dieobject of this strange.
I might say peculiar Georgia LegLdalion
is to destroy monopolies. If this be so
tin y should nol forgot, that in all com
mercial speculations as the purchaser
does not buy for bis own consumption
he proportions his purchases to what lie
expects to sell. Since then the quanti
ty he can sell depends on the price he
sells at he will buy less according ns
the price rises and more according uh
it falls ; this I may say is the univ trsal
law of trade as evidenced in every com
mercial con munity, and to vary it by
law is certain death to trade. In un
settled times objects of the commonest
use may exceed the means of the con
sumer, i <•., shoes may be cheap yet *.»u
of th reach of many, because leather
does ind fall '<> a level with the means
of the people. Ought the law making
power therefore to oblige me to go bare
foot, who am able to pay the prices
charged by the tanner, because my
neighbor happens to be poorer th in 1
am, by throwing around the manufac
turer such paines and penalties as will
close bis vats and stop his currying
knife. N<t so. Government was in
tituled to secure the citizen in the en
joyment of I oth political and personal
rights And whatever he m.iy acquire
by dint of superior intelligente indus
try and perseverance in the prosecution
of a legitimate busin ss or calling is
pecnlittriiy his, and any interferaucc on
the part of g vernment is destructive ol
these rights lessens Ins allcetion and
confidence in hi.-; rulers and p'-epares
him tor any change in government how
ever despi tic with a hope that under
it, personal and private rights inay+e
respected. The value ot an article is
what it wili tiring in the market. If
the. price of this article is fixed by law
below the charges of its production it
at once is discontinued, for no one is
willing to labor fur a loss, and he who
lived before by (he production ot this
article must of necessity perish.
’I h • establ slut.ent of fixed rates is a
suppression of a portion of production
and consumption, in other words a d -
iniinition of the jn’osperity of the com
munity which consists in production and
consumption. Let a scarcity of corn
L-ome, Ihe price rises in consequence,
yet the laborer or mechanic may by re
doubling his exertions or by increasing
his wages proeijre l)is accustomed sup
ply at tlje njarfecC price. In the mean
time the legislature fixes corn at h ill
its natural or market price, what fol*
lows? I who had supplied myself and
wojild have bqtjght no more had it re
mained at its market value out ot su
p< rtluonscantion, and to take advantage
of its cheapness, get the start of the la
borer and add to my own stoic what
the natural cotir-e of trade!
Itape goije to tire lab >rer. I have by op
eration oflaw.ii.d capacity to buy, taken )
:j (JmibL- {.h ire and leave the mechanic '
destitute. He then has to work for me |
at my prices, for labor, not corn, or jt-r- i
ish at his anvil. The sale is no longer j
regulated by Avimts and nivalis, but by i
superior activity ot trad mb. Under
this rule you Ibro- every m in to become i
a trader, who has means 11 this be ’
srue, fixed prices gives us a scarcity in
stead of plenty. I bold ibis to be true 1
a law that fixes the jn’icc of things m i
nugatory and st rves only to alarm pre
du*-»-i ■ ..nd consumers, de.r.tug. s the I
vor. XVIII—XO. 50
! natural proportion between production
! and demand, which if left L> i.jjtri-'if, would,
i work out bcneficittlly for both, and if
j th? many would be followers of Lycur
i gus assetn led at Milledgeville will at-
I tentively read history and think before
' acting, they will leave the prices of
our productions to govern themselves.
I could but deem it un necessary to
.demonstrate the utter absurdity of thy
rate of profit fixed by this bill, but dc
tiist fi elittg satisfied that sensible peo
pie and probably one or more metnbeij
i f our Legislature do. Lincoln’s war,
j and a de ermination to be popular, seems
to have bereft cur legislators of the
iitile law making sense th y sent to'
“Ion,” the special Washington tors
respondent of the Baltimore Sian, wri
ting under date of the 22d inst., says;
The approaching sessicn of the Con
gress will no doubt be protracted in’o
the slimmer months m>: withstanding
the desire of members to spend their
time and wag-.-s at liotne and the cred -
it they might cl dm of a month's ser
vice already at the extra session. The
business of the session will be as im
portant as it will be novel. I will
open a new era in the history of thu
country, and pvrh.tjis determine its fate'
fur some time to come. Th'! extent of
the c; erations of the war will demand
much attention, and a number of inves
tig’ations into its incidents will be
necessary. Several committees ap
pointed at the I ite session will make
their reports, and others will be ap
pointed. I'orcign complications may
arise, and tequire attention. The char
acter ami objects of the war nt ty un
dergo an essential ch 11 ge, for ali -.tdy
there exists a large pa. ty that favor*
the prosecution ot the war lor the pur
pose of emancijtating slaves.
It is just four months since the bat-.
| tie of Bull Run, and llr-ught it is not
■ tu be signalized by an -advance, yet eve
Iry one seems to be convinced, by t.'io
sjdendi I review of the grand uriny of
the Potomac that the preparations re
quisite for a movement are complete.—
The rumor that the Confederate army
on the Potom ic wa.i disorganized ia
quickly followed by another that it - is
re-organ’zed. The two armies face'
each other and are ahi ost in sight.—
Which will move forward first is the
question, for neither will retreat.
As to winter quarters, the |-\dvrsd
troops on the other side of the Potom
ac have already much improved their
accorninodalions. Their tents are com
fortable by log and clay basements,
ami many of I em have .some eort of
a firc-[ lace. If, say some of lite offi.-crH
the iroops be inform edthat they me to
remain where they are, thev will soon
make their qn liters tolerable, with thu
means they 'lt tve tit hand, in logs,
brush wood, clay, empty tiarrchs, &c.
Complaints are made in some quar
ters of the project ot Senator Simmons
for furnishing the enemy with salt, su
gar, coflt.-e, &c., in exchange for cotton.
_it i< objected that the G overntm'nt
policy is to deprive lie C.mleder ites
of sm.h necessaries. There is no dan.
ger, however, at present, that much will be opened with them.—
All the cotton that we obtain must be
taken by force, if, indeed, it can be
fore id in atty large quantity.
i’lti'M I Yiti-.r..--The bleamer Ida, which
, arrived from below yesterday afternoon,
brought 1:0 news ot interest from lybee.
We umlerstaml th it the enemy landed
a rc.jtment of the Island yesteiday af
ternoon, and that there are probably
fifteen hundred to two thousand troops
now encamped there. Seven vessels
are inside of the b tr, but none were in
sight outside yesterday afternoon
The troops on the island are said t<>
be throwing up eaithworkc at.d en
trenching themselves Since the shell
ing afi’iir on edttes lay they keep at
a respectable distance from the port in
the day time.--.Sbrann /i A’cir*-, 29/A.
fiSFThc Memphis Avalanche says an
officer in the late fight at B -limmi, ex
presses it as his opinion that the exten
sive repot ts about the < oncentrution of
troops at Cairo, and their pimspeclivo
attack on (Hlumbus, is all in ended as a
feint, ami that the real point of attack is
Bowling Green.
A Cl’.
Both houses have concurred in the
re- cntictrm-’it of the bill for the relief ut
tin- people, known as the May Law, and
it has been signed by the Governor. 1 h'J
House yesteiday passed tin.-Bank' Rebel
Bill, and tin: j nu t last night foi
its c insider,.ti m, mid doubtless cottcur
ted, so as t" avoid anv possible incon
vcii cnee to the banks from the expiia—
lion of the provisions of the old act.—
The act asitp ssed the House requires
the banks to piy ot treasury notes nt,
par when call.-,I for by bill holders tn
sums of SIOO, and also requins the
banks to issue change bit's t > tlm
mount rd I per CC-nt0:1 their i
stock, ai’iev J tun try m x‘.